The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    - . . ': ' , : 1 ' .-
: fileanesl Man oij Ear
rnTltPQ , Thr'a a mcil In the city that li
lUlJllsv) ... PuPt)' ahould b JelUd
lwJr ' Ha'a th liar that report round I
i ii . Jong Co. hu fs.lid
" And tha rjnfanal alinul.1 arn -with hln
, "Vr , ' '1,,, f01 Mothej fcua.7 r ,
"" ....tit ... v.! ; . , .
Marquam..., "Th Nlthtlngale.
aer ........ "A Hoi la the around."
Tha ehuoM ar that neither , iw
earned an honeat cnt.
I But rfaatrnvlna" nthae'a xriilU la their
Uw.ete.t airl la pixie.- 7 fi.ndlefi joy ia benl: ' '
Vf'?'1 V.:; ; y?P,vlu1:l8Jr we'd lve to grind their collar tope
if'0 'Woman Against Woman. "a, ,harp a Inatf tl. . "
"Confession of a Wife." And freeae their eallouaed heart until
A flat U I.' A HltK ' Harvlcea.
11 a. m. and J p. m t Sunday aohooL If
a. u.i u. if. p. U. Ip.a . J
Thira Vancouver avunue ana n.noi
Professor Went; Sunday aohoot. 11:18
p. m., r.pworm league, i:i& p. m. '
Trinttycorner o Eaat Tenth and
Eat Grant) Lewi Y. Smith. Servloea at
11 -a. m. and 1:10 p. ro.; Sunday achool,
'V " ni.i vimmm Hianting, UilB P. Dl.
Epworth leagu. f:l0 p. m.
Central- Kuaaell and Karfav atraata. .T
T. AbbatU Brvlca at 11 a. m. and T:l
n, tn.
Chin Mission Chan sing KaL
oervicva ii a. in. ana i:iu p. m.
Mount Tabor barvltaa at 11 a. m.
and 7:10 p. m.
Patton Mlhltan avenua and Carpan
Ur. H. T. Wira. tervlcea at if a. m.
inn I .in p. ui,
lilahland Alberta and Sixth atreeta.
I Sunday achool. 10 a. m.: aervlcaa at
y, Ma.iW.,... . i wjh 4f0ny thfy'd af uaaL
Tha booka for chlldran which bar But aa cannot do tbla wt will Juat
ii.. nM.h.m I Content with koowledae that eome day 11 a. in, and 7:10 p. m.: U. Y, P. U.. :0
W4UJ IVVWIB aa(, via V MVaa,w-a . V l Q hV Will !' iPIIl
villa." Pjnin.uUr and at Jobni . ara now And tha banh t vljl till doln yeo- beilwood Tacoroa and
upon tha ahelvaa. and nay ba drawn I . h ..,i-J r latraeta: uv (Irani A L.earn. tien lue
,,, M Ana Jonea ca e happy and meir n a. in. ana t p, in., ounua pv. t
mothere of MontavlUa ara Invited to tha bannei1 attll unfurled la. m.; li. k. P. t,.. 7:11 p. in. .
Tela. Main HI: Aim
noon ajto oox.vicbza.
treat; Rev. It. bchwealcr, pa tor. i Vancouver Avtnue Bervlce at 11 a.
Servlcea 11 a. m. and : p. m.; Sun-;, end 7:16 p. m. "
fay BchooL IV a. m.i H. TC.-t.X.. ! Woodetock Key. W. T, Kerr. Ber
p. m. . vlcea at 11 . m. and 7:10 p m.
Calvary Cast iLlaltta ' auJ Urani
treela. Bervlce. 11 a. in. and 1:11 P
m.j Hunday achuol at 10 a. ni.
Iminanuul becond and Meada atreet:
Rev. A. U. Mlnaker. bervlcee at lf:IO
a. tn. and 1:10 p. m.: toplca. "Tha Sul
Kfforl" anl " hrlat'a Anneal for A.U-
Brumaa of t Clay atreet. en a charj-e mlaalon": Hunday achool at 10 a. tn.
of disorderly conduct.' Tha comDlalnant I urara Mnmaviiia: Raw oilman far
Mra. Jana Wellington Ely, mother of I who la amplpyed by tha City Man;er kr. Service at 11 a. to. and 1:0
a iniir, auega mil aicvtuire ma-1 D. m
Montavllla reading room. 21a e Lin
road. Monday afternoon from I to I
o'clock to look over the new children'
book. Mia Hauler will tell a atory to
ma cmioren or mi. jonna on iumoij,
Koverobar II at 1:10 o'clock at tb St.
John reading room la the aew iioi
brook building. '
-LJ !;!
it r nfim i .... I at Lwiivery. an
wia. m. ai. nuiisiueuii, wuu a uia W'" I ll-i.l . it,.. . trnn K .tAA.A
vi oocreiarv wuiiamaon oi ma eiai wlta aharp apIKe In front of hi blcy-
uuara ox noruouKura, yeaieroay re-icie. inereuy puncturing tn tire. Th
celved th congratulatlona - of her I warrant haa been placed In the hand
frlenda on th 10th anrjlveraary of bar I of tb pollc for aervloe but yet Mc-
irm. ieepue oer aa aura, ciy euu- I uuire Aa noi oan appreaenaeu.
tlnue to teach pain tin a and h
large claaa of puplla. She' waa born
In Herkimer county, New York, 1117.
