.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,. FRIDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 6, 1907. 21 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Bt.lnwsv (and other) piano. Sherman, Clay ft Co- tin and Morrison la., opp. puatofflce. YOilK BAND InITiIUMkN.1 AND i-U- slo house; repairing 117 Bl!L FOil 8ALKMLSCfc.LLANKOV FINEST LINBJ OB" FRAMED AND VN frsmed picture avar exhibited Foreland. On account of the financial flurrr this beautiful stock muat be sold In tha next thirty days, regardless of coat Picture framing a specialty. The iVlUVK YOU ANYTHINO TO 8 ELL. I I CALL. UP PACIFIC 7. Ia there anything you want to buy? Come und see ua at Twentieth end Washington sts. Our price always the lowest. WA8TERN SALVAGE CO. LaYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL klnda of barrel and bottles bought nil boIiI 43 N Front Phone Main Till. Cheapest and best place to Brjy furniture stoves. The Dollar, til lat. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HlfELT lilt One 60-foot launch, iz.?oo Wanted, aeveral launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine ft Launch Co.. 1T1 Madl aon at., phonea Main 7401. Horne A-II47. JIOL1 liEN'tTRiTEUMATlO CUKE cure for tflruerlata. rheumatism. Sold by all TTTTirj ui. l'ii ko. kpkIjJ.'iJ li.xl. MAT treea 11.(0, dreaeer 17.10, mantel bed II SO. Anatey Troe. Ill lat Pae. 197t. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS KOK WIPIN4J purpose Tbe Overall Laundry ana Supply Co.. phone Bell wood Is. FOR HALE A FINE PARLOR ORAlto Piano, little uaeo. ior lesa , ilano, little used, for lees than bail price. H. Blnshelmer, la si. STOVE DOCTOR WB REPAIR, PUT rriee. H. Blnshelmer, '1 Id at. nge, buy or eeu Hoflar. Main 1171 atovea 111 lat. The 1I.HWW HARDWOOD "COUNTER. Phone Main 4290. or call llltt Kront CLA881HED ADfi H TltHJ JOIRNaC rait 1 cent tier counted word. 7 In- aertlona for the price of I. If you have a want make It known through me wain ri cornmne or rne journal. Ix'iM'T N'K.IJI.P-CT YOUR KOHKS. OK der manure from Smith's. Main 1(11, At One Half Price All watches, lewelrr. dlamOrldS. Tlo- Una. e-ultara. fur thla month only at 1'nrle Mvera. 141 Id. near Alder. VEHICLES, FARM WAOON8. H6RSE8, milch cowa. alngle sod double hamea m. heavv and IlirhL ISO Flanders. ONE ORAY HORSE 11"YEAR4 6LD for aile at Morgan atablea, between t nlon and Orand ave, NEW CARPET LOOM TO EXCHANUK for aood milch cow or 160 cash. V Hnlmon Phone Tabor 111. FOR BALE NEARLY NEW. DOUBLE door, fireproof safe, with strong oox. o-sh, journal. Spitz Pups For eale at Golden Eagle. 1 urn. i) ccia COMKTOCK OdLbEM V,aui as aocurlty for loan; must eell at once. Hox 1204. Beattle. Wash. FOR BALK 1 f. II. P. 220 VOLT" 3-I'hnKe-Oen. Elect.; Induction motor. cheap for cash. 412 Couch bldg. 1 lot of earn nil- telephones, goon as new; tine cash offer. 412 Couch bldg. 1 lama Kllon phonograph, with hand-painted silk horn and 2'i fine rec .rds cheap. 1100 E. Taylor at FOR SALE 12-ROOM HOUSE. I1SJ 16-room house, 1200. Tbe plumbing alone Is worth the money. Bee James It Clnrk. 72 N. 3d. OTnA'f; OOoIVa'S NEW, FOR SALE! rhenp; also crlo. ub K. irnmnin. FOIC SALE AMI EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 70-ACRE RANCH Washington county, ror city nouaes io acres. North Dakota, ror city or euhurliAn lota. 8-roora house, Stephens addition, ror ranch. . . . 80 acres; 20-acre orchard. Washington, for pit ore 120 acres timber-for houae In city. 800 acres wheat land. Morrow county, for stork merchandise. 14,000 stock merchand sa, In suburb, for ranch. Orocery etore for valley farm, 1,00. NORTHWESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 193 Fourth street 3-ACRi. FRUIT FARM CLEAR AND cash for Portland Income. Make of- fers; big snap. C-87, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE FOR FARM. store building, warehouse, dwelling. I acrea ground, etc., full atock merehan dtne, .horses, wagons, eta C C. 8hay, 108 Ablngton bldg. PERSONAL Dr. Mary Lane Institute Expert treatment, given women and children's ailments l)y a graduate and licensed lady physician. Maternity caaes f:lven special attention. Up-to-date san tarlum in connection. No charge for consultation and correapondence abso lutely confidential. Address sll corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, rooms 5 to 14. Grand theatre bldg.. cor. park and Waah. sts. Phone Main 3921. Ladies, 11,000 reward we pohi- tlvely guarantee Dr. Bouthtngton a fSrgo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe y relieves some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal cases In 1 to I dsys; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mail 11.60. Double strength 11.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Bouthlngton Remedy Co., Dept. IT, Kn saa City. Mo. Chronic Diseases Of men and women permanently cured by modern scientific methods. Eleo tricity and electric-light treatment for diseases of the prostate and rectum. Consultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Commonwealth bldg., 6th st DR. 1NA NEWCOMB OF LONDON. Celebrated beauty compounds, skin food, London formula, rice powder, face bleach and hair tonlo compounded in my laboratory. Sold exclusively by me in America. 