14 THE OREGON SUNPAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SUNDAY. MORNINO, ; NOVEMBER 17, 1907. mmm 9HB- THREE NATIONS' IDEAS OF HUMOR ' - i ' ! HUMOR FBOJI KXOLAND, . ' Micnr FATAL. "So your father was M "hen he died and your mother lot? hi l that , ther finally orr "Well, lr, I can't say I remember rlfhtly now, for 'twss a mun o"g "" go. But 'twarn't nothing serioua iin don Opinion. Bad results of the American financial crisis are reported, it la '""' . aral multimillionaires have 'n re duced to the ranks of mere millionaires, and that they are being cut by their former equal, who refuae " have "'" thing: to do with paupers. -1 Jiien. . urn rir.AMITT. -And ara you out of work, my rood roan" Inquired the kind lady whom he , TWora,-ma am," returned the Hstjeas 'one. Tra out o' terbacoer. Ally Uloper. IIU3I0R FR03I GERJfANY Husband What are you ao vesed about, my dear? Wife It'a disgraceful. In the notice of thS charity ball they hava put In tha paper, "Frau Bath N was also there, but her dreaa waa fully described In thaae rolumni at laat year's ball.' Meggendorfer Blatter. LION'S THAT EAT LETTERS. fi Uvinntnne Mall, which la pub llahwd In the capital of northwestern Rhodesia, makes the following remark able atatement In Ita Issue of September H last: ... "It la notified for genera! Information that the mall bag containing ordinary letter for northeaatern Rnodeale, dls patched from Livingstone on the 24th ultima, haa been destroyed by Hone near petauk. Thla la obviously the fault of the chartered company. Well fed Hons will not eat mail bag, love lettera, or eren the moat tasty local newspapers Tn order to avoid similar catastrophe the government ought to undertake the ' feeding of these lions. We knew one or two local natives that might well be used for the purpose." lnaon Man. Customer What did you think of the bishop's sermon on Sunday. Mr. Wlgsby? Hairdresser Well, really, sir, there . waa a rent a-alttlne; In front o' me as 'ad hi air parted that crooked I couldn't 'ear a word! Tit-Bits. ' Bare are three amusing extracts from , the "Lettera of Shirley Brook." a former editor of Punch, Just published: "Who do jrou say wrote this pleyT" , asked one of tha dramatic critics, whan -"-Title- Deeds" waa under discussion. , "Richard Brlnaley Peaks." anawered an other. "Whatr said the first, "Dicky peakef Damned nonsense! lie couldn't write a farce. I knew hla father." .'A new York paper has leaned the fol- lowing "first warning:" "W caution four black cats that are continually ser- ' ansdlng In tha back ahed that there Is a aauaage shop two doors to the right." Mrs. H. told E. of an old lady who . considers child having the greatest duty and happiness of Ufa, and who, hearing that Mrs. Wolfer had been married four year and had had no child, said, with a-rest anxiety. "Dear me. can nothing be doner . ... .... ... "Woman 1 considered the weaker vae- Ml," she remarked, and yet " r nffelir he queried, as she hesitated. - "And yet,' she continued, "man Is Oftener broke," Answers. 'We must tske them ss wa find them luppose," said the Hon with a algh. as he ate up the tnin oia man. Mm pllclaalmua. Mlatress (opsnlng the kitchen door) Maria, I have rung for you three times Maria Coming In a minute, me'em I only wanted to finish my cigarette first. Meggendorfer Blatter. "Teaterday I saw tha baron on his knees before the banker's daughter." "Did you? Her father helped him get on hla feet, then, I know." Meggen dorfer Blatter. "Well, tbe Malers are extremely hon orable, any wsy. Frau Maler even put her falae teeth In with the bankrupt's saute." Lustlge Blatter. Mlatress (to hsr maid, a UtUe coun try girl,) List. Just run over to Frau Hofratln's and aay my sister Is very sorry she can't com to the picnic to day, as she has a UtUe cold. Maid (to herself) Well. I've never heard such a funny nam for a baby before Fllegende Blatter. Uncle (to atudent nenhew) me to help you aaaln with Kepnew Unfortunately, yea Tou want 100 marks? Uncle Neceseltv Is becomina- a habit with you. I am afraid. Mn dorfer Blatter bad ggen- Motorlst Although I am In mv mo tor all day, I us three pairs of boots a year. Unkind Friend Tea. on account of having to get out so often and push, I suppose Meggendorfer Blatter. "Doe your husband eat what von cook for him?" "Oh. yea I rive him a klaa after each spoonful, and it goe down quick ly like that.'' said the young wife. Meggendorfer Blatter. "Tour fiance ha a tremendous bald head." 