THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER $.IU7. flip . Tfl KfM IV Luuni L ii. p. rami files con Police Blunder and Allow Notorious Sneak Thief to Equalization Hears Reasons ' Why Assessment Should Be Keducej. HOPELESS CHAOS OF COURT CASES Auditor Drown of the Northern Pa rl fin Tarm I 1 MM.MMnw - nr.. w A h. Walk From Station Unmo- for tt county board ot equalisation , . i mi... at cy nan this morning to pr- iPSlWl I)lS(Wer IillliT8 sent objection to mem nf-cer- . . I tain property In the north end orru TTlfrrflf TfOlirS AftCnVnifl. P'0 P " company It appears that o"- - tin land InclOdea certain street that jhav bean abandoned, and the . I company complnln trial tue asses uient la too high. Th hearing today wan on the que' One again the police aepartmeni nas w)(n other nronerty. snd not upon the tilundnred and a a irault Oatr Poulaen, awreplng ground of objection mad supposed to be the "kin. of th, , thT.!-.! company 'conju,.. i now at iiih-i.j. through tha county. at the gro Inefficiency of Grlta- While no decision wn reached, and machera ubordlnate. Instead of being would not be legal If declared. th .. a .. .w th. nf hia Terminal company complaint wa weak compelled to pay th penalty of, hi -n(J by h- prel7,n, .,,;, ,.,, ,nd crime. la likely the application for reduction Puutsen caught In tha act of will be refused, lining a room In tha lodglng-hou.e at The board slso hoard aeven or eight i "" ' ' ' . . w .. .. , property owner residing or owning real tlH Jsorth Third street by Barney Haf- ,;tp f Vouch addition. In thhf .re fer, th proprietor of th hostelry, and l Hon. according to the reaaonlng of A taken to police headquarter yesteidsy I seasor Hlgler, property values have been ' afternoon at 4:J0 o'clock. J Increasing more rapidly fher than In Haffey discovered foulaen leaving oneisny omer pan or ine cut. ef th room with a quantity of wear-1 Th large Increase made In many io annar-i which he had wranned In a I Instancea have not been pleasing In sheet stolen from one of th beds. J property owner, and a large number Placing th crook undtr arreat, the lodg-lof application for a cut In aaaessment in.hmia keener turned hi prisoner ram from that section. The board Is i Patrolman Humnhreys. After giving particular attention to win 'arriving at th station and being as- plaint based on allegation that cer- surd that th fellow would be held tain land Is too high aa compared with pending th Issuance of a complaint other lot In th same vicinity. Harrey mao nis way to m uisimci attorney's office. Securing th necessary document hl returned to th Hail ol justice ana iiipu th Information in the municipal court. , Poulsen was temporarily booked on a! : charge ef simple drunk, but through the gross carelessness of cither Captain glover or on of hi assistants, no no tation waa made on the margin of the arrat docket, to hold the prisoner for the police court. With nothing to Indicate that th prisoner in question was guilty of any crime except drunkenness. Captain ' Moore naturally turned th fellow loose till morning with th rest or the ine briates, taken Into custody during the! night. , When th rase was called In court this morning, the bailiff wa Instructed rwrr;. '." 'r bi.. m th. Muitom.h bo, .na ho found. Haffey aroe and Informed Lumber company's plant at the foot of the court that the prisoner had been Bancroft street brought out th fire de turned loose,- and consternation reigned . , .... ... . among the police officials. partment at p. m. last night ind That's certainly a good one." said before th flame were finally extln- Chief UrIUmacher when informed of the gulshed damage aggregating evrl jr-atter. "Homebody's carelessness Is thousand dollars had Teen wrought, responsible.. I'll look It up," and tho Th flrebont George H. - Williams and rnllee alflwU uervously. gnawing his half a luun engine, companies respond- mustache. hastened Into his office. d to th alarm and the firemen assls?