15 r THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1007. , MORE HOrS USED IN MAK- L .'ill 1 INO BfiEIt THAN EVER tarMaref fatfews BEFORE, SAY BREWERS r. 'n . - W THE FINANCIAL WORLD BUSINESS OUTLOOK IS SHOWING IMPROVEMENT IN ALMOST EVERY LINE With the Trade nrrn iiiirnn . DECK MUM USE MORE HOPS SBBB too $6.10 Russian, llo; bluestem, lie; Tailor, tea. CORN Whola III: cricked III ton. BAKLET N Ftd. 327 0 27.60 Vt ton; rolled, 130 VII) brewing, til. HIE 61.66 per cwu pnrt w r. IIT.IO. Jregon patents , export traham. vs, whole wheaL 14.71 rye. 60s. balee. 11.00. lilt 1 U T' T TTdtKfl W A A ekAa , . . i nil umu ur r o-Drin, vcv.vv vr n Kola JVeW Dealer ana urcwer midtmnH, i??: ihwu.. .country, HAT Producers' orles Tlmothr.Wll llamett valley, fancy. 816.O0aH7.0O; or dinary. 111.00 11.00; eastern Oregon, IK.00i31t.O0: mixed. $18.00910 SO; do- Cheat. ll0.00Oll.60. Batter. Tm tuid PooJtry. v BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Bweet cream, llo; sour, 19a BUTTER Extra fancy creamery, use; rancy.aoc; store, Oregon, zoo. LUQS Extra fancy, candled, 16c Says a Quarter Pound ' Has Been Added. By Hyman II. Cohen. The hop market touched new lo levola the paat week for nominal bus iness. At a lower ranee of values ahort sellers have induced a few grow- era to let go so they could make that I eastern storage, 17018a; eastern fresh. inucn more, for ine qui ui i" son. crop dealers could not buy at these low- CIIEKSE New Full cream, flats. red iigur because growers say mat unc per lb; Young Americans, the price haa already dropped to sucn i7U(Mfc rer lb. a mark that they will not lose much POULTRY Nominal Mixed chick more If tney hold swhlle longer. This I ens, 1010o per lb; fancy hens, 11c; Is what they are going to do irora pres-1 roosters, old. 10c: fryers. lOHo: broil ions. I ere, iuhc; aucks. HBi4o: geese, oia. 18c lb. for old; ent Indications. I ers, 10c; docks. ll4M4o: l ime ana lime again nave nm pri ibictiuo id turkeya ii made the claim thai the crop in -ng-1 squabs. 12.90 joi; pigeons, nlreona II Zt dos: land and the continent was so great i a rested poultry. llo per lb nlgner. that KuroDe did not need and would not I Mods. Wool and Hides. bUv from the United States. This HOPS 1907 cron Choice. 74J8c: statement has been proven absolutely I prim to choice. 6c; ordinary, Stftc: raise Dy ma orziciai returns or in i uuo. cnoice, bc. L'nlted Btates custom service which WOOL 1107 clip Valley, 20011a; show that 9.483 bales had been ex- eastern uregon, igtfzic. ported from New York from Beptem- MOHAIR Nest 1807 2 iff 29 He. uer 1 io XNOvemoer 1, k iruinpttrou wilii i iij inuci, jiwiuu iu, itou, s.429 bales for the same period a year 84rc; calves, green. 8to lb bulla ago. i green sail. c ID. 8HEEFSKIN8 Shearing. 16 020c escn nort wool. Z504Oc: medium wool, 60 11.00 each; long wool. 76 it $1 26 each. TALLOW Prime. ner lb 104c: No. 2 and grense, 131Uc CHITTIM BARK fe. Fruits and Terstables. v POTATOKS Finrv IHi-R!l OH sell ing; buying, white 76c per owt; sweets. 2 He pfr lb. ONIONS Jobblnr nrlca Oremn. 12.26; buying, spot 13.00; futures. 1100; gurllc 7c lb. Al'I'LES New, 76c11.10. FHKBH FRUITS Oranaea new. 11.60 4.0U: bananaa 6a lb: lemons. 18 f 6.60 box; limes, Mexican. 14 oer 100. pineap ples. 15 a dozen: traDti. tlfftl.66: Con cords. 12V4c; peaches, 20cll canta- upes, 12.26; pears, 11.109 1.76 a box. V'ECJETAHl.HH I'urnlni tinar 90c tS 11.00 sack; carrots, il.00 per sack; neets. 90cll.00 rtr sack; parsnips. 11; cabbage, lc per lb: tomatoes. Oregon. 60c; beans. 6c: csullflower. to (3 90c lb: ran. 6c: horseradish Ho lb: artlchokea 5ii76o doz: rreen onions i&e per dos: bell peppers, 8c per lb; hothouse let tuce, 11 box; cucumbers, hothouse. doz; radishes. 