THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17,-1807, NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW rODAY. HEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. Auction Sab BY J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer S Monday and Friday At 10 a. m. Each Day at Sales rooms, 208 First Street, V will offer to careful buyer an assortment of narlor furniture com- prlalns eolld milioiinr aetteee. Bleho chair, rocker and center labia. choice piece of crotch mahogany -lected for a home In Flckway. In ad dition to thla lra;ant furniture we will ell library table, ladlea' dk. large bookcaa. pianos, violin, guitar, drop head aewlng machine, couches, oak ex tension table with chairs to match In leather upholstery, round extension ta ble, dlahes, glassware, plctnres. etc, an assortment of bedroom effect, car cet. run. linoleum kitchen furnish ing, rang, stoves and other t valuable longings. Special Residence Sale Wednesday, Nov. 20th On the Premises, 779 Johnson Street, at 10 a. m. Sale reached by Twenty-third street cars. On account of departure for Cuba. Mr. Q. U. Ooodell will offer t public sals ths furnishings of his dwelling comprising Btelnway upright piano In walnut burl case, music cabinet, tabls In mahogany, fine old eaay chair In Wilton utholatery, couch with Turkish oover, old walnut dak, marble mantel clock, mnttlnga, carpels ami ruga wal nut sideboard with marble alab suit able lor public dining room or buffet, walnut table with IJ-foot extension. chairs In leather upholstery, decanters and glassware, 60-plce Cllllnn ware dinner aft. Imulton ware breakfast set, silver pudding dish, fruit baaketa. etc. Monitor wrought iron range, kitchen aafe and treasure, utenalla. etc. Wal nut and cherry bedroom furnlahlnga, hair mattresa, bedding, wool blankets, etc Dominion aprtng. Iron beds, dec orated toilet set, walnut chiffonier, pic ture, portieres, etc. Smith & Weaaon pistol with pearl handle, heating atovea and other furnlahlnga. Sale promptly at 10 a. m. . T. W1LBUN. Auctioneer. NOTE W exchange gold and U. 8. currency for houae furnishings office fixture, etocka, etc. Phone Main 12; A-4243. J. T. W. Auction Sales We are Instructed fey oosslgiior to sU the under-mentioned high class hoasehola fajrnishinjr (on account of breach of contract). The aame has been In naa only a few week and mast be disposed of to the highest bidder. Tho sale will take place at Baker' Auotlon Hons, corner Alder and Park St. OIN A.Y M:XT Comprising pretty parlor suite In llk figured plush and mahogany finished frame, lace curtain, aeamlea Wilton rug, pier mirror In weathered oak frame, painting, rattan arm chairs, beautiful rockers In quarter sawed oak and genuine leather seats, vefy hand some dining room suite In the finest quartered golden oak, viz., large buffet, round extension table, box eeat chalra, crockery and glassware, secretaire desk, books by noted authors, brass andirons and ga log, small desk, velvet and Brusnel carpets, couches In velour, Turkish couch In denim, folding card table, massive Iron beds, best steel springs, hair and felt mattrees. ele gant blrdaeye maple and oak dresser, feather pillows and beddin ?, drophead Blnger sewing machine, Jardlnier stand, oak hall tree bookcase, sanitary couch and pad. Oar land cookatove, heater, in laid linoleum and other useful lots. Also a few more of those velvet rug In two size, Just the article to brighten up that parlor or dining room carpet. You are welcome to Inspect the above goods tomorrow (Monday). Sale on Tuesday at 10 o'clock sharp. BAKER & SON, Auctioneer. OIN THURSDAY We shall have nnother large lot of good clean household goods. Parties having anything in household furniture, carpets, etc., for this sate will please have them here by Wednesday mornlntr. that they may be properly displayed for the auction on the following day. Sale at 10 o'clock sharp. DAHill A SON, Auctioneers. The Reward of Politeness. President Harahan of the Illinois Cen tral at a dinner In New' York compared foreign with home roads. "And another thing," lie said "our railway