- rroubl Is In store for some member of ed by a large corpa of volunteers did the department excellent work. F. A. Douty, secretary Haffey says he is satisfied that the of the iumber company believes th p ATJSLi' R,.??ni-Tr '..wXWTh, hTni;Renlf1"fi:7.nraoUoJ ,n" " d '"'"f""' about the incompetency of the police TTT-.TTk ttt -.t -t .i3ZF&EE3rA,t JUMP FR0M RUNAWAY CAR KILLS BARRON Holidays Pnt Leal Work in JJuddle Thickens Mis souri River. me chaoa Into which th business of th circuit court ha been thrown by the holiday promises to become much more disordered If, aa predicted, the governor Issue "a proclamation con verting next week Into one long legul holiday. Thl will mean that the Jury called for the November term will not be empaneled, and all Jury caaee aet W ME .COAi nS EIIGKIFFR'OIFS ARE STRONGER PLAN STRIKE TO SAVE TOl'JII Money Is Secured From Sub- Seattle and Tacoma, May Bel Hauls Burning Trainload of ireasury at Ban mnclsco tut Off From Fuel Sup- J Dynamite Awav and Rp. ply JNext 3londay. by Correspondents. (Uslted rraa Leasal Wire.)' flalem. Or., Nor. t The bank here duces Death List to 15. (Ult4 rrsss Uased Wire.) Tacoma, Wah.. Nov..l.-.Two hundred (Valted Dougla. rlH Not, Wtr.) -The death Cam JVomai's Wrcakxiessc. ' We rf to that boon to weak, nerroo.' I iuffrln-i woaea Ktiowu a Dr. Pierce i Favtrlto Prwrlptlon. Dr. John Fyfe one of thoKdltorlal Staff of Thi Eolectio Mbdioal Beyizw aatg f Unicorn root (IlelonUu Dioioa) which la on of the chief Ingredlente of tha "JiV Tori to Pfescrtptloai "l -V. ,i, - ,' a A raniedr which lavarlahly acta as a atr ta tnvigorstor aiikM for aonsal ac tivity ot the entire reproductive system.' lie continue "la Helonla we haveanedtcayi ' sseat which more fully answers the abere purpose than any tthtr drug Htfl uihtrk I am sectwMntod, In Ui treatmant of dlsaase pe culiar to women U Is aeldeai that a case la sea which duo not present seme Indication for this remedial agent." Dr. t'yfe further say at "Th following are ameng th leading r:,.. " th!.d10' th. "'for. the Wllk..on coal " the result of the Naooaarl e.plo- hlnT In th. -iv, ji ! aaaeriea, reaay to strike r-'"" r"y now piacea n or I aiowietwesaiemuiiioiivoi ids reproaacii lo mai. I na i-aaa and Riiah hunk la n. Hnniiiv nui maa.i - is. ai: uaian am h araana er women, snanisi oeBraaaioa ana if- S,.S'oo.aV..nS? wlt lhVrtk" "h to Carbonado, the train when th. explclon ffiflJpfc'iS order, to m.k it I100.CW0. ThJ Capital m,n,n the right of WUkeaon ug.allroad to HtawnlM lZ! rnM,to"J -,!7?a"t. Nf12n tb kuf N-toJil th. sVlem 8,afTb.n give 1 .nde.yor to enll.t the 400 men there W,hW fl'th-V'S n'w'eVo "U' &&Vt it iw.uuu in traneit rrom the aubtreaaury. I to Join them In tvlna nn hn.h mi.- open car, heavily loaded with aaolo. . n. . -X:, . Jrl A . . . -ll-. . : VI f r this month w.l, be c.rr, over u,, g nYZ w?,t U, another complication w, arise gft a --ac. T th! g? -jfErS UtTeSTfi: the member: of the Dec!mb.r X XAtr oli.eV.hJ fe"! f"i T.rk -'t hourt.m. ' lVhVtothurS! fafln tff;i.,tfLU!M muai b drawn and aerved. It ha .t. It has abundant ; securities " when they reach their work. They he niS t ihJ T rSI? CJT 1Tc 1 ' tK't U r nTO J e JJf. rierce1! J vorTirf jss: K"-r2!Lihl. atwW1.!? .T.enahViVT-h'L'-rt" ?? S-ri3,"r.f5wwat? art to TS. ,r -TLT- " " trmn the town. He had taken It about w" unicorn roos W neioniaa, !?-co'" "t. Ihe company re-1 . half mile when th. e.nioainn .7. and tho medical DroMtrUea of wHIoh il i.uaea in uemintt.' 1 1 i.,: - 1 , w 1 w mmm uiwwn lu a lum a. CIGAR STUMP BURNS UP BIGffle PILE Multnomah Box Company Sustains Heavy Loss From Fire in Yards. delayed some dav mini an nnur or more arier midniam. during which the drawlna could bo completed In the regular way. This, however, would not obviate tha diffi culty or serving the nrosnectlve liirora as service would not be good on a holi day and It would be Impossible to perrorm tnia work in the small hour or the morning. Twenty-one Jury case have now ao. cumulated on the docket, beside one week assignment of court cases. AU inrney are so bewildered by th way thut court business has plied up that they are ceasing to make predictions as to the means of preserving "the squr deal." SAYS SECURITY Oil L SCOO FUND GOOD J. W. Welch Says Benton County Land Is Worth $300,000. JUMPS OFF ViROHG WAY AIID INJURED Woman Attempts to Leave Speeding Car and Suffers . (Ruptured I!ar Dram. A woman on a Morrison street car at tempted to Jump from th car at Tenth street this morning when It waa gilng t full speed. She dismounted back wardaand wa thrown on the pavement, her head striking the atone. A nurtured ear drum and a broken blood vessel resulted and she is In a aerlous con dition. Dr. Homer-. I. Keeney chanced to be passing and saw the woman lying In the street with blood flowing from her "head and with the assistance of