The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 23, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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mm inn nuiri I 0
Will Claim Seattle as His
lfoimf When H Wins
- Championship.
(tultrd I'rtit Ltattd Wirt.)
Seattle. Wash. Nov. 23. The follow
ing letter wan received by the Seattle
Dallv today from Tommy Hum
i.l.i(i..r ii... limr Mil Just
few linen to you to let yoii know what
I Kin loiiiir Of course you know I iiKt
Ouniirr Molr llecemher 2 ul tho Na-
i u i.. . Un,i if 1 am Hue
. luu.i ni ...... - - - , .
.....fill ,. ,11 mukH S'J HDD Molr H till I
re even money at prenent In the htt In
mid I h- a lil.imi mde het with Molr
lilmaelf which we put up when the final
article were mIkii-I. I urn KolriK to put
up u lot more on inyaelf helora m meet
In tho rlnn. . .
"Molr la certainly a Idft fellow and ne
welKha clow., to :'0ft poumU. 1
..,.. ,.ffr to fluht Jim Hoohe. of
Irrland. wdo Ih tlielr chnini'ton. Kochn
beat Charlie Wilson a few week n
and WIlMin la the only iniin that ever
heat thinner Molr. Iieadnir htm tuur
yenra ajro In two round" Thy tell ina
here In London that I nn make
fighting Itoclic. which ounds kooJ 10
"'"l am to i.lnv lacroaae with one of ciin k I . miiih liere thla w eek and
vou know 1 would rather play l.icro.
than eat.
i. r, Kent tinlnltiir ouartci" are at
V..mtd.v House eml'l'-v. Middlesex
,.n,n,i,. ii i un nld historical private
mansion about nine miles from London
owned t.y u millionaire spoil nnd he. la
certainly the Kiratest ever for ho weigh
Hi) pound and la ine imkki-m "
England If not In the world I met him
here and he insisted on having me train
t hi. i,rivii,i Ixiiiii' The 'kviii la the
beat 1 was ever In and trom my room
ivinir In hed 1 can lock or unlock
liny door in l'c house nnd telephone to
.0 ,...n mid I haven't got uaed to
bavin a good-looking """Id bring my
breakfast to me lit bed. but that U the
way tho swells do In thla country and I
have to aland for It ... ,
Hilly Neal of Oakland I" with me ror
a pleasure trip. The papera here Buy he
la my malinger and na lm la a good Tal
low I lei 11 go at that and ho acema to
'""Ulve'my frlenda my boat wlahea and
tell them that 1 will not only defend
the world a championship but I will
brlnir It back to Seattle where 1 have
.leiermlned to flnnllv go Into business
Results at Onklnnd.
Oakland, Cal.. Nov. 23. Resulti yes-
eylx5 furlorKa -Ilarvel won, Haboo Bec
pnd, Corytus third, time, 1.14 1-;..
Kuturliv comae -lieiumel won. Per
Julcio second. fcl. Klmwood third, ttmo,
1 . 10.
Mile and SO yards All Ablaze won.
Klmdnle second, Captain Hurnett thir l;
time. 1.13 3-:..
Futurity course, San I.orenio ban II-rap-
Itapld Water won. Native Son sec
ond, MFarv F. third; time. 1 ; o s 4-5.
line mile Tav era won Serenity sec
ond. Netting third, time. l:4i2-i.
Mile, puis.' True Winn won. May
I.-N. second, Sydney F. third. time,
1 3D 4-i.
Takes Sixteen Itoumls
(jlct l)t'ciioii (Her l he
(iainc Aiiicrican.
Fifteen llundred Witness
Youthful Athletes IVr
fonn in Club "Jyin.M
n I": : ic ;s, ...
roun U of i I'-m . k
nlKlit the s. . , .. I ,
threw Up the f I .
I y tln . nin.l ;i:id I;
i' mill to cm. :i
I eat Ihtw elitl.t i I .i :
pt IOII 'if fen ! ..
hud t l.e In : 1 1 : 1' i
t he or. 1 v ( ! ' n I.
