., o THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8. 1007. a .... . il ... , . . 1.-1 - ,. . ' . I 1 ' J- .. - - I ... .. 1 , ! . . 17 FOn SALEREAL ESTATE Mt. Scott Bargains . ixoo cash. 119 pr month. I-room Ioue k cr, $so. llfi rtah, lit par month, rooms, U 1100 Bh. ItO monthly. 5-room mod rn burmalow, 1 lots, vlectrlo lights, nsaement, tinted walla. close to oar II. too. 1400 rash, 111 per month. 4-room cot- , i iota, on corner. ii.juo, 11.200 caah. i.rooin houaa. lot 10(100, rlnaa to car, patent toilet, plumbing pipea, no lub. - 11.000 raah. balance to ' eult. new -room modern hu fine low. lot 40120, cjoee to car, concrcto basement, tinted walla, wired, china rlcaet. beat of plumb in; Immediate poaaeaalon can ue givsn; l.HDO. 81.280. eaah. balance monthly. 7-room modern houae. W acre, rooma are large and the finish la tbe beat tnaltle and out; 12.600. 1 1. HO; term ran be liven; a choice lie re. loan ta omr. Other bargains In house, lots and acreage.. Jf you Intend to buy ace us before you make ud lour mind. We can save you money. Churchill & Ross Lsurolwood Station. Phone Tabor Tit. Mount (cott cor. - INSTALLMENT HOMES. i4.000 31 Oulld at., rooms. SrtiRO 8f8 (lulld at., I room a. 3.7 S9I N. 24tH at., I rooma. ' 12.000 74 ltooaevelt St., t-room cot tage. All modern.- new, and In splendid neighborhoods. Small amount down; balance 125 per month. The demand Is active; buy now be fore nrleea begin to advance again. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Owner, 40 Comtnerclal block. Phone Main 447. 11 V. 4LMKiclis faiUno bLImS.., makes a specially of selrmg house In the K. Rurnslds dlatrlet. COZY t-KUOM COTTAGE. $1.41)0: 1 4 00. balance to aulL Phone Eaat Hi. C R. Doanell & Co. Weal Estate Honw 12. 1M Stark. kllCHTEL KtKNH MAKE A bPfc- clalty of eaat elde realty, rentals, loan, etc. 82 K. Morrlaon L CLAfcSiUKD Aba IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of t. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. LA ROE MODERN a-RUOM COTTAGE. I2.HU0: S00, balance to suit. Phone F.axt 675. FttR SALE I NICK LOT IN limit, east side, cheap: bo Bee owner. O-02, Journal. cTtY agents. Filley Park To rent payers: Why pay rent wBen you can buy a lot In Filley Park for leaa than your rent? Lots ISO and up: bo fare; ID monthly secures two lota Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d ani 8ark. Phone Main 6S54. for bale h li lock on thomp- on and 19th ata.. Irvlntfton; street pavement done; 1 lot In Williams' sd dlttnn, and also 20 acres near Lents. Phone C-1174. FOR KALE A NEW 4-ROOM HOL'SE. Il.'uo, on eaay terms by owner. E. Smith. 2 blocks south of Flrland sta tion. .l.' ntio -WHOLE HLOCK CLOSE IN, netting 7 per cent: good for munufac ttirlnp 4S7 E. Couch at. for ui:sl' ijisiness location on t ;it aide, altio tinupa for homes and In vestments; have one of the best lists in tho city. Come and aeo us. Great Western Rciilty Co., 35(JV Morrison, room 30. U.6110 good a-HooM house, mod erti Improvemeots, 60x100 lot, fine rosea and fruit trees, 1 block to Hnw thorno uve. carllno, close to school; 2,000 cash, balance on time; big bar gain. R. 1. Morvu. Shi K. Madlaon St., beiween 2th and 30(h. 4tm I10WN MUfeT LliAVE AT ONCE and sacrlnce new modern (-roum cot taue; reception hall, bath and toilet: i full concrete basement and foundation: I fine location, close to Hawthorne, 15 j minutes. 3 enrllnes, only 1,700, bai. , easy. l.-JG Journal j IMPROVED 1 FOR SALE A WELL small ranch; would take Portland property or business as part payment; terms If desired. C. E. Linthlcuin. ill Commercial blk. 6-KO0M MODERN HOUSE AT FIR- land on Mount Scott line, close to sta tion: 20 minutes' ride to center of Port land; lot 45x133. fronts on two streets; house la wired for electricity; all hard flnlsbed: has large bathroom and base ment; all double floored; prtoe 11,900; 400 cash; balance f'JO monthly. We. have a largo list of houses, lota anj acreage on easy terms. It will pay you to see us before you buy. THE CROSSLEY CO., 201 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. Branch office at Flrland Station on Mount Scott line. FOR SALE FARMS. A SNAP. 16 acrea. half mile from town of White Salmon, Wash.; ideal place for fruit or chicken ranch, commanding fine, view of Hood River and moun tains, only 35 per acre for quick sale; easy terms. Mitko nn Investment of this kind, with no chance to lose and save advance by spring. VAN DUYN & WALTON, 615 Chamber of Commerce. . FVH SALE. 100 acres land. 24 miles northwest Of Carson: ri0 acres level. Price 11,050. Address owner, G. A. Matzel, Carson, Washington. SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE IN northern Crook county', 800 acres, g per acre; about 25 acrea ln alfalfa, 25 seres can be put ln. plenty of, water, good rang-e for two bands of sheep; ?lace properly cared for will produce 00 tons of alfalfa hay. For further Information address W. H. Shrum. Ash wood, Or. 46 H ACRES ADJOINING COLUMBIA ' river, 1(1 miles from court house; for sale or trade. Particulars, owner, 209 Commercial blk., Second and Washing--.ton streets. FOR SALE 4.000 ACRES OF LAND, A-l soil, for 13.60 per acre; state land selling for 1500. This must be sold at once. Call room C. Cambridge bldg. 64 ACRES, 11 MILES OUT, ALL UN der cultivation, 24 acres bearing strawberries, hi acre other berries; 80 fine bearing apple, pear and cherry trees, good 4-room house, also barn, fruit house, 2 cbicken houses, mile to school, store and churches; for quick sale, only 22,000; "part cash. The Span ton Co.. 270 Stark st. , Itt ACRES ON STREETCAR LINE. only 3 miles from center of city, good portion in berries and ' fruit trees; city water; good 4-room house and chicken house; price reasonable, or will trade for Improved acreage, 8 to 10 miles out. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark. 20 ACRES, 24 MILES FROM CITY AND 1 mile from railroad station, store, graded school, church and large fruit cannery; only 3 ' miles from town of 2,000 population; all under cultivation; 5 acres berries; 1 acre of cherries, 2 acres firunes, hi acre Bartlett pears, all bear ng; bouse nnd barn, new fruit dryer, ru ral mail delivery and telephone service. Price $3,000; terms. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark et. A PLACE YOU'LL BUY AT FIRST SIGHT 40 seres, rich soil, nicely fenced, over 80 ln cultivation; new 6-room cottage; wood fibre plastered; 2 good barns, nice 2H-scre orchard, graveled road; 3ft miles to Oregon City. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder St. S20 ACRES OF FARM LAND NEAR Oakland, Or., 70 acres planted In oats and wheat, 2E0 acres' ready to plant Full particulars at my home. 405 Tour- "ny bldg. VANTED HOMESEEKERS TO wrlta for price list of Willamette val ley fam lands. J. D. .Winn, Buena Vista, Or. " . TIMBER TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Washington. California, JAMES D. LACET ft CO,, 1. ; - Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle.''.' " , - Hi Chamber of Commerce. . ' V- . , Portland. j. . timber. four timher claim. iooi loca- tlnn; 2.000,000 to l,000,Ooo pine and fir; reliable references. Address, T-t6, Journal, I'urtland, Or. TT&IUfjt lAST'i IN OhEuION tii'l.N1- xy, 1,000,000 feet yellow fir; cheap. Call at my- home afternoons only: no agents wanted. 401 Tourny bldg. ' classified ads lhTTniTToURNAi.. coat 1 cent rer counted word. T In srtlonf for 'he price of t. 'If you have a want muse it knows through ins want ad column of The Journal. HOUSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS SECOND-HAND TEAM HARNESS FOR sale, tweller Harnees Co-, (lb Ctjr Pavle. HOKBKU AND KtOUlrS KOI'. HEM by day. week and month: special rates to bualneas bouses. tb and liawiborae. Eest T8. wiT'aIXovV ' The ' MaihiHt prick" on old harne In eKchans for new. Olve us a chance. C. A. VVIlley, 401 Hawthorne ave. Eaat It SO teAm ok ma Res "fo iwule oen- tle workera: one aet double harneaa. almoat new; sold cheap. 172 Macadam road. CLA&SJHED ADM IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent Der counted word. 7 in- sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ! columns of The Journal. FOR SALE LIVKHTOCK CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent Der counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of C If you bave want mens it known through me want ad columns of The Journal. MUSICAL INSTltUMKXTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnwsy (and other! pianos, Sherman. Clay Co Cth and Morrison sta.. opp. poetofflcs. YORK BAND INSFrLMKNT AND MU- ale houee; repairing, t'i't Stark. CLAKHIF1ED ADS IS THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of . If you have want make It known through the want nd column of The Journal. FOK SAL E M IS C KL LA X KO 1 8 FINEST LINE OF FRAMED AND UN- frnmed plcturea ever exhibited in Portland. On account of the financial flurry thii beautiful atoi-k muat be sold In the next thirty tiaya, rvgardleaa of coat Picture framing a specialty. The Art Emporium. S4) Alder, near Hth. HAVE YOU AN YTHINO TO SELL? CALL LP PACIFIC 793. Is there anything you want to buy? Come and aeo ua at Twentieth and Washington ats. Our prlcos alwaya the lowest. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. WE ARE AGENTS FuR LO-IKR. JaKer and Niagara marine motors; thev are cheaper now than In the apring. Hetter hnve a talk with us. Oregon Launch Co.. foot of Hawthorne avo. I lay ton cooperage co. all ! klnda of barrela and bottle bntiKht I anil sold. 43 N. From. PI) o ne M a I n7 il 1. CHEAPEST AST BEHT PLACE TO HCV ! furniture, stovea. The Pol In r. 232 1 a t one good Launch" hull. in. i One 60-foot launch. 22.700. Wanted, several launchea to fill orders Heyes Engine & launch Co.. 171 M:idl- son st., phones Main 74QH. Home A-33 1. ARE YoU GOING To Ul'ILD A H )A 1 for next yeur? - You can save from 15 to 35 per cent bv ordcilnj? It now Instead of In tho spring. Let us sub mit plana nnd flguru on Its'cost. Oie- , gon Launrn i o., iooc or iiawi norne ave. 20 BLACK MINORCA tflTFCKENSJ f Incubator, 1 bone crusher. C'ail at vheder'a or address W. 11. Wheeler. R. No. 1. Lents, Or. I HOLDEN 8 RHEUMATIC CUkE- -SURE by all cure for rheumatlam. Bold drugtrlsts. IKON BED J.I0. SPRINGS II.2&, MAT tress tl.Su, dresser 17.50, mantel bed 35.50. Anstey Mros . 3!5 1st. Pac. 1S70. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS KUlt WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone Sell wood hi. for sale a fine pamlok grand piano, little used, for eia than half rrlce. If. Sinshelmer. "L 3d st. ETOVE DOCTOR WE JtEPAIR. PUT In colls or exchange, buy or sell 1 -mm 1 stoves '.'32 1st The Dollar Main 6374 15-FOOT HARDWOOD COUNTER. Phone Main 4290. or call 213',fr Front. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL" cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of . If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smith's. Main 66S8. At One Half Price All watches," Jewelry, diamonds, vio lin, guitars, for this month only at Uncle Myers. 143 3d. near Alder. VEHICLES. FARM WAGONS. HORSES, milch cows, ainple and double hames ses, heavy and light. 350 Flanders. ONE GRAY HORSFTTl YEARS OLD for sale at Morgan stables, between Union nnd Grand ave. NEW CARPET LOOM TO EXCHANGE for good milch cow or 250 caalu 1251 E. Salmon. Phone Tabor HIS. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A SEC-ond-hand launch; we have them from 16 to 40 feet over all, 2 to 45-horse-power; nearly all new. this year, at prices from 3150 up; also Peterborough canoes. Oregon Launch Co., foot of Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE GOOD LAUNDRY ROUTE, horse, wagon and harness. Run on commission. V-S8. Journal. FOR SALENEARLY NEW. DOUBLE door, fireproof safe, with strong box. Q-8S, Journal. WHO WANTS TO BUY OR RENT A 6-room modern house, in splendid neighborhood, on east Hide? Prtue right and terms to suit. M-8.S, Journal. For sale nt Golden Eagle. FOR SALE AXD EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 70-ACRE RANCH, Washington county, for city houses. 160 acres. North Dakcta, for city or suburban lots. 8-room house, Stephen's addition, for ranch. 80 acres; 20-acre orchard, Washington, for store. 120 acres timber for house In city. 800 acres wheat land,- Morrow county, for stock merchandise. $4,000 stock mcrchand.se, in suburb, for ranch. Grocery store for valley farm, $1,600. NORTHWESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 193 Fourth street. 2.0-ACR FRUIT FARM CLEAR AND cash for Portland income. Make of fera; big snap. C-87, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE FOR FARM, store building, warehouse, dwelling, 2 acres ground, etc., full stock merchan dise, -horses, wagons, etc. C. C. Shay, 806 Abington bldg TERSOXAL HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC . CURE Sure cure- for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. TURKISH BATHS, bldg.; ladies days. 800 OREGONIAN gentlemen nights. Main 1958. MRS. SEIP; CLAIRVOYANT AND psychometrlst, 302 Allsky bldg.; spir itual test circles TueS.. Frl. eves. OLGA LANDEN, FINNISH MASSAGE. steam baths. Rooms 15-16 Selllng Hlrsch bldg.. Wash., cor. 10th. A-2337. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 282H Park. Main 2403. A-2734. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 808 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR U N FORT II nate girls; good cafe. 8 Mllner bldg. MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 230 Fleldner. BALM OF diseases. FIGS FOR ALL FEMAEK (26 K. Belmont East 4084. ALL MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment: dandruff. 268U Mor.. room 62. MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE. scalp treatment. R. If. 2H MorrsnJ DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN JjOil business, at 4234 Morrison st, rnnsoxAL Dr. Mary Lane Institute Bspert treatment given women and children's sliments by a graduate and llcenaed lady physician. Maternity cases flven special attention, llp-to-date an. tartum In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential, Andreas all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute. Modlcal and Surgical, Incorporated, rooms ft to 14. Urstid theatre bids, cor. Iark and Waah, eta Phon Main 8818. Ladies." ii.oou he ward wk Posi tively guarantee Dr. Bouililngton's Krgo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieves some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal caeee In 2 to I days; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall II 10. Double etrength 12.00. Iluy of drugglat or writs Dr. Vouthlngtcn Remedy Co., Dept 17, Kan a City, Mo, Chrcnlc Diseases Of men and women pTmnatly cured oy modern acifniinc metnou. wee trlclty and eliH-trlo-llght treHttnent for d I ' a of the prontnte unci rertuin. Conaultatlen free. Dr. V. 1. Howard, Commonweulth 1'ldg., th t ALL CHRONIC DlaKASKS OF MEN. women, children: cancera and female elckneaa permanently cured; aure cure for aplnsl menlncltla. Dr. l'aul Crom well aanttarlum. 117 N 12th. Main 6471 flaiame Luckey Olves electrlo baths and vibratory trest- ments. also scientific maaie. ecalp and face treiitmrnta. chiropody, tvfm 4th at., near Hnlmon. Main 2011. wrtJOEK'f loN Cl'HlNU DISEASES Hypnotlam. n'.her prnctl'-sl psycholo gy taught Dr. Llndxay lrrturea free Wedneedny nlghta. R mm 11. Belling H1rcb block Dr. Philip T. Ball Paralvals goitre. 1 heumatlsni, nsrvous, rhronlo. apinal nn'l f omnia dlecaaea. flUl y l FTH ST 1 1 E CT. t()H .K 1 1 E KM AN. La 1 il Esi A.HiriTriK DRl-i;iDT EuiT Chlcheatara Pllla. the Diamond Rranl. For 24 years known ss be.t, aafest. Alwaya reliable. Take no oilior Chlcheatera Diamond llrand Pllla are Bold by drugglata everywhere, (yEHMAN UO11KA MAGAZINES NOV ela, etc; German. EnKll.h, French, Spiinlsh. SweUlah and Italian diction sries; -foreign books of all klnda Hohmnle Co.. 2!l First st. DON'T HE DULL AND INACTIVE; tiexlne Pills cure all wehkneaa; 11 a bo 8 for 16; full guarantee. Addreaa or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co Portland. Or. THE OR I ENTAL L0 ."TOR - TH 1C fill neae Medicine Co., cure arnte. chronic end private dlseancn of all kinds, either men or women ifiU' .'Id at. Jl'ST OPKNKI- LITTLE PALACE Maanage piirlora. Full line of hatha, chi ropody. 