16a dos bunches; You have probably notlcsd. too. that the brars have made no reference of late to the greatness of the buglls!) crop. There Is reason for this. The farts are that all latest advices from reliable sources state that the crop is very small in fact so small that bear dealers no longer are willing to state It. Here on the coast the bear move ment has been greater than elsewhere in the united Htates, simply Decause ins growers allow it Every year they al low the bears to sell their hops before they are grown, at prices that would bankrupt every producer. Every year the producers allow the bears to lead them around by the nose. Practically 11 the news they read in some publi cations sre edited by the bears them selves. When news is not In the bears' favor or It cannot be twisted that way; they say nothing. This year the growers of Oregon were especially unfortunate In allow-ln- the shorts to Influence them to plrk their crops when there was every evi dence that they would not secure a suf ficient price to pay for the harvest. It is not business for a buyer to go out into the country and tell the producer that hops are worth more money man V , , Zr.p .rVav. h.V Vh7r h fP"Pan, 2 00 box; green corn. ;;; ; ; i , n . in. lery- oo; cranbemo ii.,.nni T Th ,a,.n; . :..h.r h i . W Pr uarreL crop so that the short seller might not Oroosttesy Wata, Sta. suffer financial reverse by running up SUQAR California and Hawaiian against a crop where the sales were Lube, 14.16; powdered, IS: berry greater man supplies. i nis is wnai i te.av; ary granulated, la.eo; aaa gran Kunr,AnA . n r I U I It t K ill- mi 1 E L A A.PU IJ iiaii,cu linn J . i " - , Tw w, hVIIL, f 'D" I DA VI . However, too many bales of hops are 15.30; golden U., 15.20; D. yellow, produced in Oregon for the good of the lu lu; beet granulated. 16.60; bar- price. If the present acreage was cut rela, 10c; half barrels, 26c; boxes. 60c In hair and It win be as soon as the auvance on sack baa la producers tire of nulling nt a loss the I (Above prices aril 10 days net cash market will adjust itseir to normal quotations.; conditions. It will be the arower who HONEY 12.60 per crata in in the habit of leaving his yard to COFFEE Package brands, 115.11 0 take care of Itself and allowing his 'MS. Flckers to gather hops, vines and poles; HALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, hat will first be compelled to plow up fll 60 per ton; 60s. 114.00; table, dairy Ms acreage. In a year or plenty trial bu" '-uv; iuos. 118.76; bales, IZ io demand is of course smallest for the imported Liverpool, 60s, 20.00; loos, poorer grades; prices being so low that brewers are quite willing to pay for beat nnslltv. According to Kola Ncls, a hop dealer 100s, J1J.00. hlmseir, nut formerly a Drewer. It is Idle to talk of brewers usinjr lens hops than formerly. 'Mr. Nels states that of late years the tendency of brewers Is to Instruct their brewmasters to use more hops. "Give us the beer. Is the way they talk," says Mr. Nels. "and use all the hops you need." Furthermore Mr. Nels states that the beermakers use at least a quarter pound more of hops to the- barrel than they have ever used. Thi., too, refutes one of the pet schemes of the Taeoma and Portland bears. JUST ARRIVED. ONLY PESSIMISTS FIND FAULT WITH PRESENT CONDITIONS WHEAT IS MOVING AGAIN. Small Volume of Sales Reported In the Interior During Week. Tgiere is again a Blight movement In the wheat market. Most or tne dusi ness has been with small millers of the interior for the tidewater millers al ready have more wheat than they can safely handle at this time. Prices are somewhat mixed on account of the long Inactivity of the market. Quotations as printed are nominal. An accurate price cannot be obtained. Up In the north the tendency Is to hold values as high as possible In the papers and this course Is being taken here too. The truth of the matter however, is that both sections are paying about the same price at this time, and this false quotation fools no one. There has been a slight Increase in flour sales to the Orient during the past week. China hns entered the mar ket again for a small amount, but trade Is expected to show an Increase soon. Japanese are inquiring regarding the state of the market and the trade Is hopeful