The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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ITon-Ycar-Old Walter Knapp
; Falls From .Bridfre Into
f Quagmire and Drowns.
. Walter Knspp, 1 1 Vr. fell
from tho lrlnem of the bridge that
Spans rMephcns alourh st Kt Klghlli
street wfterday afternoon unrt "i
drew r.l Karl Traub und Kvorett Tro-
. gan. (no other small , boy, were wit-
Prcacliors Indicant J5e-
cause Their Money Was
Invented in Property.
'-. iK. - i . " 1
Walter Kfiapp.
tfsnfi of the accident. They were all
climbing a4ion;.,the 'supports under the
bridge whan the little Knapp boy lost
lila balance, and plunged Into the muddy
deptha of 'the plough.
The other two youngster were badly
frightened and . were unable to help
their playfellow struggling In the water
and crying" out for help. They ran for
assistance, but the body bad been In
the water 'two houra before It could
ba recovered. . Ralph Boyd and George
Scott, who five near the alourh, flahed
! It out. Coroner Flnley vu notified
and removed the body.
Walter Knanp Jived with his parent!
at 66 East Twenty-firat atreet With
the two other boya he went yesterday
afternoon to play In Ihe slouch. Tlrei
of the log and the raft on whlen'they
were playing, they deserted the water
and start clambering among the tim
bers. Th acidtu tOcctirred.vabut
o'clock, f , JL.
i . - , -,, it. i i, ,
Various Important Political
. ana jjcjnsiuuve sessions
(t'altM rrM Leases' Wire.) Nov. SO. The cry ot
"tainted money" In stirring the ranks of
ibv Pri'sbyterlnn clergy, called forth by
the fsct tlmt ("10 of the ministers'
Insurance morn y 1ms been Invested la
Kiilnor property. Indignant proieaia
RurJiidl i lie trii.i Hon will le voiced
Ht i inc. unit 1 Hi" Minlsterlnl iissorla-
tlon ir. M"ndnv. ami It la probable that
thioi' r "jionsiiile rr the Investment
will ! " inpclbiil to cancel It.
J C N'cT. treasurer of the Presby
terian .MInlHters' fund, which mudo the
loan. clcl;,ns that he hesitated and bad
his own niisgliiiga when the Invest
ment wus first nfrcreil to nim, nut inai
as a business proposition the transac
tion was so sound lie him laid II neiore
his finance cominlttc und clearly e
plalned nil the features of the case.
Bobbs-Merrill Threaten In
junction If "The Day Af
ter" Is Produced Here.
Blames Governor Baxter for
Talking and Says He Will
Not Spare Wife.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Pari. Nov. JO. A. Hart McKee,
whose wife, formerly Cordelia Baxter,
Is aulng for divorce, promises a great
sensation when the case cornea up for
trial. -
"Had Governor tatter, my wlfe'a fa
ther, held hla tomrue. I would hava
let him have his way without op
IMisttlon." said McKee In reply to
question by a newspnpor correspondunt.
"As It Is, I am going to miiko strenu
ous defense, and there will be the big
gest acandal of the century; I know
none equal to It. Hut liaxter has only j
nimseir 10 mame. in aeir derenso a
mn has to use the weapons at hla dla
pnsal. It seems certain that a acandal
must coma, and It In just aa well to
let the whole truth be known. I have
the child, and the courts will confirm
In me Its custody. Everybody knows
what that means.
Equine Pulse Regulators
Admitted to Practice by
the State Board.
trust conr
1a V, .
Will Be Held.
r' (United Press Leased TV Irs, )
Washington, ' Nov. so. The sixtieth
' . congress will convene for Its first ses
Ion Mpnday. The anxiety of the pub
lic In regard to the rommendations on
xmanciar-leri aiauon, corporation control
and other vital questions will rivet at
tentlon on the president message,
. rhlch will: be presented "the second day
' of the session.
Official representatives .of nearly all
the covtitvteavof Neath Boutk. ana Cen
tral Amertra'wili'aasembfcs 'Monday in
the City 6fMexlc& to attend the third
- International sanitary congress, the ses
sions of which will last five days.
The legislature os the. new state of
Oklahoma will meet Monday for Its
first session.