Sh waa married In 1144, lived In Ohio
and Minnesota until 1M1 when ahe
came to Portland to make this city her
bora with ber aaughtar in una city,
Milton H. Tower atanda first pn th
list to ba appointed a carrier of th
Portland postoffle. Luther A. C. Auld
Is aecond. bur he la aa yet undecided aa
to whether b will accept. In caa he
declined th offer Ehepard A. Brlcga
will ba appointed aa a carrier. Two
additional carrier were authorised by
A phalatbla claa for young ladle
waa organised at tha Immaauel Baptist tha der-artmeM at Washington In a tele- v5,n,nf 5'vl0Jihf.a
church last Sunday. Thle claaa haa for mm reo-iva vatrdy by ojtmastei t"""T
iniiiiu. un. vi uieita men win uv 7. . u t ia i
Central Eaat Twentieth and Ankeny
treet;.Rv. W. T. Joruan. Bervice at
10:10 a. m. and 7:J0 p. m.; morning
ermon by Kev. E. Ii. Hermlaton on
"I'ha Cltle of Refuse." tellowshlp
meeting for men only at 1:10 p. m. Mr.
Hermlaton will speak on "The Black
Horse'' ; evening address by Mrs. Her
mlaton; Sunday school 1 m.; T. P.
meeting, (.10 p. m. .
. Unlvaralty Park Rev. A. B. Walts.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.: acrvlcee. 11 a,
m. and 7:10 p. m.; topics, ;Th Culmi
nation of Christ's Early Ministry" and
Taking Men for Life"; baptlam at
a. J. r. u., . y.
Tempi, iweiun
Rev. J. Wnitcdmb
isorweaian-uanish Thirteenth .
Davis: C. J. Nelecn. Servlcea at 11 a.
tn. and 7:J0 p. m.
Swedlah liorthwlck and Brsch; Rev.
Johnson. Servlcea 11 a in. and 7:30
p. m.
first Qerrnan Fifteenth and Hoyt. O,
A-.VVa""- 8erlc at 11 a. m. and
7:10 p. m
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Kv. h. K. llortaler. Services at 11 a.
in. anq , ;au p. rn.
Jspaneae Mission 1J1 North Flf
"" v. i-Usen Rlbnra. Services
achool, 1:10 p. tn.
Un'vlr Park-Rev. H. A. Wntter.
Services at It a m. and 7:30 p. m.
GraceCorner of Twelfth and Taylor
streets; Rev. William 11 Hippe. pHstor
Services at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m ; morn-
m wmmunwi; topic. "The Communion
a Mount of Vision." voiilng "t.'hrlst's
Message to Men for Today's Klnanclnl
Ulatresa. Mornlnv rlnMscs. 1:30 a. in '
?u,n(l0v'. "ch1- ,2:'S; ,a''l mlaalon
1:80; ; tpworth leaKue. 4:15 p. m.
Hell wood Corner Kat Fifteenth and
Taconia veoui. Sunday school 10 a.
m.; aervlces. II a. m. and 7:30 p. m;
morning sermon by Rev V. B. Hol
Ungshead, evening by Rev. Amoa P.
Boyd; Junior Enworth league, 2:30
Senior Kpworlh lesKue. :30.
Free FlrHt Kaat Ninth anri Mill na
W. J. Johnston. Services 11 a. m.. 7:10
p. m.. I nurniiHy 7:30
WoodlawnServlce at 11 a. m. and I
p. rn.; sjunoay sohooL 10 a. m.
Flratornar Park and Columbia
street, itev. m. g. Muckley. Servlcea,
11' a. m. and 7:10 p. m. ; evening sermon
by Dr. E S. Chapman, "What Dan
Rouger Bald"; Bible school, 10 a. m.;
fi E.. 1:10 P. m.
Advent hecond street, between Hsll
and Lincoln. Services at 11:10 a. m.
and 7:10 p. m . by Uvangellat K. Wallace
Sheppard pf MIchlKan; special meetings
all week. ,
Vailed BvangUoaL
F1rt Corner East Tenth and Sher
man atreet. Kev. A. A. Winter. 10 a.
m., Sunday achool; services 11 a m.
ana 7:30 p. m: K. U of C. h; . :30 b. m.
Second Vargo and Kerby atreeta,
Rev. B. S. Hughes, pastor. Sunday
achool 10 a, m ; servlcea 11 s. m. and
I p. m.
St John's Ivanhoe and John aireeta:
Rev. Cheater Paul Uatrs 1'reachlng 11
a. m.; Sunday achool at 10 a. m.
Ockley Oreen (lay street and Wil
lamette boulevard: Rev. J. Boweraoz.
pastor. Servlcea. 11a, m and 7:16 p. m.;
topics, "Being Killed With thu Bplrlf'
and "The Importance of (Jood Kxample
and Precept"; Bunday school, lu a. m.;
K. It. C 1:16 p. tn.
Srangelloal Aasoclatloa.
First English Hast 81xth and Mar
ket streets; S. A., pantor. Serv
lues 11 a. m, and I p. m ; Young People's
alliance, i p. m.; nunuay school, 10 a. m
Flrat German Corner Tenth and Clay
streets; Theodore scnauer. pastor; ser
mon at 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Sun
day achool 1:30 a. m.