servants are more courteous than foreign ones. Foreign porters and ticket sellers are a very crusty lot ''An American and a Briton were once riding up to London in a first class carriage. The American, at a certain tatlon, leaned out and said to the por- ter on the platform: i "What station Is this, brother? I Birmingham, o course,' said the i forter in a surly tone. "Can't you soe he name posted up?' "The American, afr drawing in his head, said to the Rngllshman: " 'Now that was a plee of discour tesy you wouldn't meet with In Amer ica. An American porter would have answered mc with polished politeness.' "The Englishman smiled. "'Ah, but It was your own fault, that rebuff," he said. 'I'ardon mo for nien- tlonlnn It. but vour manner was too bluff, too rouc-h and readv. The norter ' took you for a er a bounder, isow. at the next station, I will myself ask a forter some question, and I'll nsk It In he gracious, condescending way we do euch things over here. I warrant you I'll receive the most courteous of an wers.' "'All right," said the American short ly, a little hurt at having been mistaken tor a bounder. "Well, at the next station the carriage man he was a typical, rotund, rosy old John Bull put his head out of the window, showed all his false teeth In a ; rlltterlnr smile, and ourred " "Porter, would you kindly tell me the name of this station? "The porter glanced up, and then, a he slouched off, called back over hi shoulder: " "Ah, shut tha trap, tha bacon-faced old buffer! Put tha daft fat head In before I knock it off for thee." " World's Largest Lace Factory. " From the London Express. TVi lace factory In the world wa opened ai uraycoii, pear """'"R- bam, yesterday, the occasion being cele- brated by n, which the peopl throughout the district Joined. J The, factory la four stories. S0 feet , Ion, with accommodation for 228 lace - " . machines. It was built by E. Jardlne, a t wealthy Nottingham manufacturer, who recently purchased uiasionoury aoDey. To lgnalia th opening Mr. Jardin opened an account In the postoffice sav ing bank for every child In th district r-more than 700 -atartins; t ; wltli a hUllng. . 11 , ; Th Democrat of Rhod Island ara well satisfied with, th result of th Checks, N Deposits or Certificates Accepted Your choice from my complete list of city bargains. No raise in price? F. O. Northrup 314-315 Couch Bldg. Fourth, near Washington, Phones Main 8126 and A-1508 Must be Sold Beautiful, new, strictly modem SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW IN IRVING! ON Full lot. Thla property la offered for 1800 leaa than actual cost a rare bar gain. rr tats to an va. Chopin & Herlow 42$ Chamber of OoauMto. none KaXa 1062. S. L N. GILMAN ATSCTZOBTXB. No. 411 Washington Street. Sell real estate, household furniture. merchandise, etc., by public and pri vate, sale. Buys household furniture, etc. 6al daya Tueaday, Thursday and Friday. Phone Main Z47S; A-4710. Cash advanced. S. L N. GJLMAN. AUCTIONEER Get an Acreage MomeinCovell Convenient to car, rich oH, the crop will make you a living and pay for the place. All cleared ready to cultivate. Price very reasonable. Term easy. 'The Dunn-Lawrence Co. S4S AXJ)B ST. Investment One 1-atory houae. 8 room, strictly modern, rented for $31 per month; 1 rnttare B room, rented for lis. (.00 per month Lot 60x100, cement aldewa ilka; Improved atreet. Locte1 on Clay, near 14th, west atoe. trice o,ovv. uin range terms COmCOlTWllALTH TSTTST CO Sixth and Ajiksay. BEAUTIFUL Nlnlrooni modern houae. 