- Secretary, Taft, en route home 'from
Ills visit to the far cast, will make a
; burrled trip across Europe, stopping a
day or two in 8t. Petersburg, and thence
' proceeding direct to Hamburg, where he
will embark the last of the week for
Jew Torkv
What promises to be the moat lm-
f ortant meeting ever held "by the na
lonal rivers and harbors congress will
- begin In thle city, next Wednesday, and
' continue its aessiona pntlj the following
Saturday. .
Secretary Straus or 'the department of
ommerce and Ia1)6r, has Invited repre
sentatives of the trsde organlxatlons of
20 Hadlna: cities to meet in Washington
Thursday to cormlder with him ways
and means of rendering practical aid to
the commercial and industrial interests
of the United States and of promoting
the country's foreign commerce.
The Republican national committee
Hflll meet in this city Friday and Sat
vi r day to decide upon the time and place
for holding the next Republican national
convention. - -
Chicago will be the scene of two exhl
bit long. Qf general Interest during the
week. One will be the annual automo
bile show, and the other the Internation
al exposition of livestock.
. H , UtoW -'Up i fTacotna.
" (Rpeetal Mspsteh u ' Tbs Jrom.l
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 30. Harry
Bhears of Pupont came Into Tacoma last
vnlnv with Mrs. Shear and IihIC an
hour latr had been robbed i(f 1300 inj
"tnoneyt a watcn ana some- vmuaDie
trinkets. Shearr was alone on Twelfth
atreet and suddenly found himself fac
ing two masked men, each holding a re
volver lit. his face,. who ordered him to
throw up his -hands. The money repre
sents Shoara-savings-for months past.
JTbere tiave.beeiK no arrests:
,i WJril?8Coiner$atioa,.
. ' CChliet "Press tessed Wire.
Victoria,' Nov. SfcThe Joeal wireless
.station, Jtmt instated by-th dominion
government, lieid a short conversation
with the Mara Island station yesterday.
Work on the staging of Howard Rus
sell's new play 'The Day After," which
was to have been presented shortly at
the Baker theatre, has been suddenly
stopped by the receipt of telegram
from the attorneys for the Bobbs-Herrlll
company, publishers or "ine Brass
Bowl," Louis Joseph Vance's novel,
threatening to commence Injunction pro
ceedings If any attempt Is made to pro
duce the play.
According to Mr. Kuaseii, wno is m
member of the iiaker stock company,
and who has made Portland his home
for several years, there is soma misun
derstanding about the nature of is
play, and he says he Is certain that It
111 be seiuea amicaoiy Tiinin irw
Mr. Russell admits that he' read the
Vance novel befors writing hla play, and
that tha plot of. the latter is Dasea
somewhat upon the book, but insists
that there has been no plagiarism com
"My pla? IS founaea on tne. vance
story," said Mr. Ruaaell xnis smnrning.
"but It is my versioa or ma worn mm
s to be presented here I have written
ray play on new and entirely original
lines. Tne scenes are very uiu.irui
fmm iv.n. in the hook, and In several
Instances I have used entirely new char
acters. MY comedy Is based on an Ir'an
rvnt virl In the anartments of Rob
ert Wellington and an amateur detective,
and nothing like it is 10 ne iuunu m
The Brass Bowl
Th Mtnr tells how a strnnge and
beaullful young girl, about whom there
is thrown an itnpenetranie veu il mi-
tery. Is found one evening in me itpHri-
ments of Robert veningion, a -wi-anuy
young New York club man. 'She ap-
nears later in me union iimu v:iuu.
and always there Is the same uncanny
suggestion of mystery about her. It
Haveinna f Kflt although beautiful and
annnmntlv roflned. She lS & thlef-SOme'
thlnlr the same Idea as the new play
In which Kyrle Bellow and Margn ret
lllington are making such a hit in New
Yt is said by those who have read Mr.
Dnauii'i niav that it is fully as inter
esting as the book and the book was
fascinating enough to become one of the
"six best sellers" of the season. After
Mr Russell had written his play he of-
fnrii t nn fjeorre. Bernard, stage man
ager of the Baker theatre, and ha was
so pleased with it that he submitted
it to George Baker, and preparations
were. made. &. produca it in the . near.
fatuve.-' -". ,'1"' ' :-'.'.'''
in anme way ne -pumisners ot m
book. Bobbs-MerrlJl & company, leamea
of the play.-and turned thalr lnrorma
tlon over to their attorneys. The latter
Immediately wired Mr. Russell a 63
word telegram announcing that if any
attempt was made to punlisn or pro
duce the play they would institute pro
reed Intra at once, and ask for an in
junction against Mr. Russell and the
Baker theatre management.
