. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMIKM 17. 1007. 10 1 !l Jt San francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St., bet 3d & 4th CJUT" JUCCSITSD. hn in Kan Francisco can have their mail sent in care The Journal ornce. ARTHUR L. FISH. Representative. WEATHER REPORT -, .i.-, Dreirnll. .NOV. IS. 107. The high pressure area over the North P-eifio states I weak and the barometer is again " ',,' -..hinrinn which Indicated a contin uation of the unsettled weather In this ?strlct During the last 12 hours light ' rain has fallen In northern California, southern and eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. The changes In temperature sine yesterday have been small and unimportant. The Indica tions are for rain In this district Sun- -Portland and vicinity Sunday, occa sional rain. Winds mostly southerly. . Western Oregon snd western Wash- Jngton Sunday, occasional rain, euuiu erly winds. . , Eastern Oregon, astern Washington and Idaho Sunday, rain. Maximum temperature, SB degrees; minimum temperature, 47 degrees. River reading at 8 a. m.. 17 feet in last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall, t P- m. to 6 p. m., 0.15 nch. Total ralnfaU since September 1. 1907, I II Inches; normal rainfall since Sep tember I. 1907. 8.81 Inches; deficiency. 6.1X inches. Total sunshine. 48 min utes; possible sunshine, hours. 3J minute. Barometer, reduced to sea e veL T p. m . 30,26 Inches. MARRIAGE LICENSES. A. M. Dibble, 961 Clinton street, 25; lUttle M. leyoe, 1. V C High, 640 Alblna avenue, 46; Mri Nettle Foster, 40. ' s7c. Case, 810 Morrison street. 21; Lulu M. Harding, 24. Lewis Leslie Wtrnock, Eugene, Ore gon. 14; MarjT L. A. Mathews, 17 C-! Sandstone. 186 Curry street, 60; Mrs. N. C. ivty, h- Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith to, Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash. Ington sts. -.rfJins cards the best. 100 lor $5. Alvln R Hawk, 144 2d at Tonseth Co., florists, for flowers of all kinds. 121 th st. "' Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers nd floral designs. 289 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all sues. Unique Tailoring to., tisr p- UAX M. SMITH, FLORIST. 150 6TH st. opp. Meier Frank s Main 7211 DEATHS mt.UM Vnvember 16. August J. Col lln, 86 Fremont, age 47; cancer of stomach. Funeral notice later. CKtDKN At the family residence. 674 Third street, November 16, 1907. D. June, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Ogden, aged 18 years. Notice of f u neral will be given later. CARD OF THANKS THE MOTHER OF THE LATE t'harle K. McDonald desires to ex J ' press her deep appreciation of the tinrfno.. ahnwn Iter by many friends I In her- recent bereavement. And she . values very highly the numerous tes timonials of sorrow which the friends of her deceased son have so generously heatnwedito lighten the burden of ' h.. nva nlraona.1 loss. Mrs. Mary L. McDonald. 5o OUR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS who so kindly assisted us In our late - tereavement we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. C. Paulsen and son. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE A GILBAUGR undertakers and embalmers modern In every detail. Seventh nd. pine. Main 4 80. Lav assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SONS, 8D AND MAD1 son sts. OKxs of county coroner. i Phone Main 9. JL B. HltMSTOCK, TOMUUL Di- rector, east im ana uihbhub. . .. - Bellwood 71. L.aay "'""""- iELLER-BYRNES CO FUNERAL, Dl rectors, embalmers. 271 RusselL East 1088. Lady assistant LlAVARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. 220 3d st liRICSON UNDERTAKING CO., EM balmlng; lady ass t. 409 Alder. M. 6133. CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. $10: family lots. $25 to 75- Superintend. nt at cemetery, corner of Fremont st r and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For , ix.il Information apply to Frank Schleget C32 Worcester blk. Phone A2828. NOTICES , NOTICE OF REMOVAL. A. B. Bloomer, agent for Perkins National Herbs, also for Kretal for merly at 208 3d st. city, is located permanenUy wJth the F. P. Keenan Co., 590 4th at. Portland. Phone Main 3982. MEETING NOTICES - 1 MODERN FORESTERS AND FRIENDS 1 For a rousing good time, come to nnr hall (Abington bldg) on Monday , .venlna-. November 18. We will enter- I I tain you royally with whist party and I i dance. Everybody welcome. Admission, : ! . -with refreshments, lSe. Committee. If'' A. R. COMRADES OF LINCOLN- : - Garfield post No. 3 are coraiauy in- ; j , Vlted by tne jaaies oi mo . - . m good dinner nexi i urauoj c. t Kovember 19. at 6 o'clock, followed by other entertainments. ' J. W. CURRAN, Comm. R A. WOLDFARTH, Adjt. ARBUTUS CIRCLE 273 WOMEN OF Woodcraft will give a military whist party Friday evening, November 22, in the W. O. W. temple. 11th street be tween Alder and Washington. Admis sion 16 cents. Refrexnments and danc- !! : MEETING NOTICE. CALEDONIAN SOCIAL. DREW HALL, Second and Morrison, Saturday even ' lng, November 23. Scotch music. Highland dances. il, W. A..EVERGREEN CAMP, 6,466. meets Wednesday evening. Allsky felrlg.. 3d and Morrison sts. H- W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,978. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. Visitors w leom. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Fliedner Wag. Main 8891. JTCTHENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELerA.' nd opticians. $84 Washington st LOST AND FOUND CAME TO MY PLACE NOV. 9. A COW, color red and white. Address Z. Dav enport Box 60, R. P. D. No. 1, Monta vl ll.i, giving brand or mark Of owner- shin. WnlPli MARKED DENIS BAR- rett, containing deeds and papers, was lost on 19th tt lat night. Finder WIU P lease return camo iu ium uuiyp. UWfiKR. PLEASE CALL AT 1024, VAN- ro uver avenue ana ciairo mmj nirecp. Tbl ND A PLACE TO . HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and murned Mme day, J Front at. Mahi . 474, A-1374. Portland Curled-Hair factory, II, Metsger. proprietor. . . , . The Journ al LOST AND FOUND. THE PERSON WHO PICKED VP suit rase on corner of I law I horn nd Grand ave. will return amf to Jancke drua- store and avoid trouble. FOUND AT 128 8TH ST.. A L A RG assortment of genuine Hcoten siimnaa at popular prices. 1 he owner oy ran Inn on Mr. 8. D. Wills Is guaranteed perfect nt. CLASSIFIED ADS IN TIIK JOURNAL . post 1 cent ner counted word. 7 In sertion for the price of . If you have a wnnt mnk ft known through the want M l columns of The Journal. HELP WANTED MALE Hansen's Employment Offices 2 N. 2nd St. ami 260 Hurnsiae ot Phone. Main and A-1626. Help of all descriptions promptly supplied free of charge to employers. Registration free. Correspondence so licited. Situations luaraoteed or no charge. C. R. Hansen, Jr. PROP. Union Hotel Rooms Rooms Rooms. Country transient solicited. Rooms 25c, 35c and 60c per night J. H. H. An' derion, proprietor. Wasnlnrton Hotel Newly furnished, airy outalde rooms; Deal nceommooauon; rent rensonaoie; transients solicited. 102 3d and Flanders. WA.NTKD SALESMEN. MAN V MAKE S100 to 1)50 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cssh ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co.. Top penlsh. Washington. WANTED 100 MEN; DR. KETCHUM will cure promptly all your private and sexual diseases; graduate; advice free. 170 3d st Main 7164. MEN AND BOYS WANTED, TO learn Dlumblrx Dlasterlng. bricklay ing; day and night- clasaea; free cata logue; positions secured: no book learn ing. Coyne Trade School. 230-240 Ith t. Ban Francisco snd New Tors. SPECIALIST FOR MEN ONLY FEES w!'l accord with electrical findings on free examination, medicines dispensed. Dr Madison, 251 Alder, room 14. Wanted two men of ability. permanent position, steady advance ment. Call 10 to 12 a. m., room 10 Donegan bldg.. 7th and Main sts., Van couver, Wash. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee. 3 N. 3d st Perfect lit guaranteed; all work first class. CAL WINE DEPOT. HEAlJUAKTERd for cooks and helpers. 14R 4tn st We secure positions for meM- bers; special membership !!. Y. M. C A. $10 TO $50 WEEKLY FOR NEWS paper writers; costs but 33 for com plete course In Journalism. Write for free particulars, international tress Bureau, Niagara Falls. N. Y. REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE CITY nd country wanted who are able to handle first-class securities. To man that will come well recommended sal ary and expenses guaranteed. Invest ments will show large profits to In vestors. Call 207 couch bldg. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY; MAKE $10-1100 daily on small investment In motion theatre business. Newman's, 29" BurnsldH. near 5th st. TRAVEL FOR AN OLD RELIABLE manufacturer; staple, well-advertlsed line of food products, etc.; $150 to $350 per month and expenses; wanted at once good salesman for Oregon. E. E. McGuire, sales manager, Detroit. Mich. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUST lers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. $1U0 PER MONTH AND TRAVELING expanses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; rellnble company; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. WHY WORK FOR OTHERS WHEN ' $100 cash or good bank account buys -an eyeglass and jewelry traveling out- rit Big money-maker, call I to I p, m.; 29 H North Ninth street. WANTED EXPERIENCED TEA, coffee and spice man to represent us In a good location in eastern Oregon. Route established. Opportunity for right party. Address at once, Grand Union Fig Co., 473 Wa shlngton at. W'ANTEl) BY MACHINERY HOUSE, expert bookkeeper; good handwriting. Also a stenographer. N-70, Journal. Distributors wanted every- where; $25 to $30 made weekly dis tributing circulars, samples, overseeing advertising. No canvassing. Steady. Address Reliable Adv. Bureau, Chicago. GOOD PAY MEN WANTED EVERY where to tack signs, distribute circu lars, samples, etc. No canvassing. Na- iionai mat, nureau, cnicago. III. WANTED SEVERAL HIGH GRADE, first class, experienced road salesmen, men who can earn from $3,000 to $6,000 a year; old reliable jobbing houne, sta ple line. Address Western Mfg. Co.. Lumber Bxi liange, MlntieHpoHs, Minn. HUSTLERS WANTED EVERYWHERE, $26 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, overseeing out door advertis ing; new plan, no canvassing. Mer chants Out-Door Advertising Co., Chi cago; HUSTLING MEN WANTED DISTRIB ute samples and circulars; no can vassing. Globe Adv. & Dist Ass'n, Chi cago. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WHOLE sale liquor house. Address with ref erences and state salary expected. Box T-69. Journal. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COACH man for private family; must be ac quainted with the city, temperate, relia ble and a good horseman. Apply at Lawler's stables. 15th and Couch. WHY LOOK FOR A JOB IF YOU have a small capital that will pet you Into cash office business? Can mak9 $5-$10 per day; experience un necessary. 'Call 12 N. 2S st. A SWELL CHANCE FOR A MAN OP woman with $300 to get into a busi ness that will develop Into one of the largest and best paying propositions on the coast; something new. Call 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6:30 p. m.; references ex changed. Goodnough bldg.. room 607-508 WANTED CASHIER it" RESTAUR- anr a a nnrinflf na r vn.i C 9 K a VCAlr and board; $250 required, secured. Call 24S stark st PA PERH ANGER WANTED INSIDE painting. Mrs. Jennie weicii, 841 Warren st. University Park station. CYLINDER PRESSMAN, UNDER- standlng platen, for foreman Idaho 'shop; non-union. Northwest Newspaper Brokerage. Goodnougn bldg. GOOD LIVE SALESMAN. CALL FOR Bryant, room Z25. Hotel .enox, won day, 10 to 12. WANTED A GOOD, ENERGETIC man who is will n t solicit can make good money and have steady em ployment. D-69 Journal. DOUBLE YOUR SALARY BY LEARN lng show card writing or ad writing. Personal instruction by experts. Even ing classes. Betts & Wagoner, 600 Dekum building. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO STUDY telegraphy; short course; pay after we secure you positions. Oregon Col lege, southwest corner Fifth and Oak. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coot 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the "'" o cm unius or l ne Journal. PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB 173 WEST Park. Phones M-8242; Home A-5027. Sponge and press your clothes, $1.50 per month. HELP WANTED-FEMALK, A TOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER In wholesale grocery. State reference and experience. Address Box L-68, care Journal. TOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH - light housework. 366 San Rafael st Phone C-1244. IIELP WANTED FEMALE Hansen's Ladles' Aeency $:$ Washington. Cor. 7th. Upstairs, fnones Main and A -tin. Heln supplied free of chares to em ployers. Correspondence solloUed. Reg trillion ire. Hansen's Ladies' Agency ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 36 FOR position with wholesale house; expe rience unnecessary. T-tn. Journal. EAST SIDE FEMALE EMPLOYMENT Office, izavfc Grand ave. East 10ot COMPETENT OlRL FOR GENERAL housework and to assist with care of -year-old child: rood home. Mam 4762. 743 Hoyt. Apply ornlnga. WANTED, MONl)AY?ivDi C COOK. Camp. Call Sunday. 1 N. 3rd. Pacific 72. WANTt'CA BRIGHT t'JIRL FOR real estate office.- Arily w. li. ncnuise. si Bwetiand Ding. LADIES 11 EVERY DAY AT HOME; stamped envelope for particulars. Ja dies' Aid, Durham. Conn. Box 63. Wanted two energetic wom- en for responsible position. Call Mon day morning, room 24, Unborn hotel. Grand ave. and E. Ash. Wanted an b x p krienced waitress. Hobart-Curtls, 265 14th st FIRST CLASS FITTER AND ALTE atlon woman. None but first-class need apply. H-70. Journal. ORDERS FOR DAINTY CHRISTMAS aprons, crocheted shawls, slippers. etc. Phone East 16. STENOGRAPHER WANTED WHO can give spare time and invest Jlt0 In proposition which will net big In- come. a-70. Journal. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. THOR- OI GHLY EXPERIENCED, WANTED AT ONCE. OLDS. WORTMAN KINO WILL GIVE LADY GOOD HOME AND small salary for light services. Call Tbnr 533. , WANTED YOUNG WOMEN TO study commercial telegraphy; pay aft er we place you In positions. Oregon College, southwest corner Fifth and Ouk. WANTED LADIES FOR PLAIN 8K.W Ing at home, whole or spare time; good wages; send self-addressed ev velope for particulars. Nassau Manu facturing Co., New York. EXPERIENCED TICK SEWER WANT- ed. 300 4th st. TYPESETTER. STRAIGHT COMPOSI- tlon. country newspaper, steady po sition. $10 week. Newspsper Broker age, Gnodnough bldg. Main 6668 CL,JSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cert per counted word. 7 In sertions fur the price of 6. If you havo a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN- crease their earning capacity; w have helped thousands, let us help you. INTERNATIONAL, CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL. 4 H 8th nt. CTen Evenings. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO demonstrate and take orders for a well advertised line of goods; It will pay you to Investigate this offer. 203 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Washington. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. mala or female. R G. Drake, 205 H Washington st. Pacific 1370 or A 1676. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want id columns of The Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE FOR RELIABLE MALE HELP CALL Reliable Employment office, 233 Vi Burnside Main 6495. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE Posi tion as collector. References and bond If required. L-64, Journal. WANTED BY YOUNG ATTORNEY Position In law office. Sober, Indus trious and hard worker. K-64, Journal. WANTED SITUATION TO CARF for horses, garden, lawn, furnace, or any kind of work, by competent man from the east E-64. Journal. MAN OF VARIED EXPERIENCE IN mining wants permanent Job; can handle steam pumps. Q-20. Journal. WANTED A STEADY POSITION BY young married man; references given. Y-69, Journal. WANTED POSITION AS WATCH- man; understands machinery; or any other kind of work; best of reference. A-63. Journel. BOOKKEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT, with years' experience wants work; through the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. failure he is penniless; satisfactory work for most reasonable price. J-70. Journal. YOUNG BOY 16 YEARS OLD WOULD like office or family work. 285 Burn side tl. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POST tlon as assistant on books or office work; best of references furnished. Ap ply C-K9 Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want nd columns of The Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ROOF CARPENTER. 10 YEARS' EX perience, would like steaay inside work; will work cheap. 285 Burnside at. Nek Eloson. phone Main 6644. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE keeper in a small family. !-6, Journal. PRACTICAL NURSE WILL NURSE by day or week. Phone Pacific 2852. WANT SHIRT WAISTS TO LAUN der. Phone Tabor 867. BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED, with city references. Phone East 1872. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULD like work by day. Phone Pacific 806. WIDOW WITH CHILD OF 8, AS housekeeper for widower's family in city. Apply 411 Taylor. Phone Pacific 2032. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the wnnt ad columns of The Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Male and female help of all kinds furnished on short notice, free of charge to employer. ' When you are looking for Japanese help call us up, Pacific 1641. MRS. S. MAKAYAMA, 249 Couch street. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS, DISH- washers. laborers, waiters, porters, clerks, chambermaids, waitresses, pan try, family, office, factory, laundry help, white, negro, Chinese. Japanese furnished anywhere. R. G. Drake. 205 Washington. Pacific 1870. Home A-1570. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMP. CO.. ARMSTRONG & Bakke. props. Labor contractors; help free to employers. 275 Burnside. M 7824. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 205 H Morrison at.... Phone Paclfle lit 27 N. 2d. st. ....... ..Phone Pacific ISO These pages reflect the- wants of thousands They want-yourr active support they demand your immediate attention To get it they put it in The Journal EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES 8T. LOUIS LADIES' EMP. AGENCY, Mrs. Richardson, mgr.; selected help a speedily. 230K Yamhill. Main 6411. JAPANESM EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF help supplied. Main 46. 261 Everett WANTED AGENTS A HOMO COM PANT LOW PREMIUM rates and hiah cash values make In policies of the Columbia Life Trust uo. easy to sen. Apply to jesse n. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Kxchange bldg WANTED ENERGETIC BUSINESS man or woman to act as general agent In this territory for magaslne "Good Housekeeping." Big renewsl list and man commission. Aniiress t it. man- den. f9 Broadway. Oakland, California AGENTS WANTED LAN IUU BB.LL goods T If so we need you; complete outfit free: cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company. Balem. Or LADY AGENTS WANTED TO SELL lc arllrl: sella In every home: your commission 38 to $10 per day; ssniple 10c: It win surprise you. 1 oicnoi son A Co., Greenfield. O. WANTED SOLICITORS. EITHER sex. to sell household necessity; Dig psy to right parties. Room 33 VVash- ngton Ping AGENTS' TC HANDLE BIGGEST money-making fire extinguishers; special startinv offer: exclusive terrl tnrv: 376 to 1300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis. AGENTS FOR KEROSENE INCAN dqsctint mantle lamp. Twelve times cheaper thsn gas, seven times cheaper . , . . . 1 '..,! man oruioury iicruaeiie ntntnl company, 330 Broadway, New York. AGENTS STOP PEDDLING. TRY OUR Dlan of ilenlinc with merchants only Steady work; workers easily earn $10 dally. Write quick, for our attractive plan and rree samples. 11AK11Y (.PBinAnu at kj., St. Louis. Mo. DUST-PROOF. HTEM-WIND. 8TEM- set. fancy embossed, pure gold-plated watch. Pretoria diamond ring, gold filled. (Send sixe.) -Either one $1.60; not satisfactory, money back. Worster Co.. San Jose. Cal. LARGF PROFITS. GOOD SELLERS See Plummer Drug Co. 260 3d st. LIFE AGENTS CAN MAKE GOOD mnnv. 171 18th. cor. Yamhill. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cot 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want mnke It known through the want ad columns of The Journak WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT tagea, flats, steres, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEGON. Phone Ex. 72. S E. Cor. 3d and Oak. THE LANDLADIES' CLUB, 268 Stark St., Suite 31. We ran rent your rooms. Don't let them atand vacant. Our system rents them. Call and see us. I WANT TO RENT FARM IMPROVED and stocked; when answering give terms, location and general particulars. p-63. Journal. WANT TO RENT FOR 2 OR 3 months, house at Seaside. F-70, Jour nal WANTED TO RENT, 6 OR 6-ROOM modem house or cottage at once; no children. L-70. Journal. WANW.li TO RENT. BY WOLF stein, 110 1st St.. launch or flshboat 4 to 10 horse-power, best care given, for winter. BY SINGLE GENTLEMAN, UNFUR- nlshed room, neatea, or piaco iur stove; close In. State price and loca tion. P-69, Journal. Want a furnished house for a desirable tenant. The Landladies club. 268 Stark st Butte 31. WANTEDROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR tutoring or light housework. Y-68, Journal CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted wora, in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD STUDENT WANTS WORK FOR ROOM and board. Edgar Sundberg, 670 Borthwlck st.. city. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS $1,000 on a property well worth $2,500 on Minnesota ave., near Fre mont st He will pay 8 per cent The Spanton Co,., 270 fit ark st AMOUNTS OF FROM $100 UP; SAFER than the banks and pays much higher earnings. A-70, Journal. TO BORROW FROM PRIVATE PARTY $800; Al real estate security. C-70, Journal. WANTED $2,600 FOR I YEAR; WILL pay 12 per cent interest; security un improved warehouse property worth $8,000, located on O. R. & N. track; must have money Monday, November 18. Call on owner, room 16. Lafayette bldg., corner 6th and Washington. WANTED TO BORROW $500 OR $600 from private party, only good security; 8 per cent. Home phone B-2245; call for Mr. Logan. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If jtou have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city property. What have you for sale? Come and list it at once, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON & OREGON REALTY Jk COMPANY, second st., Portland. 108 Or. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO RENT? List It with me, turning people away every day. A. S. Draper, 343 & Wash lngton st., rooms 6 and 6, cor. 7th st WANTED ONE OR TWO LOTS CLOSE in. Must be a baritain. W. F. Huby, Vancouver, Wash. WAN! ED TO BUY FROM OWNERS only. 6 or 101 acres near city. 0-69, Journal. FAHMERS IF YOU WANT TO SELL your farms write, giving full partic ulars to tho Portland Business agency, 148 5tn st., who have buyers waiting. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED RE liable farmer, furnished farm or ranch on shares. J. H. Lawrence. St. Johns. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want, make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WILL BUY TOUR HOUSEHOLD foods and guarantee best prices. S. J. fc Rubensteln, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6665. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices Fders. Phone Main 8516. j BEST LOGGER SHOES MADE TO order. Union made rhoes in stock. Ernest Chtust 852 Glisan. RAZORS. KNIVES. SCISSORS TO grind. Karl son Co. 361 Ankeny. M. 6250 RPflT CASH FOR FURNITURE; ' pvompt attention alwaya given. 101. - - E. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WOOD CUTTING WANTED; .WILL contract 100 to 1,000 cords on certain conditions; also sawing machine for sale. For particulars address Linden Billings, 880H 2d at. Home B-1705. IF YOU WISH TO EXCliATJa B OB sell your furniture for cash, phone Enst 6204. 266 Hawthorne. HIGHEST "PRiC PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange. 262 Front st Psclflo 1411. WANTED TO BUY LYB HOMINY IN quantities. Horse for sale cheap. R-70, Jourjial. WANT T6 BUY A WOOD YARD IN good location. Phone East 2162. WANTED BY MAN" AND WIFE, AND four or fly unfurnished rooms In private family. West side. 70 Lewis Kidg WILT TllADH STRICTLY FIRST rlaaa talklnv machine. lor bicycle, printing or house painting. Portland Phonograph Agency. 126 7th at LADY WITHOUT CHILDREN WOULD store i sewing machine for use or it during the winter, v-89, journal. WANTED By young married lady, one or two children to noaro; suoutds. 160 Emerson street Phone Woodlawn 918 or Scott 6561. Want to buiT a Wood yard In" good location. Phone Enst 2l:'. HIGHEST CASH 'PRICES PAID f6r all kinds of second-hand-goods, bust B0. Home C-J060. Wanted small cash register; chenp; state prloe. Address 750 Micir- rsn avenue, city. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV. age & Penned. $45-247 1st. Pae. a0. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a wnnt make It known tnrougn me want ad columns of The Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE BARTON, FORMERLY THE Carlton, 13th and Alder sts.; under new management this popular rooming house has been entirely remodeled and renovated; new heating apparatus being Installed and many new modern conven iences added; moderate terms; dining- room In connection. The Landladies' Club 268 STARK ST., SVITE 31. We have rooms for rent In all parts of the city. Call and Inspect our Hat. Open Sundays. HOTEL DK.BL.1IN. New house. Just opened to the public. cor. 11th and wasn. sts.; oeauiiiuuy furnished; private baths, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat; rates 1 and upward. Phone Mam 7964. Mrs. Ogllvle, prop. ONE SUITE OF TWO ELEGANTLY furnished rronl rooms, piano, pnone, bath, electric light and all modern con veniences; especially- suited for two young gentlemen. Hotel Mason, 247H 6th. THE GRAND, 4SVa N. 3D ST. ROOM3 for gentlemen. $1.25 per week and up. THE KARt FURNISHED ROOMS $2 per week and up. 202 2d, corner Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM heat, modern, $12 to $30 per month; transients, 128 W. Park. the-Artonla. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED COR ner suite In steam-heated apartment house; walking distance; porcelain bath; both phones; rent reasonable to permanent parties. 494 Morrison at. flat 11, opp. high school. 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNrLK nished; suitable for housekeeping, suite or single. 1038 Cleveland ave. Phone Pacific 309. 2 SUITES OF ELEGANTLY FUR - nished rooms; also 2 single rooms. Fine location. Roy Crest, corner 12th and Yamhill. HOTEL EMPRESS NEWLY FUR nlshed central, unlet: 6Mi and Stark PLEASANT SUNNY OUTSIDE ROOMS from $10 to $15 per month. 456 Alder. TWO NICELY FURNISHED House keeping rooms; bath, heat, phone and gas; no children. 658 Williams ave. ONE LARGE NICELY FURNISHED front room in private family. Price $10. Gas and bath Included. 409 College. 'if! HfiOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED, IN elndinir nlano. Price $300. See owner at 300 Vz B. Washington, corner Wster, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITA hi. trsy n vnun- indies, very reason E. Yamhill st. cor. 43d Mount Tabor carllne. Hotel Victoria 7th and Glisan, two blocks from Union depot; Bteam heat, not anu coia waici rates hue to s i.uu Kirir.T.Y FURNISHED AND HOUSE keeping rooms; central; rates reason able. 342 Vi 1st st. Phone racmc id-. TWO NICELY URNISHED UOUSB- keeping rooms. Tree pnone uovi. $3 per week. 367 East Oalt CLASSIFIED AD3 IN THE JOURNAL 1 ,.,,t ,ir i-niinted word. 7 in sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want mane It Known mruus" want ad columns of The Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD iinARn -n FRONT PARLOR BED room for married couple at $50 per month, or for one person at $35 per month;. also room for two at so per week; In private family; good home nnnv nc: rererences reuuweu. vj ,. Couch st. Tel. B-1143. pni.r,VAriSl ROOM AND BOARD, all latest conveniences. 19th and frrTWXrifWF.T) ROOMS WITH BOARD. The Ozark. zzt inn st. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD 370 12th st. Phone Main 4364. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING NEW LOWER FOUR-ROOM FLAT, $16 or $22; nicely furnished. Front suite good furnished house keeping rooms in cottage, with porch; $15. Other suites, $8, $10 a month. 3 unfurnished rooms, with sink, $10 a month. Coast Realty Co.. 226 Mor rison st TSae Landladies' Ctab 268 STARK ST., SUITE 31. We have rooms for rent in all parts of the city. Call and. Inspect our list. Open Sundays. THE) MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonaoie. ?in and Flanders sts. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN FURN- ished housekeeping rooms, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 H Stanton at U car . $1.50 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st, south, Portland. LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished; running wa ter. 603 Alder. 145 6TH HOUSEKEEPING AND front sleeping and low priced rooms for working people. See them. THE IOWA 2 SUITES OF ROOMS furnished for housekeeping. 372 E. obk. fnone mast 4Z6 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing room for two; bath gas range, laundry, use of piano, both phones. 282 Park. ' TWO LARGE AND LIGHT UNFUR nished rooms, suitable for housrkeep ing, walking distance from I town, for rent 410 Hall. FURNISHED H O US EKEEPI NO rooms. Large and clean; good loca tion. 631 Thurman. oh lth st. car. THE NEWCASTLE; COR. 3RD AND Harrison; furnished housekeeping rooms, also single rooms. : reasonable. .Main 800. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT t HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new, modern cottage; free hath and water; near AlDtria canine, 610. 1084 E. 13th st..V. OWENS APARTMENTS ONE- 1-ROOM suite for housekeeping. 310 H Jtus ell at. ONE LARUE ROOM, BIG CLOSET, running water; gas to cook With, and best, $zo per montn. is vm st FOR RENT TWO ' UNFURNISHED rooms zor Housekeeping. tu. Ankeny. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng suites; bath, gas and - phone 114 KO 644 Overton st CLASSIFIED AbS IN THIS JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted wora. i in sertions for the price of (. If you havo a want make ft known through the want nd columns of The Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES vnn rknt 66 E. 14th st. corner Oak. large 10 pnnm realdenca. lovelv arounds. $36. 1170 Patton ave., 7 -room Queen Anne cottage, nlco fruit trees. is. . 466 Spokane ave, 4-roam bungalow, 726 Corbett at., (-room cottage, all conveniences. $26. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 246 Alder St, FOR RENT. T-room modern house 6-room modern house 5-room house j 2'4-room flats, each OTTO, CROCKETT A HARKSON, 113 U First St TO RENT NINE-ROOM HOUSE. Kl Wsshlngton at: nice grounds good location, 130. Apply o Bweuano oiug. Phnna Main HIT VAN H6RN TRANSFER FURNITURJi and pianos moved, stored or snippea. Phone Main Kit. - i : , j... . l .i -ROOM COTTAGE ON CAK1, jv Broadway. $26 month. Inquire S33 Washington at. We rent anD seLL p1aN6. siltR- man. Clay V Co. 1427 MILWAUKIE ST., TWO BLOCKS from car. 5-room cottage, garoen anu chicken house: $14. Phone Bellwooa 69. A MODERN 7-ROOM HOU6E. 787 E. Ash. $22.60: key at the store, corner 94th and Ankanv. 