IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9, '.. 1907: IIKLP WANTED FEMALE W A NT K I-A BRIO I IT COM PAN ION. English girl preferred, fur a lady a ....i- ku .ii ia w.ftfi. Journal VuIAOmX'ATI)NVl(0-in3 um of typewriter iu copy .'i during lelaure hour. Address N-a4, Journal office. WlXTLb - Vol-KM-Mr ft 11 B itf6 learn commercial telegraph) ; Py ' arrangements regarding tuition. lH lmm.llHily. Orson Colle, southwest corner 61 h and Ook, Merk. Apply Andrew Kan. Ill Ho, una some housework. 236 King St WAlsTfiiACTTtl. TOliO OENERAL housework. Applr ! '"Z-!.'.. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN ANI WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN rreaae their earning capacity; w bar helped thousand, let us be fou INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND K.NCK SCHOOL, im th at Open Kvenlnas ZttmmAttir the tovhsai. cost t cent per count! word. 7 in sertion far the price 01 . m yu want make It known through tha want d oljmna of The Journal. IlkXP WASTED AND ui'rwKu mala or female. R. O. Drake, 304 Washington at. Pacific 13.0 or A 11.0. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. WANT A rOBmON AS OBOCKHT OR hardware dark; Al references. T- . Journal. KaU WHtfc is - EXPERIENCED IN dairy work want employment t dairy farm; -an give reference If de sired Addrese Box p.. rarJmirniil: W A N TED A N V K1NI OK INlMHlH a...rlr lit, marrlbl mill SS Veil ft ! axe; strlctl sober and Industrious. H M, Journal. WorTany Klsb Brf'TlAiralEl; man; exoer lenced In warenoua anu machinery. R-J. Journal. i,0UN6MlTN-)iATYuTrTTruc)O will taka work of any kind: nava nap some experience around engines. J-77. Journal. WANTED BY SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE oriryman, posit Phone East 2X64. w a N t i5EC ITf EXPERIENCED tRO- inaltion In grocery atore. CABINETMAKER YOUNG MAN wants work In fumltura atore, fa? in v bench work In Joiner's ahop. Honest labor, used to fine work. T-Sl, Journal. WANTED POSITION ELEVATOR boy, experienced, can give beat refer nra. T-, journal TR EXPERIENCED ymioi man, work In grocery ir suio mobile -driving. Nme and address. Thomaa Smith. 64 I pxlnir at., city. 1 WANT TO ATTF.NI THE LAW IE tinrlincnt of the I'nlvcmllv of Oregon thla winter and must have wo:k tJ pny my way; can you help meT fan give flout of refcrencea aa to character. M-T Journal. WnlJl.b LIKE iH.fil- yot;N) l.Alii' tlon In ofilce, pormaiirnt. nal. K-76, Jour- A KlKST t'LASH CEMENT FINISHER with 10 yenra' experience wanta poal tlon by th lu or Job; atep work ape clalty. O-T. Journnl. LALNI'RVM.VN. WASHING. tiTAKOl lOl'NO MAN'. COLLEGE EDUCATION dealrea poaltlon. Any reference de- alred. V-S4. Journal fiTfKCTUHAL URAKT8MAN OK . v- " " ability wanta pomon. n-m, jtiumni, tOLNO MAN I WITH I TEARS EX perlence In fumltura bualnera watr.a yoaltlon of ny kind at once. S-S4, piirnal. - . F&SiriM WaKted a painter oil uni.h hava had 7 veara experi ence In carriage and furniture work, H 1. Ippert. !) Madrona at. KlRST-CLASS MECHANICAL KNGI- neer. underatandJ Inaulllnar and run ning all kind of englnea and bollera; flret-claee rtferencea. 6(8 Wllliama ave nue. Portland. Or r&UNOMXN li; GRAft'ATt! L'Nl- veraJtr of Michigan law department. 4 yeara office experience, wanta posi tion law clerk or any clerical posi tion. P-77, Journal. SW OP EXPEKIKN" , noaltion In arrocerr store or shipping department of wholesale bouae; refer- enoea. P-l. Journal. iiOi1 ATTENTrNOKClTol7-A7T8 . work after school hours. B-81, Jour- nai TWO TOCNG MEN. CARPENTERS with tools, want any kind of post tlon In town or country. N-47, Jou rn a I. vaWted i6SlTT05J Wi fOUN3 married " man with family at book keeper, clerk or other inside work. 0-S7, Journal. ' Ing and Ironing; nil round man: and indualrloun; city or country. Journnl. W A N TE1 POSITION sobei P-76 young man BY SOBER Apply 134 Yumhlll. STRONU ABLE HOOIED YolNO mun wanta work of any kind; farm or ranch preferred. Addra Earl Haayer, HQS 2nd at.. Portland Or. PHARMACIST BEOiSTKREU IN ORE- gun wanta altuation; good reference; no reasonable oner reruaed. u-. Journal. SITUATION AS WAITER WANTEI) at lunch counter. ! E. 11th N. SOHER GENTLEMAN WANTS A I'0"P tlon aa night watch or Janitor; can give reference. Address, 4 IS Everett. WANTED A FARM OR RANCH TT5 tuk- care of for wages, or would rent anme on shares. . J. II. Lawrence, St. Jolm, Or, YOUNG MAN DESIHKS SOME KIND of Inside work: wholenalc house pre ferred; ateady and willing. St E. 11th at. N. . YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION IN jlde work: stondy and willing to learn: handv at anything. 110 N. 1 Cth. ELEVATOR MAN THOROUGHLY Ex perienced, hotel or office building, sober, honest and ateady. Need em- ployment. K-ao. journal. YOUNG MAN WANT8 WORK OF ANY kind; state wages and houra. F. Nord llnger, T)e Soto Houae. td and Columbia. BOY 18 YEARS OLD WOULD LIKE Job aa driver; first class driver. W-84, Journal. Al STEAM FITTER WANTS WORK IN or out of city. - X-84. Journal. PACKER WITH CASE EXPERIENCED not afraid of any kind of work want poaltlon; moderate salary. Y-84, Jour nal. ' A YOUNG COLLEGK MAN OF GOOD physique Is ready for an adventure or desperate unaenasmg. n-it, journm. MAN. SOBER AND INDUSTRIOUS, handy with tools deslrea situation as packer or carpenter. j. m. xiairjeraiaui. 