: v , .THE OREGON SUNDAY JQURNAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO. NOVEMBER 10, 1007. 13 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED ADS IN'THO JOURNAL cost 1 cent par counted word, 7 in ertlorig for the prlo of t. If you bay a want make it known tnrougn in want sd columns of Tha Journah holders WEtTMtIC'cTTR e-sUrM cur for rheumatism. Bold ly all oruggist. UToHTifclj iaio, aPulNGS1 iLU. mat- tress 11.(0, dresser $7.60, manll baa io.o. Anstey :iro. 115 let pa, isio. If-foot hTr dwood cdu ifrEii Ring nr. Main 42W0. or call 111 let cTEATTwABHeintAus foTTVvI pTng Durnoaea. Tha Overall Laundry anil Fupply Co., phone Bell wood 8f. lAIAn iffifi" Von""'ROsrANl LAWNS. delivered, f l.liS per load, 4on Main ANE-HOR8E DUMP CART FOR BALK. Almost new. Can ba cen on u. w. r. dock, east end Madison Street bridge. Apply room I, Chamber of Commerce bill; I E'ngUsM SKTTER'i'UPB by cham- plon Imported Llngfleld Bragg (Ex), Dnrri Rodfietd, registered stock; price, 120. Addres P. J. Nolle, 107 6th at t)Trr5ob-TnjseTr-nu"Lju .mi. One 69-foot launch, 11.700. Wanted, sxyeral launches to fill order. Heycs Erytrue A Launch Co., 171 Madi son t. tfhofi Main 740. Home A-1867. TTk7rOUG1U:UE"D BPjff2 PUPfJC nisie and female. Ouk Oro station, or Y-60, Journal. XR SALE A FINE PARIXHt GRAND piano, little used, for lea than half boat Thla la a bargain and th way for a party of young men to aav mon ey. 606 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1183 fexoVK DOCTOR WE REPAIR, PUT In oolla or exchange, buy or sell tovea. til let. The Dollar. Main 6374 AIREDALE "PUP; CENCi?WINNiT?i3 PERSONAL Dr.Jtlary Lane Institut Expert treatment flran women and children' ailment tv a gradual and Hennaed lady physician. Maternity eaaas f Wen special attention., tip-to-dat san. tarlum In connection. No charg for consultation and ' correnpondanc ansa lutely confldentlaL Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Ln inatl tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, room e to it, Urana theatre mug., cor, t'ara ana wsslv at a. Phone Main izi Ladies,' ti.uuu reWard wiTposi Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" fjompound. Safe In I to Interference lively ly relieve tome of the -longest, moat Obstinate abnormal eaaaa day: no harm, pain or wun wort Mali ll.BU. uoubl airensiu i.vu. uu nr omiriii or writs ur, couiningmn nemeay t.0., uepi. it. am1 lai City. Mo EENKWf PARS Mils lit1. WRITE us for sealed literature describing the southern Wonder Appliance, which as tontrhes the world and dumfounds mod leal aclenca tnr aemial exhaustion. Can carry In vest pocket and last for J ears, tioid y aruggiata, usea anu n orsed by physician. Routhern Inst. Co., llox 'UN ouaton, Texas, Chronic Diseases CTTRONIC, NERVOUS AND BPIDCXAL disease or men ana woman ouraa 07 modern (dentine methods: eleotrlo treatment for diseases of th prostate; .niiaiiltalli. .- 1 m ttf I Mawinl. Commonwealth bldf., 6th at, cor, l'ine, a took fiB. Addreea N 61 Journal. COMB AT ONCE AND OKT YOU good second-hand ewlng machine, 1, and io: must cioa mem out once.' 112 Main at. FOR HALK 2 B-KMALH UULLDOd puppies, age 2H months; win bo sold cheap. Call Kaat IRtrt and Mildred els. Phone WooJlawn 1161. TTlOROUGHBRED HCOTCII COMJK puns at 708 K. Burnslde at Phone B-lit5 or East 787. GOOD DRJf FIR CORDWOOD DELIV' rod at $6 long and 16.60 sawed Kast Trnvia Bros., 461 Hawthorne ava. 92 and H-Z020. Cil KAFKBT AND BEHT PLACH TO BU V1 furniture, stoves. The Dollar, 131 1st iTINE OLD FLINT-LOCK RIKLE FOR sale chrwp. Address P. D. 1. Journal. A NEARLY NEW COMBINATION OO cart for rnJe cheap. For particular call at 126 Knott t. Safe halivs, ax4tx: deep; bau- galn. Ill 1st at. Typewriter American, newi cost 160; snap. 111 let St. fcllEESE CUTTER WITH OAK CABI- net; must go. FOR 8ALE- 211 1st st GOOD b.ll(iT: rhoen for canh BLACKSMITH t6 R. 14th. Dr. PhlliD X Ball ' Ksrvou and chronlo disease of Bien, women and children; pile 'cured pain- leaaiy ana promptly; coniipuoti, rnu matlsm, parolvala, goiter, cured by cl entlfle method: alactria batns. lady at tendant 601 6th at. corner fiherman. Goitre and Cancer Specialist Goitres promptly removed; cancers, tumor arrd skin moles cured without a knife; tape worms removed In S hour. Consultation free. DR. VOOSE. 1K1H Flrwt Ht. , Hadame Luckey Olves electric baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientlflo maanage. scalp and face treatments, chiropody, 209 b 4th st near Belmon. Main 2011. DR. INA NEWCOMB. DERMATOLO rlat araduata London Benutv college. has opened offices at 101 Klledner bldg.. 10th and Washington. "Be beautiful la her motto. Main 7721. LAST CHANCE PROF. McDONALD, Phrenologist departs Tuesday. Con sult him now regarding success, every thing; S4 Morrison. FOR SELECT AND HIOH-CLASS hsmniwilnf milnlriirlnr fie1 Ami scalp massage, call 210-211 Tllford bldg. Hlr and scalp trestment our specialty. 