the conductor took her to a drug atore near bv until the ambulance came. She Is now at the Good Samaritan hn.nli.1 and up to a late hour this afternoon loe aiienoanis nao oeen unable to learn her name or. residence because she Is in a semi-conscious condition. IMMENSE CROWD SEES SOUTHERN RUGBF GAME (pertal Dispatch ta Th Jearaat.) Walla Walla, Waah.. Nov. . As a re sult of jumping from a runaway freight car Thursday atfernoon, Orren Barrou, a young brakeman, died at St. Mary's hnspltsl yesterday of Injuries received jiout the head and ahoulders. A heavy car, loaded with barley, broke loose at Hector station Thursday afternoon. liarron, who was on the car, could not sat the brake and the car, gaining momentum on a heavy a-rsde. waa soon running at terrific speed- Barron stayed wnn me car until it reached limits, when he made angming on nis nead and shoulders. lie waa unconscious when Dlcked ub. The car ran through the city at hlrh aiieed Jumping the track In the northern part ui 1 ne cuy wiinoui aoing mucn dam age except to the running gear. CANAL BUILDERS REACH KLAMATH X D. Weh;h. a well-known timber cruiser of the city, I satisfied that the securities turned over by 'the Title Guarantee Trust company to State Treasurer Steel for the protection of the 1286,000 of the unsecured school funds In that Institution are ample to meet all contingencies, provided the courts allow the transfer to stand. Aouordlng to the oat Irani a of .Welch the value of the 11,000 acres of land In Ucnton county, which la unincumbered. Is approximately 1380,000. thia being es timated at conservative values per acre. Besides this security are the notes and mortgages for 1428.000 also Included In the securities transferred to Steel. SILYERTON IS MAKING WONDERFUL GROWTH CANDIDATE FOR 11PPIIIG POST Myron Beard of (20 East Fourteenth street, who waa arrested by Polloe Judge Cameron several nights ago for brutally beating hla wife, appeared in the municipal court thia morning and waa bound over to the grand Jury In the sum of $600. Th penalty for ueard a offense I th whlpplng-post. and every effort will ba muna bv the district attorney's office to have th aeienoant flayed for hla crime Alter me court proceeding Mr. SHOOTS AT RELATIVE THUG HI! II ROBBER GOVERNOR STAMPS . TEACHERS PfRMTS Beard informed Judge Cameron that her nuaoand had committed aeveral crimes In the city, and the woman was closeted wun IjaDlaln Hrula for anme lima ine inspector declares, however, that Mrs. Beard was unable to give him any inivrmauvn. It isVunderstood that Heard waa at one time confined In the stste prison at oan vtfucnun, lauiornis. and served a term at Baiem. He was taken to the hom Of little 'Mara-nret afever volar. day by Detectives Jones and Tlohenor In an endeavor to have him Identified a t he -fiend who assaulted tha child laai week. The girl, however, was unable to Identify the Drlsoner and aa far aa can be ascertained the detectlvea hail nothing tangible to connect Beard with the crime. Attorney Morwood Mrflnn nnnunl. Ing Beard, announced In rourt thia morning that he would at once apply for a writ of habeas corpua in the fed eral courts on the around thai Jml.. Cameron haa no Jurisdiction In the case. owing to inn legs) holiday declared by vruraiuur inimnriain. Brother-iit-Law Fires Uion Supposed Burglar in Yard. I a ear t ttarron staved ,,,rr no P"n me enterprise to heTtht city .'"' of Its capacity, working a n flvina lean a,,d mMtt- -A00"1 te " shoulders lie h" lr"dy heen built and It will ' f United Press Laastd Wire.) r Palo Alto, Cel., Nov. The 17.000 seat have been eold arTd standing room . 1 now selling at the California-Stanford game today. The California . players , say the turf field Is fine. Betting is at even money. , Lanagan at the last mo ment ,ays he will play C. C. Owen of Pasadena, at wing instead of Heed of Portland. Weather conditions are per fect. All the Stanford girls are dressed in white. . The teams will play in regulation ; rugby costume light Jerseys and track pants. The contrast from tha nA i,r.i. ? form will be very noticeable to the larce crowd that will be present. MRS. BRADLEY UEABY 0R MURDER TRIAL Mffiara htd ' ' Conir- here"Ut nilgh7frormpean;s0: & Vial M6ndsy "mS Bra'dlv 1" ""T check'' 0" chck which much comfort in ' t,.Mn,Br: lufl"?! ?,?.?".!" Pr'on arrested. Erbe ner two (Special Dlipateb to The Journal.) Klamath Falls, Or.. Nov. I. Work