The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Heaviest and Lightest Events
Stay Home Seattle Vic
tor in Other Matches.
Ed Johnson, of Multnomah, won from
Bam Pack, of Seattle, In tha 176-pound
boxing claaa. '
Edgar Prank, of Multnomah, won
from Oaorf Klncald, of Baattla, in tha
115-pound wrestling olas.
Cfet frown, ef Seattle, knocked out
Jack Walsh, of Multnomah. In flrat
round of tha 188-pound boning match.
L. Johnaon, of Seattle, won from Wm
Dennis, of Multnomah, In 161-pound
wrestling match.
Fifteen hundred people, Including
Governor Charftberlain. Oaorge II. Wll
llama, Dlatrlct Attorney Manning, Po
lio Judge Cameron and Sheriff Stevene,
saw on of the beat ring and mat tour-
namenta ever pulled ofi in i'ornana ai
the Multnomah club gymnaalum laat
nlrht. the two rival. Seattle and Mult
nomah, breaking even In the four
A uaual Kdgar Frank wll the atar
in th wrestling matohe and threw hla
bantam weight opponent, Klncald, with
but UttU effort. He aecured th flrat
faH In 4 seconds and tha aecond In lx
minute and four aeconda. Frank waa
o much better than hla opponent that
there waa never any queatlon a to th
final result Th Portland boy looks
good for tha championship of th coaat
Ihla falL
In th Ill-pound bout, Johnaon, who
wm about IS pound heavier than Den
nis, threw th Portland man after alx
minutes and three aeconda of fast
work. In th aecond try Dennis waa
tronger and more aggressive 'and the
visiting mat man could not plaster hla
baok to th board. After fi minutes
f flere struggling Referee Greenland
awarded th contest to Johnson.
Brown and Walah entered the ring
upon the conclusion of th wrestling
for th Ill-pound boxing go. Walsh
waa II pounds lighter than hla oppon
ent, but It waa thought he had a good
chanc to at leaat get a draw. After
several aeconda of sparring, during
which few blowa landed, th Seattle
man aent In a haymaker to Walsh's
iaw. Walsh atruck on hla head when
ie fell and had to be carried to the
dresslnr room.
Ed Johnson put It all over Sara Peck
In th laat and deciding match of the
dual meet. Jt oniy toox tnree rounds
te do the trick, tne local man being the
ggreaeor all the way through. Peck
crouching style of defense could not
prevail agalnat the determined on
slaught of his clever opponent. At the
end of th third round Referee Orant
gave the match to the wearer of the
winged "IS .
Fast preliminaries were held during
the evening between Leon Hughea ana
Leon Parazxr In which Hughes won In
the first round, and Guy Ford and Ol-
mir Dranga. which waa declared a tie
Many of the spectators believed Dranga
should have been given the decision.
(Special DUpatrh te Tbe Joeraal.)
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 9.
Title Guarantee A Trust company. Man
ager Kestly said that the temporary
loss of the money would have no aerloua
effect, but that he feared the bank
would not be able to pay In full.
Manager Keatly la not blamed In the
least, as when he placed the money In
the bank It was supposed to be per
fectly solid. He merely placed the
money there for convenience, and as
soon aa possible placed the certificate
of depoalt In a Eugene batik. By the
time they aent the certlfloate to Port
land for collection the legal holtdaya
had been declared, and It was too late
for anything to be done.
Race Result at Aqueduct,
New Tork, Nov. 9. Aqueduct reaults
Six furlonpa Hessian won, Miss Sain
second, Jubilee Juggins third; time,
1:14 4-4.
Handicap, seven furlongs Jack Atkln
won, Schooner aecond, Welbrone third;
time. 1:27.
The Glen Cove, mile Sewell won,
Adoration second, Oraculeum third;
tlCne. 1:42.
Handicap, mile and f Ive-alxteenth -r-
Right Royal won, fins ana ieeaies seo-
ond. Tommy waaueii mira; um
Five furlongs Sandal won. Miss D-
laney second. Great Dane third; time,
Mile and . an eighth Ramrod won,
Charles G. Gates second, George G. Hall
third; time, 1:43.