The actor turned ine manuscript or
his play over to his lawyer who is in
communication with the Bohbs-Merrlll
attornevs trying to settle tne 'matter
and arrange for the production of the
pis y.
Mr. Baker, however, will make no ef
fort to give 'The Day After" until some
settlement is made between Mr. Russell
and the publishers of the book.
It is said that many scenes oeiween
the plav and oook are quite similar, and
whether they are so much that plagiar
ism could be charted or that any In
fringement of coDvrlght could be dls
covered Is what is now trying to bo de
terniined. Mr. Russell has applied for
a copyright for bis piny but as yot nas
heard nothing from Washington.
Attorney - General Jackson
Says Brooklyn and Bor
ough Banks Were Looted.
(United Press Leased Wire.
New 1'ork. Nov. 10. Attorney-General
Jackson declared today that the Inter
national Trust company, which Is in
volved In the suspension of the Brook
lyn and Borough banks, was "organised
on wind." He added that If temporary
Receiver Brown's Information Is correct
there was gross falsification of the
Brooklyn and Borough banks' records
and manipulation of their securities to
give me international an apparent
000,000 surplus, as reoulred by law.
unniiMniTo m
10 111
These transactions, declarea Jackson.
constitute a proper matter for the grand
Jury Will Take Case for Con
sideration Xot Later Than
Monday Evening.
(United Prase Least Wire.)
Washington. Nov. 80. The closing
arguments in the Bradley case were be
gun this morning, and it Is expected
that the case will be In the Jury's hands
net later than Monday evening.
Mrs. Bradley appeared cheerful when
no emereu me courtroom, her son
Physician having Informed her that the
boy who has had a severe attack of
membranous croup, Is out of danger.
Arter a brief consultation with the
cuuri, rrosecutor Turner began his ad
dress by saying:
"One of several possible verdicts may
be returned. If you believe the defend
ant is not Insane and did kill Senator
Brown, tnere are two verdicts If you
believe she killed him after preparation,
she Is guilty of murder In the first de
8Zee; lf,vou believe she killed him on
the Impulse of tho moment she Is guil
ty of murder in the second degree.,r
v "iiiinuiiiK, turner said:
"If She Shot linintpntlnnnllv arhllo
making a threat, she is miitv nt man
Pale and Immovable, . Mrs. Bradley
listened Intently to the storv unfniH.ii
again by the prosecutor. Turner drew
attention to the lesser Incidents of the
shooting to show the dellberatt purpose
iiii inu ran ui me ueienaant, particular
iy in n
Seven veterinarians were admitted to
full practice la the stats of Oregon by
the stats veterinary board yesterday.
The successful 'applicants wsrs Ions W.
I'arks of Portland, who graduated from
the School ot Veterinary 'at Ontario,
Canada; W. M. Miller, also ot OnUrlo,
who appeared for examination: W. O.
Kddy. urcgon City, graduate from the
Ontario school, and also from a course
at Chicago- 8. W. MoClure, Pendleton
graduate or tne university or l'ennsyi
vsnla; II. E. plnkcrton, Pendleton, grad
uate of university of Ohio: W. II. L.y
tie. Pendleton, graduate of Ames, and tV.
I). Mason, Roseburg, graduate of Wash
Incton State celiacs.
There were several others who -will
be sdmltted as soon aa their diplomas
rrom tne cast are received. The appu
cants who were passed upon yesterday
have been practicing la the state for a
year or so, ana nave oeen oompiying
with the laws. It Is the Intention o
the board to strlotly enforce the law
hereafter, and to compel all veterinar
ians in the state to take an examination
before they can continue practicing. The
law under which the board la operating
was passed four years ago, but until re
cently little- effort i.aa been made to
put It In actual operation.