Memorial Kant Eighteenth and Tib
betta; I C Hoover, pastor. Preaching
at 11 a. m. and i p. m.; uunasy acnoo
10 a. m'
iia ODifloi a, nailer social iiiv. a ueiier.
underaundlng of th Bible and the de- signed to the buslneas district of the ""f . 'in . anrvieVa 1010 a m -"ntpn-K-iiy Memorial Thlrty-
"elopment o? a consistent character, city and the other to Station D, Sell- meU,"fn J Um"nnin- "lin'ithMlmr I,nt.h an1 atrects. Rev. 8. J.
bru?"- s-.rrjrrfs ajSSaSiSHJ av.vs.rasaiivi
1 w w v w. ui,
Mr. MM Last Sunday. Benjamin
Fay Mill will speak tomorrow at
Women of Woodcraft halL at 11 a. m.
on "How Can a Man Become Ac
quainted Wltb Godr At S p. m. on
What If Spiritualism Were Truer
ana at i
the Man.
by the Poatal Telegraph company In the treet and Hawthorn avenue; Rev
Clackama county metropolis, myste-1 Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. m.; Sun
rlously disappeared last Tuesday. Wll- school. 1:46 a, m.
hue la SI vufi nt ara flva r lhf I St Johtta ' (German) RV. C. Feld
Inche in helcht. welaha about 160 math. Preaching 4 p. m. Sunday aohoot
pounds, and when last seen wore a dark I p. m. . . ,
suit and black soft hat. According; to Becond Seventh and East Ankeny
..r ,;:r. Tm.7.;. ISnhooler. tha mlaalna man haa ban I atreeta: Rev. Stanton C. Laphatn. Berv-
iTi' ..... . ;r.a k,7Z. drlnklna- heavily and hla abaence may I icea at 10:10 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; top
dealrlng to be aure of them ehould at- ha due to a protracted spree.
tena th morning seme, sar. miii
will remain through Wednesday, speak
lag three time dally,
William Knab Of New Tork, one of
the brother engaged In th manufac
turing of pianos bearing their name.
Is at tha Hotel Oregon, having arrived
thla mortilng from the south. He U
accompanied by hla wire. Mr. KnaDe
has charge of tha wholesale department
and Is making a Combined business and
fileaaure trip. tin was la Portland
wo years ago. Hla father. William
Knabe, waa the manufacturer of the
first Knabe piano.
List of articles found on street cars
November 8, 1107: one key, on re
ceipt book, three packages, three pair
f loves, one umoreua, one nanaoass;ei,
hree lunch boxes, one register book,
one beating stove, two purmi one nana
bag, one Latin book, one baby's ehoe.
one boy s hat. Call at room 4, O. W.
P. building, First and Alder streets.
The sewing circle of the George
Wright Relief corps met on Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. Hawkins. 44 Hibbard
itreel, II women being present, a
charmlnr luncheon was served and
large amount of work accomplished. The
annual Inspection of the corps will take
place at the regular meeting on the
, 19th of this month.
The safest precaution against pick
pockets and holdups la a good buckskin
money belt, worn around the body. We
are headquarters for both body and leg
belta, and would like to show them to
you. Albert Herat, ins aruggist, n
Washington street.
Save the discount (II cents) by pay.
ina- your bins for November service on
or before tb 10th of th month. Horn
Religion or CbrlatlanltyT'
ermdn br Rev. Robert V
of California; Bible achool, noon; Toung
Dr. Henpe. Or ace M. ' K evening
"Christ Message to Men for Today's
Financial Distress."
Acme Oil Co. aell safety coal oil and
a.. w t eta. tl 1 A ft T
una gaaviiu. muni -a,a , it,,,.
Woman's Exchange,' 111 Tenth atreet.
lunch 11:10 to 1; business men s lunch.
Woodward Danclna Academy. Arloa
halL Tonight Lesson 26 cents.
Tou can 'find at 160 tth th aentle-
man s caterer, Harry U Hippie.
U-au-to buy your Jewelry at Good
mans, 111 Morrison.
Let us clean your watch. Goodman,
Zll Morrison.
Beck's. 106 Alder
Silverware, Watches;
Old hats madenew. 426 Morrison.
Eat government Inspected meat
D. Chambers, optician, 1X1 Seventh.
Tfy tha Independent laundry.
Bark Tonio for rheumatism.
Peonla'a union. 1:10 D. m.
BSVier-Btreet uei ween a weniy-nrsi
ana weniy-aecona sireeia. ounaay
school. 2:10 o: m.
lit. JODna b a. ieonara. services,
11 a. m." and 7:10 p. m.; ' Sunday achool
10 a. m.: B. T. P.'U.. :3B p. m.
Chinese Mission us street.
Sunday school. 1 p. m.; preaching In
uninese. s p. m.
First Germfn Fourth and Mill
streets: Rev. J. Kratt fcervlces. 11 a
m. and 7:30 P. tn.; Sunday school, 1:46
a. m.
Becond German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. ' Uuermann.
Services. 11 a. m. and T:I0 p. m.; Sun
day school.' 1:46 a. m.
t;at rorry-iounn otreet corner
Eaat Main; Rev. li. O. Cook. Service.
11 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m.j Bible achool. 10
a. m.; B. T. p. u.; :46 p. m.
ltnta irst avenue and oter road.
Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; services, 11 a.
in., by Rev. J. F. Heacock.
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett:
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Servlcea at 11
m. and I p. m.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev.
Erlck Scheratrom. Services. 10:46 a.
m. and 7:46 p. tn.; Sunday school, 12 m.;
u. x. f. u., cio d m.
Union Avenue Mission (Swedish)
Comer Skldmore. Bunday achool, 10
a. m.
Norweg-lan-Dajoish Services In hall
corner Mlaalsslppl and Shaver streets,
ii a. m. ana t:su d. m.: nunuay school.
It m.; Industrial school Saturday after
noon, I o'clock.
Mra. Mary L. Creigh of Minneapolis,
First Twelfth and Alder
Rev. William Hiram Foulkes.
who haa been residing In Portland for 10:S0 a m. and 7:30 n. m.: mornlnr
Judge Wolverton In the United State several months, leaves today for Tacoma sermon by Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D.; even
Ircult court heard the mandamus pro- where she wlU visit for some time prior jne5u"r;mBunaayP Me l
Episcopal (west side) A. Matthews,
First and Caruthers street: Rev. W. A.
M. Breck in charge. Uoly communion,
i.u a. ro.: ounaay scnooi, :4i a. ra
services and sermon. 11 a. tn. No even
ing service.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Mar
tyr Thirteenth and Clay atreeta; Rev,
H. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:30 a. m.;
services 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Bunday
school, 0:46 a. m.
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett
Streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Services,
I a. m., 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday
achool. 1:46 a. m.
All Saints Twenty-second and Reed
atreets. Sunday achoil. 10 a. m.; even
ing service. I o'clock.
St. Andrews University Park: Rev
W. R. Powell. Services 11 a. m Bun.
day school, 10 a. m-
St. Paul's Woodmere; C. L. Parker,
lay reader. Services at 11 a. m.: Sun
day school, 9:40 a. in.
'St. Matthew's First and Caruthers
streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck. Service
and sermon 11 . tn.; Sunday achool, 1:46
a. m.; no evening service.
The Church of dur Savior Wood-
atock. Services. 11 a. m.: Sunday
school 10 a. iu.
St. Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
Qulmby streets: Rev. J. E. Slmpaon.
communion. I a. tn.; holy communion
and sarnion, 11 a. m.; evening prayer.
i p. m.; Munday school, 10 a. ro.
St. John's Memorlni ocll wood; Rev.
W. R. Powell. Services, and sermon.
11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Good Shepherd Sellwood street and
Vancouver avenue, Alblna. Rev. John
lawaon, rector. Sunday school, D:45
.. m.; mornlns; service, 11 a. m.; even
ing service, 7:30 p. m.
St. David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont, Rev. George B. Van Waters, l.
I). Holy communion. 8 a. m. ; morning
service and sermon, 11 a. ra
service, 7:30; Sunday school,
, evening
s:4S a. ni
The Ministers' and Mediums' Protect
Ive Spiritual association. A, O. U. W.
hall. Seilina-Hlrsch bulldlnr. Confer
enre, 11 a. m.; lyceum and Bible study,
12:10: lecture. 7:46 d. m.. by l)T. Bev
erly of Chicago, "Spiritual Healing"
Madame Beverly, diagnosis diseases.
First Siilrltuallst Society Ablnaton
building. Conference, 11 a.m. and 7:46
p. m.; address by Harry Yankwloh on
''Tha Duty of Spiritualists In Regard to
conventional Lies and the Oregon
State Constitution"; apeclul services. 3
p. m., Gertruldo Lesslngton Woodfleld,
messHfe beurer.
CttrlaUan Sclenoe.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrlaon and
Lownsdale atreeta Services at 11 a. m.
and p. m.; subject. "Mortal and Im
mortal; Sunday school at close of
morning service; Wednesday meetings,
8 p. m.
Second Elks' temple. Stirk, between
Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at
11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; subject, "Mortals
and Immortals"; Sunday school at
close of morning service; Wednesday
meeting 8 p. ro.
United Brethren la Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison
streets; Rev. Ii. C. Shaffer. Services
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; 8unday
school at 10 a. m.
Radical Sixth and Mechanic atreets;
Rv. C. P. Blanchard. Services, 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 10
a. m.
United Presbyterian.
Church of the Strancers Wssoo
street and Grand avenue; Rey. S. Earl
DuBola. - Services at 10:45 a. m and
T:30 p.m. One block or pews reserved for
the deaf, to whom morning sermon la
Interpreted. Sunday school, 12 m.
f irst Hlxtn and Montgomery streets:
Rev. A. W. Wilson, rafltor. Services at
10:30 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m.
tmitarlaa. '
Church of Our Father Corner ni
Yamhill and Seventh ttreeta: Rev. W.
G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L Eliot. D. D..
miniHter emeritus. Services at 11 a. m..
topic, A Year of Civic Progress In
Portland"; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m ;
adults' class, 13:30 p. m.; Y. P. F., 6:30
p. nj.
I ConftvaUom CmHodlam"
4 Per Cent.
For the convenience of
Its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Corner Washington
Evenings, I1.B0 to J5c; Matin. 11 td l&c.
Mala I
I4tfe a ad ItCIf If 'TMC1TDS
Waalilnswa ItikAIAa.