I. KM. il.ll li.e .
fii; h I to o'liliru"
i on ml In all
would have I . i , i
I'I.e ht II- 1 ;
lock, N. Ill ! , -
Moi.-in j'.l.--! .
( oi 'I 1 H. I' l it! I. I . .
.Nell;. .t"c!;i , , ... , ,
tilt from 1 1,,- 1 :t t .
V. het, I !,.- ir " .: j
:-he. in, ,.;
!. I flofl t.l- e
l.j J li, nt. I '
louniN .. :;l .'e:n'.i.
v. i a o.i ! y i o !
1 l i: (tie wmild 1 .-)
V. lrf )
I.K laat i
. 1 1 :
1 1 .
Nov.-r la the Matnry of M il'
club Kyninaalum has Hum been i-'.e h
an afftlr aft was Riven lax' nii;l.t, the
annual ludli-a' nl;ht of the cl .li. s one
l.fiOO people aaw the ojo-n I i nMiile-r.
a (lumbell drill pBrllclpaled :u by over
;').') pcoiilo. perfectly tnilnul by I " i . .
fev-ior Hubert Krohn. hir two huirai
t'.il v.irloua exercises followed one ill.-
other in rapid unison, ami att i.tlm
not diverted I'rotn the floor il iiinv; t.e
i i. ' 1 1 e i y nl n g.
I'eil.aps tho two numbers whl !
'li lt.-, most iipplauso were t h Junior!
h"! izontal bar work and th- m.i -,
.; . .to;- of the girls, the oldest, of I , i '
iv , ; , j ., years The llttl" Kirls k: i
e .i i another lntereslii K f ea:uie.
nirn'.er finishing with one-hand. l I
t !..-. I .icciimpllshmeiits by two of'
smallest girl. The ukis in thl-
i. vi i to trom nlno to 12 veins (
h.e lnnovritlon dtirlni: tlie program .
the pyr.nnbl nnd tumbling wruk i
of tin' iiioverncnta of the class was I
. I . . i : v Minln a pyramid formation i
It . .i ! ,nn. n 'Winced M . 1 his was I
Mm mm
.'Jew hotel, tacen Jefferaon "nuare.
Two blocks from Van Neas iv., tha
present shopping dlatrb-t. Car llnea
t m nf en i nic all over city, paaa d.tot.
l.very modern eon venlenca, ItllMOm
slnKle or en sulta 150 prlvata ba'ha. '
American and Kuropean plana. Prlcea '
in jijemt omnibus meeta all tralna. I
I ' '
1 1 tor spontaneous opplauae, be
ef tho best physical feats per-
.1 in
I ' ''
pi. i.
: v : . : n...
I I n ' ; : s
l:i 't ! . . d :
.Ne i; f ULI.
111, h hit I 1 1
i'.V I ! s. I
i H . s
I 'I v..i.
As n '
iliu .
t t. n:
i . I .-
Klttf Genf.-al.
i : : . Men
.N. 1 ,
t .
l oin. I ilurlnir the evening.
Ano'lei- v i : y Intet estlnK number was
the witi low leapliiK contest for the
ivo .nr--' in. rnhers on the rmor, wnn-n
lt I wn. l;c..i:v won bv Alfred Krohn. the
v if" a : I 'll of I'rof. Krohn. The
', . ' w liidi.vv " ii.ii ciiinpost d of b.'ira placed
a friire pos'tion and giving a two-
t ' i" :i : :i This wis gradually do
i' I. tie contestants being corn
el t,, jutup through without dls-
ng 'he birs. Young Krohn auc
,1 In going through a 13-lncll
.i it. ii'i l won the honors.
Following is the program of the even-
h 'hoi Orchestra
..! i m dumbhell drill
M A A ('. Junior Class
Mi-. ' :ii;t ...M. A. A. ('. Junior Class
I ' 1 . n -,r 1 1 n :
l eioht-.r revision Girls' Class
i , -ii-- im '' , la-." drill I'ay Juniors
i ' : ; ii. h i u g, i outi. I swing, wlndow
1" M ing
S h"t i.:e i,,. F r i . st pa
I.e d !-'' Ihvlsinn lilrla' Class
Ad -ii L.hik Kern 1'eterson, Kstello
ir t. M.irg-o r!t (merit, Winnie
I i u - 1 1 : i ' : i Kay Trembly,
H 1 1 t'i , t il . I.ol.i Kernan, Cladya
.- i ,11.111, Mah.i Lawrence, Irene Col-
I Ho. -o.
v - t
i I 'VI I -M
; 1 1 u
t ! i:v in
ill Viv.