'He doesn t mind. He counts It aa so much more kissing space." Lustlge Blatter. HUMOR FR03 FRANCE A oompany of horse-soldiers were ex ercising one summer morning. The of ficer said to one of them: "Do you know In which direction we are riding?" "Yes," he replied, "towards the south." "And how do you know that?" "rlecause It is cettina warmer all the time." Hire. URGE SUPPLIES OF. SPUDS IN THE SOUTH 3farket Weak and Dull With Values Unchanged Onions Firmer. Mlstreea (going into the kitchen) "But this la my crockery that Joseph ii mrowing si you. took Dun' t be afraid, ma'am, he can t hit me. I've got master' um brella to protect myself." Pel Mela It waan t a marriage for love, then." at an. a marriage of dlallka." "I don't understand." well, ahe married him becauaa aha couldn't bear to be an old maid, and u married nor Because ne bate pov erty" Hire. Maid "My maatar and mlitm.'i honeymoon muat be over now, I am aure. Before thev alwava liaed tn amoke one cigarette between them, but now they each have one. No 'Lolslrs. EXTREME ABSENT-MINDEDNESS. Professor (Arrlvinr home frnm .(. holiday) "There! If I haven't gone and left the house-key behind me In Os-tend." Porter "Perhaps your wife haa one, air." Professor "But I'm afraid T h,v. left her behind, too." Von Vlvant Lieutenant N. waa eiarclalna- in th riding school and wa very much an noyed by a speck of sunlight on the' f round which msde his horse shy every Ime he came around. "Kiaing-maater," he called out length, "for aroodneas' ak. t h mm handful of sand down on that spot and put it out." Hire. Oeorg R. Sims Rives in the Referee ! the following extraordinary meal which i he aaw eaten by a fur clad lady who ar ' rived at a midland "restaurant In a motor car: . ' "She ordered tea, a Welsh rarebit and a glass of port. When the orders had ' Viftn 4ven mim Innked around the room. ' then tool rrnm tn cruet atann a nottie t i .in. i. ,.mi ,.. .,.. . of Worcester -sauce, put it to her lips "Me comes every eummer. doesn't he?" and emptied It down her throat. She -yes. He sells me a cnsk of wine Klaa Tou are going to ths theatre again tonight? I thought you had aean the piece before. Oreta So I have, but not In my new iroca. weggenuorier matter. "And o your eon la going to becom vlollnlat With whom la ha tndv lngT' on, we haven t got ao far as that yei. we are letting hla hair grow Rlre. Budding poet "I will read von Am m ii me vera or my last poem. riiouu iou are sure it la your Budding poet "Tes." Friend "Then I congrstulsts vou Nos IOlsfrs. Mme. verlphatte (to theatrical agent) "I was once the star In a provincial music-nsii. Theatrical agent "A stsr? Oh. you " '"v muurnu iou must nave been a wnois constellation, weren't tou?" Bon Vlvant landlady (to new lodger) I must tell you that I am very partlculnr k.U. . . I , ...... . . . 1 1 .. 1 uuuui ur i ii n Liaju juiii many. luur prcu ecessor owed me ror tnree months, and aa he still could)) t pay me, I turned him out. Lodger That Is all right. I will take your rooms under the same condl tlons. Fllgende Blatter. "Next month, my nephew, who trav- waited for a minute or two and then ihe j lifted the anchovy sauce to her lips and ' had a good drink from that A minute or two later ah rave another glance around the room, 'picked up a bottle of tomato ketchup and drank that. The I waitress had now come In with the " Wrelsh rarebit, the port and the tea. The (lady drank the port at a gulp, then nearly emptied the mustard pot on the Welsh rarebit and while she was eating Jt ordered another glass of port." Daily . Kewa and then he stops snd drinks It." Lustlge Blattei. A. (whose wife Is at the sea) I feel awfully worrld. The wife has writ ten me regularly until today when I have not heard from her at all. B. Oh. well, nothlna- verv aerlous