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT 404 Skldmore at., one block from car, i Phone East 3641. NEW," MODERN COTTAGES. $20 AND 822. Mallory A Mason. Call Main 3990. rilOOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. $10 per month. 670 Front st. lROOM COTTAGE, NEW, MODERN. E. 26th St.. W-W. canine; iiu. main 8370. A-2410. A. 8. Draper, 343H Wash- ngton st, rooms 6 and ., cor, itn st. YiM RENT MODERN 8-ROOM house on east side, close In. Will rent cheap to right tenanta. Boxorth Wills Co.. 819 Lumber Exchange. Pbore Main 1116. 6-ROOM. WELL-F.URNI8HED COT tage, $26; new lower 4-room flat, un furnished. $16; furnished, $22; front of cottage, two well-furnished rooms, $15 month. Coast Realty Co.. 226 H Mor- rlson. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, HOTXND cold water; with orchard; 1 block from car; cheap rent and fine location. A ppl y 835 K. 3Iat St. WE HAVE FOR RENT ONE 4-ROOM, one 6-room and one 7-rootn house, all rents reasonable. Conklln Bros., E. 36th and Hawthorne ave. CLA SS1FIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you havo a war.t make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE WILL RENT MY strictly modern 8-room house, hard wood floors and every convenience. In swell neighborhood and completely fur nished for housekeeping to Reliable Hawthorne ave. fake Hawthorne ave! r Mount Soott car and et off at E. lth st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE or six rooms and bath; modern in every respect; electricity, gas, furnace, etc. Located 669 Union ave.. north. Phone E. 4994, Woodlawn and Alberta cars pass tne door. NEATLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE, corner lot nice yard. 676 Gantenbein ve.. i-pper Alblna. FURNISHED COTTAGE; WILL RENT pnri or wnoie or it. 649 E. Morrison CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have nnui iuuko it Known mrougn tne fam aq columns or Tne journal. UNFURNISHED ROOMS NICELT FURNISHED. ALSO UNFUR- nisned rooms, single and en suite, quiet and very suitable for single uieu. The Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine; rea- NonaDie. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If vou havs a want make ft known through the want aq columns or The journal. FOR HET FLATS FOR RENT A SMALL FRUIT FARM near city and carllne; strawberries, raspoernes. DiacKDerries ana grapes: ex collent terms to right party. 655 Kear ney st. PlrOne Main 2176. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM -- FLAT. modern. $15: Water and Arthur ats. inquire 184 Arthur st FOUR-ROOK FLAT. FURNISHED rent 38: price 1100. 20 minutes' wa'ic lowasn. st. two carllnes. 640 y, 1st st, CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for tha price of &. It von hava a wait make ft known through the want aa columns or The Journal. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR RENT NEW MODERN 6-ROOM house; furniture for sale, including: fine piano; rent $18. Call 145 E. 25th st. or phone B-2173. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT, IN erood cond tlon. close in: a bargain: rent $20. Inquire room 4, 206 Morri son. FOR SALE GOOD FURNITURE OF 10-room house. 233 6th St. FURNISHED NEW MODERN HOUSE, 7 rooms ror rent or ror saie; rent 50; on earnrus. j'none mast ion CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have H want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FIRT-CLA8S OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent In new building; steam heat, electric and gaa light, with Jani tor service. N. E. cor. 8a and Madison.' OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs. at moder ate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, $14 Worcester bldg. . STORES AND OFFICES IN 6-STORY brick bulldln-. southwest corner 5th and Qak sts., opp. Commercial club bldg. FINE OFFICE ROOM. BEST LOCA tlon In the city. Hicks-Chatten Eng. Co., 142 2d st - DESK ROOM FOR RENT, FREE phone, $10 per month. Room 16 La fayette bldg., corner 6th and Washing ton. NEW STORE FOR RENT. 260 THIRD St.. near Madison. FOR RENT DESK ROOM OR PART ' of -desk and table; office In a new building; good proposition for stenog rapher. Inquire f Dr. Fessler, 417 Ab ington bldg. : - OFFICE. a A "TT v FURNISHED: BOTH phones; $16. Call 612 Lumber -Ex FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES DESK ROOM TO RENT IN OFFICS to right party. Stat business. N-49, Jo u mal GgHT OFFICES, BTRlCTtt MD rn, tow rent. Portland Buslnesa Agency. 141 6th st, between Morrison and Alder. CLASSIFIED AbS IN THE JOURNAL ebat 1 cent por eounted word, T In sertions for the price of 6. If you bay a want make it known through the want sd columns- of The Journal. FOR RJCNT FARMS 600-ACRE PLACE ON THE O. R. A N, fronting on the Columbia river. Hummer resort hotel In connection; ex cellent place for stock and fruit Re quires sufficient capital to stock placa and pay "ent Rent very reasonable. 