303 FUedner bldg., 10th and Washington, i ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. 9 women, children; cancers and female sickness permanently cured: sure cure for spinal meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom well sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 6471. .Madame Luckey Gives electric baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientific maaaage, scalp and face treatments, chiropody, 208 H 4th St.. near Salmon. Main 2011. Dr. Philip T, Ball Paralysis goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female diseases. 603 FIFTH STKISKT, wv" H''.tlMAW. '.ctii. ,m num.' a itn'iVruirfl GERMAN BOOKS, MA.0AZINES.N0V els, eta; German, English. French, Spanish. Swedish nnd Italian diction aries; foreign books , of all klnda Schmnle Co.. 229 FlraC st DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; 11 a bo 6 for 86; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland, Or. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR THE CHI nese Medicine Co., cure acute, chronic and private diseases of all kinds, either men or women. 250H 3d st. JUST OPENED LITTLE PALACE Massage parlors. Full Jine of baths, chi ropody. 87 6th st, one block from wash. "THE SNOWDEN, BATHS," 145 6TH st, rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, electric treatments. Lady attendant; WANTED PALMIST; MIDDLE-AGED lady; good opportunity rlgnt party. ZD IN. 3a CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1'cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through ths want nd columns of The Journal. DO YOU KNOW " THERE IS A POSI tlve and Infallible cure for rheuma- Mn Jf tlsm, sciatica, neuralgia, gout and lum bago! ' If not, send your name and ad dress to E-88, Journal. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretal are gold by A. B. Bloomer. 110 4th st. Phone Main 8912. - Ladies dr. Sanderson s savin and cotton root pills; only -aafe and V sure rtmedy for delayed, periods! 81 per box, or 8 boxes for 15. Dr. Piproa. HlM Ir V . .e . PERSONAL BCALP treatment, masbaob and Swedish jnovemanta. salt glow,; alco hol rube; steam bathe. Mrs. Bruce, H 7th at. A-II04. . inTTfTTfSSleTrw ui IM Toil' WaIT IOo. Ladles' skirts creased. IOo, Oil bert. 10V4 Sixth il neat to Quelle. 2 Man n toil T.li Ai.AAL.A II. ..A,. ....-I.' icTU . cnuvJiu. Jn I ur win" , nese root medicines; sella Chlneae tea, certain care for ell dlseaeee, 11. Id at. between "amlilll' and Taylor. till T 1 r i i.Y,7 ETTi . . . Hi-r T ,! a - w- ,iwt,c nrcit.ini.iBl ' eases of women; all Irregularities cor- nu iipniur rsargos inuutui - , in., iM.r. i imniii. 7iHt1 L'UiU JiTZj7TiTH 1AI 1 IVJ is-nts uuna wiunw lauy navuia vw.i home; lady with little girl preferred; object matrimony. A ddress Boa 11. city. FOR SELECT AND HIuH-CLABH ahamaoolnir. manlciirlnv face and scalp mnaa-e. call 110-111 Tllford bldg. M a ir ant oca ip tree t ment our epeciaii f 1 YOUNO SCIENTIFIC; SlABSlit'B electrical, alcoholic, medicated an genuine tub hatha. 41 Raleigh bldg., em ana Washington. CutROi'obY. SCALP fKEATkiSN-l-fl, 161 H Morrison St.. room 14. Form erly 124H Washington. MTs9 ftf ITkIT-warix HANIflTRTfiT ana cniropodist, hns removed rrom 151 H Morrison at. to 201 H Id at. DR. SAWYERS SuUAW ROt)T l'6si Uve cure for ladle. 4S1 Ooldainlth st East 4401. 8CIENT1KIC MASSAGE. VAPOR AND tub batns, lady attendants. 110 H 4tn St., oor. Washington Hon DEnh RHEUMATIC CURE Sure euro for rheumatism. Sold by all drugg isia TURKISH HATH 8. 100 OREOONIAN gentlemen nights. bldg.: ladlee day a. Main ia. fiTlS! MTF. CLAIRVOYANT and" payrhnmetrlst 101 Allsky bldg.; splr Itual teat clrclew Ttiea..' Frl. evea. OLOA LANDEN. FINNISH MASSAGE. ateam baths. Rooms 15-1 6 ttelllna Hlrach bldg., Waah., cor. 10th. A-HI7. MRS. OUROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, salt glow, cream msasage; ref erencea. INIH tt-c Main 1401. A-1714. BA LM OK FIGS ' FOR ALL FEV ALE dleeaaea. 101 Flledner bldg. Main 7711. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU nate girl; good care R Mllner bldg. HOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs IIIII 110 Fleldner, LL r EMAl.H BALM OF FIGS FOR A LI dlaeasea. 416 K Relmont Raat 4014. UJSS GIHSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- ment: dandruff 2H Mor.. room II MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE. scalp treatment, R 14. 241V Morr'an. DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN FOR bualne sa. at 423 H Morrison .sfe il"IS8 MARCELLA LEROY. 2S1V4 AL- der at., massage and scalp treatment AUTOMOBILES COVEY A WALLACE MOTOR CO.. DIS , trlbutora Pierce Great Arrow, full lw eled Corbln and Cadillac. 