could have happened to ner or else they would have wired yru. A. Oh. no, but what I am afraid of Is that ahe Is coming back herself Fllegende Blatter. Little Maurice had amashed a plate. rou naughty little boy," scolded his mother, "when will you learn to ie more eorerul? Yesterday the butter dish snd todsy a plate; what will you break tomorrow?" "I don't know yet, mother," said the chld. Pele Mele. "When my husband haa toothache, he In quite stupid with pain." "Your husliand suffers very much with his teeth, doesn't he?" Nos 'Lolslrs. Perplexed friend "Oh. I shall never finish this letter. How on earth one to condole with a man who has Inherited half a million?" Bon Vlvant. (Hr,t News by Loassst teased Wlra) o.i, rancinro, inov. l. The mar ket waa practically unchanribl for nn. tatoes and weak, with large stocks on hand. Onions were firm. The large y ui uniona reported on rrlday were aald to be In considerable part for a seed company. Southern green nd string bean were hard to on. mini poor, f ancy local peas and beans bring an advance on the outside quoted prices. There Is now very little demand for cucumbers. The market u again Deing overstocked with toma mi"a oniy "fa choice were auot able above 76o per box. There were liberal receipt of straw V -rora Watsonvlll and they ...yICTJ aiuwijr. uaspoerrles had wiue range in price. A few boxea of i.uimeg meions are atlll aenn In mar ket, but there is no longer any call for them. Pomegranates have been dropped from the list. Grapes continue In ful ly ampin suppiy and partly on quality. Has were leaa nlentfful fh.n u--i- day. There were no carload arrivals of citrus fruits. Navel orangea. ripe and of good color, attract a fair share Ui iicnuon. Appies lave been moving rather alowly. eaDeclallv N .t.w.i. n iimi caraoen nn . H - . . . The Engllah country markets were firm and the French were SO centimes i.iitmpr. jiniwsrp was quiet. Liverpool was caay for spot and lower for fu- nn jraria Nnv,mh.p mrmm . cnangeo. and futuree declined. The San iTu . ra,r" at a standstill, with prices nominally unchanged. The Hurley futures wr ann market, was dull at nomlnii un changed prlcea. Thtre were recelpte of 2.9kO centala. All other spot goods were in a similar position. Notwithstanding the temporary acarcl ty of money, all the leading mill prod ucta have ruled. . There has been a scarcity of aome feedstuffs, notably bran. There waa an advance of He per dos en for California fresh extiy eggs, the mar m, cloning rirm ror all fresh grades snd steadv for storage good a. Butter was steady throughout. Cheese con tinued weak for California new and steady for atorage. Eastern waa steady and Oregon weak. Farmer Holding Spuds. (Speclil roijwtca to Tbe Jearasl.) Lebanon, Or., Nov. 16. Potato dlg- ns 'nt'1'" v,cln"y is about com pleted. The fine weather for the past few weeka haa facilitated th. and many hundreds of bushel have been stored In Lebanon re.ily for mar ket. A few of the farm em BtiM n cents per bushel, hut the price Is now only 38 cents, and moot of them are holding for a rise. The yield In this vicinity has been fins thi vr .,..... patches going as high as 400 bushels jirr acre. whan suddenly and mysteriously a little negro, a ir rauen rrom tne skies, sprawled upon the grass near by, picked himself up slowly, and began to whimper. 1 "Key, yo' Bam!" cried Aunt Plana, "didn't I done aeveralv warn vo' 'bout dat? Didn't I caution yo' .elaborately? Aln t I don tol yo' tar ault. foolin' eround' dat mulsf Th Ladle' Tailor and Dressmaker' union of Boston I to hav a weekly paper In Yiddish for It members. i ; .