Town I 0D1CS e..--f TOMGIIT'8 AMl'HEJI K.NT8. Hslllg .The Spider's Web" Marguam WiU 1'asha.' Haker ...... "The Daughtt-rs of Man." l.rnplre ,,, Ton Vonaon. Orand Vaudeville. J.yrlo .'. "All Due to Diana." Star "Jam lioya In Missouri. ' "-""- -- - -. - At a result of' a stabbing affray which occurred at First and Couch atraata early this morning throe Aus trian, blare llogach, homo 1'rUch end Tony tlmon, are nuralog auporflclal knife wounds, and the polios aro searching (or tha man who wielded the knife. The men had been drinking In a saloon near the acene of tliu affray and aoon tucame Involved in a uuar- ret which waa renewed aftur all h.l lift the drinking place and reached the street Tho knlfo wliildur, whose name la unknown to the oll'era, end denly attacked his cnmiianluiia and be fore they could sek aufuty In llight vucceeuetl in Inflicting never! aupeiTi- Clal wound about the arma and vliould ere of the thro men. a warrant chart ing aaaault with a deadly weapon waa laaued thla morning and the police are scouring me waterrronl in an eriori to find the mlaalng man. THC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING., DECEMBER 6. 1007. u 1 iUL.i.L. JJ! -i-UXi-J J...'J !'XIJ.U l.U US!WWef-H9!( 8 a charge of aaaault and battery. Final juagraent waa rendered In thla eaae by the Juatloa becauae th defendant svas In tha county jail la default of balL KlchurJ llolmau, an employe of Ilaa musn Co., waa tha complaining Tba Eighth Ward nooaevalt RepubU can club wilt meat tonight In Logus nail on tha eaet aide. ' Secretary WIN llamaon of tha club haa aent outea largo number af Invltatlona and the program conimlltee hue arranged an iniareauna numlwr of addruaaaa. program for the evening. A weii-known man wm make Commencing Saturday. December Tth, HOT. tha Vancouver. Wnndlawn. At. bene, Itueaell-Bhaver and Hroadway care, will croee the river weaterly over Uurnaluo bridge, and eaatorly over atuel bridge, until further notice, owing to repairs on Uurnslds bridge. Hundred of men, women, boya and girl advertlea for poaltlona In the want ad column of The Journal, ft you. have a want of any kind, make It known through the columns of Tho Journal Thla seaaon wa ara displaying a larg er and bandaomer variety of holiday good than aver before, and at price that will bo an Inducement for Inves tigation. Toilet and manicure sHs, col lar and cuff, glove, handkerchief and , necktl boxes, military hslrbrushes, alngle and In aeta, ludlea' fine puree, aard caees and handbags, gents' bill books- cigar caaea, ehavlng ouitlta an. I smoking aeta, and many other urtlcloa both useful and appropriate aa holi day glfta. Don't forget us on p" fumes, aa we carry a full line of the leading and most popular odoi In bulk and fancy packages. Albmt liernl, the druggist, 233 Washington strci-u Tut ua on your ahopplng Hat for tomorrow. Tha fifteenth anniversary of the Co lumbia river branch Women's Foreign Missionary society of th Methodist ttplscopal church, will be obavrved oy a meeting held at Taylor Strwt church, the place of branch organisation, to morrow (Saturday) afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock The branch president. Mrs. M. C. Wire, of Eugene, will preside, and at th close of the anniversary exercises wlH give an account of the meeting of the general executive committee recent ly held In Springfield, Illinois, which she attcmlod as a brunch delegate. Every one Interested la cordially Invited to attend. I To Whom It May Concern. Nearly 100.000 men. women and children drink tha 100 per cent pure Golden drain Granules Cereal Coffee in Oregon and Washington; 4,000 