that there will soon bo something doing In that direction. POTATOES ARE LOWER. Drop Is Due to Enormous River Sup plies In California Markets. Lower prices are ruling In the potato market as a result of the enormous sup piles lately received in the San Fran cisco markets. Supplies In the Bay City are fully twice what they are ordinar ily at this time of year. This Is due to the holding back of supplies from the river districts of California by reason of the great freight blockade. A - .BAAn tkl. i. '.It. 1 ..K AO uuuu net who jo ticaiicu ul, i ! i n mar-u ket will assume normal proportions .I Onions are holding quite well in the 119.00; 4s, 118.00; extra fine barrels; 2a, AM And 11 U A W K Crt. T li.Avnnnl I m m roc, iju.bg per ton; 60-lb rock, HS.bo; us, tJJ.Od. (Above prices snnlv to sales of less iimn cur iota, (jar lots ai special prices budisci to fluctuations. I RICE Imperial Japan. No. X. c; No 2, 6fef6o; New Orleans, head, 7c; AJax, 6o ; Creole, 6c BEAKS Small white. 14.26; larg-i white, 14.10; pink, 14.10: bayou. 13.90; Lirnas 16.60; Mexican reds, 4 He. NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. 8c per lb; Virginia, 7o per lb; roasted, 99He per lb; Japanese, 7c; rousted, 7j?9c per lb; walnuts, California. 17 He per lb; pine nuts, 14 0 15c per lb; hickory nuts, 10c par lb; Brazil nuts 18c per lb; fil berts lfio per lb; fancy pecans, 18920c per lb; almonds. 19c Meats, rish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 77Hc per lb; large, 607c per lb; veal, extra, 9c per lb; ordinary. TA8c per lb: heavy. 6 To per lb: mut ton, tancy, 8(cfc per lb.. HAMS. BACCN, ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs, UHcperlb; 14 to 16 lbs., 14 He per lb; 18 to 20 lbs., 14 c; breakfast bacon, 1644) 23c per ib; picnics, 10V4c per lb; cottage roll, 12c per lb; steam rendered. 10s, 12Hc per smoked, 12o per lb: s oked, 12c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked. ICa per lb: Union butts, 19 to IS lbs. un smoked. 12c per lb; smoked 13o per Ib; clear bellies, unsmoked. ilHc oer lb; smoked, 13 V4o per lb; shoulders,' 12Va per lb; pickled tongues. 70c -ach. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. IS Ho per lb; 6s, 12c per lb; 50-lb tins. 13c jer lb; steam rendered, 10s, 12 He per lb; 6s, 12 o per lb; compound, 10s, 9.c per lb. FISH Rock cod, 7c per lb: flounders. tc per id; nauout, c per lb; striped buss, 15c per ib; catfish, 11 per lb; sal mon, fresh Columbia silvers, 8c per lb; herrings, 6c per lb; soles, 6c per Ib; shrimps, lOo per lb; perch 6c per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, 25c per lb: fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; crawnsn. Z5o per dozen; stur geon, t2Hc per lb; black bass. 20c per lb; silver smelt 7c per Ib; blank cod, i Ho per lb; crabs, 11 1.60 dozen. OYSTERS Shoalwater buy, per gal lon, js.du; per iuu-id. saca, &.ou: uiym pia, per gallon, 12.40; per 100-lb. sack, 1S.OO6.50; Eagle, canned, 60o can; 17 dozen; eastern in sneu, i.tt per hun dred. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 12.40; razor ciams, ij.uv per uox; iuc per dog. Paints, Goal Oil, Etc, ROPE Pure manila, 14c; standard, 12'ic: sisal. 10e. (JOAJL Oil-. water white, tanks 12Hc. 19C neanugni By Hyman H. Cohen. It takes even a bad sort of a pessi mist these days to ay there Is much of anything wrong with business con dltlons. While to be sure there has been a gradual falling off In transac tlons in till marts of trade: the falllnc orr is nurdly more noticeable than dur ing other seasons, it is mid-season, that's all. It's too late for the rerular fall bus tling and too early for holiday trade. Within a week or 10 days the holiday trade will mart in earnest. In the wholesale markets of Portland the trade Is more optimistic than It has been for a month of Sundays. Ask any business man along Front street In a confidential way lust how his business stands snd he will say that while there might be some dullness with other dealers his firm Is getting along swim