As Eesi WM smd Emmm by Wsmous Artists f of Toiirig annffl M COPIUQUJ. 1V0T. fcy AMtaUOUI-J00aUIAJeIAstltt The Utile Wicked 'Bab ies. By JAMES J. MONTAGUE. THE little wicked babies that dare to come in flocki And overcrowd the flats that fill the overcrowded block. That dare to come a-hungering, with wanton baby greed. Demanding that they share the food the other children need Full stemly must we deal with them who, sinners from their birth Come all unwanted and unbid mere cumberers of earth. WE'LL shut them up In tenements to swelter In the heat, Their playgrounds shall be reeking halls, their parks the dirty street. We II give them glimpses of the haunts where happier children play And sow the seeds of jealousy to bring forth fruit some day. And we will hide our part in this with many a paltering lie. That they may know they're born to grief, but never find out why. AND oh! the wicked mothers, with the doting mother-hearts. Who shield the little criminals who dare to take their parts, Who toil the dreary years along through sorrowing and need. To ve them from the penalties our justice has decreed: Shall they uphold the wretched babes in all the wrongs they do? Shall they protect them from our world, and go unpunished, too? Y7 F-'LL set them down to entertain that silent Visitor, W The guest who always knows his way to every East Side door. We'll fill their souls with suffering, and load their hearts with eares. And teach them how it hurts to want what never may be theirs, Till there, above the cradle still, with aching heads bent low, They wonder if It was His will that we have used them so. In Plain Language. WM'e vl1ftn the Kmith recently trar '!lfr chanced npon resident of a sleepy hamlet In Alabama. "Are yon i native ef this town?" liked the traveller. "Am 1 i what?" languidly asked the one ad'lreed. "Are von a native if the town? "What's that?" "I eaked Ton whether yon were a native of the place T Af this Juncture there appeared at the open dnor of the cabin the man'a wtfe. tall, sallow and rannt. After a careful snrvev of the questioner, ahe said: "Ain't von nt no aenae. Bill? He mean. to' llvln" hrab when tod waa horn, or wa to' born before to' begun HtId" heah. Now amwor blm" Sncceas. A Vacation Hint. Mother Wnst'i that I hear? Franr srtnallr klxed Ton it the rallwar ststloii? And what did yon do. pray? Daughter Well, an a. to make everybody think he wn a relative and o prevent a scandal. kissed hi' too. Fl legends niaetter. Dead Cities. "VThnt became of NlneTeh?" a iked the Fnndav ar-hoo) teacher. "It was destroyed," iald Johnny promptly. Weekly. "Fldo Ann what necame of Tyrer "Punctured." Cleveland Leader. them The Novel Fakers. By VEX JONES. A latryrr htm writtrn iiOfCl In trhlrh the cilu editor of nitvepnper rrmnin In the office until t a. tn. fe doth oft hit lead ing editorial I. THE WRECK By Alfred ExnrtkS, of the New York Bar. 1 SEE some land," called the look out from his lofty position on the front mast single bound Captain Cork wis up- In a stairs. "Swing th. rudder to the lef t r he yelled to the man nt the wheeel. "Yes. yea, air," nnawered the Tack Tar. There was a crash. The good steamboat Pen-drop nm In a head-on collision with a large projei-tln rock. T.arge waves swept over the deck. All was confusion. , Captain Cork alone retained his coolness Tie shouted out a ffiilck series of nautical orders. "Come along, my hearties!" he cried, "heare to with a will, ii lay there and 'Tast heavlnz. Let go the spinnaker end make fast the tarpaulin. Overboa.d with the binnacle and overhaul the leaj. l'o. heare bo, my hearts of oak I" Instantly order was brought out of chaos. Mildred McOllllcuddy, a lovely passenger, murmured: "How heroic the