on the Keno canal la now well within the city limits and the hillside where the overnment force Is at work presents the appearance of a very animated ant hill. A large force with shovels and with teams Is at work and good prog ress Is being made. It Is expected that a great part of the heavier work will be completed be fore winter sets in. The Keno canul Is on the west side of the river and will reach a part of the farming lands not touched oy - the main .irrigation canal now in operation. THIS TOWN NEVER WAS SO PROSPEROUS (Special niapitcb to Tb JonratL) Silverton, Or., Nov. I. The sawmill built here last summer by the Silver ton Lumber company is now In opera tion. It began sawing railroad ties a few days ago for the line of railroad now unaer construction to the com pany's timber lands on the Ablqua river. It will be several weeks, how ever, before the railroad Is finished. The company expects to employ a large force and push the enterprise to the night road 111 be extended into the timber a distance of six or eight miles yet this season. Since the organisation of the Silver ton Lumber company less than a veari ago Silverton has experienced a steady Biuwiii. uunng ine summer just ended nearly 100 new residences have been erected, four business houses, a church ana a nigh scnooi building. It Is esti mated that approximately $250,000 has Deen investeo in improvement in Sil verton during the past summer. R0SEBURG PUTS ON WITHDRAWAL LIMIT OIL STAND PIPE E OF SUIT CAUS (8pclal Dispatch to The Journal.) Garfield. Wash.. Nov. . Garfield's merchants are selling more goods than ever Derore. rne iiurry in money did not interfere In the least with the amount of business here. Keal estate is more active tnan ror many years. The banks did not take thn hnlidnv t- clared by Governor Mead, but kept doing business as usual. (Apeclal Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Roseburg, Or., Nov. 9. Both the Rose- burg banks have been keeping open and attending to business the same as ever In SDlte of the order of tha vnvfrnnr declaring holidays, and there has been no disturbance here at alL However owing to so many checks and drafts be ing presented ror payment, and espe cially those on eastern banks, the banks nave issued notice tnat they will pay only small amounts on demand of de positors, not to exceed $26, until the legal holiday period Is over. The de posits yesterdsy were far In excess of the withdrawals, and business Is going on the same as usual. The action re garding maximum withdrawal Is whol ly precautionary and is in compliance with the course adopted by other banks 01 ine state. John D. Rockefeller has got hi foot In It again a warrant ha been Issued by th city of Portland agalnat the Standard OH company and all It offi cials. Mounted Policeman Bales is the com plainant and a the municipality stands behind him in th case he has no fears of the great oil magnate. The case Is the OUtarOWth Of the cnnalatenev it.. Standard Oil company In maintaining -im uuirauiuiin a aianapipe at East Main and Water streets contrary to the It has not aa yet been determined whether John D. will hire a special train to get here or whether ha will walk Or whether he will coma tn PurtLj - - " w. at an. i'. is a safe bet that the next time Jake Nelson returns to his home at Sit Fremont street from a visit to hi ranch In Washington he wlU ring a bell, blow a horn or In soma other way identify himself before entering the yard. Nelson, after an abseirce of several aaya, put In an appearance at his domicile at 1:80 o'clock last night, and ss there was no light In the front win dow he made his way around the house on a tour of Investigation. Upon reaching the window In his wtfa'a KeH. room Nelson stood In the shadow of the building for a few minutes to ascer tain If anyone was at hom. A. U. Llnaulat. Nelson's brother-ln- aw, waa In the basement of the roitin at the time, and noticing a suspicious looking character In the yard, hastily secured a shot gun and biased awav at the Intruder. Fortunately the charva nf uursanot went wild ami nn Unmaaa waa done except the puncftirlng of the ozone. Explanations followed, but both men were on the verge of nervous pros tration after the sffalr. Gillette and State Suj)elin. tendent Clash. Over La bor Saving Selieme (Called Press Leased Wire.) 8acramnto. Cel., Nov. t There waa a clash today between