THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. ' SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 17 1807. 12 i. ' i r. 13s XX'.i. These chances don't all require money There arc plenty of them that call for men who can manage a business If you're a specialist, they're after you Opp FOR, SALEFARMS- 1'T "."-'-., utt.eb from" port- VB,0- CiJTt-.- a ood house, . vawnnri ft ".'.71 ..". tTrrlea aood I Mm, 1 eels or assorted sets o enough h.rnV. .r.n nd h.rh. hay Hough J?J tii.T row. 60 chickens and all oI?a: rrlce only 11100; irm. SnOlTMlA TRt'BT COMPANY. .".Tkm. 109 4th st.. near Wash. FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS r.ACRK TRACTS. XKAB AM'OUVRn. 2W ml es fom ferry landing; par y cleared lava nice, good toil, water easily go?te?;' they are nnp. for $300 up. on term. C;V?MHIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg . 1"9 " nr t-nn BALE AT A BARGAIN KIUHTr 1 acVe. fine land, fifty under plow; fin. orchard: fair house; large barn; place well watered; near good school; phone - and R- r. : near good town; $45 par acre- Krmi. Immediate possession. R- 61 Jiurnl. FDh SALE - 10 ACJt ES. 116 PER acre- partly Improved, lay a well; lAOOOOA feet timber. miles from Bui .., runnlna- orchard; $300 can stand; check taken. M. Petersen, Cor -Hn Or 40 TONS FLOURING MILL ROLLERS, good for a hundred different pur poses, chenp Any amount of any nlxe wire, black or grlvaiilscd, 100 tons sheet Iron for, etc. M. 11a rdo & Hon. .147-863 Ullsan PERSONAL AMERICAN coat ISO no1 TYPEWRITER. t $25 211 lt NEW FOK SALE A KINK PA1U.OH GRAND n nnn little lined for leaa man n.ii price H. Slnnhelmer. 73 3d at 9TOVK DOCTOR WE REPAIR. PI- r In eolln or exrharce. buy or sell atovea 222 lKt. The Dollar. Mnln 6374 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BUY" furnlture. etoven The Dollar, 731 lat. u-k'Sot HARDWOOD COUNTER. Rln un Main 420. or call !U4 lit A I'KW cnKliH c iK CHOICE FIR wood. I? 25 ier cord. Call on R. D. Morse, 8H5 K. Mndlaon at. LLA8SIF1KD ADS IN THE JOlmixAL ert 1 cent per counted word. T In sertions frr the price of 6. If you hava a want make It known through tha want ad column of The Journal. io ACRES AND PLANT WAL rruta for future use; price f 1,600; pruna orchard now on place will puy expense lurse. 823, Clin ruber of Com merce Main 7309. VK HAVE SEVERAL C300D FARMS fur enle, but thla beat them all; 46 acre In a high state of cultivation, with all the buildings, crops, atock, toola and Implements, at a price to ault customers. HOME LAND CO.. ' 145 l"t t. 71 ACRES, 40 ACRE8 IN CULTIVA tlon; land lays nice; three rood springe. 1 dwelling housea and 2 farm a, plenty of fruit 46 acres of fine timber. 10 miles from Oregon City, on rood plank road; F. D. mall; near school, church; price $1,200; terms. 12.000 down. balance on time. Smith Horn back. OWNER OF 40 ACRES OF SELECT orchard land. Improved, wants young nan with $800 to 11. 000 to take equal Interest in ownership and development ry going on the place, owner will liberally ror bis portion or work. 1 Alder St. A SNAP 120 ACRES, 70 ACRES " IW cultivation, good house and barn, and all good out buildings, living water, rood orchard, lay a good, rich soil; price $30 per acre; terms, half cash. Smith 4k Homback. CHEESE CI'TTEIl, WITH OAK CAB- Inet. Minn. 211 1ft at. VVA.VTKrTO SELL CERTIFICATE on Filer. Piano House; cheap. Ad- droaa Kf:-I4. Journal. A GtKID VT)HK TEAM AND UAH- ncaa. weigh about 1,300 to 1,400 each; at the Columbia barn. Front and Colum bia ata. For hale cheap complete ' ci- gar stnnd fixtures. Apply 304 Irving atreet. Portland carriage Co. It to S p. m. TWO DAYTON COMPUTINO SCALES. noq a a new. Zll jut at, KOLL TOP DESK, GOOD AB NEW. for aalo cheaD: deak room for rent 110 per. month, free 'phone. ; Room It i-arayeue. bldr.. Corner th and Wash. OFFlCli FCliNlTL'RE AK'D rL'US. nenriy new. sub .:oucb Did. i'OSTS OF ANY LENGTH DELkVERED on short notice at reasonable rate py K. K. Beegie or Lents. FOR BALE HOUSEBOAT; S0 BCyS Ml TDIBEU. A FINE LINE OK LA ROR TIMBER tracts to bona fide buyers, from 12,000 to 23.000,000; 0c to ti per M; t or i laige pine tracts; 26,000-acre tract of crown grant lo British Columbia: well located; 2 or I fine tie and mill properties. If you ara .in. - tna market, better ae me; references. THOMAS P. THORNTON. SIS Chamber of Commerce. 4 flOOD DEEDED TIMBER CLAIMS, guaranteed to cruiao 2,000,000 and 4.000,000 feet of yellow and augar ttome yeiiow nr ana ceaar. - w nil and igar pine -it. Jour CKNTKAL OREGON TIMBER, WHEAT and Irrigated land for sale cheap: lo cating; done. For Information, address Van Taaael St Davis. , Madras, Crook county: Or. .', TIMBER LAND. Oregont .Washington, . California. JAMES D. LACET A CO.. . , Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. iZ9 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. CLASSIFIED ADgflN THE JOLMNAl. cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for he price of If you have a want make It known through the vnt nd column of The Journal. ( a coxy little house today: this oar gain; an rumianeo: it win pa to see this. Robert K. Hardy. Portland Boat. ..Works, Madlaon bridge. Is a you iy i North BAFK HALL HEAVY WALL Weight 2,000. Ill 1st at. FOR SALE 100 PAIR HOMER I IO- eons; must sell at once: reason, sick ness. O. L. 8 haw, . R, F. D. 3. Van couver. Waah. CASH REGISTER, NATIONAL 4- drawer. Bargain. 