mingly, thank you. While, of course, the firm would probably be able to do more business than it Is at present, trade at this time compares moat fav orably with previous seasons. There has been no noticeable cut in the values of commodities along Front street as a result of the recent tight ness. In a few lines there are lower prices to be Sure, but If you look at the entire market you will find that the change has been nominal. As compared with a year ago: the values ruling in produce are much In, favor of producers. Supply and demand govern in all Instances. A few days ago there win u glut of chickens In the produce markets, but that was not due to the monetary situation. The fact Is that chickens came too fast. They al ways do at this time of year. Now thero is a slacking up in the amount of arrivals and the price has made Instant response to this new condition. There's the eg market, too. The price holds Very firm at S5c for strictly fresh ranch stock, despite the great In flux of supplies sent from the east by eastern dealers, who were speculating on a shoestring. When there was a slight hardening of money they were forced to let go. Flour Is high simply because there Is a demand for It. The wheat and other grain markets nut west are in the same condition. Back In Chicago where they buy a Tuahel of wheat by paying a margin of probably 6c a bushel the prices have dropped heavily, but If you wanted the resl wheat it would cost you almost the same price as It would be fore Wall Street cried "wolf." Had it not been for the fact that Europe and the east withheld the mon ey for our grain that rightfully be longs here In the Pacific northwest there would be no cessation In trade whatever. Even as matters stand there will be a demand for all products ss soon as the monetary situation Is regulated. CONFIDENCE IS BEING REVIVED Distrust in Financial Circles Is Less Acute Than Dur ing Recent Weeks. EXPECTING $5 FOR HOGS SOON The Bottom Seems to Have Dropped Out of Line in Local Livestock Market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. (..attlrt. fstn-ep. Past week .. Week ago . . . Year ago . . . Previous year 914 .. 715 . .1000 . .1772 90U 120 8 ui 621 17'.9 794 120S Car Foundry Locomotive .. Sugar Smelter Anaconda STOCK MARKET GAINS. Amalgamated.. . 1 11. & Hudson t HIMo. Pacific . H i Nat. Loud .1 N. Y. Central. . .1T4N. Pacific . VPenn Brooklyn People's Oas... naaian lilleudlng St, Paul 1H. Pacific Col. Fuel UU. a Steel Pacific lsi do pfd STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Atchison 1HC. & O B. O 4 Erie G. Northern, p.. 111. Central ... Katy 1SI 14 Ta 1 i H 1H . H -2H . S . A 1H H - Chicago nr VALUES HIGHER Advance Is Made at Close While Opening Is Weak With Liverpool Loss. 4 Journal's Crop Keport. 4 Western Oregon Fair Sunday; 4 4 westerly winds. 4 4 Western Washington Occa- 4 atonal .rain Sunday; westerly 4 4 winds. 4 4 Eastern Oregon, Eastern 4 4 Washington and Northern Idaho 4 4 Sunday probably fair. 4 4 Southern Idaho Sunday fair. 4 Weather conditions during the 4 4 past week were favorable for the growing grain crop In all - 4 three of the north coast states. 4 4 Some plowing is reported in the 4 4 interior. 4 the receipts for the day In the west were much below the run last year. The local run today was 12.000 head, and for Monday the estimate is 29.000, for all next week 135,000. Official Chicago prices, by leased wire, Overbeck Cooke company: WHEAT. Deo. May July Dec. May July Dec. Mar July Open. High. Low. Close. 93 54 944 3 94 101 103 4 101 lt!3H .... 96, 97 96 H 97 CORN. .... 64 H h4i 64 64 6514 6H 55 H 56 . ... 66 H 65 64 66 OATS. .... 