The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 22, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Immunity Probably Guaranteed Her If She Would Leave
Town After Aiding in Securing Evi
dence Against Steele.
Seattle Team Comes to Port
land to Play Locals for
Treat Cup.
mud to an attorney some !" before
HIIpi suicide l! wan of fti. Ii a Imr-
rlble nature that l.i- declKind was
Six men representing the Scuttle Oolf
club ure due to arrive in Portland to
night or tomorrow to meet a like num
ber from the Wavtrly club of this city
peifectly revolted hv n When It i In the first match of Hie Treat cup sc-
given out yesterday It . km mi in. , ,,otween , ()f ,.,.,,,, Seattle,
assertion that only tI made to T(lPOlna and victoria
Steele induced it piiim. , 1 Mr Trent. who I. the well-known
It I- claln.c I that lUe her. fancier ihlbltbigV.t th Portland '
put their tnrds on Mr 1 l J home show. I. giving Miluahle cup
U ne-ded II. i own ' ' W I .'iTn v w. ""' wnlr ""'ke- Hie l. st -how- P"?'"!
glvn out Implied-., h. i m. I f-I. -nt to . , ix mnl,.ht, , ,. ,,ayad ' A '
senile her 1 i-m :i I'I 'm ' Portland and the remainder to be : h
(Special Plti-h to Tnf Journal.)
H"iUlatn, W.n-h Nov 22. The and
den depurtnre of Mr- 1 'runk Todd, the
center around which ill Todd-Steele
murder stid suicide tragedy' revolves,
adds Intense interest to n terrible trag
edy. After remntrlng Impassive for
two months, ref -is'i-it although the ob
ject of Biiei'h Ion. to I'-li what -he knew.
Inter giving ill' i against Herbert
Norman, alia Kalp' Steele, which land
ed him In ft ceil hi th county Juil. she
has now udd'-nl, disappeared herself,
and If any know where she went they
are keeping it to themselves. Humor
was rife yesterday that shin had dis
posed of all lior property ajid personal
belonging here be.'or leaving, but (his
has not been verified. Wedaeadnv morn
ing "he Look the t.ii train, ostensibly
for Portland.
That Mrs. Todd was promised lm
Itinnllv from prosecution If she aided
the officials in petting Steele la the gen
eral Oiir.lon of all Interested In the
case. On reason given by her for be
iravlng him was that aha thought ha
m.ira tnf inui in mmt h.r m A ...
beraelf he wmld n . . remove t he bod v. II was nrillTnn Tnillini TO
Tlia fact that Steele's statement waithe .uuly- son end his parents had not M rlllllln I IT 1 1 1 1 HI r
Hot made public until Mrs. Todd had ,Hffirroni l.lm for a Ion time until I I LL I H I Ull lllUlJULLlJ
till. MOSER'S EI
At the requeat of District Attorney
Manning this afternoon the board of
county supervisors guaranteed the ex
penao of an expert examination intc attorney, but soon to resign, has en-
Tonnenting Insect Drops
Upper Oflice Honey to the
Deputy District Attorney.
G'js C. Moser, now deputy district
--. v" ( :,', 4 -
the affairs of the suspended Title
Guarantee, & Trust romnanv. Thin ex
amination s to bo miido by one expert
representing the state., nnot her repre
senting tiie county nnd several nsnlst-
ants. It Is estlmatvd that Hie work
tered Into a coalition with Municipal
Jud;o George J. Cameron, by which
Moser Is to dou his war paint and
plunge headlong Into the contest for
tin Republican nomination for diatrlct
cost"V..O.". -i he ?Vrjl
from the v.rv I eLrinniitL' it thi,
buslnsss of the blink will bu kon over.
Ik to give his nld and encouragement!
in cveiy way posvlble. This Is the lat-
i nom ine pmm wnere the political
uiiii-iriit e was new in in uu rnooi. i,r. i ,ir.
COUr.tV COUrt llOIIH,. whlcll W.1S It- - .. . yyy.
Moser Is KOlna to realirn between this
lltao and the flint of the coming year
(tenth Mr To.ld iit i.u r. -l..i h. it s siiih 1 1 , ... ,. .. ... . , tended bv Governor ( 'Immhrrhi i n M
ranch near, t'e ,,.ntr ett. e iiiatcri will at irt off at 1 o'clock ! Manning. Attorney-cjene, I i-r,wf...-d. S ' aoon Vhr ?t.rhi" -n? mt1JTlfI
.. .. . i..- .. i...- i... win runiiiiu. nu r. . ir., ........ . , . . , vuirra mi in mem to ni v atiout nim
ine time Kince me uiohj.i ,.i uti i l'orl Hn.l will ha r..i.r.tiii..l lii t h "l sraencBn rurny rompnny, utui
band. .... rls by the best t. layers In the club 'r- B.arl"'r- president of the leponltia'
As her father snl inotner nre r.ign y t,nihlcuni Murnhv uViBht Ymin. Zan oclatlon.