16th and Alder. ORtfOON MOTOR CAR CO.. AUTOMO- hllea and aaraae: absolutelv flreDroof building. 10th nnd St.-irk. Phone A-4550. ATTORNEYS PIGOOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR- neya at law. 4 Mulkey bids- corner Id and Morrlaon sta. GILLIAM GILLIAM. ATTOHNEYS- at-law. 720 C. of C. bids. Main 6101. Interstate adjustment co., law collections. 414 Huchanan bldg. M. 8110. A. H. TANNER. ATT Y.. 60!) COMMER- cla) block. 2d and Wasii. Main 1444 GREY RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice In all eourta. FRANK C HESSE. FENTON RI.DG. ACCOUNTANTS. COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; inveatigationa. factory coata: lumber office systems a specialty; references; B. W. Barne. 108 Worcester bldg. CHARLES L. PARRISH. PUBLIC AC- countant, notary public. Ill Maruuam bldg. Phones Main 8222. A-4RS6. ABSTRACT8 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT ft TRUST CO. Main 660. A-4222. 730 Chfim. of Com. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STATU- ary work, plaster casts and orna ments. Antique, Grecian, Roman and lorentlne. O. Adaml Co.. 149 Columbia. KERAM1C STUDIO, CHI A PAINTING and firing; orders taken for Xmaa. Mrs. Marklcy, R. 64. 850 H Morr. M. 7647. A. BERGKR, ART STUDIO. 644 ', Wash.; oil paintings, landscape and portraits. HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. 628 Wash. HRISTENSEN ART CO.. 376 STARK. Main 4201. A-8217. Frames and framing. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st BARBERS. LADIES BARBER SHOP, 4 CHAIRS, no waiting. 64 Fourth street BUTCH ERtS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD & CO.. 104-306 EV erett st. largest butcher supply houae on the coast Write ror catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 111-113 1st st. carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM. 109-111 ID st Blank books manufactured; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see the i.ew Eureka leaf, the best on the market BEAUTY PARIJRS Frakes, 409 Washington St. Marcel waving, (wide English wave), h.lpilraa.tnar nllnnlnff ctnD-ftinfF mill shampooing.' Scalp treatment, (hand or j electricity), racial maHsage. eieciric vibratory, English vapor and colored lljrht process: manicuring. 26c. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; curpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers n specialty JOYCK BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric ('leaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant st SAN1TAR t CAKPfct' CUiAMNG. SUC- tlon and compressed air comoined; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6534. main vv THE IQNE STEAM CARPET CLEAN- lng works; carpets cleaned, refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated. 221 E. 21st st. N. East 360. CLEANING AND DYEING THE HEILIO HIGH GRADE CLEAN ing wor- of all klnda In our line. 643 H Wash St. A-6703. Main 8816. PaN-CO-VESTA CLUB 174 WEST Park. M-8242; A-6027. Sponge an-1 press your clothes, il.bo per month. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co son stars: mv H W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS -got Jefferson st dyed a specialty. In 2611. FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS cleaned, curled and dyed. Work called for and delivered. M. 2376. 764 Water. CHIROPODISTS WILLIAM DEVENY . AND ESTELLE 1 Devany,: the only scientific chlropod- ists, parlors. o urew Dicig, ibx nnd St. CHiKOPODY - AND PEDICURING , lira M. D. Hlu, 130 FJeldner pldg. : -.. . . .. - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS ,, ; Special ' For a raw Days Only. Your Life Love or Business 50c , 50c 50c Positively the last week of thla re duction. THE GREAT, THE ONE, TUB ONLY .Melvin Astral dead trance clairvoyant; no charge If not satisfied when reading Is over you to be Judge. I do hereby eolemnly agree and guarantee to make no charge If 1 fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals; I promise to tell whether four husband, wife or sweetheart is rue or false; tell you how to win the one you most desire, even though tulles ray; how to succeed In business. gp"-- ulationa, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality; remove evil Influ ences; cures drink habile: locatea treaa urea, mlnea and oil wells; cures all nervoua diseases. Telia you Just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain the beat possible results. 1500 for snv mistake made through following hla advice. He la permanently located here and absolutely reliable. The Benson 2I1H MORRISON, COR. ITH. Hours 10 a. m. to p. m. FEEE FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BniNO THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Alwsys Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral duad-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life: tells your full name and what you called for, wiiora you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; give secret pow ers to control; does all othera advertise to do. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. bldg.. itflii Wash., near' Park st Phone Meln 1217. iQOE Are happy, why not youT Are lucky, why not you? Are loved whv not vou? Thapophetes, Viola Marshfleld, will toll you why. and advise vou what to do. 268ft MORRISON ST., BET Id and 4th. CONSULT THE BEST. NIBLO THERE IS BUT ONE In order that all may have the oppor tunity to consult him, fee reduced thla week to the Nominal Sum of $1, S03 WASHINGTON ST. MRS. STEVEN o. FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant. For a reliable reading call upon thie gifted seeress. Develops and teaches occult science. H3 Yamhill. MADAME LARANE, CLAIRVOYANT and palmist; her experience datea from childhood. 126 7th St.. In store. MRS. LINDSEY, CLAIRVOYANT Business and life readings. 86 Park at., room 3. Phone Pacific 1N93. MRS. NI8BETH, PSYCHIC READ- Ings. Phone Main "033. 262 7th st MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 325 Main st.. 26c. Phone Main 7648. COAL AND WOOD SLAB WOOD BIG LOAD, 11 UNION KUfciL, UO, Foot of Montgomery st Phone Main 2143. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! 1.000 cords on hand delivered same day as ordered. Home phone A-1634. The Nobby stables. 12th and Flanders. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak. ash, fir and coaL Portland Wood 4k Cool Co., 16th and Bavler sta. PORTLAND SAWDUST Si SLAB wood Co., 166 Front st Dealers In sawdust and. slab wood. Phones Main and A 1936.. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. Houae and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1011. TELEPHONE EAST 7. Vi B. JONES ft COj, Wood and coal. 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVERY - PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder. 1 (pas MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD ANDUif.NET 704 DEKUM BLDG coal. 860 Water st. Phone Main 82701 COAL INDEPENDENT COAL ft Co. 363 Stark. Main 780. ICE QUICK D VERY. CLAB OR CORD- wood Steel" Bridge Fuel Co.. East 424. EASTERN FUEL CO., WOOD, COAL. 63 Union ave. N. B 1314. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS J. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. JOBBING AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY'. 287 FRONT ST. PHONE MAIN 1521. john a. Melton, 215 id st. ot- flce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. ANGELL Ac KEEP, CONTRATORSAND builders. 620 Union ave. Phone East 4286. Jobbing, repairing reshlngllng. eto. Res. Scott 6065. or Woodlawn 60. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE FIX tures; general jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 1190. CARPENTRY, PAINTING, TINTING, repair work only, on short notice. Phone Woodlawn 1106. f CHIROPRACTORS VABTOGANr DR.? CHIROPRACTIC, 223 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Waahing- EVA ton sts.; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. L. M GORDON. GRADUATE P. S. Oreg. oldg. Phone A-1963. C. 204 DR. P: G. BRIETLING GRADUATE 100 Mnrquam bldg. A-16C2. 8. C DRESSMAKING MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS. MODISTE. Tailor-made suits and party gown a specialty. 63 Wash big. Pnc. 727. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the day. Miss Larsen. Phone Main 3865; A-3865. DRESSMAKING WORK GUARAN teed; reasonable prices. 840 4th. A- 4323. Pac. 2778. MME. HOFMAISTER TEACHES FIRST class cutting with Storey's ladles' tailoring system, 670 Couch st MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA- clfic 961. UP-TO-DATE. HIGH-CLASS DRfcSS maklnK. 340 4th; Pac. 2776, A-4321. MIS3 B. A. OPPERMAN. CUSTOM corsetmaker. 425 14 Morrison st DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. C E. BROWN, D. C M. DOGS and horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st twain 4US6), W. M. MILLER, V. S.. VERERINARlAN. 26 N. 8th st Office 127 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and Cogs. 289 Qllsan st Phone Main 1484. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 Ith st. near postoffice; central location; Pitman chortlmnd; expert grad uates; low tuition: day and night school: new pupils dally. W. W. Wil liams. t. 6.. Prln. SEND 1)R ROY TO HILL. MILITAI rY a cad y, Portland, or. Write lor cat- alogua, DANCING WALTZ, TWOSTEP. THREIC8TEP AND stsge dancing lessons, jio; oldest ana only reaognlsed teacher. Prof. Wal Wilson, entrance to hall and office II Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., HIVi Washington. between Weat Park and 10th ale. PROF RINGLER DANCING ACADttMYt s select school; clsaa or private lee- eon dallv. IKH K Morrison pnone LANCiNfi Instructions EVER"? afternoon, 1:10 to 4, Murlark halt Wa ah, at llrd. Prof Carter, principal. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. THE OREAT BCOTT DETECTIVE agency guarantees success. 109 2d st, room 4. Fao. 117. Re. Main 1405. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. I. WALSH CO.. Ill STARK ST. Electric and gaa fixtures and aupplies. msntels. tiling, crates and dogirona. Pacific electric co. enoi- neere. contractors, repalrere. eiectrla wiring, supplies. 