"The Vanderbilt Cup":'
Prices, 11.80. $1. Tlo and 60c.
and evening, and Bunday
tin of Chicago and Charlea F.
210 n m Rvana-allata Rev. I. G. Mar-
r. weigeie
of Newport, Kentucky.
Ollva Kranch Mlaalon A. Well. BU
perlntendent Meeting every night In
lb week, 8undy at 1 p, m.
Special Service Benjamin Fay Mills,
lecturer. women oi wooacraii nun.
Tenth and Taylor atreeta. Topic at 11
a m "Hnw Can a Man Become Ac
quainted With Godr at 1 p. ro., "What
if Spiritualism Were Truer' at 7:30,
"Walt Whitman, th Man"; Mrs. Mills
will conduct services Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday at I p. m. at sume
Lucy Thurman Temperance league
A. M. t. Zion cnurcn: nev. umri c
Jackson, paator. Special sacred pro
Building IYrmita
K. E. Smith, erect dwelling East
Twenty-eighth between Kllllngsworth
and Surman. 11,500; H. 8. u rneipe.
erect dwelling. East Hoyt between
Claremont and Davison. $1,400; I. A. Pe
ters, erect apartment house. Bento be
tween McMlllen and Halsey. 110,000; R.
G. Chase, erect dwelling. Tacoma be
tween Eaat seventeenth and tt nine
teenth, 11,480.
Eat government Inspected meat.
Rosenthal' fit the feet.
rortlaad'a Famous Theatre.
Last Time Tonight, I:1S. '
A Laugh in Every Lin. Don't Mlaa It, .
Evenings IT..-, .',0c. 7c; Matineea I5c 60c.
Next Week. "The Wedding Day".
BAKER. THEATRt noae Mala i
, BAKEH, Oenl Manager.
Ist Time Tonight,
second great Hoyt Play of th Season.
"A Mole in the) around?
Nothing but Fun. laughter, Mulo and
, Murrlment. 1
Kvenlngs. 25c, S6c. r.oo. Matinee. 18c. 25s.
Zfext Week, Startinr Tomorrow MaU
n. "The Adventure f Lady Ursnla."
Morrison and 12th. Phone Main 11T.' -Milton
W. Seaman. Manager. ;
Ijist Time Tonight
A New and Charming Southern Play
bv Freda rilemons.
Night prices, 15c. !5c, S5c. 60c Mati
nees, 10c, 20c.
Hxt Weak, Berlnnlag Tomorrow Xatt -n.
"ataman Heart."
tmu a rand" ;
aadeylll d Lax.
The Rig Headllners.
ft CO.
Formerly Lady Francis Hop.
Tim and price remain th ame
First Madison and Park.
Dyott. D. D.. pastor.
Rev. Lu
teedlng which wert brought yesterday I to returning to her home in Minnesota.
to compel to-l'y S r ,"e ?T " w Mr. Creigh Is a very active worker In
i...Z - ,u?"w a I the W. II. C. and a memher or L.. i:
u ng on tegai noiioayf. mt o viua piummer corps No. I of Minneapolis,
win prooaDiy De given aaonaay. which society is Justly proud of the
Havo you a wantT Read tha want pont two year ago" while assisting
a. M .-a.a. fpka Ta.. ata. 1 A A a. IS- a. 1 W I t la a. V. a (JvMU-a?
mil l"Ba' ua. Aii W uiia V4a AU4 vu I III lUl nuJJitni wuis mv .na uuiuicig
thoae pages, daily or Sunday, cost only Horn at Mlnneapolia Mrs. Creigh real-
one cent per word. Seven Insertions for
the price or six. ir you nave a want
make It known through the want ad
columns of Tn Journal.
' i
George Wallace Williams will din-
course at Council Crest Sunday morn
Ing at 10:30 on the subject: "Jehovah
and Jesus Christ One and the Same
Person or More Accurately Speaklrfg
the Same Mediator Between God and
laed the great need of books and pa
fiers for the patients, for although there
s an excellent library connected with
the home. It Is located in the admin
istration building, and It was not al
ways convenient to send for reading
matter. She immediately set to work
and In a short time succeeded in in
stalling a well selected library, consist
ing of fullv 200 of the beet books and
aa many magaxines. Among the con
tributors were the governor or tne state,
Mlxpah East Thirteenth and Powell
streets; Rev. Jerome K. McGlad. D. D
Servlcea 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.
evening addreaa by Judge A. L. Fraxer:
Sunday achool, 12 m.; Christian En
deavor, f:30 p. m.; Midway 'Sunday
scnooi gt :id a. m.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets;
Rev. Bcn-Exra Stiles Ely Jr.. D. D.
Services at 10:10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
tODlcs. "A Triplet of Churches. Models
by the Grace of God," and "Judging and
Reproving"; Sunday school after morn
ing service.
Fourth First snd Glbbs atreeta: Rev.
John R. Welch. Services at 10:30 a. m.
p. n
P. 8. C. E., 6:30 p. m.
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East
Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.:
topic, "The Yoke That Brings Rest";
Sunday achool, 12 m. ; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30
p. m. '
Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten
beln avenue; R6v. Harry H. Pratt. Serv
ice at li a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school. 10 a. m.
' Chinese 148H First street; services,
7:4b p. m.; Sunday school. 6:45 p. m.;
young people's meeting, 8:46 p. m.
Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
rette street
Westmlnster-East Tenth and Weld
ler streets, Rev. Henry Marcotte. Serv
ices. 10:30 a. m. and :30 p. m.; Sunday
school," 12 m.; C. E., 6 30 p. m.
Marshall-Street-Mar8hall and North
Seventeenth streets; Rev. C. W. Hays.
Sunday school, 10 a, m.; preaching at
11 a.' ra. and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E.
at 0:46 p. m.
Mount Tabor Belmont street arid
Prettyman avenue; ' Rev, Edward M.
Sharp, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sellwood Corner East -Seventeenth
and Spokane avenuo. Rev. D. A. Thomp
son. Services at 11 a. ni, and 7.30 p.
m.; morning sermon, second In series on
church doctrine; evening topic. "Argu
ments for the Existence of God"; Sun
day school, 10 a. ra.; Christian Endeavor,
6 p. m.
Third East Thirteenth Rnd Pine
streets: Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Vernon East Twentieth and Wygant
streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
P. m. by Rev: G. A. Blnlr: Sunday
school, 12 m.
Hope Montavllla; Rev. 8. S. White.
Servlcea at 11 a. m.; Sunday school. 10
a. m.
Millard Avenue Rev. A D Boner:
Sunday school, 10 a. ra.; services, 11 a.
m. ana s p. rn.
Annabel Services at 11 a. m. and 7 45
P. m.
Kenilworth Preaching at 11 a. m., by
Rev. J. S. Dunning, ph. D.; Sunday
school at 12 m.'
Piedmont Services. 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m.
Trinity Fulton; Harvev Miller will
preach at 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school at
11 a. m.j Christian Endeavor. 6:45 p. m.
Archbishop Ireland and the public 11-
or Minneapolis
Creigh belongs
hrarles of Minneapolis and St. 'Paul.
Mrs. Creigh belongs to a patriotic
family, her father, orothers and her
husband all having served in the civil
People's forum will discuss the finan
cial situation. Robert Treat Piatt will
lead the discussion. Mr. Piatt is an
authority on banking and will have
something to tell the people.
Mr. T. E. Patterson, of Chicago, one
or the nnest tenors in tne country, at
An. Mm. b m V. TV- i.oft.ili.o'
church, will sing at the First Con-
greuonai ayuy morning;. wher tne natura, ga. j,Bhf, ln tn.
Dr. Dyott fcegins a series of Sunday streets and everywhere burn continually
evening serine ns at tne f irst t onere- Must because it is so Pientuui anu
fiiPJ11 where, the Canadian Indians roam the
llglon. The. first of the series will be . . . . . ... ,. c,i,,
glvep next.iunday evening. streets and make themselves perfectly
at nome, is wnere n, fj. omi n, nuw l
"What Dan Rouxer Sald subject Dr.
Erwln S. Chapman's laAt address ln
Portland, First Christian church, Park
and .Columbia, 7:80 p. m. tomorrow.
the -Hotel Perkins. ' comes from
home la In Medicine Hat. Alberta.
Several venrs airo the citV Installed
a street lighting system and since then
the lights have never been etinguished.
It Is qneaper to just let mem uuni
than to hire men to turn them off and
reiiB-ht them ? every evening. So as a
consequence,'' Medicine Ha,t attracts at
tention owino- to tne iaci mai lis nam
Steamer Jesse Harttlns. for Camaa Brrms hurn dur ng tne aayum- JUi
Washougal and way landings, dally ex- "" "
Rev. John Ovall, will preach at the
Swedish M. E. church, corner Beech and
Borth wick tomorrow at 11 o clock a.
m., and 8 o'clock p. m.
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m.
The Sargent Hotel
Will aerve special table d'hote dinner
A warrant was Issued for the arrest Sunday. 4 to 8, 76 cents; music,
pf Bert McGuire, 451 Multnomah street, I
yesterday upon complaint of Albert ? Hanan shoes keep your feet dry.
You can't read a newspaper without noticing where somebody
has been robbed of a large amount of money.
It may have been taken from under the carpet, from bureau
drawers or under the floor, but the money is gone and no trace left.
Too often such robbery is accompanied by bloodshed and mur
der. The victim is killed to avpid exposure or tortured to disclose
the hidden wealth.
The man who carries large amounts rf cash16r hides them
around his premises places a premiunj jrjj crim, and should riot
grurnble- if fie is robbed.
W? offer you a safe place to deposit your money, a place where
it is insured against loss. iTL
We will supply you with a check book which enables you to
draw your money at anytime.
If a burglar steal.s your chck book he can't draw your money
ana we win give you anuiuer sneus oook. f
Iher R. Dyott. D. D.
10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.: topics, "Suc
cess In the Greatest Work In the World"
and "Christ and His Religion"; Sunday
school, 12:16 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., (:0
D. tn.
University Park 1613 Haven avenue:
Rov.'D. B. Gray; services and commun
ion at 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a
m.; T. P. 8. C. E., 6:30 p. m.
Iaurclwood Rev. Bt B. Gray. Serv
ices at 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.;
Y. V. 8. C. E., 7:00 p. m.
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave
nue and Fremont; Rev. E, A. McCluro;
Services, ii a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
topics. "The Home and It Social Re
sponsibilities and Relationships," and
'Is a Great Revival Tosslble ln Port
land"; Sunday school, lo a. m.; Chris
tian Endeavor, 1:30 p. m.