-- My Herbal Medicines Are Perfectly Pure Msde from the products of th Chinese valleys and mountains and contain no poison or other in gredients Injurious to the stom sch. These have proven an un failing cure for all stomach trou bles, blood diseases, rheumatism, lumbago, liver and kidney com plaints, bladder troubles, femsle complaints; restoring to strength the weak and enfeebled. These are all hark and herbal medicines from China and the prescriptions sre 470 years old. Dtf. WING LEE aaltarlnm IT IT. sth rk, between Bumslds and Conch. I lip .Ry atrngth" I mean vigor, vim. and th ability to perform all th dutle and enjoy all the pleasure of Ufa If you ar Weak, you not only endure all the physical tortures of the disease itself, but you suffer from the consciousness that your strength I grad ually but surely waning away. The horrors of this thought Increase as your weakness grows. It haa bsn correctly estlmsted that one man in every four la afflicted with some form of vital weakness. This weakness taps the very fountain aour:e of life. It le ever erslstsnt. drawing ooitlnoally on th re lources of bod II v streiath. until tha victim becomes a total wreck, or, happily, avail hlmaelf of th CERTAIN CURE I offer. My treatment Is his only hope. It I to m one of the most pathetic of thoughts that thsre are thousand of afflicted men. suffering all the ravage of Weakneas, who may never hear of th hop I offer In my treatment, and must therefore continue to suffer on In utter despair until the end. Then yon who know of my treatment will you, too, continue to suffer when I offer you a positive and lasting our? Knowing of my treatment and the certain cure assured you In Ita sppllcstlon. It Is up to you to avail yourself of it and one more eniov the full vigor of health. w DV TATLOm, Th Zesadlng- gpeolallat. $ A My Fee In Any Uncomplicated Disorder XV Pay Me When I Cure You. Oh CGeeWo Ths Wall-Kaews UUasl CHINESE lt eae Hark DOCTOR Dying patient "Doctor, would vou give me a sheet of paper? My wife refuses me one." Doctor "Do you- want to write Samn your laat wishes?" Dying patient "No, my first" Pele Mela i ' TBOITSEBS PRESSED Simple Device Which Assure aa ; Even Crease in the Garment. ( A trousers presser which la far su perior to the old-fashioned method of utilising the matrass for the purpose I or Keeping tne crease in trousers is th Invention of a New York man. As shown in tbe illustration, It is con NO IRONS REQUIRED, tructed of two leaves, or plate, con' forming in outline somewhat to the tiousers to be pressed. Secured trans i versely to the plates are three resilient meiai straps, on one end or which are ciaaps. when the clasp are In an ' opened position, the ends of the stsaps curve outwardly, so that when the , clasps are fastened the straps will ex- ert a constant compressing force upon the garment held between them. Prac- - - tlcally no time is required to place the trousers in position in the presser, - where they can remain -until wanted. vJOR SURGEONS' USE Finger Shield to Assist In Tying Knots Daring an Operation. , ,.'., In a great many cases a surgeon, In carrying on an operation which re- portlon of the thread. He does not sl- turn nic iiiicuu, which iij it-ii maKen cuts. In which germs from the diseased part of the patient might lodge, to come In airect contact w th his hands. The tv- Ing of knots In this manner s obviously a slow operation. The object of the linger enieid snown here Is to provide a device which will facilitate this op eration without endangering the hands or tne operstor. This ringer shield Is composed of a ring, which Is split, and a plate curved In cross section to con form to the curvature of the finger. ine outer surrace or tne piate is rough ened to form an effective gripping sur fsce. The shield Is slipped over the first Joint and the plate disposed at one sldo or the finger, so that the thread can be firmly gripped by the thumb. The shield has no projecting parts, and can be worn at all times during an op eration without Interfering with the use of shears, etc. One of these at tschments Is worn on each hand, and aside from facilitating the tying of knots can be readily employed as a inimme. HORSE COLLAR DEVICE Collar Cannot Break Down After Be coming Wet or Sweaty. Horse collars of the type that open at the top are generally constructed with the upper edges formed of leather binding pieces that are sewed across. The stitches soon become worn, and a little Into a glass, snd frowned. " 'I-andlord,' he said, this Is very thick and muddy beer." "The landlord lifted the glass and looked st It He tilted It from slds to side. It was so thick and muddy