610 Hovt st. Portland A ilRST CLASS CAKE BAKER; CAN also handle breid. M-78, Journal. VlRR'r CLASS PLUMBER WANTS PO nltlon; . 7 yeara' experience; best of reference. Address C mnters. zz ist. WANTED A SITU A T ION BY AN A No. 1 stationary electrical engineer; one that has had extenaive experience: hotel Job preferred: understands all kinds of hotel repalra. For further articular call phone, Woodlawn 8H1. YOUNG SOBER MAN, 22, WANTS ANY kind of tnalde work for room and board. Address 11. E. Lundberg. Wash ington hotel, 108 id st. CLASSIFIED ADS IN TUB JOURNAL cost 1 cent pep counted word. T In sertions for tb price of 4. - If yuu hava a want make it known through tha want ad cnlumna of The Joiimf WANT El B V EXE R I ENCKJ " CHAM bermald; work half day. J-77, Jour nal. ateady day work for paturaaya. rnone Pad rKiT'EbinoTAl-"XllTlST1 wlshea a few more place to pose; no object lonato art achoola. V-76, Journal. W A NT El-i AN EXPERIENCED VOuna woman, nosltlnn as cashier: best of references, E. Alder at. A L'aLV 'Off " "exTkRIRnCI: "WOITLT5 like a poaltlon aa stenogrnpher; salary $50. Address L-7, Journal. sTknog ra i'nimvoTXl)"T.rirjTT'75: altlon; has had position. G-76, Journal. Wan TeI b yToung Laiy a"n d her mother the care of a aood room ing house or would keep house for bach elor or widower In the suburb of Port- land Ad Ires A. H. C Journal, A MIDDLE AGED HadT WOULD like to taka charge of rooming houae; Plcasanton house, corner 3d and Colum h I it, room 88, SITUATION WANTED NURSE, TIT Kelly st. Phone Paclflo 6l. COOK IN PitrVATE' FAMILY OR boarding houae; will work reaaonahle wagea; Just arrived Portland. Z-S4, Journal. POSITION' WANTEI BV KXPEHl- enced stenographer and business woman, reliable and accurate.. Phone Main 700, or M-84, Journal. MAIN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT IIOTKL GORDON, Corner Yat-hiii ai.i vi'..i Pirlt Rta. New house, elegantly furnished, hot ami cow water, telephone, hot water neat In every room: brlvate baths: ele valor service. Transient. Katca II liar nay up. rnone, w m S01. ONE SUi'l K OK TWO ELEGANTLY XTTij WANTS ' "urnmnea iron I r"-ma, piano, pnona. Thnralava and' " "";"o iigni ana ui moon " iljurauaya anu . ven onp.. -arulallir aultott for two NO 37. iniinll.n iii.IU... 1TU llh & MOIK1j I .pij hi1auk",(i. v." aty ' l. u . v. . i. 7a i-i . u OA. -nwwv HK GRAND. iiU for gentlemen. tl.XS per week and up. THE KARY FURNISHED BOOMS i per week and up. .02 Vi Id. corner j uywr. N I C ELY FURNISHED BOOMS, STEAM heat, modern, 112 to 30 per mcnth; tra nelenta, 128 W. Park, the Artonla. ilOTEC EMPREPS NEWLY FTIP nlahnti central, autet: ;h and Stark. Hotel barton, ijth and alder. Resident hotel; monthly ratea: mod wn lenvenleneea; cafe In connection. FURNISHED SINGLE RtMJMS Af The Luxor. Everything new, steam heal. bath. rhonc. 824 13th at. THE CO DEN. 83 V, FIRST, wen corner ubk SOUTH- Lara-a llaht front rooms, clean, neat: free phone and baths. Rn to l dny. 3 to 14 wek. WANTED CHAMBER WoRKT 8272. WAl3TEI--WAJl.S'rt. HVEEplNd BY" day. Mrs. WomI. Phone lnclflc 2939. WILL RELIABLE BUSINESS MA: with Influence aid educated atenog- rapher to serure work. A-IBbSj ACCURATE. RELIABLE STENOGRA- pher must have work. Pacific 49. PLEASANT, SUNNY OUTSIDE ROOM8 from 10 to lit per month. 4B Ahier. A-18&S, room after 4:80. 2i, 8 to 8:30 mornings, or STENOGRAPHER WOULD LIKE Po sition; has l.iid experience. F-84, Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES RF.D CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 M. 2d st. Phone Main lilt. We pay all telegraph chargea. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OKF1CK. 206 4 Morrlaon it.... Phone Paclfle 231 27 N. 2d st. Phone Pacific 130 E.MP ST. LOUIS LADIES Mrs. a specialty. Z30 Tumolll. JAPANESE Richardson, mgr.; selected help 0411. AGENCY. ected Main EMPLOYMENT 1. ' 249 Couch st. OFFICE Phonf Main 862 IAPANESE EM P. CO. ALL KINDS OK help supplied. .Main 4659. i Everett. WANTED AGENTS A MAN WANTS TO CUT WOOD OR brush where tools are furnished. L-67. Journal. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. POS4- tlon as dishwasher In restaurant, or will do any kind of work. Add res or call 212 4th St., clty EXPERT MASON ANI CEMENT worker: ovens, mantels, boilers, foun dations; out-of-town -work taken. TL Maske, 49 E. Grant at. tlRNlTURE ftEPAlRI.Ndl. RE0PH6L sterlng, packing; all kinds of house work; prices low. M-67, Journal. EDUCATED YOUNG MAN position: any K-77, Journal. rapacity; DESIRES abstainer. A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia & Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of agents. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. AGENTS WANTED CAN YUU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete ouitU free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem. Or. . LARGE PROFITS. GOOD SELLERS. See Plutnmor Dtug Co.. 280 Id sL EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS odd Jobs. Grading, pruning and plant ing a specialty. Uwirn and fencea taken care of. References. G. M. Little, No. 9 N. 2d street. WANTED ANY INSIDE WORK THAT will pay board. Man used to office end hotel. Address V-8". Journal WANTED SOLICITOUS. KITH ICR sex, to sell household necessity; trig pay to right parties. Room 32 Wash ington bldg. ' AN ALL- AROUND MAN WISHES EM Dloyment; best of references. H.