k- OREGON DAILY JOURNALS -PORTLAND, SATURDAY. EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1907. FOR SALE F Aims Washington & Oregon Realty Co, f 1,100 (I torn, 10 mile east of Van couver, lk aorca in fin tat of culti vation, several sores or green uro ir, balance vary easily cleared; good -room rustle houae, new birrn, family orchard, email creek, good welt at houeeand bam, J I head of rattle. are milch cowa. 1 horaaa 1 rnlt. 60 chickens, cream aepa rator, wagon, top buggy; cr08L household furniture: t aheep: R. F. X. ; k mile to school: level rravel road to .Portland; terma $1,000 cah, naiance a years, h per cent; flno aoll; ash, and vine mania awale. 11.100110 arrea In Clarke county. "Washington, h mtlea from railroad nd boat landing; 40 aorea In fine atate of cultivation, free from stumps; ome good timber, balance paature. New (-room rusllo houae; amall stable; family orchard; good spring near houae; half mile to echnol; good location; very get of black aoll. Olve good terma. 14.200 80 acrta! 4 mile from IWaahougal; 46 acrea In fine atate of cultivation; all fenced; four acrea good timber; amall creek; 8-room houae, rlaatsred; ban 66x70; two acrea bear ng orchard; cow, 35 chlckena, farm Implements, R. F. D., near achool; one mile from Columbia river; beat of aoll. Olve good terma. 11.600 40 acrea. II mtlea from Van- eouver, 3 mllea from railroad ataiion, 26 acrea In cultivation, aorae green Um ber, balance eaally cleared, email creek, level land, 6 -room houae, fair barn, fam ily orchard, good team, ( cowa. 100 chlckena, 16 tona hay, farm Implements. give terma. $4.500 80 acrea near Waahougal. Clarke county, U'aahlngton. 76 acrea In cultivation, all mcudow, all fenced anJ croaa fenced, cedar poata, 4 and a wlrca amall stream and aurlnar near houae aome timber, 6-room houae, 3 bnrna, t acrea of bearing orchard, level land, I goon noraca, one con, 12 cowa, z now 4 iii'Kmi tun nvnn, nnuii. nu i nun mower, rako, all farm Implements and household furniture; all crops: on main county road; schoolhouse on place; beat of black aoll; terme, $2,000 cash, bal ance 10 yeara at 6 per cent. $2.100 80 acres In Clarke county. Wnah., 8 mllea from boat landing. 2tt mllea from R. R.. 35 ncrea In cultiva tion, all fenced good aprlng near house, t acres bearing orchard, aome timber, balance very eaally cleared, good team, mason, hack, t cowa, 1 helfera, aome hogs and chlckena. cream separator, all farm machinery and crop. R F. I)., near chool, very best of aoll; Investigate thla before buying. FOR SALE FARMS 0 ACRES. 14 MILES FROM CITT AND 1 mile from railroad station, store, graded achool, church and large fruit cannery; only I mllea from town of l.ooo population! all under cultivation: t acrea berries; Ifecre of cherries, 1 acrea prunes, h acre uartiatt pear a, all bear ing; houae and barn, new fruit dryer, ru ral mall delivery and telephone eervlce. Price $3,000; terma. The Spanton Co., iv mnrs ai PERSONAL vTXJTf tb MMfMkEftS TO , write for price Hat of Willamette val ley farm lande. J, D. Winn, lluenk viaia, or 46 ACRES ' ADJOInInA COLUMBIA river. 10 miles from court houae- for mmim or iraae. reticulars, owner, zot Commercial blk., Second and Washing ton atreeta. !o-aciik piinT rxrtu, i urns from Portland: I aurea in strawber ries, fine orchard, all In hla-h atata of cuiuTiuon, mciuaing rnicKens. norse no waaon, nay ana grain; rood Build ing; $7,600, very cheap. Morehouse- ybii to., .. i.umber Exchange Dldg TIMIlEIl TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Weshlngton. California. JAMBS D. LACJST CO..r -Chicago, New Orteana. SeaMI. 421 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRK81I COWS Hia MILKERS (40 East Madison st. Phone Main 2191. $2,10020 acres, 11 mllea from Port land, 2H mile from Reedvllle, Wash ington county, 14 acrea in fine atate of cultivation, 4-room ruatlo house, fair barn, 3 aorea green timber, team, wagon, harness, 2 good cowa, 2 hogs. 3 dozen chlckena, 8 tons hay. IS bushels oats, 20 bushels wheat, 20 sacks spuda, all farm Implements, best of aoll, V4 mile to achool, half caah, balance good terms. The above placea are all guaranteed aa advertised. Above bargains are b'tt a few of the farms on our list We have the largest 1st of farms of any Arm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $30,000. Write or call If you are In the market for a farm. A OOOD FAMILY COW KOU SALE; rreaii, milk at 4:30. 