17 6th St.. one block from W'Bah. TE KNOWDEN HATHS." 14i' HTM at., rooms 2 4 -2 f-. Vaimr, apoiiKf bnths, electric treatment. I.ady att-iuliint. wan T ei i a7.3i istT'm i"d ft l e- a'gTId ludy; good opportunity rlgtit party. 2ft N. 3d. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cot 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 4. It known 11 you through the a want make wan nd columns or Th Journal. PERKINS NATIONAL HKRUS AND Kretal rtre sold by A II. Bloomer. 1'iO 4th t Phone Main 3!S2 LADIES DR. SANDERSON S S A 1 N and cotton root pllla. only asfe and euro remedy for delayeJ periods; ! per box, or 3 boxea for tit. Dr. Pierce. 1st at HCAhl TREATMENT. MASSAGE ANU fnc'Msh ino em. ntM. salt glow, alco hol rubs, b tea 111 hiths. Mrs. Bruce, 7 1 hs t A -tS04. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. SOc Ladlea' aklrta pressed, 60c. Gil bert, 10C Sixth at., next to Quells Phone Main 20S8 DR. "RING CHOViNG. IMPORTER CHI ness root medicines: aells Cblneae tea. certain euro for all diseases Id at, between 'amhlll and Taylor. DR f. J PI E IIC " E, S P EC 1 A L I S T, DIS ensea of women, all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moderate. IM W lt., cor. Yamhill. GENTLEMAN WISHES ACyl'AI.V lance younjr widow lady bavins; own honi.; ln.ly with little girl preferred: ol .le.-t mntrimvmy. AOdre.s.s Box 5L city. LAOIES: PR. LA FRANCO'S COM -pound; safe, epeedy reculator; 25 renta. drtiRRlsis or mall: booklet free. Dr. Ln Franco, Philadelphia. Po. FOR ' SELECT AND HIGH-CLASS shampooing:, manlcurlnif face and scnlp riiassage. call 210-211 Tllford bld. HHr and ncalp treatment our specialty. CHIROPODY. S cXC P T R E A T M fTsl 8. ."51 Morrison st.. room 14. Form erly 2i4H Vafhlnrton. MIS.S ETHEL WARU MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 351 Morrison st. to 201 3d st. R. SAWYER'S Sol'AW ROOT POSA. tlve euro for st. Ent 4451. ladies. 451 OolciajiiC SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. VAPoR AND tub baths, lndy attendants. 1 1 u H 4tu at .. cor. Wa shin gton. MISS MAlTCELLA LF.ROY. vl4, AL der st., massage and scalp treatment. AUTOMOBILES COVEY A WALLACE MOTOR CO., Dis tributors pierce Great Arrow, full lew. eled Covbln and Cadillac. ICth and Alder. ATTORNEYS PIOGOTT, FINCH & RIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner 2 and Morrison sts. GILLIAM at-law. 7 & GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS 20 C. of C. bldg-. Main 5101. INTERSTATE APJ USTMENT CO.. LA W collections. 414 Uuchannn bldg. M. 8130. A. H. TANNiSR. ATTY., clal block, i!d and Wash. 60! COM M KR AI aln 14 48 GREY 1 RICHARDSON, 51S CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice In all courts. FRANK C HESSE KENT ON REIKI. ACCOUNTANTS. COMMERCIAL WORK GENERALLY; Investigations, factory co.sts; lumber office systems a specialty; references; B. XV. Barnes. 508 Worcester bldg. ) CHARL.ES L. PARRLSH. PUBLIC Ac countant, notary public. 311 Marquam bldg. Phones Main 6222, A-4555. ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' Main 560. ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. A-4222. 730 Cham, of Corn. ART EXPERT MOULDING AND STAT U ary work, piaster casts nnd orna rnents. Antique, Grecian, Roman and Florentl ne. G. Adnnil Co.. 249 Ci 1 urn h 1 1 1 KERAM1C STUDIO. CHINA PAINTING and firing; orders taken for Xmas. Mrs. Marklcy, R. 64. 3504 Morr. M. 764 7. A. BERGER. ART STUDIO, 64 I S Wrash.; oil paintings, landscape and portraits. HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. 528 Vnh. CHR1STENSEN ART CO.. 37a STARK. Main 4201, A-3217. Frames and framing. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st BARBERS. LADIES BARBER 6HOP, 4 CHAIRS, no waiting. 64 Fourth street BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B. BIRKENWALD & CO.. 804-308 EV erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast Write for catalogue.' BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 181-133 1st st. carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest msrket prices. . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DA VIS" & klLjHAM" 109-111 2D at Blank books manufactured; agts. L for Jones' improved Loose-Lest ledg ers; see the i.ew Eureka leaf, tfc beat ca t,b xaatket, - , -- HE AIT V rAItU)It Frakes, 409 Washington St. Marcel wavln ( wide Engll.h wave). halrilreeelng. , rklptilnu, elitKoing and shampooing, a, H, irrotnipnt, (hand or electricity), fnclal tnifnease. electrlo vibratory. ITngllMh vnpor and colored light prooean: rnimlriirlnw, tin: ' frr-r t r, rrv , tt 7-,-: ; CLAIItVOVAXTS AXD I'AUIISTi 1 . ' . Special For a Few I'nys Only. Year Life, Love cr Business 50c .50c . 50c Poalllvely the hint week of this re- duction. THE GREAT, THE ti.SE. TUB ONLY temn Astral dead trance chilrvoy.mt; no Charge If not a. nint h-, w hi n n adtng la over you to lu JuiIkiv 1 do hereby eoleftntily agree and guiirnnlec 10 make no chnrge If I frill In 1 1 you by name In full, names of your fihnd., eneml-s or rlvala; 1 proiul.10 to tell whither your liuaband, wife or aweethe.irl la true or tnln-: till you how i win the one you moiit desire, even ihouKh mlh a away; how to minei-d In biiNlnetN. np-i-ulatlona, lawaults; bw to innrry the onn of your choice; liow to refiln youth, health and vitality; remove evil Influ ence.; curea drink habit; locate treaa utea, uilnea arid oil wells, (tjrrs all ncrvotia dlaiUH'-K. Tells you Just how, where and when to Invent your money to ohtaln tim best possible results. t.'