the governor' office and the office of the state super intendent of public Instruction. Four huirflred and twenty-two teacher' di ploma were sent to Governor Olllette to sign and when they were returned to the office of State Superintendent Hyatt, Instead of having the algnature of the governor In pen and Ink, the diploma bore the rubber stamp signs- Boat represent. Of Goldea Seal root, another prominent Infwdl-nt of "favorlto Prescription," Prof. Mnlay EHIng ood, M, D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It I aa Important remedy In disorders of th weaiU lu all catarrhal condition and general enfiieblemepi, It Is useful. Prof. John M. Scudder, Mrixriata of .f n.M-- C.l . v. ... ana vi uuiu.u ommn njui, la relation to It general effect on the system, thtrt it n "wditrlne n Mat mhiut whir lAsr U sue Qtntral unanimity tf opinion. I 1 imtnrraillu raa-ardad aa tha al .fnl l alldebtllUted states. Prof. K. Partkolow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, tars of Oolden Heal : ' Valuable in uterine heaaorrbag. manor rhagla (flooding) and cnngeatlv eysmenor rbena (pilnfnl menstruation!. Dr. Ploreo'aFavoritoPreacrlptlon faith- . fslly represent all tha above Darned In gradient and curaa tha diseases for whlcl ey y ren'oamondod. ALBfWHOT AFTER mi HIGH SCHOOL tlirav whlrh la rmioA sis, aa 1 1 Ha s.- - -- iiiimi aw aa x. vv VII "1 a"- . mal correspondence and 1 1 Jim mi rm I'lnnn nA 4 when the governor Is not In luuuiu w Willie Informal ernor'a papers. his office to do the Job with his fotm- tain pen. Without much ceremony, the govern or's office wss called up and It was explained that th diploma should hsve been signed by the governor and not by a rubber stamp. The reolv came back that if the superintendent $250,000 Building on Tatton Tract. SLEUTHS ON CARPET BEFORE POLICE CHIEF Bo Impressed was Judge Cameron with the story told by Trlxie Cole, the woman arrested by Detectives Kay and Klenlln In the Richelieu aeveral day ago for alleged assault and battery on Mrs. Galllard. that despite the de fendants plea of guilty he continued the case Indefinitely for sentence. Kay and Klenlln. who ara u charged with furnishing protection to the Hotel Richelieu. Sixth and r.mtph streets, long regarded as a disreputable yesterday. FOBOEB. EATS BOGUS CHECK WHEX CAUGHT (United f"r Lessed Wire.) i mmnnnlnnahln nrnii. .. -1 . . .. " nr.. A-.... ' . . T. I vi bhu. bwaijowcq wnue On the Mndlson and Arthur to u. j!... r" " ueiiea tne orncer to get the check. , ; J!"iw.n rv.who traveled across the Con llnent to be present: at her trial. HIGHWAYMAN GOT MONK YjAXD WATCH look Into the frownin musxle of a hujre White-Vn tS.b"a-' t"11" ward vvmie- fn pis- Way . home at 12-is T?lV,,5hrt.' '1."- corner of Twelfth and Male) streets by a, lone mB8k!LAhuf ant j reUeved j of a gold watch said IS mm InTiash. 1 d j MOBE GOLD SECUBED IX EUB0PEAX MABKETS (Fulled Praaa Laaanl W1r i New York. Nov Th. rif mim. uiclik in BIiia engagement was ex ceeded . today- when Ijurii trrai-oa noiinced they had aecured an additional million in Europe and the National Bank or Commerce had n r..i Bn t.i . tllK M. ... .viuiuunu "pVVUi UNDESIRABLE TENANTS HAVE . RIVETED, GINCH ON LANDLORDS PBOHIBITION MEDAL - 0BAT0ES AT AtliANY (Hpeclal Dlapitch to Th Journal.) Albany. Or., Nov. 9. The Interstate prohibition oratorical contest will be held here next Saturday, November 16. i ne winner Is to be awarded a gold medal and the honor of being a com petitor In the national contest to be held in theeast later in the year. The three coast states, with four orator, will be uHicocmeu iiere wnn iour orators, and ui" winner win ob causa tne coast rep resentative .n the national runtaat Oregon will be represented by Everett ti. Jones of Albany collee-e. iVn.iii... iun oy warren rx. cuaay or the Uni versity of Puaet Sound at T1M. northern California by D. C. Boyd of y"",""," uiuciHit, una soutnern Cali fornia by W. E. Robert of Occidental college, Los Angeles. BBYAN WILL SUPPOBT FOE FOB SENATOB Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. . Governor Polk' conference with wmiom x Bryan at Lincoln yesterd.iv la .u.n nn indication here that Bryan win unre port Folk for United States senator: that Bryan thinks Duutor Sinn. i. longer senatorial timber. . , POLICE MUST HAVE COME FB0M P0BTLAND , D aa, uioiviu X.O.UH resort, were In court this mornina- al though conspicuous by their absence leraay. Miss Cole under oath tnld mhiii.. tlally the ssme story as waa published In The Journal last evening and the court evidently accepted as true all of her statements, as waa indicated by the failure to Impose any punishment. 