5H: t"l 4 When You Want - More hc!p advertise In The Jcwmal 'f Journal Want Ads pay best Xrtr: . Tho Wcathcr--naln tonight and Sunday;' frcch eoutuorly, breezo.. JOURNAL '.CIRCULATION Ylstlkjuy was 29,862 VOL. VI. NO. 23. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1907.TWO SECTIONSIS PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. on rums aio Krw r:.ias. hv& c.ui Mm (C mm St. Louis i Bunco Artist Fleeces Portland Trust Company of . $2,000 Busi- ness 3Ien Fall Easy Prey toWinning Smile. S- "Farmer" Bennett Deposits Checks,. Then Buys East Side s Property Forced Name of Railroad Offi cial for $10,000. IfflIB E. Z. ftlARKS FOR BATTLE Bear Admiral Mason Says United states 3Iust Order War 3Iaterials Abroad as Home Manufacturers Aio Too Busy. Wlt'i no other asset thnn his winding emtio rh1 lils general air of being a slmpl and opin-facFd rustic. J. H. Hon. nctt. of St. !ouln. secured from th roru.m I Trust" company nf this Chief of Ordnance Asks for Two Hundred Torpedoes and Says Ten Times That Number Would Leave the Navy Inferior to Others. 'lnltf-! PrcM I.aed Wire.) Washington. Nov. 28 The genernl un-prppnrcdn-ss of the I'nlted States for kar, Its dependence upon foreign tnanu- rttv f fucturcrs for its war material, nd ita 1 Wearers of Blue Threaten to Repeat Dose Handed to Crimson Annually For Past Six Years Six to Nothfng in ;First Half. Harvard 3fen Dejected and Fear Defeat -Will Result in Calling Off Further Rattles With Their En emies at Sport. a acore of tho most prominent mer chants In Portland. lienuctt lias Just been arrested In St. 1 Iuts, where be Is well-known, and Is us I J to have many Influential friends. )Ie will b brought to Portland at one"! to stand trial on a charge of 'having forged tho name of Charles 8. Clarke, vioe-presldoiit of tho Missouri Pacific railroad to checks aggregating nearly io,6oo. Came Bar In Aajruit. The 'local office of the Pln!-ortons nJ the American Hankers' Protective association have been working on the case fclnco last August, when L'ennett first appeared on the scenes In Port land. They lvave traced him all over the country and finally located him In St. Iouis. where ho Is 'well known as a (rambler and ward politician. Superintendent Oito Kulnor. of the Plnkertnna, received notice today thai lirnnett had been arrested and a itar rant was secure here fit once. It Is f Tollable that Mr. Chlrko will come here o prosecute the p.is awninst lionnctt. Bennett, dressed In bucolic f'.ahlon, wearing a collulold colHr, neat, but "seedy' clothing, and with "tho Kener.iJ air of a procpfrous farmer, blew Into Portland ui?u.st 10. On the 12th he wont to the Portland Trust company, asked for tho real es tate manager and met Lorenzo K. Car ter Ha told -Carter that ho had ' Just sold his furtn in Missouri ami had a little money tn Invest about $15,000 or J20,0)n he raid and vould like to put It In Portland real estate, lie wanteil a nice, ouli-t suburban homr a hnlt country place where he would ho able t raise ctitccnn anl Keep a lew cows, lind yet bo near to the city. Bank Officers Easily Dnpd. Mr. Carter was dollshtef and com pletely taken In by tho bluff and hon est manners of his new found friend and took him over to the cannier where Hcnnet denorltod for collection a check for $1,000 drown on the St. houla Na-J Tint Kalf Tale 0, Karrard (Cnlted Prr.i I.wd Wire.) Cumbrldiro, aiass., Nov. 23 Like the mighty j"oar of battle, wild cheers bu.'st forth from tie 4,000 throats as the meat of battleships was exposed by the " ' u"-' ,.m.Lum. i .r s TJo-r Admiral X. E. he RrbJlron at the Stadium this aftcr- Manon, chief of tho naval bureau of HOPES TO CAPTUBE TITLE. Is ' " e ''' fi- '..'"'