,1 I H
Owen Moi-an. Trpmler Foatharwelght of the Hrltlsh Islos. Who I-ist Nlsht Showed tho American
Fight Fans That He I In a Class With Abe Atell, Whom He Will Fight Shortly for the Championshi;
of tho World. '
Ivcsult.s at Uonnlngs.
L'X Kcsults
Washington. Nov.
iJennings vesierdiv :
High weight handicap. furlongs
Ciraciiliim won. Kight and True 8I":
imd W'otk A Man third; tune. 117.
Mib- Columbia Course- Thrash won.
r.n.'V lllr. I seionil. Kappalianno 'K
third, time, H.'.
Mile and 40 yards- lAikls won,
Weirdsome Becond. (itTord third; time.
Six furlongs, Columbia course Ku.i
Bell T won, Keinpton second, tleorge tl.
Hall third; time. 1;S 3-.V
Six furlongs. haiulienp - Incognito
v n, Miss Cat.'sbv second. Dlxlo lllm
niel third, time.
Seven furlongs- I ligginbothan won,
lloyal Undv second, F.ldorndo thirl;
time. i .:k --r..
Charcoal Stops Gas
On Your Stomach
Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char
coal When Taken in the Form of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges.
Tilal Package Sent Tree.
Charcoal, pure. -Implo charcoal, ab
sorbs 100 times its own volume ot ga
Where does tne gas go to.- It is just
Hhsorbed by the cnai Joal --the g ia dis
appears and thef.: is A lt a pure, licsh,
nweet atttiosplu ix-, iieti Hum all iirrpur
ltles and geims.
Thai s what happens in your stomach
when vou lake one or two of Smarts
Charcoal I-oicngcs. the most powerful
purifiers science has yt-l discovcied.
You belcll gas In company, Kiune-
l,v ueclilelll. Ul'eallv to Jl'lll' OVV11
liumiliatiou. That is because there is
a great uinouut of gas being loaned in
your sioriuich by l'ermentitig food. Yum
Hloinach is not digesting your food prop
erly, tias is inevitable. Whenever this
bappens just take one or two of Sluail'.s
Charcoal " Loascngos rlgiit alter eating,
and you will be surprised how quickly
,.,, e,ii ,'i No liiore belclilngs: no
more wur riyings. 1-.U all you want and
what you want, and then If theru Is
auv gas going to be, one ot
these wonderful little absorbers, a Stu
art Charcoal LozvUKO. will luko cam of
""Anil" u 'will do more than that. Every
particle of iinpuruv in your stomach
and intestines is going to be carried
awav by the charcoal .No ono seems to
knovv why I'. docs this, bill It does, and
does It wonderfully. You notice the
difference In your appetite, general good
feeling and in tho purity ol your blood,
right away.
You'll have no more bad taste In your
mouth or had breath, cither from drink
ing eating or smoking. Oilier people
wili notice your bad breath quicker ihan
you will yourself. Make your breath
pure fresh itnd sweet. : when you talk
to others vou won't disgust them. Just
on" or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenge
will make your breath sweet, and make
ynu feel better all over for It. Ion can
eat all the onions ar.d odorous foods you
want and no one can tell the difference.
Hesides, charcoal Is the best laxative
known You can take a wlmlo boxful
and no harm will result. It Is a won
derfully easy legtil ator.
And then, too, it filters your blood
every particle of poison or impurity In
your blood is destroyed, and you begin
to notice the difference in your face
first thing your clear complexion,
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges an$Jad.
from pure willow charcoal, and 'JUst a
little honey Is put In to make them
palatable, but not too sweet.