ecle'l I'PSIiH'nis lii'li- ill. ill)- "-im - ,,,) Anor.
hav refused to iM-neve sue r-ouia in Whether rjr not Taeoma and Victoria
Implicated In th dd She has Mr-, -in oom.i to Portland hef- th locels
rled rerself w-tth bravado since the(t , ,h,- ,ound nHa nul yet been de
murder occurred even being the center ,.,r, ui))n
of n group on the street, talking hi aj intre In golfing has been aroused
loud voice sni nt other times seeking , ,)nP Mr.- Treat hits offered the hand
to attract attention of men she meets , ttopi,y and Mn (Mr,.t ffort will
Hte was bulled at .Montessno and bc. ,nJ. t0 ,ft,1(l ltie prll. In m, tland.
his father. Mr Norman of lllllvard. i .. '
near Spokane, who left here today said
mrle time to leave this section Is an
other factor leading to belief In prom
ised Immunity. The statement was
rending- the paper containing th storv
of tho crime. They arc overwhelmed
with grief and hhaine.
! With his ambition to be mgyor of
. - Portland expanded Into a dealt to be
president of the L'nltcd States. John F.
Pchooig was sent to the asylum for
tbe Insane at Salem this morning. The
would-be mayor was disappointed in
the postponement of his ambitions, but
ald that owing to his strenuous po
litical work In the last few weeks he
thought a short rest would be good
for him. Hut he promised to come
back and warm things up as soon ,o
the next campaign gets under way.
: -The physician who examined Schonig
Jtad little difficulty In deciding that
he was .insane. AH day yesterday, of
ter being, put In a. cell at the Jail, he
handed out promises of appointment to
T'nder a decision rendered by Judge
Cameron In the police court this morn
ing In the case of N. R. Taylor, north
weet manager of the Van Emon Eleva
tor comnnny. accused bv I U. Swetland
of larceny In removing portions of the
elevator equipment from the Swetland
building. It is not a crime for anyone
offic as toon as he wan a worn In. Ha
administration and that first of all he 4 .r"m.V" any '"'." 'n"r' : a"?i
would clean up the town. The hood
lums would recelTe attention first, he
said, and after thnt the lodsing housvs.
Laat night Deputy Sheriff Jiulger set
traps for rats near the "mayor's" cell, I
and about J o'clock he was awakened
by loud protest from Schonlg, who said
oters asking them to rally about him
its their standard-bearer In the race for
district attorney.
Judge Cameron was a potential can
didate, for the nomination, and. it is
true, may till be otic, but the story
has It otherwise. According to this tale
Moser Is to enter the race and with the
help of Cameron and his friends secure
tl.e nomination and after that the elec
tion, i hen In July, when Mr. Moser takes
his o:Mh of office, he Is to appoint
Judj Cameron his chief deput . Then
the two are to pool their salaries and
divide the com equallv. As chief dei-
uty Judge Cameron would receive 1160
u. month, while Mr. Moser. as district
Three awkward boys who say that 1 attoi m-y, would draw down 333.33 of
this is the first time In their lives they i i," . ,,''Hcn i0 dB' ,as B reward
! have ever been in serious trouble. w!.k :, i (,;,;u,e" ""'"
I was brought about by poolroom gain- This would give a combined Income
bllng and drinking, were before t'nl u d ' '"Ji'1 month, to be divided be-
State. CommU.loner Bladen this morn I deputy or I 'l each C
lng, waived examination and were bound ! Ji ,I1BV ,"h.n ih. iim.
over to swslt the action of the federal ; Ju ge menm w"l tak th no. nosV
grand Jury for robbing branch postut- ' tlon and try for h , i 'i. . iP il"
Fire No 5. the detail, of which W erei I hlch even; Mr.' Moser wMa" . ofV h "
confessed to yesterday before Asalstaoil coat and become chief 'deputy In the
I nlted States Attorney James Cole ! event of Cameron's success Kith?
These are the boys, Fred Johnson. John way ,e emolumenfs of offde. will Thl
Simpson and George Wilson, who . re ,he same, the "only difference blng In
arrested by the. ocal poll.-.- several days I the degree of honor rcZSrrlA?, "
fitln t "
" Ull Iff".
Thflr bail w.i a fix.-d tit $
Two newly-weds from Falls City" have
' recently been attracting attention at a
local hotel. Newly-weds usually are no
ticed by the people but this couple la
aft extraordinary one In several ways,
la the first place they are In love.
Secondly, they like to hang on to each
other, apparently fearing that one or
- tne other might be stolen.
Merely holding hands by this Falls
City bride and groom Is mere child h
, play. ' Instead they grab each other
around the waist and hold on while
parading about the hotel, the dining
room "and in fact almost any old place.
- ' Of course the hotel people make ex-.