211 lat at. M00 NEW .UPRIGHT PIANO T0 another good toned piano. 130; organ 214. Oleaaon block, 1st and Aah. DOZEN EACH THOROUGHBRED Minorca and Plymouth Rock pulleti. ftSo each, Cyphers model 220-egg and Cornell 220-egg Incubators. Dell Kl flott, 1 mile east of Mount Tabor reser voir, Section Line road. CASH REGISTER. NATION A L SIN gle drawer, latest model. 2 1 11 at Bt For sale bohton terrier pup plea. J. A. Tteck. M Going wt. Dr. Mary LancInstltute Expert treatment given women and children's ailments by a graduate and llcenaed lady physician. Maternity cases given special attention. Up-to-date san itarium In connection. No charge for consultation nd correspondence abao lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence tJ Tha Dr. Mary Lane Inatl tuta. Medical and Surgical. Incorporated, rpoma S to 14. Orand theatre bldg.. cor. Park and Wash, ata. Phone Main H2I. LAniES, 21,000 REWARD WE POSI tlvelv guarantee Dr. Bouthlngtons Ergo-Kolo -Monthly" Compound. Safs ly relieves some of the longest most obstinate abnormal cases In 3 to 5 flays; no harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall 11.60. Double atrenath 12.00. Buy of druggist tr write Dr. Houthlngton Remedy Co.. Dept 17. Kan sas City, Mo. SEE W. H. PA8M0RE FOR RELIEF and cure of kidney and bladder dis eases. This combination or lieibs has cured hundreds of urlniiry-genlto dis eases; It will cure Brlght's dlscaHe or diabetes if taken In the enrly stage. We can stop that cough you have. Come and aee ua at room i, 100 4th st. N.. Portland. Or. ENLARGE YOUR Bl'STS. LADIES! No matter how young or old you arc, we enlarge It 4 to 10 Inehen: no ap pliances: no poison; absolutely safe; 11,000 If we can't; homo treatment Sealed particulars. 4c stamps. Conway Specific Co., 165 Tremont st. Boston, Mass. We guarantee it. TERSONAL MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mra Hill. 220 Fieldner. BALM OF dlaeases. FIGS FOR ALL r'EMAi.rJ 626 E. Belmont. East 4014. CLAIKVOYANTS AND PALMISTS MANICURING. TUB BATHS AND massage. 110 4th St., cor. Wash. DOLL HOSPITAL NOVV 5PKT7 FOR business, at 423 "4 Morrison st MTSH GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- ment; dandruff. 2684 Mor.. room 62- ATTORNEYS PIGOOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR- nsys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner 2d and Morrlaon ats. INTERSTATE Al J USTMENT CO.. LAW collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 6130. Complete Reading; This Week sue A. H. TANNER. ATTY.. 0I COMMER- jnl block. 2d and Warn. Main 1444. FRANK C. HESSE. FENTON BLDG. Irs. E E. Palmer ART A RESIDENT OF THE "ROSE CITY.' KERAMIC 8TUDIO. CHINA PAINTINO and rirlng; orders taken for Xmas. Ura Un.LL... t A A ICAIi jt a t Hail ... ..,v-, ,.,,.. fILZ1 HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN LiarVOVaill. 1 111 CC MeUlUIIl. n nil ftirn tiiPA -r.n lrlt.o fv ? U W.' a a. H I m ' . ACCOUNTANTS. Dr. Ptilip T, Ball Nervous and chrbnle diseases of men, women and children; pllea cured paln leaaly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, nr.. lysis, goiter, cured by sci entific methods; electrlo bsths. lady at tendant. 603 6th at. corner Sherman. WHEN YOU GET TIREl OF DUCO- vlni, trv miulwrn lh l-N Ill-T her.n V : chronic dlseaneH permanently cured liy electrli-lty, vibration, electrlc-llght treat ment, violet rays, A-rnys; consunaiion free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Commonwealth bldg.. 6th st.. corner Pine. ACCOUNTANT BOOKS OPENED closed, posted, audited; factory costs ana ornce systems, zo years eastern and coast experience; charges moderate: consultation Invited. B. W. Barnes, 608 Worcester bldg. ALTOMOIULES COVEY WALLACE MOTOR CO.. DIS- trlbutors Pierce Great Arrow, full Je eled Corbln snd Cadillac. 18th and Alder. Palmist, Lecturer and Writer Cornea as the prophetess at the dawn of the twentieth century. She has read the lives of more statesmen, politicians and prominent men In all walks of life, than all other American seers combined. Her keen native ability with the educa tion that can only be attained by world wide travel, enablea her to fully reveal your life. No mystification but with iinerrlnr ala-ht Into tho Inner nature of things she reveals that which you most wish to know. IILANK-KOOK MAKERS You may wish to know If you will succeed In a new undertaking, make a HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM, 109-111 2D change In business or win your lawsuit FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY America's eminent astrologer, clair voyant. To Introduce my work the best of all plense try me and see. St. John, 12 Sheldon St.. Chlcsgo. Send birth date and stsmp. Know thyself. Specialist J. J. O'&eefe Portland's successful csncer curer, cures when all others fall. Room 324 Goodnoiigh bldg., 6th and Yamhill. t Blank booka manufactured: arts. ror jones improved Loose-Lear ledg crs; see the t.ew Eureka leaf, tha best on the market ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Asssjr Office. 