18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO, ' DECEMBER 3. 1907. -1 NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD mm :,iiIImii " .rurMpu Efforts Bring Made to Oe Collegers and Club 3Ien Together New Year's. Portland football enthusiast! may see another bit game before nest season's ' curtain la rune up for a movement la on foot to arrant a tram between Mult . nomah and a team composed of the best flayer on the t'nlverslty of Oregon's earn and Oregon alumni on New Tears day. This date Is lrrt open on Multnomah's schedule and the college men are anxious 10 give me ciuomtn a drubbing ton fur old time's asks. That the gam would he popular with tb rooters Is certain because there la not one who would not travel miles to see such old stars aa Hug, MrKlnnev, Earl and Chandler oa the gridiron In football suits. These are a few of the alumni that would be In the game should It be pulled off and there are probably many mor who could be In duced to play again. The college men are anxious for the gam. The slumnl are building crand stands and other Improvements for the athletic field at Eugene and would like .to -pica up a little money In the New Tear s game to add to the fund already raised for this work. The clubmen could not get a better money-making at fraction man mis aggregation to tb season. ."Jose HEROES RECEIVE WELCOME Football Squad Hailed As Champions of Pacific by College Boys. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) CorvaJlls.i Dec I. Like a conquering Roman general returning with the spoils c-f war, the Oregon Agricultural college foetbaJl team returned home yesterday afternoon from Los Angelea with the Pad f la coast football championship af ter defeating St. Vincent college and were given the greatest demonstration f welcome ever known in th history of Corvallls. More than l.COo people were on hand when the heroes arrived in town. The student -body and faculty composed the welcoming committee and the regimental band was on hand to play ee the Conquering Hero Comes." The crowd formed an escort from the depot to the college campus. The members of the team were In fin condition and reported a splendid time while' on their trip, which included vis its at Los Angeles, Venice. Ocean Park, Ban Francisco and Oakland. HOW OLD PORTLAND : STANDS IN SPORTS . .. , Portland has given the eaat some high-class athletes, nota- ble among them being Rockwell, formerly captain and quarter ' back of Tale; Gilbert of Tale, the famous pole vaulter; Smith, a the Columbia university foot- ball player; Smlthson, who has e just commenced to figure at 4 Tale; Seattle sent Dan Pullen to fest Point, where he has been heard of in football; Sam 4 Russell to Tale, where he figured both In the doubles and" atnglea tennis championships; 4 Crooks to Amherst, and Geary to West Point Daly, the great- est captain Harvard has had In many years, came from the Pa 4 ciflc coast. 4f Chester Murphy, the Portland football player, had 4 gone east instead of to Stan di ford he would be included in the great football generals of the gridiron. As he remained on e the coast his reputation never extended in proportion to his ability. , TWO FIGHTERS "WHO WERE STOPPED. ; I Tommy Murphy on the left and . Burt Keyes who were Just about tc Hput up a rattling lightweight battle . VvV , t at the Sharkey Athlotlc club. New , yrr ' :yi . ' Vk ' - y;H:'V:Vi 1 Vrrlr whan lha tnwfl PnilStablPS s&jfi t. '..' " " ' ' - VV I T' Ti, .hi I Jumped In the ring, displayed thelt kity sr k-' YCA fltln stars and in unison cried, "flgbt Z'-i R" I l fight did not go on, much to the J&. vV": ' ti',''-'- C ' ?Y.-Aifekl fji; dismay of the followers of the flstlo fig V.v -,' 'tr . I' Kjfc game, who aro still feverishly am It ';Vr- ' ' fv. Husky scrappers can scuu iuo uni- Y V - v V:l I to the ring floor for a doze. If XV.. ' Xl"-J .KJ I J W w-w -eaf I i'::- ' 1. i i i. - i v. m p-m j i l., Jilt V I'-r'l 'SJkSwl :, I t' i ---, , I'.- Trj"j fill 1 i "i i , iv i a - v . BURNS DEFEATED 1 rr BIG BU rilOIB RED BALL, DEFEATS SAINRIDA AT OAKLAND t7 Bowling at Multnomah. Following are the bowling averages made at the Multnomah club last night T " HUMPHRET'S TEAM. . - . 