THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINQ, DECEMBER 5, 1907. 15 - TODAY'S MARKETS - - Ji -1 Hon Growc rs Are Invited to Write The Journal What They Think of the Pro posed State Organization. . tPPLE:DEF.1AtlD . QUITE JJBERAL Supplies Are Moving Better With, Prices More Steady Along the Street. Front strest features: Oood movement In aoplea. Vtrnh salmon U very scarce. 1.0il wheat III quoieii luwer. Hour weaker but unchanged. Joo stormy for ror clams. , urnr market wesk elsewhere. Mirtrt sellers still buy hop. Hom onluna are moving, Ormifoi still going down. Calefy has good wit. Cooi MOTement In Apples. The movement In th apple market If showing a wonderful Increase along front street While the demand at this time ! principally for the chaper varieties, there la a heller sale for fancy goods; The boat feature of the market U that values are lOmiwMt mora stesdy. Just after the financial furry the apple market fU flat and for awhllf It was uraeticany impossioi . " - 1uaf what the markrt win. Bales were made ot various price for the same grades but now the market Is on a dofl- nllo basis ana values are ransinK mure closely. For Instance there Is a very heavy cuff tor "culls" at 76o a box while a, fractionally better grude would sell from that flgur-"up to $1 a box. Than there waa the choice trade which has been finding a much letter call In oil houars at prices that ninge from II. "5 to $1.60. The fanev apple ranges from $1.60 to $1.76 a box ami strictly first class M.ock will sell readily in first class puckers at $1.75 to $2 a box. Once in awhile a slightly advanced fig ure may be obtained. Wlater Sanaa a raise Alarm. To put the mntter mildly the Winter Hi nana ripples so wildly heralded at the tx-at thing that ever grew. Is a false alarm: a deceit and a disappointment. Lik.1 the Hen Davis It la a ory pretty apple but It is not a keeper and will (l.-cnv too fast to allow It to be mar keted on an extensive seal. Rvery dealer who has handled the Winter llanan.n this vear has lost money and the retail trade Is now steering cloar of any such novelties. At flrat the Winter Hannna. Apple sold along Front street as high as $ box but today It is hnrd to obtain over $ and $2 60 for the same fruit, denlers saying they ara not even worth that amount. Orange Still doing- Down. Oranges are Jn an over supply ar1 lower prices are ruling everywhere on the coast us a result. In this market there are enormous stocks of .amnfl sixes and some have been sold during the past JU hours oa low as $2.60 a box. Trr top of the market today Is firactlcally $2 but onco In awhile a sale a mad fractionally higher lor a fancy lot. Some Onions Ara Morln j. There is still a small rnovemont of onions from here to the south. Yester itv ihr trade ahlrmefl several cars J hut this was the full extent of the buy- I ing Shippers xny they will not pay more tlmn $1.60 but Front street pnj s some'lmes n fraction more for small lots In n local way. - heavy are th shipments of pota toes from California lucnl points that the market there Is unable to recover any of Ha lost strength or prlre. Sup pllea from Oregon, while not so liberal at this time, are raid' by the trade to be more than requirements even at the present low rnrge. Inquiries for Tnrkeys. Ttflnllers nr ' beginning to make In quiries roirsrdlng turk ys for Christmas and are offering at present from. 17 to lr for -dressed birds of fancy pick. Receipts are nominal at this time either in the live or dresel. Some cleanups Wire made In the thicken market late last night at the printed prieea but arrivals continue to com- foster than the drmnnd warrants There Is very much dissatisfaction among dealers retarding- egg ouotitlons at; this- time. Those that receive the most eggs say they cannot possibly obtain 40 cents a dozen for the best ranch stock while dealers who receive but One or two cases of local eggs In a week say thev have no difficulty In get ting the top -figure. Receipts as a whole are very .small. Brief Votes cf the Trade. Celery fnarkt is good on account of fat'ey aunlity. Bugar market Is weak elsewhere; some exTiert decline hero. Weather is too stormy for digging rnxor clams, hence today s shortage. Plenty of crabs, however. A mixed car of grape fruit, oranges and tangerines was received and turned down by the trade this morning be cause orange were too small. Grajxjs" are slow sellers with prices unchanged and supplies liberal. Front street prices: trTOla. non ana ra. GRAIN BAUB Calcutta, t:, large lots: small lota, a. WHEAT Track prices Club, 81 82c; red. Russian, 7!) Si! 80c; bluesteni, S3 tt84c; valley, 8182c. CORN Whole. $32; cracked I3J ton. BARLEY New Feed. $2? 