i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1907. IS .JLU L-L -LJI. HOPGROWERS CALL A MEETING AT DALLAS First Step Taken Toward Perfecting Strong State Organization. TODAY'S MARKETS Hopgrowcrs, What Do You Think of a State Organization Send Your An swers to Commercial Editor, Journal. -w A FAMINE III FRESH SALMON ; this time l in irosen nn. thare ar amnio upplla for nrle at th high price now According to ( J. H. Malar al wholeaaler, there hn never Kunnlies the Smallest on i Eceord in an Open Sea son in This Market. Front street features: Ornnirrs tlll going down. Salmon famine i In Bight. Mora complaint of eg price. Chicken are moving fair. Heat meata ait 111 wanted. Apple movement heavier. lUtlo potato-onion trad. Trofk Salmon ramlne la llgHt There were scarcely any arrival of Treali salmon In the local marani iouy Harvlnta tM mn email aa to make UUO- tallotia nominal. Practically ell th trndlna at this time ta In froion stock of which there are amnio auppnea lor II emerge In effect ItA w m 1 w at before been uch a aoarclty of fresh aaU rnou In thla market during an opn sea ann n now "Why there are practlc lly no receipt at thla time," he aaya Orang RUU OoUg Down. Rtlll lower vnluea ore notoj In th lo cal orange market. Uerelpta conalat mnvtly of the small alses and for theae the trade la generally wimnc 10 in $110. .Practically few orangee are be ing sold over $3 a box:4ila price being the lop along the at rect today. Reporta from California Indicate Unit the prea nt aenaon will hnw the lowest prlcea for m;ir year. Packer will try to tem the tldo of low price temporarily bv ahuttlnt- un the packing houaea until after the hniidnva. lima artificially cre ating n ehortage where In reality there la a great surplus. It Ik believed, how aver, that tlioio la a aufflclent number of Indi oendent nackera to keep the mar ket sufficiently fed to hold valuoe not higher than the present level. Apple Movement Zi Heavier, A much heavier movement la again ahown In the mm o market. Haifa Uur In the nnat 24 houra were among the grrafat of the aeaaon. With the r aumptinn of npple buying after the flrat ahocka of the financial panic, the public turned to the poor grade almplv becmiae It was more careful with Ita monev. Now the holler g-rndea are again being Inquired for and the ep of the latter are now . fully aa great aa of tho "culla." Mora Complaint ai to Egg Frleea. Amcng the trade complaint la dully trowln ri-gnrdlrig the prlcea printed on eg, tt I the exception Instead of the rule fcr fli-ab-ra to obtnln 4oc a dozen for strictly fresh nnd guaranteed local eggl. the general price along the atreet being 17. The iuotlng therefore of the best egg straight at 40c la a great Injustice to the cummlaalon trade when aome of them do not get that figure. Galea at thla time are rnoatly In east ern egra. Price of tlio bitter un-changed! Chickens Are Moving ralr. There la n fnlr movement In the Chh ken n'.nrket nlnng- Front street. Re ceipts rire as 1 1 1 1 very llberil hut demand la growlr and while aome cleanups are ropcrtd at re.luced value, niixod iota are generally bringing llUOlzc Creamery, butter rnmnlns very firm with moat outside maker today quot ing the recent advance or the city In atltutlnns. Some cf the Intter now thev hnv mifflclent supplies to feed their trade but not any too much. -Brief Hot of th, Trad. Kb .icy drcse5 meats are s'lll In good demand. Veal especially la finding rea'iy sale nt t!.e price printed but In aome Instances considerable difficulty la en countered In moving hoga around the ton There la but little potato or onion business in !ho locnl market at this tlmo. Buyers are offering lower vnluea and theae do not meet with tho vlewa of holders. Tho flrat Japanese oranges of the season arrived In very good shape nhJ found a said around 16 a 1 6c n box California tomatoes are higher for well-colored Ptock. Borne of the best quoted today at $1.50 a crate of four baskets. Tangerines are lower with larger sup plies. Most dealers are today guotlng at J1.7V For fancy cabbage prices are being held a trifle more firm but ordinary stock la Kill a glut on the market. Front street values: Vtn. Itonr ana r4. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, large lots; small lots. 9 Ha WHKAT-Track prices tTub, 1(0 par lb J Toung Americana, 17o pr ID. POCLTWT Nominal Ul4 fhlek. ns, llOl3o per lb; fancy hns, lo roostais, old. c: rryrs, lie: broilers. Ho; ducks, lie! ta. old. lOlOo lb; turkey, llv. 114 lti dreaaed. llffllo lb: aouab. $1.10 dot; nliannl II iH ln itraaaad noli It rr. 10 I Ho par lb blgher; wild gs. M dog. ops. Wool ul Sidfl HOPS Contracts HOI crop. lOo 10T crop, cholc. TOT He; prlmo to choic. Ue: ordinary. I0(ci 101. choice, la. W06C 107 elii Vally, l01o; satrn Oregon. 11 HQ Ho. MOH A I K New 1007 tOf H IllliKH nr. itdaa llftlia lb: aren 4 So: calves, green, 7t 8o lb; kips, to Jb; bulls, green salt, l4o lb. BHKKKnKINS Bbearlns, 11010s eacn: annrt wool. Z&O40C msoiurn wool, 10 1 1.00 achf long wool, HQ tlH each. TALLOW Prim. . per lb. lOo; No. t and grraae, I0Ih. CHITTIM UARK ro. Trntts and Tgtabls. POTATOKSJ-Fsney. 7IOI0e; oil ing; buying, white 65 ((70c per cat; sweets, 2"4c per lb. ONIONR Jobbing prlc Oregon, I100fj.2; buying, spot. (1.10V1.7&: garlic, Tc lb. . , A I'PLKB Fancy tl.7J 0 2.00: cholc. $1.50: ordinary. $1 00'tf 1.26; culls. TS". KKE.SM Kl)lT8 Oranges, new HO at m n . r - w . lamnsig I A 4 1 box: llmea, Mexican ( ) pr 100; pln applea. 15 n doien; grapes, I160&I JJ; peaches, 76cijjl; cantaloupea. $l-7; pears, fancy. $1 25 1.75; ordinary, 750 U$l a box: tangarlnas, $Z cox, par slmmons, $1.75. VEUKTAULKB Turnips. nw sooq $100 ck; carroie $100 par aaca: beta, 11.001; 1 10 Pr sock; parsnips, $1: cabbage $HlVc per lb; tomatoes, California. $l.r.0; beana, 12o; cauliflower, i&bkbc lb; peas, 12c; horseradish, so lb: artichokes. $:.26 doxen; grn onions. 16c doi; bell teppera. llVkUltc; hothouse lettuce, $1126 box; cucum- bera, hothouae, 12 box. rauianea. iu do, bunchoa; eggplant, lie lb; 75TJc; cranberries, eastern. local. $9 per barrel, rprouta. 8o lb. Orooarl, nta. Sto. SUGAR California aud llawallan Cube. 15.86. powJared. $6.0; Urry. u, ory grnnuiairu, .v- ulaled. $&.4W: conf. A., 16.40, extra U.. 6.10; golden !.. $6.00; u. yeuow. 4 V0: beet granulated, $6.4tt, bar rel. 10c; half barrela, i6c, boxea. owe advance on sack Ueeia. (Abov price r SO days ni caan quotation. iiuis;y J.o per crai. COFKIlK Packag brands. $lS.IIO !. HALT Coar Half ground. lwua. 1160 Dr ton: 60s. $14.00; tabl, dairy 60a, $100; lOOo, $176; balsa. $2.60; mported Liverpool, ooa, yiv.vv, - l.0ll; 4. 1.UU; extra line oairw.., LtmL K.n. I tv.rnfrill IliniD ro( k, $20.60 par ton; 60 lo rock. $11.60, (Above prices apply tfc sales of 1 han car lota. Car Iota at spclai pricea ubject to fluctuatlona.) KICK imperial japan, no. i- , 6S61kc; New Orleans, nad. 7c; Ajax. to; Creol. c UKANS Small whit. $4.1$: Urg whit, $4.10; pink. $4.10: bayou. .. Umas, $4.60; klexlcau reda. 4 Ha K-itTS Punuti Jumbo. !c per ii Irglnla, Tc per lb; roaated. 9(H BETTER DEMAND RULES WHEAT Millers and Exporters Make ITeavier Purchases The Price Is Looking Up. Thar 1 a much better demand for wheat and both miller and exporters or .buying In larger lot. The .latter now claim that higher price ar being paid. Grower are not disposed to sll freely under the old quotations nd with th renewal of the foreign d' manu; vaiuea are looking better. At thla time the futuio of the wheat market look a If It drprndod more upon in outcome or the Argentina bar vest than anything le. With a ahort crop n this country thla year and with uuropeaa purcnaaea already breaking records; It ran be plainly seen what would happen to price wer any damag to befall the enormous crop now almost ready lor gathering In th Ar gentine. There la a small Increaa In export llour aalea line the recent sharp cut In values. Thla waa exclusively fore cast and told by The Journal Th Portland Commercial Review aaya of whtal conditions: "Whether a reaumptlon of specls pay merit will result In muklng the wheat mntkets on the Pacific coast boom la a question that can hardly be anawere In th affirmative, especially If jurlr era expect to ee higher prlcea than those now. A groat deal, no doubt, de pend upon the foreign Importers reauiir ini VI per 83ifr $4c; red Russian. 79(&h0c; bluestem, 86 tfKfic; valley, SJc. CORN Whole. $31: cracked MS ton. BARLEY New Feed. $2f!7.J per Ion; rolled, $30031; brewing. $10. RYE $1.66 per cwt OATS New Producers' prlc No. 1 Hrhlte. $18.01 per ton: gray. $17.60. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents. 14.95; strnlghts. $4 60: exports, $3.90; .valley, 4.304.50; graham, fea, $4.60; whole wheat, $4.78; ry, 60. $6.60: bales, $S.OO. MILLSTU: FS Bran. $21.00 per ton; middlings, $28.60; shorts, country. $25; city, $23.60; chop. $171. HAY Producers' orlc 'I' unit hy, Wil lamette valley, fancy, $16.00; or dinary, $11.00; eastern Oregon, $17.00; mixed, $10.00tf10.60; clo ver, $10.0012.00; grain. J10.oomi2.ou; cheat. $)0 0012.00. Batter, Biff and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Bweet cream, 33 He; sour, 81 U. . t . w I.. t , r. ., , dui lan R.uT innuj creamery, BBc; fancy, 32 He; storage, 30c; store, lure Ron, sue. EGGS Extra fancy, fondled, 37V4 iOc; eastern storage, 2630c; CHE ICS IS New Full cream, flat. K aotfv buying and malntHlnlnr such until the crop la aold. At the present tlma very little new business la going on, the exporter here and on l'uget aound devoting their attention to clean ing up old business that was made early In the season. The near approach of the holiday will be a fm tor to deal with. European buyers Indulge In more pleasure than business nnd let the lat ter wait until the festivities are over. The handicap of ae-curlng money con tinues to be the dominating Influences In our marketa at present, and opera tions are limited. Some buying la be ing indulged In dally, but the total salea of OHCh day are very Insignificant, con sidering the also of the crop and whut remains unsold. Those who confine their operations to the little business that comes their way make no effort to extend It while the situation la so unsatisfactory and proapecta so uncer tain. Shipment thla month will be quit heavy and receipts of wheat are becoming larger dally. The railroads are using every endeavor to keep cur moving, and allow no detention of vea aels In port. Arrivals are becoming quite frequent, snd exports before the turr of the year will be quite large. The moat discouraging feature of the present money situation la the univer sality of the pinch. With the discount rat nt abnormal figures In the commer cial centers of the great deficiency na- tioia. mere nas iveioped a condition fraught with things. It has been pointed out before that tho forelr buyer of our wheat had had, by the lm position t,T increasen banking rate. burden placed upon his commercial ac tlvlty. Thai there has been a stron GATES CLIQUE BULUNGSTOCK Bis: Leader Said to Be Again at Head of Movement to Advance Values. STOCK MARKET GAINS. Amalgamated .. SIHrooklvn Hugar SiHt. Paul Hmelter Vail'enn N. P liltock Island .. Reading L. H. Uteel.... V VI STOCK MARKET I1S8E8. Atchison k!ll. A (t. Canadian MO. MO. l V. P L N Vt N. V. Can I'. H. Steel pref. & (Wlr of nownlng-llopkln Co.) New York, lec. The opening on stock waa fractionally lower, and th Plltaburg bank failure only brought out a small amount or liquidation from few weakly held long -account. After the order wer taken car or. the covering whleh followed waa aided b th room scalpers changing their post lion ond bidding up the market with fair success. The trading, however, waa In moderate volume, tho greater part of th early business originating on thu floor. J he leatur of llie afternoon session waa th strength displayed again by Ht. Taul. This Issue on lather light dealings, gaining 3 points over the opening. 1 lie retxiri la, received rrotn an authoritative aource that a legltl mate nun pool lias been formed, whose members compose soma of the most In fluentlal men In the state, with Ita ex roes purpose to creat a better feeling n the market and also wiping out a few of the professional abort sellers It Is alao aald that John W. Uatss la n charge of th operations of thla clique, and that St. 1'aul la the ohjoc- Ive security. Considerable prorlt-tak ng In th last hour of trading caused a setback from the high figures, anil a good part of the early galna wa josc i oaHy range: DESCRIPTION. 0 Amal. Copper... 4KV1 60V 4H Am. Sugar, c. . . .1107 Am. Smelter. ... 764 do preferred . . I 91 U Anacondu M. Co. i1 Atchison, c Am t ot. OH ... ocomotlve .... 3!Ki H. & O M MS "3 Urook. Rap. Tr..! KM ; 40, 3 H W anadlan Pac. c. 152V163 1 5 1 - 108S lt7 77 Si 7 5 2Vl 1H 107V 75!, H2 U 12 4 74 38 ti3 "i 162 ii,. i .,- 7c roaated. 7 SVC per lb; wainuta, cniorniu, nn v pine nuta, 14016c per lb; hickory nut, in. nr lk. tirn.il nuts l so per lb: fil bert. lc per lb; fancy pecana. ltf lOo per lb: almond. Maxta. riah and PrOTlalona. F11ES1I MEATS Front treet Hog, aupply and demand situation receive fanov 84f6VkC per lb; large, ec per anaea empnasia necauae or me irmnes llr wal ex-lra - 8 4!tc per -Hi; ordinary, I pr th International market under th lb; rout- strain. While fl iere Is little doubt of ai tun fancy, kiinc bei lo- urgeni neeo in r,urope ior our wneat HAMS DAOCN ETC. Portland pack tnere nave neen liberal purchases madi jn tr. 1 2 lbs 14Uc ner lb: In antlclpntlon of European needs. I liuiuir , -- -" - - - - .... ,.,.. , v,i,, .i.- v... 14 to 1 ft lbS 14C Per ID, lO lO U IU". I 1 ni"n'-, 1,, niiuc! IMC Ky l'l"OHTII 1,.. i,r..i.ru.t imi-.ni. l&U. bi.2Kc per producer and consumer, and consider 1.. '..1........ 1 ,, u. rar ir,- cm mire roll, lie able time trananlres before the trade! ,U. uini, .V7S-. -TT K ha olr,.H M 1, 1 1 ,U. tt 1-1 rr h: sieain rcoutreu. lua. vr ...... .... . ... ,,ICr i.nnuiini ce of wheat. 104 30 21 64 98 mnke, 12c ner lb; a oked. 12o per lb; troubles hnve precipitated b decline In clear backa, unamoked. 12c; ainoked. l.c the prid Renort'a hnve heen Der lb- Union butta, 10 to 13 Iba, un- In circulation th.it extension of time smoked. 12o per lb: smoked, 13c pr lb; covering deliveries for foreign account clear lellle. unnmoaea. umo pei m. nnvn umi uiu iur, owing m ine sirin- moked. iSHo per Id; snouioers. ,jo genry. per lb; pickled tongues, 70c ecn. LOCAL LARO-Kettieiear iua is ne CHICAGO CLOSES MIXED per id; d. ia-tbv iy . lb; 6. 12c per lb. compound. 10a. May Option Is Up c and July Down TrisH Hock cod. 7o per lb; fioundera. the Same Ainonnt Today 6c per lb; halibut, c per in; striped i,. rar Hi- ritflnh. 11 ner lb: mil-I men." fresh Columbia silvers, 8c I Iec. 6 Deo. 6 ... - . . . i. . , i , . ., wii int u per lb: nerrings, oo per iu; mm, JXi.7 '.JiT 6a per lb; shrimp, lOo per July U 96 lb: porch 8c per lb; tonicod. 7c pr lb; lobsters, 20c per lb: fresh mackarsl, 8o per lb; crawfish, 25c pr dosen; stur- geon, liC per lo, umvn umon, aw jicr lb; silver sinoit, la per id; niaca cou, uc per id: craos, nj i.ov uuien. iiVKTEKS Shoalwater boy, per gal Inn 12 60: ner 100-lb. sack, $5.00: Olym pla, per gallon. $2.40; per 100-lb. sack Gain 1901 79 78 -Loas. Chicago, Dpc. 6 There was very lit tie Interest In wheat trading today and tne range a u ring ine day was small The opening waa He off for tho May and c off for the July. The closing was a Traction higher to a fraction EXPECTING A DROP IN EGG QUOTATIONS "Egga seem to be coming In a little more freely and It Is likely that prices will ease off some- what In the. not distant future. "Butter Is quite firm at tha advance, although It seems as if stocks were quite ample. It is not likely that there will be any further advance in the near fu- ture. f "Poultry baa not been any too firm of late, and while stocks have not, been large, they have been dragging and with little life to tho market. ' There Is quite a demand for small lots of fancy dressed turkeys, however, and 'there will be from week to 4 week. I look for a -better do- mand for good live hens and springers the coming week, also on geese and ducks. It will be well for those who will have fat dressed goods for this mar- ay ket .on Christmas to soon de- clars themselves. "Small fat veals ar quite firm and scarce at top price!. Pork is In large supply, but fat, solid packers and block animals are good sellers. "Hides ar very low and weak. "Potatoes dull and dragging," Tom Farrell of Everdlng. ft FrrelL- MKd rn- i.nirlB canned. 60e can: 17 I lower. dozen: eastern In shell, tl.a per nun- '" "y iowning-nopKina o dred. . . ri.AMS-ITardshell. rer nox, iz.so rnxor clams. $2.00 per box; 10c per dox. Paints, Coal OU. Etc ROPE) Pure manlla, 14c; standard, roe lHVbC neauiiKr.i. casen. iuc, Elane, casus, 28c; Kocene, cases, llVto gallon. QABOL.IMK aeg., caees, mi i o-iil Iron bbls. 1 Kc per fat. BENZINE 63 dog., cases. 15c per gal; Iron bble, 23c per gai. TURPENTINE In cases, S6c per gal; ,h iiiOa n.tc tier iral. white i.kaT) Ton lots. 7Uc per lb: JOO-lb lots. 8c per lb; lens lots 8Hc W1RR NAILS Present basis at $2.30 per kg. MINING SHARES UP WHEAT. Open. Hlh. Low. Close. May 101H 102 V. 101 10144 July 96 9K 95; 96 CORN. May 6 ft 66. 6 lt July 66 56i4 65 Vx 66 OATS. May 61H 61 51 S 61 July 46V4 45 Va MESS PORK. Jan 1272 1 277 1267 1267 May 1325 1325 1307 130J Chicago Cath Grain. (United Press Leased Wlre.l Chicago, Dec. 6 Cash wheat, opening, $1.01; closing. $1.01. corn opening, bBftc; closing, Cash 58 He. Cash 6Sc. oats Opening, 63 He; closing, Willi TROOPS COMING PLAN WOOL SALES DAYS. Goldfield Stocks Advanced 2 to 3 Points, Much to Brokers' Surprise. Umatilla Sheepmen Will Make Dates for 1908. (Special Dlnpntcb to Tp JnanmL) Pendleton, Dec. 6. The wool sales days by which Umatilla county sheep men have received an advance of from 2c to b per pound for their wool In the past two years will be adhered to In the sale of the 1908 clip and a meeting of the Umatilla county asso ciation will be held here December 21 to consider tha dates of the sales for (United Press Leased Wire.) o -m -.I-,..-. nw A TTnllowlnar tha next srirlne. .,,, . t,0 t finidfieid the load- Sheepmon are also planning a v!r- sendlng of troops to Goldrieid tne loaa oroug oyote poisoning campaign for Ing securities listed on the San Fran- january, when every armer and clsco stock and mining exchange board sheepmen in the county 1st expected to . . ... ., ...- assist In ridding tho ranges of the fHT-nf til hrnEeri and mining men It coyote pest. This week an Arlington was' genially 'fuppo'ed Tha fhe sen" BhUpmaTn lost 84 sheep from his herd 7LV A ?om would cause a serious one evening and next day was able to break In the market and create a stag recover but 12 head, the coyotes having M. & 8t. I C Col. Fuel, c . . . . & N Mo. Pacific N. T. Central . . N. Pacific, c. . . . Penn. Ry People s Gas . . Reading, c. Rork Islnnd. c. S. Pacific, c So. Railway, c. . I'. Pacific, c. . . . U. S. Steel, c. . . do pfd P. & R. G Pressed Steel . . O. H. T. & W.. Call mnner opened 6 1O7V104 V10674 31V. 21 4 95 954 54, 1 r.4 Vs 98M 9S 117l20mil7il 113',1154113' I 7NV 7m 7KV. 9f 4S 14' 30 31 2d 4 20 64 It, II" 1 5 H 1 74 774 14 14"S 119 1204 27 V n K 90 21Vx 22 111 27 KH 21 i n 'n 78 95 15 75 I4j, 118 27H 89 214 204 U high 9 g ner cent per cent, low 5 per cent'; closed 9 per cent, ruling o per cent. Total sale for day, 710,400 shares. Constant agitation has resulted In th call for a meeting of hopgrowrrs to or ganise an asaoclatlon at Ialln. Satur day, December 14. Thla will bo the in itial mov toward bringing (h vari ous section Into a strong stnte orgunl satloTi, having for Ita ulilmut" purpos th protecting of the now hdples pro ducers against the ahort aellera and bear manipulator. Th Journal haa akid growers to writ not mora than 60 words regard ing a atnte organisation and mall them to th Commercial Editor at once. Lat est replies ar prlnt.d herrwlth: Meeting at DalUs. Dallaa, Or., Dec. 6 Commercial F.d Itor, Oregon Journal Aa there is unite a sentiment among the hop producer of the Pacific coast to orgiinlxe satirist th outrageou clutches of tho bears and shorts, who are cutting thi prlc of hops Delow cost of produrtlon. I will call a meeting of the I 'oik county pro ducers at Dallaa, December 14. at 1 o'clock. The purpose of this meeting to dlacuaa and formulate plana for a permanent organisation. All are re- Sueated to b present that can possibly o o. h. h rih im BllTa la Organisation. Woodburn, Or., Dec. 5 'ornmerclal Editor, Oregon Journal- 1 am n hop grower and 1 think If wo don't orgnnix lor our protection wo Just as well plow up our hopa. Tes, I am In favor of forming an organisation Hint will cover this coiiat one that Is binding on every linpgrower. No contracting to t al lowed. 8. R. TAYLOR. Rural Rout No. I. TO NEW YORK VIA THE O. R. Sz Second Class. N. TICKETS ON SALE EVERY DAY DURING DECEMBER Excepting the 31st THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE Betwcrn Portland and the East. Accommodations equal to the best. CALL AT OUR CITY TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington streets, for any further information desired, and buy your tickets there. Womaa Orowr Writes. nrook. Or.. Der. 6. Commercial Kd- Itor of th Journal A New York luly wrote to me aome time ago that tliey had ana tneir hops for 15 and lW centa a pound. Will you find out from the railroad how much It would cost a rpw lorK dealer in hops to charter cars to be loaded at Rrtioks for New York. There Is a State Hop association al ready formed at Urook. Oreaon. W. H Kgan of Rrooks la president and James Coleman of Balem secretary, lie should arouse tt from oblivion. Thla assocla- lon was first oraanued by M. I a. Jones. our millionaire farmer. at llrooka, and some of Its best work waa don by former Secretary Jame Wln- tanley of Salem. Home years ago there wo In the hop market a slump. In one week they fell from 27 centa to 14 cents, doing down. down, and coming up' buyers were ac- ive. In one week thev were again 2J cent a pound. Oura were trapped as hey came up at Iff cents, because a elter written by Secretary Wlnalanley wna delayed. Theae warnlnr lettrra were aent to all growers. VV'e want an ctlve, honestly Informed association to send all grower dally letter and our newspapers to protect ui. Oregon hould not be a world a rendezvous for robbery called speculation. ELLA M. FINNET. BARE OF ORKftOTV WOOLS. RoKton Market Has Small Supplies Just Now. (Rpeelsl plipsteh to Th Journal.) rtoston. Mass.. Dec. (I. This market s almost bare of eastern Oregon wool, nd prices are nominal. Kmall orfer- nga made of Valley Oregon raage from 6 to Za centa. considerable Mon tana and Idnho wools are offered at rlcea ranging from 20 to 22 and 25 to 26 cents. nM4 UNHL-rOUflMTOCOMfTO TH CRtGON trwYlNO (Q FOR PROMPT AND F-fTlClENT W0RKv POLICE COURT GETS REAL GIDDY Puts on Powder and Rouge and Enamel Several Feet Deep. '. t , .i i - a of wool on hand for several months' run. LACK OF CATTLE IS A HELP 10 VALUES PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Iloirs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 3H0 . . . 26j Week ago 144 10 Year ago 204 809 I'rev. year 849 62 1686 Portland Union Stockyards. Deo. 6 Receipts of sheep were not o areat to day but there was a aood run of hogs. No cattle came at nil during the 24 hours and the marKeT is firm at the advance of 10c reported yesterday. nao today: Cattle showing much weakness with values about 85c lower. Hogs were weak and unchanged and sneep steady at former values. orriclal yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. $5.00 6.10: china fnts. 4.50. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. 13.75 & 3.65 ; best cows and heifers, $2.76 z.X6; bulls. 11.761Z.00. QhAAn Tl ,. a not h n r t A QEAJ K A mixed and best ewes, $4.25,; lambs, $4.25 4.50. 1LIF0RNIA CELERY IS GOING TO WASTE On account of unfavorable weather southern California vegetable growers Hre experiencing heavy and discouraging Iosscb this year In some lines. A short time ago reports stated that ruin of the tomato crop ny Diignt entailed a money loss of $250,000 and now comes the re port thnt owing to unfavorable weather conditions there has already been ex perienced thousands of dollars damage to the celery crop with prospects that the loss will be still greater. Early pointing resulted In the heav iest shipments ever made up to the middle of the month, 226 carloads, but he warm in in tne east nas xavored pro luctlon there and California prices have been kept down, and the expected prof Its cut. Hero also warm weather has revailed. and within 10 davs fnllv 00 carloads have been spoiled by over- ipenlng. making It soft and snonav and unfit for shipment. Good Stork Outlook. (S (vein I Plpnt-h to Ttis J no m l Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 6. The sheep men of eastern Oregon seem delighted thus far this winter with the condl tlon In which the herds are cnterin upon the winter season. The J. K, Smith Livestock company Is holding over 26,000 head or shoep this winter on Its Harnhart and Birch creek ranges. Sheepmen generally are optimistic over the wool and sheep situation and they look for a continuation or ex cellent prices which have prevailed dur ing the last few years. Taconia Wheat Market. Tucoma. Dec. 6. Wheat, export Bluestem, 82c; club, 80c. LODGE ELECTIONS AT M'MINNVILLE Spclal Dtipstcb to Tb JonnuLt McMlnnvllle, Or, pec. 6 The lodges of this place are making up their new corps of officers for the coming year and the elections have resulted as rol lllU'S Frlendahln Rebekah I. O. O. F. Mrs. M A Dennis, N. U.: Mrs. Sarah Chris man V. O.; Mrs. Mnttie Carllse. secre tary; Mrs. Hannah Wright, corerspond lng secretary; Arthur McPhlllips, treas- " "Sana Lodge, No. 63, Knights rvthin o U. Hendersnou, v. H Agee, V. C; W. H. Logan, prelate; j " ii Gibson, M. of W.; C. C Jacobs, K of R. and S. and M. of F. ; Arthur McPhlllips, M of K; C. H. Neal. M. at A. .1. A. Friable. I. iiarvey ouun (J- trustee ror tnree years, miuihih Schmidt; representative to grand lodge, two-year term, W. T. Vinton. Occidental i,ooge. i. . r .-jum Fletcher. N. O ; Arinur mcr-niuips y. 0 H M HosKlns. r. a., r runcia uai loway, secretary; A. J. Howell, treasurer. of W This was a great day In the municipal court. Never at any time within tho memory of the oldest habitue hav the sacred precincts of the time-worn and smoke-begrlmed chamber taken on such a gala appearance. Kven the Inevitable line of "drunks," as they filed In to take their customary lecture at the hands of Judge Cameron, cast fright ened look at tha unaccustomed sur roundings and furtively brushed their oiled and tattered rarments In an In effectual effort to live up to the new ordor of things. It was al due, of course ,to the new furniture. New desks, ne'w chairs, new umbrella stands and hatracks, all re splendent In shiny varnish and brass fittings took th place so long occu pied by the wreck of what wa probably at one time, a quarter of a century or more ago, passably decent courtroom fitting. ... The cnange was mane lasi .jiikui anu wna hrnnirht About US the result Of a conference recently held by Judge Cam eron. Clerk Hennessy and members or tha ores with the varlou members of the ways and means oommlttee of the city council. It was pointed out to th city rather tnai mo wnuiuun mo rurnifura m'Aa aucn aa iu uiibc mo city and endanger the live of thoe hm-inir tha temfirltv to attempt to find a resting place on the excuse for chairs and benches. As conditions spoke ror inemseivea. it ,im ni ran ii Ira anv great amount of nntnra or arirument to convince the councllmen that It was up to them, and they rose to the emergency. The dele gation was at once given authority as a purchasing committee, and a visit to a house-furnishing establishment did the rest. .... . The new order or tnmgs is expreaaeu by the remark of one of the many po- Icemen who nau duhihb u m nuui- room today: , If I was a crooK, aaiu n, x wuum onnMAr if an honor to oe convioxa in such a brand new looking place a this. Is my hair parted straight?' Loads Ice With Machine. (Spfcinl Pl'tmteti ta Toe Joqrnal.) North Powder, Or.. Dec. 6 Andrew Lull, the North rowuer -riai Ire shipper, nas receivcu uio iuhuuik conveyor orucreu num York and is puiuiiB n m ii' mi operation at the opening or mo ice ...,u The machinery has capacity f.' inudlnu: 10 cars per hour with lea . a Cut glass at Metsger's, 141 Wash. Joseph' Marshal Resigns. (Rperlal PUpatck to Tb Jouraal.) Joseph. Or., Dec. 6. A. M. Johnson, for five months city marshal of Jo seph, resigned recently, after hav Ini, ben rebuked in court for the manner In which he had arrested a young man . for a trivial offenae. Johnson Is an x- " perlenced officer. William Ward, for merly marshal of Drewsey. Oregon, has been appointed to succeed Johnson. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. NOTICE-I WILL" NOT BE RESPON slble for any debts contracted by other than myself. M. Owens. WANTKD WORK AS FOREMAN OR Janitor or any kind of work by col ored man; can give the best of refer ences. 609 Flanders st. FURNiSHED LIOHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, gas, phone: no children: rent reasonable. 215 Morris st 1 The Oregon Cheese Co. 136 rifth Street, Vear WMhlartoa, wetiaaa Bldf. Headquarters (or ? Butter, Cheese and Eggs A Small Piece of (he Big Cheese Left. This Week Only FENDLET0N WOOLEN MILLS TO RESUME (SpeHnl Plpntch to Tb Journal.) Pendleton, Or.. Dec. 6. The Pendle- on wooolen mills have peen leasea 10 A. Shepara ana win ue auirieu jii few davs after Deing iaie several direct from, the lake. This makes pos- rnonths in. mm- -P.y lble the snipmeni Ol nunc qumnniea. wt. ". pm rial reriy rvrrrr RR0B1NS0N lt5Zam Iowa fiutter, lb., 35 4 Creamery Butter, roll..., 65 Dairy Butter, per roll ,.554 Cooating Butter, lb 25 Eggs, per dozen 30f, 35 Fine old American Cheese 25 Comb Honey, new. 2 for 35 Fresh Tillamook Cheese, lb.. ...20 Imported Swiss Cheese, lb..,,. 40 Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb...... 25 Cream brick and Limburger, lb. 25 Imported Rocquefort Cheese, lb. 50' Trv our Golden Cream Potted Cheese. something new. i- The most convenient location In tn city. 1 fTetbeenndetraIo"h,Ch t "r 'SexT.rluse ordered from roE?-?-?.e"aeiV'a,.i. tha tha. Orden bv the Umatilla county asao- Aiany 01 mo . ... ,- . Cn ... Kn,.nR ory that the sending of troops has in- "'y'AiJZlY IrJlZ sDired conf denco in the traaers anu i" t"' u.owluu.w.. hiw nt hlocks of Ooldflcld securities sneepmen. in that the sending or troops means me protection of lifo and property in tno camp. . . , The comparison or wie prices 01 uirei leadlne- securities of Goldfield between yesterday's quotations and today's are as roiiows: ... Qoldflold Consolidated, which closed yesterday at $6.724. Jumped this morn- Northwest Bank Clearings. PORTLAND. Clearlna-s 4odftV ' t 722.062.61 Year ago 1,228,705.75 Balances today eo.soa.Bis lear ago jio.iia.io TAffiMA. Ing to 5.8r: Daisy, which closed yeater- r-learlngs I 777,319 Aav fit 9o eold UD to 76c. and Florence I nalnneea S0.761 sold up to ii, Closing yesternay aiauuui. Northwest Crop Weather. Western Oregon and Western Wash ington Rain and warmer tonight: Sat urday rain; southerly winds . interior; fresh southerly gale along coast . Eastern Oregon, Eastern .Washington and Northern Idaho Rain tonight and Saturday. . , Southern Idaho Rain tonight west, increasing cloudiness, east . portion Saturday; rain, . ; - Clearings Balances . SEATTLE. .11,259,369 140,547 Inspector at Umatilla. Tndletnn. Or . Dee. 6 R. M. Prlnarle. supervisor of Indian agencies, arrived today on an official visit to tho Uma tilla agency. Brauer's hand-painted china at Meti- $ er a, y . BIG DROP IN MEATS Picnic Hams 11c Roast Pork - - - 10c Choice Mutton - 6c to 12.c Choice Veal 6c to 121c PER POUND Nice, Juicy Pot Roasts 6c to 8c Strictly our own Home-Made Sausages, all kinds The STATE MARKET THE BEST TENDERLOIN STEAK THAT MONEY CAN BUY 10c Fresh Eggs - 25c Choice Butter - 50c ' ,v ,"-v Creamery Butter 65c Pure M.SzSn Choice Bacon 15c to18c 221 First Street ' Corner iJnlmon