46H 46 4 4HB 49 49 49 49 45 45 44 45 MESS PORK. Jan 1187 12S7 1276 1176 May ....1315 1320 1300 1300 LARD. Jan 800 800 796 797 May 797 797 790 792 SHORT RIBS. Jan (92 692 687 687 May 710 710 706 705 B PRICE OF NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Front street markets but there Is no 28c- Eocene ctseT iffi demand from the outside. Vnr hlila.ne' cases, iSC, eocene, cases, 21H0 ganon. GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24 Ho per gai; iron ddis, 19c per gai BENZINE 63 deg.. cases, 26c per gal; iron bbls, 2ac per gal. TURPENTINE In cases, 86c per gal; wood bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c per Ib; 600-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lots, 8C . WIRE NAILS Present basis at 11.20 per ktg. New York Cotton Market. -Nov.- demand from the outside. For the same reasons as cause the lower prices In potatoes: our 6nions are not needed In tho south at this time, and If we try to force them into consumption it will only result in a lower range of values. FRONT STREET REVIEWS. Brief Mention of Many Lines of Trade in the Produce Districts. General trade conditions along Front street are improving. Potatoes and onions hold steady along tne street, ino outsiae business, u row ers more willing to sell too. Large veal show a slight Improve ment on account or tne great scarcity of small sixes. Dressed hogs are Hay market is somewhat easier, ow U to the larger offerings. ,Oats show a slightly lower price, owing to money conditions. Pro ducers have little to sell. Oranges are arriving In better shape. Demand growing with prices lower. Artichokes are- coming faster. Some Improvement In demand. Grapes are lower on account of the smaller Inquiry. Consumers tired of them, probably theJ best reason. Cold storage peaches sold at all sorts of prices during the week. Dealers liquidating as fast ss possible. Trade In figs, dates and other holi day goods Is Improving. Nut sales areJa.rge.rjU Urm-jjrlces.. Front street prices: 9-rata, Floor and. rasa. t liiiTW Ana l r-iMnt -. . , - lot: small lots, 1H& ' .. W'EAT Nominal Club. Tej ' red . Open. High. Low. 16 15 Jan. ...s 990 990 980 980 995 Feb 998 999 984 985 1000 Mch 998 1000 990 990 1005 April .... 1002 1002 993 993 1008 May .... 1006 1006 997 997 1012 June 998 1013 July .... 1004 1007 999 998 1013 Aug 999 999 99a 990 1005 Nov. .-.j 1005 1020 Dec. .... 1030 1030 1019 1020 1035 Liverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool. Nov. 16. Cotton futures closed 7H to 9H points lower; spots 6 points down. , Nov. 16. Nov. 15. Dec 94 94 H May 103H 102 July 97 9t Gain. 1 1 1906. 73 79 77 Chicago Cash Grains. Chicago, Nov. 16. Cash sales, wheat. No. 2 red. 95H96c; No. 3 red, 93 96c: No. 8 hard, 9699c; No. 3 hard, 929c; No, 8 spring, 93c 'Corn No. J, 58 o; No. 2, white, lc; No. 2. yellow, 61 He; No. 3, 68 c: No. licT 59Ci N" 3" yeUow- Slc; No. 4, .iS?,1!0.,4' wihIte' 8c; No. 4, white, 43344. a- (L'nlted Preu Leased Wire.) Chicago, Nov. 16. Liverpool showed such weakness before tho wheat mar ket opened here that the local operators were ail ready for a break at the start. The decline at Liverpool was from 1 to lc for futures, Induced by the im mense shipments of the week from this side, even though the exports from other countries wre only 9,600,000 bushels. It was also a reason for weak ness abroad Uiat the reports from Ar gentina were favorable as to the pros pect of a fine wheat crop. Local re ceipts for the day were 20 cars com pared with 32 the year before, while Minneapolis and Duluth got 438 as against 454 cars a year ago. As the early weakness of the stock market had been largely responsible for the first decline in wheat, its recovery on what Was supposed to be a favorable DanK statement created a fee inir of strength and there was a rapid Jump from a decline of Hie. which nut the price c over the previous day's final figures. The market for corn could not entice support it needed with wheat showing the heaviness It did at the opening. Local receipts were 134 cars against 200 last year, and shinment 97 nno bushels compared with 132.000 bushels the year previous. Liverpool was easier in sympathy with wheat as was the case here. With the limited trade in the oats market the changes in price were not important. Pit traders were inclined to the selling aide and there was no thing doing outside of the