'There are a great number of so
railed veterinarians practicing who are
Incompetent,"' said W. H. I,ytle, mem
ber of the board, this morning. "Im-
norters of blooded stock want some as
surnnce that they are entrusting their
valuable horses Into careful hands. Such
has not been the case In the past. As
conditions have been it was a serious
handicap to the breeding of better stock
and also works an undeserved hardship
on veterinary surgeons really compe
"By the first of the year we shall
have every practicing veterinarian with
In the qualifications of the law. The
attorney-general has assured us that
the law la a practical one, and we could
compel every surgeon to either take an
examination under It or quit practicing.
"However, our plan Is to be lenient
with those who have been In the state
for a number of years, and we shall
give them a rneclal examination. All
second class veterinarians or nongradu-
ates will not be allowed to compete with
the first class, and will be compelled to
go to the smaller cities where there
are not already graduate veterinarians
The branches in wsilch graduate appli
cants are examined include anatomy.
physiology, theory and practice, physical
diagnosis, pharmacy, surgery, therapeu
tics, obstetrics, materln medlca, meat
Inspection, sanltarv science and horse
shoeing. The board will recognlxe di
plomas from those schools onlv that are
recognised by the American Veterinary
association. The law requires that li
cense to practice must be Issued every
four years, but the board thinks this Is
unnecessary end should be struck out
The headquarters of the board Is at the
Oregon hotel.
$25 Record Cabinet Free
Buy your talking machine records at
Rllers Piano house, and receive a S25
record cabinet absolutely free.
"" . The Knock-out Blow.
Tha blow which knocked out Corbet
waa ft revelation to the prize flghtert,
rrom tha earliest dart of tha rlnf tha
gnoc-oui Plow was aimed. lor tha jaw,
Ue temple or the Joiujar vein. : Stomach
punches were thrown In to worry and
weary tha fighter, but If a aclantllo nan
had told one of tha old fighter, that tha
boat vulnerable spot waa tha region of
too stomacu, ta'd have laughed at htm
for an Ignoramus, nr. Pierce la bringing
torn to tna pubiio a parallel facti that
i roma a tha
of ha duib
hnr n.iiu
but the1
nt to, until
most vnlntrablt orttn
ring at wan as in lie we I
throat, feat and lung,
a are a tier I y ladlffer
flnda tha solar plexut
ana unockt at out' yrive yptir nvimiirh
y una, nut Jtrant, fyU; yujju'j
TOU proiCd voujjelf 111 rpurjnoiit vulner-
.L ic ltv1 -uuman AieuiCSl V,
Crystal Tee A Storage Co. Phones
office East 244, A-1244; Bunkers, Main
S683, A-108J.
and knockt at out Mike yptir nVynarh
Jin-. 3I
otert vj
Qfiv- ruoiaea Medical Lhacoverr
curet "weft ttomach," Indigestion, or
dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and Im
pure blood and other diseases of tha or
gsni of digestion and nutrition.
Tha "Golden Medical Discovery" hsi a
specific curative effect upon all mucous
surfaces and hence caret catarrh, no
matter where located or what stage It
may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh It
Is well to cleanse the passages with Dr.
6ege's Catarrh Kemedy fluid while using
the "Disc vary as a constitutional Moved-.
If Ay tha "Golden Medical Discov
ery" cures catarrhal diseases, as of the I
ttomaca, bowels, bladder and other pelvic
organs win be plain to you If you will
read a booklet of extracts from the writ
ings of eminent medical authorities, aa
dorslng. its Ingredients and explaining
their curative properties. It Is mailed
free on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce.
buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the
Ingredients entering Into Dr. Pierce's
medicines from which it will be seen that
they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure,
triple-refined glycerine being used Instead.
Dr. Pierce s treat thousand-page 11 us-
trsted Common Sense Medical Adviser
"aW 111 haTa Si SkTn trsa VSASP-Vwtl Syf Ol ArtSk.
v iii w sroait) i J staci m'HisvSf ivi aaa vuw-
cans stamps, or ciotn-oouna xer u ttampa,
Address Dr. Pierce at above.
An Electric Porch Light
'A World of Protection at an Atom of Cost
You may go to your club or attend to your'.
business nights feeling secure for the loved ones
at home if you'll install an EEECTKIC
' PORCH LIGHT. . v v
Upon a ring at the doorbell the button may
- be pushed and the porch lighted up. The person
within can readily see who is seeking admit
tance, and may deny entrance to the caller, if it
is desired.