They will work wonders In your
Btomaeh, and make you feel fine and
fresh. Your Mood and breath will be
purified. ,, ,
VV'6 want to prove all this to you, so
lust send for free sample today. Then
after you get it and use It. you will
like them so well that yon will go to
your druggist and get a 25c box of these
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges.
- Seed u your name and address today
and we will at once sand you by mail
a aample package free. Address F. A.
Btuart Co., 200 Stuart bunding. Mar
shall, Mich. - .. .. 1
Smother Lighter Opponents
From Last Side on Slip
pery Field, 11) to 0.
Tho city Interscholastlc football sea
son closed yesterday when 11111 Military
academy defeated the Kast Side High
school by the score of 19 to 0 the only
one-sided score of tho season. It was
the same story that has been repeated
time and again this season -the heavy
man on the slippery field winning over
the lighter but faster man. The game
was uninteresting from the point of
view of the spectator because of the
drenching rain which poured down all
through the second hair. maKing it nam
to follow the ball. Hill outweighed the
high school bovs nearly 20 pounds to
the man and when they started through
the line there was practically no use
trying to stop them.
Loomls was the star of the game,
making long gains every time he was
called upon. Hill, Graham and Donason,
all of H. M. A., plaved well, Graham
especially distinguishing himseir witii
a long run of 55 yards for a touchdown
Ludlam. Kellogg and Cornell were Kast
Side's main players.
In the first half Hill klcnea to Kast
Side. Neither side was able to make
virdage at first and after an exchange
of punts Hill got the ball on a fumble.
Straight line bucks carried the ball to
the 15-vard line, where Loomls was
given trie uan lor ii piunge lurougu
tackle. He made five yards but as he
was tackled he fumbled, the ball rolling
behind the line. Mays reii on tne mm
for the first score, and Loomls kicked
the coal
High kicked off and Hill on straight
line bucks carried the ball to the 25-
vard line from where Loomls tried for
a drop kick. The kick went wild and
High kicked out to the center of the
Held. Graham, Hill s crack guard,
caught the kick and ran 55 yards
through a scattered field for a touch
down. Mays kicked tho goal.
A heavy rain started early In the
second half which rendered fast play
ing impossible. Hill scored a touchdown
for the cadets and Cornell was tackled
back of the line for a touchback.
The final score was 19 to 0.
Loral and Otherwise.
t Is i".letly
i. i i ' 'i ii i i in
t ra ; us
It is said that Jimmy I'i
training at ills home in i '-ill'' '
anticipation of sever il tu.t ; ' !o
thine wrong, for Jimmy never
S'ltiires. the Australian, will tac
kle the panic In I'iiiladHphbi or sonic
other eastern 1 1 v . l'ill should do
pi cliy
vveil In sl ou:il bouts at that.
Now that "Kid"
tlve. he might try
Jeffries will fight
McCoy is a detec
to find out If Jim
Frank Catsey ,-ntd Kid" Taylor ro
to engage in a ho it at New Orleans
Thanksgivlrg la.
List of Clieckerhonnl Fatal
ities Smaller I'uder Open
J'lav System.
.V l
Vli' ! '
' !..,:..
0. A. ('. AM) 1'. OF W.
t; - class dti 11 .... Night Juniors
fines and hifch Jump, spring
i. .ml b-ai nn, buck.
! ind tumbling Seniors
Wctzler. i) I. Smith, Dayton
e, i i i- l. s l't ehn, K H. Harley.
i v . i i I ie',i a io Welsh. "Win"
I'M' . Sim Itennett, Carl Ncth.
M i . Ml 1 ii. I g-M' e ! eps
Se "iid Division GlrU' Class
Horizontal tens
laad'is' Division Night Juniors
lb i M Guir.-. Dave Welsh. Dan
!'"'-. i. 'I'll lore V.ll;uns, Allien
M r: .s. I.e. in All.n Koves,
'! " ' IT- hn. Itoliert Ki.iiiu "jr..
i I'.nl'S Ih-hn, Will! mi Mauley, j
i:; i i.eiitl ,!
ihnin,if',:- games.
iiu.olim: inYwT'ks
or .NoirniFiix ffiis
Hotel Hamlin
Kirt permanent bl
t-. hu'.el down tow a.
t ..In. 1(VlK..n'fnft
f irrotieii ntrum heatiJ
nnartucnci, 40 hatha,
i'rivat" tel..phnn lr
vice. Siinipl nsima fur
i "rrmrn In I travalera.