.OO for any inlatnko made through following his advice. He Is permanently located here and absolutely reliable. Tte Benscn 221 H MORRISON, roll. Hours 10 a. nt. to S p. BTIL m. FEEE FOR ONE WEEK MORE BRING THIS AH AND HEVEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE one of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Rest PROFESSOR Kill MO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the sge: sdviker on Lusinas and ail affairs of life. tell, your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, bow to control the one you love, even t.'ioueh miles away; re unite, the separated; pHes secret pow ers to control; does all others advertlfe to d. Hour 10 to K daily an I Sunday. Office, No. 3 and 4. Grnnd theatre a.h.. near Park at Phone Main IL'17. Egyptian Queen The only real Romcny Ecvptlan for tune teller In thin city. The great Egyptian Queen has just arrived It) Pmlland. Shi: 1 capable of telling you vmlr t.iiut lir.Ki.nt nn.l fittii,.. 1 about vour famllv and business affairs, 1 v.,.. ran ..,, H,j ,,,, minlnir. Stocks and lusli.ess ventuics. Hhe can restore liapplmsa to hush.md and wife. Dcn't Fall to Visit een Pee luns c Rooms and market. irner Yamhill an I 4 1 li. 2,!, over Bay City mea: LOOK ,n f 1 " 11 i; 3 , 1 1 y 1 1 . 1 ' -' 1 . Nj, Are luckv, whv not you? - . .... I .1 ... L '? iini il. inn ii'i. The prophetess. Vbdn MarKhlhld. will tell vou whv. and advl.se ou what to do. 26 '.i MOllhlSoN ST.. BET 3d and 4th. CON'SULT THE BEST. THERE IS BUT ONE MBLO In order that all mav hnve tr,e oppor tunity to coi,hult hun. fee reduced Oils week to the !' 1. I. 1 303'4 W A SMI MToN ST Mrs. STEVE.Nn, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant. For u reliable reading call upon this gifted seeress. Pevelnps and teaches occult science. ;:43'fr Yamhill. MRS! LINL'SEjf. CLATiTv O Y A N T Business und life readings. fcS Park St., room .'!. Phone PhcIiIc t S9. MRS. inss. NLSBETH, Phone Alain PSYCHIC To.13. ill ; thKstAU 1 MAY 325 ANDREWS. CARP READER. .Vain t.. 2!c .Phone Main '1 AT 54S. COAL AXD WOOD SLAB WOOD, BIG LOAD, 22. UNION FUEL CO.. Foot nf Montgomery st Phone Main 2113. Wool)! WOOD! WOOD! l.uuO cords on band delivered same day as orJered. Home phone A-1534. The Nobby stables, l.'th and Flanders. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLA H- ! wood call Main 4 S 7 6. Oak, ash, fir 1 and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 1 'th and Snvler sts. PORTLAND SAWDUST & SLAB wood Co., 255 Front st Dealers in sawdust and slab wood. Phones Main and A 1936. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. KJione Main 1018. lEi.EPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO., Wood and coal. 1M East Water et. FOR O U 1CK DELI V EH Y PHON E Oregon Fuel rn . 334 Alder. MOUNT Hi 'OP FUEL coal. 350 Water et. CO.. WOOD AND Phone Main 81'70. CO A L I N D E PENDENT COAL Co. .)63 Stark. Main 780. & ICE quick Wood. D" VERY. SLAB OR CoRD Rteel Bridge Fuel Co., East 424. eastern fuel Co., wood, 63 Union ave. N. B 1314. COAL. CLEAXIXG AND DYEING TiririTEiLdX ing wor of nil klnda ln our line. 5 4 'i, Wash St. A-57C3. Main &3S5. PAN-C'O-VESTA CLUB 174 WEST Pork. M-SJ1; A-5027. Sponge and press your clothes. $1.50 per month. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark St IL W. TURNER, dyed a specialty. Main 2613. DYER CARPETS 605 Jefferson st CLEANING. DYEING AND PRESSING for ladles and gentlemen. The Favor ite. 425 Morrison. , Main 8303. FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS cleaned. curled and dved. Work called for and delivered. M. 2375. 754 Water. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CL3ANING CO. Largest plant on coaat; Loring and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, reiuteo, sewea ana laid: steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses ana reamers n specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpel refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phono Main 2S72 and A-2672. 270 Grant St. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. SUC , Hon and compressed air combined: carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6534. Main 3200. THE IONE 8TEAM CARPET CLEAN Ing works; carpets cleaned, refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated. 221 E. 2lst st. N. East 360. CHIROPRACTORS i EVA HOGAN. DR. CHIROPRACTIC, 223 Flledner bldg., 10th and Washing ton sts.; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. 1 M. GORDON. GRADUATE" P. S, C. 204-5 OiVg bldg. Phone A-l 953. DR. b. S. ' BUIEtLINO G RADlJ ATE P. & C S80 ilarquam bldg. A-1623. CARPENTEnS AX1 1JU1LDRI18 J. J. RANKIN. CONTRACTOR AND HCILDER. JOUD1NU AND RKMODELINU A HPHCIALTY. 