1st. 2d. Humphrey 152 164 Mensinger 127 1C2 McKay 145 131 ile i 100 lt0 B. .W. Mensereau. . ..--.126 1B2 3d. 161) iy5 174 100 152 Total 660 BRIGHAM'S TEAM. Brlgham 133 WANT STANFORD TO PLAY IN ROSE CITY Portland Rooters Want to See Real Live Game of As sociation Football. Sportdom in Portland Is enthusiastic over the possibility of a game of soccer football between local team and th championship Stanford team. In Port land wtion the college players are on their northern trip to play the Canadian teams. "Stump" Stott. who played such strong same for Multnomah Thanksglv Ing day and whose name Is held in tieniory dear by all Stanford men. Is doing all In his power to bring about the match. He believes that a strong team can be picked uo in Portland that win frive tne collegians a hard tussle In the soccer same. If an ODen date cfln be found in the Stanford schedule the game will eurely be played. Leading- athletic men are anxious to hVe a first-claas demonstra tion of association football in Port land because of the effect It would have upon the local scortlnar fraternity. Portland's standing as an athletic cen ter Is so great that a recognition of the association game in tne Kose City would do much to establish the game s standing In the sporting circles of the coast. Rou Hedge Hudson . flurman . Handicap Total . 88 88 113" ISO 656 M'CABE'S TEAM. . I' int. 'McCabe 158 Boulan 151 Allen....... 144 Feebler 103 Ott 148 Total . . Moore ... Bailey ... W. Healey Wies .... F. Healey 704 MOORE'S TEAM. 109 14a 125 117 . ' 9 699 2d. 157 139 98 82 150 743 2d. 199 126 101 124 126 676 Total E85 101 175 1.14 148 107 665 STANDING OF TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. 4 790 3d. 152 118 93 48 lot' 661 3d 171 168 116 17) 132 758 119 138 138 117 146 658 Mccabe .......... 9 'James . 9 . Gardner . v , . . . , , 9 Brlgham ......... 12 Orion ............ 9 , Humphrey ...... i 13 : Moore 9 i Morgan , t Pet. .888 .667 .667 .667 .446 .416 .222 .111 f. ; .Pickings at Emeryville.' (Ualtre Pnt Le,t4 Wire.) . Ban Franclscty Cat, Dec. I. Today's ' selections for Emeryville: ; ... Manchestr, Kerry, Import." John C, Craue, Dr. Coleman, Ma ' lilla 8. ' ... , I-one Wolf, Miss May Bowdlsh, Tonio. . X'AHrlr JLnHrv R innlr kt . . . , H. -f w v. j-i uii- naliy. i Canlque, Willis Green, Gannet: f Pal, Colonel White, .May JUN. 1 ' . - ; .., :.t ... " Chicago Dea 8. Jake Schaefer de ; f eated George Sutton lust night In aa ; )s-inch ballt line contest, one shot In. ' fcy a acore of 600 to -488. ' Bchaefer's retained the championship Utle- for 'the German. '-r'1 :03IPAY B IS FIRST LY SOLDIERS' CONTEST Company B won the first annual in door athletic meet, held at the armory ast night under the auspices - of the hlrd regiment, Oregon mtlpnal Guard, with a scrre of 36 points. ' Company P was second, with 27 points;. Company E third, witli 12 points, and the Battery fourth, with 3 points. The following are the r.lne events with the winners: High Jump Private Sheets, of B, won, 5 feet 5 inches; Private Petit, Company K, second. . ... Half-mile run Won by Sergeant Vic tor Wctterborg. Company ' F; Private Bachus, Company B, second. Wali-scalinR contest Won by Com pany u (only entry). Tug-of-war Company B won from Company H. One-half mile relay race Won by company Time: 4-6. uompan JU second Time: ZUO 4-5. Wall tent pitching Tie between Com. panies B and F. Time: 43 4-6 seconds, T wo hundred and twenty yard hur Won by Private Vigellua, Company F. Time: 34 4-5 secanfls, private HawKlns, Company B. second. . One-fourth mile run Won by Ser geant Wetterborg. Company F. Time 1:06 1-5. Private Bachus, Company B, second. Bayonet rne Won by Corporal Band- rori; corporal Morris, company ts, sec- ona. . t AIRICAFI HORSES IN THE GRAND PRIX ; 3Iore Than Score Yearlinjrs Xominated for Premier Racinar Event in 1909. (Speclnl DUiMitcb to Tb Jonrtul.t Paris, Decv 3. The grand prlx de Paris of 1909 will be tho richest turf event in tho world. It will be worth $80,000. For this prise 27 colts and fit ed by three Americans W. K. Vander bllt, Perry Belmont and August Bel mont. This stake is the blue ribbon race of Mu.t K 1... I. I n I . I I I tl3 1' I UIJLII lull. XII