1 fire place, furnace and U -block In beat eaat a Ida location. One-half cash or In clearing houae certificate. F. DUBOIS Washing-ton Bid., Boom S. Portland Auction Co. ORIGINATORS Of the New System of Auction Sales Which are conducted at 211 First street on each Tuesday at 10 a. m. Thursday this week we thank you all. Friday sale at 2 p. m. Saturday 2 p. m. The owner of the following good are leaving the city and have told us to sell at auction on Tuesday next two magnificent Dining-Room Suites In perfect quartered oak; piano finished box seat diners, round or square taoie; also two beautiful Parlor Suites in mahoaanv finish, three and five- pieco sets, daintily upholstered and per feet. . rn j r,-i. IVlISSlun viimis anu ivuitfio In renl Spanish leather and Just like new, as well as our Carpets und Rugs Very rich colorings and dainty design In an sizes anu (juhuiicb. Three Steel Ranges must be sacrificed ns well as Rood cook stoves, hraters and all the sundry fan- ev rockers, chalra, center tables, couches, lace curtains, portieres, bed dmg. and a thousand rlne things we cannot list here. Don't Believe What Everyone Says until you prove for yourself that WE BUY MORE WE SELL MORE WE PAY MORE for furniture or other merchandise than any other house In the city, so ir you Ish to experience that satisfied feel tng, do your Dusiness wn ine Portland Auction Co. Main 5855 A-4121. Legal Notice of Sale. ' Ten day from the date of this no tice, we will sell at 211 First street to satisfy lawful claims, one old Nicholas BatlaUV IHW1U1 uietlliia, u Amltl violin, value 1108; one other fin ton(S. vloiln and a very (flne mahogany Kujtfr. All Instruments can be seen at in Fourth street any day previous t0 u of ale u i Portland Auction Co. recent election In their stat. Governor Hifrffln was reelected by a majority larger than- he received a year ago. and thor wr also. om Dtmocratie gain la th legislature . r. LOT BARGAINS 225 each; choice lot; Arbor Lodge. 126 cash, balance 110 a month, f JtftO ach; choice lota. Piedmont park. tio eaah, balano 110 a month. geKA 10x100. E. ltd. near Belmont, lliy caah, balance lit month. S9KQ- Lot E. Yamhill, near 15th at, 1260 cash, fit month. tl'000 Lot E. Taylor, near Itth at.; 1100 oaah, $20 month. 1.7BO 0X100, E. fia'mon, near Htn at, 100 caah, $26 month. COTTAGES 2.200 $ (-room cottage, near lt and Oalne; well rented. $600 caah, balano $10 month. Will tak In payment bank paper or Book account In any solvent bank. F. W. TORGLER 10 Sherlock Bid. GUI Edge Investments 45.0OO For a very centrally located corner, bringing good Intereat on your money. f T.KOO 10 acrea In high state of cultivation, new 7-room bunga low and other fine outbuilding. . beat of soli for truck garden ing, horse, wagon, machinery, 400 chlckena and other poultry, fin orchard, on Oregon City carllne, cloae to Willamette; an legant home and money maker. 885 par acr for the nlceat laying land you ever saw; 1(2 acrea, 100 In high state of cultivation. 10 mile from renter of Portland, ery richest aoll; can be di vided Into 5 and 10-arre tract nd retailed at $250 per acre, aa a carllne will go through It. Oood term given. F. rUCDS, 2215 Morrison Street Cheap, Building Lots ON EASY TERMS HOLLADAY AVE. AND EAST 21ST. PRICE 91,100. Term. $100 down, balance In Install ment or IZO per month: iouxiuu on outhat corner 21st and Ilolladay ave. HOLLADAY AVE. AND EAST 22D. PRICE 91,100. Term $100 down, balance In Install ment of $20 per month: 100x100 on aouthwest corner Z2d and Holladay av. HOLLADAY AVE. AND EAST 22D. PRICE 91,100. Term. $100 down, balanc In Install ments of $20 per month: 100x100 on southeast corner lid and Holladay ave. MALL & VON B0RSTEL 104 Second St. and $91 B. Bumslde. A BARGAIN A Fine Flat or Factory Property 10th and East Davis Price $5500 100x100 on the southeast corner of 10th and East Davis streets It is a bargain. Mall & Von Borslel 104 2d and 392 E. Burnside St. Fine Flat or Apartment -House Site Third, Near College St. Price $6SOO Full lot- close In, being Nos. 434 and 48 8d st, right among the new apart ment houses; present improvements bring in good rental! can be Improved and net owner large Income; price only $8,600. Undoubtedly this is the great est resl estate bargain In the c ty, being short distance from city hall. MALL & VON B0RSTEL, Agents 104 2d t. and 392 K. Burnside. at ALBINA A BUSINESS PROPERTY, Russell Street, A Bargain PRICE $6,500 Lot 50x100. with store buildings and dwelling, being 310 and 312 Russell st. It Is one of the best buys we have In Albina. If you want a bargain see this one. Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d st. and 392 E. Burnside. st. 5-Room Cottage Price $2100 Lot 60x100 and 6-room cottage at S3 E 28th t., next to the comer of E. Pine. W can ell It on easy term. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. and 393 E. Bnrnsld. Vour Chance 112.000 only for a handsome 9-room stylish, up-tvdate, modern home In Nob Hill district, with lot 0xl00. Will take clearing; house certificates. Terms if desired. P. DUBOIS Washington elds'., Boom a. IN LOAN NG YOUR MONEY on real estate mortgages you have your security at all times under control. It 1 th only eci your own ! i Kiiw uiiij iDi.mii .unu- j lutely backed by the stability ox tf!9 ! commonwealth, Gtoneral practice, title examinations, moruaaa ns. ana pronaie business. Interviews rroro tenners ana borrower, only, solicited. W. fl.,.ward. lawyer. Boom 110 Allsky bldg. Main mt. i LOW-PRICED HOMES I -room modern bungalow and nearly an acr In Ilolladay Park. Price $100. Will ell bungalow and on lot for IS.000. l-room cottage In Oakdala, near Anabel, iouxiuo; iz.ubo l-room modern house, Eaat Ifadlaon near 10th. $4,100. West side, large house, centrally lo- eated, $1,000. easy terms, l-room house In Central Albina. $1,000; asy terms. K-room cottage on Montarllla line, $1,- 800; eaay terma. -room modern house, Eaat Davl t, $1,100. 6-roora house, Eaat Ankeny line, $1,100. J -room houae, Montivllla. $1,600. l-room houae on fcaat th near Skid more, 11,600; easy terma. BtfTJUBis BTnunro sms. 100x160, near E. 27th and Sandy. $1,800. 100x1(6, near Laurelwood, 8oo. 100x160, Columbia Helghta, $H60. 100x100. Foxchaae with fruit tree. $100. 100X to, Ina Park. $476 60x100, corner In Creston, $(60. 60x100, corner In Vernon, $600. 60x100, South St. John, $400. 60x100, St. John Heights. $626. 60x100, Hawthorne Ave. addition, $150. 60x100, cor. on Hawthorne ave., $1,160. 60x100, corner. Rose City Prk, $(50. 100x100, South Sunnyalde $1,600. 60x100, South Sunnyalde. $00. 13x111. on Hawthorne av., $1,060. Hartoian & Thompson CKAJcxxa or cokxxbob. "SMOKE UP!" 28,500150 feet on Fifteenth street; terms and the best buy of north-end warehouse property. 1 15,000 Four modern up-to-date dwelling-s with nice lawn and hrubberv, near car, though easy walking distance; heat lection east side, renting $115, A choice property. 7,000 Two lots and good dwelling North Portland, a choice place to live, easy terms and a money maker If you want to speculate. 16.500 Fine dwelling, full lot, Twenty-first near Flanders; easy terms and big value. 4,000 That 8-room dwelling, on auimby near Twenty-first; e biggest snap in town; will take bank certificates or checks. Don't overlook leae of that new building, Second and Salmon. See us early. Jackson&Deering Phone Main 343 246 Stark St. J. W. Og-ilbee Boom 11, 145H rim It. TOO I lot. 100x100; good location. close to sen ooi s, etc.; rine pi ace ror neat little home, situated In th Toi man tract, close to carllne. gpr0 1 lot, 60x100 feet, near 28d and Efljnt BtarK st., witn z old nouses on; auitabl for stable or barn. IRSO Cheap residence lot In Tlb Dett' addition and Homestead; very close In, with different carllnes. 81,000 40 acres of land, rough and broken; only 10 miles southeast of Morrlson-st. bridge, with considerable cordwood, half the land worth the money. A real Investment for fu ture. 81.500 t lots. (0x85 feet each, with 4-room cottage, on B 30th l., be tween Hawthorne ave. and Division st This Is a real bargain. 81.500 1H acres fine garden land, netween Woodstock carllne and I. O. O. V. home; clean and nice and fine place to build a little home on; rea sonable price. For Bargains IN REAL ESTATE SEE t Tom M. Word Real Estate Co. Mala 4861, A-asei. 830 BUT si. J0NESM0RE We will take clearing house certificates for lot in this beautiful tract. We will help you build your home and you can pay for it In monthly payments. Graded street, sidewalks, and Bull Run water to each lot and all paid for. All you do, la pay for the lot. Agent at tract. Geo. D. Schalk Main 399J A 3393, a4 Stark St. One of the Greatest Comforts (n this life 1 to have a horn that will support yourself and family. Two to five