""1 " , Tav n , lT" 1 refused to pay ll.fioi. balance due on the
re.k as he lay, on his cot. As f v , , ron , , alleging that the ele-
b g rats were caught in the traps. Bill- valors lU,f ,,r work properly,
f .Jal W.'1 Vrr''nr011 lo depute tho About two weeks wtfo Tavlor had one
".'N,?',!?! n B,atPn2'"t , w hi" employes remove the magnets
J. W. Williams, the mulatto who w.islind brake gt,n(. rnm lh machinery of
seeking to starve out the devils who. one of tfJ0 elevators to have these ap
he said, possessed him. was taken to ; purtennnces repaired.
the asylum last night. j Swetland forthwith swore to a com-
plaint charging Taylor with larceny and
I maintained that the portions or the ma
1 chlnery were taken solely to force pay
ment of the debt. Through his atlor
! ney, John I,ogan, Swetland also staited
isuit In canity In the federal court, to
lorce Tavlor to return the articles taKen,
on the ground that by reason of the
shutting down of on of the passenger
i conveyors, he was suffering much flnan-
clal loss.
I'.efore tho filing of this suit the mag
nets and brake shoes had been returned
and the proceedings were consequently
dlanilssed in the United States court.
Taylor was able to show in the police
court that he had removed the machin
ery in question to repair it and there
wis no criminal Intent.
i..riv-..l ' n tnv Ir.f.llir.. Tllfl rlllirPA i ,.n,., nr.,.
l.HU ...... o . . V. w . v . .... , . ...... ,., I.VIUU Ull iiini: lo Kite OOIU.
n .nintf Tftvlnr wna uei-ordlnptv dls- I Ihitu f..r-.. nil t.,LAn n o,n ...... ..... '
...... -- ' - - . . . , tun. ii iu nil- . "uiiii j....
, .. n . I H., . k . . A. rwA m r t ' m Lull .iftllar. I jIa... 1 . 1 .... . . a I . I
l.nnr-u rillU til's U.l v..un,l . m " " . . . - .
ate. I.
It arpears that the Van Umoo Eleva
tor company secured the contract for In
stalling two "lifts" In the Swetland
building, and the owner of the structure
to give bond , It Is supposed that Mr. Moser and
county lull. : .Tilda- Cameron ,,.. i.. . .T. ...
George Wilson told of his connection' their combined eforts can win airal
ith the hold-up to Attorney Cou es- I,.,- divided field Ih the prlThar lea and
rday afternoon.- the other boys hav- their agreement net tl , ln i.o. "
lug confessed In the morning.
maintain that they had revcr committed the race indene.ot.,f t " " 1
any crimes before arriving here. Ntilu-I sltlon to each other on. 'i.I
doomed to d.-feat certainly, while both I
acreemft'iit nr tl..,n. ..... .!
All three of ,.flre. while shouM " " ",T " 1
Kidney Disease
Thousands Have KidnefTrouble ond Do Not Know It Until
the Disease (las Gained Such a foothold lhat It Will
Prove Tatal If Not Checked at Once. It Is Speed
ily Cured, If Taken In Time by
Mr. Charles A. Gregory of 2238 Lar
imer St., Denver, Cojo., a prominent
Knight of Pythias, Buffered from kidney
trouble for years. After trying many
o-called remedies, was cured' by War.
ner'a Safe Cure.
"I am very pleased to recommend
Warner's Safe Cure, at it. cured me of a
severe case of Kidney trouble, from
which I had been suffering for several
years. After having used several other
remedies without results, I was induced
to try Warner's Sate Cure. I found, in
a couple of weeks, that it was bepeficiaL
I soon got rid of the aches and pains in
my back and loins. My ankles and feet
did not swell up nearly as badly and in
A two months the swelling had entirely
disappeared the urine was healthy
the waste matter carried off through th
proper channels and now 1 feci perfectly
well and ten years younger. Chares A.
Gregory, secretary of Mutual Benefit So
ciety, 2238 Larimer St., Denver, Colo
MB, CXAS. A. OXEOOBY. June 14, VA).
When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid Is not carried off and this
causes Oout, Lumbago, Rheumatism of the Joints. Rheumatism of the Muscles,
Rheumatism of the Heart Rheumatism everywhere. WARNER'S SAFE CURB ,
drives out the urlo acid and purifies the kidneys and bladder.
In kidney disease the bowels are often constipated and the liver torpid
Winner's Safe Fills quickly relieve this condition, and no 111 after effect la ex
perienced. W ARNER'S SAFE CURE Is put up' In two sixes and Is sold by sll drug
gists, or direct, at 60 CENTS AND II 00 A ROTTLE. Refuse aubstltutes con
taining harmful drugs which injure the system.
TDI1I RHTTI F rDPF Th convince every sufferer from diseases of tha
IIU4L OUllLb a II E. L kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that WARN
ERS SAFE CURE will absolutely cur, a trial bottle will be sent FREE OB
CHARGE., postpaid, to any one who will wrlti WARNER'S 8AFE CURE CO,
Rochester, N. Y.. and mention having seen this liberal offer In The Journal.
The genuineness of this offer Is fully guaranteed by th publisher. If you
will write us a full statement of your case, our doctor will send you free ad
vice and a valuable medical booklet describing causes, symptoms and treatment
and many convincing testimonials. All communications strictly confidential.