IRK Tllll IS
Veteran American Humorist
Declares That He Will
Never Grow Old.
(Catted Press Leased Wire.)
New Tork, Nov. 30. In excellent
plrlts and look Ins; the picture of health.
Mark: Twain celebrated his seventy-sec
ond birthday today, surrounded by
friends and admirers.
The veteran humorist does not Intend
grow old. so he snys. He enjoys
more leisure than he did In Ms younger
ays. but he asserts that ho never
would have worked If he could have
lived without It.
After having lost the larse financial
returns from his earlier career as a
writer and lecturer through tho failure
of the publishing; house In which he was
interested. Mr. Clemens nas lived to
discharge all of his obligations and to
accumulate another tidy fortune.
Police Departments throughout the country
strongly advocate the use of porch lights, as there
is a class of thieves that makes a specialty of en
tering houses unprotected by the presence of
meri '
Electric Light is the ideal light for the porch,
as the wind cannot blow it out.
For information call phones Main 6688; A
er nutting
handbag before going to
(Continued from Page One.)
, Users of
.' '' ; " V.. ,-. ,. :'. ; '.,.
don't care how high
: wheat goes.
' Economy and-
?5f 'I? .-.".'
corae to the steady
, user of Grape-Nuts.
There's a Kecsoa
rene. French bark, 112,180 bushels
wheat, valued at $107,765. For the
nlted kingdom for orders.
-Qulok loading of Vessels.
Many of these cargoes were set afloat
In very quick order, notably so the
cargo of the French bark Marechal de
Turrene which cleared this afternoon.
The big bark was turned over to tho
charterer last Monday morning and was
1 ned snd loaded bv o clooK this morn
ine. The steamer Queen l.oulse. which
left for Europe Inst week, was only
three. days loading and she carried away
more than 160.000 bushels. She was In
tha harbor less than a week.
Following list gives the. amount of
coastwise lumber business by water 'in
I addition to a considerable quantity- of
grain and -flour sent to Ban Francisco,
but the figures of which have not yet
been obtainedr-
Ooastwise hunlxr Shipments.
Vessel.''' "Destination. Feet.'
Johan Poulsen. gan Francisco.. 750,000
Muriel, Sun Francisco 650,000
Alice McDonald, Redondo 600,000
R. D. Inman. San Francisco... 50,000
I Daisy Freeman, 8in Francisco. 360,000
Northland, Ban rancisco
Nome City, San Pedro 450,000
Grays Harbor. Redondo. .)... . 700,000
C. F. Crocker, seaondo. ....... oo,ooo
.Washington, . Bau Francisco. . . . 246,000
Aurelia. San' Francisco 662,000
Johan Poulsen, ,Sa,n Francisco. 360,000
revolver In her
Rmwn'i Hwim
u"JLne Ilri0'ns or tne Adams letters.
The person who did these things,"
he said, "contemplated a rash act. She
must have contemplated the kllline of
turner attacked the insanity plea, de
claring that when a mnnlne. kills he
cxuiiB. e next assailed the defend
ants own story of the shooting, de
clar'n.f that it Is easy for a person to
k., i nun i rememDer.
Turner s review of the relations be
tween the defendant and Brown was
gono Into in detail. Turner being mercl-
ii-oo in inn uenunciauon or Mrs. Bradley.
He attacked her allegation that she was
dominated by Brown, and pictured the
defendant as a great actress. He de
clared that the Jurors should treat the
ease as an ordinary murder, the same
as If committed by an ignorant man or
"She had her own two children." Tur.
ner exclaimed, "when she consented to
uecome ine mistress or an older wom
an's husband. How far could you trust
the oath of such a woman if she com
mitted a crime?"
Continuing, Prosecutor Turner said:
"If this woman was insane, when she
left for Washington, where Is her sis
ter? Why was she not among the wit
nesses? She was not called to the
stand." He scoffed at the hypothetical
jut-anon or me aeiense and declared
that the defense's alienists did not ex
amine the defendant. 1
"You saw how brll'iant she was on
the stand. If insanity leaves that im
pression upon the brain, God bring us
all Insanity. The insanity plea was
planned before she left Salt Lake."
turner apoke for two hours and 10
minutes and was followed, by Attorney
y ciio iui Liie uuiense.
