l , v 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND,-. ' FRIDAY EVENING -DECEMBER 6.' , 1007. ' a i .1 .l..". j ,. tu ajai. jl . I JJia . 1 8.1 Lit-1 . UU i1 1 i-.u-... v..' No Cocaine-No Gas I, .wwMaMBsaawam-aeeM S.-.E. Corner -Sixth and Oak, Opposite New Wells-Fargo .Building No Students' CfeiftgibtitiSaieM Out eticcees Is du U uniform hlgh- gTsd work at raaaonabU price. Nervous People SUPERB COLLECTION Staple and Ultra fashionable Ladies wear And those afflicted with heart weakness ran now hrs their teeth extracted. filled and brldgswork applied without TnfrsfntA- Convention of Suits. Dresses,1 Gostumes, Coats and Wraps.' "rneunionla" ( Gaelics on the least pain or danger. t College, Y. 31. C. A. Opened ; This Afternoon by Prcsi dent Joseph Albert of Salem. Mount Scott Division Will PAINLESS EXTRACTION .so 31 KARAT CROWNS Jo Replaced Company Jlurryins: Work on Con shrnment of Rollins: Stock 6.00 5.00 BRIDGE WORK x Designers' Models and Cre- OUR REST PLAIN PLATE 8.00! rcrn auons jor tne james VOIGI! m mm r r t I .aT fprlt Mt I" The J'Hirn.l I ".Albany. Or.. I'- The Interstate convention of l he college V. M C. A. convened In Albany thla aHornoon ut 1:11 o'clock. Over 150 delegate from , nrartlrally alt the college and univer sity In th atate and also a large rep raeentatlon from achoola In Waahlng ton and Idaho, aro In attendance. The asion planned are of much Interest to too. awembled workers. The detailed program includes some . . . .k. i..iiin .nralirri In the north west! V. M." parson of Mlnneapolla is with the convention and great tJ"'M ..ni-i from htm. In addition the members will b addressed, by Kev. IX ul utnn. f Port end. josopn it iun 'ftiilm la oresndent and 1. R. Rhodes I "Two and perhaps thro now cloned cars will he nvnlluMn f"r the Mount fcott servlc this evening nnd by J e cembor in we expect to have li newly equipped closed cara on that line," snld General Manager Fuller this morning whin asked when the open cars wojld b discontinued. "We sre not running open cara on that line from choice; It la because ws have to. and I think we have done everything that any one would do under the circumstances. "The Mount Hcott district has arrown M. .Parsona of Mlnnoapoiia ; y f(JJt w,thJn the lmmt few yMrt convention and great "ii.gs . w ,,lge(1 lt .,, pi,rsl ,n ortjPr for 16 new cars for thst line ss long ago members win om ou" m, a, December IS Isst year. On sccount U Kader, Kev. tt. 1L Foulkes ana m. of the gTt run of work , ,he f(u torlrs at St. Paul they have been tinablo to gt out our cara aa the contract pro 1 secretary. The program follows: in uvula v. lxmter 6 x.l P- m.. eons 1 vlded. We even sent a man to St. Paul, V tl1M . au -I service: convention cu -a "" and assist In the wiring and othr work lYesldent Joseph IUAIIers. add res or th, ,h fBCtnrJl wouid nve had to welcomo oy rrcsiauni ." ' do themsrlves. All this was. done St cf Albany college: organisation ond P-, our expense, so that we could got these polntnicnt of committees; . oars for the early fnll service. Xlens Lives,' Kev I). l J1""',,": I "AHogether we ordered 0 cara.Xhey ti-es In the Association. 1. KB"-' ,' came at dlfforentCXlmee. but all arrlvsil business ieaslon; he, : during November. Wa have an extra execuUvs committee; import of tressur-; ,n, of or ,$ ( th h ' 1f 'm'vflM V-Th. rntted l"res-1 w,r,n nd rutting In airbrakes so thM service will be held In th L nl ted 1 . res- 0(,rs c-n bs use,, W( arB do,n byterlsn churc h and Rev. W. H .ou'''"! I everything possible for our Mount Scott of Portlsnd will speak on Th'ngs n- , p.troB, nmf u w, h(4(, ot , on ,h8 damental in the Christian 'th. Tal - orm cara In tho emergency we would lowed by an address by the Rev. D. L. . ,lav, hetn vnablri to h,ndi9 the trafri0 juiaeron omiw d,.v ... . aurmg tne evening hours." . 