27.60 per ton; rolled, $3031; brewing, J.' 9. RYE $1.66 per CWL OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white, $28.0' per ton; gray, $$7.60. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents. $4.95; straights, $4.60; exports, $3.90; valley, $4.SO4.60; graham, ha. $4.60; whole w treat, rye, bus,; bales, $3 00, V MIL-Lot U- rsran, 2i.uu per ton; i-niddllnga. $28.60; shorts, country. $26; 'city. i23. ou; cnop, iua'i. HA Y irooucers pricw x irnotny.wn lametta raiiey, fancy, xie.oo; or dinary, t $1100; eastarn Oregon, $17.00; mixed. $10,000) $10.60; clo ver, $10,004812 09; grain, $10,00411.00; cheat, $10.00312.00. Batter. Erara and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. a b. Portland Sweet cream, 83 He; sour, 3114. BUTTER Extra, fancy creamery, 85c; fancy-r" 8214c; Storage, 30c; store, Oregon, 20c. EGGS-'-Extra, fancy, candled, 40c; ordinary, . '37 ic; eastern storage, 26 28c- 0HEESB New Full cream, flats. 16c per lb"; Toons Americans, 17c per lb. POTTLTltY Nominal Mixed chick ens, ll',4e per pound; fancy hens, lH4c,T roosters, .old, 10c; f vers. 12c; broilers; 12c; ducks, 13d;- geese, old, Sifinoo' lb; turkey's, live, 15c lb; dreBSd,"-l7o lb; squabs, $2.50 dox; rlgeons. $1.25 dos; dressed Doultry, 10 o per lb higher; wild geese, G doz. ' Bops, Wool and Hides. ROPS Contracts 1908 crop, ioc; 1S97 crop. -.choice, 7&Tc; prlmo to choice, 6V4c; ordinary, 5g)6c; 1906, choleo, 6c '-. WOOL 1907 clip Valley, ia18c; astern Oregon, 12H18c. M0HAW New 1007 229Ho. v pricks Today and THOSE OF YEAR AGO Daa- I Club wheat, bu,,.. I .(1 I .14 Dlueatcm,' bu..,.. .1$ Pat flour, hbl...., 4.9B .Beat butter, lb..... .81 Ranch eggs, dog... .40 Hops, choice, lb... ,07 Potatoes, producer. .7$) Onions, producer.. 1.71 Turkeys, dressed.. .1$ l 8.90 8$Vi as M .75 .80 HIDES Drv hides. 11013e lb: green, 46c; calves, green, "iilo lb; kips, 6c lb; nulls, green salt, I w 4c lb, AHEKr-bKINri Hurlng. lEOlOe eacb; 'short wool, 26040c; medium wool. $0011.00 each; long wool. Ttf $1.26 each. TALLOW Prima, per lb. $04o; no. i ana gress. z2Vo. CH1TTIM BARK fo. rrnits and Teretables. rOTA TOES Fancy, 76090c; aan- Ing; buying, -white C5ii'70c per cwt; sweets. 2 Wo per lb. ONIONS Jobbing prlca Oregon. $2.00Ji,2.26; buying, spot. $1,6041.76: garlic, 7c lb. A PILES Fancy $1.7608.00; choice, $1,6041.76; ordinal y, $l.uu(1.26; culls, ec. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new $3 9 II 10; bananas. 6u lb: lemons. Ml box: limes, Mexican ( ) per 100; pine apples, $6 a dozen; grapes, $1 6001.(5; peaches. 76cil; cantaloupes, $2.26; bears, fancy. II 2SHM.7&: ordlnsry, 76o till box: tangerines, $2 a box; par klmmons, $1.76. VKUKTABLE8 Turn oa. now loco $1.00 sack; carrots. $1.00 per sack; beets, $1.0001.10 per sack; parsnips. $1: cabbage, flfillc per lb; tsmatoes, California, $1.25; beans, 12c; cai1 1 flower. 76t8uo lb: peas, 12c: horseradish. Do lb: artichokes. $1.25 .ibfsen: green onions, 15c dos; bell reprwrs, 12H4j16o; hothouse lettuce. $1 'M.2S lox: cucum bers, hothouse. $2 box: radishes, 16o dos. bunchos; eggplant. 18c lb; celery, iUK5c; cranberries, eastern. lll.bu; locul, $9 per barrel; pprouta. Hi'Jc lb. arooenea. Hats. Eta. 6UQAR Uillfornla and Hawaiian- Cube, $5.96; pawJered. $6.80; berry, 16 0; dry sranuAicU. $6.60: XXX gran ulated, $3.40; conf. A., $6.80, extra U.. 6.10; golden U., $5.00; U. allow, 4.90: beet xrunulaled. $o.4U; bar rels, 10c: half barrels, 26o; boxes. 60c advance on sack tiasla. (Above orlcM are HO days net caab quotations.) nu.Nfc.Y-13 60 Der crate. COFFKE Packaita brands. 816.88 0 16.62. HALT Coarait Half around. 1004. $13.