227 FRONT ST. PHONE MATN i6Zl. John a. melTonT iii Clar7Zy floe and store flxlurea built snd re modeled; ahowca.re and counters phone Main 17ri'. ANGELL'at KEEP. 10NTR ACTORS AND builders, 6iU t'nlon uv Phone East 4M6. Jobblnic, repulrlnn, rexhlniillng. eta Rea. 8cjitti0SSl'r Woodlawn 60 E. M ELTON OFFICE, "STORE" Fix tures; general jobbing. (7 let st Phone Main ll0. C Al i P FT T I iT. P AINT1 NG. TINTING. repair work only, on abort notice. Phone Woodlawn 110. CHIHOI'ODISTS WILLIAM DEVENI' AND EHTELLU leveny, tbe only eclintiric ihiropod- Ists. pniiora 03 Urrn bldK. 1'.' :'n. st. CHIROPODX Mrs M D. AND PEHU'l ItlMi Mill. 330 Kleldner hldg DUKHSMAKI.VO MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS M0DI8TK. Tailor-made suits end pn rt gowns ' specialty. M Wash hl Pir- 77 EXPEMIENCED J R E S S M" A K h It wlahes engugementa by Hie dny Mlae Ijirsen. Phone Main 2H'il: A-?I6S , DRKTsdMAKlNG WORK G I ' A H A N tecd. reaaonnbl prkea. 2 4 0 4th. A 432. Pnc. 2770. MME. HOFM A ISTl'R TEA 'HES FIHST claaa cutting wltn Storey a hidle. tailoring system. 670 Couch st. MADAME ANGELES 24 J F1ET1L clflc ihi. PA- UP-TO-DATE, making. 340 HIGH-CLASH LiRESS 4th; Pnc. 277. A-4323. M"ISS ' H. A. corset maker. OPPERM AN. 425H Morrison Cl'8To3 st. DANaxa WALTZ. TWOSTFP. THREESTEP AND stage dancing leaaons, i'oc; oldest and only recognised teacher. Prof. Wsl Wilson, entrance to ball and office 1 i rVlllng-Hlrach bldg., SH Vi Washington, lo t ween West Purk an dl 0 th a t s . PlToK. R1NGLKR DANCING ACADEMY; a select school; claaa or private les sons dally I '4 K Morrison phone iMNCTNO INSTRUCTIONS KVF.RY afternoon, 1:30 to 4. Murlnrk hall. Wash st 22rd. Prof. Carter, principal. DETECTIVK AGKXCIES THE GREAT SCOTT DETECTIVE anenry ftuaranteea aucceas. 10 :d St., room 4. Pnc 117. Rea. Main 8405. IMXJ AXD llOI'E HOSPITAL DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C M. DOGS snd litres bospltaL 101 N. 6tb sl (Vain 408). 1 W M. MILLER. V. 8.. VEHERINaRIAN. 2 N. th at Office 227 Flanders. Phone Main T"4. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL fi r horses and i-Oge. 28 Gllsan at PI one Main 144 KLKCTHICAL Sl'l'l'LIUS M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST. Electric and gas fixtures and supplies, mantels, tiling, urates ami dnairona. PACIK1C ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neers. contractor repairers, electric wiling, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. Main .r.9 R II Tate, Mr WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 1 6th at. Contractor, electric supplies. mot ore and dyn amoa j w e In tall pi ant a. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 291 E. Morrison et Eixturea, wiring, re pnlrlnit East 312K. or H-1625. KA 1 R HANKS - MORSE dynamos A CAP - MOTORS AND C. 1st and Stark EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 5th st. near po.tofflce; central location; Pitman : horthand; expert grad uates; low tuition; day and night school; new pupila dally. W. W. Wll h nisM S.. Prln. bENTi YOUR HOY TO HILL MILITARY Hcademy. Portland. Or. VK'rlte for cat- nloeue e.(;kavei:s DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV ers Nclss & Connawav. 109 2d. M 7319. FEXCE AXD WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. phone Main 2000. I GASOLIXK EXGIXES 8rji?FwSAlv ELEC- trlc equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. D6 Morrison BrYGA.SOl.INE ENGINE. WOODSAW hiir outfits. Fairbanks, Morse & Co.. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND. EUROPEAN pui 1 onjy $ 3. $ 5 (1 ay. HOTEL EATO ' EUROPEAN. WEST Park and Morrison Rates $1.00 and up. 1 1 PTE rR ""EOT ) NEU"ROPtfA N P LA N. HOTEL IMPERIAL. EUR.. $1 AND UP. l-iELVEPERK. European; 4th and Alder. HKI.LEVUE EUR 4TH AND SALMON. HAKDWAHE WINDOW AND POOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co.. 74 fith IXSURAXCB ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. JAS Mcl. WOO P. EMPLOYERS' LIA billty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mc Kay bldg. JEWELERS . WOLF. cles 5"o 665 WASH. FINE SPECTA Elgm watches $5. Repairing. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITH. UMBRELLA REPAIR Ing. Dave's. Washington, corner 12th. LEATHER AXD FINDINGS CITruTESL?MASTICK & CO.. FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and skins of every description for all purposea; sole and tap cutters; findings. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton "The Portland." Portland. MUSICAL XrVMALCoTl.EGE OF MUSIC. Z. M. Parvin, Mas. Doc.. 35 Russel bldg. Vole culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. PIANO. VIOLIN CORNET. TROM- bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith. 2!2 lth st Home A3360. EjULrHIFLIiwRN. PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar Sevcik. violin and viola teacher. 334 pine. TeJacijrLJ!989. Ti iTTTVARK E it SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mandolin, guitar and banjo. S18 Till- f ord "bidg: UH;Is"aTkK1'1 TEACHER OF VIO- lln. "11 r?nertTian, corner tL. rni;. ioy. phiiK T. K. LAWSON. 168 12TH ST. Piano lessons reasonable, Main 4663. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 26S 1ST, PORT land's leading marble and granlU wks. XOTAR1 PUBLIC C F. PFLUGER, NOTARY PUBLIC, commissioner of deeds. Deutsche notarial R. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Mor. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS - F. ti BEACH A Col THE PIONEER Paint uo,-vinaow giass-ana siaxing. J1S5 1st , Pbon S3i, IT ITED STATKM NATIONAL HANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. - Nortbweet Corner Third and Oak "tresis. Transacts a Genersl Ranking Rualneaa DRAFT kl JtiHUtD Available la All Cities of the United btat.e and Europ., llongkunr and Manila, Collection, mads on Fsvorable Terma President J. C AlNSWORTII I Caahler ....R. W. ICHMfKlt Vlcs-i'resldsnt R. LRA It A UN ES Assiatsnt Cashier W. A. HuLf Aasl.tant Cashier A. M WRIGHT LADD TILTON. RANKERS lortlund. Oregon. Established last. . W. M. LADD. C. C LADD. J W. LADD. Transact a General Ranking liusineaa. SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT. Bavlnge hooka Issued on saving. 