that It would scarcely spill. "'It's the thunder," he muttered. It's the thunder that has done this.' wen, tbunder or no thunder, I can't drink it,' said the motor-cyclist; "but I'll tell you what you might do. Tou mlht put It In a paper baa for me. and n- eai ii on my way noma. The difference between the stogl- makers and the clgarmaker dates to 187J. when the former withdrew from the clgarmakers' organization. Since that date they have successfully main tained an independent union, nnrt present there dppears to be little Dros- lect of a settlement of the differences between the rival organizations. Liverpool Oraln Drops. Liverpool, Nov. l.Offlclal price WHEAT. Close. Nov. 15 7s 11 4d "s 2id 8s lHd CORN, ts 71 6s Sd Open. Dee. .Ts 11 Vd Mar.. 8s 2d May.. 8s ltd Loss. 1VI 1 'id lHd Dec. .Ss Jan.. .ts 7d 4d 6s 28 4d id New York-London 8ilver New Tork, Nov. 1. Bar 68 '4c; Ixndon, 27 l-16d. copper Lake, 13(IHe 12"iic; casting, 12i13c. silver, electro. "I Told Yon So. Aunt Dinah wss laboring over the washtub In the side yard near her cabin. f OR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson Compound ovin ana cotton Itoot Pllla in best and only reliable reraeay ror DELAYED PER- luua. cure tbe moat nhailn ate cases in I to 10 daya Price 11 per box. or three boxes $6. Sold by druggist everywhere. Address T. J. riuni.a, isi r iril su. rortiana. or. and othor drug habits are positivelv cured by HABITINA- For hypodermic orinternal use. Sample sent to any drug habitue by EVaa mail. Regular nrlce 12.00 ner hottl a ri vv at your dnietft.it or bymsll In plain wrapper. O-tta Cketnlonl r.. SI. Loola, Mo Tor sals by 8klam Drag 0.. Ul Xan Has suds a His study of mats ao4 kerb. ass Is last stedf eix-orcr as Is gl'laf f tb world bla woatlerrsl rB4la, HO MIBCURY. rOISOMS OH PkUSS VETfr. I CURES WITHOUT OPCRATIOM. OS WTTHOUT ZHX ATQ Of A UflTE. Re gornteM to rare Catarrh. Aarfeaia. Loaf. Thrnat. Ebesmathsi .Nervoanwe. lerTon DebllltV, gtnmarb. Liver, KMaey TmnbUat alae Loat Mnnbood. rajala Wait, seas aed AH Prlrat niaeaaea. A SURE CANCER CURE sat Eeeatve Frea rkni. 0klaa4afa, Sara aid Bailable. ir TOO A ft! AFFLICTED. POUT DKLAT. DELAYS ARC DAKOCROCS. If yea eaaoot rail, writ for aymptosj blaab and etrrnlar. laeloae 4 erata la atasip. CONSULTATION FREE IU 0. OEK WO CHiMEBI UZMC1M CO 1UH rirat St.. Oar. Karris, Pertlaaa. Oraaaa. ruaaa Maatlas Tala raaas. w CHICHESTER'S PILLS '? sr. rue uiamomd bkam. a ptMsr A PUIa la M ud ).U amuic Z Tv TWS !. aemlcd with Blue Rlbaca. V T 2TaJ tmkm mil. Bar afmp V I rf AkffCifwnica.TEraf I - VIAMOMB BRAND FILLa. f aa. BIAVlOJIB BRAND riLLa. lL aa. yaen kaswa at Rett. Satat Alwan Rallakla SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE $5.00 WEBB TIB RMT tinT amniTTBna wmn. TO as.ooOTHE8 B INC B H A V ECO MI OU T H AD 8 IMITA TI lTf O TJ m METHODS. BUT WHEW TOTJ CA1LED OK THEM TOn WFSK vrn $5.00 riRMLY CHIPS THREAD. tiulre the tying of knots, employ cerr !, Uin instrument for gripping th end RIGIDLY CLASPED. the seam rips, th'e straw at the top of the collar protruding. A horse-collar attachment, designed to avoid these dis advantages, Is shown here. The horse collar may be of.any of the ordinary forms and open at the top. Metal claspg are secured along the meeting edges of the collar at the top, the edge of one uiasp fitting Into the cavity of the oppoKlte clasp, where It Is herd in position by -clinching tangs. Fastened to thn rnllop , i v. nn i .. nn . . n. . . .. . . i . . . kvi id au aujunk- ? i . ap and DUcIl- to prevent the joint from becoming loosened, and to A Solid Liquid. aboof'Ml B1,?:low ot Yale was talking about an applicant for the football team, er" m ol nfv.er n,aka a football plav- at a n,a,nt,th. a "otor-cycle stopped from'a'sunnyhe'if JtiShuSt cobwebs, id dusted it, ind uAK .lrI.UJild.nthte th' be8t MUwmHka. Th cyclist opened th bottl. poured Weak Men i 'sscasei ien We Will Core You We are especially anxious that any WEAK DS AN who has failed with other methods call on u and let us explain to him why we CUBE peo ple who have failed to get relief be fore seeing tg. This w will cheer fully do FREE of any cost. . Everybody Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists in the Diseases of Men Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only Varicocele Varicocele, from 110 to $26 njraruceie, rrom flO to $50 Atrophy, from $5 to $12.60 Nervous Debility, from ...