limited quantities thus disposed of. Local re ceipts were only 109 cars against 209 the like dav of the year before, and shipments were 257,000 bushels. Total of the day's receipts at the western primary markets was 8S0.OO0 bushels acainst 648.000 bushels last year. Es timate of Monday's local receipts was 12 cars. The market for hog products , was firm because of the light offerings, and an Inclination among some of the shorts to cover. The hog market was reported without change In price, and f (Leased Wire by Overbeck & Cooke Co.) San Francisco. Nov. 16. Official bid prices; GOLD FIELD'S DISTRICT. Sandstorm 19c, Mohawk 18.00. Colum bia Mt. 16c, Jumbo Ext. 89c, Vernal 7c, Pennsylvania lc. Kendall 11c, Booth 15c, Blue Bull 17c, Sliver Pick 24c. Nev. Boy 2c, B. B. Ext. 4c, Blue Bell, 7c, Dixie 3c, Hlbernia 2c. St. Ives 35c, Conqueror 4c, Blk. Rock 2c, Lone Star 10c. G. Won dor 2cA, Potlach 40cA, Oro 9e, Kendall Ext. 3cA, Sandst. Ext. 4cA. Mavne 2c Atlanta 22c, Great Bend 26c, Simerone 6c, empire tc, tien Top Ext. 13c. Flor ence 12.55. Diam f B. B. Con. 15c. O. Daisy 71c. Laguna 75c, Commonwealth iuja. tomh. j. ract. 92c, ir. Bend Ext he, ur. Bend Anx. lc, U. IS. Bonanza 1." T, -' , r, 1 U . Pumrl,la .A t , 1 , 1 8c, Cracker Jack 7c. Red Hill 23c, Mo- haw 4c, i,ou Dillon 4c, x. Tiger 10c, Grandma 6c, S. Pick Ext. 3c. Y. Rose 4c. Col. Mt. Ext. 3cA, Goldf. Cons. 13.95, unm i. iriangie. ic. COMSTOCK. ( Ophlr 97c, Mexican 19c, Gould & fur ry 12c, Con. Virginia 35c. Savage 0c, Hale & Norcross 3Sc, Yelldw Jacket 11.70, Belcher 16c. Confidence 70cA. Sierra Nev. 27c, Exchequer 26c, Union 2tC BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 3c. Bullf. M. C. 4c, Mont Bulir. ic. .Mat. Hank 10c. L,. Harris 2cA, Amethyst. 8c, Gold Bar 34c, Steinway 6cA, Denveo Buf. Anx. 4cA, Bonnie Clare zoc, Mayri. uons. c, Monty. Ohio Ext. 3c, G. Scepter 3c, Monty. Mt. 6c Home stake Cons. 62c, Nugget 2c, Tramp Cons. 20cA, Victor 2c. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. 17.60. Mont. Ton. 11. SO. Ton. Ext. 95c, MacNamara 18c. Mid way 44c, Ton. Belmont 86e, Ton. No. Star 8c. Ohio Ton. 2c, West End Cons. 83c Rescue 3c, Ton. & Calif. 6cA, Golden Anchor 6o. Jim Butler 44c, Ton. uasn tioy oca. Ton. Home 3ca. Mon arch Pitts Ex. 3cA, Mont. Mid. Ext. 3cA, Golden Crown 3cA. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Mann. Cons. 30c. Manh. M. Co 2c, G. Wedge 3c. Seyler Hump 4c. Dexter 10c, L. Joe lc. Crescent 3cA, Combinai tlon 8cA, Granny 19cA, Mustang 12c, Little Grey 8c A Cowboy 3cA, Orlg. Manh. 6c, Broncho Sc, Plnenut 4c. Buf falo ScA. 8, Dog 10c, T. Horse 2c, Indian Camp Be - VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairv. Silver King 10c A. Nevada Hills 13.S0, Pittsburg Silver Peak 11.05, Eagle's Nest J7c. Alice of Wonder 4cA. (Halted Preu LetMd Wirt.) New Yirk. Nov. 16. Confidence Is reviving gradually. Distrust Is less acute than at the time of the runs on rimuiclul Institutions although tho Hhock then administered Is traveling across the continent and starting the urces of readjustment In general busi ness with unsuspected severity. Our hler trouble has been the demoralised condition of (yodlt. The local banks are handling the crisis with admirable bklll and spirit, but are still crippled by the universal loss of confidence, and because of a temporary breakdown in the credit system are unable to do their full share of the country's business. It Is estimated that fully 95 per cent of the transactions In this country ar Bettled by check or the transfer and balancing of credits: yet In many In stances the banks are now obliged to re fuse credit on checks for deposit, the result being a much heavier demand than usual for currency in the maklna of payments. Added to this exceptional (lfmiinl Ih th4 IdmlAiirv ti hnurH r.uL, not only by individuals but by some oil the interior bank. Nothing could be mTi harmful at such a time than hoarding. This tendency, it is true, haa been somewhat counteracted by the premium or I to per cent on currency