438 K. 18th at south JERSEY OW AND CALK TO Ex change for good top buggy and har ness, phone East 6605 HOR8EM, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month: special rates to business bouses. Ith and Hawthorn East Tl. -Dr. Mary Lane .Institute Expert treatment given women and children's allmente by a gradual and licensed lady physician. Maternity cases riven special attention. Up-to-date n tarlum In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mery Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical. Incorporated, rooms t to 14. Grand theatre bldg., oor. Park and Wash, eta Phone Main 1(31. ACCOUNTANTS. COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; Investigations, factory coate; lumber office systems a specialty; reference; R W. Psmes, 603 Worcester bldg. CHARLEd L PA lift 18 !L PUBLICA countant, notary public 111 Marquam bldg. Phones Main 221. A-4661. ARSTRACT8 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST CO. Main 610, A-4322. .him. of Com. ART LADIES, 11,000 REWARD WE P08I- veiv guarantee Dr. Bouthlngtona Ergo-Kolo -Monthly" Compound. Safe-(EXPERT MOULDING AND 8TATU- ary worn, piaster rasis ana orna ment. Antique, Grecian, Roman and Florentine. O. Adaml Co.. 14 Columbia. ly rellevee some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal caaes In 1 to I days; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mell $1.60. Double strength $1.00. liuy of druggist or write Dr. Southlngtcn Remedy Co., Dept. IT, Kan- hi vr. wo. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST SPECIAL For a FEW DATS ONLT Tour Life, Love or Business lOe. 10c. 10c, 10c, too. loe. MElVIN TTi TRUE CLAIRVOYANT BAKU STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OJUEOOH. nonnweet Corner Third and Oak Streets. Chronic Diseases Of men and women permanently cured by modern aclentMc methode. Elec tricity and electrlc-llght treatment for aiaeaaea or tne nroatate and rectum. vonauiiauon rrce. Commnnwen n free. Dr. W. I. Howard, ilthbldg. th st MAUD, HE SURE AND WAIT. I HAVE good newa for you. I am getting my a hoe a ahlned and a shave tor 13 cents at the Model barber shop. I am going back tomorrow to get my hair cut for two bits .as thev t'mnlov nnlv the bat of barbers. Tell Ouaton the number Is tl 6th at. Charlie. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children: cancera anil female sickness permanently cured, sure cure for BDlntf menincltln. l)r Paul Crom well sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 1471. ftadame Luckey Qlvee electrlo baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientific massnaa. acalo and face treatments, rlilioixxly. 2uV 4th at., near Salmon. Main 2011. KEHAMIC STUDIO. CHINA PAINTINU and firing; orders taken for Xmae. Mr. Marklcy, R 64. 380 Morr. M. 7447, A. I) E KG Ell. XR f STUDIO. 644 U Wash.; oil paintings, landscape and portralta. Hand car vino taUoht. deaLkr in antique furniture, repairing. 633 Waah. CHRIHTKNSEN ART CO.. 375 STARK. Main 4201, A-3217. Frames and framing. RARRERS. Seea all, telle your full name, atreet number, houae you live in, anything you want to Know. INVESTMENTS He tella you how. when, and where 10 invest your money. You Hear the truth and nothing but the truth. $600 for any mistake made through following his advice. THE HENHON. ttlVi Morrison Ht.. Cor tth. FEEE LADIES BARBER SHOP, 4 CHAIRS. no waiting. 64 Fourth street BUTCHEIW SUPPLIES a BIRKENWALD A CO.. 304-301 Ev erett at. largest butcher supply houae on the coast Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-133 1st st.. carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market price. DLANK-UOOK MAKKIIS WE ALLOW THE HIGHEST PRICE . on old harneaa In exchange for new. OUe ua a chance. C. A Wllley. 401 HrtWthorne ave East 3(10. I WILL TAKE 6 OR HORSES TO pasture for the winter; will feed hay, and atable them at night; good clover and tlmotny paature. K-87, journal, Second-hand team harness for aale. Keller Harneaa Co.. tth near Da via MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway and other) pianos, Sherman. Clsy Co.. ttb and Morrison eta., opp. poet office. VORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU slc houne; repairing 127 H Stark. FOR HALK MISCELLANEOUS FINEST LINE OF FRAMED AND UN- framed nlctures ever exhibited tn Portland. On account of the financial flurry this beautiful stock must be sold In the next thirty days, regardless of coat Picture framing a specialty, rne Art Emporium. 848 Alder, near Kth. MARRIAGEABLE LADHgiT" AND OEN- tlemen, nil agea. want correspondents; many wealthy; complete names and ad dreaaea of either sex furnished for less than lc each. Particular! free. Ad dress K-39, Journal. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 10(-U1 ID st Blank books manufactured; agta. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg er; see the Lew Eureka leaf, the best on the market DR. INA NEWCOMH OF LONDON. Celebrated beauty compounds, London formulas, akin food, face bleach and hair tonics compounded and sold by me exclusively In America. 303 Fleldner bldg., 10th and Washington sta. Phone Main 77zi BEAUTY PARLORS ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. RCT entlfic Swedish manage and move ments. Scalp treatments. I treat all nerve and chronic dlRcusns. Mrs. NIs beth, 262 7th st. Phone Main 7033; A-4133. Dr. Philip T, Ball Paralysis goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female dlseasea. :h hi Frakes, 409 Washington St. Marcel waving, (wide English wave), halrdreaslng, clipping, singeing and ahampoolng. Scalp treatment, (hand or electricity) facial massage, electric vibratory, English vapor and colored light process; manicuring, 26c. COAL AND WOOD 603 FIFTI ITREET. COR. SHERMAN. Mqney Saved By addressing your orders for dry oak and fir cordwood, cedar posts and shaved shingles to box 82, Lents. Orders delivered aubject to approval (C. O. D.) to any point in rortiana at very iiDerai ratea. Washington & Oregon Realty Co, 101 Second at., Portland. Or., And 100 Main at., Vancouver, Waah, Phone Main 3404. Stock Farm SNAP SeU cr Trade 240 acres. 