(0 per ton; 60s, $14.00; table, dairy kos, 119.00; 100a. $18.76; bales. iz.v imDorted Llveroool. 60s. 120. 0U: IUU 19.00: 4s. 118 00: extra fine barrets; is, s sad 10s, $4.606 6.60; Liverpool lump rock. $20.60 per ton; 60-10 rock, 100 a. lli.BJ. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. c; No 2. 6Vfctf6bc: New Orleans, head, lc A lax. 6c: Creole. &4ie. BEANS Small white, $4.26; large while. $4.10; pink. $4.10; bayou. $3.99 Llmus, $6.70; .Mexican teds, 4 Vic NUTS I'eanuts. Jumbo. 8c per lb Virginia, lc per lb; roasted, $!9Ho per lb; Japanese. 7c; roasted, 7j?9c oer lb: walnuts. California. 17 Ho per id pi no nuts, 14016c per lb; hickory nuts, 10c ner lb: Ilraztl nuts 18o per lb: fil berts, 16c per lb; fancy pecans. Is02uc per lb; almonds. 19a. Masts, riifl and Prorlslons. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs fancy, 7c per lb; large, 6Jic per lb; veal, extra. 8yc per lb; ordinary. iiitu per lb, heavy, uwic per lb; iuui ton. luiu-y, bu per lb- HAMS, BACON. ETC Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs, 14c per lb; 14 to lt lbs. 14c pet lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 14c; breakfast bacon, 16)jw'.ao per ib; plcnk-s. lUVic ier lb; cottage roll, lie ner lb; jtoain rendered. 10s. 12 Wo per smoked. 12c per lb, s oked, lZe per ID; clear backs, uusmoked, 12c; atnoktid. lo per lb: Union butts. 13 to 13 lbs, un uinoked, 12c per lb; smoked 13c per lb; clear tellies, unrmokod. 11 He per lb; smoked, 13 He per Ib; shoulders, .20 per lb; plcKled tongues. 70C acn. LOCAL LARL" Kettle leaf, 10s, 13 He per lb; 6s. 12c pc,- lb; 60-lb tins, 13c t'cr lb; steam rendered, 10s, 12Hc per lb; 6s, 12 a per lb; compound, 10s, 9c per lb. FISH Hock cod, 7c per lb; flounders, 6c per lb; halibut, 9c per lb; striped bass, i6u per lb; catfish, 11 per lb; sal mon, fresh Columbia silvers, 8o per lb; herrings, 6c per ib; soles, 6c per Ib; shrimps, lOo per lb; perch 6c per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, 25c per lb; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; crawfish, 25e per doien; stur geon, 12V4c per ib; black bass. 20o per lb; silver smelt, 7c per lb; black cod, 7 He per lb; crabs, $11.B0 dosen. OYSTERS Shoalwaier bay, per gal lon. $2.50; per 100-lb. sack, $5.00: Olym pla, per gallon, $2.40; per 100-lb. sack, 16.00(0 6.60; Eagle, canned, 60o can; $7 dozen; eastern In shell, $1.75 per hun dred. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; raxor clams, $2.00 per box; lOo per dos. LOCAL WHEAT LOSETi CENT Exporters Drop Price Today iecauso ot Lower Mar kets in Europe. Another rent a bushel was' cut off the price of wheat by export buyers doing business In the Pacitio northwest. This action was exclusively forecast In mis report yesterday, l no buying of wheat I Increasing, but growers are not much disposed to sell, as they were a week or so ago. At that time they were very free offerers, but since the prices have made such violent declines they are willing to take chances of prices going back. ' Tha fact that Kurcipe Is again In the market for wheat lumls the producers to believe that all the wheat In the United Htntes will be needed abroad. Even as matters stand, Europe has taken more wheat from this country than customary and this loaves the United Htatea with shortage of Its own. Flour is duller, owing to the belief that local values will soon lower in sympathy with the decline In wheat. It Is slated that some of the smaller mill- era are already making secret conces sions in tne price, but their regular quotations are unchanged, only a small amount or roreign business la reported. Mills tuffs are firm at unchanged values, Movement nut so heavy, however. FRANTIC SHORT SELLERS HURT Late Advance in Stocks Finds Them Feverish to Cover During Day. STOCK MARKET GAINS. Sugar It. u O Canadian ... Colo. Fuel. . N. Y. Cent. Penna Heading .... S. P U. P . S'Atihlann . V4, Brooklyn . l',M. 1'aul . 1M. I'uclflc ... . 1 IN. Pacific ... Mi; People s (las . , 1 Hillock Island , . . U. H. HH'el .. 