. . V ' : - '' '; , - . A r.w " ordnance, publbihed today. Tho Rdmiral regards it si "absolutely necessary" that cpnfjress Should author ize tho secretary of navy to mak'o pur chases of war material abroad. The navy would have to purcanae at least 100 mora torpedoes abroad, while the home manufacturers" were completing their present contracts. It may be necessary to r?et a certain number of armor-piercing projectiles T and range-finders abroad. rhe rifles and machine trims In tho navy are re ported to bo rapidly wearltiK out. The report also recommends that an appropriation of $1,500,000 for tha pur chase of modern torpedoes and the minimum which should be considered Is 200: that 10 times that number would hardly plaefttho I'nited States on an equality with certain nations of sup posed Inferior naval power. UNI0X PACIFIC WILL GO TO COAL FIELDS (Continued on Pupo Three.) fCultc-o rreH Lefd Wire.) North. .Yakima, Wash.. Nov. 23.' Ac cording to authentic Information the Union Taclfic is to make a new start towar 1j tho coaf fields of Cowlitz Pass and tho rich agricultural lands of the Inland empire. The tTn!on Pacific holds iieven section of coal lands at V'nion (lap and sixsfjetions in the valley be low and thesoTheasures are said to have been proved both as to extent and quality. VitH this object In view the railroad, by the l.'nlon Coal and Fuel company, has completed the grading of many miles of road from jCentralla to ward Manna ford. "v- Tho dcc"lon of tho Union Pacific to reach Cowlitx Pass has resulted In activ ity 1n a similar direction by other roadE. RID NORTHWEST OF HINDUS BY SHIPPING THEM TO HAWAIANS (t'olted Pres Leaned Wire.) (Vancouver and Seattle of tho Incltlns Seattle, Wash., Nov. 2.1. H. P, Kay, ue,ts tor further riots and at the same ' ' ,. , . .. : ' time do a splendid stroke of business Bccredlted rcpresontativo of a syrtdlcate I ioT tl,0 .,ugttn Byadicato whoso represen- of wealthy stiffar planters, offers a itood living and none too onerous work In a climate altogethor congenial, to tho few hundred vagrant Hindus who are now dodging starvation amidst the fogs and rainstorms of tho, to them, unhospit able northwest. vt. Var iiUnfl 4a inUn nil nf .tli(m ha can find to Hawaii with him. Men are needed on the big plantations of Oohu and Hawaii and it is tho Idea of Mr. Kay that he can relievo lioUingham, tat) vo ho Is. With this Idea uppermost, Mr. Kay has entered into negotiations with dif ferent steamship lines a see what can bo arranged in the way of transporta tion from this nprt to Honolulu. . He also discussed the advisability of his scheme- with British Vice-Consul Bernard Polly and it Is understood that Mr. Polly was quite ns encouraging as were the membeis of tho chamber. Hav ing started business at this end of the line Mr. Kay left for San Francisco. I GOBBLE! GOBBLE!- GOBBLE! THURSDAY SS THANKSGIVING! T READ PETER IT. TiOYkE'S THANKSGIVING POEM on the first pago of A THE EMPIRE OF COOS BAY A clever descriptive article on one of tho m?st altractivo sections of Oregon. , '. . DEADLY 'POISON OF ANGER tid you know 4hat' you could generate 5 enough in an hour to kill , SO , rqen? , ' . . v ' , i Y- conduc.tinft' .ejjrch for vfoman to. beoome, famous. ' '; ' Y IN THE WOnUV OF Bt'ORTS-Sol Metigpr and iother xpprt Shave written special featurqa for tomorrow' paper i . X THEFINANCIAL SITUATION '' FTTNCIOTS OF THE CLEARING HOUSE-How mnnv people' in Port- o land comprehend fully the powers of this association of which' they v have hcar4 so much reccutly. , T QOOD FICTION GALORE Short stoHet.. novelettes, and articles, from T the pens of tho Boat known writers, will'tid found. T THREE WIRES IN THE JOURNAL OFFICK Two leased services and X a special report whih is unequalod la tho west. You get the news of $ the world. - HURRAH FOR SAM TUB The-jester '"gets his" la tho comic supplement this week. New features are being' added constantly, and this section I Is a screamer. ,---.,' T TO APPRECIATE IT YOU MUST REAIMT. - - , - ' noon to meet In a football battle royal the climax of tho Intercollegiate sea son. Tho deafening din kept on un interrupted while the young Kiatits passed the ball around, limbered up pre paratory to tho great struggle "and cx umined the grounds carefully. Never before was eutlai.