. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, ' NOVEMBER IT, 1907. HEILIG THEATRE i Une m a nirim HD THEATRE 14th and Wftthlngton f ruuii main i I 4 NIGHTS-4 beginning TONIGHT f PORTLAND'S FASHIONABLE POPULAR PRICE THEATRE Xoom of to XMapnl Bftkat stock Ooap?. - I ALL THIS WEEK 5" MATINEE TODAY MR. JOHN CORT PRESENTS The Newest Comic Opera Triumph 'Tjfrt'- v 1 i ii .i.m , V III . W Sunday, Nov. 17, 1907 GREATEST PRODUCTION OF THE YEAR! Wilton Lflckaye's Famous Play of Modern flnanca TM E POT ' THL ALAS KAN li'. 'v ' ' 4 ' . V L ! I V III '-m&yc-:-- AW v mmMn frrJ ., " ' " . JSP Irrifl ANjrzzziLiL,..,jncnzzaiiit: iiihzzzioud : By BLLTHAN, GIRARD and flGMAN Direct from Knickerbocker Theatre, N. Y. and record breaking tour to the coast 75 People & Orchestra Biggest Production on the Road MR.S. ANNE- SHELDON -fff with THE ALASKA.". m- I THEATRICAL NOTES. Thin Is to be th last week of the San Francisco Opera comuiy In Port land for aometlme. Manager Frank W Healy of the company ha been arrang ing: his dates ahead, and every possible evening's performance for almost a year to come has been booked. 1'ortland friends of the company who are lenlon might be Interested to. know where they will play after leaving here. This is the Itinerary which Mr. Healy has muDDed otit for his company: Aberdeen, Washington, November 24 and 26; Ticoma, November 26, 27 and 28; Belltngham, November 29; Everett. November 30; Portland, Oeeember laud rest of (he week; Astoria, December 8; Walla Waila and on the road, and 10; Colfax, 11; Spokane, 12, 13 and 14 Yakima. 16: Tacoma, 16 and 17; Aber deen. 18; South liend. 18; Centralla, 20; Christmas week, Portland; Eugene, 30: then playing Chlcao, Marysvllle and other places between Portland and Lou Angeles, playing Los Angeles four weeks; one week on 'he "Kite" circuit: three weeks between San Francisco and Bait Lake; one week on the Oregon Short Line, returning to Portland on March 29 for a four-weeks' engagement, and playlns; In Seattle April 26, where they will remain through the summer, leaving in September to go on the road again. There are going to be some important additions to the company, notably Teddy Webb, who, as soon as "The Alaskan completes Its Seattle run, wil return to his old lovo of the San' Francisco com pany. Mr. Healy, whose rise as a man ager has been rapid In the past two years, and who Is now contemplating branching out considerably is arranging to have Toby Claude In an opera writ ten especially for her under his man agerial wing next season. He Is also carrying on a correspond ence? with "Jim" Hutten, manager of the "Prince of Pllsen" and "Merry Widow" companies concerning a possi ble engagement for the San Francisco Opera company In Chicago at the Coli seum. At present the Coliseum Is a barren old barn of a place, but Hutten ,wants to fit It up much as the old Tivoll theatre In San Francisco was before the fire, and to have tables arranged so that the audience may smoKe and have refresh ments between the acts of the opera. The Eidelwelss caterers expect to re open the Coliseum under the new plan. Offers have also been made Mr. Healy to play tho season at the "White City'' In New Orleans and at the Broad way theatre and the Manhattan Beach theatre in Denver. Peter McCourt, man ager of the Broadway, has been released ! i from his agreement with Mrs. Elltch Long of the Elltch theatre In that city, and it is said expects to open the Broadway again next summer as a sum met stock house. . Mr. Healy has not yet decided upon his future engage ment, however. Snlti Edwards, who Is starring this season In the big, musical production. "The Rollicking Olrl," which comes to