1I do preferred. .1 . ' l .3V 1 IH Is :i5j HOLD-UP fl! . TUG CAPTAIN Captain Bailey of Tatoosh Will Probably Have to Account for Jlis Cold Blooded Dicker With Dis abled Alliance. STOCK MAHKKT LOSSKH. Amalgamated . H.Hmelter Vi MANY S ILKS OF HOPS. Pacific Coast Markets nSn 8(111 Active but utiVcry Ixtw Itanire. FUESH SALMON IS - V SCAECE AND HIGHER Paints, Coal Oil, Eta. ROPE Pure nianlla, 14c; standard, 12V4c; sisal, lOV4c. COAL OIL Water white, tanks 12 Ho. cases ISVjiC ' neaangnt, cases, 20c; Diane, cases, 28c, Eocene, cases, 21 Ho gallon. i GASOLi.Nit ss ace., cases. Z4V4o per gRl; iron tibis, iac per gtu. BENZINE 63 deg.. cases. 25c per gal; Iron bbls, 23c per gal. TURPENTINE In cases. SGo per ral: wood bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAI) Ton lots, 7c per lb; $00-lb lots, he per iD; less iois, sviC. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $2.20 per keg. HOGS AND CATTLE GO 10 CENTS UP TODAY All Lines of 'Livestock Show Improvement Heavy gheep Bun. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep Today 77 1000 Week ago. 21S 9 Year ago ,,.277 .. 260 Previous year. ..... . . 1500 There Is an Increasing volume of busi ness in tn local nop inarKet, although value are but Utile changed, once In while a lot especially wanted fur ex port will bring 7ViiC, but generally speaking the top of the market Is 7c to day. Ordwers are still anxious sellers, but are atlll talking of organizing a state association. The New York Producers' Price Cur rent gives the following view ot the general market: "Tha past week the markets In all sections of the pacific coast have shown Increased activity with stiffening prices. In Oregon some export buying Is re ported ut 7i7Vc, and dealers have also been large buyers at from iu'c. The Sonoma market has been very active, the principal sales being made at 6 ? Hc, with some few lots selling at 7c, and a sale of 250 bales of extra fancy hops Is reported at c to grower. The Washington markets have been steady at former quotations. In California tha growers under the leadership of some large grower-dealers ure endeavoring to form a protective association, and are also trying to secure consignments on a Jnrgu scale for the London mar ket. It is reported that 2,000 bales of 108 Sonomas have been consigned at a small advance. Otherwise tho associa tion has accomplished nothing definite' as vet. in isew lorlc state continued buying Is reported at 10'n l.'.c, Although Miles have been on a limited scale. Lo cally there have been no important sales reported. ew York Prices. State, 197, choice, per Ih... State, 1907 prime, jer lb Slate. ISO,, medium, per lb. Pacific coast, 1907, choice, lb Puciilc coast, 1907, prime, lb. I'acirie coast. 1907. med.. Ih . Germans, 19o7, prime to choice. per Jb 27 State. ls06, per Ih 8 Pacific coast. IfltiC. choice. Ih. Pacific coast, 1906, medium to prime, per lb 4 (Wire of Downing Hopkins Co.) New York. Dec. b. The opening on stocks was heavy and Irregular and showed a disposition tu sag. Directly after the Initial prices, the news of the failure of the National Hank of 'om- meree of Kansas City to open Its doors, caused the manipulative element to get active, putting out short sale and prices yielded readily to the pressure and Just before the noon hour, "(he mar ket showed an average loss of 2 points in the leading Inhucx. l.aler In the ses sion, the powerful Inside support of the past few days again appeared, and un der the leadership of the 1I1U group, a goneral covering of shorts was started. The feature of the rlae that followed was the apparent scarcity of securities when these bid orders appeared, and even the smallest offering of stock brought from the frantic shorts large fractional bids over the previous quo tation At 2 p. m. St. Paul showed a net gain over tho low of 6 points, and Union Pacific, Heading and Smelter 4 points. The borrowing demand still shows a large short interest, and al though the greater part of today's ad vance was cauaed by short covering, there are many bona-fldo Investment or ders being received, as tho outsiders are showing a much better disposition to purchase stocks on their merits. Today's rnnge: DESCRIPTION. 