grocers soil It In uio northwest. fl 1 UNIVERSAL OVER JUDGE'S DEATH j i i Untimely Demise of Jurist Brings Forth Many Ex pressions of Regret. Tha Ladles' Aid society of th High land Congregational church will bold their annual baaaar In th aoclal rooms of tha church. Friday afternoon and evening and Saturday afternoon. Decora ucr i ana it. Th Waverley-Rlchmond Improvement nuu win meet aa uaual this evening a tha home of Dr. Hickman, Cast Thirty tlilr.l and Clinton streeta. A number or important improvement will be con siuvea. I am the orlalnator nf the Ilea of malting 160 stills for 115. and I do It Comparl..n will prove thla statement a. u. wins lauor na Co.. 12W Fifth i reci. ine lortmna Bhoa Repair company, imnmii sireei, Deiwoen intra oni Fourth streets. Phono Main T5i. Tou aiioea rcpaiiei while you wait. Best oaa aoies, it cents. Uauer A Stopper, C, Spencer. W. E. Farrell and Ea R teila M. Madden have filed artlclea of incorporation or the Oregon-Vt 'aahlng ton Loading company. The capital aiora la u.uuu. For liquors phona the Family Liquor Store. J. E. Kellv. aucceaaor to Caswell a neiiy, tot Morrison street, corner far. Holh phonea Pacific, Main 21. ana iioine, a-.ioz. A fall downstairs caused the death Wednesday night of Oabrlel Peyere. a baker employed at the French Bakery. Sixth and Harrison streets. At t h time the accident occurred It waa not thought Peyre was seriously hurt, hut a few hours later h suddenly lapsed Into unconsciousness and was then tak en to St. Vincent's hospital where he died within a short time. The physi cians who attended the man state that death resulted from concussion of the brain. W sponge anj presa your clothes ami snine your shoes, in for II per niomu. aiain an. A-ijn. wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co, 101 Biara The police have been asked to kep a lookout for a thief who stole a set of driving harness from Charles Lund gran of Lent lust Sunday night. In seeking the aid of tho local officers Lundgran expressed the belief that a boy named Osle Quitter, who, It Is alleged, ran away from the Washing ton State Reform school last July, hus a guilty knowledge of the present whereabouts of the missing harness. Quitter Is well known about Lents, and was there at the time Lundgran'a prop arty waa stolen. . Steamer Jesse Harfclna, for Cainaa, waaiiougai and wsy landings, dally ex cept 8undy. Leave Washington street dock at I p. m. Rave the discount (It cents) by pay ing your bills for December service on or before the 10th of the month. Home Telephone company. Coal Single sack or ton orders de livered promptly. Independent Coal 4 Ice company. 3f.3 Stark street. Phone Muln 7 SO, A-37&0. Presiding Judge Cleland of the cir cuit court this morning announced the committee to draft resolutions In mem ory of Judge Fraxer, authorlxed at tho meeting of the members of tho bur yes terday. It consists of W. U. Fcnton, chairman; R. 13. Fisher, Joseph Simon, M. C. George, M. G. Munly and K. H. Seabrook. No time hns been fixed for the meeting for presentation of the res olutions, and it will not be held until court resumes Its sitting after the holi days. Three valuable dogs have been pot aoned within the lust few days la the vicinity of Enst Twenty-fourth and East Taylor atreets. The neighborhood la much aroused and suspicion hns been directed against certain persons, though no arrests have been made. When con clusive proof Is obtained the poisoner will be prosecuted. Those who have lost dogs are Mrs. W. H. Barrv, 785 Eaat Taylor street; Dr. E. O. Clark. 