S fiW ftHft MY"", - Wm'3) k
. rrMrv y'M fspzm ft
vnj?' s.T- usi MrrtTimmwe iul i - aw tr i ts. i
I I I JTesft rMMiUA U. T I 1, "SSl ,, I I .' 7i ll III IPIV
t mm 1 it ' matt & .
r T Zl il T LB r .1 fa ' ' V 1 fi f 'I f ,l2 ' ie1" 1 ' " mm.iT T2
w . c (A t7 v.r S? 44b, - . - -s
Hi r r nunni r 1 iiiiiiTii ii ninTiinrn II I Til I III 1 If ninTinio
in ii ii iiiiiiiii i imuiirinrj rnuinuLV iuniuniini i nui ninv
IfJ I. nlltinl r I 111 I III H II liMI 1 1 1 1 I il IIHIIIHIIH I liHI IHIIIil
Hi Ui Ui UUUULL v .w.w - -
PRICKED IfJ IDAHO mmm m mm mm
Charcoal Stops Gas
On Your Stomach
Wotfderful Abiorblnf Power of Char'
coal When Taken in tha Form of
Stuart'a Charcoal Loaengei.
When asked today about the football Gdll State V arSlty OprillgS
funds affected by the closing of the
Surprise and Wins,
Five to Four.
Marvelous Invention
Cures Weak Men
Granted by the United States
A new and scientific appliance in
vented by L. B. Hawley, M. D., will
produce full majily power at flrat ap
plication. The effect are . immediate
and atartllng to a high degree. .De-
velons. strengthens and cures lost
vigor. Positively no failures. Physi
clan indorse and use it in their prac
tlce. If you are tha least skeptical
a to th value of this remarkable treat
mnt, end for illustrated circular, take
them to your family physician and get
his opinion. This Is the first time any
mis has reauested you to take his cir
cular to your family physician. Why?
Bimply because he know your physi
cian will not recommend his treatment.
Not so with thl appliance. Tour doc
tor will immediately grasp the Idea, and
when he does he will reoommend it.
Nothing like It has ever been sold be
fore. It work the same on every in
dividnaL 8end today for free, descrip
tive' circular of thl wonderful Instru
ment. The moment you see it you will
realise lt possibilities. No C. O. D. or
free trial scheme to catch th unwary.
This 1 a plain business proposition that
will appeal to you as the greatest op
portunity ever offered to thoae who are
weak. Aadrs L. B. Hawley, M. D.,
1010C, Wiener building-, Rochester, N. T.
(Special Dlipetcb to Tbt Joorsa!.)
Moscow, Idaho, Nov. 9. Washington
State's championship bubble was pricked
here yesterday afternoon by the Unl
veralty of Idaho football eleven, which
made a clean touchdown to four points
gleaned from a Dlace kick bv Halm
of Pullmam Twelve minutea after tho
whiatle blew Quarterback Small called
for the "Idaho sweep" and passed the
pigskin forward to Savldge, who had
sneaked in behind the visitors' line.
Keyes failed to kick goal.
Pullman's four points came early in
the second half. W. S. C. had pushed
the oval to the Gem atate 80-yard
line, when Halm was called on for a
place kick, which was admirably exe
cuted. Three more times during the
game did Pullman a booter try for field
goala but failed on each occasion.
Never in the history of northwest
athletics has there been auch a football
surprise. Pullman waa touted to walk
all over Mlddleton'a youngsters and
everybody expected that the game would
result In an easy victory for the Ever
green State boys. Washington 8tate
was outclassed in practically every de
partment of the game. Small outgen
eralled Bryan in the pivotal position and
Keyes played an even better punting
game than Halm, Pullman's crack kick
er, in the use or the forward pass
Pullman waa way ahead and In massing
also put it over the old rivals.
There was an absence or feeling on
the part of the rooters of the two col
leges which have been such bitter ene
mies that made the game more pleas
lng. Pullman delegation was so
amaied at the fast playing of Idaho
that all th starch was taken out of
Both Teams Kick Goals
From Fields for Only
Foints of Contest.
Fierce Football Game Shows
Teams Evenly Matched
Soldiers Use Reserves.
In the fiercest scholastic football
game of the season, Hill Military acad
emy and Portland academy yeaterday
fought out a 0 to 0 battle on Multnomah
field. It was probably the most terrific
contest on Multnomah field this season
between minor teams. Hill used
nothing but straight football. Early in
in game the cadets tried several for
ward 'passes and fake kicks, but to no
avail, ' From then on she did nothing
cut duck the line. During the game
Hill used up fourteen men and a worse
battered bunch of boys would be hard
to find.