121 Mor rison St. i Madame Luckey Gives electric baths and vibratory treat merits, also scientific mssssge. scalp and face treatments, chiropody, 209 H 4th St., near SBlmon. Main 2011. CHINA PHEA8ANTS FoR 8ALE dress Box 695. Portland. -AD- COME AT ONCE AND GET YOU A good second-hand sewing machine. 12 IS and iio; must close them out at once 12 Main st PIANO. AS GOOD AS NEW. FINE tone; will sell on payments. Call 289 Taylor MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK I'lM-ck taken at par im first payment or In full for Edison phonographs. Port land Phon'igrnph Agency. 12K 7th St. HOKHl-JS. VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business nouses.. u and Hawinorna Knst 72. Lay your waterpipe lines dur- Ing the depression; will give bargain on any amount, of any alze pipe, black or galvanised. Inquiries solicited. M. Bardn A- Sour. .147-353 Gllsan. A IK5 ACCOUNT ON A $190 PIANO for 230. Inquire nt once. 308 Main. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS. delivered. $2.25 per load. Phone Main 6683. Dr. Hary Kramer Cures all blood dle!ses; confinements a specialty. 861 Mlsslaslppl ave. East 54.i r ree examinations A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin c rments redyed and remod eled: expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices; open evenings. 6(2 Wash ington, 'none Main 7303, CERM'AN BOOKS. MAGAZINES NOV els etc.; German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 229 First St. Dht. INA NEWCOMB. DERMATOLO- glst. graduate London Beauty college. has opened offices at 803 Fliedner bldg.. loth and Washington. Be beautiful la her motto. Main ?21. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children; cancers and female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for snlml meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom well Hanltarlum. 127 N. 12th. Main 6478. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE KKCOND-HAND TEAM HARNESS FOR sale. Keller Harness Co., 6th near Davis. : FOR 8ALE YOUNG HORSE ANT5 bugpy and harness 'very gentle. Lady or child can drive. Tabor h67. WE ALLOW THE HIGHEST PRICE on old harneaa In exchange for new. Give ua a chance. C A, Wtlley, 402 Hawthorne ave. East 860. TWO TEAMS FOR SALE. REAL REA . aonablc; ahso a flrat class, up-to-date covered toD buggy. 489 Commercial st. Charles E. Pottage, FOR SAL: 3 HORSE. NEW SADDLE and bridle; $40. O. Lane. Forty-first and East Washington streets. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 FIRST-CLASS express riggs, stand 3rd and Davis. Phone Woodlawn 853. -WILL PAY CASH FOR HORSifi, HAH. ness and light wagon. 81 N. 7th, room 19. BUGdY HORSE FOR SALE; GOOD driver and gentle; anybody can. drive. S60 E. 14th Bt. N. 80 ACRES IN LANE COUNTY, ORE gon. 40 acres in Mason county, Washing ton. For vacant lots. 10 acres Improved for residence rjron- erty. Room 10. 142 H 2d af. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost l cent per counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the nm i-uiuin or i tie journal. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO cure eczema and pllea or any skin disease. Wells Errema and Pile Rem edy. Write for booklet free. Address W. F. Wf.lls. box 896, Boise. Idaho. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a bo.:, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portlnnd, Or. TO EXCHANGE LOT 60x100. WITH moaern 7-room Douse and small barn walking distance, on west side, value M.POO. for improved farm, value up to o.uuu; no agents. Address L-63. Journal KACHANGE-SMALL STOCK OF Krnrrai merchandise and store fix tures for lot In Portland suburbs. Will ?n HIP, mortgage. Address I O. Box v, i unman, uregon a uuuii d-KOOJl HOUSE TO EX- . . "r. Ior a "man Improved ranch, t . "i:a lrum i-oriinna, or same ul""i irum Vancouver. Wash. 294 3d WANTED TO EXCHANGE 10 ACRES of land, with 4-room house and barn, 4 miles from Vancouver ferry, for r-ninii fipune anu ioi in Portland. W. F. "', Vancouver, wash. THREE HORSES. $40 BACH; HAVE no use 4or them. 816 Foster road Lents. ' ONE HEAVT AND ONE LIGHT spring wagon for sale cheap at 231 Madison st. VOK SALE HANDSOME PONY AND saddle, cheap. 