Ivi.iy St. rum from
ferrv rns Ihednoraml
i-narie.'t ith Srd St.
can fmm Sv T. Depot.
rtaU-a frum 11.00 up.
I her. Private El. iZK
an Francisco
Cor. 4th acd Howard St,
E.ropean plan. Cafe In connection.
Rates 75c to SI. 50. With bath $2.00.
From Ferry take Mission St. ears to 4tll
Hotel Imperial
S.'l Eddy street, near Franklin, on
block w est of an Ness. K.urnpeari
plan. Cafe In the hotel. This hotel
Is not in the burned district. Tak'l
Kddv street elpctrn; cars from ferr.
Kites ti per i!av up.
Hotel "Key Route Inn
22nd Street and Brnadwav
Funny rooms, private baths, lonr-dls-
1 tanee telephones, compressed sir cImih
Ins;. lart;e lebby, care a la cart wltn
cuisine and service unsurpassed. for
rates, etc.. address
N. S. MULIJVN. Manager.
Formerly Assistant Manager Pa,Ia,c
Potel. Ban Francisco.
(Si .
I'l-r; t
1 II .
1 1
ill Mm at .-n
i. N . ' '.'
i ;M y, .,,
! 1 to ti "
Sy nortliern n.ipi
. .-mill. te. tee,,!.,,
to The J'.lirnnl )
More thiiii Jsfl.4s."
by the
.is .
est ii'il.-..i;ni
h-M I1C !''' enfiy
t of the gi jcery
n ran r.f!M
f tr:m V H Vf l
N'V. mber s:i
i -
fliicapo. Ill, Nov. - With the
ceptioii of a few Thauk.'sl'i ins
Kami s. today matks the end of tin-
h ;e football season
I. f: .
t!" :
ii ; .
u.ilkc :
and .!"
: Kill", i
I w
was liciit. as Is
7 le-ini: olitaim-d
pr.-eiit rr.onTh.
ii, D r sale were.
Joseph Ciltnin,
. K-"-i :
i. ii. I
i ii.
i:. li .
1 1
Tommy D'To. le
are matched for
riiiladelpliia to..');!
nd Tommy O'Koefe
.- ix-rounj go in
Faddv Calvin, tin- rtochesfer (N. T.
fight promoter, fie in ., on holdiiis sot, .
bouts in the. mimuK camp al Cobalt
next month.
Jim Donovn-i. the
weight, will tne.-t s.-ii
York In a few waa Ks.
l':n;,-I!sh mlddle
ir i; row ti In New-
Fred llradley an
been matched for ;
early next month.
S.i'lor I'.arke hive
lil.t in New York
Willamette University and
Multnomah Teams Meet
at 3 o'clock.
Willamette university and Multnomah
club meet on Multnomnh field this af
ternoon at 3 o'clock and the same prom
ises to be an exciting one, as the teams
are verv evenly matched.
Multnomah's new lineup is expected
to wrest a victory from the collegians
and the clubmen look upon the game as
a final practice for the Oregon game
Thnitksctviiif day-.-'
Professor J-lpyd will referee the game.
Aliens Returning Honte.
New York. Nov. 23 What appears to
be the greatest exodus of aliens the
I'nited States has ever known Is now In
full progress. Every vessel sailing
from New York for Europe the past
few weeks has carried full steerage
lists, and those w:heduled to sail be
tween now and Christmas already are
fully booked, leaving thousands unable
to obtain accommodations. It Is estimated-
that the eastbound steerage for
November and December will be many
times that of the corresponding months
ot last year.
At llerff.ld. of th" Eitrekt A
Haltlmore. wants I" aira-.c," a mat
h..tvec,.n Matty Italdnin and John
Summers, the Kntlish bo.
place next week.