76 acres, at Proebstel, I miles Van couver: 40 acres richest bottom land for cultivation; good buildings; choloa fruit. $200 per annum. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder street. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE ibtiRNAt cost 1 cent per counted word. T In sertiona for the price of . If you hava if y a . want t make It known throuh iha . through want ad columns of The Journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. T In sertions for the price of 4. If you hi a want make it known through the wont ad columns of The Journal. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH wipaern oonveniencea rnnne Main lift. RESORTS CA8TLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile t' ousi Aioat unique and beat road house In the west: kitchen sunnllad from our farms; first-class goods; Port land prices. Kred T. Merrill, originator. SPECIAL STORE SALES Don't Read This If alck and performs Ita duty nn- aatlsfactory you want to bring It to ma ior treatment. I mean your watch. Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, tivvt Aiaaison st CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. BUSINESS CHANCE8 , WhsMfliLrfi PORTLAND BUSINESS AGENCY. Need no bonk references: no offlca changes; no commission' off buyer. They all know we do the business. NOTICE. Now surely you have had enough ex- erlence In leaving your money Tn tho lands of the shark banker. Spend It and handle It yourself.' JUST THINK. We have hotels, rooming houses, busi ness Investments of all alios and prices for sale and exchange, -clearing from iuu to jouu per month net prorit. THOUGH We do not describe them In this column, as our forefathers said things look bright on paper. We' want you to call and go with us and If we cannot show you to your entire satisfaction that ws can save you from $100 to $500 on any buy in the city, we don't ask thanks for our trouble. PORTLAND BUSINESS AGENCY, 14s 6th st, bet. Morrison and Alder. MOREHOUSE WIE8T CO., 420 Lumber Exchange bldg. Paint, oil snd wall paper buslnesa lo cated In good eastern Washington town. Borne Dig contracts ror painting go with the business if taken at once. Dry goods, boot and shoe business. good Columbia river town. ' Grocery, receipts $3,000 per month; ! vaney town. , I ' . . . . Koarning nouse, receipts about $800 per month; a good buy. 1 7 - Wood and coal business, surburban lo cation; this will speak for itself. Pool room, cigars and confectionery! fine location, city. MOREKOUFT? WIEST CO., 420 Lum ber Exchange bldg. 7-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. CEN tral. $360. Cigar stand, rent $20, $400. 480 acres wheat land, horses and ma chinery; exchange for city property. Full section raw land close to rail road; good land; price $850. Exchange city property. ALEXANDER IjAND CO., 63 fith near Pine THE PORTLAND BUSINESS AGENCY. 148 5th, bet. Morrison and Alder. Have some snaps In busl a number of exceptional bargains In real estate. Let us snow you where to double your money. we don t deal In banks you handle your own money. THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY IM proved Smelter stock, while the price is away down. Large profits are sure to result. Act aulclr If vntl -ant make an Investment that win nn, eral hundred per cent. Clearing House muni raerennnts .National bank. Title Guarantee A Trust ,....- checks accepted in full. W. J. Curtis. zio commercial block. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. A well naylna- country ntnm In most beautiful vallev In nntimm gon. for sale. Owner made a little for tune and will retire. Closest investiga tion solicited. Invoice about $6,000. F. FUCHS, 22,4 Morrison at A SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED DRAT age and. storage business for sale at a j;rln. The plant can be handled for o.uuu uown. imiance 10 BUit The SDan ton Co., 270 Stark St. v PARTNER WANTED. I Want a man who nnAPDtaj. al- .. ........ n uijuio ine rayage business to buy with me a first-class drayage and storage busi ness worth 37.000. n tn WoTi,...;.,. and Glisan sts. - wi RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUT ter. on Washington;, good place for 3 partners; $1,000. Address X-69, Jour nal. B I,'.,KSMITH BHOP WORTH $600: a-iW111 etil '"same, stock and tools. Address Box Z-68. Journal. FOR SALE HOTEL. CONSISTING OF 24 rooms, nicely furnished through out.1 cash, or will exchange for real es tate. For particulars address H. A. Col llns, Oakland. Or. $700 PARTNER WANTED FOR BUT ; ter and egg store, $150 a month guar snteed. Call 248 Stark st. 8 IF YOU WANT AN INVESTMENT , that will return $100 for every $1 in vested answer immediately, must sacrl flce. G-9. Journal. WILL SELL HALF INTEREST IN business all worked un: anlAnHM portunity to right party; must havo money. M-9. Journal. RELIABLE-MAN CAN" SECURE HALF Interest in old established offie h.t. ness; good opportunity to make big money; only small cap! tut required. No 1 . , i.Tnre iici,rnBnr,r, can n north Zd INVENTIONS PERFECTED, IDEAS developed, models and drawings made. J. Piopper, 718 H. 11 th St.. Portland 86 PER CENT PROFIT ON MONEY invested 1n our proposition. Ameri can Development Co., 818 Common wealth bldg..- 6th and Ankeny. $326 WILL BUY ROOMING-HOUSE. lB CU5 D-VtoSt " r9m twal'