Hill had the better of the game up to
tn last ten minute of play, but from
then on Portland aoademy commenced a
march down the field that wa stopped
only by th whistle.- Hill waa complete
ly worn out and had Academy five more
minutes P. A. would have undoubtedly
Hurlburt played the beat gam for
Academy, with . Gray a cloae second.
Both player were in the midst of every
play. Gray tackling being especially
fine. . Smead, Loomts, and Dona son
made good, gain fbr Hill.
: TO 1 DAT!
rtxxn" cubed
' PAZO OINTMENT la suarentetd to eure any
mm of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Pile la te 14 dsys er mootr rtfuadca,- 60.
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Nov.
9. Completely outplayed. Whitman de
feated University of Washington in
hard fought contest yesterday afternoon,
12 to 8. Whitman mad two place kick
and a droo kick from the field, and1
Washington two place kicks.
Whitman was far superior to Wash
lngton in advancing the ball, carrying
it a total of 637 yards, while Washing
ton only carried It 143 yards. Wash
ington played a punting game almoat en
tirely, frequently punting a soon
secured the ball.
Washington punted twice as often as
Whitman in the game, but averaged
threo yards less on each punt. Wash
ington asked for lonsr halves and 85
minutes were played. The last part of
the game was played in such darKness
that it was Imuosslble to see the play
ers from the sidelines. Whitman worked
the forward pass consistently for good
gains against Washington.
in the second hair wnitman carrieo
the ball within two feet of the goal
line, but Washlna-ton held like a wall
and the Missionaries were unable to se
cure the coveted touchdown.
Washington made her first score In
the first part of the first half, after
nine minutes of play, scoring on a
filace kick by Crlm from the 85-yard
Ine. Ten minutes later S. Borleske
for Whitman drop-kicked a field goal
from the 26-yard line, tielng the score.
The score at the end of the first halt
was 4 to 4.
Iji the second half Brubaker made a
pretty place kick for a goal from the
40-yard line, one of the prettiest kicks
In the game. This waa after one and
one half minutes of play. About eight
minutes later he scored four points
more on another place kick from the 80
yard line, made on a fair catch.
Then Washington took a brace and did
the only consistent advancing during
the game, carrying it 48 yards to the
20 yard line, when Crlm made another
place kick for four points. The bal
ance of the game. 10 minutes, was
played in darkneas and no further scor
ing wa done
by either team. Final
score ii to 8.
The attendance was 2.000.
The student and townspeople went
wild with enthusiasm at the conclusion
of the game. Thl is the first victory
over Washington In several years.
Business men and studpnts paraded the
streets together to the number oi
several hundred and an Immense bon
fire was built on the campus in the
evening to celebrate the victory.
Lemon Yellow Quintet Com
mences Actual Practice
Take Two Trips.
(Bptcltl DUpatr to Til Journal.)
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 9.
Regular basketball practice will begin
next Monday afternoon, and the pros
pect are good for a fast team this year.
About 20 men have been practicing
throwing basket and getting ready for
regular work.
Four of last year's men are gone.
leaVing Hathaway, Ramp, Moore and
Charman. Stevenaon and Penland are
expected to return soon, ao that prac
tically all of last year's team will be
here. Besides these, several new candi
dates are showing up well. Cary Loose
ly, who played center two years ago.
Is back this year, and with his 6V4 feet
of length has a monopoly on that po
sition. Van Bcoy, Farrlngton, Le Mas
ters and Watson are also playing well.
and will make the old men work.
"Dick" Hathaway. 08. of Portland haa
been elected captain, and "Bob" Nelson,
09. of Albany is manager. Two trlbs
are being arranged, one through south
ern Oregon and the other through
Local and Otherwise.
Stanford's Great Bowing
Coach Would Try 3ren at
Poughkeepsie Eegatta.
(Special Dlipitch to Tbe Joamal.)
Stanford University. Cal., Nov. 9.
Coach Murphy is trying to work up
trip east for the Stanford crew next
season. He want to take a western
crew to th Poughkeepste regatta, and
hopes to Induce the Portland Rowing
club to repeat It trio of two year ago.