UIUCI IU BOillUiaLC breeding of high-class horses that the army may get the benefit of It In the shape or fine mounts for the cavalry and artillery, the French government ermlts the city of Paris to donate 350, 00 to the race. Bookmaklng Is not i-ermltted On the frenen turr. ah tne Petting aono on the tracks is by aid of the mutual sys tern which was in vogue in this eoun try 20 years ago. The amount of money bet on a race is divided Into as many parts as there are tickets sold on the winning horse after 8 per cent is de ducted. Of this latter sum a part goes to tne racing associations and portions to the rltv rnvommfnt-nnH hnflnltnlit in, a majority or etane events in l jcui i in i (SpreUI rutpiteb In Th JoenuL Oakland, Cal., Dec. 3. Good time was made in all the races -here yesterday. Red Ball landed first In the fourth event, beating out Sauirida In the day's Dig races. The results: Five and a half furlongs Lockfoot won, Nick Stoner second. Sombre third; time, 1:07. . - Futurity course Captain Burnett won. E. M. Brattaln 'second, Koenlgln Lulse third; time, 1:10. Futurity course fleada won. Pro gress second. The Rdyrobate third; time, 8even furlongs Red Ball won. Saln- rlda second, Banv McGlbbon third; time. :28 2-5. Mile and a sixteenth Goraalette won. Jack Adams second. Nine Bpot third: time, 1:46 1-6. Six furlongs Rlalta won. AWiry ,F. second, Massa third; time,' 1:12 1-t. Kace Results at New Orleans. New Orleans. Dec. 3. City Park race results: Five furlongs lm won. Taskmaster second. Nlghtmlst third: time. 1:013-5. Five and a half furlongs No Quarter won. Artful Dodger second, Lucy xoung loiru; time, i:uz-. Mile, selling Or. McCleur won. Marsh Redon second, Savolr Faire third; time. 1:42 3-b. Seven furlongs Jack Atklrr won. Lord I.ovat second, Juggler third; time, 1:27 3-6. Six furlongs Lens won. Hawkins second, Lad of Langdon third; time. Britisher Easy Game for Am erican Who Claims Title of World Championship. (Special DUpatck to The Journal.) London, Dec. 3. If any Englishman had an Idea that England might In the! near future win back her prestige as I the home of the boxing glove he met Ith great dlsaoDolntment yesterday wnen Tommy llurna smashed b a- Gun ner Moir all over the 34-foot enclosure for 10 rounds, finally sending In three terrific wallops that ended Gunner's I claim to the i iitno onshln belt. It was all too easy. Burns stepped I Into his man In the first round, took his measure, and then began a system of fight which culminated In an lnglorl-l ous aereat ror me jtnguanman in tne ternn rpuna. uurns showed nimseir 10 be clever. He also convinced the most skeptical that he has a punch, some thing that has been disputed heretofore. Was a Oood Tigai, Despite the ease with which Bums won the fight was a good one to look at. The American dayed his game so carefully and gradually there were those present who thought Moir had a chance even as late as the eighth round. The wearing away process, how ever, commenced as early as the fifth, when Burns landed a right on the law ana siasnea tne uunner over tne eye with a swinging left men came tne sutn. wnen Moir lost all sense of the game and swung like a mad man in his efforts to connect with Hums' anatomy. In the seventh Burns landed a smash on Molrs cheek that made an ugly wound. Xolr jrooght daniely. Bleeding and practically winded. Moir came back in the eighth with all th ganteness his backers could have desired to see In any man. lie fought with all the skill and desperation at his com mand, out ne was met and stalled In all departments of the game. Burne was his master, and none knew It so well as Moir. Still the Gunner kept on fight ing as If he had a chance to win the bout. He lasted the round and came back for more In the ninth In the ante-climax Burns simply beat Moir at will. Terrific rights and lefts were planted upon the Britisher, who kept In- the ring simply because Burns blows did not have sufficient force to send the Gunner through the roof, 0iow the right Xnded. Moir. stepped Into a right arm Jolt anu wqni - to uie mai. tie arose ana went to the, mat once more from a left to the jaw. He was able to get up only In time to get a wallop on the Jaw that ended the fight. Burns was a 7 to 4 favorite when the men entered the ring. A large crowd saw the scrap, and a still larger crowd waited outside the National Sporting club for the result. When the an nouncement came that Burns had won great excitement was manifested. 