- W. udd. areneral delivery. Portland, Or. WANTEDA POSITION AS PLATEN pressman; several, years' experience. Address 225 West Park. TIN AND Sl.iETIRON FOREMAN wanta position In or out of city; . strictly sober and strictly business In all details of work; up-to-date in follow ing; work: Skylight, cornice, furnace, hotel ranges, blow ' pipe, ateel window frames, all kind of Job work. H-78, Journal. . WANT WORK IN HOTEL OR APART-ment-house as Janitor; licensed eleva tor man; neat and clean; good habits, temperate. Call J. C. B., 22 N. 8th at. Pacific 15. ; - AN EXPERIENCED. CLEAN DISH waaher wants work; beat of refer- ences. Phone Main 4740. HOY WILL DO ANY KIND OF WORK. Phone Main 3022. VANTED SITUATION BY FIRST 1 class painter and paper hanger. C. M. JTaddlx. general delivery. "SITUATION WANTED EXPER1- ' enced boiler aker helper, food flange fire man. T-72, Journal. MARRIED MAN WITH ONE CHILD would like position on hop farm; thor oughly understands tha business. Ad dress H-76, Journal. ' CARPENTER WANTS WORK. DAY OR contract; will take part In real estate. A-78, Journal. COLORED MAN WISHES POSITION aa janitor. Hotel, house or store work. Willing to make himself useful In any capacity. Reference, pac 7S I WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 24 yenrs old, a position at any honest employment. E, 8. 2254 1st at. room 2L WANTED BY LONG EX1 ERIENL ED engineer, a stationary engine to run, having full charge; best of personal references. Address George Bhoemaker, 1039 E. 19th st. N.Portlsnd, Or. WANTED-fUATl6NAS STATION" ary engineer; had 4 years' experience In engineer department U. S. Navy; will take place as fireman. D-J8, Journal. FOR RELIABLE MALE HELP CALL Reliable Employment office. 233 4 Btirnsldn Main 6495. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL, cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known tnrougb. tne want nd columns of The Journnl. YOUNG MAN WITH COLLEGE EDU- cntlon willlntr to. do anything for any body; will accept any proposition with any cewis In It. Address B-76, Journnl. WE DESIRE A MAN WHO UNDER stands' the sale of first-class securi ties; to such a man we will give a lucra tive contract. Call between 8:80 and 9:80 a. m. or between 7 an 1 p. m., 207 Couch bldg. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY (JurliiR the hard times, I can put you next to a proposition that will get the coin. Only ta to 10 Tequlred. fall or addrens room 56. hours 1 to C p. m., 448 Washington wtrect. AGENTS WANTED ft) HANDLE A security that will make large profits to buyers; It's one of the best offers on the market or large profits; best of references as to our standing: (.alary nnd good commission paid to able men. Call 207 Couch bldg. ' CLASSIFIED AD3 IN THE JOURNA. cost 1 cent por counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 4. .If you have a want, make it known thrqugh the want ad column of Th Journnl. Thi yaT.TI 5oTw on and" AVE. Comfortable front rooms, modern con venlencea. oulet place. 12 per week. two' furnishFTd kcWs"inb"eaTt: tlful private home; modern convenl encea; splendid location; references. K-M. care Journal. ltOYCREST NICELY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water; ice baths. 175 12th at., cor. 12th and Yamhill. TW7) CXltGKJ LTfTTTf; PT1nTsTDj!I5 rooms, running water In each; fur nace heat; It per week. 187 (th St., 2 doors south of Portland hotel. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES OFFICES TO RENT IN TUB WOK caster and Hamilton bldgs. at moder ate rate. Apply, to Koberl strong. i Worcester Plug. ; - Hl'tBES AND OFFICES IN 4-STORY brick building, southwest corner 6th and Oak st , opfK Cot.imerclal club bldg. LARGE DESK ROOM AT 117 C.11AM ber cf Commerce. NEW STORE FOR KENT. ... THLRD at., near Madison. to 11'-tWToVf1c b6ums. Is' quire at Portland Gun A Bicycle Co., Ill Ist st. . WILL GIVE CHEAP OFFIt'E ROOM to party who la In offlca all tha time er who naa stenographer. Booms l-io jvewnmrsci mock. no. 7 1st St. cEaSSI FiKD ADS iN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent, per counted word. T In sertlona for the price of I. If you have want make ft known through tha want an columns or The journal, ' .FXJR RKNT FARMS TWO FARMS FOR RENT NEAR Rockwood. or.: -ik acres In cultivation One good team horses for sale; also complete set of farming tools, inquire or wite D. I,. Herring, aresnam, it. D. No. 1. In care Jerrv Stanley. CLASSIFIED ADS fNrHB JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of 4. If you hava a want make it known tnrougb tne want an columns of The journnl. FOR REM FLATS - NICE 6-ROOM FLAT, PRICE Apply 230. Hall St., rear cot tage. . EAST Sli'K A P'TM'TS. BTM. HEAT, run. water, rtirkh d l.ldg.. 3"7 4 E Burn. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent por counted word. 7 In sertion for the price of 6. If you hava a want make It known through the want nd columns of The Journnl. FOR RENT HOLSEKEEPI0 GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; two for IS month; three for 15. Furnished five-room cottage, $28. New lowej- flat, unfurnished, IH, or furnlhhed. :2. All west side of river. COAST REALTY CO.. 2244 Morrison. 11.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURN- Islied housekeeping rooms, bath, laundry, furnace heat. yard. 203 4 Stanton st. U esr . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOUBNAL cost 1 cant per counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of, 4. If you hava a want make It known througn tne want ad columns of The Journal. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern eon venlencea Phone Main lit. RESORTS CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve-Mile House) Most unique and best road house In the west; kitchen supplied from our farms; first-class goods; port lind prices. Fred T. Merrill, originator. SPECIAL STORE SALES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. T In sertions for the price of 4. If you hava a want make It known through tha want ad columns of The Jowfrnl. BUSINESS CHANCES 11.50 WEhla UP LAICISE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun- -Iry and bath. i4 Sherman iU sooth. Portland. LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooma, nicely furnished, running wa ter. 503 Alder. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want nioKe it known through the want nd columns of The Journal. UNFURNISHED . HOUSEKEEPING room, modern conveniences, 41.75 per week nnd up. The Beaver, 12th and MnrwliHll ta.; no dogs; electric lights. THE BEAVER APARTMENTS, 12TH nnd; newly furnished house keeping rooms. nioiern conveniences, hot water, free baths. a;is ranges, 12.50 per week and up; no dogH. BARGAIN IF TAKEN BY NOVF.M bor 80, th fixtures bf my real estate and .business chance office, consisting of roll-top desk, flat-top desk, two swivel cnatrs, rour oak chairs, oak set tee, two center tables, new Underwood typewriter, all maps, stationery, etc.; rent of two offices. Including hent and light and Janitor service. Ii2. 60. Thl is a good money-maker, but I have other extensive deals on hand and can't han dle both, 1250 takes it 401 and 403 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. , FOR BALK--REAL ESTATE TUB MONEY STRINGENCY COAUMCLS quick sacrifice sale erf pU)e'2ox4f nearly new house ft p goon mw pos tered rooms, concrete foundation, fenced tola . T&.fnot front, on Mood well built up sidewalk street; ruducod from $1,50 to $1,175. 1604 ivn. 120 monthly; Its Food property for home or to rrnt. ortltnd Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. juMTS"f7)lir80LD. " 4-UOOMUOlidi3, S60 If sold quick; terms: other bar. rains, a. CopperwaLj. Creston, on Mount Boott car Una, Powell Valley road. ' 4 . FOR SALE FARMS SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE IN northern Crook county, too acres. II per acre; about IS acres In alfalfa, 26 acres ran be put in, plenty of water, mud rana-e for two bands of sheep: I dace properly cared for will produce 00 tons of alfalfa hay. For further Information address W, JL Ehrum, Ash wood, or. Full SALE. : j 100 acres land. 24 miles northwest of Carson: 70 acres level. Price 11,050, Address owner, u. A. Aiaisej, carson, Washington. t CLASSIFIED AliS IN THE JoLnnAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions fcr the price of I. If you have a want make 11 known tnrougn ine want ad u.himnn of The Journal. TIMBER. CENTRAL OREGON TIMBER. WHEAT and Irrigated land ror aaie cneap lo cating dona. For Information, address Van Tassel 4k Davis. Madras. Crook county, Or. TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Washington, California. JAMES D. LACET 4k CO.. ; Chicago, New Or'eans, Seattle, ' 21 Chamber of Commerce, -Portland. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for 'he price of 6. If you hava a want make It known through the want nd column of. The Journnl. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month; special rates to business houses, 4th and Hawthorne. East 71. SECOND-HAND TEAM HARNESS FOR PERSONAL sale. Pavls. Keller Harness Co (th near WE ALLOW THE HIGHEST PRICE on old harness In exchange for new. Give us a chance. C A. Wllley, 40 Hawthorne ave. East 840. SINGLE CltEAPl exTHess atand 1st and Alder; residence 211 V4 st st. It. E. West. UU3SIAN AND TURKISH BATHS 207 8d, between Tnylor and Salmon, If you have a cold, help yourself. 36c; -massage II. Open all night for men,. , with bed; separate department for La- dies. " ' , - - SCGC.kstlON" CURING1 MstUskS-T . Hypnotism, oilier practical ptyuholo. gy taught. Dr. Llodauy lectures frea Wednesday nights. Room 11, Solllng- Hlrych block. - ATltErNER, PRACTICAL FUCiKlEKj ; sealskin a jrmenta redyed and remod ' eled; expert fitter; estimates jrlvent, lowest prlcas; open evenings. 61 Wash- . Inslon. phone Main 7101. -A GERMAN BOOKS, AGAZlN'iilS. NOVi' I els, etoj German,. English. French, , Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction. ' arle; foreign books 'of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 121 Flrat BL ALL CHRONIC bXSEASE- 'OF" MeKT women, children; cancers and female ' sickness permanently cured: aure our for snlnil menlnaltls. ' Dr. Paul Crom. well sanitarium. 127 N. 11th. Main 1471. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVk: Sexlne Pills cure all weakness: II a bo. I for 86; full guarantee. Address or call tha J. A. Clemenson Drue Co Port Innd, Or. TOssTfIed aIjs In" Tiiaj JobiiNAn cost 1 cent Par counted ward. 7 In. sertlons for the price of 8. If you have a want mske It known through tha want sd columns of The Journnl. fi nE soEnj oTdm hca Sf PTST price 13.00: aend 11.60. V, of nrlea ra. ml t balunce on receipt of prepaid arti cle. A. Krueger Mall Order Co., 171 En. gllsh St., Kenosha, Wis. LaADi iio DR. SANDERSON'S SAVIN and cotton root puis; only safe and sure remedy for delayed periods; ft per box, or I boxes for 6. Dr. Pierce, 1114 GK-.TLKMAN WISHES ACGUAIN. tarlce rount wldnar lailv havlna- nan home; lady with little -lrl nrefarrs.1: object matrimony. Address Box II, city. . ALICE CHURCHILL MASSEUSE Nowly opened parlors: maaaa baths and chiropody. .Room.. 4, The Olive. 