acres of our choice Fruit and Walnut Land nn electric carllne. five to eight miles tmm the rltv. means indeDendence Two imnnrea aoimrs ocr acra. c y iceuh. Improved farm a specialty. WW ex ehang for city property. to $5,000 . to loan. Dean land and Improvement Co. 631 cluu&lM of Oommms rorUaas 0. SEE FINEST Apple Exhibit YOU EVER SAW FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Then let us show you the land (near Portland) which grows such fruit and other products equally as fine. 700 sacks potatoes on 2 acres 1600 sacks onions on 5 acres OVER $3000 FROM 7 ACRES Our prices and terms will please you. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. sav ings accounts taken at full value in payment for these lands. INVESTMENT CO. E. Quackenbush, President. 244 Stark St AUCTION SALE of DAIRY STOCK DMlrlrm to quit ths dairying business, we will 11 t public suction st our plsrs north of Slough roi. 7 miles northest of Portland. 10 mile west of Troutdal. 4 1- miles east of Ferrell s crossing, on Portland-Vancouver roaa on WEDNESDAY Nov. 20tb Beginning t I o'clock a. m., th fol lowing described property, towlt: S3 head grade Holsteln-Durham cow. 27 head yearling and two-year-old heifers. 1 two-year-old thoroughbred Jsrey Durham bull. 1 coming two-year-old Holsteln bull (registered). 1 mare, weight 1,700 rounds; 1 mare, weight 1,000 pounds; 1 horse, weight 1.800 pounds; about 30 tons loose hay, 1 Hoover potato digger. 1 hay rake. IS JO -rallon fiillk cans, 1 plow, 1 Pitcher fump and pipe. 1 covered spring wagon, farm wagon. 1 steel range, 1 pressed steel skiff. 1 No. 4 Empire cream sep arator, and other articles too numerous to mention. X.UHOK BEBTZD. Thorn 4lrlng flrst-olas stook will find It to their advantage to attend this sale as all the stock Is first quality tubus, oaski oxs.mura moxrra OZBTirXOATSI TAKX. BAKER IIOY, Owners W. WOOD, AUCTXOaTBEB. Now Is the Time to Invest in Acreage We Have 5 and 10 Acre Tracts At prices and terms easily within your reach, IT PAYS TO SEE US CHAPIN & HERLOW 425 Chamber of Commerce. Ph5ne Main 1852. Hood River Farms 40 ACRES partially improved. A snap. $5500.00 187 ACRES 7 acres in bearing, 25 acres in two-year-old trees, 15 acres ready for planting, bal ance easily cleared. A great bargain. IT PAYS TO SEE US CHAPIN & HERLOW 425 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The most exclusive close-In residence district In city Special Inducements to builders of choice homes. Lots 60x100. $900.00 EAST TURKS. IRVINGTON INVESTMENT COMPANY BOOM 39. HAMdLTOH BUM. BASIS OF ALL WEALTH City Property and Lands. The EAST Sll'K has the ORKATEST population, Is growing the most RAPID LY and the ORE A TER PORTLAND MI'ST and WILL be there. In 1906 there wer 631 residences built on the EAST SIDE to 100 on the west side. Portland Is attracting more attention than any cltv on the coast and Is under going a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION, and In the next 10 years will likely make more PROGRESS than It has In Its entire past. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is the geographical center of the city and Is the most DKSIRABLE residence dtstrtct, and much of this will become BUSINESS property Po not overlook these facta when making Investments, and "call and Inspect th property for eeing 1 believing. Th Oregon Beal BitaU'Co, SSK Third st, room i Portland, Oiv luiiic ciDticor inn HAUL LAW) AllU SALARIED ilfll CASH Xa Saudi Ium Will Say a Caolc 10 act Traot. APPLE LAND IN HOOD RIVER W offr evral fine place with growing' orohards. Also a few unlm proved tract In acreage to suit. How la th lm. Get n orchard started, which will Mac ro taoom bsfor old a-. Enjoy a hom of your own In a lovely oountry. Ooo4 roa4. fin oil mat, menntftla air, magslfleciit oo ry, aohoola, obftreh. fraternal ooi tlea. A farm In hood River Valley hm telephone elctrlo ll-ht. mall delivery, pure water from Mount Hood. Irrtg-atln ditoh upply water for frulta and vegetable during th dryeoi season. Xvr crop faUnre, Last, but not iMat, th fmlt of Hood River ar world renowned, buy er fighting