A atop could be made at the University
of Wisconsin on the way to the Atlantlo
seaboard and a regatta arranged at that
Murohy has not yet arrived on the
cimnui. but the forexolna ia the sub
atanc of a letter to the boat club about
his plan for next season, no ex
Dresses himself as confident of a Cham
Dlonshlo crw. He believe that the
amount of training that can be done
after the first of December, together
with the number of veteran oarsmen
who will take cart in the work of the
Cardinal men can easily offset the work
of Coach Garnett of California, who
haa been drilling hU men for tne past
few weeks.
Trial raekage Seat rre.
Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab
sorb 190 time it own volume of ga.
Where do th gaa go toT It Is just
absorbed by th charcoal th ga dis
appear and there Is left a pure, fresh,
sweat atmosphere, free from all Impur
ities and germ.
That' what happens la your stomach
when you take on or two of Htuart'a
Charcoal Losenge. th most powerful
purifiers science ha yet discovered.
You belch gas in company, some
times, by accident, greatly to your own
humiliation. That Is beeauae there Is
a great amount of ga Doing formed In
your atomach by fermenting food. Your
stomach I not digesting your food prop
erly. Ga i inevitable. Whenever this
happen, juat take on or two of Btuart'a
Charcoal Lotang right after eating,
and you will be aurprlaed how quickly
thev will act. No more belchlngs: no
more aour risings. at all you want and
what vou want, and than If there la
anv ra- vnlnar to be formed, one o
thus wnnrinr rul little absorbers, a Stu
art Charcoal Losenge, will take care of
all the gaa.
And it will do mor than that. Every
particle of Impurity in your tomach
and intestines I a-olna- to b carried
away bv the charooal. No on eem to
know why it does thl. but it does, and
doe it wonderfully. You notice the
difference In your appetite, general good
feeling and in th purity of your blood.
rlsht a war.
You'll have no mor bad taste In your
mouth or bad breath, either from drink
ing, eating or smoking. Other people
will notice your bad breath quicker man
you will youreelf. Make your breath
pure, freah and sweet, so when you Ulk
to other you won't disgust them. Just
one or two Stuart Charcoal Losenges
will make your breath sweeL and mske
you feel better aU over for It. You can
eat all in onion ana wwroui iuuus ju
want, and no one can tell the difference.
Besides, charcoal Is th best laxative
known. You can take a whole boxful
and no harm will result It I a won
derfully easy regulator.
And then. too. it filter your blood
very particle of poison or Impurity tn
your blood I destroyed, and you begin
to notice the difference In your face
first thin vou r clear complexion.
Stuart' Charcoal Losenge are made
from pure willow cnarcoai, ana just a
Hills noney ia pui in iu iupa hicih
palatable, but not too aweet.
They will work wonder In your
stomach, and make you reel fine and
fresh. Your blood and breath will be
We want to prov all this to you, so
Juat aend for a free sample today. Then
after you get It and use It, you will
like them so well that you will go to
vour druggist and get a 26c box of these
Stuart's Cnarcoai Losenges.
Bend us your name and address today
and we will at once sand you by mail
a aample package free. Address F. A.
Stuart Co.. 200 Stuart building, Mar
shall. Mich.
rortlsnd's Magnlfloent Suoees in
the offering of the Horse Show Ty ;
the Portland Hunt Club end thl '
evening. The program below gtva :
evidence that th beat ha been
left for the laat. NO pain. DO -penne
and no effort h be '
spared to terminate the great
hiMtion In a blase of glory. Door)
open at 7 30 and tlckt mar be ob 1
tained t the main entrance.
Grand Program
This Evening
onxn AAB One of th moat
gorgeous and magnificent peo
tales ever seen In th north wet.' :
Exceptionally sensational.
THOTTOfO TX AMI Cream of all....
ness Tandem Class.
Fancy Har
TA.XOY Heavy Harness Class.
SSB the Speedway Classea.
BXTJLA rm Hurdling Clas.
this event will h shown th moat
elaborate clasa of Jumping horse
ever seen In one arena.
Special! Special! Special!
Many noveltlea not on the regular
program will b shown thl evealng.
These slon worth the price of 4 '
iiiior Asourmait
rnrssT majtjrxsi txamm
Stalwart Horsea, Brav Horse.
Fancy Hora. ; -,
Purchase Reserved Sest Ticket at
Powers & fcstes Drugstore
143 BZXTX RinT.
CAuromax. ionu.
U. OF 0.-0. A. C. GAME
(Special Dlipttch to The Journal )
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 9.
Trainer Havward. who has been work
ing hard to get Arnsplger back Into the
game, nas some nope that "Ule win he
able to play against Corvallls today.
