THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 0. 1807. JAILER'S JOB WAS MM HUNTER Custodian of County Trison ; Well Fitted for Place ; Given Him. . IL P., Hunter, who rtcelTtd Mm ap polntrnent as Jailer by tha county court Itlon sines November ,1, though not formally appoint! Ha fnut Sheriff Frank Beatty aa eus todlan of tba JalL tba latter aotlng yesterday, has been serving In that po- succeeds - '. . J - ' r k H. P. Hunter, New Jailer. temporarily alncfe the, resignation Of Oeorg Mitchell laat July. Mr. Hunter la native of Caldwell county. Missouri, and le 17 years of are. He haa been on tha Pacific coaat 17 years and for 1ft years a resident of Portland. Hlx months after coming here he entered the employ of the Northern Paelnp frtlcht office under A cent L. M. Tvler. Except for a eerv Ice of II months in the army during the Bpanlsb-Amerlcan war ha has Deen In the railroad office aver alnce. Aa Corporal Hunter he served in com' Red Checker Men 1 : Float the red cbccleri from your checkerboard In a bowl . of water and you wlQ know why blood b red. Blood has , millions and millions of little red wheels floating in a clear fluid. The professor calls them .red corpuscles. Well, . , Scott's Emulsion makes red corpuscles. . These little red wheels jrowfa the ., bone marrowl" SCOTT'S EMULSION contains a power which feeds and puts new life Into the bone marrow of pale - people. AH Drastbtol 50a. mU 11.00. ' THE i Since taking charge In tha Jail on July S, the retiring Jailer haa handled 11 prisoners. He will now return to his regular work as field deputy under nerui elevens. PHONE FIGURES EJHOiCHE Pacific States Bases' Popula tion on Number of Sub..r scribcrs Lost. Tm GREATER GEVURTZ STORES' ASTONISHING OFFERINGS FOR , " ft i ' oinofffww t Mm ti no oo IB S The third in the series of these popular Saturday Evening Bargain Events. Those who would share in these remarkable "After Supper Specials" must come between the hours of 7 and 10 p. m. Positively no article named will be sold at less than regular prices before 7 o'clock p. m. tomorrow absolutely no exceptions will be made to this rule. Hundreds of other extraordinary bargains not : printed here will be offered all day. Every advertised special of the week holds over for tomorrow. Buy Useful Gifts for Christmas NOWAt Unusual Bargain Prices! - . rf" j A f v. A. f-x , , V . v, ..w : . " : . . . , ' ' - i " ::Vs ' ; I R. P. Beattle, Retiring Jailer. pany I of the Second Oregon Infantry. The, regiment reached Cavlto In June. 1898. -and participated In the atatck on Manilnl 'The Oregon rcjclment subse- ' quently took part In many hot engage ments on the Island of Luzon. Including- the operations of Wheaton's brl- - gdde around Paslg, Malabon, Pagopan, under Sumner in Lawton'a raid Into Hulacah and Pampamga and under Hall . in the Laguna do Bahla district. Cor poral Hunter wns for a time stationed ' at the Billblb prison and there obtained his only previous experience in handling prisoners. The new jailer finds the Institution in shipshape, for Beatty haa set a One example in cleanliness ana good order. t MEN'S GLOVES OW SPEC1AI, 8AZ.E AT I.EJncrOH'S SATtmoAT Men's Pique Kid, Outseem Cape. Bilk Lined Castor, Pearl Castor; $1.60 value, pair SI. 15 Men's Genuine Hassan Cape, new tans; $2.00 value - 81.39 Men's Fleece-Lined Gloves from 50 up. Men's Wool Gloves and Auto Gauntlets of all kinds. &ffflOfl& fi .t.-r- Morrison 4st., Opp. V. O. ''I ini Cert te good that I would not be . ithoal tfaam. I Was troubled a great dal with torpid Hvar and headaeha. Now sine taking Ca.enratat'andj Cathartic 1 feal ry much batter I aliall eartainlr reaommend them to my friend at tba beat aiedlelna 1 bars erar aeen." Anna Batlnet. Oabora Mm No. a, FaU ElTer.ltaas. fftfyi O For . ffk ij1 he Dowels There Is a wide difference between estimates of population of Portland by tlte Automatic Home Telephone com pany and the Pacific State Telephone company. The Home company places the city's total population at 210.6U0. This com pany, whirl In its first year Is showing i.ouu subscribers ' has S.O0U advance orders on its books for telephones that are being put in as fast aa possible. The Pacific States Telephone company, which had 20,370 telephones In service the first of this year, estimates the city's population at Hi). 000. According to the Pacific States Tele phone company's monthly periodical published at San Franrlsco, that com pany haa lost one and four tenths of its telephone users in Portland hlnce las( January. The company obviously es timates that Portland haa In the same time lost 65.196 people, Instead of the 16,000 gain the city has made. This Derlodlral gives the cltv'a norv- ulatlon at 140,000. Apparently the tele phone company figures that everybody who quits Its telephone and subscribes for the Home phono at once removes from the city and ceases to be an in habitant thereof. Case of Poor rigturlns'. It Is said the Pacific States Tele phone magazine should do some figur ing upon its returns from San Fran cisco Los Angeles and Seattle before printing Its ridiculous estimates of population. Portland is the only city on the coast where the Pacific States Telephone company has lost subcrlbers this year, and the reason Is that a Blronir Auto matic Home Telephone system has been i put into operation nere, and la gaining business with marvelous rapidity. At the present time Portland has 20, 163 Bell telephone subscribers und 13, 000 Home Telephone subscribers. Se attle, which has buuone telephone sys tem, has a total of -W.321 telephone sub scribers. -The Pacific States Telephone com pany gives Seattle with its 23.321 sub scribers an estimated population of 17000. while Portland, with 33,163 telephone subscribers. Is permitted by the Pacific States company to have 140.000 population. The population of Portland, It ap pears, must decrease with the fall of ' tne raclllc States Telephone company s business In this city as a result Of Home Telephone competition. PlgTires Tbat Talk. San Francisco, with an estimated pop ulation of 326,000, has 32.000 Pacilic States telephone subscribers, and es timated on the same basis Portland. with Its 20,163 Pacific States telephone subscribers would have a population of 210,000 people, not counting the 13,ioo wno nave suoscriDea lor tne Home tule Dhone. I.os Angeles' entlmfltntl nnniilflttnn sf 220.000 uses 32,712 telephones, or one phone for every seven people. On the same basis that Portland is estimated by this company, Los Angeles would be entitled to nearly 60,000 telephone sub scribers. The Portland City Directory issued 11 months ago gave Portland a bona fide population of 196,196. Since thla issue the city has gained at least 15,000 peo ple, and therefore the Portland Home Telephone company's estimate of 210,000 ueoDle in this city and suburbs at the present date is not far wrong. wnue tne i'acino states Teiepnone Magazine has a circulation limited only to telephone employes. It Is believed that the better policy would be more carefully to inform even this small number of people as to the actual num ber of Portland's Inhabitants. Magnificent $12 Iron Beds $6.50 tlp A ralu to make, your eyes glow with anpre elation. This band some bed stands 6 feet and II Inches' high, built In strikingly beautiful assign and attractive colorlnga of blue, cream and Ver- nla martin, trimmed In gold. It haa heavy posts. Is best regular l value sold but special In this sals at S6.60 Men's Cravenettes, Shoes and Topcoats Underpriced 117.60 C3I AVE WETTED OTZBCOATS, 1 11.85 Stylish models In the newest popular Cravenetted materials tailored In e.ulslic workmanship, very swell patterns In the new grey checks end neat plaid effects, 117.50 values, strictly ralnproor, but styllah mough to wear In any weather Hperinl at S11.85 MEH'S $17.00 TOPCOATS, S11.C5 Stylish coverts snd fashionablo mixtures, in grey and tart effects. BfEsT'B 13.00 SHOES, B2.1IS MEH S $3.60 SHOES, 82.05 In latest stylish lasts, vlcl kid and box calf, solid leathers. Extraordinary Values in Rugs and Carpets TRAPPED IN HIS OWN TRAP' D00B C. H. Greener, driver of a delivery wagon, was fined 110 by Judge Camerov in the municipal court this morning for violating tne orainance pronioiting me raising of trap doors In sidewalks from beneath. Greener was arrested by Pa trolman Courtney on Third street near Alder as Greener was In the act of raising a trap door from beneath, the attention of the officer having been at tracted to the spot by seeing a pedes trian stumble over the door as It was being raised above the level of the side walk. Although there are freauent viola tiona of the ordinance it ia seldom an arrest is made for the reason -UTat un less some serious accident results no one cares to lodge a complaint against tne oiienaers. i . Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, T Good, . Karer biokeu, Waakan or Grips, 10a. tic.tOe. Merer old in bulk. Tba carmine tablet .tarn pad OCft tauaranteaa to 'care or your Inouof back. .. -; Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. Boi ALdJtaXt It.i I .iLLU.1 bMA SPECIAL RATES FOR TRAVELER'S CONGRESS The scope of the Travelers' Commer cial congress, which meets in San Fran cisco December 26. is broadening every day and the committee fs receiving nu merous Hats of delegates 'from the dif ferent commercial bodies over the coun try who will attend. The program, while not yet ready for publication, is full of good things, and the speakers who have already signified their will ingness to address the convention as sures success for the promotion of the work or unliving; the interests of com merclal'travelers and commercial bodies along conservative progressive lines. The Southern' Pacific anif- Santa - Fe railroads 4iave officially notified the committee that thev will place into ef fect the usual convention rate of one and one third on the receipt certificate plan. The, Southern Pacific, . including all California and Nevada, and . the Santa t'e from Bakcrstleld to San Francisco. Delegates who purchase their tickets to this city will be given a receipt by the properyrommtttee at the convention.., upon presentation.-of this receipt at the- ticket, , offlc.the home .fare, can be purchased foe-one All-Wool Velvet Rug's In beautiful colorings, oriental and exquis ite floral patterns, a wonderful bargain $2.50 values Special at 81.25 1.50 TAPrSTBT POB 90a Better carpet the floors while carpets sell this way. For hours only 7 to 10 Saturday evening we shall offer choice of three beautiful patterns-of tapestry, In red ground and oriental fig ure, green grmind with same and a handsome two-toned frroon. Not more than two carpets to any one customer the carpet cut off only best regular $1.50 value for, the yard 90 500 "ABaCEirZAV TIUEB," 35C Handsome red and green colorings In "Armenian Filler," used for laying around rugs and carpets as borders or for dens, smok- yara wide, THINK OF IT!- A Marvelously Sensational Offer! STEP LTTELT IP YOU WAJTT OHB OP TXXBB $60 Sewing Machines for $18 We have a fj more of those famous "Gevurtz Special" machines which wirsell regularly at $25 but tho regular $60 machine of the agency, tha most celebrated make In the world we don't dare tell the name of the makers lest we destroy their agency business and be refusedV their machines. With all lat est Improvements, drop head. Swell front, full set of attach ments, etc. Thin special lot In question contains machines slightly shop-worn a scratch here and there Just what it might get In moving but otherwise perfect and easy running. While they last we will cIofo them out for cash at 818 - KAXJS BASdAXHI XM TMM Basement Housekeeping Shops T to 10 P. at A IAZ.H OP PAKX.OB ZvAKPS Vansnal Talaes Mlandsomoly decorated Parlor Lamps, best regular values In tha city Special In the sale ns follows: $3.00 LAMPS POB 81.10 93.50 IAI POB 81.20 f7.5o XdUCPI POB 81.85 AKZBIOAIT P1ATB KZBBOBS 35 A splendid grade of above mirrors, 10il2-lneh size, in oak frame, with brass trimmings, (0c value Special at 35g) 36c China Cuspidors, good colors 15c Kitchen Tramps, 1-burner i .154 Perorated Salt and Pepper Shakers our usual 20a kind Special at 104 A lei of oddments artd eadmests In plates, soup plates, berry dlphes. fruit dishes, saucers and pickle dishes, at tha ridicu lously low pries of let BACK Bowls, PI attars, Batter Dishes, lafar and Creamers Special at. eacn .....ogi All Plain White Dishes during the I hours of this great sals at exactly ...OII-TXUO OTP lng rooms, yard etc. full 60o quality Special for 354 7 TO 10 P. M. OZTZiT 3d PZ.OOB $1.50-$2.75 Couch Covers 85c A timely bargain for Saturday evening buyers. Buy 'em for unnsimas giving, a lot or nanusome t'ouch Lovers. t&x60-lnch size, neautlrul colorings and in oriental striped designs Spe cial, $1.60 to $2.75 values for 834 600 LXITEV WABP KATTHTO, 22 H 4 A choosing of various colorings and styles in splendid quality matting, toe, oc ant eoc qualities npeciai at, yara ....Z2V&4 eoo BBtrssEX.rBr cabpets, 424 T Good quality of Brussellne for hall or stair floor covering, 27 Inch width, rods, greens and tan mixtures, pretty patterns, reg ular 60c value fcpeaiai at, tne yard 424 7 Bo ZNOBAZITS, 454 Fine Ingrain Carpets, fully two-thirds wool and warranted fast colors cut off only. Hons to dealers tne regular 75c grade of ingrains m tnis saie i to iv p. m. only at, tne ard 45 Handsome Game Pictures 25c ZKSTEAS OP 75o An attractive lot of pretty pictures, suitable for the dining-room, 12xl8-lnch size, in neat weathered oak frames, 76o value Special at, 254 83.80 PBEHCK PLATE MXBBOB, 81.25 A 12x20-Inch Mirror in splendid grade of French plate, framed niartered oak, as above" a regular $2.60 value Special Jz-avbc 2KIOB in solid qu for 81.25 $35 Buffets $21.50 A handsome Buffet, In rich genuine quar tered oak finish, would make an excep tional gift for the holidays. An aristo crat In the "Buffet family" our usual $35 grade Special at $21.50 BEST $1.75 KITCHEN TABLE, 81.25 This table Is really better than we've de scribed It. We know It sells in town for $2.25, not one of the trashy sort or "cheap," but built from seasoned spruce that will not warp our best $1.75 tahle Special for 81.25 . 084 m $1.75 XBOH VXBBEX.XA HOLDER A handy holder for the hall or office at a great bargain Vac 0 $3.50 Heaters $1.95 timely offering sure to appeal to rooming n. koou sieei iinea A seasonable and house keepers and housewives. heater with bottom draft a bargain for . . . : alr-tiffhr $3.50 In this sale 81.05 Special "After Supper" Bargains in Alarm Clocks and . Rings $1 "AMEBIC AH" AlABK CLOCK, Q74 $2.00 Alarm Clocks with "spasmodic or intermittent alarm that rings every other minute for a moment's dura tion until the sleeper wakes and stops w the alarm special at 81.35 taauM,ua Alarm liocu special s.1. MSB'S $12.50 GOLD BXBOB, 86.85 ' ' Heavy, handsome rings in beautiful settings, choice of all pop ular stones, values to $12.50. splendid for Christmas giving - Special ill -th al for .Tnrrrm run 86&5- Special Sale of Exquisite Evening Waists THE WOMAH'S CHABCB TO BATB ' Saturday evening w-j shall offer In the Women's Apparel Salons some remarkable bargains In beautiful Lacs Waists for evening wear. Dainty conjurings of expert needleworkers hand some creations In white or ecru, with exquisite trimmings of yirii mnui nuns uriu cuiuiuiucnri. $6.00 Waists 84.25 $8.00 Waists 85.75 $12.50 Waists ..'....89.50 ' All the Waists are at Special Bednoed Pries- Saturday Erealnr During This Sals. S Large, Beautiful Oil Paintings 98c A splendid collection of deairable subjects, enfbraelng beautiful lanuotapwi hmu inner ncenns, large suse, suitable Tor parlor or living rooms, set in heavy gilt frames would sell readily at $5.00 special Saturday p. m. tor ...,984 BEJTSATIOHAL SALE OP LACE CT7BTAXR STBETCBXBS - A most wanted household article every housewlfa nri. Saturday night well sell-you a $2.60 Lace Curtain Stretcher ...954 HANDSOME $3.00 FERE 3CBEEBS, 81.00 ' 1 A few left of theso startling values in really beautlfur screens some of the rich Japanese effects included. A few arm nhtiU store-worn, but all are a wonderful value. Worth to $5 00 this sale, choice for .;. ..81.00 Only 2 to any one customer. for The House of Gevurtz QEVU SONS FURNITURE-DEPARTMENT STORE FIRST ST. CREDIT HOUSE ON YAMHILL TRHU TO SECOND ST. The House of Gevurtz The Greater Gevurtz Stores Ibb1Wbsjbb()2 The Greater Gevurtz Stores Era 'TafTtftwWtW''' Mil BEAT UP THE STOVEPIPE WHEN, HIS WIFE MADE HIM ANGRY Martin Rlt of Sycamore, having a misunderstanding with his wife and being unable to find any better way to express his feelings, used his pugilistic prowess on the stovepipe! He and the stovepipe were not very good friends to begin with, but they had managed to get along together up to that tlma Mrs. Rita, unaccustomed 'to such an en counter between her husband and the stovepipe, decided that he must be in sane, and made complaint to that ef fect When Rfti was" examined by County Judge Webster yesterday afternoon he told of his domestic troubles and the affair which led to his arrest He said that his temper was at such point that he had to hit something, and he hit the stovepipe instead of his wife. Judge neusier aeciaca mat tnis waa a good excuse, and? as he failed to discover any sigp of insanity, Rita was ordered discharged. Pease; "Panic of 1S73." Jens Llngaas; "Panic of 1893." Miss Edith Paffen barger: "Present Financial Conditions," W. P. Olds of Olds. WOrtman & King; piano solo. Miss Gladys Morgan. Each member of the association has the privilege of inviting a friend. EEWARD OFFERED FOR BODY OF FISHERMAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEETS IN BROOKLYN ThegAlumnl association of the Brook: lyn school -will meet this i evening st 7:30 in the assembly hall. The pro gram is as follows: Piano solo. Jdlss Sadie Havely; "First Mint and National Bank," James Havely; "Jackson's Ac tion In. Vetoing the Charter of the United States Bank.: Mtsa Elisabeth Mathiesen: "Tyler's Action in Regard to United . States Bank.", Miss Paulino Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Astoria, Or., Dec. 8. About a . week ago a gasoline boat was picked up ashore near Puget island. Its owner, Andrew Anderson, hasuiot been -seen since the finding of the boat and It Is believed he must have fallen overboard ana arownea. ? ' : t Anderson is a well-known fisherman, unmarried, aged 60 years. -A - reward is offered for the recovery of the body. ASKS POLICE TO PIND MISSING GiRL - X W. Ross. aVesidont of Oaston. rir. Son,) arrived In the city this raorhinv today, and at once enlisted the aid of tho- po lice in his search for Sybil Rule a 14-year-old girl who disappeared from her noma jn uaston last Tuesday night. Rose oeelares that after purchasing a ticket for Portland the girl had but a small sum of money left and he fears that trouble may befall her in this city. If this was really her Intended destina tion. '-'--(' . Miss Rale wears tlasses nd. when last seen wore a short skirt, short brown Jacket and cap. -She has light " " " " mu xo appear to De much older than she really is. . v TOWN'TOPICS, At the monthly meeting of the Froe bel association, to b held this after noon at 8t. Helens hall. Miss Harrlei E. Hassler, librarian of the children's department " of the- public library, will speak on "Suitable Books for Children at Christmas," Mothers and all inter ested ere invited. - Miss Howell will sing "A. Garden i'.omance." i 57. Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell ia presi dent or the home and the 'members of the board of directors ares: Mrs. It, It. Steele, Mrs. J. I, JLe,,, Mr,. J iT Lucas Pf - ' 6 Sldf' H"?- A Reed7 Mr".' Lola O. Baldwin. Mrs. R E. Priatow, Vr?J S" Coburn, Mr Ford Warren, A- B. Manley L O. Tarpley, W. W. Cot ten, C E. Ladd and W. L, Johnstone, V - - r ' , ssi. . . ... - Jhrsd : ,Surey,r scavenger," ejngaged n fcn, ttrcittkii .-j wtth 8uperititend-.t Daggett of the garbage crematory y" tenfay afternoon and aa s remiU 'm arrested and locked p on a ctmrif i disorderly conduct. 'WhKn th ih,vi hm called in the municipal court t'ns irvn-r... lng bearing of the charge ws - t XjC December . ' coiien is vjctlv or LVSANi;") T M'. i'i,n..i i i Boston. The Jea for tho Florence Crittent" Hume, Vkiiivh wa to have ben has been postponed to