for choie apple, having a flavor "fit for th od." No matter how larg a crop othr ec tlons may raise. Hood Biverl iadajd fmlt will net doubl th profit per acre, besides th pleur Of living In a healthy climate At Hood River Mr. N. B. Jordan 1 Interested with u In elllng and bow ing the many deslrabl deal on our llt W have farm for ! In Oregon and Washington, all prlc. Dealer In sawmill nd tlmbr land, business chance In Portland. Call and see us. McFARLAND Investment Co. 311 WBTXAITD IISO, TOMTLMXD. ACREAGE TRACTS Now is the time to invest in well-located and highly improved acreage tracts. We have the largest body 01 well improved and rich lands, on car line and near Portland, sur veyed into 5 and 10-acre tracts, graded streets or roads, and J adapted to raising anything grown in Oregon. We guarantee these lands to be 1 just as represented and can sen them at reasonable prices ana on reasonable terms. These tracts are subdivisions of highly improved farms. Let us show them to you. The SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 STARK ST. SAFE INVESTMENT A Choice Lot 50x100 Feet E. 28th Street Two Blocks From Ankeny Carline Only $750 Apply at once to CALEF BROS. Phone East 452 or B-1944. These Two Lots Must Be Sold at Once. Within 350 Feet of Hawthorne Ave. Price $400 Each Checks Accepted M. E. LEE Room 20 Raleigh Building, 323 Washington St. "TWO DAYS ONLY" $1,000 Down $3,000 5 YEARS AT 6 PER CEtt Eight-room hons. good condition. Quimby, near win i. TXZS AS WH.Ii OBXT ATTSAM OVCS LAMOM & IUKRIS ' OVERLOOK IS THE BEST;STRONO BOX POR YOUR GOLD Huy a lot from ui in OVERLOOK fr your money. We will not HOARD it, we will convert it into labor and material! employed 5n building hornet those receiving , it will exchange it for necenariei of hfe -it will be kept circulating and performing the function for which It. lus brrn 1 1 rated earning interest for in owner -bringing food to tht hungry and comfort and happiness to '11 who may participate in the bin ling of it. ' GOLD in STRONG RQXES is as worthiest m if it remained in the mine from which it was originally extracted. Without money industrial institution will be forced to l,ut down- country produce cannot he moved to the mar kets of the world all mercantile bust- " ness will be tagnating all commerct will cease. OVERLOOK is a bank on the Willamette river, stronger than any safety vault. Money in this bank will earn good in terest; thieves cannot loot it. It is always safe. IF YOU have lost faith in banks, bring your gold to us and . get a deed to a lot in OVERLOOK in exchange for it. We trust the banks. We deposited money in tht Merchants' National bank of this citr up to the time it closed its doors and we will not hesitate to deposit money again in said bank if it opens its doors tomorrow morning, which we sincerely hope it will. A.F.Swenssont&Co 253 Washington Street 600-L0TS-600 -AT 1 ' . $85 $10 Down (5 Monthly Railway Addition A Safe and Sure Investment. There is no better way In which to accumulate your aavingi than an in vestment in first-class realty like this at the terms offered Call today and obtain full particu lars. Salesmen will (how yoa these lots at our expense. AGENTS AT TRACT SUNDAY. ALL DAT Take Montavilla car) get oft at the corner of Villa and Hibbard street. Lambert -Whilmer Co. 107, 108, 109 Sherlock Bldg., tor. Oak and Third Sts. ' ' ' VVm.SchuIze&Co. Beal Estate and Timber 514 SWETLAND, MAIN 7442. Timber One timber claim near Tillamook bay, guaranteed 6,500,000 ft, f 2.S00 One timber claim in Wahkiakum. county, Washington, between 4,000, 000 and 5,000,000 feet, f 3,800. , ' Homestead Claims Two good homestead claims' in Lincoln county. Fire good homestead claims In Ne- halem county. t-r 160 acres in Douglas county, Ore gon, f l,OUU. All above are deeded lands. ? We also have some good relinquish ments and timber claims and all kinds of city and farm property. Wm.SehuIze&Co. 514 SWETLAND, MAIN 7442. For Sale Quarter- Sectcn Cruised 12,000,000 feet very test yellow fir: in Silet. Price only . ., - ;-a,cco - Pbrtfnnd IZznltyC: Co. J It I iv I!!