14 1st oor. Stark. Main 159 It. H. Tate, Mgr WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, II (th at Contractors, electric supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 191 K. Morrison st. Fixtures, wiring, re- pal ring Fast lll. or H-1"T FAIRBANKS-MORSE MOTORS AND dynamoa A C. I C. 1st snd Plark. ENGRAVEHS DE8I0NER8 AND PHOTO ENORAV era. Nelss A Connaway, 109 2d M 7119. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE IRONWORKS Id and Everett at. Phone Main 2009. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE: ELEC trto equipments; launchea, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. IK Morrl aon BUY GASOLINE ENGINE. WOOOHAW Ing outfits. Fslrbanka. Morse A Co.. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND. EUROPEAN plan only. 13. 16 day. Hotel eatoN European, west Park and Morrlaon. Ra t es 11.00 and up. HOTEL OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTELfMPKRIAL. El'R.. H AND UP. RELVEDEHE. European; 4lh and Alder. RELLEVt'E Et'R 4TH AND SALMON. HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADS to order. Portland Hardware Co. 74 th. INSURANCE ISAAC U WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bldg. JA8. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident aecurlty bond of all klnda. Phone 47. 102 Mc Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF. 645 WASH. FINE 8PECTA clee 60c. Elgin watches IS. Repairing. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITH. lng. Dave'a UMBRELLA REPAIR Washington. corner 12lh. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA8TICK GO.. FRONT and Oak sta.. leather and aklna of every description for all purpoaea; sole and tap cuttere; findings. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M Hamilton "The Portland." Portland. MONEY TO LOAN XMAS XMAS MONEY MONEY XMAS BORROW NOW XMAS MONEY AND AVOID THE MONEY XMAS HOLIDAY RUSH. XMAS MONEY SALARY LOANS MONEY XMAS UPON PLAIN XMAS MONEY NOTES. VMAS ABSOLUTELY MONEY NO SECURITY MONEY XMAS ASKED. XMA8 MONEY . REMEMBER MONEY XMAS IF YOU WORK WE XMAS MONEY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY XMAS MONEY. XMAS MONEY BEST I I EASIEST MONEY XMAS TERMS 8 8 PAYMENTS XMAS MONEY OPEN li A. M. MONEY XMAS MONEY XMA8 MONEY XMAS MONEY XMAS TO 6 V. M. WED. MONEY AND SAT.'S TILL XMAS H I'- M. MONEY STATE SECURITY XMAS COMPANY. VMAS XMAS MONEY MONEY Don't Be Broke Money is our stock we have plenty of it yours foi- the asking. A few hours' preparation and the money Is voura. You can raise the money you need on rour household furniture, piano, flx ures, etc., without removal or on your salary by giving us your plain note and without the knowledKe of anyone. When in need of money If will pay fou to get it from ua on payment plan, t costs you less and gets you out of debt Confidential loans made to ladles on their personal note no Inquiries any where. Do not hesitate to call for particulars you will be courteously treated whether you borrow or not. Hutton Credit Co. 612 (fifth floor) Dekum Bide;. MONEV ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest fates, easiest payments; offlpes in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg. 106 H 8d st. I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORT land real estate. Security In sums of from 11.000 to 150,000 on downtown property and from 8600 to 810,000 on residence propetry. I might consider good tiin her and farm loans. Address R-87. Journal. SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONF1 dentlal; uy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 286ft Washington si. MORTGAGES. FIRST OR SECOND Hens and other real estate securities discounted. H. B. Noble, Commercial blk QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. is. w. lung-. o waBnington mug. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of becurity. Wllllar Holl. Washington bldg. room 8, A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. Tbe Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Employes' Loan Co.. 716 Dekum. MUSICAL NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC Z. M. Parvin, Mus. Doc 86 Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET, TROM- bone, clarinet, proressor Hi. A. Smith. 292 11th st Home A8360. EMIL THIFLHORN, PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar Sevclk. violin and viola teacher. 834 pine. Tel. Paclfl.' 2989. THE PARKER SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mandolin, guitar and banjo. 