1 - L . . . .. . I
I 1
i r H
ruses for most newly married pairs as
they are aware of the fact that tho
affections are usually not long lived.
Hut in this particular case the two
seem to be becoming more and more at
tached to enrh other and every time
they appear the man has a tighter
grasp on his young wife und the gh 1 i
fairly clings to tier recent addition" to
ll fe.
Hoth are particularly young In np-,'
peagance. but make up for their youth
fulfcess by enjoying themselves obll-l
vlous of the people and regardless of
all the attention which Is bestowed
upon them. It Is needless to add that
tney are naving a mighty good time.
' Suits to oust Captain of Police Patrick
Bruin and 171 other city employes will
be Instituted shortly by John F. Logan
find John C. Shillock who declare Kruin
Is a menace to the force and has no
legal right to his position.
! It Is" claimed by Logan and Shillock
tht Rt-ll1n nnrl Ih. nlKnr. , K . n ..,,,-. I
their appointments after taking civil
service examinations were not entitled
to them as the examinations .had not
been advertised and were therefore not
lecal. A curative act was Introduced
Into the legislature and passed by it
declaring tbe examinations to be legal
end the appointments, it was supposed,
would hold. The lawyers now claim
however tha. the legislature has no au
thority over municipal afallrs nnd
therefore the act legalizing the appoint
ments is void and unconstitutional.
Those who passed the examinations
for civil service appointments under the
rlty government between April 25, 1903
and October 24, 1905, are affected by
the alleged Illegality. Shillock and Lo
gan say the-y will bring the suits on
their own behalf aa taxpayers.
er is more than 17 yours of age.
Frank Mcpherson, the fourth member
of the quartet which robbed nycrl.-y'rf
drug store where the postieffli-e Is lo
cated, has not been apprehended by the
authorities. From the testimony of tl
boys, all of which was given separate
ly, the facts tend to show that it was
he who has been pulling off hold-ups in
different parts of the city during .the
last lew weeks I
Mcl'herson, who Is known among the
boys as "Floss." always had money and
he nev er worked. He was several yearn
older than tltl.or of tha odor thru., an. j
was away from them a greater part of.
the time.
Owing to the facts as related by the
might !e left out at the finish
rtnPn n art
urtff UAKS INS U PiAiMnMRiiiinifjfi
. till HIIII III! Illlll lllllll
ru ui ii ill uii uuibvinu
are inclined to Denevo that Mi I'lo tson
has been doing much of the crooked
work which has lately been reported to
the police.
Burglars went through the second
and third floors of the Hotel Yamhill
at 881 Yamhill street yesterday aftcr-
noon and succeeded ln getting away
i with a wagonload of lunder. Among
tho various articles known to have been
taken was a shotgun, two revolvers, a
number of gold charms, several pairs
of shoes, two dozen silver spoons and
a number of umbrellas. Entrance to tho
rooms was gained by means of skeleton
Two stylishly dressed young men,
Tl' Vl ,1 ho. .a c.n,.,.(n,r ,1,1a V. ..... I
to police headauarters and hooked
charges of Rambling. noon, suspected of having Committed the
AttOmCV Sinnott dPnnsfiPrl l?.tn Kali hurdnrr hit iit.nn InvaoHe-nllnn
J',r the accused celestials as the nu- were discharged. The suspects claimed ..B V
nra iii i-oniormny with Judge 10 ne naveitising men rrom Tacoma,
lamerOns orders refusod to acccDt I 1
uninuLiiiu HLniiiiLuu
As a result of a raid made by the
Chinatown squad on the fan tan resort
at 93 Second, street last night 14 mem- j
... miiiiiv were liuslleo
Open cars cannot he operated within
three now tinder arrest the HuthnrltteN the city limits by the streetcar com
pany during the winter season under the
terms of the franchises held by the
corporation. In the opinion of City At
torney Kayanaugh. The question has
been raised because of the complaint
of many patrons of the suburban lines
who have been compelled at different
times Blnco the winter weather began
to change from closed cars at different
points and finish their Journey ln open
summer cars. v
Instances have been related where, oh
he Mount Scott line, people were taken
, ,rtU 'sk"V of th( " In closed
ars,. but have been transferred to open
cars and forced to ride In them the re
aindpr of Die to their destina
tion., while the closed cars were either
sent back to Portland for another load
or switched hack into the barns,
it i" ,mf. TF1,0'1 "f the clty attorney.