1 -I US The Best Whiskey In the World at everybody knowt, comes from Kentucky. The finest of fine Kentucky whiskies i ."' THE PURE. FOOD WilisRey Its commanding luperiority It due to scientific diitlllatlon and per fect ageing. Every drop of Sunny Brook ia REAL OENU1NB WHISKEY, add this is proreo byjht Government "fJreen Stamp," which seals each bottle. All Rrst-CUM Dealers Sell It. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO., Jefferson County, Kj. BLUMAUER & H0CH, Distributers. rortland, BURNS WAS UXSCRATCHED. Moir Badly Beaten and Face Looks x Like Raw Beefsteak. (Uoltpd Prr.1 Uimi Wire.) Indon. Dec. S. Tommy Bums does not look today as though he had been in a rignc, wnue uunner Molr s eyes are badly swollen and discolored, his none rpllt and deep cuts and bruises on hla face. Britons are dazed over the result. Burns 'will remain here for some time and will reappear In the ring soon. INDOOR BASEBALL NOW OX TAP FOR WINTER Employes of the Oregon Casket com pany have organized an Indoor baseball team that Is expected t be able to wal lop any similar organization ever known. So confident are the casket-' makers of their ability to knock the ball all over the Indoor lot they are anxious to take on any team willing to take a chance. The team defeated two local nines last week and will play a team Mile Telescope won. Docile second. I Tinker third; time, 1:42 4-6. ' PILES CURED IN S TO 14 BATS. PaZO OINTMENT la ruaranteed to car mr nm of Itching. Blind, Ulreillng or Protruding PIIm In 6 to 14 dar or mnncjr rfonde(l. 60. 0 8 y vjL. CURE, NOT TALK IS WHAT YOU WANT rOTT XOTT. COOTS TO US BOOSTB OM UTIK. WHT STOT HOW? B.KrU8B TO BVTTVM ASX 2.0SQZU OX rsOMIBill o onus. CONSUL.TAT10IS PR EG J BLOOD POISON S.IPBET. BUDSIB, rios. ai8CKAKOII8, .If we do not ear 70a It will not cost yst one cent. SHUT 9Z8BASBS, IOKSS, UX.CEXS FIOBIltlL ECZEMA, mtnTB, BX.OTCBES, XTCBtllfO, BUBSUO, SIBCOIiOAfc T IOH I Or III SKZST. " CI DlfTITDC 3 I lUu I UAL ff. A n.T1 ATWW mr.imriinnw a at.t. tt m t w m V IIOOUES COAIMOBT 1NOHO MX ST. M COJTTACTE0 DXBOBOXBS ETSBT OA4SB Of contracted disease we treat thoroughly cured; , our patients have . no relapses. When we pro nounce a mi cured there Is not a particle or Infectlpn or Inflamma tion remaining, and there la not the slightest danger that the disease- will return In Its original form or work its way Into the gen-. ern.1 system. No contracted dis order Is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treatment, and we especially solicit those cases thst other doctors have been unable to cure. m OXm mi WEED BTOT MM M IAID 1TirX.ESS OT7X,EI. al COITS UXTATIOW COBTriDElTTIAI. AlfS ZXTTITEB- A personal thorough and searching examination is desired, though If inconvenient to call, write 9 us a full description of your trouble. Our office hours are from 9 a. m. to S : SO p. m.. excepting Sunday from i to 12. Address or call on the H S ST. LOUIS "ii&F DISPENSARY I SCOBXTEB CBOOBTO ABTD TAUHIIiXt STB.BETS, XOKTI.AXrZ, OXBOOX. 3 nBTOaBniaiEsrxssnainriESEEaHHicnjBnzncixiEniEaccBxil" (THAXTTESS If other physicians have treated you for so-called "weakness," you were helped only temporarily, if at all. and the reason Is vatry appar ent when the cause ftf loss of power in men Is understood. '"Weakness" isn't a weakness at all, but la merely a symptom of chronic Inflammation in the pros tatic gland, brought on by early dissipation or some contracted dis order. Our system of local treat ment removes this Inflammation and Is the only treatment that has ever restored or ever can perma nently restore strength and vigor. Our Fee $5 to $30 Every Woman unonsiea ana anoaia now SOOM the wonderful MARVEL whirling Spray ttonand Hurtien. licst-titi. H Moat conrenlcDt, MANY CHANGES FOR - NEXT YEAR'S TEAMS l , nva v 1 1 is "iiAV zar kww . --f sJssisai a. 