$5 to $20 Wasting", from $7.60 to $10 Discharges, from $5 to $10 Ulcers, from $5 to $15 Blood Poison, from $10 to $30 railing- Hair, from $5 to $10 Pimples, from $7.50 to $15 Ecxeiua, from $10 to $30 Bladder Ailments, from. $5 to $12.60 Kidney Ailment, from.. $10 to $30 Prostate Ailments, from ..$6 to $15 Free Advice Given Send ns particulars of your eas at one if you cannot call. Medi cines from 91.50 to 96.50 a coarse. Daily Hoars: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sanday Boars: 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Do Not Delay Call or Write Today, Cured by our new method; no pain. The enlarged veins are due to mumps, bicycle or horseback riding-, disease, etc. In time it weakens a mm mentally as well as pnysu-any. We will cure 'you. for life or make no charge Hydrocele Cured; no pain, no loss of time. Why suffer longer when you can hp cured in a few hours at a moderate cost? Call and consult us at once, and we will convince you of the su periority of our New System Treat ment over any other method. Blood Poison Overcome In 90 days or no pay. Symptoms overcome in seven to 21 days without chemicals or poisons. If suffering- from ulcers, sore mouth or throat, falling hair,' bone pains, come and we will drive the poison from your blood forever by our Now System Treatment. We Do Not Patch Up We Cure Forever Run No Risk Investigate onr methods and learn that weare all we claim to be, and when you place your case in our hands you are sure of getting the best treatment that can be ob tained anywhere. To very man who know himself to require advice a to marriage and its requirements, or who has taken J" we also extend a cordial invitation, that we may advise him a to the best thin to do. Thi we will do PBEB of all charg-e. Nervous Debility Cured in a few weeks. Improve, ment from the start If you suffer ",' 01 energy ana ambition, feel tired when you arise in the morning;, lame back, dizziness, spots before tile eves and feel von nr. r.t tho man you bnca were, we will cure ypu for life. Urethral Obstruction Cured by absorption in a short time; no pain, no cutting, no operation. By our method the urethral canal Is healed and entire system restored to Its hpfllthv etftt Ma ?a 1 1.. . n pain or loss of time. Examination Free Call and we will explain why our New System cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing- Call at once; don't delay. Examinations Are Thorough r. T-: t- -. ui AViagnuaes fosmve TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE I want you to notice In particular how silent other specialist ar on th subject of Men' WEAKNESS. They pas th ubjct ovr be cause they can offer no positive cure for It. Those who do undertake to treat It resort to powerful drugs, electrlo bait or sora other mechanical clap-trap, which Instead of curing, only aggravate th ailment. Nearly every day I am called upon to treat cases that othar specialists or family physician hav treated and failed to our. la nearly every Instance I find It necessary to first rid the patient of th slmost rulnou effects of the treatment they have received at th hand J of unskilled medical men. But I guarantee to cur every man whoa , case I accept for treatment I make it a strict rule to treat no In curable cases, and I ara always willing to wait for my fee until a our Is effected. Ninety-nine cases In a hundred are curable. The incurable caae are those that hav been neglected or experimented upon by some In competent doctor. Don't wait until your caa la beyond hope. Com to m while a cure 1 certain. WHAT WEAKNESS IS I I discovered many years ago that Weakness, so called. I merely an Inflamed and congested condl tlon of the prostate gland; that when this Important gland is thus diseased the result Is a tremendous loss T of energy, which, sooner or lster. Involves all the vital process, X