303 4 aililniton st. FACIAL SCALP TREATMENT. BATHS .in, euicunng, given ladies at their homes bv exnerlenceri oneratnr , . ,1 . x . . r. vMHmnernn, n.-1 1, journal. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WaItJ 60a Ladles' skirt pressed, lOo. OH bert. 106 4 Sixth it, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2081. YOUR OPPORTUNITY A LARGE manufacturer of- a staple article wants responsible parties to act as branch managers in all leading cities: will be necessary to have some capital to take stock In company; company will carry all merchnndi In branches: ref erence required Address A-7N Journal. Journal. rjlTABl.K FOR RENT STORE ROOM S for first-class barber shop, also for first-class barroom (liquor license In cluded In rental). In 6-story brick bulld opposlte Commercial club bldg. Inquire on premises. IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS OF ANY description that will stand Investi gation, we have buyers waiting. our beraonal Inspection. W. H Morehouse, 420 Lumber Ex. bldg.. Phones Main 8234; A-6042. A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOB sale: reasonable. Inuulre of Clerk Hotel Hood, 6th and Everett. IBJUSEKEEPING SUITES COMPLETE. walking distance, modern. 13.50 per week, quiet place. 2314 Grand ave CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL, cot 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for tho price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the wnnt nd columns of The Journal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT . tages, flats, store, offices, rooming hovics, etc Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak, WANT house; TO RENT A FURNISHED reference. Phone A-1215. 2 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, gas, bath. jhnne, walking distance and reasonable, 390 Park st. TWO LARGU AND TWO SMALL UN furnlshed housekeeping rooms; cen tral, pacific 917; A-19TT IOR SALE FIRST CLASS DAIRY; 150 per cow; easy terms; long leaBO. Phone Main 6683. FOR SALE STOCK OF NEW SHOES and fixtures; must be sold at once. Address, C-77, Journal. THREE NJCE FURNISHED HOUSE- j right party keeping T ooms; cheap, i'none .ast 39.14. 145 4 SlXTH ST. HOUSEKEEPING and some outside bedrooms and some low-priced ones. FOR SALE A BARGAIN THIS WEEK 12 rooms, well furnished; central. Phone Pac. 1008. A-1296. A PARTNER 3350 to de velop Invention which will lead Must clve references. A A-77, Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL - cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 w sertions for the price of 4. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of Th Journal. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FRESH COW AND CALF. 563 Florence, corner LSth st. nTlESlI C"dWrSFOR SALE7"ONE" Jersey. 646 E. Mndlson. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cor.t 1 cent fer counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want mrke it known through the want ad column of Th Journal. DR. BING CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure tor all diseases. It; Id at- between Vsmhlll and Taylor. bii. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST1. lJJi eases of women; all Irregularltlea cor rected ; no exposure; charges moderate. 1814 lat.. cor. Yamhill. FOR 8ELlXTANl HIGH-CLASS shampooing, manicuring face and scalp mussage. call 210-211 Tllford bldg. Hair and scalp treatment our specialty. THE ORIENTAL DOCTOR TILE CHI nese Medicine Co., cure acute, chronlo and private diseases of all kinds, either men or women. 250 4 3d St. PERK1XS NATIONAL HERBS ART) Kretul are sold by A. B. Bloomer, 190 4th "t. Phone Mnln 8982. MISS ETHEL WARD. MANICURIST nnd chiropodist, has removed from 3514 Morrison st. to 2014 Id st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALK1NO MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay & Co.. lu and Morrison ats.. opp. postofflcey YOHK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU slc house; repairing. 227 4 8:ark. CLASSIFIED ADb IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertion for the price of 4. If you have a want mnke it known through the want d column of The Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FINEST LINE OF FRAMED AND UN framed pictures ever exhibited In Portland. On account of the financial flurry this beautiful stock must bo sold In the next thirty tiayn, regardless of cost. Picture framing a specialty. The JlOyjENS RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by ail druggists. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1963. MRS. OEROCK,-MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erence. 2S24 Park. Main 2403, A-27S4. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 145 4 Tlt St., rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, electric treatments. Lady attendant Ml"SS MARCELLA LK ROY, 214 AL der aL,, room 4. Scientific massage and jnncnetlc treatment. WITH GOOD BU8I- RESTAURANT ness for sate cheap; leaving city, quire room 4241 4 Morrison. In- BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE dlsoaaea. 