0 .lfi .14 .12 .10 8 &X7 it 16 4T13 fell Ut 9 31 W10 CHICAGO WHEAT UP L Ai LlfflO DOWN CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Dec. 5. Dec. 4. Cain. lflOfi. May 101 H 100 1 7S i July 96 95 774 Chicago. Dec. 5. There was a ranlrt reversal of sentiment in the wheat mar ket today, the closing belntr hiKher. with the ohenlnu lower than vesterdav. There was a sharp cut in Liverpool val ues at the start today, and this brouuht ubout a loss of about Vie in the local opening, as compared with vesterdav s closing. Short sellers began to cover at tnis time and the price went back to yesterday's price and then began to limb higher. Tho close was about lc advanced. Amal. Copper . Am. Sugar, c. . Am. Smelter . . . Atchison, c. ... Erie Halt. & Ohio . Hrook. Rap. Tr. Can, Pacific, c. C. M. 4i St. P. Colo. Kui l, c. . . L. & N.i.'ihville. .M tssourl Pac . . . N. Y. Central.. North. Pac, c. Penns. Ky People's lias . . . Reading Hy , c . Hock Island, c . . So. Puclfic, c . . , So Ry.. c , Union Pac, c . . . U. 8. Steel, c. . , do tire 49S 61,i! eV4 I10BV4I109 i 1 05 jl7'. i 7tt 784 74 HI 75 7 3 '.4 "6 71S 74't, 1U 1TV4 li 17 r,8 151 162Ti!l61 V 102 Vlofi-)1004106 19 22 1S 20 96 94 V 55141 50 99 90 120 11 15 1 1 5 ; 1 1 1 Ho 50 97 117 113 77 91 16 74 14 11X 26 8N I I I 15 j 14 75 72 14 1 3 W0 115 28 26 Pressure will probably bo brought to bear to have Captain Halley of the bar tug Tatoosh called to account for hla manner In dealing with shipping at the mouth of tho Columbia river, although he la understood to be employed by tha Puget Bound Towboat company, from which conrern tha O. R. & N. company Is leasing the tug Tatoosh. The treat ment accorded to tho steamer Alliance after her, officers had succeeded In vrorklng their way to the river through severe storms has aroused much Indig nation among shipping men nnd the matter is being freely discussed. The Incident recalls the case of the rrench bark La Perouse, a little over a year ago, which had to ride at anchor close to shore for many hours because Captain Halley thought ho could compel the skipper to hand out salvage money. The La Perouse dropped anchor In the swell and walled for u. tug. The Tatooxlj finally nppeared and Captain Halley told the Frenchman he was In danger of golt.g ashore. The French captain con tended, however, that he was not In danger and furthermore stated he did not care to discuss the metier; that ha had not coma there for that purpose, but ws there to be towed in ut the regular rale. The tug captain, however, In sisted that the bark was in grave dan- j ger and h:nce could not take her In tow without a good, round salvage fee. Not having been born that day nor on thj day before, the Frenchman Anally consented to consider the proposition, but demanded a written proposal. Not suspecting any one would dare play such a trick on him, the pilot captain , wrote out his term, $10,000 for towing the vessel over the bar. The captain took the paper, laughed at Its contents and bade the tugman to go chase him self. Ho waited another May or so and then was towed In at tne regular rate by the Tatoosh. j The demand wss made public upon lii iiv r i ruin iris ( r m niiivm in. I ui uilliu j9i harbor and the matter duly repotted to uie ririifii hiiiihjw iuti 111 ine nu coun try. The chamber of commerce of thla city took the matter up with the man agement of the tug and since then few complaints came from the bar for sev eral months. K3 ft? 54 98 11X 114 78 94 15 75 14 119 27 89 Total sales, l.ofS.800 shares. Call loans opened 6 pet cent; high, 6 per cent; low, 4 per cent; close 6 per cent; ruling 5 per cwnt. JAPANESE EICE CE0P SHOWS AX INCREASE DIES ON HIS SEVENTH . WEDDING ANNIVERSARY John Galloway Tasses Away Just Seven Years After His Marriage. Open. Stay 100 s uly 9a 'j 4 Fresh salmon is almost en- aiJirety ,out ot market at this time. 4 ffha season has practically ended l.-v for silversides and the season ror sieeineaas is stiu too young. FroEejr.1 silversides are today i, aelUng in the wholesale markets at 8c a pound while fresh steel- ; heads-ure ranging firm at lie a poimd. " .