' Sunnyslde Comer of East Taylor'and
F.ast Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J. J.
Staub. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
d. m.: morning sermon by Rev. Mr,
Knodell of California; evening, "In the
Grip of a Storm,'r second In series oh
"The Voyage of Life." Sunday school
10 a. m.; Junior C. E-, 3 p. m.; Senior
C E., 6:30 p. m.
Hassalo Street East Seventh and
Hassalo: Rev. Paul Rader. Sermon,
10:30 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m.; bunday
school. 12 ra.; Y. P. 8. C. E.. :80 p. m.
Highland East sixth street north and
Prescott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Serv
lc?s at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m.; topics.
Now and Then,' ana "cnoice young
Men at School"; Bunday school, 10 a.
m.: YVP. 8. C. E.. '.8ft p. m.
St Johns Rev. (J. W. Nelson, serv
ices, 11 a. in. and I p. m.; Sunday
achool. 10 a. m.
First German East 8eventh and
Stanton streets; Rev. John H. Hopp.
Services, 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.;
Sunday school, 9:16; Christian En
deavor, 6:30 p. m.
Tavlor-Htreet T?v Renlamln Ynune.
D. D.. pastor. Sermon. 10:30 a. m. and
7:30 P.'m. Classes. 9:30 a. m Sunday
school, 12:15 p. m.; Epworth League
Sunnyslde East Yamhill street, be
tween East Thlrtv-flfth and Thirty-
sixth streets; T. B. Ford. Services 1 1
a. tn. and 7:30 n. m.: Sundav school.
10 a. m.
St. Johns F. 1 Young. Services 11
m. and 7:20 n. m. Mornlnir sermon
by Rev. V. B. Holltngshead. Sunday
school,10 a. m.
pworth Rev. Charles T. McPhor-
son. Service In Oregon building on
fair grounds at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 i m.:
topics. "Christ's Kingdom" and "The
Ancient Well-Digger." Sunday school.
iw a. m.; tipworth League, 6:30 p. m.
Centenary East Pino and East Ninth
streets. Rev, Clarenc? True Wilson,
D. D pastor.- Services, 10:30 a. m. and
T:S0 p. -m.; morning sermon by Dr. R.
8. Chapman, Anti-Saloon league leader;
evening sermon by pastor What Are
W Here For?" Deaf persons invited
to morning service. Interpretation by
: ' .' ,
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving streets. Services, 11 a, ra. and t
p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. ,
Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and
East Grant atreets; Rev. O. Hagues.
Sunday school, 9:80; services, '11 a. nv
and 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. 8 Thursday, 8:16.
Betanla Danish Union avenue and
Morris street; Rev. Qudmund Grill,
services 11 i ra. and 8 p. m.
St. James' EngiistwWest Park and
Jefferson streets: J. Allen Leas. Serv
ices. 11 a. m. and 8 p, rri. ; morning ser
mon bv Rev. Mr. Bloom of Iowa; even
ing, illustrated sermon, by pastor on
Martin Luther; Sunday school, 10 a.
m.; Luther league, 7 p. m. '
Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth
treet; Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45
a, rn.
St. Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton streets; Kev. A. KraUse. Sun
day school, 9:80 a. m.; services. 10:80
a, m. and 7:30 p. m.: Bible session and
young people's meeting, Thursday, 8
p. m.
Trinity Oermarr (Missouri Synod)
Corner Williams avenue and Sellwood
street: J. A. Rlmbach. Services at 10
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday achool, 9:15
a. m. -
Zlon's German (Missouri Synod)
Chapman and Salmon atreeta; W. H.
Behrens. Services at 10:15 a. tn.; Sun
da v school 9:15 a, m.
Swedish Augustana Rodney avenue
and Stanton street; Rev. C. A. Tolin;
services 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.: Sun
day sc&eol, 9:30 a. m.
Christian. y
Central East Twentieth and Eaat
Salmon streets; Rev. 3. V. Ghormley, D.
D. Services, 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.;
topics. ""The Age to Come" and "The
Magnetic Christ": revival services;
Sunday school. 12 m.; Senior C. E-, 6:80
p. m.
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and
Knott street; Rev.' F. Elmo ' Robinson.
Services, 11 a. tn. and '7:30 p. tn.;
tonics. "The Financial Crisis and the
Christian" and Glorifying God in the
Name": Sunday school, 1:45 a. m.; Y.
P. 8. C. E., :80 p: m.
Kern Park Rev. E. M, Patterson;
services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., topics,
The Hero Of Faith" and "Heaventhe
Home of the Soul") Sunday school, 10
a. rn.. C E,. SU5 p; m. ,
First German Tenth and Stark
atreets; G. Hafner. Services at 10:45
a. ro. ana s p. in.
Second German Stanton and Rodney,
Church of the Good Tiding Eaat
uoucn ana cbbi cigam streete; Rev.
J. I). Corby, services, 10.45 a. m. and
7:30 p. ni.; topics. "Where Is Your
ireasure ana "now to Get the Pleas
ure ana rrorit out or a Great Book
Sunday school, 12 m.