1rpo.it.. lntr.t paid on time dwta THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established ll4. Head Office, Saa F"anele. Capital paid up 14.000,000 I Hurplua and undivided profile 110,111113 General Ranking and Exchange Uualnesa Tran.actcd. Intere.t on Tims Depoaita, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT An ount. rosy be opened of 1 10 and up ward. Portland Rranch Chamber of Commerce Building. Wll R. MACREA Manag-r I J T. ItlTHTCH A I'LL Aas t Manager JIW ERCH ANTS' NATIONAL HANK Ill J f HANK WATSON ... 1'resiiirnl II l- IMIIIIA.il v ice- rreaiuwn It W. HOTT Cashier GEORGE W HOY T . . Aaslatant Cashier S. C. CATCHING Seoond Asxlaunt Ca.hler. irsnsacta a General Hanking Ituslnrxs. Iirafl. and Letters or C redit issuecu Available to All Part, of th World Collecilona a Specialty. IRST NATIONAL HANK Portland, or Olde. t National Hank on Vactfio Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 11,100,000 00. DEl'OSITS, I14.000.000.00 A. J L. MILLS .President I . . .Caahler I XV. NEWKIRK. Tltl'HT ECUHITY SAVINGS Sk TRUST CO. :6 Morrison K:reet. Portland. Oregon, Transects a General Blinking Rjslness SAYINGS lLPAKTMENT. Inter est allowed on Time and Savings Aciunts. Aits ss Trustee fnr Eatatea Drafts and Letters of Credit Available un All 1'arta of thsu World. F. AOAMS Prssident I. A. LEWIS i'lrit Vice-Prealdent L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R. C. JUIMTZ tjecretary GF:o. E. RUSSELL Asustant Kecret.ry C A. JJO.ND8 AND M ORRIS BROTHER8, Chamber of Municipal, Railroad and D OWNINO-HOPK1N3 COMPANY STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought snd Sold for Cash arid 00 Margin. Privste Wlrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. Overbeck ITcocke Ccmpanyl cK,;f:.llV..U GRAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND ROND8. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUolNEbS. Continuous Market, by Private Wire, gjlck Kernel MONKY TO LOAN XMAS XMAS MONEY Money XMAS BORROW NOW AM AO MONEY AND AVOID THE lloNEY v.mas holiday rush. xmas money salary loans money xmas upon plain x.mas money notes. money xmas absolutely xmas money no security money xmas asked. xmas money r em em her money xmas if aou work wh xmas money will loan you money xmas money. xmas money rest t t easiest money XMAS TERMS t I PAYMENTS XMAS .MONEY XMAS MONEY X MA S MONEY XMAS MONEY OPEN b A. M. MttAbi XMAS MONEY XMAS MONEY XMAS MONEY To ti P. M. W ED. ANL SAT. S TILL h P. M STATE SECURITY COMPANY. 704 DEKUM BLDG. XMAS MONEY XMAS MONEY Don't Be Broke Money is our stock we havs plenty of It your to.- the asking. A few hours' preparation and the money is yours You can raise the money you need on your household furniture, piano, fix tures, etc., without removal or on your salary by giving as your plain note and without the knowledge of anyone. When ln need of money it will pay you to get It from us on payment plan. It coals you less and gels you out of debt. , Mt Confidential loans made to ladles on their petunal note no Inquiries any where. ItfO . . Do not hesitate to call for particulars you will bo courteously treated whether vou borrow or not. Button Credit Co. 512 (fifth floor) Pckum Bldg. MONEY ADVANCED 8ALAHIED PEO- i pie and others upon their own nesjies without security; cheapest latea. easiest I payment; offices In principal cities: save yourseir money ty terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bldg. 106V 3d t I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORT land real estate. Security In sum of from $1,000 to $50,000 on downtown nrnnerfr and from 1500 to $10,000 oil residence propetry. I might consider good timber and farm loans. Address R-7. Journal. CLASSIFIED ADSUN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per Counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you havs a want make ft known through the want ad columns of I he Journal WE MAKE LOANS TO SALARIED EM ployes, on stocks, bonds, buy notes snd mortgages. Fidelity Loan & Trust Co., room 10, Washington bldg. SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONFl- dential; ety to set ar.d easy to 2?6?i T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg Washington st MORTGAGES. FIRST OR SECOND llena and other real estate securitiea discounted. H. E. Noble. Commercial blk. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. S. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. William HolL room . Washington bldg. , t.iW vnu TUio i.wim; SALARY or chatteL The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Employes Loan Co.. lis ocaum. OSTEOrATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPE clalist on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg Pacific 1190. DRR. B NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE kura bldg., 8d and Washington sts. Phone Main 349. EiamlnaMon free. PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS. ANNOUNCE merits Beattie & Hofmann. 204 Stark. OG1LBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1858. 