With the exception of Arnsplger the
team 1 In good shape, much better than
was expected. Zacharius, whose ankle
ha bothered lately, i almoat well, and
a day more of rest will do all the team
wniie the outcome of the trame is by
no means certain, Oregon students will
not be backward In harklnar the team.
An immense rally and bonfire took
place last night on KlncaiJ field.
A notice waa laaued vesterdav that
no betting would be allowed on the foot
ball field Saturday, and the offloer on
duty will be Instructed to watch for anv
violation of thl rule.
Hawaiian Win From Japs.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
ToklO. Nov. A Tn thai third era me nf
the baseball serle hefween the Hawai
ian and th Kelogijlku. th former won
ar fMir ox to s
Blllv Papke, the Illinois wonder, and
Pat O'Keefe, the welterweight cbam-
filon cf England, are scheduled to mix
t ud In a six-round bout in Philadel
phia tonight.
Of the freshmen football team thl
year Harvard looks the weakest, aa ooru
oared with Yale, Princeton and Penn
Williams college has a quarterback.
Wadsworth by name, who tip the
acalea at only 122 pounds.
Word comes from Virginia that an
outlaw baseball league is being formed
there to take the field next season.
The loss of Joe Kelley will make it
pretty hard going for the Kaatern
una110 iiiauiiuiiD . vuow.
Arizona is to have a winter baseball
n wit n t ma rm m in i iiruin KnnAniT
1,-HMUV. Willi " ' UV.11K
Blabee, Douglas and Hermoslllo.
Brooklyn has drafted John Heas, who
has pitched for the Springfield club
of the Connecticut league the psst two
This afternoon at 3 o'clock Multno
mah club and the "Has Been" college
football etars will meet on Multnomah
field for the sake of charity, the re
oeipts going to the Visiting Nurse asso
ciation of Portland. The game will be
called at 3 o'clock sharp and Dr. A. A.
Morrison and Judge Williams will offi
ciate. It is expected that a large crowd
will be on hand at the benefit game
to root for the two teams.
Albany-Columbia Today.
(Special Dlapatch to Tbe Journal.)
Albany, Or., Nov. 9. Albany college
and Columbia university of Portland are
to meet on the gridiron today. This is
the greatest college game of the year
in Albany and a large crowd Is expected
to witness the game. Coach Peacock
expects a hard game and feels that his
team will make a creditable showing
and stand even chances of winning the
(Bptelal Plipatch to The Jtmroal.l
Astoria, Or., Nov. . Bids were
opened yesterday by the quartermaster' a
department of the army for the con
struction or a barracks buuaing at r ori
Stevens and Its plumbing, heating, wir
ing and electrical fixtures. Tne mas
were as follow: McGlnnls & Harring
ton, Seattle construction. $37,500;
plumbing. 14.600: heating. i,200; wir
ing. 11.800. W. C. Laws. Astoria
plumbing. I6.I7 : heating. M.sbo. c. u.
Palmbrg, Astoria construction, $38,
87t; plumbing. $5,476; heating, $5,160;
wiring, $1,060; fixtures, $780. Fergu
son A Houston, Astoria construction,
$34,100; plumbing, $6,443; heating, $3.
747; wiring. $1; fixtures. $681. J. F.
Shea, Portland plumbing. $6,443; heat
ing, $8,747. Hedrlck ft Hughea. Salem
construction. $38,854; plumbing, $4,880;
heating, $3,638; wiring, $920; fixtures,
$280. Healey Plumbing at Heating Com
pany, 8t .Paul piumDing, o,7Zi; neat
Ing. $4,797. E. Gustafson, Astoria
construction, $36,276; plumbing, $5,375;
heating, $4,960; wiring, $919; fixtures,
The bid of Ferguson A Houston of
this city is the lowest for the entire
work. All the bids will be forwarded
to the department at Washington with
out recommendation.
New hotel, face Jefferson Squar.
Two block from Van Nee ava. th
present shopping district. Car Hate
transferring all over city, paa door.
Every modern convenience, 16 room
single or en suite. 160 private batha
American and European plana Price
moderate. Omnibus meets all train.
Washington. Nov. 9. United States
Senator Bourne, of Oregon, aald today
"My advices are that the financial
situation la clearing in the east, which
means rapid resumption of normal con
dition throughout the weat. Patience
on the part of everyone Is the only es
sentlal now."