168 E. 34th. Tabor 19. HORSES BOARDED AND CARED FOR at reasonable prices. For particulars nee, write or wire T. R. Howitt, Gresh m, Oregon. HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP, $30, IF taken at once. 408 Constance st. and Union ave. .uuu-ACKK WHEAT FAgM PAYING 10 per cent on $60,010 an efl- .i. m consider aood lnmm ,.,, n.nni. nil nr - n.rl v ' Vn r iur ... ..,1. a-j-iw. juur h WILL EXCHANGE $400 EQUITY IN- iw,h un x-euinauia rnr arnnA aa n. journal. horses. K-70, iu SALE OR TRADE SPLENDtD '"iiiris-fiuuRc; very central: cltv ' """"" Jieauy, AViVi WISH. W xi A T HAVE . . . -' v' -J.iv.inn-jj', .-i numB ummprovea ractory or ware house property worth $8,000 located on the O. R. & N. railroad in a good ware house district. For Dartfieularn inmiin '""in jo, jrfuayeuo Dlda. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. FOR SAL13 LIVESTOCK FOR BALEJ-COW AND CALF, BIG milker. Phone Tabor 842. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coBt 1 cent per counted word, 7 ln ..ertions for the price of 6. If you have a want mnke ft known through the want-ad columns of The Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay & Co.. 6th and Morrison ats.. opp. post office. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU- ro minis.; repairing. Tny, Btark, t CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 -cent per counted word, 7 in sertion for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the wart ad columns of The Journnl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE GOOD LAUNCHTiuLlI'm One 50-foot launch, $2,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engine & Launch Co., 171 Madi ,! Vnl nt-' P1'0"8 Main 7408, Home A-8367 CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNaC coet 1 cent per counted word, 7 ln eertlona for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. CASH ivEGISTER. NATIONAL sfx- drawer, latest model; cost $71S. Will trade. ,311 1st St. jfioLUEN'S RHEUMAtlC CUR13 SURE! cure for ' rheumatism. Sold by all arur-iam . - - , Iron bed $2.60. springs- 1.25. mat tross $1.60, dresser $7.60, mantel bed 15 60. Anstey 3ros., 326 1st ' Pae. 1970. $5 SO. CLEAN, VASHKD RAGS FOR WIPING purposes... The Overall Laundry and Piippiy Co.. rnone tseiiwooq a i'uH SALEA i PRACTICALLY NEW rotary neoetyle trt first-class condi tion, cheap. Inquire room 4. Chamber of Commerce, or Main 37. FOR HWH A Mili' $3,500 Good coiner drug store in Portland, doing a fine business, for resi dence, good farm or -deposits on the Merchants' National bank. $7,500 Good money-making country store which will, stand your closest In vestigation for a good farm; Yamhill county preferred. F. FUCHS. 221 K Morrison st. FOR SALE or exchange, my 10-room home, mod ern, fruit and flowers, corner lot, fine view: South Portland. Address Home phone A-6732. PERSONAL SEND 10 NAMES OF gentlemen friends who smoke, and we will send free a handsome framed sou venir: Inclose 2c stamp. A. Moss & Co., 366 Page St., S. F.. Cal. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD & CO, 304-301 EV- erett st. largest butcher supply house on tne coasc write ror catalogue. if domeatlc troubles will soon end. If ambiUon will be attained, If lands con tain mineral, gaa or oil. now to succeea in vour nrofess on. the business you should follow, If love affairs will prove successful or speculation prove remun erative. If sick or ailing you will be cured, if absent friends will return, what diseases, afflictions or accidents mav come, should you take a partner shin in business, or you may wish a knowledge of future genoral events. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS OLDEST ESTABLISHED. MOST RE LIABLE, TRUEST. SAVE TIME. MONEY. DISAPPOINTMENT BY CON- 0UJ-1 mi iun, VIOLA MAR8HFIELD. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. PSYCHIC HEALER. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A Dekum, 131-133 1st st. carries a full line end complete assortment at lowest margei prices. I will teach you how to develop the financial sense enabling you to make your business venture a success, will teach vou the laws governing your health enabling you to become the per fect man, the perfect woman, the mas terpiece of creation. BOOK STORES MEYER'S ROOK STORE, FORMERLY KllOW TI)? FlltlirC aild PrCS" toe a A II A . . V MM I " i mtiiiisnn, now ejim mi. nar jerr. i .. j f r pcu in LUC BARKERS LADIES BARBER SHOP. 4 CHAIRS, no waning. t4 Four tit street COAL AND WOOD KNOW MARRY. WHOM YOU SHOULD SLAB WOOD, BIO LOAD, $3. UNION FUEL CO.. Foot of Montgomery st. Phone Main 2143. KNOW IF MINING PROSPECT WILL PAY. WOOD ! W OOD ! WOOD! j.uuu coras on nana delivered same day as ordered. Home phone A-1534. Tne Nobby statues, lztn and Flanders. KNOW HOW TO DEVELOP FINANCIAL SENSE. THE KNOW HOW TO THE SITUATION. BE MASTER OF FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 8LAB- wood can Main 48 16. oak. ash. fir and. coal. Portland Wood It Coal Co.. 16th and Savier sts. PORTLAND SAWDUST & 8LAB- wood Co.. 865 Front st Dealer in sawdust and slab wood. Phones Main snd A 1938. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and. blacksmith coals. cok. charcoal, kindling, phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES CO Wood and coal. 181 East Water et FOR QUICK DELIVERY SLAB OR cordwood, phone Steel Bridge Fuel Co . East 4 24. TEACHING IN CHINESE PERSONS wishing to learn the Chinese lan guage may address to 262 Clay st., cor ner 3d st; price reasonable. Main (784. Home A-3951. CLASSIFIED AD8 IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the wan ad column"! of The Journal. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S SAVTN and cotton root pills; only safe and sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 per box, or 3 boxes for $5. Dr. Pierce, 181 V 1st st. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED permanently without pain: a free treatment at your home. Address Mrs. Rodgers. 608 Northrup st. Phone Main 46.19. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon v uei co.. 334 Alder. "KEY TO YOUR LIFE" FREE WITH YOUR READING. If the mere telling of your name or the names of friends will satisfy vou madam will do so: what la more Impor tant lo serious people. Is what to do or wnat 10 expect regaraing present ur m ture affairs. Without asking one ques tlon she will tell you whst you came for. She will tell vou all the Incidents, changes and trials or your me. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU IV . . MAHKY. Vlnln Mnrahfield will auarantee to tell you what your aliments are. now to cure them; where you will be moat successful; what your health will be all tlnougli life; how much wealth you will possess, ir any; who 11 i fnnaea vmir froilhlA nnfl HOW lo uver- come It; if your mine contains ore, and 10 wnat extent; now 10 cumrui n. you love and admire; whore your lost ones are. In Tact, no matter wnai you wish to know or wish to do, she will accomplish it for you or charge you nothing. . ......... Tells you all the good ana naa. oiau- sm tells whom and when you win marry. 8he tells the color of anyone a eyes and hair that you know. She Is THE ONLY PALMIST IN THE wnitl.n WHO HAH DISCOVERED THE TRUE LINE OF MARRIAGE. She will help you to obtain your greatest wish in health, wealth snd happiness. remnvAM evil Influences bad snells. A call may result in your FORTUNE and ruture nappmess. HER ADVICE UPON ALL BUSINESS MATTERS Is Invaluable, wise and con sistent. SPECULATORS especially should learn Mme. Marshfield's won derful forecasts that have In notable Instances brought fortunes to ner pat rons. 268 1-2 Morrison St 268 1-2 Between Third and Fourth Sts "The Cosmos" DOG AND HOUSE HOSPITAL DR. C K. BROWN. D. C M. DOGS and horse hospital 101 N. tb st (Main 408. W. M. MiLLER, V. 8.. VERERINARUN. 24 N. Ith St Phone Main T948. Office $27 Flanders. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HO for horses and cogs. 289 G Phone Main 1484. 3 PITA L llsao et DANCING WESTERN ACADEMY OF DANCING Mulkv bldg., 2d and Morrison. Prof. W. F. McMinn. late of Denver, teacher. Clare Saturday evening, 7:30 to 3:30. Social dance 4:30 to It Private lee sons dstly I In I p. m. WALTZ. TWOSTEP, TIIREESTEP AND stage dsnclng lessons, 26c; oldest and only recognised tesciier. Prof. Wal Willson, entrance to hall and offloe 12 Selllng-Htrsch bldg., 283 Washington, between West Park and 10th sts. PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY; a soieci scnooi: cisss or private les sons dally. 286 E Morrison, phone. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIE8 M. J. WALSH CO.; 311 STARK ST. Electrlo and gas fixtures and suDollea. manieis. ruing, wraies snd oogirons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENC1I- neera. contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. Main 669 R H. Tate, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. (1 4th st. Contractors, electric supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 291 Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re pairing. East 2128. or B-1626. MOTORS AND FAIRBANKS-MORSE dynnmos. A C. A D. C. 1st and Stark. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUBINE88 COLLEGE 148 6th st, near poatofflce; centrsl ocstlon; pitman rhorthand; expert grad uates: low tuition: day and night school: new pupils dally. W. W, Wil liams. M. 8., Prln. Special For a Few Day Only. Your Life, Love or Business 50c THE GREAT. THE ONE. THE ONLY Melvii KNOW YOUR SLOGAN BATTLE OF LIFE. IN THE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO DE VELOP YOUR MEDIIMISTIC POWr-ERS. IF IN DOUBT CONSULT ONE WTIO WILL GUIDE YOU ARIGHT INTO THE NATURE OF THINGS WITH UNERRING SIGHT. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coai. imp water fit. phone Main 8270 COAL INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE o.. 3t3 etark. Main 780. BEST WOOD IN CITY; BOTH PHONE S Quick delivery. Call 312 Couch bldg, HEAVY 4-FOOT 8LABWOGD FOR sale cneap. delivered. East 2121. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO Crt Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cieaneu, reiiucu, sbwcu ana iaia; steam and compressed air process; renovating mtiiirrBiirs uiiu leuinern a specially. SUITS PRE8SED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c. Ladles' skirts pressed. 60c. Gil bert, 106 14 Sixth St.. next to Quelle. Phone Main.'ZOhB. DR. RING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- nese root medicines: sells Chinese tea. certain cure ior an a i senses, it. za st, between Yamhill and Taylor. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, i alt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 2s."-ij rant Mam Z403. A-2734. A $1 FOUNTAIN PEN FOR 25c AT 84 2 Washington st for three davs only. Fountain pens make Ideal Xmas gifts. DR. T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST, Dis eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; charges moderate. 181 1st., cor, ramhlll. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE; electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. PHRENOLOGY LAST CHANCE Posi tively. Professor Duncan McDonald departs Tuesday. Consult now regard ing success. 349 Morrison. FOR SELECT AND HIGH-CLASS sliamnnAlnir manlmirlnif forio, end scalp massage, call 210- 211 Tllford bldg. Hair and scalp treatment our specialty. WALKING DISTANCE. NEAR WIL Ilams ave.; 7-room modern housed ouxiuu ior, Bearing; rrults; will trade I s for farm; sale price $2,900. PortlancLi P Tinmen frt 91J XTr.,-,-1 t t- SPOKANE ARTIFICIAL LIMB HOUSE: 17 years' successful experience; all style of legs and arms made and re- alred. Sherwood Bldg., Spokane, Wash. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric leaning works; carpets cieaneu anu laiu, uuin ary ana com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed Phone Main 2672 and A-2672. 270 Grant st SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, 8UC-" tlon and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6634 Main 3200. THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLEAN ing works; carpets cleaned, refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated. 221 E. 21st st N. East 860. THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLEAN ing works; carpets cleaned, refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovntnd. 221 E. 21st St. N. East 360. CLEANING AND DYEING THE HEILIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN ing work of all kinds in our line. 643 H Wash st. A-S703. Main 836S. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, 11 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 stark st ALL READINGS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL AND SACRED. PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. trance clairvoyant: no charge if not aatlsned when reading Is over you to be Judge. 1 do hereby sol emnly .ff-reji mrA ffimr.ntAA to make no charge If I fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals; I promise to ten wnemer your husband, wife or sweetheart is true or false; tell you how to win tne one you most desire, even though miles away, how to succeed In business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice; how to regain yotvth, health and vitality; remove evil influences; cures drink habits; locates treasures, mines and oil wells: cures all nervous dis eases. Tells you Just how, where and when to lnveat your money to obtain the best possible results. $5,000 for any mistake mado through following his advice. He is permanently located here and absolutely reliable. Parlors always crowded. The Benson SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland. Or. Write for cat alogue. FRENCH AND 6PANISH TAUGHT BY native teachers; other branches. Ore gon College, southwest corner 6th and Oak. FURNACES BAUGE JOHNSON FURNACE CO., only agents on Pacific coast for Thatch er furnace. Will guarantee to heat your house. Phono E. 6008. 408 E. Clay. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE: ELEC tric equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. BUY GASOLINE ENGINE. WOODSAW lng outfits. Fairbanks, Morse A Co., 1st and Stark. HELSER & UNDEN MACHINE WORKS Marine Gllsan. stationary engines. 269 HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADB to order. fortiana Hardware Co- 74 6th. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. J AS. Mcl. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LIA- bllltv and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 302 Mc Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, 665 WASH. FINE SPECTA- cles 50c. Elgin watcheq $6. Repairing. HOTELS To Be Forewarned Is to Be Forearmed Complete Reading: This Week 50c. Satisfaction Guaranteed No Tee Taken OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M. TO 9 P. SUNDAY, 11 A. M. TO 6 P. M. or M. 291 Morrison. Cor. 6th. Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. DON'T FORGET THE NTTMRFR BRING THIS AD WITH YOU. Mrs. E E Palmer FEEES FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest, living astral dead-trance clalr- voyan'. or the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for. whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even tnougn mues away; re unites the separated: gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Office. Nos. 3 and 4. Grand theatre bldg., 352 H Wash., near Park at Phone Main 1267. MRS. LIND3EY. CLAIRVOYANT Business and life readings. 86 Park St., room 8. Phone Pacific 1S93. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 325 Main st, 26c. Phone Main 7648. CARPENTMRS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 235 2D ST. OF flce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. ANGELL & KEEP, CONTRACTORS AND builders. 620 Union ave. Phono East 4285. Jobbing, repairing, renhlngllng, etc. Re Scott 6065, or Woodlawn 60. H. W. TURNER, dyed a specialty. Main 2513. DYER CARPETS 505 Jefferson st CLEANING, DYEING AND PRESSIITG for ladles and gentlemen. The Favor ite. 425 Morrison. Main 8303. CHIROPRACTORS EVA HOGAN, DR. CHIROPRACTIC. 223 Fliedner bldg.. Tenth and Wash ington streets, otrice hours, 10 a, m. to 4 p. m. EXCHANGE WILL TAKE ANY thing of value as first Davment on east side lot. Balance $10 per month. Address S-68. Journal. 1.600 acres in eastern Oree-on to ex- cnange ior i'ortlana property. Will pay cash difference. Address N-68 Journal. MISS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 35H4 Morrison st. to 201 3d st. LE EVA HOGAN, DR. CHIROPRACTIC, 223 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washing ton stH.; hours lu a. m. to 4 p. m. MISS MARCELLA Alder st, room 4. netlc treatment. ROY. 291V4 Massage and mag- PERSONAL Goitre and Cancer Specialist Goitres promptly removed;; cancer, tumors and skin moles permanently cured. Tape worms removed In 3 V?,u,r,8' , Consultation free. Dr. Vose, 181 1st Bt. BEVERLY. CHICAGO, HOLDS 6UN u?;,r,v,l5es' A- - U- W. hall, Selllng S.lfh bAtfg' 3 t0 P- m-; tests by r"am. B. and Cora, the mystic mai- trPn't?,?. batl! ,hom a": readings and PhnnTl"'1: circles every evening. ipo.. t-ioiei Butler. MtJtRrTAinPAPERl HIGHEST CHAR ncorporated. Uth year; 8.000 members; paper sealed; send 10c. L L Love. BOX 1600. lnvr ci u- neiii'.12 30- WITH GOOD BUSI- i. . JTj ""iii" wants good German wife. Address F-69. .Tnnin'i Tl1!? 'VrH -MALL CAP- SStt oetirn r2 and 3S (Wonde or auburn preferred); no objection to unincumbered widow object matrimony if suited; no trlflers K-68. JournalA ' CHIROPODY, SCALP TREATMENTS. 351 Morrison st., room 14. Form erly 224 Washington HOLDENS RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. 8old by all Imggists: TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGON IAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1958. WIDOW LADY, 22. WEALTHY, NICE looMng, unencumbered, would marry. W. B. box 35, Toledo, Ohio. MRS. NASBY, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND spiritual reader; by appointment only. Phone Main 7033. 252 7th St. LADY. MIDDLE-AGED. WOULD meet bachelor with little home; mat rimony. S-69, Journal. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref- erences. 282 Park. Main 2403. A-2734. GENTLEMAN WISHES THE Af qualntance or good, nonest working lrl or widow,. not over 85 years of age. 1-69, Journal. MANICURING. .FACIAL MASSAGE, scalp treatment, ti. i, zeatt Morr sn. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 145 STH St.. rooms 24-zd. vapor, sponge baths. electric treatments. Lady attendant. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL ' FEMA LE diseases. 803 Fliedner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU . note girls; good care. 8 Milner bldg. have some real estate, that you are not able' to utilize, exchange it for some that you can through a Journal ad. The Journal is the people's popular paper and has a greater local circulation than any other newspaper, hence the superior results to all its advertisers. IT PAYS TO BE IN THE BEST--THEY ALL READ THE JOURNAL. Ground FJoor E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX tures: general' Jobbing, 67 1st st Phone Main 8190. FOR GENERAL REPAIRING AND shingling, phone Main 4639. Carpen ter snop at pub nortnrup. HOTEL PORTLAND, EUROPEAN plan only. $3. $5 day. HOTEL EATON EUROPEAN. Park and Morrison. WEST Rates $1.00 and up. HOTEL OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL IMPERIAL, EUR., $1 AND UP. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. BELLEVUE. EUR. 4TH AND SALMON. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA STICK CO.. FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters: findings. LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH, UMBRELLA REPAIR ing. Dave's, Washington, corner 12th. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds, including approved forest re serve serin for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. MUSICAL LESSONS 60c PIANO, GUITAR. banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin. 43 1st, cor. Ash. Piano $30. organ $18. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Z. M. Parvln. Mus. Doc. 3d Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint FROM NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, thorough and competent piano teacher. Mrs. Brewster, 201 13th. Main 4039. PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET, TROM- bone, clarinet, froressor to. A. smith. 292 12th st Home A3360. EMIL THIELHORN. PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar aevcik, violin and viola teacher. SS4 Pine. Tel. Pacific 2989. CIVIL ENGINEERS. PORTLAND ENG. CO., CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assayers. draftsmen. 666 Sherlock. M. 8200. A-68S1 CHIROPODIST8 CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. HUI. 330 Fieldner bldg. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. 303 1-2 Washington St. THE MOST POWERFUL CLAIRVOY ANT IN AMERICA WILL TELL YOU 'C This week only, who vou are. where vou come from, how manv members there are lri your family, wnat your occupa tion is and what it should bo; WHAT YOUR AILMENTS ARE. HOW TO CURE THEM; WHERE YOU WILL "BE Most successful and why; what your health will be all through life; now much wealth yu will possess, if any; who It is that causes you trouble and how to overcome it; If your mine contains ore, and to what extent: how t control those you love and admire: where your lost ones are; what you should Invest in tobe successful. In ra,ct, no matter wnat you wish to know, or wish to do. he will acconv pllsh it for ' you or charge nothing. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 303 WASHINGTON ST. DRESSMAKING ECONOMIZE. - Have your lining fitted to a form taught to drape your waists; all com plete for $5 to $10. Mrs. E. C. Fitz gerald. 850 E. 17th, N. Phone Wood lawn 869. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL go to your home; sew by the piece suits specialty. 267 Knott st Phone C-1419. Mrs. L. Watts. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. 11 suits, $6 and up; skirts, $2.60 and up. izo ram st. r-aciric oaw. MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS. MODISTE. Tailor-made suits and party gowns a specialty. 53 Wash, big. Pac. 727. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by the day. Miss Larsen. Phone Main 3865; A-3865. MME. HOFMAISTER TEACHES FIRST Class cutting witn storey's ladies' tailoring system, 670 Couch st. SEE THE Pjrophetess Viola Marshfield, 268 Morrison et. The Cosmos, between 8d and 4 th. MRS.' STEVENS, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant For a reliable reading call upon this gifted seeressj Develops and teaches occult science. 343 Yamhill, . FIRST-CLASS LADIES' TAILORING and dressmaking on short notice Miss Victoria Mayer, 123 14th st MRS., VAUGHAN, DRESSMAKING Prices reasonable, good work. Phone East 6217. 392 East Burnslde. . -DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. OR take work home; $1.78 per day. A-4434 MADAME ANGELES 243 FIFTH. PA ciflo 962. , UP-TO-DATE, HIGH-CLASS DRESS maklng. 340 4th; Pac. 2776. A-4323. MISS B. A. OPPERMAN, CUSTOM coreetmaker, 425 Morrison st. MANDOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO JESSE Parker, lessons In class nr private. Tllford bldg, 10th and Morrison. MRS. WHIGHAM. R. A. M., LONDON, concert singer, accompanist. Studios Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor. Main 8326. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 168 12TH ST. Piano lessons reasonable. Main 466.1. LOUIS A CREITZ, TEACHER OF VIO lln. 211 Sherman, corner 1st Pac. 189. MINING ENGINEER. PORTLAND ENG. CO., CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assayers. draftsmen. 566 Sherlock. M. 8200. A-6681. MONUMENTS NEU & KINGSLEY, 268 1ST., PORT- land's leading marble and granite wks. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. 8PE clalist on nervous, acute and chronlo diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Pacific 1190. pR R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-K-17 DE kum bldg., 3d and Washington ats. Phone Main 349. Examination free. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR A DUFUR. 304 WELLS-FARGO bldg. Phone A-6336: largest and most complete stenographic office in west. FA YE KANDLE. 455 bldg.. 3d and Oak. SHERLOCK TYPEWRITING EVENINGS SPECIFI- cations, abstracts, etc. East 2494. PLUMBERS FOX & CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 221 2d. bet. Main and Salmon. Oreaon pnone Mam 2UU1. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER Re moved to No. 308 Burnslde st. PAINTING AND PAPERING FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS-. 2d and Everett eta. Phone Main 2000.' A..DOANB MOVED TO 104 UNION ave.. near B. Wash. Tel. East 1096. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, P. D. C Co., 231 Stalk. TeL 1407, - ,