-. , Portland Union Stockyards, Dec. 6. A slight improvement is today shown In the price on some products in the" local yards. A better feeling Is shown in hogs with the smaller arrivals and larger demand from packers. This caused an- advance of about . 10c in the nrlce today, putting the ' too at $5.10. Cattle are likewise up about the same amount, witn tne Deuer can. Dut not much" of an Improvement is expected until after the. holidays. Sheep are firmer, with receipts rather heavy today. Prices are about as previously quoted. A year ago at this time hogs were weaker, with prices 25c lower'. Other lines were unchanged. , Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, $5.00 6.10; china fats, $4 50. Cattle Best" eastern Oregon steers, $3.768.86: best cows and belters, 43.75 2.88; bulls, ll.764J2.00. . 8heep Best wethers, 14.25 4.50; mixed and eWos, $4.25; lambs. $4.25 4.60.- New York, ; tha largest city of tha country has had but two- national po litical conventions, tha. Abolitionists, In' ItiZ and tha Democratic la 1SSS. . ; May July May July Range by Downlng-llopkins company W11KAT. High. 101 9 a 'j b o CORN. 66 66 55 56 V OATS. 60 61 44 45 MESS PORK Low. 99 95 65 65 60 44 Close. 101 96- 66 56 61 46 There Is an Increase In the production of rice in Japan according lo the llgures which come from there. It Is Mated that the crop of 1907 amounts to 60. 391,242 koktl. A koku represents 4.9629 bushels. Tho production for the past 10 years shows; Koku. 1897 33.039,293 1S98 47,387.666 1899 39,698, 26 1900 41,466,421 1901 J.. .4B.14,4a 1902 36,932.266 1903 46.473.29S 1904 61,430.221 1905 38,172,560 1906 46.312,530 1907 60.391,242 Normal year 43,865,049 The Azures for the normal year cited here represent an average for live years n the past seven years, exclusive oi 1 902. the worst year, and 1904, an ex- ceptlonallv good harvest. A Tokio dispatch states that during the first six months of this year tn. Importation of foreign rice Into Yoko- 1 1 nt (Fpeelnl Plapatrb to The Journal.) Lebanon, Or., Dec. 5. John K. Gallo way died yesterday at his home In this city after an Illness of about five weeks with typhoid fever at tho age of about 3.9 yrs. Mr. Galloway was born In this county on January 29, 1869, and had lived In the county nearly all of his life, lie was an employe in the Lebanon Pa per nulls. He was married on Decem ber 4, 1900, and died on his seventh wed ding anniversary. He leaves a widow and three small children, the youngest of which Is 10 months of age. His re mains will be laid, to rest In the Masonic cemetery today. FATHER O'HARA TALKS ON AGNOSTICISM Jan. May 1315 1340 1310 1296 WOOL GROWERS ABOUT TO DEFINE POSITION (Special Dispatch to The Journil.) Pendleton, Or., Dec. 6. SecretarJ Dan P. Smythe of the Oregon Wool growers' association has received an of ficial call for the fourth annual conven tion of the National Woolgrowers" as sociation, which Is to be held in Helena, Montana, this year. ' The date of the meeting is January 14 to 16 inclusive. The call states that the meeting will be a most Important one to all sheep and wool Interests, and Particular at tention is calleo to tho fact that this is the last meeting to be held beforo thi; presidential nominations are made by tho parties and the necessity of mak ing their position known Is pointed out. wuesuons ot particular interest to west ern men will be the range leasing propo sition, scab eradication and the admin 1st ration Of forest reserves. I hama amounted to 4,764,600 piculs nicul eauals pounusi, valued 21.840,000 yen (1 yen equals 49.8 cents), showing; a decrease of about 2.000.000 piculs as compared with the corre sponding period of la,st year. MILTON-FREEWATER FRUIT MAKES GOOD (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Milton. Or., Dec. 5. Soma wonderful fruitgrowing records are shown in tha reports from the M llton-Freewater sec tion. Practically $500,000 worth of fruit was shipped from this locality this sea son. There are four produce houses in Milton and Free.water, the Blalock com pany, the Walla Walla Produce com pany, the Shields Fruit company and the Milton Fruitgrowers' union. houses sHlpped out 410 car loads to other localities In addition to 40 carloads of local stuff and 60 car