dear captain la." Captain Cor, a bachelor from birth, blushed and climbed the rigging to amid getting his feet wet in the water- vrhlch now poured over the roof of the brlgan- tine. "Where is the engineer?" he cried. "Aloft, oiling the cathead, atr." "Whore la the boatawaln?" "Down In foe basement with the Janitor, sir, turning off the gns." "Then tell the conductor to give two bells ahead, ordered Captain Cork. The motorman turned on the Juice and the gallant schooner, under every stitch of canvas, from courses to skjsalls, shot for ward. "Saved!" cried Mildred. "Saved I" piped the crew. Captain Cork, reeling from the strain he bad passed ta rough, sought the shade of the lee scuppers. "Belay my binnacle!" he exclaimed bit terly, as tho good barque Dewdrop ploughed through the sand, "I suppose the author'll make that girl and me get spliced." No Fake, This. Mr. Oocklln, walking In thick grass near the Marlco Itiver, Bcchimnalnnd, was thrown to the ground by n 14-foot python, which colled around his legs and then tried to drag him to a tree near by, so that, by colling Its talt aronnd the trunk, It might proceed to crnsh him to death. When within two yards of the tree Mr. Cocktln got a hand free and shot the snake, which was so heavy that it needed three men to lift It. East London Dispatch. A Graver Offence. A prisoner was brought before a police magistrate. The latter looked around and discovered that his clerk was absent "Officer." he aald. "what's this man cnarged with V "Bigotry, your honor. He's' got three WIT." The magistrate looked at the officer as Chough astounded at sis Ignorance. Why. officer." he said, f that's not Wg- sxxj taat'i trionomtry,"i--Detroit NSWS.J,' IHtM 00 (AOJ This Lan guage of Ours. "FYlel kit a weak end nerTOtia roller to Anderson, who itahhed at It." "The two men on bases were tearing around like tomeata filled with blrdshot." "Frlel waa throwing; the mad head high aa be ploughed " "Anderson gathered the damn horsehlde and chocked It." "The fleldlnr on both sides wia free, with saffron toucboa." "The alanal ts turn the electricity oo wis made by Caatlllon." "Big John Anderson nipped a alngle off Robertallle." "Mil and rerrtoe crabbed the bounding atmosphere." j "Hughes and fatten tot demerit fori elilne- their left feet." I "Hobby tried a damp sling." Washington I Post i r1 rVL WHY ) THl-S The Bookkeepers. The nnglllst should keen a scrap booh. The burglar aa entry-hook. The acrobat balance-nook. The cook a reference-book. The yschtsman-a aalos-booa. The wife an order-book. The husband a blank-book. narper'S: Wise Dog. 'Oh. madam." aald the Frenrli maid. I weel not eat se bon bona." "The ' dear, Intelligent little doggie!" exclaimed : Mrs. Rich. "There must l ioiiiclliliig wronir with thoae bon bona. floe. (ilvo to the children." Detroit Free frees. I Mr. l-PTKANCKK-JJr. Mark. 1 have Juat rem riiaO from l'nnama, where I've been working on cnnnl. nml I brouirht with me some verv the fine Panama hats. Hero 1b one that you cou hnr for leas than a hundred dollara In Idu't this country, hut I'll let you have It for tweu E. Z. MARK Ry .Tove, that'a a bargain. 11 ere'a vour twenty dollars. i 1 1 i t 1 i-" I fTtT tTV I I ( I P TOVT O TDn I I EV I - ww igetmy fc-X Ripe, i know n ar." i x i i m s. i i i AUTOflNO VmJ skl M PANDV.S. L V (ySThitch onto mT I fcuesi this is "NfcooJcoofj .T -V coat, ta its and ill ( - )l ,J r kWTi OicCS X "" THE HALL They Do It Copyright, lBoT. by ' LEFb BLOW OULVESV .