Th contest between Cliirlle Neary
and Maurice Sayev-. whMi was to have
taken nlace in Milwaukee. T.taiiKsjriv-
i,,.- .Ine ti.ia lie. 11 i.lllel off. bo, ail
they could not an roe
m tho conditions.
for l!"7. Thanks
to the chinire m rules and the elimi
nation of luil' ll of the roUHh play, there
have h.-eu fewer fatalities tiolti .n
a::if this than ever 1 I'ore since
t ie sport bi ' ame pipiln in th.s coun
! r v . Since tfie opiii,: ot the s-asoti
ta l.iitir par: or' j t .-ml., r nearly a
.1 'Z"ii Imi" .-led the rr.-ull
of Iniurles t . . ; . : on gridiron, but
this numb, r is .small ...s compare.! with
tie- r-eords in j'.cl yens. It Is notlc
able. it. oieov.r. that nearly all of the
vi.-iims wile members of sain d.'ist Ic or
iissie 1 it ion. teams, only two or three
af tin ni lieloni; to i-olh-K" eleyens. No
f Mdball j.! nvr ainom,- ill" larger col-
l.-K. li t- 1 n billed, though injuries
amoi.K Da' pl.iv. rr. have been common.
The lUl of vl' tims to date is as fol
lows: llllam Vl!rien. 15 years old. of
Corilandt. N- vy York. died of lieni-or:',a.-
..f t1. ' fol!oivi:ig Injuries
. :v d ia a salio. l name.
I.eunavil J i 'hn Ksot:, -Ji) years old.
of the N. i e e h univtrsitv team, di d
' lii'u'ies received in tho game with
Eye Troubles RcmecUo1.
Don't yai v i r a si k h"ad.'ieh
tl'li -II t 1"' ! ' "I I is 1-1 t ey. s. i
,i. ii . e t I o'.l.h a no to 1 ir.
Adv-i'-'i' i os'k you nothing.
1 1 1
Mil s.
I I . lie el ' s f ar t t,
' Til, .'add- I.- It I'!-' No'
: I . ,,'.iit, v I . a ' I i a ; Jose
I St 'Can 1 . 1 1 ihh a rd-Stew.-ti I
i.-ia'l. : Muds,, n it ,v Fur company, Se
itih'. V. H Haliio, h-e-ittle; James
Ito-en'M-iger. Seat lie. and S . F. Sheurd.
'i .e "III l
I J'.. it 'I dine the fur market for the
(oiihi.-j seas, ,n. ihe West Coast Grocery
, . . an . i n v s report says :
I ".st pr. stnt there Is practically no
I f r inaiket. I'nless this liuanclal strln-
gen y is speeillly relieved the price on
ill evades ()f furs will decline to very
is ilia trcrsl !!
un fartti, yet IM
,m!et to eore WHtM
To IX). Uuy bar
i I ii pie, iputs on tb
kin, torn la the
moiitb. olrer. falllnf
Ualr. bun puta, c
tiirrh. and dim't kiMV-ir
It la Ul.ouD PolaO.N. -ri.l to DR. BEOWN. Area St.. I'Lllinlfipliia. lno tot
IIHOWN'S BLOOD ( I UK. 2 00 per bottle!
lasts one mcutb. Sold la Portland eoly by Claris A Co.
low figures. Wo b.iicve our customers
in Alaska will not bt: more than on the.
safe hide by i ufii'tf the prices (riven
for mink and mart, i this winter St) per
cent bclo thi.s- paid during th win
ter of r.eic,-:. We would urge you to
do It and use evrv ca niou In buylnn
skins; otherw ise there w ill bo many din
appoint men f s In the sub s of next sum
mer. London October stiles. though
occurring before tla se acute financial
difficulties were upon us, showed de
clines of is to 2d per cent on almost
every variety''
ho Gets the Job?
Matty Baldwin of Itcston and Pert
u-.c..H of New York have bean matched
t,. flchr in rounils before th.
Haven (Connecticut) club
ing day.
Thai'.ksniv -
Califor-nian. has
l'at O'KcefO at
Walter Stanton, th.
been signed to me t
New York next week.