loads of stuff from the cannery. Apples netted the farmers from $1 to $1.25 per box. One hundred carloads of prunes netted the farmers $20 per ton or $500 per car. Fifty cars of peaches averaged $400 a car and 15 car loads of pears averaged $700 a car. Fifteen thousand crates of straw berries were shipped averaging $2.75 a crate, and 10,000 crates of other berries averaged $2 a crate. Many of the growers In this section are making money from five and ten acres of land. BLAME THE GROWERS MB NOT THE SELLERS Portland, Dec 5. To the Commercial fEditor of The Journal In answer to your question of the 2d Instant, In re gard to hop growers' organizations, I beg to state that I don't blame the bear ish short sellers to buy cheap and make as much money as they canr but do blame the' grower, to make himself a slave of sin by contracting his hops a long time anoaa at less than produc tion price. It would be more profitable to htm and far better to plow up his yard and raise hay. A hop growers' organization is a good thing AfiUKKVY. K.AN. Australian Wool Clip, Consul-General John P. Bray of Mel bourne reports that present Indications would Imnlv that the wool production of, Australasia during the forthcoming season (1907-8) will be about that oi last season, vis.. 2.900,000 bales. "It is anticipated that the quality, price, and number of bales (100,000) of the wool purchased foe the American market will also, show vary little alteration. . . 1 Northwest Bank Statement. PORTLAND. Clearings today , Year ago Balances today , Year ago SEATTLE. $1,116,128; balances, $ 662,948.96 1,301,183.70 ! 24,214.60 216,053.64 i Father O'Hara delivered an eloquent address last night before the study club of tho Knights of Columbus on the "Contemporary Agnosticism and the Credentials of Christ." A discussion followed the lecture concerning the act of the New fork board of education In eliminating Christmas songs from school work and raarlsing all those text books containing reference to denom inations or any character of a denom ination. In the course of his remarks Father O'Hara said: "One of the most ludicrous spectacles In the world of contemporary religious thought is the pompous pietenslon of the agnostic to be the only man who can feel free to withhold coiiHcnt until the truth of a doctrine is proved to him. He rails HgaiiiMt authority as a source of truth, quite oblivious of the fact That" author ity Is practically the sole source of truth in the great fields of science and hlntory." fI'h r-'nthoilrnl Mn's clllh will yn,At tonight at Holy Names hall to complete) arrangements for the membership cam paign. Tho committee hopes to meet all the men of tho parish this evening and Interest them so that the movement 4 can be extended throughout the state. $5 TO NEW YORK VIA THE 6. R. & N. Second Class. TICKETS ON SALE EVERY DAY DURING DECEMBER Excepting the 31st. THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE Between Portland and the East. Accommodation equal to the best. CALL AT OUR CITY TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington streets, for any further information desired, and buy your tickets there. YEAR 190? IS RAPIDLY PASSING If you intend to take that trip this year you will have to hurry. A right start is everything and (0) agents will be glad to explain routes and quote rates. Our trains are wide vestibuled, steam-heated, well lighted and comfortable. Our Day coaches, Tourist and Standard Pullman sleeping cars. Dining cars and Observation cars are strictly modern. Let us know your destination and when you plan to go and full information will be furnished. A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OREGON Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909 BE C HABITABLE. to j'our horses as well as to yourself. You need not suffer from pains of any sort your horses need not suffer. Try a bottlo of l.iallard's Enow Liniment. It cures all pains. J. M. Roberts, Baft i MOT mil UNTIL-TOUlMrOCOHfTO THE OREGON ENGRAVING CQ fOR PROMPT AND ETiaENTWORK CGeeWo Ike WeU-Ksews SelUkle CHINESE Hoot sad Bars DOCTOR II mad a I1U (tady or roota sad barb, and la tbat atodj