-.iasm moro rampant at any athletic contest. Har vard supporters yelled slmot with tho desperation of vanishing hope. Tho rep resentatives of tho Cambridge" uni versity have not been victorious, against Yale on the gridiron for five vi-ars and there has been talk thet the 'bluo muv decline' another contest in tho event of an overwhelming victory today. lljrvaul students eaxilv l'-d in the cheering at first, hut Vale, fully appre ciating the value of thin encouragement to her players. Joined in the lung race, anil pandemonium was li t loose. Much a scene Is to be witnessed but onco a year, and at this place and time. The rivalry has never been more In' rise, nor the feeling pitched to a higher key than this year, and the sight just before the llne-ui was fine of the must iiiMiir- jlng.ever brought before human eyo (since football games became national events nnd the whole country caught I the football fever. . Crimson Affalnst Slav. No prettier panorama than the great ampitheatro presented v.iieti play was called was ever before seen. The great tiers of seats completely surrounding the field were packed with shouting en thusiasts, m.'inv of whom had traveled : hundred of miles to witness the con test. Tho crimson banners of Harvard and the blue of Yale wa-.ed on the flag rtaffs and every man, woman and hii.t showed his dllcglanuo by the display of same color. The" beauty show nt a football game Is always as attractive n the game it self. Today tho array of prottv faces was finer than ever. beautiful girls were everywhere about the stadium, filling nil sections of the grandstands, waving ribbons, handkerchiefs and ban ners as their sturdy cscprts shouted for the colleges whose colors they wore and for the lions who were to represent tnem on the rtehl. The ale Kirls wore Violets on their wraps and the Harvard girls wore red roses and rrysanthemnms. Stalwart youths, sweet-faced maidens. oia roiKS, young rolks, ail who were fortunato enough to secure tickets, were on the grounds long before the referee's whistle blew. Harvard men divided with their friends tho entire western side of the hugo stadium, Yule was op posite, just across the field. Tho New England colleges were nil well represented In the great throng. Tha sympathies of Wellesley always are, for soma unaccountable reason, strongly with Yale, and they were not less so this year. Nearly all the W'eilesley girls came to the frame with Yale men and sat on the Yale side of tho field. The pmith and Vassar college girls we-.s largely under tho tutelage of Harvard students, and they brought their ioilii- ence to bear for the crimson. Dart mouth, Amherst and tho Massachusetts Institute of Technology were represent ed, by large delegations of students. Betting1 X Lisrht. Betting on the game was not so heavy as In some previous years. Both l?st night and this morning Ynlo continued to carry everything before It In a betting way. Tho blues seemed to think they had, according to college slang, a "dead omen on ine game, ynie money ponrei out of an Inexhaustible mint, but ttoi 4. !v." MISS MATILDA TOWNSEND. million w mm urn H iQLEH "10 SECURE COIN Miss Townsond Liable to . Capture Duke With New Coin. (ftppclnl PUnnteh to The Jnnrnnl.) Washington. Xv. 23. Miss Matilda TowtiKcnd, tho local belle, who la said to havo been spurned by tlic Uuke of 1 Ali)a because of her small income, may yet mHrry her Spanish nobleman. She has just "inherited another million dol lar i and it Ik believed iier present finan cial standing will meet his grace's ap proval. Mis.; Townsend had but J.'s. 000 an nual income v.h'n the duke came woo inir and it is sail h had his financial agent audit her ass ts before comrriit ting ldni.silf. He finally decided that ho eedld not keep himself, a wlfo and II tiileH on the amount sho had to offer and withdrew hH suit. Ho Is re ported -to bo considering renewing it Mil BUT ONE. 10 COST I 01 Scientists Bcduce Produc tion Expense of Ounce to One Third. (United Press LeaeJ Wire.) Vienna, Nov. 23. Great success has attended the experiments to cheapen tho cost of the production of radium Which have been made at tho Imperial Acad emy of Sciences of Vienna. Nearly (Continued or Faga Two.) . . three grams of radium have been ex i traded from 10,000 kilos of pitch blend fat one third tho cost of previous pro duction. Kadium has been exceedingly costly of production.- It was estimated i not long ago that an ounce would cost not e.vs man j,cwu,uuu. Nurse Girl Steals Two Chil dren to Force Payment of $15 Bill. (United Prew tfliec! Vlr.) St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 23. Declaring that $15 was diln her In wages and that sho had been unable to collect tho money, Lorine Myers, a nurse girl, yes terday kidnaped tho two little sons of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson and left a noto saying that they would be returned to their parents when the money was 'paid. After a search lasting many hours, the girl and children were found In Webster Grove, a suburb, and Miss Myers was placed under arrest. The stolen children were Charles P. John.srm, aged 4 j ears, and Albert W.. aged 18 months. The girl was taken to the police station, where the parents of tlie little boys were waiting anxious ly for them. Miss Myers had been In the employ of Johnson. Who is a son of former Gov ernor Charles P. Johnson, for a year, and had always shown tho greatest fondness for tho children. mom to ifii jfid is SHOOT PL'O TTERS RSyTED BY ARMY Euler of 'Portugal Discovers Scheme to Dethrone Him and Seat Prince. t THE ALLURING SUNDAY JOURNAL!: -': x f United Prm boi WlreJ Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. ?3.-Several ar rests wore mado today of republican leaders charged with conspiracy o cor rupt -'. King . Carlos' personal guard, to selxe tha government and force his ma jesty to abdleato-and seatJrown Prmco LuisfT PhKllpins on. the thrown The plotters may bo Ishot. J . Tho plot was complete In detail orvl the men arretted are recognized, as des- pei-nte characters who would" stop At nothing to accomplish their ends. iTcrenuer is vvnippea in Battle With Ororopcan" Imperial Troops. (Cnltod, Prwti htuttd Wir.) McUilla, Morocco, .Nov. 23 Mulat Haftd, pretehder to tho . Moroccan throno, was defeated with t heavy slaughter in a general engagement with the Sultan AbdeT-Asils troops, it Is the most Important battle of tho outbreak of the rebellion. Tho loyalists aro in 'pursuit, cutting down tho strag glers an preventing tho main ' body .froia raUyiag.' EAGLESON DOES NOT BLA3IE BORAH FOR IT (Onltod Press Leased Wire.) Boise, Ida., No. 23. E. G. Eagleson, United States surveyot-gneral for Idaho, last night received from Washington a copy of the charges made ugalnst hlra by Bpeclal Agent Goodwin of Spokane, who made an investigation of his office last spring. The exact naturo of tho charges is not announced, but it is claimed that It Is not alleged that there has been mismanagement or Irregular ities, insubordination is too chief charge mado. . - Eagleson does not believe Senator Borah caused his removal. Ills-friends assert -.that Bpecial agents became In censed at him because ho refused to take an active part In the Borah nros- cution, ns did other federal officials. Assurance has been given Eagleson that he will Be given an opnortunity to make explanation before any further action la taken. USE OF Joint Founder of Sanborn, Vail & Co. Dies at Apart ments in Los Angeles Seems to Have Been Wor ried for Several Weeks. Autopsy Will Be Held This Afternoon to Discover Whether He Became In sane From Brood ine or Died From Natural Cause. (t"n!tii1 Trw Lfancil Wire.) Los Angeles, Nov. 23. Mvstery sur round the death ot' A'Jonlram J. Han- born, the so-y, :ir-oid financier an I Joint founder of tliu film of batbutn, Vull St Co. of Los Angelei", San KraT isco and Portland, who ye:Uriay was found dead Ir. Ixd In an upartment honso on Central avenue. Tin- aed man hfd not been seen about the house s.nee last .Monday. The Inn 11 uly of 1 1 1 - houso became sus picious, and y est fir lay broke Into the loom. There wepi no rn:;rks of injury upon the holy when it was found. Sanborn's life was n curly ns strange as hlr. death. He Is gall to havo b-eo 'KO' iinvly cccentiie, llMOg the life of u recluse. He appeared to bo grratly worried during tho last few weeks an.l. ferlng that he would do himself bodily harm lie was closely watched by thu proprie tress of -ho hou.se. The need man no ticed the careful scrutiny und last Week! said lie preferred to .h'm for himself wit lout any In terferesx e. Wiieth' r he became temporarily In sane from constant brooding. or whether bis death was from natural causes will pr daoly be brought out at the autopsy, which will ba held thld afternoon. Meantime the, officials are trying to locate somo of the relatives of the de cease.!. A will found in his effects named A'. H. Vail. 851 Mission street, San Francisco, and Thomas Stevenson of the same city, as executors. Four Thugs and Pawnbrok er Have Desperate BaUlo in Wliiclt Jinny. Shots Arc Fired But No One Is In- iiirpd . ... Police Do Not Hear Sound of Engagement But-After Being Notified by -.'.Telephone Conduct Fruitless Search. A sensational battlo with pistol.' ivnring of frontier days, on , a w?Il lighte.l (.tr.-et In the heart of tho north end district, between Ben Jlolaman. f,,,.rl,.f rtr of tb MalnoliMUi offloa 10 Third sireet, ard four murderous thugs, threw the police department into .for mem of excitement at 10:30 o'clock laat night. , ' No casualtk-s resulted from the re vel, du. 1, and despite the fact that 1U shots were, fired by tho combatants, ( nief Grltsmurher'a A-igilant ' subordi nates had no knowledge of tho affair mi Li 1 notified, by telephone by tho pawn brokfr. - - .' ', Thu clrrunvUanfps leading Up tin th shooting affray . Indicate- tha -Uaspcrato ch.T.utcr of the crooka lufostiutj th-it sectlo.i of the city north of Burnuido street, and. it Is feared. 1 tho signal for (be outbreak of an unparalleled cat' nival of crime. - ' . It was Just about 10:20 p. m. that young Ho'sman, who Is one of tho own ers of the Miiino loan office, decided to close Ids establishment lor tho night, ii.! accordliiRly shut and boltod oim of tho doors and was preparing - to turn off the lights, when an evll-lrmklng" fel low about 24 years or age, wearing; a slouch hat rulled. down over hla eyea, entered the store. - . . . . , Exrmiaea Pawnbroker's Gun. "I'd llki to see that 3S ' hammerless In tho window," gruffly .ail tho stranger, and Holsm.an opened the ehow window to secure tho weapon. After Inspecting tho gun tho man reojuesto.l tne pawnbroker to oliow him a long bluo-barreled Colt's, of the. mime cal . iber. which was also on display. . . After breaking tho pistol nryl aatls fying hiirsclf that tho mechanism was) In working order, the tnug pulled a hii"ciful of cartridges from his rocket (Cnlted Vre Lped Wlr.) I and cahnly prooeeded to lond , tha London, Nov. 23. By handing over wea con. - to the embuRHy of Japan a check for "lion't load that gun. odmonlshei! $24,802,200. Russia today wtned out tiiejHolEman now thoroughly convinced thsi balance of her war debt. This whs the j his customer was a hold-up man, "it balance duo Japan for the maintenance I 111 , ... of tho Russian prisoners. (Continued on Pago Two.) . . ' RUSSIA SETTLES HER DEBT WITH JAPANESE R. EVANS BELIEVE BRADLEY iRS INSANE l.U's a iay m iuam Case Will Testify For Nothing For Woman Be- " cause He Thinks She Is Deranged. EljGLISIiOH tTalteiJ Tress be.iseil Wire.) Washington, Nov. 23. The defense in the Bradley case is today preparing fve a struggle with the insanity experts ir Monday. Tho defense is hopil'ul acquittal. The hist link in the in sanity defense was formed by Shrews bury, Jhe d.' fondant's uncle, who tok.' of the insanity in the Bradley f;:mi! "Wo v. ill t-iiik-v that the .etcmian' was crary.' said Powers today. "i1'' Rim m i f oIvaI Si. 000 a. day in the Thaw case was .so St of the del'- ndants mental hti v. ill tc Judge ileir known S Pro 111. v. i n Ihes-'O emotions alternnt t !i i' ;y convincea ,'iidition thai . f y on our side lot fmii.iag. Henderson, who nan Mi-if.-r nn.-wn years rut '.vno I U'ndcr.ot sai.lthat he soboed wbon ,' t uf the relations- between. Browt ad tl.-j defendant. I w is shocUed. said the witness.' ' Aitomev IJalcer tiled to tshow that icva w is inlovic tel when-ho signed ai.crs acknowledging tho . parent ' ! at e of A.rs. Utailley's two , boys. : but (the witness mt.reiv said' tnat C?owi j seem.'. i to be continually angry about aoinelhiu.. , . .. . . I Attoney Sam Klner -was recalled tn explain the defond'tnt's actions, durtn,-? I an Ihtorv.ew sh hsd with-him. ' ' i She seemed r.n the point collapse."" id King, "when I - trdd her- that Kh flTTAEK ICOURTS ' . -' : s , - ' - Brown and tho do- own had promised,, to at one tioe- vas a a witness yesterday inir bctti'oi: M -'S. feadant after 1 get a divorce ' . "I stebi d between the women, said the witness "vhon the defendar.t sought an intervicv "ith Jt r.. : 1 ; row W At.ehls tlirio Brn had frorrtiseJ to tljvorcoihls wlfo. The flei'ist.lantfpas dommatecw Uy two. absolutely iiieonistent.'.sqW of emo-i tion's. One was of-intcnsa .gloom-'ar.d tha must give ttp bor rslatiotis with Brawn." A. Jt.- Hayes, rorrner United Htnte. s law partner, was , uistrrct nttornev Tor thi re.o:jd fltftf'ct He told r a mcoi-i of Utah,, testified thtt th'"(Jef)Janl whk oi a iwamiei i '(uspnsnin-i, . . ., ..... JmlgeRowl'H' toen,:' offered I orU" denco .the) 1efeiMliinfsdlvirce rroer).' l ytnat) fthrowsborv" postrnaster nt PonnUj', Duon. v. Califorrla, ' w:t nt called.-" krvw the te fondant's faf.''." and dojtfcrtV-.jd. Ijlm havintr been per tlnlly parnlvstert- and of aif'rruit ture. .Shrewsbury S,Isck gtve I as Us) oiralon", .that c:i of . tho -defondant a other of cheerfuiness.. . Vnen ,'she I sunts was insane. Suffragists Make General Attacks Throughout Ed ward's Realm. (Fnttpa ' rrosa LeaaeiT Wire.) London, Nov. 33 AVomon suffragists wero today stormihg every police court throughout- England ami Scotland, In somo cases "beinff tJeoted,,ani In others thrown lu JaU after a. fight The cam paign wa begun by J?rearrnKment, everywhere; at the same time, : When ever a woman was arraigned tho court was denounced, a wild scene trevHinaf: Tha disturbers wero thrown out, : . v . ... . , ., ...... V. ..'...,..,. ., .' i c- 7 WOMAN TIES BABES . ' -'-. .-i' -.. . A'--'---:'-. ' TO HER WITH ROP AND JUMPS IN RIVE, (Cottrj Pres Leased Wtr.).,, St. Louis. Mo., Nov. 23.Wlth - her four children tied to her' by a strong rtvpo, Mrs. KathcrttiO Deters, aged 30, was- pulled from the. river at-Dfsperes at i o'clock thl morning. . i 'The screams of the chlhlron attracted tha police. Aurutla,: J -year old, wiw nearly jrownd. vTiie othtja weio Jlar- enrpt asod 7: H'";f f-. vn'-l B. Frank, osod 3. 'They wero h""l t"ie:,. r ly t KframU of r.pa, "art .r.- I t- -V v a'ld th' oil ft n 1 I' i''r i i s At Hie I -. - . '.-, ' 1 I of- t ui'ther w-m U v ' ' ' -' '-' ' t,.-it Jti-r i. .- ' v ' t t, v . niht nnd ' ' ' '' ' ' aad. Cue IV t..i'l l-'tv tun T)i I. -I