't -T- MMTlnoMkr If ba oannoisnrolT tae MABVKL, no olhar, but aand t lamp (or llliittralwl book m14. ft full Dartloulaxa ana .llrnHjnn. in. TluW to la.llej. M 4KVKI, rO.. 44 SSd ST.. KB W WORK. Tar Sals by Skidaian Oruf Co., Woodard, Clark Os, and laue-Savls Drug Co. 41 Stores. Scott's Sanfal-Pepsin capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammatloa orOstarrtiot the Bladilarand I1aaaaad Klt aera. SO Otjai 0 At. Coras quickly sad parmaaeotir the worst eaM 01 aitwi 114 and 3loaoBiaturof how fong atancuns. Aeaoiateiy isrmioM. Sold by dratriata. THE SAWTAL-PEPSIN COL Bellofoataiaa, Oaks. fc All Orasfiats. V BUNKER HILL TEAM STILL CHASING OYAL . The Bunker Hill Athletic club's foot ball squad was put through a stiff prac tice Sunday morning by Coach Kennedy aim me men are reeling so conridont or their ability to defeat most anything n vne snaps or a lootDall team that they are anxious to take on the St. Johns aggregation Sunday. The Bunker nmsauaa reports fine, treatment from the Chemawa Indians and the members ?? ,5ne aDorigtnes are coming on beau tifully under the coaching of Klfby. C!orbctt and Sullivan Comment. Wire.) ! ne J. Corbett, is?Molr fight. rnltl Fna r. A New York. Dec. a i.n commenting on the Burns said: "I am sorrv ihnt mi aia i that Jeffries could fight the , English man." 1 . .. . t vThr VM wa? Jnmportant," said John I Sullivan. "With a little training ! could whip both Uurns and Moir." France and over-nlaht races only thor oughbrecis that nave been foaled In that country can partlciptfte. There are very few races onen to the thorough breds of the world. The grand prlx Is no of the execotions. w. K. Vander- bllt. who races exclusively In France, had all of his brood mares mated In America, but shipped to France before tnpy roaiea. The grand prlx de Paris holds the same relative position to French turf men as the Epsom Derby does to the .English. It is decided on a Sunday in mid-summer. After 12 oclock in France the Sahhath day is observed as sort or holiday, ana usually the greatest turf events are down for de cision. On grand prix day it is a com mon thing to see a crowd of 16,000 on the race course. Natives of France are enthusiastic racegoers, but they do not iways take their losses in the calm. matter of fact snlrlt of our locnl huh- Ituos of the track. On one or two oc casions when the starter left a favorite at the post, the crowd mobbed him. pulled down fences, started to burn some or the buildings and were only dispersed when gendarmes used the flat of their sabres on the backs of the riotous men. (Special Dlapatcb to Tba loorBal.) Chicago, Dec. 3. The'fealuresr of the past week in baseball were the. an nouncement sthat McOraw would release Dahlen, Strang, Brown and JicGlnty; that the Chicago Cubs wddld purchase Johnny Kane from Cincinnati: that La ne did beat John Hatfield's throw he lal Cincinnati throwing contest: that Charley Comlskey will CaJCry oa a war to the finish sgainst Ban John son; that the White Sox will get Pitcher Dusty Rhoades from Cleveland, for Mc Farland and Owen: that- Motite Cross. the Philadelphia shortstop, wrll manage the Kansas City team; that Jake Stahl will probably secure the Milwaukee franchise; that Bill Clymer will again manage the Columbus team. I fe i t Lt 'V l2 UV'-' ' ' 1 J If' ' I Tommy Burns. WAVERLY GOLF TEAM TO LEAVE THURSDAY The golf team to reDresent the Wav- erly Golf club In the northwest tourna ment will be picked tomorrow and the men will leave for the sound country inursaay nigni. six players will com pose the team and thoy will olav at Tacoma, Friday; Victoria, Saturday, and Seattle, Sunday, jlie club s best play-j ers win oe selected ana it is expected they will return to Portland Monrtnv morning with all the trophies to be captured in me tournament. COLIIMBIAS WILL PLAY CRESCENTS SATURDAY Arrangements have been completed for an association game of football be tween the Columbias and .Crescents ft II t U rA n V O ftornnji n at O .O 1 1 A. ' J . . w . . fc u v AjtKnzxi al league grounds. This game was to have been played last Saturday but the rJayers returning from Seattle wererso sore and Dattered frnm thir game With the sound . nln vem ThnnU. giving aay tney were unable to play. The Seattle game was lost by the local j men oy a score or a 10 2. $5.00 YJLZFZ? THE rXBST BXrBXT BPECIAIISTS TO OrFSX OUX BEBTICES FOX 85.00 OTatBXS BIBTCB HATE OOKB OUT WITH ADS IMITATIHO OUX MXTHOSS. BUT WREIT TOU CAI.I.EO OW THEM TOU WERE ASKED TJjr HEASOIJABLB FEES IP YOtf WUL STOP ABD THXVX TOU VTU.I. COME TO US AVS OBT CUBED. , $5.00 Weak We Will Care Yon We are specially anxious tnat any WBAS KABT who has failed with other methods call oa as and let na explain to him why we CURB peo ple who have failed to get relief be fore seeing vs. This we will onser xoll7 do 7BXE of aay cost. " , Everybody Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists - in the Diseases of Men Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only Varicocele, from Hydrocele, from Atrophy, from . Tie Sellable Specialists. Diseases Cured bj Varicocele our 'new method; no pain. December 3 In the Annals of Sport. 1881 At London JoHenh Aoton Ha. jeaiea x nomas cannon In a wrestling 'match, French style, for $1 0001 1893 At San Francisco J. Jones (8) defeated J. Rlordan (3). nandbali maicn, vesi or n games. 1803 At Chicago Hugo Kelly gained me aecisiun over joe unm in six-round bout. 1904 At Chloatfo "Kid" (lwi'trJ aeieaica amy i'innucane in six rounds. 1905 At Ealtlmoio Joe Tinman i - -- . . . . . . . . . I riiuchku oui mine jjoyw in tntra round. 190e At New York Albert O. rhitior defeated Harry Kline in the playoff of uie ue tor urau piace in tne 17.2 balk line billiard tournev. wlnnlna- tho ml Ko Klffh Best. That's why we can make von tKA i . . . ... . " i uii n.r j8. aii snaaes. ail arvien H v The -enlarged veins are due to mumps, bicycle or horseback riding, disease,- etc. In time It weakens a mm mentally as well as physically. We will cure you for life or make no charge. Hydrocele Cured: no naln. no loss of time. Why suffer longer when you can be cured In a few hours at a moderate costT Call and consult us at once. and we will convince you of the su periority at our New System Treat ment over any other method. Blood Poison Overcome In 90 'days or no nav. ' Symptoms overcome In seven to 21 days without chemicals or notaona. .If suffering from ulcers, sore mouth or throat, falling hair, bone pains, com and we will drive the poison from your blood forever by our Now System Treatment - We Do Not Patcji Up WejCure Forever S10 to 125 110 to $50 5 to $13.50 nervous Debility, from ...$5 to $20 Wasting, from .$7.60 to $10 Dlsobarges, from $5 to $10 Uloerc, from $5 to $15 Blood Poison, from ..... $10 to ISO railing Ealr, from $5 to $10 simples, from $7.50 to $18 Bosema, from . $10 to $30 Bladder Ailments, from. $6 to $13.60 Kidney Ailments, from.. $10 to $30 Prostate AUments, from ..$5 to $15 Free Advice Given' - Send as particulars of your ease at once if you cannot sail. ISedl eiaes from fl.SO to 980 a oonrse. Dally Sours i S a, m. to 8 p. m. -Sunday Boors I S a. si. to IS aoon. Do Not Delay Call or Write Today Run No RisR Investigate onr methods and Jearn that we are all we claim to be, and v when you place your case In our hands you are sure of getting the best treatment that can be ob tained anywhere. To every man who knows himself to require advioe as to marriage and its requirements, or who has taken that step, we also extend a eordlal Invitation, that we may advlss him as to the best thing; to do. This we will do PBEB of ail charges. Nervous . Debility Cured In a few weeks. Improve ment frcm the start If you suffer from loss off energy and ambition, feel tired vhen you arise In the morning, lame back, dizziness, spots before the eves and feel von r nm the man you once were, we will cure you for life. Urethral Obstruction Cured by absorption In a shont tlms: no pain, no cutting;' no operation. By our method the urethral canal is healed and entire' system restored . to Its healthy state. No failures, no pain or loss of time. Examination Free Call arid we will explain why our New System cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at once; don't . delay. - Examinations Are; Thorough Our Diagnoses Positive" The on Medical Insti tut " 291 Morrison Street, Near Fifth, Portland, Oregon ." SEPARATE PABiOBS. '." BVXBYTKXB'O SZCBXT. XOXAWCBVttD. v., vvma iauoring- yo., izs1 Fifth eL