Budd- Rvan, the ..'.d-ttme Chiiro
wcltorwclgh't. who retired fin" tune
ago. Is anxious lo get tho ganic
again. 9 ,
There Is liable to he sonic tp-ihb
over tne referee for th fit; t bet vv n
Tommy Burns and ijnnne:- M"1!- in Lon
don next mouth. Hui".. ki !. w ill
not stand tor the club's referee, as la.
fears he will be partial to Moir.
The boxin? craze has struck Van
couver. B. C.. and boNlt-'T clii!;s th. e
are reported to bo doing a thitvt.m;
The lord mayor of London st'em'.-d
a boxing show recently, and now tie
fighting game on the oilier .sale n
boom I lis;. If New York fans could gel
a lord mavot- or someone .'ho- it to aen
In. perhaps tho police would not bother
the show.
While Tommy Mums was tatliin-r l-i
the National Sporting club in l.ordei
tho other night, be gave the members
to understand that ho was as much of
an Englishman as Molr. Tommy douht
le s thinks he will get a better chance
by making that claim than by posing
as an American.
Three thousand handsome women arc
praying for fair weather in i'
Thanksgiving day. It Is estimated that
that manv will witness the annuil
Multnofnah-Oregon football game, and
that many will want to wear their most
stunning- street suits.
Journal Will Have Golt Scores.
The Sunday Journal will contain a
complete record of the golf records of
the past year for both mtn and women,
as complied by Crafts W. Hlggins, edi
tor, or TUt. Golfers' Magazine.
A !
( 'hi
a .
mouth. : Let tram, CO yeirs old. of I
an i i syl v a uia ) Athletic rl'jn.
from a K-. . in the head during a
will; tic I'ertnt'i' team. j
o Si:osin ycr. 1 ti yearn old, of Iowa j
Iowa, died from a broken back re
,i in a hu;h school game.
,, rt Flowers. I'i years old. of j
, ill- i Uiio, died from injuries re- 1
,1 m a i: Hue b.-'y.-een t tie Zarts- I
bttrh sahool and iienlson utilvor- j
f". ihmi'i;. I
liar i". Albreelit, 20 years old. of;
., ilii.l from cerebral hem-:
'.it., follow my, a game between two
s 'ui ". ni t. :i:s.
At - air Cop... l-i years old, of Sal bin,
a.i.ulo. died from spinal injuries re
ly, d Hi a game between the high j
a.,,! te.nns of Saiiila and Leadvllle. '
l:i 'ind S. Cvuns, 1 years old, of:
INi'otn, tmio, died from injuries re-
Ki l i'i n uame be'-.v.'en Wooster col- j
a in I Western Keserv.; university at !
evehlld. j
K, l "i't A. Lltz. id years old, of Jcr
v City, dhd from Injuries sustained;
a game at Ne w Dorp, Slateu Island. 1
. . I
Manager King of the Hunker Hill
feoihail loam I'.as eanecllel the sehc.!-
,i g in...- with The I'alles (.'olumbias !
I', a- torn irrovv The I'atriots have a i
l ard fiame with Chernawa on Thanks- I
' :n: dav- and feel that if they take
he trip to The Palles they will not N;
in the best of condition to battlo with i
the Indians at Chemawn.
I' a lad from the linker City high !
wheel, i now playing nt quarter, t.ik- j
Coach Kennedy's place. King Kan-
del. the old high school player. Is allow
ing up well at half inck and can be de
pended on for yardage. The team will
leave for Che ma a to meet the Redmen
on Thursday morning.
When a man says he atways was '
sick troubled with a cough that lasted
all winterwhat would you think if
he should say he never was sick since j
using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Such
ii man exists.
Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado. I
writes; "For years I was troubled I
with a severe cough that wou,ld last I
all winter. 1 nis cough lert nle In a
miserable- condition. I tried Ballard's
Horehound Syrup and have not had a
sick day since. That's what It did for
me.' Sold by all druggists.
(. , . iti.l bii-.v t'ipiiv there are tJi.t cm scarcely b
'i'liaic's i". u:v a y )ti cm -"i;! h-r.i in t.'ie '
ItiV i'c-'s fr..;n tlie time he rcaino! !'.:. Xcrv-.- atnl
t , : ... :.