777 East Taylor street, and Arthur W. Gra ham, 696 East Taylor street. The ladles of Retania Danish society will hold their annual bazaar Saturday, December 14, at AVorker a hall, Missis sippi avenue. Dentist has offices to share; physi cian preferred; modern building. N-IS, journal. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal ell and nne gasoline, fnone 71; B-1907 Woman's Exehance, 73J Tenth street. luncn ii.av 10 l, Dusiness mens lunch. OuslneRS cards, 11.50 per 1,000. rate printers. Phone Pacific SOL Cut Expressions of sorrow ovr- tha un timely death of Judg Eraser havten adopted by th Portland Teachers' elub and th Catholic Toung Man's club, Th former folldws: To th President and Members of th Portland Teachers' club Ws. vour com mute on resolutions beg leave to sub mit th following report: Whereas. Tha Teaclira' Muh nf Part. land desire to express Its sorrow a: the uutlinely ceath of Judge Arthur L. Eraser, our esteemed friend and eo- worker; therefore be It HraolvCd. llv Ilia Pnrfl.nH Turkari' club, that we feel tha losa which we ns teachers have sustained by the passing away of thla moat gifted man. w hae been deeply impressed by th sympathy and understanding which ha unfailingly displayed In desl Ing with his Juvenile wards. In him. In troth, th child full he had "a frleni at court." Resolved. That his bereaved family has our deepest sympathy. Resolved. That a copy of these resol utions be sent to the family, that a copy bs furnished the press of th city and that they be spread upon tba rec ords of this club. Respectfully submitted, ANO KLINE E. WATSON, II ANN All O. 8CH LOTH. MAY E. FKAZ1EK, Resolutions by th Catholic Toung Men's club were adopted aa follow: Whereas. In the tfenth of Hon ir. Ihur L. Fraxer. our city haa lost a moat estimable and distinguished cltlien, and we. tha Catholic Younx Men's club. have loat an esteemed ami member, who. by his kind and genial llsposltlon haa alwsya shown a sympa thetic Intereat In th training and wel fare of th young: be It therefor Reeolved. By the Catholic Toung Men'a club that the death of Judsa Fratcr brings to each member of the club a sense of deep regret at the loss of so kind and lova a friend whose in. fluence waa always good and elevating; and be It further Resolved. That to how our esteem and sympathy wa. the Catholic Young Men'a club, through Its committee, ex tend our svrnuathv to his h.nvt ramiiy in tnia their hour of sadness! and be It further Resolved. That a copy of these reao utlona be spread upon the recorda nf our club and a copy of the aame be sent to the family of the deceaaed and the Oroeonlan. the Telegram and tn Tha Journal and to the Catholic Sentlnol. r. E. SULLIVAN, President J. P. KELLEHEIt. Secretary. W. A. DALT. Director. Nath Wolff 7 km OldtllabUJwtr Established 1887 m Nath Wolff Th0 Old R9llabUj0MUr id Established 1887 I . b "Suffered day and night th torment ' t Itching pile. Nothing helped mo ntll I used iKian's ointment. It cured me permanently. Hon. John R. Oar- i rett. Mayor, Oirard, Ala. I Metxger 4 Co Jewelers and opticians. 42 Washington street. Hanan shoes sold at Rosenthal. Dr. E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. D. Chambers, optician, 12) Seventh. Try th Independent laundry. Manure for sale. Main 6683. An unusual sale Is ndvertlsed today to open tomc-row at tho llo&ton store, cor ner of First and Salmon. Not one cent above cost will be asked Is tho an nouncement of Mr. Strain. This he states he is doing out of consideration for the working man at the present time. Stocks of high-grade ready-maJe wearing apparel- that have been bought up at bed-rock figures are to be sold on the same low basis at which they were eecured. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Where to Dine. All the delicacies of the season at the foruand Restaurant; fine private apart ments for ladles, 806 Wash., near Fifth. II. C. Brandos' grill, 103 Sixth, serves elegant Table d'Hote dinners dally. Picture Framing. Tou can frame your plcturea now at E. H. Moorehouse company. low prices, Uoth Phones. 312 Alder street. Tha Asha mission band of children, which is educating for a medical mis sionary a Hindu girl In Calcutta, India, will bo cntortulned Saturday afternoon at tho residence of Miss Hasel liar- court, 800 East Thirty-first street, ...... ..n. .in.!. tJJ lltv v.iiau 1UI1I11V children, the little Chinese girls so well Sarah Trunx at HeiHg Tonight. The attraction at the Heillg theatro. Fourteenth and Washington streets, to night, tomorrow and Sunday night, with a special price matinee, tomorrow, will be . the brilliant actress. Sarah Truax and her excellent supporting company In tha comedy drama, "Tho Spider's Web." Seats are now selling for the entire engagement at theatre. Frank Dekum a Portland boy Is with this company. cnnaren, ine mue cninese girls so well known for their sweet songs and pretty recitations. Tho entertainment will bo- Sjeclal Price Matinee at Heiltg. Tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon a special price matlneo will be given at the Heillg theatre. Sarah Truax In The Spider's Web'" will be the attrac tion. gin at 3 o'clock. The building ordinance has been or dered printed by the building committee of the council and will be presented to the council for final action at its next meetlne-. The ordinance was prepared by Building Inspector Spencer and hns been in the hands of the committee for inspection and amendment for some 'time. It will be finally considered by the council Wednesday next Seats Selling for Fritzi Scheff. Seats are selling at the Heillg theatre for the world famous comic opera queen, Fritzlo Scheff, who will pre sent the comic opera "M'lle Modiste4' at the above thuatre for four nights beginning next Monday, December 8. Evening Star Grango will hold Its regular session In Its hall, East of Mount Tabor reservoir, tomrrow be ginning at 10 o'clock in tho morninp;. Literary exorcises will he of unusual Interest. Attorney McCallister will speak on the financial question. A class of 10 will be initiated and offi cers will bo elected. Articles found on cars December- PERSONAL. Mrs. R. M. Cross of the Nortonla will leave on Sunday to Join her husband at San Francisco. Mrs. Cross will be ac companied by Miss Nellie Schneider of Lawrence. Kansas, who has been spend ing' tho summer in Portland, and is re turning to her home In the east by way of San Francisco and Los Angeles, where she will visit some time. TEETH EXTRACTED FREE WhenPlates or Bridges Are Ordered All Work at Half Price for a short time to introduce the "Electro Painless System" Full Set, that fit $5.00 Lrold Crowns, 22-k., Bridge Teeth, 22-k. . Gold Fillings Silver Fillings 50 Guaranteed for 10 Years. Open Evenings. THE ELECTRO DENTAL PARLORS 3031 Washington St., cor. 5th, Opposite Olds & King's. $3.50 S3.50 $1.00 .i X'W ' XmasGiftsfor Attract! Deal gn a Popular Prices Superior Goods Mr Specialty la DIAMONDS AND WATCHES I alio carry a completa line of Rinp, Broochea, Lockets, Scarf Pina, Bracelets, Fobs, Studs, Croaaca, Link Buttona, Hat Pina, Baby Pina, Tie Clasps, Screw Earring?. Ring Mountinra, Chaina, Charms, Festootu, Match Boxea, Lapel Buttona, Emblem Good. When you buy Chrittmai present buy jew elry and when you buy jewelry buy of the store that is satiified with the