In a Rich Section of Washington It
Is Exterminate Them or Quit
the Country.
(Special Dlipitcb to The Journal.)
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 30. Sheep grow
ers In the vicinity of Stellacoom, In the
Nlsqually river valley, and in the neigh
borhood of American lake have practic
ally given up the Industry, claiming
that the ravages of coyotes make the
business unprofitable. The raising of
turkevs also, which a few veara airo
was carried on extensively by manv of
tne prairie larmers, la ceasing for the
same reason, me coyores are fast mul
tiplying over an area reaching from this
city south to Centralla arid west to Olym-
ia. iney are aiso numerous in the
Big Bottom country.
ccordlng to old settlers and snorts-
men coyotes 20 years ago were unknown
west of the Cascades. The first ones
to cross the mountains. It is said, fre
quented the Big Bottom country, and
later came on down to the prairie coun
try. County Game Warden Thompson says
game birds, especially Bob White quail
and oriental pheasants, are being deci
mated. Warden Thompson Is seeking, in con
cert with the farmers, to devise a Dlan
for the extermination of the coyotes of
tnis region.
Muscular Jack McCabc Tuts
Tom Sullivan Out for
20 Minutes.
(United Treat Leased Wire.)
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 30. Jack Mc-
Cabe, the muscular defender of Inno
cence In "The Confessions of a Wife"
now being played by a stock company
t a local theatre here, came near
knocking Tom Hulllvan, the heavy vil
lain of the play, out for good and all
last night.
Huiuvan has a strenuous time, being
knocked down nine times choked nearly
to death three times and finally shot
dead during every performance.
McCabe. who does the most of this
work, last night landed on Sullivan's
not'A wim a, rigni. awius; mai sent ois
nun u'lvfii .ji tx iiei&ii. flQ.,fT.a uut iur
20 minutes. ''
Total for month : .6.708,000
(Cnlted 1're.n Leased Wire.)
San Francisco. Nov. ' 80. Despondent
because, his. creditors pressed him and
worried over the loss of his wife, who
died recently, H. A. Beaton committed
auiclde. by placing a gas tube in his
mouth ana lnhalin- the poisonous fumes
at aft early hour this morning.
. Plague Report.
T7n!tid" ""ifreaa Leased Wirt.) '
San Francisco, Nov. 30. The board of
health Issued the following plague re
Sort today: tour new suspects. One ver-
uiea; iu vexineo. to date: 64 deaths;
discharged., as cured; slue remaining
cases, f V '. ,-, , :. . - . "
Astoria. Or.. Nov. 30. The sltiiiirhtAr.
house at Warrenton was totally de
stroyed toy fire last night durlne the
neavy wind ana rain storm. The large
warehouse belonging to the Wests sit
uated near the slaughter-house, had a
narrow escape from destruction. It was
saved by an organized bucket brigade.
No statement of the loss has been given
Northern Pacific No. 1, due at 4
7 o'clock, arrived 45 minutes
late. , 4
Southern Pacific No. 16, due 4
at 7:25, arrived on time.
4 Southern Pacific No. 18, due at 4
11:30, arrived on time.
O. R. & N. No. 8, due at 8 4
4t . o'clock, arrived on time.
O. R. & N. Nff. 6, due at :45, 4
e arrived at 10:25.
e Astoria & Columbia No. 21,
4 due at 12:15,. arrived ,10 mln- 4
4 y utea late. -v: -
today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P,
ly and become fatal in a few weeks, but
this Is rare. It usually appears with
mild symptoms, although as the kid
neys are not sensitive it mav have been
developing for months even -years. It
is usually curable the first few weeks
in fact. It often gets well of itself. But
If It has been long enough in th sys
tem to have become chronjo (fastened)
the books then declare it to be In
curable. Right here is the crucial ques
tion: vis., how long have yon bad It? If
It has been in the system for some
months, there Is nothing known to
medicine that will reach it except Bul
ton's Renal Compound. It differs from
all kidney medicines ever known In this
tremendously important point it is the
only one tnat reduces Inflammation and
corrects the kidney function AFTER
it has Decome chronic, as well as before.