out wio injury is serious nevertheless. Fcrtunately the stock market has I larg.ly If not fully, discounted the re action. Security, values may go lower in caae or rurther rinanclal difficulties j but the shrinkage cannot now be ex treme. Wall street has passed through the worst of the cyclone. Interior banks have drawn neavlly on New York but thin ought to be largely offset by the big imports of gold that must shortly give very auDsianiiai reiiei. Adventure Allollex . . . Arcadian .., Atliiiitlc .. F!lng!;nm Butte Coals Cal. & Aril. Col. A Ileda.675 Centennial Copper Mt Santa Fe Shannon Tamarack Trinity . . . Utah Victoria . By Hyman II. Cohen. Portland Union Stockyards, Nov. 16 A lower range of values In the local livestock market at the close of the week Is due to the tremendous pressure through which the eastern market has pasHed and from which It emerged with prices slashed to splinters. Ths mar ket here acted In sympathy with the rem or tne country. lloga were principally depressed and prlcea are fully 60c lower than they were a week ago. According to the trade there In every prospect at this time that lieHt hogs win go to 16 flat price the market has not reached on the north roust for many years. At present It ranges about 25c above that figure. During the past week the run of hogs whs 914 compared with 716 a week ago, 1.000 a year ago and 1,771 two years ago for the same period. At this time the packers are showing a disposition to take the hogs but are talking of a lower range. There is but little call for light stuff snd raisers would do bet tar by keeping them at home for awhile, according 10 livestock sellers for the pressing of additional supplies upon the market would only j result in a lower range or values. Cattle Market Losss a Traction. A fractional loss Is shown In the price of cattle fnr the week's trade. Re ceipts were 9U0 head compared with 120 a week ago. 808 a year ago and 621 head two years avo bnrlnr thm week the Cflttle YnArket was dul. hut rnmlrl. I Reserves erlna aeneral conditions held Its own I do loss oulte well. The decline amounted to Loans but 10c. opecie In sheen there was considerable dull- Legal ness apparent durlnc the six davs. With Deposits smaller volume or arrivals than a circulation week ago the trade thought that th market would be able to hold quite well but killers held off until they had broken the prloe 25c, - A year ago all markets held rather steady at unchanged values, official yard prlcas: llugx Best eastern Oregon, 11.00 15 .50; China fats, 14.60. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steer. 13 H6K3 76: best cows and hslfers, I2.i 'a : 75. bulls, 11.711.00. . Hheep Best wethers, 14.1504. i"! mixed and best swes, 14.26; lambs, 14.2 J t 60. y ., Another Drop In Hogs. . Chicago, Nov. II. Official run: Hogs, cattle uneen. Clilrago 12,000 ' 1,000 .. 1,00 Kansas City ... 6,000 1,600 00 Omuh i 1,100 10 i , . . . Hog are 10 cents lower; left ever v. -Me,-, in v 4.oi)0. Receipts a rear ago were j l ,chr. Mixed, 14.7SOB.40; heavy. . Oli'rj & 40. rough, 84.10V4.se, UgOl, li.Hoii n a;, Cattle Hteady Sheep Steady. Boston Cupptr Market. Hos'on. Nov. 16 Bid prices? 97Copper Range 41 21 Daly West... 10 3 I Fra-nklln .... screens Can. . 4 Mass. ........ t i:Mlchlgaa .... 74 91 Old Dom 20H I Osceola ..... 7B 1 Parrot 27 Qulncy 71 . 1 Wolverine ...100 9Kalkalala ... t 65 i Black Mt ... 4 Ely 4 31 Dom. Cop. ... 1 4 Nlpplsslng . . 1 United States Government Bond. New York, Nov. 14. Government bonds: Twos, registered .... do coupon Threes, registered . . . do coupon Threes, small bonds ., DU. Columbia, 3-45s. . Fours, registered, new. Twos, Panama Philippine 4s Bid. ..104 ..104 ..102 . .102 ..101 ..114 ..121 ..104 ..1014 Asked. 107H 147 ft '101 f 101 Mt its New York Rank Statement, New York, Nov. 14 Bank statement! Decrease. incr . .lLli2,125 B. . . 