the Hellig theatre soon, relates a very good yarn on the cornet player In the orchestra in a small Texas town last year. The orchestra had been called to rehearse the music of the production, but tho cornet player failed to put In an appearance, and after a long wait the company's musical director began to lose patience and demanded that he be sent for. as It was most imperative that he be on hand. At this Juncture the elarionette artist spoke up and said: "Whv. It's useless to send for him, he is busy and won't come because It is too fine a (Jay, out ir it naa rainea no wouia have been the first one here." "Tn the name of all that's wonderful, msred the surprised director, "what do von mean by that?" "Rlmnllcttv enoua-h." renlied the un abashed elarionette player, "because if It rains he can come, but when It's fine weather, no, for he drives the city sprinkling cart, and It's too dusty to day." Notice has been received at the local offices of the Pullman company that the private cars. "Columbia," "La Grande." snd "Holborn," transporting Fritel Bcheff and her company will ar rive In Portland December 9, remain ing here for the 9th. 10th and 11th. The route from Kansas City Includes stops at the following places: Dps Moines, Omaha. Denver. Salt Lake, Los Anreles. Sen Francisco, fortianfl. la coma. Seattle and spoKane. miss scnerr wil leave San Francisco on the morning of December R. Iltical economy lsT" "Political economy, my dear child," Senator Plott replied, "is the art of never buying more vote than you actu ally need." Srarnro rmioxs owir Floor First 10 rows li.00 Lower Floor Last rows.. $1.(0 Balcony First 4 rows II. to Baloony Next ( row $1.00 Balcony Last t rows 71 Entire Gallery to Boxes 112.60 sraoxAX. wtditmdat xatx Entire Lower Floor Balcony First 4 rows . Balcony Last 10 rows.. Entire Oallery Boxes . .11 60 . . $1.00 . . .76 . . 60 .no oo MAW XIXIHO XT TXXATM, TW.OW UAXM I. 4444)4) HEILIG THEATRE 14th and Pkoai Washington Main 1 NIGHTS BEQINNINQ THURSDAY rxciAX run luniu batvsdat. Nov. 21-22-23 FRAZLL & WADL Present the Original Production Direct from a If Weeks' Run In Chicago. , THE, LATLST MUSICAL RAGL With a Big Cast of Sixty TIT "TTTT7 TT7 II If"!! IP in People, Including JL wm. j. McCarthy I in I George Porter Smith, Gertrude Hutcheson, Dorothy Rae. Labelle Lauretta, Dlzey Llllard, and the Famous 50 People 20- BROILERS 40 30 Bong Hlts-SO A BGEirxo kaXYXL 50 40 Beautiful Girl -Fun Makers 20 Lower Floor. . Balcony Gallery , . .11.60 and 11.00 , ..J1.00, 76c, 60e S6c, 26c nitTXAXi III Entire Lower Balcony Gallery BATTTKSAT XATX- Floor. 11.00 ,76c. 60c .160. lie Splendid Augmented Cast Powerful Play The Talk of tha Country See the Great Chicago Wheat Pit Scene. Stage Direction William Bernard. , MATIINEB S A TURD A V EVENING PRICES 24, 35, 50. MATINEES-lSeS 234, NEXT WEEK: "THE ENSIGN" ZAT baxjb oraara xtbxt tttbbdat at mini, GRAND TAUSETZXUS DX X.TTZB WeS Nov. 1807 4404V4444 MARQUAM GRAND Portland $ Famous Thtatro Phono Main 6 tkb asmATzoir or AOS. re A New Deflniton. A rather cynical Joke has been cently credited to Senator Piatt. The senator on his last visit to the Manhattan Beach hotel allowed a pretty girl, a western millionaire's daughter. to be presented to him. The little girl. In the course of one of her many delightful chats with thi aged statesman, said: 'Tell me, won t you, senator, wnat po The Nickelodlon Theatre" Opposite Oregonlas Building-. The Latest Moving Pictures and Illus trated Songs. TONIGHT. The False Soldier" Admission 6c. Week of Nov. 18 PANTAGES Fourth and Stark St. BEST FAMILY THBATRH. J. A. JOHNSON. Resident Manager. Advanced Vaudeville STARS OF ALL NATIONS Gayety Quartet - A Second Feature High Salaried Singers Harrigon & Giles Singing and Dancing Clarence Smith Baritone, BIG NOVELTY ACT THE MARC0NAS Fam ous Electrical strators Demon- Presenting Electricity, Liquid of Latest Marvels Air and Chemistry. An Act for AIL. The liazzards The Big Pianist and the Little Dancer." Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Late of DeWolf Hop per Company. In "Willie." PANTAGES' MOTION PICTURES . Ezolnslre Film. VAXTACtSS OBCXXSTmA SXKZCTIOZr X. JC HVEV8XV. PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 1:80, 7:J0 AND 9 P. M. nXOXB GALLERY AND B?ALCONY 15 CENTS. CENTS. BOXES 60 CENTS, FOR 18 CENTS. 4 ANY BEAT AT LOWER WEEK DAY FLOOR 25 MATINEES Mile. Orietta nrTEXH'ATXOirAX. C&AXBTOY AWT AJTD World's Greatest Mind Reader Miles & Raymond 'The Original Baby in the Cradle." The Great Hverton The Spinning Marvel, Assisted by Miss Mabel Irving. Morgan & McGarry SINGERS AND DANCERS. Geo. A. Noble and Cornellia Appy In Songs and Cello Solos. Lyons & Cullom Singers, Wooden Shoe Dancers and Imitators. Joe Thompson "PAL OF MINE." 20th Century Motion Pictures THE RED MAN'S WAY." Three Shows Dally, at 2:30. 7:80 and 9:15. ittSKfiS Sunday Night, Nov. 1 7 Stange and Edwards' Spectacular Military Comic Opera EMPIRE THEATRE Coraer Xorrlaom an4 Twain atreets. MXLTOW W. aXAJCAaT, Kamafer. Faoaa Kate 1XT riajrlaf Oaly tae taltOUTlU Buim Mom AMraotleas. Week Starting !S!SL Today f November 17 Spencer and Aborn's Production of the Great Emotional Drama AW e's toe Now in It's Fourth Successful Season. n powerful melodramatic style, vrua ended. ;rful melodramatic style, ynia Strong company and elaborate J A beautiiul story told in laughter and tears cleverly bl scenery. A play of real life. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY This is an especially strong matinee attraction. NIGHT PRICES 15c, 23c, 35c, 50c. MATINEESlOc, 20c Next Attraction: "Tilly Ohon Telephone Old M. 049O New A. U9Q WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING H0M The very best offering in the repertoire of the San Francisco Opera Company. HEAR THE FAMOUS SONGS "My Own United States," "Love's Night," "Fairy Land," "Spring, Sweet Spring," "The Garden of Eden," and many others. PRICES : Evening 25c, 50c, 75c Matinee 25c, 50c TONIGHT IF 4 J 'X - 2 V 1 PRICES Evenings and Sunday and hol iday matinees, 15c, 26c and boxes 60c Week day matinees, all seats in the house except boxes 15c. It lit rttxA 'A I T . V V. Y-C lilillswiiuisssasSsSMSssisss ninlillllMlsiiinpi iti THE STAR OPENING SUNDAY MATINEE Nov. 17, 1907 For the Entire Week THB R. B. FRENCH STOCK COMPANY Presents the Thrilling Melodramatic Sensation ' The Dangers of a j Working Qirl BY MARTIN HURLEY J Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 2:30 PRICES 10 AND 20 CENTS Every Evening at 8:15 PRICES 15, 25 AND 35 CENTS Reserved Seats by Either Phone for All Performances Z Lyric Theatre UAIX 4680 BOTH FHOJTXa xoks A-ioa "KILTIES" Canada's Famous Band By Request a Special Concert at the ARMORY SUNDAY, Nov. 17th 8:15 P.M. Doors Open 7 :30 POPULAR PRICE 50eV Any Part of Armory Last Concert by the tamoua WEEK STARTING MONDAY November 18 v.. OPENING OF THE ALLEN STOCK CO. P. R. ALLEN PRESENTS ' MISS VERNA FELTON Supported by the Allen Stock Co. in That Great Farce Corned A Stranger in a t Strange Land I Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday; Prices 10c, 20c , KILTIES" Every Evening at 8:15 p. m.; Prices, 10c, 20c and 30c. Box office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m,'. Get your tickets in ad vance; either pbone. ." NEXT WEEK: "The Lady From Lam!c" at2wr eaeaaeeae a a a a 4ittttf ttttt t ' ',w f ' r I ... . V .