303 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. lFD TO INVEST ' Art Emporium. 348 Alder, near 8th. p anew and wondorftit LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. A the world. fortune 10 11.600 BUYS STATE RIGHT FOR ORE gon for tho manufacture and sale of patent harness trace. Sample on exhi bition 193 4th. 12 A SUITE OF FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with sink on first floor. 68S Pettygrove st. Phone Main 3423. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED POSITION BY COLLEGE man mat nas naa experience as col lector 'with law firm: little experience as salesman. Address E-76, Journal. HOTEL BARTON CAFE, 455 ALTJEH ST.. AT 13TH. S5c table d'hote dinners, 5 to 7:30; WANTED A GOOD FARM FOR CASH I lunch, 11:30 to 1:30. 2uc; breakfast. or crop rent; give full description in, 6:30 to 9, zic; wmy ana monuuy rme. J. H. lawrence, St. John's, THE COLONADE. .OOM AND BOARD, DRY GOODS SALESMAN, RETAIL. want noaltion: (strict! v soDer. Honest and reliable; 14 years' experience; first class references; married. S. II. Smlther, general delivery. Portland. SITUATIONS WAN'l'ED FEMALE. WANTED DRESSMAKING AT Till ladles' houses; 11.25 per day. Phone East 1659. Ask for Mr. Mac. a Lady wishes to do cooking. wash nar or lronlne by tne aav or week: also take laundry home. Phona A-4022. for & Uia Tl Y mpj'd IF-YOy ARE OUT OF A SITUATION THE JOURNAL' -WILL INSERT A "SITUATION WANTED" AD FOR YOU FREE FOR THREE DAYS. ' '' "s Realizing that the money condition of the country.Js "affecting labor of all vclasses,. The Journal's columns are open free to all seeking work of any kind. If you are out of a Situation,! bring an advertisement to The Journal office will be inserted three days free of charge. If at the end of three days you do not secure a position the adver tisement will be repeated three days "longer free.- ' The Journal is the people's popular paper and is the feat. connecting link between the employers and .unem ployed, and fecure more help and more situations than all other tity mediums combined. TheJournal's aim is to help to better the condition of the citizens of Portland nd to do the most good for the naost people. first letter. or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of S. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. Wanted financial. all Couch. latest conveniences. 19th and FURNISHED ROOMS WITH The Ozark. 225 11th st. BOARD- 1300 RESTAURANT, SHORT ORDER kitchen, gas range and hlate; complete outfit; good trade, easily Increased, Washington St.; a money maker; quick. McFarland Investment Co., 311 Swet land bldg. Portland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -Vi BLOCK ON TIIOMP son and 19th sts., Irvlngton; street pavement done; 1 lot In Williams' ad dition, and also 20 acrea near Lents. Phone C-1174. H. P. PALMER. 222 FAILING BLDG., makes a specialty of selling houses In the E. Burnfdde district. LOAN OF 11,500 WI-JLL SECURED BY clean city property. L-84, Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for tho price of 6. If you have a want make It known through tho wnnt nd column of The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the vrnnt ad columns of The Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE wkhaecasiiVers "for"all kinds of city proparty. What have you for sale? Come and list it at onco, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON & OREGON REALTY COMPANY, 108 Second St.. Portland. Or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cod 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want nd columns of The Journal. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family, terms reasonable. 409 Col lege st. C. ft. Doanell & Co. Real Estate. Room 12. 2S Stark. TAKfl A WALK IN PIEDMONT. UNFURNISHED ROOMS LOTS J25 TO 35 CLOSE TO SELL wood. Level, no stone; also acreage In same locality; 3 acres beaverdaui. P. O. box 7. Portland. LL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and fold. 43 N. Front. Phone Main 7217. CHKA VEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY furniture, stoves. The Dollar, 232 1st. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU nete girl; good car, g Mllner bldg. M O LES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs Hill. 330 Field ner. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, $125. One 60-foot launch, 12,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine & I.uunch Co., 171 Madl son st... phones Main 7408, Home A-3367. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUKE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. IRON BED 2.50. SPRINGS $1.26, MAT tress $1.50, dresser $7.60, mantel bed $5.60. Anstey 3ros, 325 1st. Pan. 1970. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone 8ellwood 88. FOR SALE A FINE PARLOR GRAND piano, little used, for less man nail price, it. Sinshelmer, "2 3d st. BA1,M OF FiUd FOR ALL FEMAL, M diseases. 62H K. Belmont, East 4034. klSS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment: dnndruff. 