The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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See Page 1 6, Section 5 or Todays Journal for Details of Great Thanksgiving Bargains in AH Departments
?Me5eiprtiftk- Store's -GroM Nvinnilb)r Sale f
Wifi& Suis, CmU, Frars, SMrfcs, Waists, Petticoats, Etc.
Cv . - f'Jx x , t U6f II ThankaFtvin? Clearance Sale in Portland's Leadincr Cloak and Suit StoreNew. stylish, ready-to- ?U,t,'l : i-fJ: II
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Thanksgiving Clearance Sale in Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store New, stylish, ready-to-wear
apparel at surprisingly low prices An annual event that appeals to women having winter
garments to supply and who are always ready to avail themselves of an opportunity to effect a
considerable saving Every Suit. Coat, Skirt, Waist and Petticoat included in the sale is of this
season's manufacture Styles and materials the very latest the market has produced, and we guar
antee that the values cannot be equaled elsewhere about town The sale will continue through the
week, with new features added every day Economical women will take advantage of this opportunity.
200 Newest Tailored Suits
$32 to $38 Values $22.45
200 women's new, up-to-date Tailored Suits, in broadcloth, cheviot, herringbone stripes, serges, fancy tweeds, etc.;
fancy mixtures, stripes, invisible plaids and plain colou, in blue. Drown, green, wine, gray ana purpie. styles are
f-length coats, medium and short coats; tight-fitting fnd semi-fitting garments; plain tailored and fancy tnm'd,
with braid and velvet; skirts are full pleated, with bias folds of eithrr material to match or vel- $00
vet to match the coat trimming; all sizes, splendid variety; $32 to $38 values, on sale at, each ytUtJ
300 Tourist Coats
$10 Values at $16.45
50 Astrachan Coats
Great Values at $32
Extraordinary value in women's Astrachan Fur Coats;
a special purchase from a leading New York furrier
enables us to offer them at the low price of $32
each. Tight and semi-fitted styles, single or double
breasted, high storm collar; lined with Skinner's fa
mous satin; these garments come in all sizes; the
exclusive furriers ask $50 for a garment flJOO (if
of ,equalquality our special price is fwutUV
500 Radium
$8.50 Values, Sale at $3.85
500 women's handsome new Radium Silk Waists, made with long or short yokes and trimmed in rows of fine lace,
French knots and pin tucking; colors are pink, blue, lavender, helio, fawn, white or black; all sizes. QO DC
Pleasing assortment; values up to $8.50 each, on sale at,this exceptional price, each second floor....
300 new winter Tourist Coats, three quarter and full-
length garments, in full back and semi-fitting styles;
materials are fancy mixed tweeds and cheviots, in
tan, brown, gray and blue mixtures; all sizes; well
made and finished; the best regular $30 values, on
sale while they last at this special price, rf1 yC
per garment take advantage of sale plUf)
Silk- Waists
The Meier 62 Frank Store
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit House
5000 Shirtwaists-Vals. to
$2.50 Reduced to 7 9c Ea.
A sensational offering of women's cotton Shirtwaists 5,000 of them se
cured from a reputable manufacturer at a great sacrifice All new,
clean, fresh merchandise selling regularly at prices up to $2.80 each to
be sold at the ridiculously low price of 79c7each Your opportunity to
supply present and future needs at a saving you, cannot fail to appre
ciate Styles are the very best and assortment large enough to please
every fancy Included will be found Shirtwaists in. mull, lawn, batiste,
fancy plaids, checks and stripes Plain tailored and fancy trimmed in
lace, embroidery and tucked White, pink, checks, plaids, colored dots;
long or short sleeves, all sizes Values to $2.50 Buy all yyft.
want -of these at the remarkably low price' of, each ft vC
$1. 75 -$1.50 Velvet Flannel Sacques 95c
Great special lot of 500 Velvet. Flannel Sacques and Short Kimonos, made in fancy
Persian stripes or figured effects, trimmed with 1-inch satin bands or velvet
ribbon; square or round collars, Japanese or half sleeves; gray, blue, QC,
' red and Javender; regular $1.50 and $1.75 values, in all sizes; choice at Jut
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit House
500 Walking Skirts, Vals. to
$15.00 Now only $6.45 Ea.
The Reason's best offering in Walking Skirts 500 of themAll new fall
and winter styles in Panamas, serges, tweeds and herringbone serge
Navy, blue, black, brown, green, plum, gray, wine, fancy gray, checks
and mixtures, fancy brown stripes, blue and green, tan and black, and
black and blue stripes, blue and green checks, tan and brown plaids
Styles are full pleated, trimmed with bias folds, plain flared with folds
All new fall skirts of the very best style and material Well made
and finished Values in the lot up to $15.00 each A
Your choice of these fine garments at the low price of ywiTfJ
See our window display Come early and get the best bargains.
Mink Boas $5.65 Opossum Ties $4.85
In- the Fur department, 100 Isabella River Mink Boas, satin-lined, trimmed with
silk ornaments and finished with six sable fox tails; the best value dC
.ever offered' in a mink boa take advantage on sale at, special, each P J.UI
1,000 beautiful Isabella Opossum Novelty Ties, trimmed with one head Ofi
and two good tails; value extraordinary at this special price, each q)?QJ
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit House
1000 SslkPetticoats,Regular
$9$10 Vals. only $5.45 M
1,000 Women's Extra Quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats . A great pur
chase from the largest and best Silk Petticoat house in the country
All new perfect goods made with deep flounce of 5 rolls of one half inch
stitched bands and accordion pleating Colors are white, light blue,
navy, garnet, brown, tan, green, pink, red, purple, black and a full line
of changeable colorings Silk Petticoats
coats that find & A f?
-Your choipe ) 't T)
ily low price of
ready sale at $9.00 and $10.00 each
of any of these at the extraordinarily
Women's $4 Knit Norfolk Coats $3.95
Great special lot of the popular knit coats for women Norfolk style
in white, red and gray Large white pearl buttons and C O : O
belt All sizes Best $4.00 values Your choice at, each
300 Worn i Knit Coat Sweaters in Ted, white and : y Brrt rtv!e
and quality All sizes--Regular $3.50 values to be sold ' ') ; '
during this sale at the remarkably low price of. each tji" "'