(WEMHER GjVfcS ) LUNCH TIME,. ITS 15 JT) ONE. V " VS'ST? S PAST II S MINUTES PTS 1HF.RE. C0ME.5 MAMIE) u T "V MORE rCW'A OpOODLE.. DON'T jg n.rrr (JT HER Hf AR US 5 WAIT FEROIE . THERE'S THE MIUIONBUCK IUT C0INQ1N.QEE? IT"5 A GOOD THING I THEM IN TIME - AS I'VE ONLY GOT APOUT A GIRLS SAW c OUARTt MH SLIDE IN Wl itN IHfTVOV Viy " 1 id t STARTED TODRlNn their , vryv?jQ S0DA5.AND ' WELL THE , HAVE. CRUSHED SYRAWBER GOOD Ml 5S D0H0T HY, IS IT REALLY YOU ' , AFTERNOON, IS INDtEU A PLEASURE MEETING MR. HALL- ( v n rv"V' t YOU ISNT IT TOO BAD WE WEREN'T A I aAKrki t. r iro a l tr t a .... .X . . ' I ROOM. tiLru.eDi inLnnnLi TUU W They Almost Go Broke Mark Buys a Pans ma Hat. Copjrltlit. 11W7, br Amerlnn Jouml Enmlnrr. K. V.. MAItK Well. Mnry. Imw do you like my new ranmiin? And I only !: f I twenty dullard far It. too. Isn't that a luir::ilu? MKS. MAKK-I suppose It's like all jour bar- gains worth about one tenth what you paid for It. It Happened L ( The Hippo Kid and ROOM BOYS. On $9.50 Per, American Journal 1 1 trainer. ) AND HAVE" A 10 CENTLM . THEY SEFWE. J r7H?- fWE ONE brlO IS OF CRU1HTD tOU P.UY CHECnco. HERE'S NICri.L - THAT SQUARES Ub. Y0O0WF.U ME 5crNT3 NluMT. 1 HEY RE BUSY ON YE.1FEATINGAT "THE 30B- I C.UESS WF. CAN A THI0V CCME5, HIGH- G0 IN NOW- tifxrruj'ir 'set ISA 'I,' .1 ,'- -.artrV -rw llh Xri . 1 I? . s7 I yi r Ah E N'T IHESDASINHeFaE JUST lOvKLY- TUST SO 1 THAT YOU WONT FFF.L SO BAD. YOU CAN 1HI AT CRUSHED- -lR-At0THER!(UON I HINJ l-ER OURE-FF HDiE ,G0 iTsTCfjUlDDniMK ovf VFR ANUGET ACOUrLE Jj ATJOTHEH ONE ' tr MORE Buying Ice Cream Soda. K. Z. M AUK Now, Mary. J.iM t -tiln-e ou, I'm going to soak Ill's hat in n.itt-r. No iiat hut a l'aiiaiua will Maml Unit Irst. as j mi know. Thin om- la 1 1 1 n-nl thing, n ml will shell water like n duck's l.arl.. Now Just watch I In Blrdland. HE.DONT OWN AN AUTo! ME. WAS ONLY BLUFFING. the Roller Skates. Ready for By DLOW the fifti and brat the drums. The ie nation s onous birthd comes. Land of ihe brave, home of the free Won't we celebratel Hully gee! WE'VE been ready a week or more ; Mother's laid in a double store Arnica, bandages, oil and lotions, Plaster and pills, and toothing potioni: Everywhere that a fellow turns He trips on something that's good for burns. Mother says with pride that we Are the readiest patriots you could see. CATHER'S bought crutches and wooden legs. Some of his children must lose their P"g- But legs are trifles, says Dad, says he. When lost in the cause of liberty. And as for a finger, ear or eye. They're nothing at all on the Fourth , 7 of July. RANDAD is ready, too. you bet. With everything that it's wise to get Double insurance our house Is wood; A cute little monument, all to the good. To place o'er the one whose happy lot May lead to rest in our burial plot. He's old. is Grandad, but never says die, Except, of course, on the Fourth of July. DLOW the fife and bang the drum. - Light the fuse and let 'er cornel Applied to Wrong Place. Mr. 1 1 ink j went Into a chemist's shop and Vright t bottle of patent stntr whirl) wai adrertlaed thus: "No more coughs. No more roldi. la. IVid. the bottle." Three dajri later he went to the chemist, complaining that hta throat was stopped up and that he could acarcely breathe. "I've drunk all that patent cough mixture, iDd , I'm no better." ! "liriink It? WtiT, that's an Inrtla-ruhhcr solution to put on the soles of your shoev" , Tit-Bits. -MKS MAItK Yes. It sheds water beautifully, ilncbii't It? If you'd kept It In there n minute longer, there wouldn't have lieon anything left of It. Ami you paid twenty dollara for that! Twenty cents would have been too much. You're a great bargain hunter, you arel Coi-j-tljht, 190T. by Ameriein-Jouniiil -Examine r. Coryrlfiht, 1907. by Ajnerloan-Joumal-LitmlDer. the Fourth. WEX JONES. lay Not to Blame, ? A Massachusetts man recently came ta trlef in a horse transactlotl. after hta rhaae he ionght out the man and demanded what the owner had meant