weaken theheart, impair the stomach, kidneys and liver, vitiates th 4 digestive functions, depletes the nervous system and eventually wreck T both mind and body. T As soon as I made this discovery I set to work to devise a Treat- ment that would cure weskness and restore the system to it former J buoyancy and vital power. After years of untiring- effort and a great expenditure of time and money, I perfected the successful treatment I employ today. WHY MY TREATMENT CURES I There are several reasons why my treatment never falls to cur a Weakness In men. The method I use Is direct and positive, the medicine being applied locally. Its effects, so administered, are almost lmme- dlate. since it Is at once absorbed by the tissues, which are thus stlmu- lated to healthy action, throwing off the poisonous secretions, over- coming Inflammation snd contention and clenrlnar tha hi,r,ri vau..i. and capillaries so thst they can supply nutrition to th affected region. Weaknesa is usually due to early dissipation, but often Is the renun 01 an improperly ireaiea coniractea ciisorder. Occasionally It la caused by a strain; or it may have Ita ortirln In some Inherent defect or Rbnormal condition. Whatever Ita origin, Its consequences are lust as direful and sure. Do not delay its treatment If you value your health and happiness. If nealected. It will certalnlv deatrov von Come to my office today, or at the earliest possible moment It T will cost you nothing to talk the matter over with me. I will give T you expert " BXAUZNATZON AND ADTZOB TBES. X It you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open i sll day from a. m. to p. m., and Sunday from 10 to 1. J the DR. TAYLOR co. 0344 KOBBJSOIT STBEBT. OOBBZB SECOHD ABD HOBBZBOH STB BET!, BOBTTAVD, OBBOO. t IN 27 Tear' Experience. FACTS FOR WEAK Our Fee $10.00 $5.00 in Some Cases Consultation Free Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured W onr safely and promptly Wknes, Xot Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, 8 p o 1 f 1 o "wo aroison in au staga, varicocele, Hy drocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, or any of th dls- common to man. personal attention given aoi patients. ,v.iMany ab,T,s:hu ?nd Promising career has been blighted by injurious habits of folly before the age of knowledge and understanding and hJtlrU8hZl h "nort"1at contracting of somepol." " "".v.,., uuuuKii negieci or improper treatment has completely undermined and shattered the physical strength and mental faculties. No greater mistake can be made than to consider light ly the first evidence ofithe introduction of any disease into your system or to neglect the first symptoms of weakened mind and approach of nervous debility, caused by habits, dissipation etc .u vi Such indifference and neglect of the first symptoms are responsible for thousands of human wrecks, failures in life and business, insanity. "If'SSi etf ' .y take. uch desperate chances? The manifestation of the first symptoms of any disease or weakness should be a warning for you to take prompt steps to safeguard your future life and happi ness. You should carefully avoid all experimental, dangerous or half- , urauiraii. ii ujun nit, HUL-i-ens or me rirst treatment depends wnether you will be promptly restored to health again, with all taint of the poisonous disease removed from your system, or whether it will be allowed to become chronic and subject you to future recurrences of the disease, with the various resulting complications etc WrV ,f yoa cannot calJ- up system of home treatment Is always CER,J,Il5nH most UC(-'PS8ful. Ail correfpondence sacredly confidential HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings, 7 to 8:80; Sundays. 8 a. m. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MlSr DISPENSARY COBWEB SECOND A BP TAMHUi I. STBSBT8, POBTLABTS, OBEOON. The Oregon Medical Institute 291 Morrison Street, Near Fifth; Portland, Oregon 8EFABATE BABX.OB3 ETEBTTHIBa BECBET. HO BAKES USED. THERE'S A AT About our Cuts, that can be found in no BMfiOti ENGRAVING CO. PORTIANO.ORE. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST