i ; 1 - so THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTDAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER , 6, 1007. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St., bct3d&4th ArjTTTTrBTT " ICUTTIOII BSCSXTBP. Oregonlsns when In San Francis re have their mall snt In car of Toe Journal office. ARTHUR U FlfH. RrrnttlT BIIITIJS BIMMOSKN December 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlmmoaen, Wcat avanuo find East Taylor, a daughter. BARBOUR lineember 3, -to Mr. and Mrs Edwin PalrUnka Harbour, 435 Earn Fourteenth Btreet, North, a duiigh- tar. AKMTnONO-Pfibf t, to Mr. and Mr. William A. Armstrong, Laurel won d Park, a son. FITZGERALD December 3, to Mr. anil Mra. Joseph Fllsgrrald, Laureiwood Park, n aon. HELP WANTED MALB Hansen's Employment Offices Z6 N. znd L and ISO Burnald 0L ' Phones Main and A-1626. Hlp of all description promptly supplied frta of chare to employer. Registration fraa, Correspondence so licited. Situation guaranteed or no charge, C R. Hansen, Jr. PROP. DEATHS NEW TODAY. NGTON BEAUTIFUL IRVI Vhm niui exclusive close-In residence district In city . Special Inducements to bulldcrl of choice noma. w v. $900.00 BAirr ramus. IRVINGTON INVESTMENT COMPANY BOOK . BAVXITO I0. 8INO December 6. Jung Sing SI year of age, 126 Second street, obstruction Of bowels. M 1 TCM ELL Ieee mber 4. CI. W. Mltch- II, 45 je.ire of age, 161 ft Morrison street, tuberculosis. FLINN December 4, Kenneth L. Fluin. 14 years of age, 496 Kelly street, mul tiple asrroma. JOHNSTON December 4, Thomaa Johnaton, 65 years of age, 1416 East Ollsnn. ftnasorca, Fl'NKKAL NOTICES. Union Hotel Rooma Room a Rooms. Country transient solicited. Rooma 1 6c, 31c and SOo par night J, II. H. An derson. proprlator. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE WANTEI BT TOUNO MAN PC altlon aa fireman, lft years' expe rience; best of references: capable of firing, wood, coal or oil. Ml 4th at fWFT5nAKTKrj 61 xiiitibnr. aged man with family; want Inside work: have had about 6 years' experi ence in handling freight Address L. Z. 325 ft Flrat at, - tTvo carpenikrs want wo.! by day or contract; finishing or rough, 408 Oi.ntenr.eln ave. xsnmmuibb tvm maw 6k ii. worthy of tmat. will work at any thing; give him a trial. Call Mala 4202 or 143 MaNon. WANTEDROOXI AND BOARD WANTED ROOM 8 , OR ROOM AND board by gentleman of 19 In email, trlctly private family, homo privileges; permanent: please, give particulars, b-6S, Journal. - FOR RENT 1IOU-E3.- . WANTED MLSCELMNEOl'S BONDS FOR SALE 132,000 worth of firat moatgage Pr , cent tonds. Would prefer to borrow 75 or 30 cents on tha dollar on the bonds for one year rather than acll them. MOORE REALTY COMPANY 80S 3TTAXZ ITBSST. Rooma 18-1. Main 3707. A-2707. WHITE At the family residence, 316 Kargo street, December 3, "ugene White, nee 71 yra, beloved hueband of Kn.ma Ulilie anil futher of Lucy, A. L., Alovalu Btid Charlea Whit of thla city; Mra. flllae Thornton and Xavlrr While of ancouver, Wanlilnaton; J. A. White of Oakland, California. KunernI from iibov rraldence, Sunday, Decem ber , Ht 13:S0 n. ni., thenca to Vancou ver, Waahlngton, where norvlce will be held at 81. Jurni'i church at 2 p. m. Interment Catholic cemetery. Frlende reepcctfully Invited. Pleaae omit flow-era. Washington Hotel Newly furnlahed. airy outalde rooma; beat accommodation; rent reaaonable: tranaUnta aollclted. 103 3d and Fla ndera. VV ANTHltHALHJtKS , MA.W MAKhJ 3100 to 3160 per month; aoma more; atocK cttnn. grown on rarvm' tlon. far from old orcharda: caah ad' vanced weekly: choir of territory. Ad dreaa Waahlngton Nuraery Co.. Top- penlxh, Waahlngton FRIfSK WTnW ToirfToTT country office, 13 yaara' to CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOlJaNAl con I l pent ner counted word. 7 In' eertlona for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known tbrougn. me want ad column of The Journal. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTER & aiLBAUOII. undertaker and erabalmere: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pin. Main 430. Ladv fiwalatant. J. P. r'INLKY & BON 3, 3D AND MAD1 aon at Office of county coroner. Phone Main X K HiiM STOCK. FUNERAL DI rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Sellwood ii. Iedy aealatant a.Li.h.R-bVKNlC CO.. FUNUHAL Dl rectora. embalmera, 371 Ruaaell Eat 1011 Lady aaalatant. B.DWAKU HOLM AN, 3f0 3d at EkTckon UNDtaTAKtH. i: vi .lota iimn balmlng: lady aaa't 400 Alder. 1.6113. CEMETEJtLLS OFFICES FOR RENT CHOICE FRONT AND COURT i KUUM5 IN Couch building, 109 Fourth St Apply Room 808. Williams Ave. Two house, lot SOxlIS, $6000 HABTMA3T It THOMTOH, Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY SINiLE QRAVES. 10; family lota, f.'i to 376. Superintend ent at cemetery comer of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For fv'l Information apply to Frank Hchlegel. S33 Wprceater blk. Phone A333I. NOTICES WEATHER REPORT Another atorm la approaching the north Pacific atatea end atorm warnings were lirued at 8 o'clock thla morning to all coaat aeaporta. During the laat 24 hour light rain haa fallen In weatern Waahlngton and at scattered places In California. Nevada nd "Utah. - A email disturbance Is central over the Texaa panhandle, which has caused rain In that atate. The barometer coctinuea high over the eastern states, and the temperatures are from 12 to 17 degrees below normal In the south Atlantic . and east gulf atatea. The Indications are for general rains In thla district during tne neii two ' d7. i emu. Mln 23 ,.32 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Oregon Diamond Coal Mining and Developing company will bo held in room 631. Worceittcr bldg., Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, December 2S, 1907. at the hour of 2 p. m., for the purpose of considering and voting upon the approval and ratlffca tion of all purchaaea, contracts, acts, proceedings, elections and appointments made by the board of directors alnce the last annual meeting, and to Increase the number of directors from five to seven, and to elect directors for the ensuing year. C. R. LEWTHWAITE. Sec. CAL WINE DEPOT. HEaImJUARTEHs fur cooks and helper. 14H 4th at. MT3 Tf) LEARN KLEi'VrRICIT Y. plumbing, plaatcrlng. bricklaying, alt kinds of drafting and plnn reading, day and night; no hooka; positions aecured; free catalog Coyne Triid School, 230 240 Sth t., San Francisco. voch fortune told: know voLit destiny, and 3d. 250 Burnalile at., bet. 2d WE ScCCL'RE POSlTluNri FOR M KM bera; special membership 3i Y. M. C A. Learn the moITt Profitable and fascinating professions, advertis ing and show card writing; terms ren sonabl. Hetts & Wagoner. 00 Hfkurn. MEN TP t'ET THETR srif'S-FROM Charley I--e. 3 N 3d t. Perfect fit gun ra ntocd; all work f lrt-cjaa. WANTEDDRIVER FOR A GROCERY wKon (63 Thurman, W A NTED lU KE H AT HERMAN bakery, 6th t , Vancouver. Wash. HELP WANTED FEM ALB Hansen's Ladles' Agency 3'. J 4 Washli.gton, Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phonea Main and A-2693. Help supplied Tree of charge to em filoyers. Correspondence aoiicited. Reg atratlon free. Hansen's Ladies' Agency ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER ! FOR position with wholesale house; expe rience unnecessary T-Z. Journal. 57 xoerlenott ran take charge of mechanical end and give aaoaracuon. Aaartii i rinir, dux 734. St. Johns, or. ylnWATTWANtfl f6SJtI6N aJ bookkeenei: also la eXDerienceo aten ographer; good references. K-87, Jour- nl. TfiTtUR EaTerTeOTeTj caKpeTJ: ter want work with real estnte agent; would work In exchange for lot Ad dress A-88, Journal. MDDLE-AOeITMAN WANTS MOST anv kind of work: I am hflnay witn tools and can do any kind of carpenter work and am willing to work reason able. C-88. Journal. KNUINKKTTTT&D MACHINIST OER man wants position In factory or steamboat: 10 years' experience; knowl edge on dynamo; understands all re pairs on engine and boiler. D-88, Jour nal; . COOK WANTS POSITION IN RE8- taurnnt or hotel aa second cook. Y-87, Journal SITUATION WANTED , HY CHAtTF- feur. Good on repairs and other work. John Eraser, 390 East Davis. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE DRAFfS R'tn with 4 veara' experience In structural mechanlca and rnilrond work. wants position; beat references. T-7, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE TERSONS WANTING A SITUA TION CAN INSERT A WANT AD OF FOUR LINES. IN THIS COL UMN, THREE TIMES FREE OF CHARGE. WANTED BY MARRIED MAN WITH 2 children position on rancn, or a -rood ooaltion In town aa -timekeeper. clerk or bookkeeper; referencea. Phone Main 6602. Write to 834 nn ai WE WILL. BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD rda and guarantee beat prices. B, J. Rubent'xtn, opposite Natloaal hotel i-acino 141. WU PAY Moka'dR VURfjh'Ukal PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main . ill let t lr Yi''WANT t6 MELL clEa. Second Hand Palace. Highest prloea paid for seoond-hand goods, dera. Phone Main 1618. 36? ITUn. 6 aTX UfcflT LOGO ICR tfWoElt UADa! TO order, union - mad rhoea in stock Rrreat Clsua. 383 Vi Gllsan. RAZORS, KNIVES. 801KS0R8 T$ grind. Karlnon Co., 3S1 Ankany. M. IllOMk-bT PitlCEH PAID FOR klnda of second-harvd g4s. Union Fx ehan a. 363 Front s. VPactne I4JI CAaHFOKHoUtiEHoLDUOOoV. OAV- age A Pennell. 346-347 let Pac. 360, CASH FOR FURNITURE' PROMPT attention alw.-ya given. Bast 1067. JF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OR sell your furniture for cash nhone n,ssi oiu4. ais iiawtnorne. TWO HORSES TO TRADE FOR milch cows. East 2117, 330 Union ve. -R HiGHfiftf PRICES P6ft 8ECONT5: hand goods, eall up Main 3421 AN E X P lUUENCED operator Will take a RcISD TELEGRAPH take a limited number of atudenta, ladiea or gentlemen. Ad dress W. A., 88S 3d at. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. T In sertions for the price of 6. If you have want make it known tnrougn in want ad column of The Journal FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BY B. DAYPHONE EAST SIDE FP,MALE EMPLOYMENT Office. 1221 Grand ave. East 1055. A WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. TWO In the family; a good place for the right party; references. Write M-85, Journal. . WANTED WORK Sell wood 104, C. STENOGRAPHER. SEVEN YEARS' experience In Portland, deslrea poal- tlon. Phone Main 4383. good Dressmaker wants work either nt home or outalde: references. Young Women'a Christian Association, M. 527. after 10. W A N TED PLAIN SEWINO OR FINE laundry to do at home or go out by the day or hour. Any kind of work. Phone Enst 4249. 386 Benton. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT W. A. Miller and J. V. Coffey, doltm business In the town of Llnnton. Or., under the firm name of Miller & Coffey, have this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Mr. W A. Miller will continue the business. W. A. MILLER, J. V. COFFEY, WANTED OIKL FOR OE1NKKAL, houaework, wages 330. part of wash ing sent out. Apply at 674 E. Pine, rorr.T of Hth. Take East AnkPny car. CHO'-oLATE DIPPER. EXPEKD enccd. Call after 10 a. m. Swetland's 27:t Morrison. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; SMALL family. 684 E. Taylor. MEETING NOTICES Preclp. .0 Max. Rnaton. Maas 32 Buffalo, N. Y 32 80 .0 Chicago. Ill 36 28 .0 Cincinnati. O. .....86 2 .n Denver, Col 2 32 .0 Detroit, Mich 33 24 .0 Kansas City, Mo... .48 84 .0 Lob Angeles, Cal...70 48 .0 New Orleans, La. ..48 42 .0 New York, N. Y 82 2 .0 Philadelphia, Pa. ..84 S .0 Portland, Or 62 42 .T St. Louis, -Mo 44 34 .0 Bon Francisco. Cal.68 62 .0 Waahlngton. P. C..32 22. 0 -vA. EST WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. K. A. M. Sneclal convoca tion this (Friday) evening, De cember t, at 7:30 o clock. Ma- I sonic nail, BurkhHrd building, I M. E. M. degree. Visitors wel come. y oraer ts. h. p. E. E. SHARON, Sec. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEtTaTd WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN crease their earning capacity; w have helped thousands, let us help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE 8CHOOL. 64 H 6th st. Open Evenings CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you hove a want make It known through the want ad column of The Journal. HELP WANTED AN U SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake, 205 H wr,hlngton st. Pacific 1370 or A 1670. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77, Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night at 112 East Sixth; visitors cordially invited. E. L. MINAR. C. C. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6,466. meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison ats. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6.I7S. Mondays. 17th , and Marshall. Visitors , Mcome. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 10 200 John W, and Anna Fllnk to Ed ward Carlyle, lot 18, block 4. Rochelle 12,050 E. 8. and Isabel M. Jackson et at to Harry E. Coleman, west Vi of lot 10, block 290, Couch addition. 4,500 W. A. Storey (sheriff) to H. E. Noble, lota 2 and 4. block 12. North Alblna, lots 6 and 6, block 10, North Alblna Helen W. Duff to Paul C. Beek . man, lot IS, block 2, Laurel wood JPaul C. and Katie M. Beckman to Henry r. worm 101a io nu 16, block 2, Laurel wood 2,350 B. M. and Caroline S. Lombard to M. E. Thompson and James D. ' Ogden, lot IB, block 2, Hancock street addition S50 Ernest L. and May Loy to Ar thur C. Oberlln, lots 11 and 12; block 2, Oak Park addition No. 2, St Johns 1,100 B. T. and Cora . M. soaen to iiuiu May Turpln, south H of lots 14, 15f 1 and 17, block 5, Oak dal addition 271 B. Fv and Sara E. Seely to G. B. Tucker, lots 87, 88, 39 and 40, block T7, College Place 1,500 Alfred B- and M. C. Dunham to Nancy Martin, lot 21, block 6, Caples' addition to St. Johns... COO Hibernla Saving bank to Sophia,, Brobst lots 19 and 20, block 12, . Capitol Hill 267 ' George . Barton, trustee, and F.mllv O. Barton to R. W. - risher, lot 6, block 1, and lot " 8. block 4. Ideal View (Carolina and : Frank Giordan to , Joseph J. Greene, lot 5, block IB, M. rations aaaiuon 10 ai- blna BUSINESS NOTICES SHAW, PERKINS & MITCHELL Bi cycle, gasoline, electrical repairing. 307 Stark to 326 Stark. INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BULL. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 FUedntr bldg. Main 2891. L. C. HENRICHSKN CO., and opticians. JEWELEKS. 284 Washington at LOST AND FOUND. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PERSONS WANTING A SITUA TION CAN INSERT A WANT AD OF FOUR LINES. IN THIS COL UMN. THREE TIMES FREE OF CHARGE. STENOGRAPHER WOULD LIKE Po sition, or will do work at Nome, rea sonable. L-88, Journal WANTED BY A RELIABLE WOMAN at once, plain sewing at home, or by the dav, will work cheap. Phone Pa cific 2024. Room H. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. if you have a want make tt known through th want ad column of Th Journal. WANTED BY A ORADUATE NURSE. a position as managing housekeeper and care of Invalid: references ex changed. R-88. Journal. HOTEL GORDON, Corner Yamhill and West Park Sts. New house, elegantly furnished, hot and cold water, telephone, hot water ht In every room; private baths; ele vator service. Transient. Ratea 81 ter day up. Phone, Main 202. ONE SUITE OF TWO ELEGANTLY furnlahed front rooma. Dlnno. ohona. bath, electric light and all modern con veniences; especially suited for two young gentlemen. Hotel Mason, 247 H 6th. THE GRAND, 46 N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, 8I.2S per week and up THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS 1 per week and up. 202 2d, corner Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, STEAM heat, modern, 312 to 330 per month: transients, 123 W. Park, the Artonia. HOTEL EM PR EPS NEWLY FUR nlshed. central, autet; 4:h and Stark CLASSIFIED AD3 IN THE JOUHNa. coit 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the -price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want nd columns of The Journal OWEN APARTMENTS ONE HOUSn keeplng suite, three rooms, by week. 230 4 Russell. nnnn i.Dnou lini!SK. JlARN. LARG chicken-house, lot 100x100; good plac for chickens or garaeni mn nwv i.riuim l at. wast aide. II or ill nieelv" furnlahod." Three nice furnished rooms. Xrvnt '-Mlt',&.1,,,j Two others II month. Coast . Realty Co 22m Morrison. . " ' KrVsgrif?. ibb 1U Tlia J6urn"a: i Mnt rr counted wotd. 1 In eertions for the prloe of . If ypo, bro a want make It known tnroug; m Miiimn nt The Journal, 8 EH AND FLATS FTJRNISIIIt and unfurnlahed. A. 8. . Draper. I43H Waahlngton. rooms I and , corner 7th Niri'K g-HOOM i MOO ern. ISO, 11th and E. Harrlaoo;.l-roo cottage, garaen, cuicsen bdum, i .wir-' from car: 1427 MllwaukU 'it. 111 phone Bellwood 66. ' and pianos movd, ,tor4 or; shipped. Ma. - . aaVisl t'nnna mmm iiii. We Ue'i' aKD ieLLp1ano&. 'MtX man. i:lav m l a. . . t ill Manor a. union iin Main . 130 6-ROOM COTTAGE BATH. OA. Ml Mnim Tnnulra Main 1190. ' 6601). KKARLY. NgW UrET7gIX a. JJ0 4li ! TAnmm ln.4lat iL, naar Haw thnrno ava. Kev 104 Morrison: rent 31i east side; water In kitcnen; rent iv Including water. Main 3h " . BROdMlSOTTGriTKAltNKI BT, Apply S81 Kearney at. FURNISHED .ICUSFS FURNISHED UPPER FLAT SIX months or more. (Aduits.i Atrpiy 44 Hall at. Phone Paclflo 22. , '. FOR RENT NEWLY-FURNISHED new. modern S-room flat: fireplace. 814H E Morrison tt.: Phone Tabor 131. FURNISHED COTTAGE 7-ROOM bath, gas piano, basement, on car line; hot and cold water. C-87, Journal. CLASSlKtKD ADri IN THE JOURS aL cost 1 cent rr counted word. T in eertions for the price of 6. If you have want make It known through tne want ad tolumna of The Journal. FOR HE'T FLATS 19 8-ROOM FURNISHED i FLAT; close In. Phone K. ll7. 61Z Tin st, HEAT, E. B EAST UL-E AP'TM'TS STM. run, wator. BurKh'd Lldg.. 387 H NAi. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURN coat 1 cant ner counted word. 7 In sertlont for the price of 0. If you have want make it known tnrougn in want nd columna of The Journal. FOR KENT STORES-OFFICES LADY EMPLOYED A FEW HOURS during day would like to work the rest of her time for room and board. Address A-83. Journal. TWO GIRLS WISH STEADY WORK In confectionery store. Phone B-1769. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WITH BOY wiihes position, housekeeper, cook, nurse' country preferred. If near school. I22 Nicolal st. 16th-street car FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID Ex perienced, from the east wants work In first-class hotel. K-88, Journal. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING AND children's clothes, reasonable prices. Mrs. Wright, 231 Union ave.. room 25, A WOMAN WISHES WASHING. IRON lng or cooking, by day or week. Phone A-4002. AND WOMAN WANTS cleaning by day. MAN OF GOOD HABITS WANTS Pacific 2j)24 Addreps o-7, Journal, or ciflc 1205. WASHING Phone Mrs. Wood, Inside job. A LAI5Y WANTS DAY WORK. PH6NE phone Pa- , Ma)n 7190. MIDDLE-AGED MARRIED MAN wants position as bartender or In wholesale liquor house; best of ref erences. Phxne Home A-4547. WANTEDEMPLOYMENT ON FARM or ranch; will take It on shares or wages; several years' experience In Isrm work. Address G-87, Journal AN ALL-AROUND GROCERY CLERK and solicitor wants work; young mar ried man; lias good city references; will work for moderate salary. Call up East 880. LOST YESTERDAY, I CONSIDER about 3500, because I did not buy my business through Portland's Business agency, 148 6th at Note We have, and know, and ought to know after being In the business 10 years, all the bargains. CARPENTER WORK WANTED BY A man who has a. .family to support, either by day or contract. Address 1508 E. 16th Bt. Phono Sellwood 86!t. EXPERIENCED, ELDERLY GARDEN- er wants work on a private place, Mtv or country; no horses. D-87, Journal. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER IN OR out of cltv, for widower, by refined ladv. Address A-83, Journal. - WOMAN WANTS WASHING AND cleaning by day. 180 Sherman st. A GOOD NURSE AT LIBERTY; WELL recommended. Phone Pacific 681. 782 Kelley st. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY refined lady in or out of city. A-83, Journal. LANDLADIES' CLUB NICELY FUR nished rooms, single or ensulte. any location or price. 2f.H 8 1 ark at., su Ite 31. SEVERAL FRONT ROOMS, NICE Lo cality, reasonable. IS E. 7th. Phone East 1929. A LARGER SUNNY, FURNISHED room; suitable for 2 gentlemen: rent reasonable. 208 Eth st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. All modern conveni ences. 690 East Madison. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR rent, furnished suitable for one or two gentlemen; private entrance. 62 E. Sth st. north. Phone East 1809. ONE LARGE BAY WINDOW Rf"SM for rent; suitable fv two. 188 Park. LIGHT OFFICES, STRICTLY' MOD- em. l-w. rent. Portland Buslnets Agency, 1 43 Sth at., between Morrison nd Alder. IRST-CLA! OU'ISID- OlrfLCA rooms for rent In new building; steam host, electric and gna light with Jani tor service. N. E. cor. SJ and Madison. OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR ceater and Hamilton bldgs. at moder ate rata Apply to Kouert strong. i woreeater bldg. STORES AND OFFICES IN l-STORY brick building, fouthwest corner 8th and oak sts . opr. Coi.imerrlal club nuig. NEW STORE FOR RF.NT 250 THIRD st.. near Madison "OFFICES." Rooms and public halls. 3d and Morrison sts Allsky bldg., HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FCTt RALE 6-ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED FOR boarders, rooms full, close to mills and car barns; 250. X-87, Journal. A 9-ROOM HOUSE LAMBERT HOUSE REMODELED, newly furnished; roam 82 per week and up; modera conveniences. 23 H Union ave. WARM FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent with free phone and bath. 101 10th St., cor. Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS THE NEW land houso; good rooms, clean beds, electric lights, $1.26 to $4 per week. Phone Main 7810. 306ft 1st st. Good restaurant next door. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICfi. 205 ',4 Morrison ft Phone Pacifle 239 27 N. 2d st Phone Pacific 1800 A B. C. EMPLOYMENT CO. HELP free to employers. W. A. Davis, Mgr., 226 Morrison st. phone Main 3022. THE BEAVER APARTMENTS. 12TH and Marshall; newly fu-nlshed house keeping rooms, modern conveniences, hot water, free baths, gas ranges, 2.50 per week and up; no dogs. NEW LOWER 4-ROOM FLAT, UN furnlahed. 316; will furnish, $22. Three good well furnished housekeep ing rooms, front of cottage, $16. Two for $8. AH west side river. . Coast Realty Co,, 226 H Morrison. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURN- lshed housekeeping rooms. bath, laundry, furnace heat yard. 203 ft Stanton st. U car . LOST FEMALE BULLDOG WITH chain collar; reward. 289 B. Morrison. LOST 1 SORREL PONY, STRIPE"IN face, 1 white hind foot forestop roached; horseshoe brand on shoulder. Return to 39th and Tlbbetts and receive reward, or phone Scott 222. HIGH-GRADE TRAVELING SALES man wants position on road or city at r.nce. J-fSS. Journal. 760 LOST DECEMBER 4, NEAR CANAD lan bank, $20 certificate; reward. McKay, Fihh and Oak. LOST FROM 414 RUSSELL ST., I liver and white pointer male dog. brown saddle mark on back: collar with license No. 1364. Finder please call at above address or phone East. 2473. Reward. Cost t7vS?7i to rittrxT ttttd rivr i l-Vtl t ' V A X U1V Oil ' -;.. .. - r - , - . Sellwood car or in Sfillwood. Finder i experienced deft STORE YOUNG MAN DESTRES POSITION AS collector, or solicitor for some busfc ness house; experienced, and best of references K-Sfi. Journal. I ElCPERfENCED. RELIABLE SI'NGIJE man wants position an fireman or Jan itor or odd Jobs; can do repairing, glar ing or painting; references. G. M. Llt tle, 9 N. 2d st. INSIDE WORK BY A LABORER" have had 6 years' experience in hand- llng freight. H-87, Journal. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSTTlON; will do anything; good references. Main 7002. 1093 Mable st. WANTED BY A BRICKLAYER AND stone mason, small Jobs In that -line to do; contract or Hav work, city or country. P. O. box 611. MAN" $1.60 WEElk UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman it., south. Portland. LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooma, nicely furnished; running wa ter. 603 ft Alder, CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL rpp j AITIa r inure run AnicNifV t"Bl 1 -"'" Per cuunieu wuru, i iu- bTM.D!I8h. !E& -?Mi? "ertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make, it known through th FURNITURE for sale. Of $450; 410 4th FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main IM RESORTS CA8TLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mil House) Moat unique end best road house in the west; kitchen supplied from our farms; flrst-claBB goods; Port, land prices, (" red T. Merrill, originator. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR RENT STORE ROOM 8U1TABLK for first-class barber shop, alao for first-class barroom (liquor license In cluded In rental). In 6-story brick build oppoalte Commercial club' bldg. Inquire on premises. IF YOU HAVE A BUSINE-S OF ANY description that will stand investi gation, we have buyers waiting our personal inspection. W. Ii. Morehouse, 420 Lumber Ex. bldg.. Phones Main 8234: A-6042. SELL FOR 8AE REAL ESTATH Ml Scott Barralns 1200 caah.', 110 par, month, . !-room house, U acre. IIS 0. list cash. 111 per month, t rooma, CI00 cash. " 130 Bionthlyi' 6-rooin rno'd- bungalow. I basement, tlnt 11.900. lots, electric ligbts. wills, oios to ear, - II, SOU, t , f v ' ' 1400 eaah. 212 ner month. 4-room eot' tag. I lots, on cornar. 11.100. .':.." 11.200 cash, l-room house, lot 60109,' close to car, patent, toilet, plumbing piped, no tub, ' . 11.1)00 cash, ' balance to suit' new l-room modern bungalow, lot 40x110. cloae to car, concrete basement, tinted walla, wired, china closat, best of plumb ing; lmmediat posaslon can be given; ll.HO. . - 1,2S0 cash, balance monthly, T-room modern house, ft acre, rooms are large) nd tha finish la th bast Inside and out; l.60o. . i ' , . . 11.110; terms can ba given; a cholca acre, olo to enr, ' Other bargains In houses. lots and acreage. If you intend to buy see us before you make up your mind. Wo can ava you money. ' Churchill & Ross Laurelwood Station. Phono Tabor 712. Mount Scott car. INSTALLMENT HOMES. 14.000391 Guild st, I rooms. 13.860391 Guild st! I rooma 13.760392 N. 24th st. 6 rooms. 13.000764 Roosevelt st. S-room cot tage All modern, new, and In splendid neighborhoods. ' Small amount down: balance 121 ear month. The demand la active; hu now be fore price begin to advance again. FIDELITY TBIIST fOMPANY. Owner, 406 Commercial block. Phono ' Main 447. POSITIVELY THE BIGGEST RE8I dence snap In Portland. An l-room bouae on full-alse lot. close In, easily worth 13,000; price, 13.260: 1250 cssh. balanc ISO a month. The Bpanton Co., 270 Stark; st. ACRES. NEW- HOUSE, GOOD SOIL. Lents Junction. 12.800. 3400 caah. balance $26 mcia. 193 4th st ; H. P. PALMER. 222 FAILING BLDG., maxes a specialty or sailing house n the E. Burnslde district COZY S-ROOM COTTAGE. 11,400: ItOO, balance to suit. Phone Esst 475. C. R. Donnell & Co. peal Estate. Room 12. 218 Stark. feuCHTEL at KKNS MAKE A SPlb- cialty of east side realty, rental a loans, etc. 161 E. Morrison st LARGE MODERN S-ROOM COTTAOE. 13.800; 1600. balance to suit Phon Fast 675. FOR SALE 1 NICE LOT IT3 5TF7 1 1 an I , , .M. -t,M. See owner. G-82. Journal. no agents. Fllley Park To rent payers: Why pay rent when you can bay a lot In Fllley Park for leas than your rentT Ixta 180 and up; 8c fare: 8 monthly secures two lot. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d nd t"ark. prrone Main ft84. FOR SALE ft BLOCK ON THOMP- aon and istii ets., irvmgton; street iivment done; 1 lot In Williams' ed ition, and also 20 acres near Lents, Phone C-1174. OR SALE A NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE, $1,700, on easy terms by owner. K. mlth. 2 blocks south of Flrland sta tion. 12.000 WHOLE BLOCK CLOSE IN. netting 7 Der cent: good for manufac- turing. i 467 E. Courh at. FOR SALEA WELL IMPROVED email ranch; would ess C. take property or business as part payment; e.. .intnicur.i, Portland nt; 311 terms if desired, Commercial blk. - WHO wXNWWWYtJR r"RNTA C-room modern house. In srilendld neighborhood, on east aide? Price right nd terms to suit. M-ss, Journal. MtWRAISMWEYWlLL'SELlTS nice eaat side lots for 1900: $500 will handle; adjoining lots held at $300 each. 87, Journal. THlfc WEEK ONLY. 10 FINELY LO- cated lots In North Bend (Coos Bay) $56 each; leas than half value. Room . Lafayette bldg.. cor. Washington nd 6th. ROOM HOUSE AND 4 LOTS I.N Forest Grove $1,600. will trade for rooming house; 80-acre farm will trade. S. Arnold et uo., 861 ft Morrison st. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LOTS $175 and up; 33 payments. Grocery to trade for any kind of property. Har grove Bros., 113 ft' 6th st, N., near Unlbn depot. A 236 Mrs. Richardson, mgr.; selected help a specialty. 230ft Yamhill. Main 5413. JAPANESE EM P. CO. ALL KINDS OF help supplied. Main 4659. 286 Everett. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Phone Mnln 6521. 249 Couch St. WANTED AGENTS WANTED SOLICITOR3. EITHER . sex, to sell household necessity; big pay to right parties. Room 32. Wash ington bldg. want ad columns of The Journal. 4 tfs iu QAi r. sltlon on UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern conveniences, $1.7.6 per week and up. The Beaver. 12th and Marshall sts.; no dogs; electric lights. THE NICKUVf 'f"'IH'Ku UOKfl keeping and sleeping rooms. 3S9 6th. return same to or notify 1526 Milwaukie at., corner ,eo; reward. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH, OPEN face, between Morrison and Sherman sts.; return to 694 Hood at; reward. wants position F-87, Journal. as clerk or on floor. George and Mary B. Shield to M. J. 1 MCDaniet, 1,800 125 200 Myrtle, being a subdivision of lot 2, Fruitvale W. H. Watt to M. J. McDanlel, lot . 1. block 2, Watts addition, be ing a subdivision of lot 4, Fruit vale Bunnyslde Land & Improvement . company to in. f ransen, lot 4, Block 1. Sunnyside 900 John and Katie Ross to Henry , Walganti west ft of lot 8, block ' 14, Alblna HomeBtead 906 Paclflo Titla and Trust Co., the lead ing, abstractors. 204-6-6 Falling bldg. LOST FOX TERRIER DOG; ONE brown ear, black spot on top head, black snot on back near tall: collar with brass tacks. Return to 675 Main and receive reward. LOST ON WASHINGTON ST., BE tween 6th and 7th. a piece of Japa nese cut velvet cloth. Finder will receivo reward by leaving at 343 W. ?ark, city. YOUNG GERMAN ENGINEER WANTS position as engineer, fireman, black smith or helper; steady, Industrious and sober. D-87, Journal. POSITION WANTED BY STEAD? married man in Hquor or grocery store; aiso experienced in bartending; give best of references. Address E-87, journal, or phone A-4647. LARGE PROFITS, GOOD SELLERS. See Plurnmer Drug Co.. 260 3d st A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM! rates end- high caah values make the policies of the Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU IsELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, or. LOST LEFT ON BENCH AT O. W. P. waiting room, First and Alder, Oxford "bible, India paper. Rev. A. O. Henrlcka on chamois cover. Reward, 428 Burnslde. Phone Main,76B3. FOUND GOLD PIN. APPLY ADVER using department Ellers Piano House. WANTED EMPLOYMENT AS POR ter In hotel or restaurant, general work, or operating furnace. $16 per month, room and board; middle agc-J. Z-88. Journal. ,! ELEVATOR OPERATOR DESIRES Po sition extra work, fireman or janitor; have good references. Y-88. Journal. f- MARRIAGE LICENSES Antcn Ramstedt 288 North Seven teenth street 22, and Hllma Immonen, 22. Kaspar Brugger, Oswego, Oregon, 26, nd Amu. Leuthold, 27. Alfred Hansen, 616 Overton street 29. 'and Janatte Johansen, 23. taenth street, 24, and Henrietta Ander- aon, . Ferdinand Mister. 145 Eleventh street 0. and Lethta J. Wright 60. 6o- IVfuUiai v. " . t.i mm v.. Washington bldg- corner 4th and Wash ingion ma. Tv-eddin eartl the beat Alvlii 8. Hwkv 144 2d st 100 for Ii. . - Tinttwth 4b Co. tl kind. 123 6th st f lor lata, for flowers of Clara tiro a. Florists Fine flowers and floral dealgna 289 Morrison st Full dress sulta fur rent, all isa 1tnliue Tailoring Co. 809 Stark at ' ! MAX M. tsMU'Ji -FLORi-'i', 160 6TH e- epp. Maier Frank's. Mala 1211. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front St. Main 474, A-1874. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, tt. MCtxger. proprietor. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through Ithe want ad columns of The Journal. " HELP WANTED MALE I DO YOU WANT A1bT"coTtRS you do. Be your own boss; buy a nice little business. Portland's Bust nets agency, 148 5th st. can make you a business man on 1300 and clear $150 l- utvilttl, WANTED-IUO MEN; DR. KETCHUM will cure promptly all your private and sexual diseases; graduate: advlca free. 170ft 3d at Main 7164 ttav,e8 WANTED A YOUNG MAN-" vest 1100 In good business. Woodlawn 768. TO IN-Phono WANTED POSITION WITH REAL estate firm, by first-class cement man. X-88. Journal. A SALESMAN WITH 10 YEARS' Ex perience in linen goods desires posi tion; character and ability. P-85, Journal. WANTED POSITION BY "NICE-AP-pearlng younpr man of experience, nu hotel clerk, salary email object. Ad dress 8-88. Journal. YOUNG MAN DESIRES' POSITION AS ' clerk for cigar stand; cxp fenced and best of references. P-88. Jct'rnal. A MAN AND WIFE, NO CHILDREN, WANTED GOOD SALESMAN WITH small capital to represent Rand-Mc-Nally as Washington state manager. Call tor.ight at 282ft Park st Phono A-2734 and. Main 2403. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 ln- sortlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want nd columns of The Journal. 145 ft STH ST. ROOMS IN SINGLE or suites, housekeeping or sleeping on front or back. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF NICE- ly furnished housekeeping rooms, v.;au at zea stark, suite si, and save time ana expense. Landladies club. TWO OR THREE housekeeping rooms, ave., Lower Alblna. FURNISHED 607 Mississippi THREE ELEGANTLY' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, furnace, bath gas; pnone, ciose in. 578 Main St.. near cnapman, pnone Pacific 303. A SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSE kseping rooms, $12. 588 Pettygrove ft. i nviiw Aviaui f 1 TO 5 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; good rooms, nice lawn, cheap rent. 721 1st st, cor. Hooker, Phone Main 8334. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENtT Inquire of C. 8. Arnold & Co., 351ft Morrison. Phone Main 7311. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming' hovses, etc Landlords -will do well to can on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. SUITE COMPLETELY FURNISHED gas range, furnace heat, walking dig tance. 146 N, 16th. Phone Main 6173. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOUSkNAL cost l cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want mane it Known tnrougn. tne want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL soeak German and English,- look for anltor work. 373 ist st., city. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost X ceni per vuunteu wuiu, i in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through tne want od -columns of The Journal. WE WILL PAY 40 CENTS QN THE dollar, for Oregon Trust & Savings accounts. -Address Q-86. Journal. . WANTED TOHBORR'OW $6,000 57? SITUATION WANTED AS STATION ary engineer or in heating plant; zo veara1 exnerience:. best of references. H-88, Journal. '' . . FOR MEN ONLY: SCIENTIFICALLY iitoiu, uii.mc mm wiuai cases sea. VTv.imltiatlrtn nrl mMlnin, - Madfson. 251 ft Alder; rooms 12 ana 14! WANTED ACTIVE MEN TO CALL this evening or Saturday and ret m r beat money maker. 226 ft 1st, room 11. I WANT TO ATTEND THE LAW DE partment of the University of Oregon this winter and must have day work -tto pay my way Can you help me? Can give bt of references as to char acter. X-86. Journal. BOY WANTED MUST BE NEAT. bright and preferably smell, to open and shut doors, Llprnn, Wolfe, ft Co. - good inside real estate. Journal. Address G-87, CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertion for the price of 9. If you hava a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE UNFURNISHED ROOMS THREE OR 4 UNFIT) tNISHED ROOMS, modern conveniences, private bath, gas range, gas and electric lights; de sire middle aged couple, rio children. Home phone A-4731. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through tha want ad columns of The Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD HOTEL BARTON CAFE, 455 ALDER ST., AT 13TH. ' 35o table d'hote dinners. 6 to 7:30; lunch, 11:80 to 1:30. 25c; breakfast. 6:30 to 8, 25c; wkly and monthly ratea. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR good mortgage, see Sherlock. Worcester bldg. , FIRST CLASS VALLEY CREAMERY, clearing better than $3,000 annually, food reason for selling. 'Northwestern nvestment Co.. 193 4th st. $200 TAKES THIS OR ANY COUNTY In the state, for the full sale aod manufacture of a patent I have, Which should be on every wagon, buggy or ve hide. Call or write, D. F, McGill, 845 Washington st. . ' BEST SAWMILLT FOR SALE FARMS. SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE IN northern Crook county. 800 acres, IS per acre; about 26 acres in alfalfa, 25 acres can bo put In, plenty of water, good range for two bands of sheep; place properly cared for will produce 800 tons of alfalfa hay. For further information address W. H. Shrum. Ash wood, Or. PO- Columbla river; 10.000.000 feet timber. 80,000,000 feet more .flan be secured: flume to river and P. & B. n Tt Will rive terms. 11-86. Journal, MUST SELL 6,000 8HAR G6op mining stock for 1-5 or company's present selling price. F-7. journal ITTVE $1,500 CASH AND MY SERV lees to offer In a solid bustness, Et87, .Tmirnal ' T ' v FOR RENT PALMISTRY OFFICE furnished: eood location. 29 N. 3d., WILL SELL OR EXCHANGES FOR city property.- fi'rnltuTe ! 32-roorn lodging house with ift yea rJeasy; very reaeonabia. tefms for cash. Inquire 14 tft Front at. A $1,500 INVESTMENT SECURES A proposition of great merit.' North western Divestment Co., 19.1 4tH at. ' 17" ROOMS, 1 BLOCK FROM- .WASH lngton st; cheap rent; rooms -always full; price $900. Call 86 parg St., or ahone Pacific 189.1. Home phone A-3060, CLASSIFIED AD8. JN.THJ. JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, ;7 In sertions for the price of, 6. ; you have a want make it known uirvuiu in wamt ad columna or i lie journal PRINTER "CAN BUY ft. INTEREST JN best uews and loo piant in. wiiiameie T.r,ll,r- rnrrlea V. interest in . DBS POSS done; outfit neaTly new; doing" $3 60 yd and Job business month. Address 0-87, Journal. CONFECTIONERY AND ' VARIElt store in Oregon' City: will lovolc about $600; rent $16; living ropm; must sell at once; 8 per ceSt off. in voice if sold within a week; Addresi the owner. P. O. box zoi, Oregon tjity. i CON FECTIONER Y STORE--BEST ' LO cntion In town; cheap - If sold-this month; good reasona for selling. - J-W, .Tnnrnnl. ' -' ' - .' '. '- BARBER SHOP FOR SALEr 2-CHAIR shon. A snug litue place, can 343 Madison street. : :k ' 1 4-ROOM BOARDING HOUSEGOOD 46ft .ACRES ADJOINING COLUMBIA ! river, 10 miles from court house; for sale or trade. Particulars, owner, 209 Commercial blk.. Second and Washlng ton streets. 4ft ACRES. 11 MILES OUT. ALL UN- der Cultivation, 2ft acres bearing strawberries, ft acre other berries; 80 fine bearing apple, , pear and cherry trees, good 4-room house, also barn, fruit house, 2 chicken houses, mile to school., store and churches; for quick sale, only $2,000; part cash. The Span ton Co., 270 Stark st. Jo-AciiE Fr vTf Fa ft t, 8 MIDS3 from. Portland; 8 acres In atrawber rles, fine orchard, all in high state of cultivation, including chickens, horse and wagon, hay and grain; good build ings; $7,600, very cheap. Morehouse Welst Co., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. location. Iclgh bldg. stood lease: $320. Phone Mam ewgr. 38 RA THE COLONADE. ROOM AND BOARD. all latest conveniences. 19th and Couch. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH The Oxark, 225 11th st BOARD. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known .through th want an cciumns nr i ne journal. WANTED 6 OR 10-ACRE RANCH . , close in and must be a bargain - for cash. - V-86, Journal. THE HAZEL A NEW boarding house ror young men. Steam CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 1 In sertions tor the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through tho want d columns of The Journal. ' . -', . ' - heat and hot and cold water room. Phone A-4167; 386.3d st, ROOM AND BOARD, PRIVATE MODERN . Steam In each ON ACCOUNT OF PRESSING; BUS1 nees in the oast will sell or exchange for real estate, an . established, clean azi tiawtnome ave: WANTED AT ONCE, PARTNER IN well established, good paying- art bus iness; references given, and. 'required. W-87, Journal. ' lft ACRES ON STREETCAR LINE. only 8 miles from Center of city, good portion in berries and fruit trees; city water; good 4-room house and chicken house; price reasonable, or will trade for improved, acreage, 8 to 10 miles out The Spanton Co., 270 Stark. 20 ACRES, 24 MILES FROM CITY AND" 1 mile from railroad station, store, graded school, church and large fruit cannery; only 3 miles from town of 2,000 population: all under cultivation: 6 acres berries; 1 acre of cherries, 2 acres prunes,' ft acre Bartlett pears, all bear ing; house and-barn, now fruit dryer, ru ral mail delivery and telephone service. Price $3,000; terms. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st- . WANTED HOMESEEKERS TO write for nrice list of Willamette val ley farm lands. J. D. Winn, Buena Vista, Or. 344 ACRES AT 8 PR I NG WATER, 160 in cultivation: 30 head of cattle. In cluding all stock, teams, hay, grain and furming tools; $40 per acre. Morehouae Welst C6., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg;. TIMBER TIMBER LAND. Oregon, WaBhlngton, , California, JAMES D. LACEV & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, 29. Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOUR TIMBER CLAIMS, G66D LOCA tion; 2,000,000 to 8,000,000 pine and fir; reliable references. Address, T-86, Journal, Portland, Or. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK for saleReal estate Ily. 881 E. Davis. SPECIAL TWO MEN IN 6NE RO0m! with first-class table board, $4. 430 E. Clay st . . A REAL SNAP. . f ; A modern 6-room. house,. 1 block car line, north front fawn, fertile garden Bpot, corner lot, Mount Scott line; .$200 down, $20 monthly; consideration $1,460, Hargrove Bros., 11314 6th st. N., near union depot. 1 ' FOR BEST BUSINESS LOCATION ON enst side, also snaps for homes and 'in vestments; have one of the best lists in the city. V)m and ' see us. Great Western 'Realty . Co 860 Morrison, room 30. - 5 - FRESHOW8 BIG 646 East Madison at 2991. ' - : ' MILKERS Phone Main HORSES, 1ICLES, HARNESS HOlisES "aW BUOaiES FOR RENT by .day, week and month; special rates to business houaaa: Ith and Hawthorn. Fast 72. , WE ALLOW THE HIGHEST. PRICE on- old harness In exchange for new. Give us -a chance. C A, Wllley, 409 Hawthorne ave, East. 860 ' ' I WILL TAKE 6 OR 6 HORSES TO . pasture for the winter; will feed hay, and stable them-, at night: good clover and timothy pasture. R-S7t Journal:'. ' CONlHANDTEAM'. HARNE83 FOR sal. Davis. ' Keller Harness Co, 4 th scar-