.".I . . ,' ""."""Iran; to main-
J. H. Dekson, local agent nf tho San
Francisco and Portland steamship com
pany, appeared before the police nnd
health committee of the city council
Beceiver Devlin Decides to
Take Something Tangible
for Money Invested.'
lh MM
rc Hill I
and secured the Indefinite postponement
of action on the ordinance introduced ' JJn such a service within tho city 11m-
oy i ounciinian jjeiuing to proniuit tno 1 ,,r oi inese lines the city
A loss of 152,000 has been sustained
by the Oregon Trust & Savings bank
through an unexpected turn of affair
effecting the financing of the Hoard of
Trade office bulTdlng. ln which the bank
had Invested about 192,000. Owing to
the failure of arrangements by which
money was to have been secured for
carrying the work forward, the half
flnlthed vkyscraper was about to be
swamped uudor liens by workmen, ma
terial men and contractors, and to pre
vent this calamity the various threat
ened Interests consented lo make a new
deal, by which tho bank receives
second mortgage on the building for
140,000, and abandons the remainder of
Its claim
"It was up to us to take that kind of
a contract or loe everything tne bank
had Invested, Receiver Devlin said.
Aft.- four days of worry and confer
Attorney-General ' Will Col
lect Evidence for Few
Days Before Acting.
material other .'' '"'"r" l"e lompuny to use clotd ences between all the- Interested parties
or their representatives, it was de.iide.l
erection or repair of buildings within , government has no Jurisdiction and ran-
tne rirellmlts of any material other "
than hplrU alnn. jnn-rf t Irun nl.tnl I CHTS
.'.j ' ' ' , Xnhlirhf.n r. r. .- . - . i
or reemoroeo. concrete. i l,rr mVv nZ ,, 1 . ,me nnve I t0 Pnt"r Into a new deal that was the
No one was present at the meeting to , ' p 1 hr'1 P0" '"? protests against only thing offered to save the building,
say a word in defense of the measure , ' j' Be.rV lf possible will, "Dr Parker and the bank ore .among
ana tounouinen Annnna ana wins, or , ' , "'""it iowara se-
the committee, agreed with Mr. Dew- ! closed cars throughout all runs
son that tho ordinance Is too drastic. I (Iurln "'o inclement weather.
Mr. Wills asserting that it Is 20 years
in advance of the times.
Not only does the commltttee)s action,
today permit the construction or repair
or wooden miuaings along tne river
" ""use- certuicates tendered byi fJUAUTO TOO TvTTTVT.r
the Chinamen. The cases have been Ml'llhO IvMJ DlllLMV
cuiiunuim until next Tuesday for trlil !
It Is understood that It Is the int.n-i
tlon of the pollen magistrate to Increase !
the amount of fines in Chlneso gamb
ling cases up to the maximum amount
allowed by law and if this does ot
SufflCO to unroot the cnmlrnr ei-n in I
Chinatown rock-pile sentences will be
uieit-u uui o i no orrenders.
(Special DiFpatch to The Journal.)
Dallas, Or., Nov. 22. Enoch Spores,
full-blood Indian from the Orando
j Ronde Indian reservation, was brought
Fof the first time in mnur IU- t In r,a.r. thl. mnrnln. tinrl In.nJ tn
- - , IIUNIUIO . ' ...w..,,.., ...... ivu.u III
-""","n acqumoa a crowd of
Chinese gamblers this morning for In
sufficiency of evidence. In a raid on
185 Second street cn.'.ra I .In...
detectives Kay nnd Klenlin captured I w lfo '"'' number of other Indians
were ranipen on Aim crceg just over tne
hue In Polk county. They had pur
chased whiskey and the whole camp had
the county jail charged with the murder
of ids squaw wife in the Mill Creek
country, about nine miles northwest Of
this city It appears that Spores, his
IS Chinese and booked
Tho testimony showed that the de-
KiiutwiiB with eaugni
the extension of th firo
limits to the harbor lines, the object
for which the ordinance was primarily
Tho ordinance was drawn to protect
the city from destructive Arcs which
are thrcarued every time a big blaze
originates on the waterfront. All of
the structures along the river are of
wood and offer a splendid sweep for a
fire In case of a strong w ind. The re
Milt of such a conflagration, as esti
mated by experts, would be to prac
tically destroy the city.
Mr. Dewson stated that improvements
made on his company's, docks alot.g the
riverfront last summer cost about
S6.000, the repairs guaranteeing the life
of the docks for 20 years. He said that
Walter Dement, tin can hobo, impostor
and general nuisance, was brought in
from Kelley's Uutto this morning by
Foreman A. S. Brlggs, and will be given
a hearing on the charge of Insanity He
is the man who tried to Impose on the
ora,i H' f w?un.ty ?y wrapping one
.... i.-t ..nil 1111 UflKH.H Kll Tlirll. v
y cut Into the flesh and would
In th aft i crone on I" drunken Rnree. In a a-eneral
fleeing from the namlnr room - i .tunnel Spores became enraeed at his
quantity or Deans and a fan tan stl-kl 'llaw. picket! up a large piece or wood
were found In an adjoining room and I i','1'1 brained her, killing ner Instantly.