J. E. Gover, 101 N. Main street, Ottawa.
Kansas, writes. "Every fall It has beon
my wife s trouble to catch a severe
cold, and tnercrore to cough all winter
long. Last fall I got her a bottle of
Horehound Syrup. She used it and
has been able to sleep soundly nil
night long. Whenever the cough trou
bles her, two or tnree doses stops the
cough, and she Is able to be up and
well." 26c, 60c and $1.00. Sold by all
aruggiai. -
Hotel Hamlin
First permanent big
hotel down tow a.
Contains 100 beautifully
f urniabed steam bested
apartments, 40 bath.
Private tolepkoa sr
vice. Sample roenu for
commercial travelers,
Eddy fit. ear from
ferry pass th door and
connect with 3rd St.
can from 8. P. Depot,
Rates from $1.00 a
Phone Private Ex.
Franklin ia. , . .
a n
r a c
c o
Jimmy Gardner and Willie Fitzgerald
have been matched for a fight to take
place In Terre Haute Thanksgiving
day. . .
The rough tactics employed by the
Vlllanova eleven will probably result In
both Yale and Princeton dropping that
college from their schedules in future.
The University of Michigan team has
the forward pass down pretty fine this
season and Indications point to a bet
ter showing against Pennsylvania than
was made last year.
The Carlisle Indiana have a great
second team with which to practice.
It Is coached by Bill Newman who was
Cornell's center last year.
Mstt McClung of Lehigh who used to
be an official at aU the big eastern
football gam, la refereelngin the
south thl season.
e - -r..-,.w
Eieht football fatalities have heen ra.
ported so far thl year, but thl 1 be
low th averag of past ason. The
new rules mav In time take the game
from the dangerous list.
The latest noveltv In baseball is a
league composed of colored players. It
Is planned to have teams In Cincinnati,
St. Louis, Memphis. Indianapolis, Pitts
burg Cleveland. Chicago, Kansaa City
and Detroit.
Edward Weston's walk from Portland
to Chicago and Dan O'Leary's recent
1,000-mile stunt promise to bring about
a revival of Interest In pedestrlanlsm.
Thirty years ago walking matches were
a most popular branch of sport, but the
sure-thing hikers killed the game.
Barney Cinnamon, the lightweight
pugilist of Menominee, Michigan, has
onrnnised a firht club in his home city
and expect to arrange some good bouts
for the winter.
Bill Squires evidently expects to get
on another match before he returns t
Australia. The latest report has It
that he haa gone Into training at Hot
Any teams in the city averaging 112
pounds can secure games on Sunday
by asking for Fred Schnell at Main 38.
, It I expected that there will be In
the neighborhood of 40,000 people at
the Tale-Harvard game thl year. Other
big games' will be patronised la pro
portion all over the country. 'The- new
game has atuck with the fan.
Manure for roses. Phone Mala 113$.
fartla4 Of-ego
hKM-porolli and Chartmd ssoVr
At Law tftk Sft tf Om
tmfrmiHt Attmtt Wmmtti B"mmimt
L t. STrarey Pretl dent
Wm. H. Smlta V.Prea. a. H. Green Oeal sift,
ta, al.Ober Secretary HE. Stealer Geeltaa. j
Loaf 4k tweak General Couaasl
rortlu Chamber of Oaaanere
Perdu Boat ef Trade
Owt Tratt and tartan Bank rortlana Ore,
The Brafacreee Cora? any
8U O. Duo It Co. Ceacaertlel Agency
- mwmmmmm '' r' t
W sms steBute we te set to
We give r teat Leek '- -
i ' eaaeaaam '-' . j "-
Cm Wuiiaitwu mrni Slttk WW Or
sax rsAir crrsco, cax.
Oor. 4th and Xowaxd St. -.
European plan. Cafe In connection.
Rates 75c to $1.50. With bath $J.00.
From Terry take Klaaloa St, ear t 4th.
txz BATjTrrtra nw
Bote! "Key Route Inn"
22nd Street and Broadway
Sunny rooms, private batha, long-dl
tance telephone, compreased air clean
in a;, large lobby, cafe a la eart wit
cuisine and servic unsurpassed. , for
rate, etc, addrea -.-
N. S. MULLAN. Manager. -Formerly
Assistant Manager Palao
Hotel. San Franclsoo.
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