8aturday, December 7 SMS a. m., sons aervlce: Bible atudy. led by Ir. Much feeling against the street rail way company has arisen In the Mount 8cott district becauaa of the continued "JlMn ft WJrT'Sf oonU,.n5 i orVn o ,h.t dlvl.Von ' 7n- J'SLSfiniy dur'ng the evening. Patrons Idaho." James R . Thompson. 1 he Col- cal, them --pneumonia- carll" Th . leg Man's Relationship to the College Community," Professor A. C Terrlll of Kugene; "To His e low Biuaems. ; ,r, to rppcej wlthm tne . tw0 Kood: "to mi uiies snu x "wm . ,!.. pie of the entire district Will be greatly relieved when they lenr that the cars Aner Oraduatlon,'' M. A. Kee of PTt land"; business session; a p. m., song service: "The County Work." Alonso Hull. McMlnnvllle, Cnalrman Yamhill county executive committee; discussion, ..d by Clarence Edwards of Jewberg and V. F. Chase of Dayton; sectional conference: 'City and Town Assocla- , Hons," Robert Livingston of Portland; Vrgsnlsation," R. L. Hendricks of Sa lens : "The? Director and Committeeman, . Their Relationship to the Association," netcher Linn of Portland; "Types of Bible 8tudv In the Association,1' A. F. Flge4 of Portland; "F.ducatlonal Prob lems, it. A. Kees of Portland; "De ve.oping Leadership," W. M. Parsons of Minneapolis; "Business Methods in the Association," Joseph H. Albert of 8a lem; "Student Associations," Professor H. I Bates of Forest Qrove; "Organisa tion, Discussion," James Lyman, state student secretary, and R, R. Clark of tha Oregon Agricultural college; "How tihall WTlIcTPHSS li A. McClaln of the University of Ore pon, and Kiley KaufTman of Newberg; "Religious Meetings," C T. Hurd of the O. A. C, Royal D. Bis bee of Willam ette and Albert Garry of Chemawa; "How Shall V. Reach Young Men of. Ability in the CollegesT' C. J. McKee of McMlnnvlu and H. E. Whitman of weeks. The new cars will begin going Into service tonight, according to Mr. Fuller. By December 18, barring accidents or failure from some other cause, all the open coaches will be replaced. L 0 WAIT TO GET STILL LONGER WAIT Re-Enameling Teeth Is la th grestest Invention In modern den tistry and has been most successful of I an icetnoda. Ws extend to all a special Invltatloa to csu at our orrica and bav their teetfc examined free of charge. Wa own and control tha Inrgest and nest equipped dental establishment la the world, having Just opened sn office In Astoria, making us 11 offices all told. We give a written guarantee with all work tor 10 years. Uady attendant Open evenings till 1.10. Sunday vto 1 ChicagoPainless Dentists SIXTH ISO WASXXVOTOaT. Be sure you sr In the light place. town Exposition ; . ' i Under Direction oi The Parisian American Fashion Co. if' 1 5 ' ?-?fefet-7. " ;KT Bi - -.is y W'i?Ki Frank Btewart was committed on No vember IS -and A. L. Mayfleld on No vember It. Harsh physics react, weaken th bow els, cause chronic constipation. iDoui'i Ilegulets operate easily, tone the stom ach, cure constipation, ?5c. Ask your druggist for them. Oold-headed canes at Metxger'a. . New Astoria Tax. Aatorla. Or.. Dec. 6. The town of New Astoria has levied a tax of 3 mills for munlcipnt purposes Koad district No. 12 of Vesper has mnde a special levy xf 10 mills. Fac II KvaVgellstlc - Agency.'" C. M. Kcod In jail since October 22 because unable to give 175 ball. L. C. Munaon . seems destined to stay there for an Indefinite time to come, or until the holidays are lifted. He Is held "on a nonsunoort iumi iu rnauie mm io mt'en n, as u was certain that he could earn nothing for the support of his family so long an he remained In tail, but hp hum tn un able to oecuro anyone to go on his bond. There are four DrlsoneKs at the iall on ! misdemeanor charges in slate cases, and concerning inese mere are possible com- CUBSS WX3TTSS COUQX. J. E. Oover, 101 N. Main street. Ot tawa, Kansas, writes: "Kvery fall It has been my wire's trouble to catch a severe cold, and therefore to cough all winter long. Last fall I got her a bot tle of Horehound Syrup. 8he used It and has been able to sleep soundlv ail night long. .Whenever the cough trou bles her, two or three doses stop the cough, and she Is able to be up and well." 2&c. 60c and $1.00. Sold by all druggists. - .Memo university; -uiDie muay as an plications when the endlns of the hnii days bring their cbip8 up for trial. They Kvenlng session In tha United Preby- j nre being held without trial because tli irrian luurui. jiounrMra win uc us- uistrict attorney office does not wnnt llvered by W. M. anolis and Jamea R. Thompson, subject. "Keccnt Advances Parsons ht Mlnno- In the Association nterprls. Sunday, December 8 I a. m., at the Methodist church; quiet hour for con vention delegates; 10:30 a. m., reguiar church services, addresses to be deliv ered that morning; in the various pulpits by th leading convention speakers; 8:30 p. m., men's meeting In the opera house, to be addressed by W. M. Par sons, a noted speaker from Minneapolis; boys' meeting in the First Presbyterian church, address by II. W. Stone of Portland; - 7:80 p. m., services in the Methodist and United Presbyterian churches; 8:30 p. m., farewell services in tne united Presbyterian church : Largest Coal Dealers. ' Probably the largest dealers of coal In the city is the Independent Coal & ice company, importers, jobbers and retailers. This company does a large business sll over Oregon and Imports its foreign coals direct from England . nnd Australia. At their bunkers at the root or tjuimby street the British bark Port Patrick is discharging a big cargo of coal and 3,000 tons is due on the French ship Buffon. which will be par tially discharged at their dock at the foot of East Tamhlll. They not only jianaie ioreign coats out are also ex clusive agents for the celebrated Rock Springs coaL the most popular Ameri can coal on tho market In addition 'to this the company operates at the foot of Pettygrove street the largest coal stor age plant In the northwest. O. M. Ran kin Is the vica-presldent and renern manager of the company, the office of which Is at S&3 Btark street. to take the risk of trvinr them legal holiday. In city misdemeanor cases Judge Cameron passes judgment and sends of fenders to the rockpile, but the district attorney is unwilling to follow his ex ample. If one of this quartet should receive a year's sentence when he Is finally tried he would have spent tnnnv weeks In jail In addition, despite the provision of law that men accused of crime are entitled to a speedy trlnl. Christ Shuman and C. It. Yerkcs hnve been In Jnll the longest of anv of the prisoners held In this way. Their in carceration dates from November 7. Hills and Horses are a bad combination and the resultant strained shoulders and legs must be pi ven careful atten- tion If your JLalthfuI beast is to be spared to you. Prompt treat ment is necessary and the best suited lor the purpose is old reliable Mexican Mustang Liniment. Made of oils, famous for their penetratimr and healing quali titi it quickly relieves soreness, soothes the injured parts and removes all stiffness from-the joints and limbs. Send for a FREE copy of our valuable booklet "Points from a Horse Doctor'! Diary." . Lyon Manufacturing Co., 44 South Fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. , Having decided to close ' our fc t..r .'! fashion demonstrating, in order, toNtblize expense of sameWe will sell this elaborate collection of over 1,000 garments original models and exclusive designs. The sale, begins tomorrow morning for an indefinite period.' The prices to be realized will place this , stock of ladies' wear within reach of every person. Actual cost of production is not even a serious consideration. Ladies who are concise about their wardrobe will have the opportunity .of select ing the very best, from the most exclusive stock in America, at LESS THAN THE PRICES OP COMMON GOODS. LADIES' SUITS Bridal Costumes, Battenbergs, etc., Silk Delicatea and Semi Modes, full Evening Dress and Street Costumes, Traveling Saddle Habks, etc. To $30.00 Models, and demonstrating values To $37.50 Suits and Habits... To $45.00 Suits, etc To $55.00 Suits and Costumes.... To $65.00 Suits,' vast variety To $75.00 Parisian Suits, etc.. Dress Suits, 8 811.75 814.75 818.75 823.75 $27.50 832.50 Full Dress or Bridal Coslumcs S $C5.00 $90.00 Cahsaw materials $140.00 $200.00 ..827.50 837.50 847.50 863.50 Opera-Coals and Wraps Street Karicul, Broadcloth, - Coverts, Venetians, Velours, Homespunsvcry, elabo rate display prices ranging from $11.75 to $32.50. Values $25.00 tor-$75.00. SILK RAINCOATS New designs in Garage Toppers, De Prix Ginger Squares, in somber shades and colors. . Values to $10.50 $22.60 $30.00 $35.00 $45.00 brilliant and $65.00 Sale price $7.50 $0.50 $12.50 816.50 $18.50 $24.50 The' most costly of trimming and workmanship predominates throughout the g entire line. The sale prices in many instances do not cover material costs, n Ladies may select at once. We will keep garments for a limited time; as may J be agreed, when final settlement of any balance; may. be paid. ' g s NOTE These Suits, Costumes and Coats do not have'duplicates, only in a few instances. Select early it's policy. OH, SPLUDGE! SUCH .- A DIZZY DIZZINESS - He wa a married man. Ha stood In Sixth street in front ot a saloon Just a his wlf went by. "I saw you today," said the wife that night . "I was talking to a friend," was the answer. ."Yes" the wife "but you had just come out of ' that saloon; that's what I'm kicking about." Tou're wrong, wlfey dear. You're wrong" the old man "1 hadn't Just - come out of that place." j "No?" the wife ' "No" the husband "I - was -Just ' going in." , -And then the wife felt better. f - Boon for Portland. Portland will bo the terminus of the ' first practical-commercial airship In the world. The Natiohai Airship company has purchased 80 acres of land on the Mon- : tavllla carllne at an expense of 156 000 has purchased on the Montavllla carline , 60 acres of land at an expense of $56 000 nnd will commence building operations In th spring, on landings, docks, fiViirht shads, etc. Alexander Ots, an ex-contractor of Portland, is the sunerintend- ent of construction and his office Is lo cated at room 10, 11. 12 and IS Mallory building. 288 8tark street. Attention is "called to advertisement In another portion of . today's paper,. KAY0B OF GLACE BAY : , IS UXfcER ABREST .;' v.yjrt.'&'-.i" I ' 1 ' '' '.u T rnlted Pr LrnM4 Ptr. . Brdry, V. S.,Dec. Mayor Burchell "Of Glacto Bay has been arrested on the charge tf embftzlement of IS. 000 from the I'omlnlon Coal company. He was released on 1 30,000 bonds. " " Coal. rrystal Ice A Storage Co. j Phone offl( East 244. A-1244; Bunkers, Alain sasssmsFsssa THIS CLOTHING WAS BOUGHT FOR THE FALL AND WINTER OF 1907-1908 ' F1b Pffft .Thoma xlock at r til -aahlugtoa sti-et.i Meta- ' M -wl lB ' H U-IUilU"JIl Ul " -- 19'IH'IUHUH HI '1 aYIIH WU 'itfSI I j- a A n RU - ' " 1 vi il Large Assortment OVERCOATS and CRAV . ENETTES, 15 Per Cent Off Marked Prices FULL DRESS and DINNER JACKETS ,10 Per Cent Off Regular Marked Prices Cash with us means Scrip, your Personal Check or, the Coin. This our first season in the mens clothing, business we; find our stock entirely too large. A mistake in over buying, and instead of waiting we propose to clean out this high grade stock of CAMBRIDGE CORRECT CLOTHING m the height of the season and give our friends and the buying public a chance tosecure the finest tailored garments ever shpwn in Portland. . MEN'S .SUITS In :Fancy Fabrics $20 Men'sSuife $1.50 435 Meii'sSuits $26.50 $25 McnSuife $40 Men'is Sqits $32.50 $30 R1en,sSuits$22;50 50Mcn,s Suits $40.00 -Black" and Blue Unfinished ; Worsted, Cheviots and Serges 10 Per Cent . - ' Off Regular Marked Prices ' v. V ROBINSON:- & .GO. 289-291 Washington Street Perkins Hotel 2S3 Aft n4WtisBr-