17ERSONAL , WOMEN. KB MONEY-MAKERS. '- Enter Marlnetlo School of Instruction In maaaaga, manicuring, aleclrolrala. nampoin, nairdroaaing; clua and in' dividual instruction, Including McDon aid' method of caring for th hair, curing dnndruff nd eialp- dlaeaae. Thla work offer beat (alary and coat you leu money than any other In time, money and preparatory work. Enter Tail cms now. write for catalogue and run inrormation, eteinng-iiiraca bldg room l 8-1 H-40. t MME. ALMEjd DAUl'OREirGlVESA rree laciiu massHg with every tOa rurchasa- of her akin food and ilssu builder. Her treatments will positively remove wriuaies by renewing ana ro- 1 . . , ! .1 I . I . . . .. . ' . uuiiuiuk waaiuu UBHuaa. tier au parnuous nair remover has been suc cessful In many case whnr th eler trio needle has failed. Hhe also elves Bclontlflo acaln treatments. Residence can mad when desired. 141V Yam Mil at. n uperfluouis iuir removed per- manently without rain; a free treat ment at your home. Address Mr. Rodger. 601 Northrup at I'honaMaln 41. HlDDLE-AGED MAN, RES? OF reference, desires acaualntanca cf maiden lady or widow of almllar age. ObJeot company. Address B-64. care Journal. VK SEEK HUSBAND FOR C1IILD- less widow, 41, worth 120.000- one 66, worth 130.000; bachelor girl. 17, worth 112,000; musical maiden lady, 21, from fine family. Homestead Club, Toledo, O, GENTLEMAN. 60, JUDGE, WEALTHY, would marrv: confidential. Li. I).. I'ox i. -l oieoo, ii. MARRIAGE t'AI'ER. HIGHEST CHAR- acter. Incorporated, eleventh year. 8.000 members; pnper. scaled, eend 10. 1 Lt, 1-Ove, BOX 1SU0. I)enver. Col CXAIRVOYAAT8 AND PALMISTS -PROPHETESS-. OLDEST EMTABLISHED, MOST RB LIABLE, TRUKHT. SAVE TIME, MO.NlSir.DISArPOINTMENT BY CON SULiTATlOM. VIOLA MARSH FIELD. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, TKANCK CLAIRVOYANT. PSYCHIC HEAIJER. MRS. C. SCHAPPE. CARD READING 2bo. 10 Thurman St.. near 24th. ATTORNEYS PIGQOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR- neya at law. Muikey bldg. corner 2d and Morrison sta. Interstate adjustment co., law collections. 414 Hiu'lmnan hllt. M. R130. H. TANNER. ATTY.. 0t COMMER- lal Mock, 2d and Wash. Main IH6 RANK C. HESSE FENTON BLDG. ART WANTED FEW MORE PUPILS IN drawing, oil and water colors. Por trait painting a specialty. Studio. Ore gon College, 6th end O.ik. KERAMIC 8TUDIO. CHINA PAINTING and flrinc: orders taken for Xmas. Mrs. Marklcy, R. R4. 150 S Morr. M. 747. HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing, bis wnn. If th mere tailing of your name Or the name of friend will aatlafv von madam will do so; what la more Impor tant to serious people. I what to do or wnai io expect regarding present or ru tur affairs. Without asking one ques tion she will toll you what you came ror. Hh will ten you all tha incident, changes and trials of your life. TELLS TOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Viola Marhfleld will suarantee to tell you what your ailments sre. ho to cure them; where you will be meet successful; what your health will be all through llfo; how much wealth you 111 poaaes, If any; who It la that causes your trouble and how to over come It: If your mine contains ore. end to what extent; how to control those you love and admire; where your lost one are. in raci, no matter wnat you wish to know or wish to do, she will accomplish It for you or charge you nothing. Telia you an the good ana bad. Mad am tell whom and when you will marry. She tell th color of anvone' eyes and hair that you know. She Is THE ONLY PALMIST IN THE WORLD WHO HAB DISCOVERED THE TRUE LINE OF MARRIAGE. Kha will help you to obtain your greatest wish In health, wealth and happiness; remove evil Influence, bud spells. A call may result In your FORTUNE and future happiness. HER AoVICB UPON ALL BUSINESS MATTERS Is Invaluable, wise and con alatent. SPECULATORS especially should learn Mme. Marshflald's won derful forecasts that hnve in notable Instance brought fortune to her pat-rona. 268 1-2 Morrison St. 268 1-2 Between Third and Fourth Sts "The Cosmos" CLAIRVOYANTS AND JALMISTi MAIL DIME FOR BOOKLET I QUEH lions answered rree; reading dan at Hotel uutlur. 40tt Weahlnirton a Sunday services 8 n. m A. O. U. W, hull. Mmiam neveriy. MAY" ANDREWS. CARD READER. A 128 Msln St., 2 Dr. phone Main 764 DAN CINQ WESTERN ACADEMY OF DANCING Mulky bldg., Id and Morriaon. Prof. W. F. McMlnn. late of Denver, teacher, Clar Saturday evening, 7:30 to 6:3(2. Social diino 1:30 to 14. Private lea eon dally 1 to a p. m. WALTZ, T W OS T E P, THREEHTEP AND tag dancing lessons. 25c; oldest an only recognised teacher. Prof. Ws Will son, entrance to hall and office 12 Bolllng-Hlraca bldg., 388 Washington between west i"arg and joth sts. PROF. IttNOLER DANCING ACADEMY K ..IS, . Hwa.w'ta son dally. 1B8H class or private lea E Morrison. I'hona 1KXJ AND UORSK HOSPITAL DR. C B. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS nd horse uospitai. juo n. etn st (Main 4086). W. M. MILLER. V. B . VERKR1NARIAN. 16 N. 1th at urnce 127 Hamler. Phone Main T846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL fvr horses and cogs. JS Gllsan at phone Main 1484. DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL ao to your home; sew ny the piece suit specialty. z7 Knott st. i'hone C-1 41 9. Mr. U Watts. MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, MODISTE Tailor-made sulta and party gowns specialty. 61 Wash. big. Pc. 727. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wlshe engagement by the day. Mis Larsen. Phone Main 2866; A-888R. MME. HOFMA1STER TEACHES FIRST clasa cutting with Btorey s ladles adoring system. 6; FIRST-CLASS 0 Couch st TAILORING Ladies' and dressmaking on short notice. Miss Victoria Mayer, 123 14th st. DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. OK take work home; 1.7 per dny. A-4434 ASSAYEKS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE ANGELES EXCHANGE. These properties are for sale or ex change, 180-acre stock and grain farm, near Junction City, Or.; well fenced and cross-fenced; 7-room house, good barn, plenty fine running water, orchard, some timber, balance in cultivation; $8,000. big snap. 11 acre on Powell Valley road, on Estacada line, only $160 per acre: will pay caah difference or trad for house and lot up to $4,000 or $5,000. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE: electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. MISS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 151 H Morrison st. to 201 H Id st. DR. RING CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI- nese root medicines; sell Chinese tea. certain cure for all diseases. l. 2d st. between "smhlll and Taylor. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and .Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison it WELLS A rROEBSTEL. MIN'tNO EN- glneers, ansa vers, chemists and sur veyors. 104 M Wn shlnKton. Main 7608. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; aealakln a omenta redyad and remod eled; expert fltte; estimate given; lowest prlcas; open evenings. 661 waah Ington. Phone Main 7308, GERMAN BOOKS, MAO AfclNES. NOV ela. eto.; German. English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign book of all kind. Schmale Co.. 221 First st ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children; cancers and female sickness permanently cured: sure cure m j. .in. ,i .j ior spinii meninauis. .ir. rnui .r"m- -.i7.Jy",""V"l.S.Viwell sanitarium. 127 N. 11th. Main 6478. , ' . 1 , . . ' - . 1 1 Wii DfiCITIV goon uarn; o.uuu, win inua wnuie ur part. 8!0 acres, new 7-room houae, good barn, some fencing, some Implement and tools go wit'i place; near Nashville, Or.: very cheap at $2,600; will oay cash difference In tndo. 80 acres, mostly under cultivation and level. So acres In wheat, 26 seres In oats, 4 seres In hny: this la an Ideal farm, well Improved and most every thing on place goea at $3,000. Hurry. . We hove ever so many other. Have larireat list of both city and country lands, houses, vacant lota. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO cure eciema and plies or any skin disease. Wells Eciema and Pile Rem edy. Write for booklet free. Address W. F. Wells, box 896, Boise. Idaho. AITOMORILES Special For a Few Day Only. Your Life, Lore or Business 50c 56c 50c MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA- clfla 82. UP-TO-DATE HIOH-CLASS DRESS making. 140 4th; Pue. 2776, A-4;t2S MISS b. A OPPERMAN. CUSTOM- corsetmaker, 426 Morrison st. EDUCATIONAL THE GREAT, TafE ONE. THE ONLY lelvii ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6th at, near posiofflce; central location; Pitman rnorthand; expert grad uates) low tuition: day and night school; new pupils dally. W. W. Wli llsrns. M. 8., Prln. BEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland. Or. Wrlia for catalogue. COVEY 4 WALLACE MOTOR CO., DIS trlbutora Pierce Great Arrow, full lew- Cnrhln an. I r'arllllun lKlh inil A Mr " . i rtv.-.i.; I promise to tell whether your numana. wire or sweetheart is-rue vv Astral dead trance clairvoyant; no chargj If not satisfied when reading la over you to be Judge. 1 do hereby sol emnly agree and guarantee to mske no charge If I fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or ELECTRICAL BLTI'LIES M. J. WALSH CO.. Ill 8TARk"st7"" Electric and gas fixtures and suppllea, mantels, tiling, erates and doglrons. BLANK-BOOK SL1KERS HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 109-111 ID at Blank booka manufactured; agta. for Jones Improved Loose-Leer crs; see the i.ew Eureka leaf, th on the market PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI- l neera. contractors repairers, electric I wiling, supplies. t4 1st. cor. Stark. Main j 659 R. H. Tste, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 6th st Contractors, electric eupplles, motor snj dynamos; w Install light I "d power plants. BOOK STORES MEYER'S BOOK STORE, FORMERLY 126 Morrison, now I8K 1st, near Jeff. BUTCHERS' SUTTLIES DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE Sexlne Pills cur all weakness; $1 a bo, 6 for $6; full guarantee. Address or call th J. A Clemenson Drug Co., Portland, Or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost. 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. ANGELES EXCHANGE, BIS Commonwealth bldg., 6th and An- keny ets Exchange Good eecHrHIr benrlns; 6 tier cent for Guarantee Title & Trust Co.'n deposits. State amount of your deposit Address V 6 Journal. Wheat Ranch 1,600 acres In eastern Oregon to trade for city property. Will pay caah difference or assume mortgage. Ad dress N 66 Journal. GENTLE LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 26 rents, druggist or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, rait glow, cream inaasage; ref erence. 