818 Till ford bldg. PROF. 1. tt. LAWS6M. 16S IJfH St. Piano lessons reasonable. Main 4663. MONUMENTS NEU ft KrNGSLEY, 268 1ST, PORT- land's leading marble and granite wks. i " 1 1 NOTARY PUBLIC C. T. PFLUGER. NOTARY " PUBLIC, commissioner of deeds. Deutschea nourlat K, 14 Mulkey bldg., Zd aadMor. ir: I1TED STATES NATIONAL BANK Northwest Corner Transacts a General Banking Business. imariB joducw All Cities of the United SUtes and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Colleotlone made on Favorable Terms President J. C AINSWORTF1 Vlra.Pn.li1.ni a if. uiunicii As.l.isnt Cashier LADD TILTON. BANKER Portland, Oregon. KatabUahed ll9. W. M. LADD. C. B. LADD. f..JHPMirMT m Transact a General Banking Buslneea. SA VINOS BANK ,t,?A"?" Savings books Issued on ssvlnss deposllB. Intereet paid on time deposne miiv u .it nu , . i .......... . Ilix CAUlffUlf.llA E.IWUIIIHVU 4wi. . ,.. ..t Capital paid up 14.000.000 Surplus and undivided P0l,"-"19,1,ii! General Banking and Exchange Business TranaactedL l",f7,,.0"7'1m Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 110 ana up- ward Portland Branch Chamber of Uommerce Building. WM. K. MACRRA Manager I J. T. Ht'RTt'H A CLL. . . . Abb t Manager MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK J a-KAMw wiTuiiKi i.-.i.i.ni ' R. W. HOYT ' ' Cashier S C. CATCHINO Second Aaelatant Csahler. i..... Transacts General Bai.klng Business. Drafta and Lettere of Credit Iaaued. Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank on Voclno Coaet CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. U.600.000.00. DEWSITB. A. If MILLS President J. W. NKWKIRK (ashler TRUST SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST CO. 246 Morrison Street Portland, G'on Tranaacte a General Bunking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter est allowed on Time and Havlnga Accounta. Acta as Trustee for Estates, Drafts snd Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of tbe World. C T. ADAMS President I U A. LEWIS First Vlce-PT.sld.nl A. JU MILLS. . .Second Vice-president It C JUBITZ Secretary GEO. E. ROHHELL Assistant Secretary BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Municipal. Railroad snd DOWNINO-UOPKINS COM PAN Y Established 18 ''I BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cosh and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Msln 17. Ovcrbeck & Cocke Ccnrany ftta;fWwLi GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wlro. g-jlck Service. GRAND CENTRAL LEA VINO PORTLAND. Roaeburg Paasenger Cottage Grove Paaaenger , California Express San Francisco Express J WEflT SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Puasenaer , 1:11 a. m. 4:11 p. m. 7:46 p. ra. 11:10 p. m. . T OO a. m. . 4:10 p. tn. .11:00 a. m. . 1:40 p. m. Forest Grove Paasenger Forest Grove Passenger Jefferson Street Depot. Portland to Dallas 7:40 a. m. II Dallaa to Portland 10:11 a. m. Portland to Dallaa 4:16 p. m. Dallaa to Portland 1:11 p. m. Oawego-Portland suburban Leaving Portland at 6:30 a. m.. hourly trains during morning and afternoon. Last train leavea depot for Oswego at 11:14 p. m. .. Northern Pacific Taeome and Seattle Exp.,,. Nortii Coast ft Chicago Lira. 1:10 a. m. 1:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 p. Overland Express 11:41 p. Oregon Railroad & Pendleton Passenger 7:16 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:10 a. tn. Ppokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Astoria at Astoria and Beaalds Exp. 1:00 a. 6:00 p. Astoria Express m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok Via 6eat., Vic & Vancouver Via Sumaa 7 00 p. m. 4 :10 p. m. 11:45 p. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. BPE rlallst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. 117 Fenlon bldg. Pacific 119U f)R. R. H NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE- kum bldg.. JU ana n. i" Phone Main 149. Examination free. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F E BEACH ft CO., THH PIONEER 'Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. IIS 1st at Phone Hl4. PRINTING MONK? 1 WEDDINO INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCE , XMAS j mVnts Besttleft Hofmann, 204 Stark. OGILKEE BROS.. PRINTERS (JArtyo, hllllYeads. etc. Main 1858. 164 H let PUB LIU STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR ft DUFUR. 104 WELLS-FAROO bldg. Phone a-djo, suu complete stenographic omce In west rYPE WRITING E V EN I NGS-SPECI FI cations, abfctrncts. etc. Beat 2494. PLUMBERS FOX ft CO SANITARY PLUMBERS. Ill Id, bet. Main and baimon. uregon nhone Main 2001. DONNERBERO & RA DEM AC moved to No 303 Burnslde a : ; tADEMACHER RJ3- t. PAINTING AND PAPERLNG P. A. DOANE MOVED TO 104 UNION near E. Waah. Tel. East 1096. ave PATENTS PATENTS. TRADE MARKS REGIS temd exnert advice free. A. J. Mat- I ter, 618 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th ana? Ankeny. ROOFING TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. pairing anil general Jobbing. J. 112 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. RE Loall, REAL ESTATE) J. M. Pittenger & Co, R1 Russell st. Phone E. 4649. Fire InsnrancennH. real estate. J W CKJ 1 L BE K, HEAL ESTATE AND loans; room 11. established IS S3. 145 ft 1st. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCHIP tion. W. W. Espey. 