'I-.. .... ...... T ' . . . . r . . . tiuii n.ay ana iwieniin appears very serious, and It is cur rently reported that in addition to the ?ranu jury investigation to be asked or by Attorney Alex Sweek the polite uummitiee or ine executive board will take Immediate action. Kay was busily explaining to Grltx- uaunci una morning now ne and his partner, Klenlln. happened to be in the room of the landlady's daughter. Winter Supplies for Lake. (Special Dispatch to Tb JaaruL) Klamath- Falls. Or.. Nov. r i, county people are now laying in their tviiiigi ouuliijm ami Rv.rv .1 a come Into Klamath Falls or go out heav ily loaded. Much of the flour is hauled from the Merrill mill. Next year It is expected that Lakeview will have its own flour mill. GBAXI) B0XDE LUMBEB COMPAXY SHUTS D0WX (Special DUpatck to Tie Josraal.) Pendleton. Or., Nov, . The Grand Ronde Lumber company at Perry will shut down its plant for several weeks. One reason assigned Is the high rail road rates, which have caused many coast mills to close. Th southern lumber trade Is Increas ing on account of the cheaper labor, and this l one of the reasons that the Perry mill cut 4,000,000 feet less this year than last Sawmills at Baker City, Meacbam and other tointa ara atlll cliat r.H i. r. said they will remain so for some time unless It Is DOSBlble to Induce tha mar. .A 1. . f l" iwr tower mages until rinanctal matters are adjusted. The Pslmer mill at La Grande will continue operations vii m wage scale. Another ateo was taken toward ih. of public Instruction would trace the construction of a hlah achonl in aii.tna signatures with India ink. they would t. . . ., !. , A,bIn look like the real thing and the teach.- meeting of the Multnomah Im- oesootation last night. Plans ers would never know the difference. The state superintendent's force replied thst they have something else to do rtesiaes spending a uay tn tracing Gov ernor Gillette's algnature over the mark ings of s rubber stamD. And those in the governor's office .bussed back the lnrormauon tnat (governor dinette wss too busy to devote a day In signing cer tificates for the teachers. GEXEBAL BOOTH IS OX H0MEWABD VOYAGE (t'aiU Frets Laastd Wirt.) rew Tork, Nov. (.Impressible cene marked the departure of General William Booth and, daughter today on the liner St. Louis. Surrounded by nunurvua 01 loiiowern ine a-enprai minnA In an automobile and Joined the Salva tionists In singing, "Shall We Gather At The River." Several bands were in h procession. General Booth deck and , aa the steamer started a mighty shout arose. INDIANS SCOBE TWICE AGAINST HABVAE1) (Unltrd Prtas Lasted Wlrt.l Cambridge. Nov. 9 Thl rtv t liniiinnd excited fan saw the Carlisle Indians RCOre tWO touchdowns On Harvnr.l Ir, the first half thl afternoon. Harvard mane one touchdown during the first iihii. ine inuians won tne toss and chose to defend the srfuth the wind at their backs. Harvard rooters are cheering the team wildly but trick plays sprung' by the Indians ?ein to uewnaer me wnue men. WOMAN FIGHTS WITH FAMISHED COYOTE BURGLARS GET THEIR FINGERS IN THE JAM Carry Oft Some of Mother's Choice Fruit and Preserves. Patrolman E. Adams reports that a house at 390 Mildred street wss en tered by burglars between 11 and 1 o'clock thl morning but the thieve secured nothing for. their trouble but a "few Jar of canned fruit." Enerance was effected through a basement window and the midnight ma rauders made their escape via the cellar door, the key or which had been left in the lock. v "Officer on beat give this matter at tention C. G.. Chief." written In nencll on the report blank 1 the method Chief untxmacher has of disposing of such trivial cases. Marlon J. Johnson. 109 Belmont street, reports that sneak thieves have oeen operating with great success about his house A week ago a' doxen Jars of rruit were stolen rrom tne cellar and a tew nights later a rake and a ouantltv or Duuaing material waa carted away. Last Wednesday night the persistent inter -swipea nine linen towel rrom the clothesline in the back yard. GEEAT MASS OF WHEAT MOVED WITHOUT COIN for a comnlete nmiuiirn in . 