30 acrea cultivated. 2 acres In nice orrhard, I good houses, well fin ished 2 barns, fruit dryer, and other outbulldlnga; excellent aprlrrg of puru gushing mountain water, abundant sup rlv at the house; i cowa, HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? CALL UP PACIFIC 73. Is there anything you want to buy? Come and aee us at Twentieth and Washington ste. Our prlcea always the lowest. WESTERX SALVAGE CO. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. aTX klnda of barrels und bottlos bought and sold. 41 N. Front. Phone Main 717. GERMAN BOOK8. MAGAZINES. NOV ela etc German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Ititllan diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co.. 229 First at SLAB WOOD, RIG LOAD, JT UNION FUEL CO., Foot of Montgomery at Phone Main 2143. for one Week more, bring this al) and receive absolutely free One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Rest PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for. whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unite the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to I. dally and Sunday. Office, Noa. 1 and 4. Grind theatre h., near I'ark at flione bldg., 3S1H Wi Main 137. LOOK Are happy, why not youT Are lucky, why not you? Are loved, why not vouT The prophetess, Viola Mai Hlitli Id. will tell you why. and advise vou what to do. 268 4 MORRISON ST., BET 3d and 4th. TJNITED All rTn-r.'w "ueiae, DRAFTS IhitJED AvaileM t m.ii. i"?f Un'd Stateaand Europe, Hongkong aad Manila, CoUeottoa meae on Favorable Tern -- j .y an aii iiui i n i r . . .. . - Assistant Caahler. , .A. M. WRIQIIT Established 111. , J, W. LADD TILTON, BANKEKS-fortland, Oregon, W. M. LADD. fl n Libll rai Banking on aavlnga i -IFORNIA I ....$4,000.00 Depoalt. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may.b opened of lit Wa r "V Winn C E. X-ADD. J. 7? T v?Bh,Lt n- Banking Bu.fn.lV SA VINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. oooka Issued on savings deposits. Int-rr I P"" ished 1M4. Head Olflce. San "T'V?. rplus and undivided Pm i:: .1.. n-..-..,4 Interest on I BNK OF CALIFORNIA Eatablt Caoltal nalt li ana ana i ur vjenersi Hanking and Exchange Buslr.esa Transacted. WM. , . i , . . . ... , . , . . niiii Lnar. w,u. roil tanu urancn unaniutr oi tommnn ------ - u MM, R. M ACREA Manager J T. lUTKTCHAELL. . . Ass t Manager MERCHANTS" NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. -,.,a,a J. FRANK WATSON... President I R U DURHAM T,cf7!.ha R. W. HOTT Cashier GEORGE W. HOTT. . Aaalatant Caahlet . S. C CATCHING Second Assistant Cashier. -...i'-aiisA. iranaacta a General Hanking Rualnrsa. Drafts and Lettera of Credit iauo. Available to All Parte of th- World. Collectlona a Bpeclalty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on .PaclSa Coaal CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1.600.000 00. DEPOSITS, $11.000.0O.M h XL1-1 President I W. C. ALVORD Aaalatant Cjahjet J W. NKWKIRK Cashier I H F. BT EVENS . Second Aes tCahler TRUST COMPANIES SECURITY SAVINGS TRUST CO. !M Morrison Btreet. Portland, Oregoa, , Transacts a General Banking Hualness. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, "'f est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acts aa Trustee for Eataiea, . Cr' and Lettera of Credit Available on All Parte of the World. . C. F. ADAMS .....Preaklent I K A. LEWIS Flrat Vlce-Preoldent A. U MILLS. . . Second Vlce-Prealdent R. cr'JLBITZ beoretax GEO. K. RUHHELL Assmnnt .Secretary - BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad and Publl' Wervi"a Corporation Bonda. DOWNINO-HOPKINS COMPANY Eat abl Ished ir:-UH(jKKH& STOCKS, BOND8, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cash snd on Margin. Private Wlrea ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 12.. CONSULT THE BEST. THERE IS BUT ONE M1BLO In order that all may have the oppor tunity to consult him. fee reduced this week to the Nominal Som of $1.00 301 4, WASHINGTON ST. Overbeck & Cocke Ccmpany c(oMucb XZZXlron GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire, Quick Service. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Roseburg Passenger ;16 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:1$ p. m. California Express j-.H p. m, ban Francisco Express ....11:10 p. ta WEST SIDE. Corvsllla Passenger T:0 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 1:10 p. rn. forest Grove Psssenger ...11:00 a. m. forest Grove Passenger Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLANTA 7:36 a m. 11:30 a. m. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a bo., t for $6; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co, Portland, Or. PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE, either sex, desiring acquaintance, cor respondence or companion, aend 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, room 3 1314 1st at. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY furniture, stoves. The Dollar. 232 1st. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL. $126. One 60-foot launch. $2,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine A Launch Co., 171 Madl son St., phones Main 7408, Home A-3317. HOLDEN S RHEUMATIC CLUE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggist ' IRON BED H.60, SPRINGS l i6. MAT tress 3160, dresser $7.60, mantel bed 36.50. Anstey Iroa . 326 1st Pao. 1970. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purpose The Overall Laundry ana one Sell wood KB. Supply Co.. phr FOR 8ALE A FINE PARLOR GRAND lano. little uned. for lesa than nail team of horses. 2 i price. H. SlnFhelmer. '2 3d st, "WAIT A MINUTE." 27.000 roplt-s of this beautiful Marrh composition sold In nine weeks. put- UHhea ny ."s. li;dson. 39; Hi Morrison i t., Portland, Or., prlcw 26c. Piano only. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! 1.000 cords cn hand delivered same day aa ordered. Home phone A-1634. The Nobby stables 12th and Flanders. FOR PROM1T DELIVERY OF 8 LA It wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co. letn and pavier sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and blackamlth coala, coke, U charcoal. kindling phone Main 1018 ilil-EPHONE EA8T 7. Wood an1 coal. IH East Water at. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONg Oregon Fuel Co. 334 Alder. MIUl STEVENS. Fl FT E Etk' YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant. For a reliable reading call upon this gifted seeress. Develops and teaches occult science. 343 Yamhill. MADAME LA KANE, CLAIRVOYANT and palmist; her experience dates from childhood. 126 7th at.. In store. Oregon Expreaa Pntt.r. (iron Paaaanzer Roseburg Passenger 6:30 p. tn. Portland Expreaa 11;00 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Pasienger :! P- - Pherldsn Psssender 10:10 a. m. Forest Grove Psssenger ... 1:9 a. n. 640 p. m. j Forest Grove Paseenger ... S:6e p. m. Jcfferaoa Street Depot. ... 7:40 a. m. II Dalla to Portland M):ll a. tn. ... 4:11 n. m. Dallas to Portland 6:11 P. M. Osweao-Portlanil tnhurhaji ljuvlni Portland at i:lu a. m.. hourly train during morning and afternoon. Last train leavea depot for Oswego at 11:10 Portland to Dalla. Portland to Dalla MRS. LINDSEY, CLAIRVOYANT Business and life readings. 86 Park St., room 3. Phone Paclflc 1N93. Northern Pacific. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 826 Main St.. 26c. Phone Main 764S. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. bargeat plant on coaat; lrlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; steam and compressed air procesa; renovating mBttreeaes and feathers a specialty Tacoma and Seattle Exp.,.. 1:10 a. m. North Coaat Chicago Lira. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Expreaa ... Overland Expreaa . ... Puget Sound Limited . : a. fla. . 4:11 p. m. . 1:11 p. m. .10:11 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Pendleton Paeaenger 7:16 a. m. Chicago-Portland 8pecial .. 1:30 a. m, Ppokone Flyer 7:00 p. m. Ksn. City i Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 1:08 a. aa. ChV.. Kan. City ft Port Ex.. :4I a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:10 p. nv Portland Passenger 1:11 p. rn. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI nese Medicine Co.. cure acute, chronic and pTlvate dtaeases of all klnda, either . COA. men or women. 2604 ad at. - MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coal. J50 Water t Phone Mnln tt.'70 INDEPENl'ENT COAL ft ICE 63 Stark Main 7S0. JUST OPENED LITTLE PALACE 1 QUICK D" VERY. SLAB OR CORD Maaaage parlors. Full line of baths, chl- ' wood. Steel Bridge Fuel Co., Enat 4 24. ropody. 87 6th at., one block from I EASTERN FUEL CO., WOOD, COAL. Wash. I 63 Union ave. N. R 1314 "THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 1 4 S V4 6TH St., rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, electric treatments. Jidy attendant. DRESSMAKING CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for I ho nrlre of 6 If vou have i a want make ft known throuch the ' EXPERIENCED warn an columns or l he journal. MRS. EMMA J THOMAS. MODISTE. Tailor-made suits und party gowns a specialty. 63 Wash big. P;ic. 727. jOYCt; BROS., PROPIUE'i OKS Or 'i me. Electric leaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning: carpet refitting our specialty, work guuranteed. Phone Main 26 7 2 snd A-2672, 270 Giant st bANHAKl CAKPK 1 CLEANING, SUC tlon and compresaed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6684. Main 3200. tTTe IONE STEAM CARPET CLEAN lng works: curpeta cleaned, refitted and laid; mattrensea and feHthers ren ovited. 