As there Is no sharp dividing line mark
ing the time when the trouble changes
to the chronic form Isn't it as clear as
noonoay mat moughtrui people with
kidney disease should take at once tho
oniy Known specino mat reaches it in
an stages?
The annual deaths are over 63.nnn.
170 per day. These census figures show
now appallingly serious ana. prevalent
this thing is getting to be that Is Inno
cently referred to In the homes as
aianey irouoie,
"Hundreds ot citizens of this city
could go into the witness-box and
swear to their recovery, and among
them would be the editor of this pub
lication." San Francisco Wine and
Spirit Review.
If you have kidney trouble start
right with Fulton's Renal Compound.
At druggists.
Buy tea by the ounce until
you get Schilling's Best; it
makes no difference then. '
.. - -j--'-.-" -
Tour grocer returns your money it you
don't Ilka Hi wt pay him. :
Hardy Canadian Undertakes
to Deliver Mail to Peo
ple of Northwest.
(United Press Lened Wire.)
New Westminster, B. C, Nov. 80.
James Cornwall, a hardy and experi
enced fur trader, will leave Edmonton
today for the northwest wilds of Can
ada, his destination being well Into (he
arctlo circle. Cornwall has secured the
contract tor carrying mail to the few
scattered Inhabitants of those northern
wilds. A distance of 1,960 miles will be
traversed before he reaches the end of
his Journey at Fort Mcfhoreon on the
Macicenzie river.
With the exception of the first hun
dred miles, when horses will be used,
the entire trip will be made by dog
trains, the driver securing relays of
fresh nogs at postorrices en route. At
times the thermometer will be 60 below
aero, and the lone mail carrier will
have to battle for days with the fierce
blizzards that are so frequent In that
aistrict during ine winter months.
(United Press Leaned Wire.)
Seattle, Nov, 30. Federal Judge Han-
And Ore Concentrators
facnlino Hnicfc
and Ore Car
- . m
Horse Power Whims
For Prospectors
We manufacture and keep in
stock the largest assortment of
Mine and Ore Reduction
chinery in the West.
, J LP
Mat fifl i3-'J,r. '?
If you suffer from bleeding, itching.
blind or protruding piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for. trial, with
references from, your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and-'per
manent cure assured. Send no money,
but tell others of -this, offer. Write
today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box F,
Notre Came, Indiana, - -
8 !
uuiiixutisui a u il y s
Is not a difficult matter when 70a
A combination of most durable Var
nish and Stains for Interior .Wood If
Work, Floors, Furniture, etc.
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
ford has entered an order restraining
the state railway commission from
placing in effect the Joint rata order
on wheat as applying to the O. R., &
N. railroad. . The order restrains the
railway commission from further action
until the final hearing is held and pre
vents the enforcement of the rule re
quiring the O. K. A N. to accept wheat
shipments for continuous haul where It
is necessary to transfer.
As the shipment of wheat is already
underway, Judge Hanford stated that.,
the Bhlnners could demand that ShlD-
ments to Puget sound ports be handled
In this decision Judge. .Hanford stat
ed that tha "state railway commltteo
encroached on the power vested in the
consrress of the United States and pro
posed ouraena tnat arrectea interstate
commerce. In closing he said that the
Joint rate order would not be set aside
unless it could be shown on final hear
ing that' the order imposed an unjust
burden on the O. R. & N..!
""psaMSBaaa" "- -ssm s
Deputy Sheriff for Tier mist on.
Hermiston. Or.. Nov. !0. -Sheriff Tav
lor of, Pendleton has appointed Ben F.
Smith, In charge- of the freight depart
ment of the reclamation project, as his
deputy for the Hermiston district in
Umatilla county,. -ji
Hills and Horses
are a bad combination and tlfc
resultant strained shoulders and
legs must be given careful atten
tion if jour faithful beast is to
be spared to you. Prompt treat-
ment is necessary and the best
suited for the purpose is old
reliably , -y
Mustang Unltaent.:
Made of oils, famous for their
penetrating and healing quali- - '
tits it quicldr relieves soreness,
soothes the Injured parts and
removes all stiffness from the.
joints and limbs.:
Send for a FREE copy of our ataMe bontlrt
Points from a Hone Doctor's Diary " j '
.. . Lyon Manufactaring Co., r.
- 44 South Fifta Sfc, Broplra, H.TC.J