2fi4 M"r.. room 12. MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE, scnlp treatment. R. 14, 268 4 Morr'sn. DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN business, at 423 4 Morrlaon st FOU AUTOMOBILES COVEY A WALLACE MOTOtt CO., DIS- trlbutors Pierce Great Arrow, full lew. eled Corbln and Cadillac. ISth and Alder. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg, corner 2d and Morrison sts. STOVE DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PUT In colls or- exchange, buy or sell stoves 232 1st The Dollar. Main 6374. 16-FOOT HARDWOOD COUNTER. Phone Main 4290. or call 2134 Front. 4 OR 5 ROOMS FOR RENT, MODERN convenient. 431 K. Asn. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent uer counted word. '7 in sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the wan ad columnf of The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertlons tor tho price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone, Main I61H. WEREN'T AND SELL PIANOS. SHEH- man, Clay & Co. NEW, MODERN- COTTAGES, $20 AND 122. Mallory & Mason. Call Mam 39, $20 6-ROOM COTTAGE, BATH. GAS, 333 Mason. Inquire Main 3990. ' WANTED FIVE-ACRE HOME, CLOSE In, near car. Thos. Jenson, st Johns, Oregon. ; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. 8. J. & L. Rubenc oln, opposite National hotel. h-acinc 1401. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Main 6655. 211 1st et CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for tho price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 3518. BEST LOGGER SHOES MADE TO order. Union made rhoesln stock. Errest, Clans. 352 4 GMsan! RAZORS, KNIVES. SCISSORS TO grind. . Karlson Co.. 351 Ankeny. M. 6250 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR AiO. kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exclmnee. 262 Front st Pacific 1431. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent Der counted word. 7 In certlons for the price of 6. If you havo a want moke it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. $15 6-KOOM HOUSE, SHADES. BATH, water included. 1387 East Glisan. on M. V rarllne. FOR RENT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW: porcelain bath, toilet. . washbasin, 2 bedrooms, electric light, $18. Phone Tabor U19, between 5 and s p. m. FOR RENT $10 PER MONTH, CHICK en ranch; stock for sale. 707 Neha lem ftve., Scllwood. Call afternoona. HOUSES AND FLATS FURNISHED and unfurnished. A. & Draper, 343 4 Washington, rooms 6 and 6, corner 7th. FURNISHED 3CUSET CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per countetl word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE , FOX SALE CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. aiA V- age & Pennell. 345-47 1st. Pae. 860. CASH FOR FURNITURE; PROMPT attention always given. East 1067. WANTED 100 CORDS OF WOOD TO saw each day. C-66, Journal. WANTED A GENTLE HORSE TO work for board tbrouarh winter, three days per- week. M. jL. Broadhurst, Pe- IF YOU-WISH TO EXCHANGE OB sen your turniture ror cash, phono East 5204. 368 Hawthorne. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD 51- llvery horse, weight 1.200. , 800 Rus sell st. Phone East f36X . , FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS FOR SALE; brings 315 over rent; at your own price. 0-84,T Journal. BUCHTKL c KERNS MAKE A Spe cialty of east side realty, rentals, loans, etc 862 E. Morrison st CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coet 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want od columns of The Journal. "9 llatf FIRST STREET. Ilea d q u arters fcr bargains In real es fate. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counteTT word. 7 in sertions for the price of 8. If you have a want known through the want ad columns of The Journal. $1,500 BUYS STATE RIGHT FOR QB.E gon for the manufacture and sale of patent harness trace. Sample on exhi bition. 193 Fourth st. FOR SALE NUMBER .7 REMINGTON standard typewriter and carrying case; first-class condition. Address V-67, Journal. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR property, rent your house or store, have your rents collected and property well looked after, call on A. S. Draper, 3434 wasm gton st, rooma 0 and 6, corner vtn st. NEWSPAPER SPLENDID ly equipped power plant, good valley Held, will exchange for city or farm property and pay cash balance or give good terms. Aaaress k-ib. journal. GILLIAM GILLIAM, ATTORNEYS-at-lnw, 720 C. of C. bldg. Main 6101. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO., LAW collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 1110. A. H. TANNER. ATTY., 600 COMMER cial block. 2d and Wash. Maln-144. GREY "z RICHARDSON. 618 CHAMBER of Commerce. Practice In all courts. FRANK C. HESSE. FENTON BLDG. ACCOUNTANTS. CHARLES L. PARRISH. PUBLIC AC coimtant, notary public 311 Marquam bldg. Phones Main 6222, A-4566. ART t KERAMIC STUDIO, CHINA PAINTING and firing: orders taken for Xmas. Mr.. Markley. R. 64. 350 4 Morr. M. 7647, A. BERGER, ART STUDIO. . 644 4 Wash.; oil paintings, landscapes and portraits. FOR SALE NEW MODERN 7-ROOM house in Holladay park. R. B. Kice, owner, isom pnones. . FiUey Park To rent payers: Why pay rent when you can buy a lot in Filler Park for less man yuur rtsnif xuis nu ana up; 6c fare; $8 monthly secures two lots. Boom 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 6864. LOT. 2STH AND ALBERTA STS.. 45x 100. 