smallest margin of profit. All I ask of you is to call and tee my atock of jewelry and get my prices. "Your Credit fa GootT It ' S 7 w : ms? ml . r Morrison W; Until the Financial Situation Clears Up we will do dental work for as many as we can at coat. The profit is yours. Here you get the advantage of experienced graduate dentists at the same prices you would pay r wouIi work on your teeth. '-; . Teeth extracted absolutely and" positively without pain for 50, or free when plates or bridges are ordered. No students in this office. A guarantee for ten years with all ' work. Lady attendant. Examination and Advice Free. fl LILY DENTAL COMPANY THIRD AND COUCH STS. Open Evenings Until 8 and Sun day Until 1 p. m. Home Phone A1010 Pacific ISStf AMVIIKXITI. HEIUG THEATRE Ith aa4 Waaainftaa. Four Nights, Beginning Monday FRITZI SCHEFF In tba Comic Opera - , "itt.t.s BCOSXSTS" PRICES Lower floor. 1160. 1110: Balcony, 11. 0, 11.00. 7ic; Entirs Oal larr, 16c. Mtfe aaa Waaklaatoa The Best $3.00 Hat in the World MILITARY ACADEMY A tnovemont against sending a Brvan delegation. -to the Democratic national 25 umbrellas, ono cane: one pursf, four convention Is said to bo gaining much packages, one hammer, ono hand baar, ono box of cards. Call room 4, O. W. P. building, Firut and Alder streets. Fred Paul, a tenmster, waa fined $6 by Justice Held yesterday afternoon on strength In Alabama. It Is headed by Walter Percy, a prominent lawyer of Birmingham. $2. BO hand-palnteu cups and saucers, $1.45. at Metzger's. 342 Washington St. PORTLAND ORE. A Boarding and Day School for Young Men and coy a. Preparation for col leges. U, S. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford. Berkeley. Cornell. Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business coursa Th prlnr'pal has hod 2 yeara experience in Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments Maka reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and other literature ad flrass J. W. BILL, M. D.. Principal and Proprietor. Ben Selling LEADING HATTER CROWN and BRIDGE WORK la tha moat beautiful, most substan tial and most modern method of re storing broken teeth or roots and sapplying tha place of mlaalng ones. Wa heartily recommend It In all caaaa where It la adapted. Coma In and wa will gladly tell you whether or not It la adapted to your mouth. SOLID GOLD CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK $3.50 Painless aztraetlnr free. Hunlnr 75c Silver filling 50c. Pint Inn flu. lnga 11.00. ArUlklal teeth $6.00. Yale Denial Parlors 167H HT ST. BET. KOSSZSOV AJTD TAXHILL, I a. m. to 8 p. m, Sunday I a. m, to 12 p. m. HEIUG THEATRE TOMIQKT AT HIS 0'CX.OCX. Saturday Night Sunday Night Pbaa , Mala 1 Spatial Price Matinee Saturday SAJLaJE TUAX In th Comedy Drama , "in tpzsss a wza1 Evenlnga, $1.60 to 2ic; Mat.. $1 to 15c MAkQUAM GRAND JV Portland's Famous Theatre Tonight, Saturday Matinee and Night Last Three Performances "SAID PASHA' An Opera With th Real Oriental Flavor. Beautiful Songs. Handsome Coatumea. Splendid Chorus. Evenings. 25c. 50c. 76c; Mat. 25c. 50c MARQUAM GRAND - All TTaxtWMir oxo. nmoiii ruioua aQVITIILI Opening Matinee Sunday December 8. BAKKR. THEATRE wno Kaia a 0o. Saker, Oan. Manarar. Th Famoua Baker Stock Company, Pra aentmg th Powerful Play TBB DAVOSTSms OT MEW By Charlea Klein, author of -Tha I Jon and th Mouse'' and "Th Ziuate. Mas ter." On of th greatest plays of century. Evening pricea 15c, 15c, 60c. Matinees 15o and 25c. wrt Week "Bar MWbot." EMPIRE THEATRE Morrison and 12th. Phone Main HT. til ton W. Seamaa, Manager. Tonight all thla week, matinees Wed nesday and Saturday. Th anly BUS HENDRICKS, In his favorite role, "TOW TOWSOW." See th great Lorn Jam Brena and ait. Joy Yon a thrilling adventuraa. Hear Mr. Hendrlcka sing. Night pricea lie. 25c. S5e. fiOa. Matt. neea, 10c and 20c. Waat Attraction "The Soly Clty. F: W. Baltes and Company iiiyitei your inquiries for PEINTING 4- Phones 1 n Main 165 ome A 1165 First and Oak OOWBEWSES SEPOBT OT The United States National Bank SUBMITTED TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 3. 