1.924,800 U. 164.BOO 771.800 4,414,000 1.42B.700 X.f ss.svv LEAP Official New York prices by leased wire uveroecx & cooks lo.: DESCRIPTION. O 45 24 80 23 34 -II -II II III II II -II! 3 ? ? p 46 45 66 25 24 26 80 80 80 23 23 23 85 83 86 101 100 101 41 69 61 84 30 30 30 30 13 68 69 67 68 78 78 77 78 76 29 80 29 10 139 141 139 141 11 13 13 13 71 7 7 7 7 97 98 97 98 129U 130 129 1!tI 25 26 24 25 15 16 15 15 17 17 17 17 32 32 33 32 , 42 12S 128 126 128 17 17 17 17 15 15 16 15 25 25 25 24 36 1111 108 110 I ill9 116 116 II! 92 93 92 93 13 14 18 13 23 23 22 22 ! 53 38 39 38 38 40 40 39 39 63 63 62 63 33 33 83 34 93 94 93 94 30 30 29 29 61 62 40 40 S9'i 39 V. 102105 I 19 19 I iiACS'Nr.Tt 111 f" THE AMERICAN MINES COMPANY Metaline Mining District Will You Join Us in a Growing Mine? One Where You Are Sure to Win Situated in the Coming Lead District of America WE OWN THE GROUND WE HAVE THE ORE WE NEED MONEY WHY DO WE NEED MONEY? , Am. C. C Am. C. & F. com do, pfd Am. C. O., com . . Am. Locu.. cum . Am. Sugar, com. 100 Am. Smelt., com. 69 do, pfd Anaconda M. Co Am. Woolen, com Atchison, com . B. & O.. com . . . do., pfd Brooklyn R. T.. . Can. Pac. com . C. Leather, com. do.. pM C. & G. W.. com. C. M. & St. P. . C. & N. W ., com Ches. & Ohio . Col. F. & I-, com Col. S com , do., 2d pfd do.. 1st pfd Dela. & Hudson D. & R. U.. com Erie, com do.. 2d pfd. . do.. 1st pfd Great N., pfd ..110 Illinois Central .119&, L. & N Mex. Cen. Ry. . M.. K. & T.. com M.. K. & V. p Distillers Ore Lands Missouri Pacific National Lead.. . New York Cent. N. Y.. Ont. & W. Norf. & West, c! do preferred . . North American. Northern Pic. c. 104105 Pac. Mail SS. Co.! 19 i 19 Pennsylvania Ky. 10& 1 107 Peo. G.. L. & C. 73 Press. Steel Car c : 7 do preferred . . Reading c do 2d pra . . . do 1st ntd. . . . Rep. I. S. c. . . Rock Island c. . St. L. S. F. id p do 1st prd. Southern Pac. c! 65 do preferred. .101 !10J!101 To Develop Our Wonderful Showing To Build Our Concentrating Mill To Market Ouj- Product and TO PAY DIVIDENDS Capital Stock 1,500,000 Shares Par Value $1.00 Per Share 600,000 Shares in Treasury Fully Paid; Non-Assessable Every Officer Has His Own Good Cash Invested and Can Only Profit From Dividends As ' No One Receives Any Salary Until the Mine Is Self-Supporting President Vice-President. Secretary Treasurer , OFFICERS J. F. PEEBLER Portland Oregon J. E. SHEARER, M. D Rosebur, Oregon ...S. B. EDWARDES Portland. Oregon I. J. GAWLER Roseburg. Oregon 14 13 27 74 73 17 17 79 '76 14 'ii" 13 13 27 27 '66" "65" Southern Ry. c. do nref erred . . Texas & Pacific. T.. St. L. & W. c do preferred . . Union Pac. c. . . do preferred. . U. S. Rubber c. . do preferred.. U. S. Steel Co. c do preferred . . Western I'nlon . . 11 18 33 107 4 22 80 11 18 83 109 3.12 81 11 18 32 106 63 22 7,9 I 1 17 67 79 67 75 14 13 27 69 63. 101 11 7 18 17 32 109 77 15 64 23 80 62 Total sales, 268.300 shares. Stocks and Bonds Both mlnlnir and industrial bourht and sold on commission. Orders either bay ing or 111ns executed on any stock exchanee. . . -'... .-) '-' - . H. W. DONOHOfc & CO. 6U JUcafjuufc 144T, 886 WaaUnftoa. A Limited Block of the Treasury Stock Will Be Sold at ' . 5c PER SHABE: : Send in Your Application at Once TOE L Y. KEADY INVESTMENT COMPANY 307 FAILING BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. , COR. 3RD and WASHINGTON STS. THE CONSERVATIVE INVESTOH INVE8TICIATES, TH BN INVESTS Do this now. Don't hesitate, that you may reap your profits with ihs r NATIONAL CEMENT CO. Cement Is th balldlng- material of today. New York's fiubwav. Cim-m-ment Dry Docks, the largest factories and offlc buildings, i'ini.iIeir ,i.j new Subway are being constructed with cement. ,Cmnt is only i l- in fancy. It'a th coming material for construction. Cheaper than .., -t endurable as stone, we have but a umall block of this r i. 1 to i.i "Waste no time. Writ today for prospectus. PAR TAtUi: $i Shares 57.60 When cash accompanies orr, snd $ J OO la in,8".intf of .10 per cent cash an 10 par ent moaUily. .wo tun jyu-us wU -oepted foe less thaa 10( sharoa. i SPRING GARDEN REALTY AID ClUn iMT" CI. StTtTB 647, SBEXXXi BVTUUV0. r rLADS i-t JA, 9A..