1250: lot 32d between Coin and Wygant, 45x100, $150. Inquire i.owen- gardt, 33 park at. $300. FURNITURE 6 ROOMS. MOD ern flat; low rent. Terms. East 6217. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make , it known through the want ad column of The Journal. ' jBOO 4-KOOM COTTAGE. 763 E. 8th; ear rremuni; terms. $1,660 New, modern, bath, 766 6th, near licecn. Owner, Main 8990. - HOUSES FOR ALE. We have a fine full-sized lot on Brooklyn ave, near 21st; we will build house to suit and will sell whole busi ness for $30 a month. A blr barcaln to person wanting a good home. TlilU SPAIMTON CO., 270 Stark Bt. " 1 HAVE A CLIENT WHO" MUST raise by January $8,000: to do this will sacrifice or sell at half price lots lying on tha waterfront between old and new Astoria, adjoining Southern Pacific terminal grounds and water front recently bought; lots level and fine: one having $150 to $200 can do well by seeing me; make $1,000 running in two or mree years. 1 nis is your pp portunlty. Residence Eas 878, Main or A-2776. Nelson, 329 Burnelde st. FINE FARM IN EASTERN OREGON to exchange, for home in city valued from $8,000 to $12,000. Forbles & Mamer, 607 Buchanan bldg, CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted, word. 7 In sertions fot; the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through tho want nd columns of The Journal. PERSONAL Br. Mary Lane Institute Expert treatment given women and children ailments by a graduate and licensed lad physician. Maternity cases f :lven special attention. Up-to-date san tarium In cqnnection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential. Address all -correspondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, incorporated, rooms 6 to 14. Grand theatre bldg., cor. Park and Wash. sts. Phone Main 8a HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. 628 Wash. CHRISTENSEN ART CO., 375 STARK1. jnajiMiiii, A-jzi(, f rames ana iraming. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office, 186 MoV- rlson Mt. ' . ABSTRACTS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. Main 660, A-42221 730 Cham, of Com. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES S. BTRKENWALD & CO., 804-306 EV erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast Write for catalogue. LADIES, 11,000 REWARD WE Posi tively sMifirnntea Dr. Sou thine ton's Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Bare ly relieves some of the longest most nK,lnaA r, Y, n ... n I . u u a In 9 tA fi flays; no harm, pain or interference wun woric Man i.du. isoudi? aueuKia 9 .itl Dim A . cvtvl at nr Writ T Bouthlngton Remedy Co., Dept 17. Kan- sas cuy, mo. - . .. . FOR RENTwSTORESJFFICES LIGHT OFFICES. STRICTLY MOD ern, low rent. Portland Business Agencyr44S 6th st. between Morrison and Alder. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent In new building; steam heat electric and gas llghtt with jani tor service, N. E, cor. 8d and Madison. FOR SALE ONE ACRE, GOOD LAND. with good 3-room house with 4-mlle of carllne; $400 cash, balance in 2 and 3 years. A-1215. FORCED TO SELL THIS BEAUTIFUL new 6-room modern cottage, 4 block from carline, $2,000; will consider terma. Walter & Gregory, 1000 Williams ave. wooaiawn ivh. TWO LOTS 100x100, AT ST. JOHNS $1,000; $275. down, balance $10 month ly installments. C FNewton, 241 N. 6th NEW 6-ROOM' MODERN HO"USEXtT 35x50. E. 22d near E. Ankeny, at a very low figure, lor quick sale. J. J. Oeder. corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. - . 1 Br. Pnilip T. Bali Nervous and chronic diseases of men. women and children: biles cured pain lessly and promptlyr-constlpatlon, rheu matism, paralysis, goiter, cured by sci entific, methods: electrio baths, ladv at tendant 603 6th "t. corner Sherman. WHEN YOU GET TIRED OF DR U G . ging try modern Physio-Therapy; chronic diseases enrinnently cured by electriclttvibiratiorh flecti'ictlight treat ment, violet rays. X-rays; consultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. 6th St., corner Pine. i . ----- Specialist J. J. O'&eefe Portland's ' successful cancr curer, cures when all others., fait Room 324. Goodnough bldg.. 6th and Yamhill, :. -'ft-dame-Lackey'- Gives electric baths and vibratory treat mentSi also sehentlfio massage," acalp and face . treatments, chiropody., 2U9 h ,4th st near Salmon. Main 201L ' BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. ' Dekum, 131-133 1st at, carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. - BARBERS.' LADIES BARBER SHOP, 4 CHAIRS no waiting. 64 Fourth street BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS"& KILIIAM, 109U 2D at Blank books manufactured; agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see the i.ew Eureka leaf, th best on the market' ' BEAUTY PARLORS. ,Frates, 409 Washington St. Marcel waving, twiae iingusn wave), hairdresstng, clipping, singeing ana shampooing; Scalp treatment, (hand or electricity), facial massage, ' electrio vibratory, English vapor and colored light process; manicuring, 26c, V DANCING WALTZ, TWOSTEP. THREESTEP AND stage dancing lessons, 25c; oldest and -; only recognised toaehnr. Prof. Wal Wilson, entrance to hall and office 11 -Selling-IIIrsch bldg., 386 4 ' Washing top,"" between West Park and 10th sts. ' tl PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY;- Bona daily. 838. E. Morris on- Jfhonfc,"'