319 Commercial bldg. SPHINX ACliM . and timber; loom Commerce liMt REAL ESTATE 308 Chamber of VV WOLFS 'I KIN. DEALER estate and rnls collected. IN REAL 110 lit st. IllUUKR STAMPS AND SEALS aTsTalTTJffTce D C Co 231 Stark. Tel 1407. STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 314 Lumber Exrliange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PA V 1NU CO. of Portland Office 55 Worcester blk. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER. SIGNS. THE largest sign makers In the northwest 6th and Everett sts. Phone Prlv. Ex. 55. Home A-1156 "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT PORT land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufactur- Ing Co-. Portland THE JAME8 I. MARSHALL MFG CO.. showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch St. Pacific 2181. R. H. BIRDSALL, DESIGNER; AQT. M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, 81 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co Ith and Couch sts. Phone 410. TAXIDERMISTS TAKE SPECIMENS TO F. - BREZEE, killed lkbor. J(j ft lV A-4840. - RANKS OF PORTLAND, OREGON, Third ana w J"ree'. , I Cashier. R- wBVlM1f1r? I Assistant Cashier W. A. JlUL.r A. M. WRIGHT . i , - . i imA fiftlnm. San r nc 1 too Portland, Oregon. ... i ii lilllDUM Vlos-Presiaen t GEORGE W. HO YT .. Assistant Caenier I W. C. ALVORD. . . . . .Aaalatant Caahler B. F BTEV ENS ... Second AsstCaahler COMPANIES INVESTMENTS Commerce Building. Publli Service Corporation Bonds. STATION TIME CARD. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:11 a. so. Cottage Grove Paasenger. .11 :10 t. m. Ros.liurg Passenger 1:10 p. m. Portland Express 11:00 p. m. WEST BIDE. Corvallls Passenger 1:11 P. n. hrldan Pasaender .' 10:10 a. m. Foreat Grove Paasenger ... 1:00 a. m. Forest Grovs Passenger ... Ml p. m. North Coast Limited T:00 s. n Portland Expreas 4:11 p. ra. Overland Exprets 1:11 p. m. Puget BounJ Limited 10:11 p. ss. Navigation Compan. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a. so, Chi. Kan. City ft Port Ex.. 1:41 a. nv Chlcago-Portland Special .. 1:10 p. tn. Portland Passenger 1:11 p. m. Columbia River. . II Astoria Pc Port -Passenger. 11:1 1 p. . Portland Hx press 10:00 p. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 1:00 a.m. Via Van.. Vic. and Seattle... 4:16 p. m. Via Sumas and Seattle 10:16 p.m. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large llnee carried. Lock-out a opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J E. Davia. 66 Id FIRE PROOF AND BANK SAFES AT factory nrlces. Second-hand safes. The Moaler Safe Co., 101 Id t TRANSFER AND HAULING C O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST, BE5 Iween Stark and Oak sts.: phone 191. Pianos and furniture moved and pocked for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts OLSEN-ROK transfer rn General transfer an1 atoras-a: asfss piano and furniture, etc, moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st, between Front and 1st. Phone Main 847: A-2247. THE FINEST STORAGE WAREROOM in the city, most centrally located City Transfer ft Storage Co., 101 Front st. Mnln 62, or A-1162. ROSE CITY TRANS. CO. ALL OR ders glvn prompt attention. E. 2169; ten. E. 1371. J. C Flndley, manager. PONY EXPRESS age 5 days. 81 East 6145. CO. FREE STOR N. 3d st. M. 7614. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer. 247 Alder st. Main 2171. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 114 N. Ith, Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANS- ter -o. storage 3Z4 Stark; Main 407. W. M. JOHNSON, TRANSFER AND Ex press. 23 Union ave. East 4441, B-1004. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. RENTED, REPAIRED, sold, p. D. C. Co . 231 Stark Tel. 1407. UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING BIJOU UPHOLSTERY, FURNITURE renovating, repair shop; matresses re made In one day. 127 11th. Main 8196. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M A. GUNST & CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL. PRODUCE and commission merohants. 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade Portland, Or. WADHAMS & TO. WHOLESALE OHO cers, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th nnd Onk sts. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glassware. Prael. Ilegele ft Co., port- land. Or. LEWIS-STKNGER BARBERS' 8UPPLY Co., barbers' supplies, barbers' furnl. ture. barbers' chairs. 10th snd Morrison. RATES-WIGHT CO.. CALENDARS. AD vertlslng novelties. 160 6th St TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY LINE The steamship BREAKWATER leavea Portland Wednesday at 8 p. xa from. Oak street dock, for Empire, Horta Bend and Marshfleld. Freight received till 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Passen ger fare, first class, 810; second class, 87. Including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washing ton streets, or Oak street dock. Columbia River Scenery nuvnaiua mas BTaaotSsiB, Dally service between Portland and Tbe uauea, except B una ay, leaving Portland at 7 a. m arriving about C p. m., carrying freight and paaaengera Splendid accommodatlona for outflta and livestock. - .., Dck foot of Alder at, Portland: fool of Court at, Tha Dallaa. . Phone Maia 914. Portland. ' hosts VAcmo UTMAunxxr oav Roanoke and Ceo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at I p. m. Ticket "atca 111 Third .near Alder. No Difference The man who stops eat in becauie one good meal fails to make him fat is just . as wise as the advertiser who stops advertising , be cause one pood advertise-" ment fails to make him rich. Miffht just as well give ; up one as the other. Advertising is essential if you have anything to sell whether it is real estate, household goods, provisions, wearing apparel, jewelry, fuel, livestock, advertising space, Turkish baths or ice. The advertiser who reaches the most homes for the least money is the one who is Kiting the best value for his money. Tbe Journal has the largest lota! circulation and gives the best rest. Its. yUKSERY ACCESSORIES A Con Ten lent Arranremet. for Draining Nursing Bottles. The houBewlfe Is very often perplexed to find a good method of washing and draining nursery and other bottles. Ths neaitn or children using nursing bot tles depends considerably on- keeping ine pomes BDaoiuteiy clean. TO do FOR DRAINING BOTTLES. this properly a device such as the one shown here Is of great assistance. It can be attached to the wall juat above the sink, and aa the bottlea are washed they ran be put to drain by placing la an Inverted position In the holders. To add to the uaefulneas of the rack a trough la built Just below the holders, and a series of hooks secured to th front of. the trough. There Is suf ficient space between the holds to ad roit a bottle to be stood upright In the trough. SCIENCE NOTES Signaling Depth of Harbor Water. A Scotch port has an ingenious sta tion for signalling to incoming 'onT outgoing vessels the depth of water la the fairway. A mast on top of a small rectangular building has a ver tical cable on either side, one carry lng four large balls at specific dis tances, the other three. Each ball rep resents a foot of water and it Is ralsei and lowered On the cable by a float in the harbor connected to gearing la the signal-house. At high tide all sev- -en balla are visible, but as tha tlda falls one by one the balls disappear. At night a system of powerful llgh In the face of the building ia used. These lights are automatical! turned on and off at the correct time. Electricity for Surgical Operations, A Paris doctor announces a success-, ful use of electricity In producing a sleep of insensibility, which can ba malntaned. and in the administration of which the heart is not affected. Ha Is hopeful it will do away with an thetlcs. . Smelling for a Living. ' A new occupation has been developed in London and already la belnsr su... cessfully worked. The requirement la a sensitive sense of smell, and a little practice makes the detector quite pro ficient. He Inspects the gaa pipes and fixtures of a building and charges II cents for each leak ha discovers. Bom of the men earn 111 per weak. Milking Cows by Machinery. over 1.000 milking machines are now In dally use in the United States, if we are to credit a preliminary report of the United States Bureau of Ani mal Industry. The author tells ua that efforts have been made by scores ( inventors for more than half a cen tury to make a machine that would milk cows satisfactorily and without in jury. Most of these have failed in some respect, and not until recently has any one of them gone into ex tended use. The prospect of their gen eral Introduction led to the experi ments described In this report Twa different types of machines are shown in the Illustrations, one worked by foot power, the other by an electric or othor motor. The report shows that tha ma . chines have the advantage in mora than one respect over hand milking. - ' ' Invention of a Sleepless Drummer The Insomnia of one victim of rail road rattle and rumble now seems likely to bring sleep to thousands Of other, travelers. A steel cross-tie, stuf fed with an asphalt composition, wig -thought out by a cigar drummer diir ing years of wakeful nights in sleep-ing-car bertha when the- roar of th rails made sleep impossible, ' Thus, we are told, that a large order for these ties has been placed by the Pennsyl vania road, which purposes to use thent on part of its New York-Pittsburg line. TRANSPORTATION, The Way to Oo East : Next Trip Try The ORIENTAL timifetf THH ORKAT NORTHERN'S BWELL TRAIN, daily to t Paul, Minneapolis, DuliitlLV Bt 5 Loots. Chicago and nil points aast ' Crosaea both mountain ranges by daylight Complete modern eoulpment Including - Compartment Ob. s.rvation Cars and elegant dining or service. Tor tickets and sloping r reservations call or aJJre , J 'jt DICKSOK C. V. & T. A,-L ' ' HI Tkird tret. ! .".;1. Cr. . ' root: r!i l I A-:i ' J HIIH L