1250.000 school building on the loca tion owned In the Patton' tract by the school bosrd were submitted and adopi- ??' JVL 'n,,ud" tn cooperation of the North East Sldeelmprovement as sociation and the Nolta Progressive club, two strong organisations, and per haps the aid of the Woodlawn and Ver non property owners. A proposal to cut down the hill on Mississippi avenue at Skidmore street was discussed and a mihikIh.. k pointed to take ud the mailer iti. the Nolta club and other property own ers living in the district effected Mult nomah also exnecta uw. v.. ... - chemical engine. The one nn. .1.. tloned at Hlchlanrt will h. Multnomah as soon as new spparatus Is received at Hla-hian Y:.. .r , - w ini 8,p''2ldbior15uh; C.Zelgler, Nels Reed, J. H. McKenzle and David Dup-A were appointed delegates to the United East bide clubs, which will meet next Tuesday evening, at tho Hotel Sergent. Hawtrrorne and Grand avenues. The meeting nights of the Multnomah ns. soclatlon wlir hereafter be the first and third Wednesdays of each month. STAB WITNESS FOOLS STATE AT BATHDBUM Win the holiday season be the mean if providing free rent for tefiante who refuse to rqove or. pay? .... : Thl question I agltatfnf the minds of several landlord and i landladies, wo iiare encoontered anaga tn the collec tion of rent. The ground f refusal ia that notice to rhovo Is not legwl when riven on a legal holiday. If thl ver sion of the law be orrecfc, the. tenant may oocupy the unwilling landlord's property fur 10 daya after the holidays ane over. ....... fit w2S en'no'tl c? ot- -v.. i umawrul entrv an iVl, soon aa the haM. jlyi!il detainer a k. ... r vine to an anrf But the to an endi that legal noiii'hw": denies It can be aiven until vX.."VYn. are over. -iir"VliWhl,,-'n tenant hold tho nd so long as the non-iudlrui - J' tJ10'"4 w!" ven hv ,nfty to come Intocourt to test tlnue th opportu the matter United Press Leased Wfre. Marysvllle. Cel., Nov. 9. Jim Williams, a peg-legged colored 4 man, threw ammonia Into a vie ' tlm' eyes last night and started to rob hlin. The victim's screams attracted, the attention of. off 1- cars, but the robber escaped. The eye of the man assaulted, who 1 also colored, ire In dangerous condition. t Klamath Deposits Increase. -Klamath Falls. Or.. Nov. 9. Klamath Fal a banks have a good cash surplus on hand, and there x no rrn hlVL l,h irAl,8LtUat,n- .Th. deposit. 0Jf?"h!WllJL .h,8 County Target for Pitol BnHeta. .lrVnT V.-Aam Wrt-d last "n"v v r . vein ricei or lulft Vzant 7etnVZnth UW rorth complained that John Began had f red throi .h.. .i.i.i a.i a u uucx p. m. For some ne ?ZU.l re.a8.on Vttn F'eet reused to come j ii,. i r "wear lo complaint. nf."lme "?i ofv consequently are not Athena Lumber Yard Sold. Athena, Or., Nov. 9. Ed Barrett, of J.Tn.'V ttf 0,,I th Umatilla Lumber yrd at this place to the Tunv-a-lum "I rc,olnpany nd turned over th kilalxaaa A i L . OAITJIIOJ Tf 0 w.ii. ir-iL A",ena. fna has yards at ii r r m ia. r rf-ewn rasr ita a. ip.v. Lowden and Touchet" " ""' "w" (United Preas Uiitj Wirt.) wenatcnee, Wasli.. Nov. 9. Mrs. J O Naslln, who live on a ranch 12 miles' up the Columbia, had an exciting en counter with a famished coyote. The creature, emooiaenea oy hunger, crept up to the Naslln home looking fnr chickens. Mrs. Naslln saw the animal there, and. taking a revolver. fir.H shot at the animal. The shots dii nr.t dlsnateh him. however. anH win, . agonised cry he sprang at the Voman Mrs. Naslln cried in alarm, and fortu nately her husband heard her and came io inn icntuc wnn a, pitcnrorK. 'V ' (Cnlttd Press Leased Wirt.) St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 9. What is probably the greatest wheat movement In the history of the world started to day. A vast amount goes to Euronfc. some stopsaat Minneapolis for flour and I the remainder will be distributed to other grain centers. The movement Is being accomplished practically without a cent in cash, through an arrangement engineered by James J. Hill, each bank' In St. Paul and Minneapolis has agreed to furnish their pro rata share of credit to make a total of $2,000,000. The rail roads furnished the same amount. Checks will be given the grain dealers instead or casn ana tney win also be accepted by the farmers. The jobbers gree'to accept cnecKS rrom small mer chants, thus keeping the checks travel ing In a circle. ' Deputy Wllliama ,Saya He Confused Tyler'a Body and Belongings