An investigation br "Detective Hellyer
of the accident which befell Louise Col
lins of Dallas, Oregon, at Fourth and
Oak streets yesterday afternoon when
the young woman was knocked down
and (Seriously iniured bv a runaway
team, shows that the rig oelongs to the
uiegon i asgei company, ana was driven
by J. F. Luoks. .- -
With Lucks on the vehicle at the
ume was Charles Bollan of 288 Third
"lri- is Hani that Ducks has been
In the habit of daily driving at a break
neck pace down Fourth street but the
police, although apprised of this fact,
have not taken any steps to arrest the
Miss Collins is reported to be resting'
Will Wftvw Dia ! . . m
- . . . WUD "CO Ml II -K t M " K 1 1 T
;ine imiii rar Dy one of the rhafts, hH
fortunately her skull was not fractured
n iooruui was maintained in front of
the place. In the face of this evidence
however, the court acquitted the octette.
--Klwmath-Pa'lls. Or.. Nov. 22 Work
by the government on the Keno canal
Will continue all winter, and from the
outlook water will not be turned in UnM
late spring. The force wasUVased
by the cut ln wages last wek but a
fair-sized force is still at work and
good progress Is being made. '
The great northwestern wheat crop
is being moved to tide water at ihe
rate of 80 cars a day according to Gen
eral Manager J. P. O'Brien of the Har
riman lines In Orego n. At nresenf tlm
Harriman lines have about 800 freight
cars in the grain service nnd this num.
ber will be added to within a fuw days.
The crop has been transferred to tidr..
water at the rate of 70 to so cars n d.,v
iui um jiaia uays.
I'he murderer was taken In custody bv
the sheriff, who was telephoned for. A
coroner's Jury, impaneled at the scene
of the crime found, the woman came to
h.-r death at the hands of Spores.
Spores talks freely today, claiming ho
kn. w nothing of the commission of tho
crime, being too drunk to know what
took place. He says he remembers
nothing of the blow.
Vamhlll county being dry, Indians
from the reservation come over Into
Polk county frequently for their fire
water and have long been the terror to
residents along the border between the
two count leu.
Spores Is said to have been a student
at the Chemawa Indian school.
that tucv cut Into the flch q.i i i
the ordinance would drive his company; have .rippled him for life had thev no
nut of business, or at least would force j been torn away.
Dements first appearance was aa a
suppliant for treatment at the county
hospital. He whs sent to the hospital,
but the fact that his torture was self
Inflicted was discovered on examination-
'i'he suggestion was made that
his foot would have to be cut off and
this was sufficient to cause him to
speed down tho road as soon an im
m '-kiii in ine attendants.
them to move th"lr business outside of
tho fire limits. This statement is sim
ilar to others made by Harriman repre
sentatives when Improvements havo
been contemplated despite tho fact that
Harriman lines pay about 20 per cant
divluend on capital stock immersed in
Councilman Beldlng prepared his ordi
nance on lines similar to those found In
progressive cities of the world and tem
pered his measure to fit the require
ments of Portland. It Is the first step
in the contemplated action of a harbor
wall for the riverfront and it Is ex
tne heavy losers ln the building, nut
under tho new arrangement the bank
will have a good claim for 140,000 In
stead of the precarious chance It fortn
erly i had to pull out with the entire
amount invested. The court will con
firm the new contract."
Dr. Parker, owner of the ground, had
with Gay Lombard undertaken to fi
nance tbe completion of tho building
following the suspension of tho bank,
at a time when the walls of the struc
ture wero In an uncompleted condition,
there was no roof over it, and the fall
rains were at hand. For a time the work
proceeded well. Dr. Parker and Mr. Lom
bard investing their personal funds in
the construction, pending arrangements
they expected to make for raising money
for the entire enterprise.
Then cam the financial stringency,
nnd Dr. Parker was unable to complete
his financial arrangements In the east.
He had Invested about $25,000 of his
own funds, but ho immediately decided
to forfeit that amount, withdraw from
tho undertaking nnd pocket his loss If
some one could bo found who was aYde
to flnnnce the structure to completion
J. M. Mealy then consented to come into
the deal, and with Mr. Lombard has
arranged to complete the building with
out further delay.
The Depositors' association of the
Oregon Trust & Savings bank is re
newing Its efforts to save tho depos
itors' money by getting all to subscrib.v
for Home Telephone bonds, and It Is
hoped to increase, the amount of suh
Attorney-General Crawford will not
ask the United States circuit court to
remove George II. Hill as receiver of
the Title Guarantee & Trust company
at the time set for the hearing of tha
petition tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Craw
ford has been considering the advis
ability pressing his petition before
the court tomorrow and it is under
stood has practically decided: to aslc
for a postponement of the nearlng un
til the arrival of the president of the
American Surety company from Boston,
which will be December 2 or 3.
In the meantime, however, the state
will continue Its Investigations into the
condition of the defunct institution and
Its probing into the relations of the of
ficers of the Institution with tho busi
ness of the Institution, paying particular
attention to the connection of Mr. Hill,
formerly the vice-president and now tha
receiver. V it Is understood that the stata
has a strong case up its sleeve and
will be -nble to show good and suffi
cient reasons why Mr. Hill should not
be allowed to remain at tho head of
the bank as Its receiver. The added
time, however, between Saturday af
ternoon and December 2 will enable the
attorney-general to collect still more
evidence to back his case when it does
come to trial, thus making his conten
tion doublv sure of favorable consider
ation by the court.