dlaeorertd and la slflat to tba world bla wunderrai remedies. liniment for ten years ana find It tu be the best I have ever used for man or beast." Sold by all druggists. Clearings, 514. Clearings, S9,- TACOMA. J71O07; balances. $20,010. Tacoma Wheat Market. (United 1'reaa teaaed Wlra.J Tacoma, Dec. 6. Export wheat Club, 80c; bluestem, 82c; no milling prices are quoted. Xorthwcst Crop Weather. Western Oregon and western Wash ington Occasional rain tonight and Fri dax; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho Fajr and colder tonight; Fri day, lair. Ilazaar at Mount Tabor. The Ladles Aid Society of tho Mount Tabor Presbyterian church will hold their annual bazaar tomorrow afternoon In tlie Mount Tabor hall on West ave nue In the evening a supper will bo served In the same hall. .rsfU.1.1 Mo writes- "I have usefi vonr 1 MERCUBY, POISONS OS DRUeS U8E1X ersfVeld, wo, writes, i nave used your . be nnica WnmiT nprmTirm am. WITHOUT TH3 AfO OF A XKirC Fla gaiTanteea to ear Calarrn. Aathas. Lone, Throat. Rbeanatlaai .Nervoamt, Kertnat Dehl'ltr. tnaaaek. Liver. Ktdset Trnnhlpa: aln tout Manhood, faaisle Waak S and All Private Itana. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Sacelved From Pakln. Oklsa a,fa, San ad ftatlable. ir yoo Attn afflicted, pokt delay. DELAYS ABB DANGEROUS, ir re ranaot call, writs for ajmptna bla ok and circular. Inclose 4 ecnta lo ata flaps. CONSULTATION FREE XKA-NSPOKTATIOJI. Land Company Incorporated. The Mill Land company has filed ar ticles of Incorporation showing a capi tal stock of 2tj,000. The organisers arr S. B. Stewart. S. F. Owen and A. W. Dlckiason. ' The Way to Go East Next Trip Try The ORIENTAL Limited THE GREAT NORTHERN'S SWELL TRAIN, dally to St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. St Louis. Chicago and all points east Crosses both mountain ranges by dayngnt. complete modern eauipment. including Compartment Ob servation Cars and elegant dining car service. For tickets and sleeping car reservations call or address H. DICKSON. C P, T. A. 133 Third Street, FortUnd, Or. Pnones Xala 680. Bom A-9Z8 . C. 0 WO CHI ESS KbiClft to, 18 Flrit Si., Cm. Morris, Portland. Oraoas. Ploue MeaMoa This V COOS BAY tINE The steamship BREAKWATER leaves Portland Wednesday at p. ou, from Oak street dock, tor Empire, Xorta Bead and Marshf leld. Freight received till -4 p. m. on day of sailing. Passen ger fare, first clasa, $10; second class. 17. Including berth and meala. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washing ton streets, or Oak atreet dock. , Every IVosnan auuensiea sum anoaia snow txnin wondarmi MARVEL Whirling Spray vat! srrsata. Juifo. turn and ik-Om. bat Hf. a moat cearonlaat. Art year siittlaiftjrtt. If ba cannot anrnlT th H1RVCL, aocept BO other, but aaad auunp fo! Illuatratad book auli. fall DsrtleuUra and rilrwtwma in. mluaola o ladlaa. MARVICI, CO., 44 K. S)8d ST.. WBW lonH. For Salt by Sitidman Drug Co.. Clarke Co. and lane-Davis Jrnr Co lt greae Waodardi -4 Store as Scoffs Sanfal-Pepsn Cspscl:3 A POSITIVE CURE For Is Sammatloa erOatarrb of tba Bladder and Dlaoaaad Kid. Sara. BO OVB MO tAZ. Curos quickly sad Mrmanoatiy th worst naaa of W wiaae and !, 0 Inottar of how ' loot ataadinc. A baolutoiy narmleaa.i Bold be draaaiatav BallohMitabM, Oate, , ky Alt SnggMa. . r .to t14 Colombia River Scenery BEQVZiATOX UJTB 8TEAlffIS. Dally service between Portland and The Dalles, except - Sunday. , leaving Portland at 1 a. m- arriving-about 1 t. ro., carrying freight and paasenera. plendld accommodations for . oulfll ana uvesiocc. HsDck footf Alder t, Portlsnd: foot of Court st. The Ualles. i'hone Uia 1. Portland. - , MEN DONT foolishly neglect your health If afflicted wlta varicocele, stricture, sea-' ual weakness, catarrh, rheumatism, plies, blood . poison, urinary trouble or any nervous or prl ,. vate diseases when yo4. can be cured for 'A rxa or s iM St the ofric of Tne Old Reliable racialist. Dr. Fierce. ISt 1st it.. Pcrtfjni. Cr. 8T0XT8 PAOITIC BTflAKSSTU CO. BTEAMSS-HfJ . 1 Rc:n:!:e c::iCcoMIl!:r Sail for Kurt:- i. i-Hd FrznrHr sr.l ls ABrl d-'re- t every 'itrit v ? at I p. Vu Jki.til c: 11 1i.',fi .t.tar