221 E 21st St. N. Enst 360. dresh maker. wlnhes eniraffements bv the dAV Mlsi I CHIROPODISTS 7 ; Irscn Phone Main 3865; A-3865. i - .hi.i.... ot, .1 i . f. ,,".-. ... it., i.. rn- n i T li 1 1 1 ' ' r ' 1 new wagon, 1 set harnesa nearly In colls or excharge. buy or sell ,1ri,K-" 1 oram nitS)lnr 1 mnorflr 1 rfike iIavm 934 lat Th, n.illnr fntn g 37 4 I new. 1 cream aenarator. 1 mower, l rako. , stoves 1 dIow. 1 harrow. 1 cultivator. Incubator m .ooiLilm. . iu i v tir' ihhumii and brooder all small tools; everything c0,t j cent per counted word. 7 n. In good condition; hay In barn; house- ,erUon8 ror ,htirC8 of S. If you have hold goods. A splendid s ock or fruit a wunt make ft known through the farm with excellent mountain outrange w,n, j coIumrl, of The journal. jor HIUI'H, 9 Illiirn iiuiii I. i. , to sawmill, H mile to school, on cream route and It F. D. ; Clarke county. Washington. Will trade for some good Portland tiroperty: this Is a anap, and all goes for $4,000. IIENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ahlngton bldg. DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A POSI tivo and Infallible cure for rheuma-j DRESSMAKING WORK GUARA.V tlsm. sciatica, neuralgia, gout and lum- teed; reasonable prices. 340 4th. A- Ir not, send your name and ad- ; 4323. Pnc. 1 1 tn. M.VIE. HOFMAISTER TEACHES FIRST Farm on Salem Electric Car Line 116 acrea, all good land; 65 acres cul tivated, balance pasture and timber, es timated 6,000 cords of good wood on the land: watered by good wells and apringa; excellent roads on two aides of farm; nice achoolhouso and beautiful church house within half mile; good 7-room house, fine new framo barn, all painted; good orchard and outbuildings. Thla U n beautifully located farm, 16 miles from Portland, l'fc mllea from boat landing on the v 'illnmette river and half mlljs from Salem electric line; might take some good Portland proper ty ke part pay; price 19,000. Henkle & Harrison 217 ABINGTON BLDG. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smith's. Main 6683. At One Half Price All watches. Jewelry, diamonds, vio lins, guitars, for this month only at Uncle Myera. 143 3d. near Alder. VEHICLES. FARM WAGONS, HORSES, milch cows, single and double harnea- ses. heavy and light. 360 Flanders. ONE GRAY HORSE 11 YEARS OLD for sale at Morgnn stables, between t nlon and Grand ave. PERKINS NATIONAL ILERRS AND 1 class cutting witn Storey's ladles' Kretal are aold by A. B. Rloomer, 190 1 tailoring system. 570 Couch St. 4th at. Phone Mnln 39S2. MAi)AMK ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S SAVIN i clfle 92. and cotton root pills: only saf6 and sure rtmedy for delayed periods; $2 per box, or 8 boxea for 15. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st. W A NT ED FOR A PARTNER LADY who Is a fair penman and who can UP-TO-DATE. HIGH-CLASS DRES8 maklng. 340 4th; Pac. 2776. A-4323. MISS R. A. OPPERMAN. CUSTOM enrsetmaker. 425H Morrison st. furnish three or four rooms suitable for club purposes. Address E. R. (.'., 450 Washington at. SCALP TREATMENT. MASSAGE AND Swedish niovementa, salt glow, alco hol rtiha, ateam hatha. Mrs. Bruce, 260H 7th t. A-8504. CARPENTERS AND RLTLDKRS WILLIAM DEVENY AND ESTELLE iv,v. the only aclentlflc chiropod ists. riirWa203Prew bldg. 163 2nd St. chFropody AND PED1CUHIINU Mrs M P. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg Astoria it Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp... Astoria Express 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Astoria Port Paeaenger. 13:11 p. nv Portland Express 10:00 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p. m. II C. P. R Short Line, via Spok. 1:00 a.m. Via Seat.. Vic, & Vancouver. 4:30 p.m. Via Van.. Vlo. and Seattle... 4:16p.m. Via Humaa 11:46 p.m. Via 8umas and Seattle 10:66 p.m. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. THE ORRAT SCOtVDETECTI VE agency guarantees success. 109 2d at, room 4. Pac. 117. Res. Main 8405. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST. Electrlo and gas flxturea and supplies, msntels, tiling, urates and doglrone. MONEY TO LOAN XMAS MUNET XMAS MONEY PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neers, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st cor. Stark. Main 669 R. H. Tate, Mgr. CHIROPRACTORS EVA HOG AN, PR CHIROPRACTIC, 223 Flledner bldg.. 10th and Washing ton sta.; hours m a 111. 'QJLJiLJIli DR. L. M. GORDON. ORADI-'ATK P. O. C 204-6 Oree nldg. Phone A-1953. RR I ET LI NO G RADUAT E A-162Z. (I. H P. S. C. 900 Marquam hiag NEW CARPET LOOM TO EXCHANGE for good milch cow or 360 cash. 1261 E. Salmon. Phone Tabor 81 8. FOR SALE NEARLY NEW. DOUBLE door, fireproof safe, with O-88, Journal. strong box. Farm Snap 117 acres, 40 of which are rich bot tom land, 30 acrea bottom land culti vated, above 2,500 cords of fine cord wood timber; good house, barn, orchard, watered by creek and springs; 1 span of good young mares, 6 cowa, mower, rake. plows, harrows, 2 wagons, 1 hack, all small tools, all wood tools, cream sep arator, harnesa, etc.; it tons or hay; Vi mile to school; on mall route; 22 miles northwest from Portland on Scap nooae creek: fine fishing; 4 miles from Scappoose; wood is worth now 14 per cord at snipping potni ana you can easily pay for this farm out of the cordwood. Price on whole now only 16,600. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. Spitz Pups For sale at Golden Eagle. FOR SALE 12-ROOM HOUSE, 1150. 16-room house. 3200. The plumbing alone la worth the money. See James R. Clark. 72 N. 3d. S. E. BARR. DEALER IE "MUST Hatch" Incubators. Ruby chicks and supplies for sole. Fern Hill. Wash. Big Snap 16 acres good soil, ubout 14 acres cultivated, all well fenced; 126 choice full bearing fruit trees; 7-room plas tered house, all painted and well fin ished; good frame barn; 4 acres in pota toes; 1 horse, 2 cows, 3 hogs, 1 dozen chickens, 5 tons of hay, 1 spring wagon, 2 plows. 2 cultivators, 1 eteel harrow, all small tools; fronts on a good ma cadamized road; 6 miles out. Thla la the best bargain in a email farm about Portland. All goes noW for 14,000. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. ' 40 Acres All first-clans land, lays nice, on main improved road, land nearly level, new 6-room house, good new barn, 1,000 cords of good merchantable cordwood timber, good team, harness and wagon, ateam wood saw with cross cut attach ment for cutting cordwood, cut 16 to 20 cord per day, mil to railroad shipping; point, on fine level road to Vancouver, Wash.; very easy to pay for tnis tana ana more out 01 tne wood; price now for all 12,650. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. 13 1-2 Acres All cultivated, fronts on the 8andy road and the lake, a beautiful location for a home and close In. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. Ui ACRES AT SPRIWVVATER, Uo In cultivation; 29 head of cattle, In cluding all atock, teams, hay, grain and farming; tools; 140 per acre. Morehouse Welst Co., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. 'lift ACRES ON STREETCAR LINE" only i miles from center of city, good portion in berries and fruit trees; city water; good 4-room houae and - chicken house; price reasonable, or will , trade, for Improved acreage, 4 to 10 - miles out Th Spanton Co, 179 Stark. OWNER OF SAWMILL. 20.000 CAPAC Ity, would like communication from reliable broker or dealer who can handle entire mill output. G-89, Journal. 60C ON THE POlTL A rTTTI AIRS AND extension tables at the Peoples' Fur niture House. 213 Front st. We buy and sell everything. Main 4290. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, i 60c Ladles skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert 10CH Sixth St.. next to Quell Phone Msln 2033. J. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY. 287 FRONT ST. PHONE MAIN 6523. JOHN A. MELTON. 235 2D ST. Of fice and store fixtures butlt and re- LADIES! DR LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speed y regulator; 25 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. DR LUNG CHOONQ. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure for all diseases, li'. 2d st, between "amhlll and Taylor DR. T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST. Dis eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moderate. 1st., cor. Yamhill. modeled; showcases Phone Main 1787. and counter ANGELL ft KEEP, CONTRACTORS AND builders 620 Union ave. Phone Eaat 4285. Jobbing, repairing, reshlngllng, etc. Rea. Scott 6065. or Woodlawn 60. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX turea: general jobbing. 17 1st st Phone Main 3190. CARPENTRY, repair work Phone Woodlawn 1106. PAINTING. TINTING, only, on short notice. CLEANING AND DYEING GENTLEMAN WISHES ACQUA1N tance young widow lady having own home: lady with little girl preferred; object matrimony. Address Box 51, city. ; pANCO-VES'f A CLUB if 4 WEST Park. M-8243; A-5027. Sponge and press your clothes, 11.50 per month. THE HEILIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN lng wor of all klnda In our line. 543 Wash St. A-6703. Main 6365 DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR C E. BROWN, D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital 106 N. 6tn st (Main 40S W M. MILLER. V S. viskp.hiakimi. 26 N. 8th st. Office 127 Flanders. Phone Mnln 7846. CARNEY S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses 8nd og 289 Gllaan st Phone Main 1 484 DANCING WALTZ. TWOSTEP, THREESTEP AND stage dancing lesaona. 20c; oiaesi hu only recognized teacher. Prof. Wal Wilson, entrance to hall and office 12 Selllng-Hlrach bldg., 886 4 Washington, between West I'arK ana iinn sta WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 6th st. Contractor, electric supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install plant MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 391 & Morrison at. Flxturea, wiring, re- pairlng. East 3128. or B-1616. FA 1R RANKS-MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos A C. ft D. C. 1st and Stark. ENGRAVERS DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV ers. Nelss ft Connaway. 109 2d. M. 7311. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEC trio equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 70-ACRE RANCH. Washington county, for city houses 160 acres. North Dakcta, for city or nuburban lots. 8-room house, Stephen's addition, for r a rich 80 acres; 20-acre orchard, Washington, for store. 120 acrea timber for house in city. 800 acrfs wheat land, Morrow county, for stock merchandise. 14,000 stock merchand.se, in suburb, for ranch. rt ..nl1-. 1 1 f AA BiriiC ivi van--, a a i . , w v v. NORTHWESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 193 Fourth street Lands to trade for city property. Now. what have you to offer? Henkle & Harrison, 217 Anlngton bldg. 1600 EQUITY IN $1,450 COTTAGE; flno river view, ior ,iois, acicag? or uiui 1 gage. V-87. Journal. EXCHANGE FIFTY-ACRE RANCH, good location, value 11,600. What have you? P. O box 744, St. Johns, Or., or see owner at 225 Mohawk St., St. Johns. CLEAN STOCK OF SHOES FOR ,ALE ' or trade for a farm, well improved. Address owner. 82 Klllingsworth ave., Portland. ' SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE OR trade for well-improved farm; willing to pay difference if necessary. Address owner. 82 Klllingsworth ave.. Portland. PERSONAL MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref- erenges. 282H Park. Main 84U3, A-z34 MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs Hill. 830 Fleldner. BALM -OF Fle FOR ALL FEMAi.ai diseases. 626 E. Belmont East 4084. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- ment; dandruff. 268H Mor.. room 63 MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE. scalp treatment. R. 14, 168 M Morr'sn. bOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN FOR business, at 42SH Morrison st MD?S MARCELLA LEROY, ,291 V, AL der st, massage and, scalp. treatment MASSAGE, VAPOaiAND"TUB BATHS, lady attendant. iAClk 4th, cor. Wash. FOR SELECT AND HIGH-CLASS shampooing, manicuring face and sea Id massaee. call 210-211 Tllford bldg. 1 Hair and scalp treatment our specialty. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub bathH. 41 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and VnshinRton CLOTHES CLEANED .AND PRESSED, 11 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st JUST OPENED MANICURING AND facial massage parlors. Room 6. 1454 6th at. MISS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 351 Morrison St., to 2014 3d at. H W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2613. FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called for and delivered. M. 2375, 764 Water. PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY; a select school; class or private les sons daily. 8X8 M. E Morrison. Phone. "DANCING INSTRUCTIONS EVER? afternoon. 1:30 to 4, Murlark hall. Wash, at 23rd. Prof. Carter, principal. r BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. HELLEVUE. EUR. 4TH AND SALMON. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6 tli st, near postofflce; central location; pitman rhorthand; expert grad uates; low tuition: day and night school; new pupils daily. W. W. Wil liams. M. S.. Prin. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland. Or. Write for catalogue. A MAN WITH SOME MONEY WOULD like to correspond with a woman with a view to matrimony. A-R9, Journal. MTS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 3614 Morrison st. to 2014 3d st. HOLDENS RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen night Main 1968. MR! SEIP, CLAIRVOYANT AND psychometrlst, 302 Allsky bldg.; spir itual test circles Tues., Frl. eves. OLGA LANDEN, FINNISH MASSAGE. steam baths. Rooms 15-16 Sellina Hlrsch bldg.. Wash., cor. 10th. A-2337. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 803 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU nate girls: good care. 8 Mllner bldg. AUTOMOBILES COVEY ft WALLACE MOTOR CO.. Dis tributors Pierce Great Arrow, full Jew- eled Corbln and Cadillac 18th and Alder. OREGON MOTOR CAR OO, AUTOMO biles and garage; absolutely fireproof building. 10th and Stark. Phone A-4550. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkay bldg.. corner Id and Morrison sts. GILLIAM & GILLIAM. ATTORNEY8-at-law. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 6101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO., LAW1 collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130. A. H. TANNER. ATT Y., 609 -COMMER-clal block. 2d and Wash. Main 1441. GREY .4 RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice in all courts. ASS A VERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aajr of flc. lit Mor rison it ... Is Your Office Management Weakest ii Its Publicity Department ? You would not allow any one to persuade you to close your office for a few days or a few weeks because of the temporary paralysis of business. You would not think for a moment of suspending your office staff simply because of a little cessation of trade. But who is it, or what is it, that induces you to curtail your advertising the life blood of trade to such an extent to convey the impression that you are down and out of business? Better stop eating because one meal doesn't make you fat. Remember The Journal reaches thousands of homes in Portland and within a radius of sixty miles of the city that see no other paper. It is thjs that makes The Journal the most profitable medium for all advertisers. ARE YOU IN IT? IF NOT, WHY NOT?' BUY GASOLINE ENGINE. WOODSAW Ing outfits. Fairbanks, Morse ft Co.. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND. EUROPEAN plan only. 33. 36 day. HOTEL OREGON, EUROPEAN PLAN.. HOTEL IMPERIAL. EUR., 3"! AND UP. XMAS BORROW NOW XMAS MONEV - AND AVOID THE MONEY XMAS HOLIDAY RUSH. XMAS MONET SALARY LOANS MONEY XMAS UPON PLAIN XMAS MONET NOTES. MONEY XMAS ABSOLUTELY XMAS MONEY NO SECURITY MONEY XMAS ASKED. XMAS MONEY REMEMBER MONEY XMAS -IF YOU WORK WB XMAS MONEY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY XMAS MONEY. XMAS MONEY BEST $ f EASIEST MONEY . XMAS TERMS t f PAYMENTS XMAS MONEY OPEN I A. M. MONEY TO 6 P. M. WED. XMAS AND SAT. S TILL MONEY IP, M. XMAS , STATE SECURITY MONEY - COMPANY. XMAS 704 DEKUM BLDG. MONEY XMAS MONEY XMAS MONET XMAS MONET XMAS MONEY XMAS MONEY HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co 74 6th. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA billty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 302 Mo Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, 665 WASH. FINE 8PECTA cles 60c. Elgin watches 35. Repairing. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITH. UMBRELLA REPAIR lng. Dave'a. Washington, corner 12th. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO.. FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sol and tap cutters; finding LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "Th Portland." Portland. MUSICAL NORMAL COLLEGE OT MUSIC. 51. f Parvln, Mus. Doc., 85 Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. , , 1 , . - , Tir1 TW POUMDrp irn77 bone, clarinet. Professor E. A, Smith. Don't Be Broke Money is our stock we have plenty of it yours for th asking;. A few hours' preparation and th money la your You can raise the money you need on your household furniture, piano, fix lure etc., without removal or on your salary by giving us your plain not and without th knowledge of anyone. When in need of money it will pay rou to get It from us on payment, plan, 1 t costs you less and get you out of debt. Confidential loans mad to ladle on their personal note no Inquiries any where. Do not hesitate to call for particulars you will be courteously treated whether you borrow or not. Hutton Credit Co. 812 (fifth floor) Dekum Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SaLAJWED PEO- pie and other upon their own name without security; cheapest rate, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms flrst. TOLMAN, 323 Ablngton Bid lom 3d si I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON'PORT land real estate. Security In sum of from 31,000 to $50,004 on downtown property and from 3500 to 110,000 on ' residence propetry. I might consider .food, timber and farm loans. Address R-87, Journal. . SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONF1 dentlal; easy to get and easy to pay, T. A. Newton, 811 Buchanan bldg, 186 Vs wasningTon st. MORTGAGES, FIRST OR SECOND Hens and other real estate securities, discounted. H. E. Noble. Commercial blk. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES s. w. tung. a wasaingion , DJag. Main 6100. - " t MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS : of security. WUliaia HolU rooxa , . Washington t)ldg.- MONEY. MONEY, MONEY I T 1 - To loan. See S. S. Gillespie, 429 Com mercial bldg. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Employes' Loan Co.. 716 Dekum. ' LOAN FOR THE Ac KING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. MONUMENTS NEXT A KINGSLEY. 161 1ST, PORT land'a leading marble and granlt wke. NOTARY PUBLIC C. T. PFLTJGEB, NOTARY PUBLIC, commissioner of deeds. Deutsche notarlat. R. 14 Mulkeybldjr., Id and Mor. PLUMBERS KMIL THIELHORN, PUPU. OF PROF". Otakar sevcik, violin and viola teacher. 834 Pin. TeL Paclflj !s. THE PARKEit SCHOOL" OF MUSffl Aianaoun, guitar ana oanja 318 Till- TOra DIQg. y . . : - r-, PROF. X. E. LAWSON, ISfUTH ST. riano lessons reasonable. Main 46(3. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLK PATTERSON. SPE. c talis t on nervous, acute and chronic disease lit Fenton bldg. Paclflo 1 If . DR. R. B. NORTH R UP, 416-l-inu kum bldg, -84 and Wsshfngton st Fhona Mala 143,- Lxamlnauoa free. FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBKKS, 231 Id, bet Mala and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 8001. - j -; , , DONNERBERO ft RADEMACHJlB k' moved to wo. im wuniaiuwj PRINTTNO WirnnlNG INVITATIONS. A NNO U NCR WmDntS Beattle ft Ho- 34 Bfrk. OOILBEB BKOaU TRI.N JK K8-CAR I .. J. htllheads. etc. Main I M. 184 H lt. rvnuo stenograph: : DUFUR WrjIK 8M tt I bldg. Phone A-63 (. If -i r 1 i .. .. Kilt j v - . ... . . . M U ' fc. f - - ! -