United States Circuit Judge Q bert
has reached the city from San Fran
cisco and should the petition be pre
sented tomorrow afternoon he would
undoubtedly hear the arguments. At
the time Hill was appointed receiver by
me court jiiage wolvorton was s ttina-
n a circuit Judge, in the absence o
Judge Gilbert from the city.
James Phillips Dead.
James rhllllps. former nronrletor of
the Paris House, and a character wall
known In the tenderloin district of
i-ortiano and in Astoria, where he was
captain of police, died in his room at
the Cosmopolitan house this morning.
He was found dead in his bed at neon,
presumably having died of heart dis
ease, although a postmortem will ba
held bv the coroner. Phillips was about
42 years pld.
Complete Beet Harvest.
(Sneliil Plmmtcb to Th Jonrnnl.)
l-a Grande. (Jr., Nov. 22. The beet
harvest in Grand Ronde valley Is near
ly coiiijue.eo.. vnoui tan, mm Was paid
tho growers for beets this year, and
pected that when the ordinance comes I much as the other prisoners did on
bandS M .W.!'h I crlptions o a figure that will enable jy
Cameron prescribed tho rock Dll euro . trih,,H- Snitettnr; in m. --nrA ar !np,'p "' about 22.000 harvested. To
At Kelley's Butte Dement sustained volunteering to visit those who have 2 ,ne c,op of the Amalgamated
the reputation of imposture by working nni silnld K P nat Sugar company a one. It required 70
up for action in the. future. Mr. Beld
lng and others interested In securing
its passage will be on hand to force lis
The Dalles, Or., Nov. 22. Gamblers
will be prosecuted In The Dalles, is the
edict of the city officials and District
Attorney Menefee. Three cases are
r.6w pending. Yesterday ' the district
attorney riled a complaint against
(United Press l.t-ieS Wirt.)
Olympla, Wash., Nov. 22. Tho North
ern Pacific Railway company has filed
its amended answer in the 16-hour vies.
lallon case brought by the railroad com
mission in the Thurston county super
ior cgurt. The company stands on the
contention that the law passed tvy"coh
gress at the last session on the sub-
Vaklina's Xrw Courthouse.
rilnary occasions, and developing sudden
uuuuiB niiii ins iooi wnenever visitors
were in sight, or when there was any
opportunity to bring about a scene Tho
dungeon cure was tried, but after wor
rying along with him as long as there
seemed any prospect of getting any
work out of him. Foreman Brlggs de-
.lu.-u .ion lie was a proper sublect for
(Special PlBpHteh to The Journal.)
I. V l.I 1I'..U .r tin n.1
ioiill i ditiiuu. v aMi.. rov, i. I lit) , emon T lar lie wn a n
county ofllccrs are now in their new cxnminnf ion for insanltv
in nis ecu at tho Jail Dement, who
has the appearance of tho comic sup
plement hobo, does little more than
tlon and furnished bonds ln the sum
of J100.
Solitaire Diamond Rings
Ranging from $15 to 11.000. with th.
guarantee, make
Ranging- from $15 to $1,000, with the Fcuu,
h-m A . Feldenheimer
mentof rln wsttlnga always on hn. ! A. '..'" and varie
....- .i..y-,.. . "" individual tastes.
on nq.w for your Xmas gift
. " - t
Theodore Miller, charging him with I 1ect of hours of labor for railroad em
gambling. The other cases are those ployes supersedes the Washington state
of Owen Matthews and K. H. Sargeant. law, and that the Northern Pacific be
Both have waived preliminary exarillna- pig an Interstate road and a Wisconsin
corpora i iui., is jiui tiuienauitt 10 uie law
of this state on a subject on which
congress has legislated. The act of
congress will not become effective., till
March 4, 1908, and it is contended by
the defendant company that until that
date there will be no law in effect on
the subject of hours of labor for rail
road employes. j
quarters in the new courthouse, tho
moving being completed by County
Clerk Nichols today. The old structure,
which has been Jfi use for the last year,
will soon be torn down, and the lot on
which It stands In front of the new
courthouse will be sodded and beautl-
ned. There are still a few details to
grunt witen ho Is questioned. If not
Insane, ho is evidently playing the
Salem game, for work and sonn ra ...
his view his greatest foes. But it seems
likely that Dement will be declared do-
Keff'wM aJotn0hw.,nhe,thebUb!iiid,Fngbll,,l i ed, thA deported and d
11 till
' COS. SKI! Un VllaTnn.
stajtAfaetulttr Jewelers . Opticians. "dLuiwm.
i: .
(8;clal Dispatch to- The Journal.)
Lebanon, Or., Nov. 22. J. W. Are
hart, a gardener who lives ln the edge
of Lebanon, has brought ln a bushel of
Burbank potatoes ln which there are
just Z4 potatoes. The 24 potatoes
weigh two -pounds over ft bushel. Mr.
Arehart dug one hill of potatoes that
produced 19 pounds. He ears his patch
tvill yletd over 800 bushels per acre.
His potato land Is on the bank, oX Uie
SaaUajo, aod i luiexcttyisd.
What iCatarrh?
A Dangerous Disease Affecting
nousanas or people.
It is an inflammation of the mucous
membrane, and may affect the nose,
throat, stomach, bowels, or bladder.
' NASAL CATARRH ismostcommon.
often coming on so gradually that it
has a firm hold before it is suspected.
Catarrh is aggravated by colds, but
depends on impure blood. When
chronic it is liable to develop into con
sumption. It is therefore very serious.
The true remedy for catarrh 13 Hood'a
Sarsaparilla, because it rmrifies the
blood, and removes the cause, effecting personally acquainted with McGuire and
radical and permanent cures. I re confident ot his Innocence. Francis
Beginjreataient at pnee , 1 j LrmnTtXrao. "Si,
UAArl'o Cnue.nL!M Langdon, C. F. Curry, the secretary of
nOOCl S OarSaparilla 8tate- ,th? PMnt o the state haVbor
... .. . . . - commission, the oostrhaster. nt'ftoera e
navy, congressman
(Special DlKpateh to The Journal )
Olympia, Wash., Nov. 22. On the
most remarkable showing ever pre
sented to him In such case r!i....i.nn.
mean mis granted a pardon to Phillip
McGuire. convicted in King coiintv and
tinder 10 years' sentence. Ha had al
ready spent about 16 imonths in the
King ceuntv Jail and his appeal was
luiniiiiB utuore ipe supreme court.
The prosecuting attorney says the
conviction was on the evidence of the
complaining witness, a boy. and that
he has doubts as to McGaire's guilt,
but the remarkable feature of the
papers presented was a petition from
California signed by about 250 court of
ficers. uoliticiMis. business
citizens generally who say they were
In uaual liquid form or chocolated tablets j the United' Stales
suowb Mnrwoos. iw E. A. Hayes, several of , the superior
AntisepletS or Catarrlets promptly (court Judges, scores of policemen and
relieve nasal catarrh, deodorize discharge. I deputy sheriffs and officers of the labor
sweeten breath. Inee 60c. Druggists or 1 mrganizationa at among Uie aignera of
Droffltftlbyuiail. &LH)0JCo.UwiJlias; the petition, "V" " v
not signed
An important development is the fact
that certificates of deposit are to be
offered those who do not wish lo take
bonds. Tho certificates will be made
for six months and one year on the
small amounts and for one, two and
three years on large deposits. Certifi
cates will draw 4 per cent Interest.
Th association will make one Inst
effort in this matter to win out for
its plan of enabling the bark to reor
ganize, and If this effort falls It will
be forced to qbandon the field and per
mit tho receiver to go ahead with the
usual liquidation, which will probably
not realize more than 30 to 40 cents
on the dollar for the depositors. This
manner of liquidation will require a
long time, arrd'the final settlement will
not come sooner than two or three
As an example of the prospocts for
collecting- assets of the bank, the new
mortgage settlement In the Board of
Trade building mater will not mature
for two years, and until that tithe It
will be impossible to collect the J40.000
still due the bank.
(Special Pbpatch to Tbe Journal.)
Eug-ene, Or., Nov. 22. W. II. Butler,
a traveling salesman for a Portland
wholesale liquor firm, was arrested ln
Eugene yesterday afternoon by Chief of
Polico Farrington. charged with the sale
of liquor ln violation or the city ordi
nance prohibiting -sale. The principal
witness against Butler at his trial to
day will be a "woman who claims But
ler gave her liquor. -'She wftsfound in
a semi-conscious condition in, an alley
the night before the arrest. She will
testify, It is Bald, that liquor Is being
sold at a place kept by Butler on West
Eighth street.
Several arrests" have been' made dur
ing the past week for drunkenness on
the streets and It isr evident that a
great deal of-liquor Is being sold. The
authorities are determined to stamp out
ths blind pigs. . . 1
head of herses nnd over 300 employes.
Garfield Temperance Ticket.
(Sneelal ni.pntrh to TIi Journal.)
Garfield. "Wash.. Nov. 22. Tho tem
perance element of Garfield has made
the following nominations for a rlty
ticket: H. S. McCluTe, mayor; S. f.
Leach nnd Mr. Verdon, connrllmen; A.
J. Leavltt, treasurer. Robert Johnko,
Dr. J. A. Dlx and Frank Gwlnn were
elected central corrunltteemen. "
"Staying power" is one of
the essentials to success. The
ability to "hang on" "till the
last cat's hung" has won out
for many a man, otherwise
You can store up energy
and "grit" from the right
kind of food. Grape-Nuts
contains the vital elements, .
from wheat and barley, that
make for endurance and"
clear-headedness. -
It is fully cooked ready to
cat ; is quickly absorbed and
begins at once to repair
waste tissue and store up
energy for the "long strong
pull" that wins.
, "There's a Reason." Read .
"The Road to Wellvffle' in'
pkgs.' "-','