With Others Found. (United Preis based Wirt.) Rathdrum, Idaho, Nov. 9. C. It Wil liams, who wa a deputy sheriff In the party that found the body alleged to be that of Fred Tyler, was on thu tand all this morning In the Steve Adam case. His testimony differed materially from that lv On hv Ki I m at the first trial of the case as to his description of articles of wearing ap parel found on or near the hntv -i. offered as an exDlanatlnn that h. i... i discovered several bodies in the Msrble Creek district and had got them mixed up. His testimony was a disappoint ment to the state. Three more witnesses to Drove th corpus delecti will be called then Adams confession will be Introduced. G03IPEBS TO ATTACK MANUFACTUBEBS' BODY DULL KNIFE SAVED ' WOULD-BE SUICIDE PEBS0NAL. Mr. and Mr. Slgel Grutae have re :Y"? .frotn S Peasant 10 daya' visit at Victoria, Seattle and other sound joint. Mr. Grutxe la deputy city au- Joe Huot, a milk wagon driver, for iiiorijr cmiiuycu uy me xteecn aalry, at at tempted to end his life last night The dullness of the Union depot by cutting his throat av iiuciiei itniie, With the weapon prevented Huot from ac compiisnmg nis son destruction and We was removed to the Good Samaritan iiuByiiai iur treatment lor a Superficial wound on the neck. The despondent man lost his position yesterday as the result of tales carried to hi .employer. After brooding over hi lus.iDi iic ucle inintHi rnnr .ti nMA viuj vuuidi lur mm to pursue. TELEGBAPHEBS' STBIKE OFFICIALLY ENDED United Press .Leased Wire. Chicago, Nov. 9. A formal no tice of suspension of the teleg rapher' strike wa sent to all locals in the United States today. Forty-two locals have voted to return to work, insuring a major ity. Buffalo and Dayton were the only locals voting to continue the strike. . at YAMHILL WALNUTS AT P0BTLAND SHOW (SWcial Dispatch to The'' Jonrnal.) McMlnnville. 1 Or., Nov. 9. The Me Mlnnvllle Walnut club Is preparing Its exhibit that will be shown at the Wil lamette Valley Apple show at Portland, November 14. IB and 18. Great -care has been taken in the selection -of the exhibit, and it will contain varieties of nuts. Secretary W. H. Latourette and Mor gan Baker of the McMlnnville Walnut ciud will te present to give informa tion concerning walnut culture in Tim. hill county and Also to answer ail ques tions. This club, since its organization has done a great deal towards boosting Yamhill county, and is placing the cul ture or walnuts in mis county upon a inuiie.v-maKinK dhhis. .even tne eimhir at the county apple ahow has already inauirea DianB iur nil inoresaa in arra nge oi wainuts oz tne county. aged Woman V DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. Elizabeth Dorothy, aaed 82 veara died suddenly this morning at the home nf a nala-hhai In. Mnnt.vlll. 1LT vr... Olney. wife of Captain Olney, of the steamer unaine. Mrs. uorotnv had baan in perfect health almost to the time Of her death. She suddenly became ill while visiting Mr. Olney last evening and physicians were called but were un able to doanything fo? the aged wo man. Deatq occurred at 1 o'clock. (United Preat Leastd Wire.) Washington. D. C, Nov. 9. President Gompers is preparing to launch a sen sational attack on the National Manu facturers' association, at the annual federation's convention to be held in Norfolk next week. It will be in the nature of a reply to recent charges of ?;raii mnae against tne otricials of the ederation by American Industries, a manufacturers publication. The federation agents have been gathering data on the methods nf tha manufacturers. KAISEB SAILS FOB VISIT TQ ENGLAND (United Pnwa Leased Wire.) Flushing, Holland. Nov. 9. The kala- er and his consort, with brilliant guftes sailed Irl the yacht Hohensollern today ' for England. The British channel fleet. Lord Beresford commander, acts as es cort for the kaiser, from Flushing to Portsmouth. ' v The kaiser was in good spirits despite the stories of his Illness. FEW TBAINS OFF SCHEDULIiJTAY Northern Pacific No. 1, due e) . at 7 o'clock, came in two sec- tlons. The first was on time and 4 the second arrived at 1:45. a Southern Pacific No. H, due at 7:2 J, arrived at 9:38. Southern Pacific No. It, due at 11:30, arrived on time. O. R; A N. No. 2, due at a o'clock, arrived on time. O. R. & N. No. i, due at 9:4S arrived at-ll:S0a - Astoria" ft Columbia No. tl due at ij .18. arrived 10 minutes ' J