282fi Park. Main 1403. A-1714. a btrkEnwald a co.. 04-so ev- rett at, largest butcher supply house on th coast Writ for catalogue, BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A Dekum. 111-133 1st st. carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. CARPET CLEANING Address WANTED TO TRADE A man's gold watch for a cow Jt-"0. Journal. WANTED TO TRADE A EaTJTeS1 gold watch for a cow. Address P-liO, journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE U. S. C, C. A. reports, new: will trade for law books or lot. O-60, Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you hava a want mike it known through th wnnt ad columns of The Journal. Valuable patent right, house- hold necessity, states of Oregon and Washington, for JJjiant lot or equltv, will put in tomo cash. Address M-62, Journal. CHOICE UNINCUMBERED LOTS AT Newport to exchanFv for good horse, 825 Lumhjr- Exchange. WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD: CLEAR uAI.f OF PIGS FOR ALL PEMAl.H Specialist J. J. O'Keefe Portland's successful cancer curer, cure when all other fall. Room 324, Goodnough bid g. . 6th and Yamhill. SPOKANE ARTIFICIAL LiMB HOUSE; 17 years successful experience; all stylea of legs and arms mado and re paired. Sherwood Bldg., Spokane, Wash. PERSONAL BEND 10 NAMES OF gentlemen friends who smoke, and wo will eend free a handsome framed sou venir; inclose 2c stamp. A, Moss & Co., 366 Pago St., 8. F., Cal. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; ateam and compressed air process; renovating, mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THai Electric Cleaning works; carpet cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting oar specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Main 2(172 and A-2672. 170 Grant st The Benson th. 11 H Morrison. Cor. Hours, 10 n rn. to 1 p. m CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. Free Test Free Test Take this advertisement to MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 291 E. Morrison St. Fixtures, wiring, re- Enst 312. or H-1R25. ANT) ind Stark sts. false; tell you how to win the one you most desire, even though miles away; how to aucceed In business, speculation. agta. , lawsuits: how to marry the one of your I pairing. l?.hoJr.! Lw '? real.n ?u.tn- th " ! FAIRBANKS-MORSE MOTORS ! JL;"L"f iv.1rmoV . i TA.: I dynamo. A C. and D. C 1st I snd oil wells: cures all nervous dis eases. Tells you Just how, where ana when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. $6,000 for any mistake mad through following his advice. He la permanently located her and abbolutely reliable. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS BANKS TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J r. . ,"V -orn' h"o nd Oak Htreef. Tit r-T- It i.i7,.?,i'i.l,ank,n'! . DRAFTS 1SUED Ayallahla In mad on Faronbi Term" " EurH' Hongkong and Manila, Coiievtton, tuliAli .."S WORTH I Cashier. .... .. ......R. W. SCHMKEti Vl5-Prldnt......R. I ka BARNES Assistant Cashier W. A HULV ' , Assistant Cashlar A, M WHIOHT ADD A W. M. LADD. n ta i.ihn Established Hit. Transact a. General Timvin. ti...i . .,', ;.t ,Tirni waving book issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on tlni l-pom fERCHANTir NATIONAL RANK Portland : li WmyT7"0""'"!!"' I " LrrUR"uAM....'....VIc-rr-ld.nt K. W. Vprj. ...... ...... Cashier GEORGE W. IIOYT. . Aaalatant Caahior U. t CAICHINU Second Anslstant f'aahlap Traniact. a General Banking Business. Draft. .r"l Uttr. of Cr.dlt Iwued. Avallabl to All Parts of tin World. Collections a "peclslty. Hesd Office, (tan Franeiseo. fHB BANK OF CALIFORNIA Kstabllshsd mi I capiui raid lip..... IMOO.ooo Hurpius and undivided profit $lt.lll2 General Banking and Exchange Bus ness Transacted. Interest on Tim Depo.it. SA VINO i DEPARTM ENT-Aecounti ?b. opened T of $ 10 and up rtr Trf.1;.forUana Brnth-'h'rnber of Commerea Building. wM. R. MACREA. k Manager J T. HUU'l'C'HAELL. . . . Ass't Msnsgsr FIRST NATIONAL BANK -Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank on ?aclflo Coaat CAPfTAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000.00. DFP08IT8. $ f WlltlSi A President ( W. 0. ALVORD Asltant Cashier J, W. NEWKXRK (ashler JB. F. STKVKN.1. . .Second Ass't Cashier ; -j TRUST COMPANIES . . . SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST CO. 288 Morrison Btret. Portland, Oregon. Transact a General Banking Business. HAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter est allowed, on Tim and Savlnga Accounts. Acts as Trustee for Estate Draft and Letter of Credit Available on All I'arta of tha World. C. r. ADAMS... ,....Prldent K A. LEWIS First Ylc-Pr14enl A. I MILLS. . .Second V!o-PreIJent It C JUH1TZ , ..Secretary GEO. N. RUSSELL...... Assistant flecretsry BONDS AND INVESTMENTS M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad nd Public Service Corporation Bond. DOWNINO-HOPK1N8 COMPANY Etabllhed 1812 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for O.sh and on Margin. : ' Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMFRCE. " Phnn Main IT. 0?erbeck & Cocke Ccmpany rfrffiZr GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND PONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSlNEbS. Continuous Markets by Private Wlr Q'jlck Service. RANK A ROWE Hlgb-grada Securities broker. F Phone AI47I. MORTGAGES, negotiated and aold. $11 Buchanan Bldg. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express p. m. p. m. p. m, Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:16 California Express f:4l San Francisco Express ....11:10 Corvslils Psssenger t:0a a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Orov Passetigsr ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVINO PORTLAND. 1:11 a. m. It Oregon Express 7:11 a. cv I Cottar Orov Passenger.. 11 10 r. tn. Shasta Express 1:20 p. tn. Portland Exprea 11:20 p. at. WEST SIDE. . Corvslils Passenger ...... 6:16 p. nv Sheridan Passenger .....10:10 a. sn, Foreat Grove Passenger ... l.oO a. nv : Forest Grove Passenger ... 2.50 p, nw Jeffcraon Strret Depot. i Portland to Dallas 7:40 se m. II Delia to Portland. ...... .16:18 a. m. Portland to Dallas 4:16 D. m. Dallas to Portland........ 1:26 P. m. Oswego-Portland suburban Leaving Portland at 6:10 a. m.. hourly train during morning and afternoon. Last train leave depot for Oswego at 11:60 p. m. Northern raclfie, Taeoma and Seattle Exn 8:10 a. m. North Coast A Chlcsgo Llm. 1:00 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express . . 11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Exore Puget Sound Limited T:? a. ra. 4:16 p. in. 1:11 p. m. 10:66 p. tn. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. t:30 a. m, Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Ksn. City Sk Chi. Kxp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer : a. m. Cht, Kan. City A Port. Ex.. t :4 5 a. nu. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. Local Passenger 6:16 p. m. Astoria it Columbia Hirer. Astoria and Seaside Exp.... 6:00 a. m. fstorla seaside press. e:ou p. m. Astoria vt Port. Pssngr. 11:11 p, m. Portland Express 16:00 p. to. PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS Id and Everett ats. Phone Msln 2000. FURNACES BAUGE JOHNSON FURNACE CO only agents on Pacific coast for Thatch er furnace. Will guarantee to heat your house. Phone E. D008. 408 E. Clay. Canadian Paclfio Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Line, via hpok. 7 :00 p. m. Via 8eat., Vic. i. Vancouver. 4:30 p.m. Via Sumas 11:48 p. m. I C. P. R. Short, Line, via Spok, Via Van.. Vic. and Seattle... Via Sums and Seattle 1:09 a. m. 4:11 p. m. 10:66 p. m. - 3IONEY TO LOAN GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE: ELEC trio eoulpments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relcrson Machinery Co.. 16 Morrison 103 H WASHINGTON ST. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, SUC tion and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6634. Main 8200. CLE THE IONE STEAM CARPET and laid; mattresses and feathers ren In; He will give you a test of his won derful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling you your name fn full, free of charge, and give you advice, before you decide to have a reading, and then If you think he has the power to read your past, present and future life be will rlva vou his wonderful works; carpets cleaned, refitted : ilgeD FSVCIilC S3) KeaQlBK 1013 1 HELSER A UN DEN M ACHINE WORKS Marine stationary euglnes. . 20 Gllsan. 1 SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES, ANY propeller. Fairbanks, Morse Co., HAItDWARE ovated. 221 E. 21st st N. East 360. LADIES $1 EVERY DAY AT HOME; stamped envelope for particulars. La dles' Aid, Durham. Conn Box 63. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c Ladies' skirts pressed, 60o.v Gil bert, 106 Sixth st. next to Quelle. Fhohe Main 2088. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cur for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. CLEANING AND DYEING THE HEILIO HIGH GRADE CLEAN ing work of all kinds In our line. 643 V Wash St. A-57C3. Main S865. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladle days, gentlemen . night. Main 1868. MANICURING, , FACIAL MASSAGE. scalp treatment, tK. 14, ZBSft Morr s n. THE 8NOWDEN BATHS." 146 tJTH st, rooms 24-26. Vanor, sponge baths. electric treatments, iaav attendant. lot In fast-growing coast town for anything wo can use; come up and trade with us. S26 Lumber Exchange. diseases. 808 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. H. W. TURNER, dyed a specialty. Main 8511. DYER CARPETS 60S Jefferson st THE PERFECTION LADIES' AND gentlemen's clothes cleaned and pressed perfectly. 751 Vs Washington. SCHULZ & HOLY. TAILORS, CLEAN-ina- and pressing. M. 3H0, 142 19th. This week only. He tells you who you are, where you camo from, how many members there are in your family, what your occupation la and what it should be; what your ailments are, how to cure them; where you will ba most suc cessful, and why; what your health will be all through life; how much wealth you will possess, if any; who it Is that causes you trouble, ana how to over come It; if your mine contains ore, and to what extent; how to control those you love and admire; where your lost ones are! what you should invest In to be successful. In fact, no matter what you wish to know or wish to do. he will accomplish It for you or charge nothing. Hours, 9 a. m. to t p. m. 803 WASHINGTON ST. Opposite Olds, Wortman & King. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co.. 74 th. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET $10 TO $100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEH "IRSIir.ITKl.T Nfl SECURITY. "' LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE IUU. I REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK, i WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M n-nn avi snrmiAY TILL. 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY" MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DON.VERBERG RADEMACHEi RE-' movej. to No. 303 BurnsIJa st. HOTELS HOTEL EATON EUROPEAN. WEST Park and Morrison Rate $1.00 and up. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan, $3. $6 day. HOTEL OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL IMPERIAL, EUR., $1 AND UP. HELVEDE RE, Europea nj4th and Alder. TlELLEVT'E". EUR. 4til AND SALMON. 6-ROOM HOUSE, FULL hW, NO mortgage, for vacant lot or equity In bouse. PORTLAND INVESTORS' CO., 26S Stnrk. room 12. WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD PAYING drug store in Portland for good city property or farm, value $3,500; also a country store clearing $3,000 a year for good farm, value $7,600; both will stand your closest Investigation. F. Fuchs, 221 Morrison st. PROPERTY ON WEST SIDE, BRING ing 20 per cent; $4,000 to $9,000 per year business in country town. Owner. Z-66. Journal. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU nate girls; good care. 8 Mllner bldg. MOLES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs Hill. 330 Kleidner. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment; dandruff. 26S Mor.. room 62. Balm of figs for all femalk diseases. 626 E. Belmont. East 40S4. MANICURING, TUB BATHS AND massage. 110H 4th t.. cor. Wash, DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN business, at 423 Morrison st. FOR GOOD ROOA1ING-HOUSE TO Ex change for suburban house and lot. value $S00. A-65, Journal. WANTED TO EXCHANGE! STOCK in Oregon Trust & Savings bank for yae.-tnt lots. 11-6?. Journal. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE, STOCK or grain ranch, equity in large house near to canines. -ua, journal THREE GENTLEMAN, TEMPERATE, CHRIS tlan, plenty of means, desires ac quaintance refined lady; object matrl mony. -61, Journal. A WORKINGMAN, 3E, WISHES TO meet a ladv: object matrimony. dress Box C-t2, Journal. Ad- DON'T GET DISCOURAGED. WANDA, the ralmist, Z2 5tn st. LOTS 111., for IN WHBATON traae. i'hone E. heights, 1425. SMALL FARM, FEW MILES OUT, FOR fortland lot ana modern house, Or.-ner. Z-fit Journal. WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD BXOCK of improved Mineral smelting & Ke nning co. a block ror deposit, m th Title Guarantee A Trust Co. B-62 Journal. LOTS IN BERKELEY TRAJDT, FOIJJt block.i from car, for best offer. Own er. East 6078. WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS TALK Ing machine for house painting. Portland Phonograph agency. 128 7th st Unincumbered real estate to exehanae Commercial for bldg. bank deposits: Sis Phone Main 3953. PERSONAL .j DR. T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST, DIS easa of Women; all irregularities cor i rected; no exuosure; charge moderate. I-181 at., cor. Yamhill. r Ladies dr. sande rkon'S sav:vj and-cotton root plH'C'only safe and sure remedy for delaved periods; $2 ur kux, or 3 boxes for $5. Dr. Pierce, IS4 -st St. PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB So licits business from reliable people only; flno loaal list; strictly confiden tial. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d St., near Harrison, 8 car.' Main 8168. CLEANING, DYEING AND PRESSING for ladies and gentlemen. The Favor ite, 425 Morrison. Main 8303. COAL AND WOOD BLAB WOOD, BIG LOAD, $2. UNION FUEL CO., Foot of Montgomery t Phone Main 2143. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 8LAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 16th and Savier sts. PORTLAND SAWDUST & 8LAB wood Co., 155 Front st Dealers in sawdust and slab wood. Phones Alain and A 1936. Mrs. M. E, Palmer PALMIST AND PSYCHOLOGIST. LEC TURER AND WRITER, SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR SLA B wood to Oregon & Washington Lum ber Co., foot of Hamilton uve. Phon Main 2165. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TO THE PUBLIC MRS. ANNA LUCK- ey, 209 4th st, cured me of bldod poisoning in two treatments, and I high ly recommend her; any one wishing fur ther Information call at room 1 Raleigh bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts. A. C. Panford BUSWELL, MEDIUM. CONSULTATION qily 1 to 5 p. tn.; test meeting Sun day. Thursday evenings. 145 6th. MRS. A. 0., BAKER, CITY: I SUF fered With siok headaches for 35 years, was cured without medicine in less than 3 minute by Dr. Beverly. Hours 2 to C p. m. Hotel Butler, Washington t, bet. 10th and 11th. Chronic cases cured. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO, Wood and coal. 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO.. WOOD AND coal. 360 Water, st. phone Main 8Z70. BEST WOOD IN CITY AT THE PRICE, quick delivery. Call 312 Couch bldg. COAL INDEPENDENT COAL & ICE Co.. 353 Stark. Main 780. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ANGELL & KEEP, CONTRACTORS and builders, 620 Union ave. Phone East 4285. Jobbing, repairing, reshlng llng, plans and estimates furnished to customers. Res. phone Scott 6065, or woodiawn go Continues to give her wonderful read ings. This marvelous woman ha read the lives of thousands of men and women In all walks of life. She will read yours with unerring sight- Prices within the reach of all. Offic hours 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. 29 N. SD ST., GROUND FLOOR. INSURANCE ISAAC I WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. JAS. McI. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and individual accideni security bonds of all kinds. Phono 47. 802 Mo Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF. 605 WASH. FINE 8PECTA cles 60c. Elgin watches $5. Repairing. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK & CO, FRONT and Oak sts.. lcathpr and sklnif every description for all purposes; -sol and tap cutters: minings. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY, 428 Mohawk Bldg., Advances money Drlvately to all re liable employes from $10 to $100 on short notice, without mortgage, on their promise to pay, returning th amount in small weekly or monthly paymenta, as earned. W writ th bet and cheaoest salary loan note In th city. Most reliable discount if paid before due. THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Anv salaried employe, wage-earner, can pet on his note, without mortgage (conf dentlal): Month. montn. ween $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.86 or $2.35 126 Renav to us 1 6.65 or $3.20 or $1.65 116 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 203 McKay bldg.. 102 8d. MONEY ADVANCED BALAwlED PEO pie and other upon their own name Wltnout security; cneapesi mim. navments: office in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms 'first. TOLMAN, 223 Abington Bldg. 106 3d at. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may need, come in and tell us about it; everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable rat. W. W. SMITH & CO.. 250 Alder, cor. 3d. Room 1. LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH. UMBRELLA REPAIR Ing. Dave's, Washington, corner 12th. FREE! FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant or th age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for. whom you will 'marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to 8, daily and Sunday. Office, Noa. 3 and 4, Grand theatre Wash., near Park at Phon LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip ror surveyea. unsurveyea, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton "The Portland." Portland, MUSICAL LESSONS 60c PIANO, GUITAR, banjo, mandolin, violin. Mr. Martin, 43 1st, cor. Ash. 'Piano $30, organ $18. bldg., 352 Main 1267. GENTLEMAN WISHES TO CORRE spond with ladles of mlddlo age mat rimonially Inclined. J. J. Martin, Port land, Or., Gen. Del. - DANISH LABORER. 38. 6 FEET Inches, wlshe to correspond with neat woman: object matrimony. W-65, Jour nal. WANTED BY A REFINED MIDDLE- aged lady from th east, a widower or bachelor with means to Join her in wcll-rwyine; business. Y-65. Journal. PRIVAE. UP-TO-DATE MILLINER. ladles materials used. Hats done over. - Room 22, 342 Yamhill at, up stair, i - ... . . .. . . JOHN A. MELTON, 236 2D ST. OF ftce and store fixture built and re modeled: showcase and counters, phone Main 1787. . E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX tvres; general jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 1190. FOR GENERAL-. REPAIRING AND j shingling, phone Main 4639. Carpen ter shop at 608 Northrup. ' CIVIL ENGINEERS. PORTLAND- ENG. CO., CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assay ers, draftsmen, lit Sherlock, M. ti00. A-668L MME. AD WARD. SPIRITUALIST ME- dtum, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separated, .no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed; reading 60 cents, daily and Sunday. ' Moved to the Milner, 350 Morrison, cor. Park. Elevator second, floor. Parlor 1 and 4. SEE THE NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Z. ftt Parvln, Mus. Doc, 35 Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, nannony, counterpoint FROM NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, thorough and competent piano teueher. Mrs. Brewster, 201 Uth. Main 4039, PToTo; .VIOLIN, cornet; TROM bon, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith, 292 Uth st. Home A336U. KMTl THIELHORN, PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar Sevcik, violin and viola teacher. 384 Pine. Tel. Pacific 2989 MANDOLIN. GUITAR. BANJO JESSE Parker, lessons in class or private. Tiltord bldg., 10th and Morrison. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 141 3d t, r.ear Alder, estahiisneu laiv. old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, Jewelry and sealskins. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS THE PORTLAND I N 8 TJ. T U T Ladle and gentlemen, if you ar In trouble about th condition of your health, do not fall to consult ma I can' convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amlnatlon free. Dr. Isabella Mackie, 350 Morrison st. Room 10. Phon Main 7320 or A-1S44. DFt LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, 6PE- disease. Offic 217 Fen ton bldg. Phon Pacific 1180. DR. It B. NORTHRUP. kum bide.. 2d Phone Main 349. 416-16-17 Di;- and Washington aU. examination rree. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR A DUFUR. 304 WELLS-FA RGO Diag. rnon A-i336; largest and most complete stenograpmo ofnea in west. FA YE bldg., KANDLB. 3d and Oak. 46S SHERLOCK T Y P E W R I T I N G K V EN I N G S 8 P EC 1 K I - cations, legal doc's, abstracts. E. 2494. PAINTING AND PAPERING P. A. DOANE MOVED TO 104 UNION ava.. near E Wash. TeL East 109. PRINTING Meraiffle Prfaflns Co. Job Printing of every description.. 92 1-2 First Street Main 6614. A-2483. OGILBEE BROii, PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc.j .Main la. Jft4 1st. fcASH ' ON1 " HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contract of sale on real estate, either emintrv nr elttr nrooerty. H. E. Pooie, Commerclaf blk.. 2d and Washjngton. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see Button Credit Co. 512 Dekum hi 1 CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. in sertions for the price of 6. If you hays a want make it known through the want -id columns of,Xl?-jl2-"r-n-- r-ra fTiV TO SALAiOtu Mil -v-V!y "... . . .ifinn' miii ror t..xi...nrr iurn ripi i wrt , . .' . . . - (Z nf .nv kind. Fidollty BEATTIE A 204 Stark. HOFMANN. PRINTERS. Main 137. ROOFING TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING, Pacfflo 1424. RE- palrlna and general Jobbing. J. LoalL in jerierson hc. BAUGE & JOHNSON. TINNERS "'AND" : roofers, cornice and blow pipe work. . Phone East 6008. 408 E. Clay. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans; established 1813. 145 1st. room 11. " SPHINX AGENCY. DEALER!. J1 real estate and rental ; 105 BUxrH st. Main 6164. '. , . Trust Co.. room 10. X Loan A Washington bldg. or iCK" LOANS "ON ALL"' SECURITIES. QS V. King 4i Washington bldg. Main filOO. ja;NiiL;iTv. Willlaw Holl, room. 9, WHshlngton bldj MRST'WHIGHAM. R. A. M., LONDON, concert singer, accompanist. Sturtins Too rney bldg.. 2d and Taylor. Main 3326. PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 168 12TH. ST. Piano lessons reasonable. Main 4;'.C3. LOUIS A CREITZ. TEACHER OF VIO lin. 211 Sherman, corner 1st. Tr7Tv?TOLOAN ON REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND INVESTORS' CO., 28S Stark, room u. I SALARY hUAno a vv,.i- T T N.wton7en chanan bldf.". !$ W;ashIngtonjrt WTfFTOTLOAN on REAL ESTATE' "X,ti,i mortgage or personal so- curity; notes bought C. W. Pall tt, 104 Fenton bldg. - TToaiOor THE ASKING SAIAR t MACHINERY IDEAS DEVELOPED, INVENTIONS perfected, model and drawings made, Plopper, 711 E. 11th at, Portland, Or Pne. 189.1 or chattel. Tha an V.O.. 410 wexum SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Kmnloves Loan Co., 716-Dekum: WIll" Loan ii.soo,'. Real" estXte security, ' Jt arnngton, an n enton oiag, Propnetess - Viola Marshfleld. J8 Morrison at, Thg Cosmos, between Id and 4th. MRS STEVEN'S, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant For a reliable reading call upon this gifted seereasr Develop and teaches Occult science. amniiL MRS. E. PLERS WILL GIVE READ- wgg oauy at iii tut, room is. 5HNING ENGINEER. PORTLAND ENG. CO, CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assayers, draftsmen. 666 Sherlock M. 8260, A-5681. ' BIONTJ3IENTS NEW KWGSLET, J6S lST PORT land leading siarbl and granite wka TAINTS, OIL AND. GLASS r C F. K. BEACH CO THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass And glaglng. 136 1st st Phone 1334. PATENTS t PATENTS SOLICITED WASH. ATTY4 expert astvioe free. .A. 3, Matter, 61) ComiSon wealth bldg 6th anj Ankeny, FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon. W. W. Espay, alj Cominerciul bldg. W. WOLFSTEIN, DEALER IN REAL estate and rent collected, jio it st KLBBEIt STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. D. C Co., 131 Stark. Tel. 1407. SURVEYORS. PORTLAND ENG. CO., CIVIL AND v mining engtneors, urveyors, assayers, drafjgjrnen. 166 SlielocjcM. tlOtl, A-6l. STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. ' Street paving, sidewalks and erosa. Irigs, 114 Lnmber Exclianife. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING ro ot Portland Office 655 Worcester hi. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVER T -DESCRIIV ' tlon; bank, bar and store fJnturM mad to order. Th Lutka Manufttur Ing C.. Portland. THE JAMES I. MAr,.S,lAJ.i, - showcase, cnhnn-l, ' fixtures. t'oii-h ft. l-.-.- 1 eft 2 I t l . R. H. BIRl'SAI.L. Winter l.liinl . ' i T.i.Mia.'li.UK-.r.'l TAKM Fri-'-lMi, k;.lcd i.cur. . 1' F.