' V . V ,e I , - I " f . fll 1 1 l,T '" C'l I I I.I 1 O 1 . 1 Villi CI
cnntjolt. Now tfl! ni'" y.'iir trouble-." Ti..-n
mcnt -..r'rk aiii! evervvs l;-sti4.P':i ;ii
a trni ra' .-).. 1 c incalioi!, tuiml n; ,u:l i )
I-,. t".::sc a ,.v.:: st, tv shnrr. lie t---k ;::v "'
. . ! ... ...
the in-: riieia ui -, at-.i t-'-i.ty that nrm is -::.u!
I I . a.
11 !' ' o"
' ,-, ii... -..'..
,',,-,. II : -ll'l t,
like tl-.e 1
- Kte-tro- I
d. idies or I
I k-UaW It
Can you pick the
Which fellow gets
the job?
. It's an incident in
everyday life. It's
the same story over
ami over again
the triumph ot
strength and cour
age over weakness
and fear.
There's always a
place fur the active
and vigorous man.
the man with the
string arm, the
smile don't
came f'ff." and a
"turn -d 'vv ;t" for the
weak, the backward
man, the man with
the sha,y g-r.', the
sallow skin, the sour
id the s
It takes nerve and red
execs -ics "'I's-itn.i
c i ncatii ii, mind v uh
t:-.' st.Tv short, he t
aaii f'-dy that tli'in is
I i.mIhiI the
-. it KlcCirO-Ylg'T
ilaiwieg reach rie by the . '
r fc 1 lOrt pe.- c. :.: 1-. Wi - !-.'?
Vig r. I hav i. more rli aim i ' is:n. n .
St.'.Iliah ;..!.! IfV sir acOl IS VV
i!,t I' t'u a. n an o: n:v a. .".
Jieai r..n:i, ( ir. -: u.
lr'cctro-'iai .r m ikes Men out
!t t!-,e way of the world.
b!o"d t win.
1'cw men are as sound and strong as they would like
called men at a!'.
,tive. the workshop and on the farm, whose success in
istreng'.h, and recovered his Manhood, through, the use
!'ed a my office a tew months ago. YOU look sorry
1 listened to the same old story of hard htck and disappoint"
;,.-s of ,.iic job after another. The man was a nervous wreck
cd mechanic, too. :
eight my hleetro-Vigor, used it faithfully, according to
is forcjuan of a big manufacturing plant and draw-
hand-, toM me how near he was to the jumping off place
give you his address if you want it. Every day letters
There In nothing to equal Electro-Vigor as a cur.
Tt cured rrto of digestive trouble and restored My""
strength after I had tried many othtr methods wittj--out
liilVNi:. I Smith, Oregon. TIIOS. KKI.MAY. .
Wrecks. It cures all those Weaknesses that result troin l-.xcesscs ana
at sap the vitality and lead to Physical and Mental Breakdown. Jt ha cured
h MLinds of Vies v h'ere'otivr remedies have failed. It does its work at night while you sleep. It fills the
system' w'th the glowing warmth and energy of the Electric Current. , . . "
)st,m . l "'" ,, cuctn.M MMrlria TnHicrAat inn fniKl mat oil Rheumatism, LHltl-
It cures : ervotisnc-s. I u'auani". wi.vl..v.-..vo, ;v;..ei, - - . "'' .....-
t. c;-,.;,-T Vitviiik Dcln'litv.
'"-. .vu, . - --, . .. , ,XT i J
It restores Manhood anu vv uuidinnjou.
General Debility, Weakness of the Kidneys, the Genital Organs, Low,
Lame Hack. It restores Manhoex
I want you to write for my 100-page illustrated
book, which tells all about Electro-Vigor, my meth
ods and prices. This book contains a lot ot val
uable information for every sufferer. Ill send' jt,
closely scaled, free, if you will mail me this coupon, .
Cut it out now. . ' 4 - , , ,iZ.
S. A. HALL, n. D.
s pteaw .end mv prepaid, yot-r -fr.lw'B'
' , ' ' '-'a -.' '