1907. .$3,881,999.97 500,000.00 601,682.25 125,000.00 ASSETS. Loans and discounts.... U. S. bonds to secure clr culatlon Other bonds and prem... Bank building U. S. bonds..! 200.000.00 Due from banks 623,442.49 C. H. certifl- . cates 104,677.00 Cash 1.892.000.21 $2,820,01.70 Total T.TAKTT.TTTTW. Capital $ 600,000.00 Surplus and undi vided profits 427.677.86 Circulation 497,800.00 Clearing house certifi cates ,.. 801,700.00 Dividends unpaid.... 238.00 Depoaita 5.701,786.66 .$7,428,601.92 ATTEST, CORRECT: Total ,...$7,428,601.92 a J. C. AINS WORTH, President Q. P. Rummeiin & Sons U6 Second Street Between Washington and Alder Christmas Suggestions FURS Persian Lamb Coats Alaska Mink Coats Alaska ea skin Coats Russian Pony Coats Siberian Squirrel Coats Astrachan Coats FUR NECKWEAR AND MUFFS In all the Fashionable Furs CHILDREN'S" FURS In Squirrel, Xrimmer, White Thibet, Beaver, Angora, Opossum, etc. enfl for Established 1870 Choice Fur Rugs and Robes Catalog A New Departure The cost of Interments haa been greatly reduced by tha Holman Under taking company. Heretofore It has been the custom of funeral directors to make chargea for all Incidentals connected with a fu neral. The Edward Holman Undertak ing company, the leading funeral di rectors of Portland, have departed from that custom. When casket Is furnihrt by us we make no extra charges for embalming, hearse to cemetery, outside box or anv services that may be re quired of us, except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving of $25 to $75 on each funeraL, THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. 830 TXZBD ST., COB. 81XXOV. LYRIC THEATRE Both Fronts! Kaia 468S; Homaja-1038. Week commencing Monday, December t. THE ALLEN STOCK CO. PRESKNTsJ THREE-ACT COMEDY, "UL DVB TO DXAHA." Matlneea Tueaday, Thursday. Satufv day and Sunday. Pricea 10c and 2c. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, 20o and 80c. Boxes 60c. Office open It a. m. to 10 p. m. ,., THE QRAN D auderllla da lui TUB rmt BZZ.XVa.TZEB STSTZBS, Sensational European Gymnaata, Besides a Host of Other Feature. Matinees dally at 2:80, pricea 15c to all aeata except boxea. Every evening at 7:30 and 8:15, prices 15c and 26c. Wcbfoot Oil Blacking Kakea shoe Waterproof yieaeiise Leatliar Bot a Balaa, AT AXiXi OBA&BBS. - 3 Y -$. S THE STAR W9 All Thla Weak Tha R. E. French Stock Co. Preaent the Romantic Lova Drama. "THH JAMIS BOTB IS MISSOURI. Matlneea bunuay, Tuesday. Thuratlny and Saturday at 2:S0. Prices 10c. 20o. Every evening at 8:16. Pricea 15e, 25o and 15c. Reserved aeata for all per formances by either phone. ; The Nlckefodioa-Theaira- Opposite Oregonlan Bldg. The Latest Mo vine Pic t urea and Illus trated Songs. TOINIOHT THE GREAT )RAMA. "TBB TEAKS AFTZB." ' i Very Interesting Don't Miss Thle. . Admission Be. Wiv tJcrfaufn bin The A. VVi SCHMALE CO. CERMAN BOOKSTORE 229-231 First Street, Portland; Cregon THE LAWLERS jufiiBLLB rAjrer i xatsbs Big 0aklRin!( Tonight. Saturday and Bund". Afternoon and Ever in g. t" : Extra, Admlssloa. " WOOD If TOU need It In h"r-v . Phones U-n i I A i".i.5. For Furnace, '. r, U; Mwt ' 1 -,. ... i ummmmmmmmmmm saiaaajssaiai