by telling bins the horsu waa "without a fault" "Tils morning; I discovered that the beast la blind In one eye," protested the pnr chsaer. "You weren't telling me the truth. I ron knoa r "Aw. cwan I" came from the hardened dealer. "That ain't hl fault: that'a nil ' mUfortune." Harper's Weekly. ' A Boy with Brains. Ry REV. THOMAS B. GREGORY. pm MONO the patrimonial assets ef rji young rtene de Fontenllllat la J I "title of nobility" an art ?l that has a great many charms for many people In the Old World and for not a few folk on this aide of the sea. Put the sensible little fellow whose nam appears above does not seem to care "sixpence" for the aforesaid asset It If all his. his br belna- the son of Baron da Fontenllllat, "of distinguished French llne- ge." but the "boy with brains" declares that he wants nothing to do with It, that he desires to be an American citizen and grow up with the country, and asks no favors from the Old World gewgaw and tinsel. M We may safely predict foffthls boy a splendid future. The fact that ha has the right sort of gray matter In bis brain-pan Is attested by his attltnde toward hut 'title," and in thla land of magnificent op portunity he Is likely to achieve the honor compared with which the musty heraldries of the Old World are but as dust and ' " ashes. ! Young Rene de Fontenllllat. tecanse ha U . young. I necessarily more or less of a stranger to the literature of the world, and therefor we would beg to remind the - young gentleman of one of the brightest paragraphs In the. justly celebrated "Coo rersutlous of Goethe with Ekermana and j Gorei." One day the "power that. bo" In the Fatherland conferred npon tho King ' of German literature a tltlo that placed him dangerously near the nobility. Tht) report of the "honor" wag no' aoonef ' nolaed abroad than Goethe began to receive congratulations. But with characterlitlo good sense the author of "Faust" and "lpUlgeula" curtly Informed titan Ciat he) ' did not care a flg for tho honor that had come to him from the Court, "t thaf tht "Uti" was not worth the paper It was written ou. and that his only "UU to no bil.iy" consisted of his natural endow ment from God his bratn and character ami his capacity for certain work sac as the production of Immortal poem and stories. .;. Goethe has been dead a long time, but It Is good to kuow that his aplrlt Is still mureulug ou" and la able to show itself in such power In the lusUnce of the young hero of our story. To bo an American oltu i. n.. up to the full I measura of Us glorious possl bjiltles and obUgaUona, la to Ce that which Is far ajead : of any foreign duka or count who has nothing but bis dukedom or eount ship to fall back upon or boast ot The only nobility in thla world that Is worth a copper la the nobility of usefulness and honor, and to that height any Ameri can citizen may rta who has wo rigil ituS in him. Verdict for the Defendant ' -'A boy about fourteen years old bad been -put oo the stand by the defence, and the District Attorney waa esauilulng him. After 'the usual preliminary questions as to the witness's age, residence, and the like, he proceeded: "Have you any oocu patlonr' "No." "Just loaf shoot homer 'That's about all." "What does roar father dol, "Nothin' much." ''Does be do any. thing to supports the family r" "lie does odd Jobs once in a while, when ho ean gel them." "As a matter ef fact, Isn't your father a pretty worthless fellow,-a d-a I beat, and a ioafarT" "I don't snow, lrj yoad better ask him. lie's sliiin', pru tharo ta the Jury-" Argonaut, Tljey Mfgnt Buy. "Bartre'a Peerage, ah V "Thinking of bnylng a dutsT ,:No. Uut mother aoii tn glrU do lyf to shop." Wasuiiiguia titxuid, I SKyiNd CtifA) tJl nxk 7 '