154 Mi 1st PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR & DUFUR, 304 WELL8-FARGO bldg. Phone A-5336; largest and most complete stenographic office In west TYPEWRITING EVENINGS SPECIFI raUpns. abstracts, etc. East 2494. PLUMBERS FOX & CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 281 2d. bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DONNERBERG & RADEM ACHER RB moved to No. 303 Rurnslde St. PAINTING AND PAPERING P. A. DOANE MOVED ave.. near E. Wash. TO 104 UNION Tel. East 106. PATENTS PATENTS, TRADE MARKS REGIS tered, expert advice free. A. J. Mat ter. SiS Commonwealth bldg., 8th and Ankeny. ROOFING TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, RES palrlhg and general jobbing. J. LoslL 112 Jefferson st. pacino 1414. REAL ESTATE J. M. Pitteiif er & Co. 263 Russoll st Phone E. 484. . Firs Insurance, loans, real estate, J. W. OQILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans;, room 11. . t&bllsbed 1883. 14SH 1st. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP- tlon. W. W. Espey. 818 Commercial tldg. ; ' SPHINX ; AGENCY.. " REAL ESTATE 30s : Chamber of .,BIIU uiiiuer, iuuiu Commerce bldg. VV. WOLFSTKIN. DEALER IN REAL estate and rents collected. 119 1st sc. BANKS Portland. Oregon. ALVORD. 8TEVENH. Assistant Caahler . .flm oad Ase't t'ashlef t'OMIM.MKS INVFJSTMK.MH Commerce Building. Puhll ; Service Corporstlon Bonila. Estsbllshed U'2 HRoKERS. RUIW5KK STAMPS AXD SEALS ALSO ALL D C Co . OKI' ICE STATIONERY. P. 23 1 Stark. Tel 1 407. STREET l'AVIXO WARREN CONSTRUCTION .CO. Street paving, sidewsiks and.' cross Inge. 314 Lumber Excfrange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING Co. of Portland Office 655 Worcester blk. SIGN AXD SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER. SIGNS. THO largest sign makers In the northwest. 5th and Everett sts. Phone Priv. Ex. li. Home A-1155. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 227 Stark. Pacific lls. SHOWCASES AXD FLXTl'KES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar Snd store fixture made to order. The Lutke Manufacture Ing Co , Portland. 'IT I E JAMES I. MARSHALL M KG CO.." showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 219 Couch st. Pacific 2111. R. H. BlilPSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large line carried. Lock-out opened. Jacks, jails, metal furniture. Bota phones. J E. I)nvis, 66 3d. FIRE PROOF AND RANK SAFES A'C factory -irlces. Second-hand safes. Tbe Mosler Safe Co., 10s 2d st TOWEL SUITLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, brush. siap, fl per month. Portland Laundry & 'rowel Supply Co.. tn anj Couch sts Phone 41v TAXIDERMISTS TAKE SPECIMENS TO F. BREZEB, skilled h.hor 303 IJ 3d A-4640 TRANSFER AXD HAULIXQ C O PICK OFFICE $8 1ST 8T BR tween Stark and Oak sts.: phone 696. Piano and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and C'av t. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture, etc., moved, packed! and shipped. 20 Oak- st. between Front and 1st. Phone Main 647; A-2247. THE FINEST STORAGE WAREHOOa in me city, mosi centraLl lofvtreri City Transfer Sc Storage Co., 103 Front st. Main 62, or A-1162. ROSE CITY TRANS. CO. ALL fi&Z ra givsn prompt attention. E. 2169$ E. 1371. J. C Findley. manager. . PONY EXPRESS age 6 days. 31 East 6145. CO. FREE STOR. N. at M. 7614. PEN 1 N SULAR EXPRESS A BAGGAGlj Transfer. 247 Alder at. Main 2171, Ulirr TRANSFER CO 134 N. 6th. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANS fer Co. Storage 324 Stark; Main 407. W. M. JOHNSON. TRANSFER AND EX press. 23 Union ave. East 4441. B-1004. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES, RENTED. REi-AIRJSD. sold. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407 UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING BIJOU UPHOLSTERY, FURNITURJU renovating, repair shop; matresses re made In one day. 1.7 11th. Main 819. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. OUN8T & CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE ClQArtS, PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL, FROOUClJ and commission merchants. 140 Front at.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturer of furnl. ture for the, trade. Portland, Or. WADHAMS & CO., WHOLESALE GRP. cers, manufacturers1 and commission' merchants. 4th and Oak stst. ALLEN & LEWIS.' COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. WHOLESALE CROC KEHY ANU glassware. Prael. BegeU ft Co- Port land. Or. LEW IS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY" Co.. barbers" supplies, barbers' furnt. ture. barber1 chairs, loth and Morrlaon. BATES-WIGHT CO.. CALENDARS. "aL" vertlslng novelties. 169 6th St PAKS0X REIZER SAYS HE IS SLANDERED (United Press Lasted Wire.) ( Los Angeles, Dec. 5. Fredrtch Relzee, former pastor of St John's Evangelist church In Pasadena, filed a sensational suit ln the superior - court -yesterday' against Otto Stein, a well-known local business man, In which th Rv. Reiser asks for 150,000 damages for slander, alleged to havs been uttered by Stein. The suit U tht outcoma of a etle of troubles that hate troubled num ber of prominent, members of the loc.il rXI. 'cla'thutaneged ..sn-fer,, statements rctlectlng ui-n fc m"' pastor ami teacher of tered in tbe presence of wi.cs;s an t , k. luiter rontMintnif tin '-' .hirs- 4 were sent to the trust' tt tlt wmnii In I'aaadona. ' IWIirr " "'""'I torate over two wetka i. .