SC. B. Church South,
17H4 Second streetRev. E. F. Mow re.
services n u. m. anu i iv p. rn. : Hundav
school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league, 6.30
p. ro.
and K. Alliance,
and Missionary Alliance
East Ninth and Clay streets. Rev. C,
D. Sawtelle, superintendent. Services at
10:30 a. tn. and 7:80 p. m.: Sunday
school 9:30 a. tn.; praise and altar serv
ice. 2:30 p. m.; Y. P. meeting, 6:30 p. m.
Latter Day Saints Services in Allskv
hall, corner Third and Morrison streets
at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m.
Millcnlal Dawn Rantlsmal services
at First Christian church, corner Park
and Columbia streets, at 2:30 p. m.; ser
mon on rut- blgniricance of Kaptlsra."
Divine Truth Center-hall. 801 Allsky
building. Service, 11 a., m. .Thaddeus
M. Minarrt, pastor.
Men's Resort Mission Rev. J. A. Mc
Veigh will speak at 7:4.") p. m.
Y. M. C. A.- Association auditorium,
u. m. Sunday club orchestra from t
to 3:30; address by E Wallace Shepard
on "Capital mid i.aoor ; social nour
after program, all men cordially Invited.
Chrlstadelphlan Woodmen's hall.
Mount Tabor; services n a. m. and 7:30
m.: topics. "Breaking of Bread and
"The Marriage of the Lamb," H. W. G.
Wlllmont; Thursday, 7:30 p. rn., usual
Swedenborglan, Portland New Church
Society Services Knights of Pythias
hall. Eleventh and Alder streets, 11 a, m.
Universal New Tnougni AssemDiy
Altar service and lecture at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. at Red Men's hall, Wash
ington street, between West Park and
Tenth streets; topics, "Sermon From the
Gospel of Biiddlm" and "The Building
of the Underworld"; Sister Avabamla,
Oregon Holiness Association (Inter
denominational) 428 Burnside street.
Church of the Nazarene. Services every
"Training Oar Wives and
arvwDAT, vao r. x. at
White Temple
- Twelfth and Taylor Sts.
Baptism and Special Music.
tnjBJXCT 10:80 A. BL,
"Lengthening and Strengthening"
Th star s.t.tst:;
Th R. E, French Stock Co. Present tha
Great Moral Drama,
Matinee Sundays. Tuesday. Thursdays
and Saturday at 2:20. Prices 10c, JOo.
Every evening at 1:16. Price 16c 15a.
25a Reserve seats for all performance
by lther phone.
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
whether muscular or of the Joints, sci
atica, lumbagos, backache, pains In the
kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to
her for a home treatment which has re
peatedly cured all of these tortures.
She feels It her duty to send it to all
sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at
home as thousands will ' testify no
change of climate being necessary. This
simple discovery Danishes uric acia
from the blood, loosens the stiffened
Joints, purifies the blood and brightens
tne eyes, giving elasticity ana tone to
the whole system. If the above Inter
ests you, for proof address Mr. M.
Summers, box R. NCtre Dame. Ind.
Oregon Main 6216. Home A-2947.
Successors to the Portland Dye Works.
H. J. PRAo.Ua. K, frop.
All kinds of garments successfully
cleaned, dyed, pressed and repaired.
practical hatter.
PORTLANrj ore:
A Boarding and Day
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Preparation for eol.
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Naval Academies. Ac
credited to Stanford.
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heret and all Stat Uni
versities and Agricultural
Colleges. Manual ' train-'
ing. Business course.
The principal has had II
years experience In Port
land. Comfortable quar
ter Best environment.
Make - reservation now.
For illustrated catalog
nnd other literature . ad
dress J. W. BILL, &!. D. ,
Principal and Ifroprtrtoa, ;
S Oaks Rink MM
Open AH Day Tomorrow, 9:30 a.
to 10:30 p. m.
c Portland
Everything to eat and drink, and
It cost no more to tha
Portland Hotel HathakaDer
than elsewhere la the city. Every
weekday night from to 11. ;
SL a BOWX18. Kaaage.
I 11 Hm, i
CleaoMi and btantiflet th hatr.
Promoti a laxunant Tovtb.
Kcver Valla to Baitora Gray
Hair to it Youthful Color.
Cum Kalp dmm a hair tailing.
Mattresses and Upholstering
Made Over and Made to Order. Carpets
Sewed and Laid. Phone Main 3376.
MASSEY It MASSET. 309 Fourth Street.
We specialize in manufacture of mining and ore re
duction machinery at our new modern plant at
Sunnyvale, Cal., which also is the largest one of its
kind west of Chicago devoted exclusively to the
building of
- ' - ; .' "', f J-A ' j'-t.'' '
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When you buy our machinery, your guarantee lies
in the fact that it was built by those who have had
the experience of 40 years in that industry.
APPLE GATE k BOBS, Blgtlllsra,
Louisville, JCntttoky.
King of. ColTecs
lnpn and two Pound tins
Singers, Wheeler & Wilson. Domes
tic. Whites. Household. - Davis and
other Sewing Machines at very low
prices. -; ,. '.
835 Morrison It, . Xaranam Wt-
' " ' . ', ;
I Vhoae Paolflo 1B36V. "
'Commercial Printing of alt Kind
9 Kuaael Wdg, t and KorrUea.
$cbwab Printing Co.
ttST ffOir. Jinn ami rn" '
Webfoot Oil VA: :'.:lr::
Kak pho WatrpT(w f
Lthr &"t a
AX ALL i'-i.
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