s THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER g. 1907. ) JiiiL CURTAIL OUTPUT CONCRETE HOLDS - W-f l.?' v H' i, 1 s i 1 OF LUH1BER HULLS Slffl LOCALLY NOVELTIES- rv- B.Sa.M-aa-sMs.M Half Dozen Portland Struc tures Finished or in Proc ess of Construction. IN iUn8e.tiJttl Freight .-Bate and -'-'1 .'.-V "" -: Electric. Gas & Fire Place Franks 'j Honey, flurry Kesponsi v ble for Reduction. :. ' s- . - - . . ........ ... .EXPECT' TO KEEP PRICES NORMAL California Market Remains In Good Trim -Pacific Coaat Hardwood riant to Be Greatly Enlarged I Secure Raw Material la Japan, Curtailment la the output li now thtj motto of the lumberman where they I have to depend upon railroad transpor tation or local trad. The unsettled rate queatlon haa killed all eastern bualneaa and the money flurry la checking-.local "demands. A number Of mills are oper ating on 'reduced time and aome have laid off their night shifts. Pjr keeping down the production It Is hoped to maintain prlcea which it la Id are made compulsory by reason of ma price or logs ana me cost or labor. Several mlllmen 'have expressed their desire to maintain he old rate of wages u possible and the same announcement lias been made by a. number of leading logging camp operators. Help Is much mom plentiful, however, than a few weeks ago as a result of the cessation of work on the Harrlman extensions. The California market Is showing no slgr.s of falling off although no great Improvement is noted. Forelan bus! ness Is continuing fslrly well and will uxeiy improve. This will materially assist the local mills during tha quiet period while the Interstate commerce commission investigates the eaaterp imic luvinn ana mo Dunns gamer in the moneys due them from the esst A matter that will b of much Inter est to local builders and contractors la tlie enlargement of the hardwood plant of the Pacific Coaat Hardwood Manu facturing company in North Portland. formerly operated under the name of me Hinena, central America Lumber company. The new firm will cut hard wood fbr furniture a took, flooring and fine finishing of the highest order. oineuung never Derore attempted on the Pacific coast. Heretofore contractors have had to aenn to J ennessee or other distant points for hardwood flooring which haa meant high- prlcea and long delays. With a plant in operation here and near the source of supply the use of hard wood la bound to become much more rrneral. The mill will bring Its timber from Japan, where It has arranged for larjre quantities at regular Intervals. The plant will cut noma soft wood but In the main attention will be de voted to hardwoods. The output of ttid - - . , : , . . , - : A A sy 1 - ' I :) l i; '"'13$' ',' P- t sJ Newly Completed Hall at St: Johns. Ccst $11,000. UTILE CHECK TO HEW BUIIDIIICS Contracts for Numerous Ex pensive Dwelling Let During Past Week. MONEY FLURRY 80 FAR INEFFECTIVE Only Prolonged Financial Disturb ance Will rut Damper on I'snal Fall Activity East Side Still Holds Banner for New Homes. E. Carlson has begun tha construc tion of a two-story frame residence on Hood street, between Abernathy and Lowe! to coat $2,600, J. U. Todd haa taken out a permit for the construction of a frame residence at the corner. of Vaughn and Twenty third atreeta ' W. L. Brewster haa commenced the construction of a 14,000 dwelling on Twenty-fourth street, between Qulmby and Pettygrove streets. A permit hss been Issued to D. H. Ballou to put up a two-story frame residence on Irving, between Nineteenth and Twentieth atreeta, to cost $1,800. Harry P. Palmer has under way the construction of two two-story dwell ings on East Dsvls. between - Esst Twentieth 'and East Twenty-flrst streets, which will cost $2,600 each. c. R. Let n wane la erecting a mod ern we-story house on Ilelmont. be tween East Twenty-seventh and East Twenty-eighth streets, to cost, when completed, 2,500., WORK y. o. c. a. SUFFERS HO DELAY Handsome Edifice at Sixth and Taylor Will Be Hur ried to Completion. RIO BOAT DRAWS ONLY EIGHT INCHES plant will be S5.000 feet of hardwood or vo.uuu reci or srrt wood. i lie oumwrd'Hiii at L.umDr compi or this city will soon have one of the than a dozen expenalve dwellinga were Residence construction goes on apace The Standard Box Lumber eomnanv I despite the financial trouble. Not less nnem pieces or wnarrnge In this port, h.., ,i, h. .,' wiM,v it the wharf to float . " la much larger number of smaller hlle Ira with water enough me largest vessel. The company re cently bought a strip known as the provementa were launched. Builders mrr V&IZWVP not the least diverted of erecting a solendld wharf connactrd and ao far, as Is known not a single Im with the 1,000 feet of dock. sTM'hen this nrovement plan that matured before hnvr in,Simtd ih w comPnr . w1'' the advent of clearing houae certlfi The company's plant Is located on tha cates haa been abandoned enst nank of the river, fn the heart of In the event, however, of a pro the city and has railroad spurs running direct to the yards. Several minor shlp- ini-uiB nave mm net arioat rrom the company a oia wnarr. Knew Where It Was. From the Chicago News. Teacher Johtny, where'a the north poieT Johnny Honest, teacher, I didn't take It, but I seen Willie Jones wld it at recess. ALWATI WAS ROTE. When a man says he always was alck troubled with a cough that lasted all winter what would you think If he ahould say he never was sick since using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Such a man exists. Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado, writes: "For yeara I waa . troubled with a severe cough that would last all winter. This cough left me In a miserable condition. I tried Ballard's Horehound Syrup and have not had a sick day since. That's what It did for me." Sold by all druggists. longed monetary disturbance. It Is safe to anticipate a material curtailment In the building line. This condition will come about. If at all, not aa the reault of a waning confidence In Portland values, but because of an Inability to get money for Improvement purposes, Contractor Carlander Is just com Dieting two modern two-story frame residences for F, H. Fleming at East Seventeenth and East Couch streets. He also has under conatructlon for Mr Sargent two dwellinga at East Twenty fourth . and Schuyler streets to cost $6,000 each. The same builder Is put ting up a modern home- for C. Smith at Grand and Holladay avenues, and at Sixteenth and Weldier streets he hss begun the construction of a two-story stone am rrama dwelling ror Mr. Dolan. John Horn has taken out permits for the erection of three one and a half story frame residences on East Forty seventh streets, between Hawthorne avenue and East Madison street. The whole cost will exceed 17,000. THE ELLIOTT-REGAN CO. -ANYTHING IN CLMLNT" Operate Nothing' but "Ideal" Machines The best machine, making the best hollow cement building block known to -man... Before you build see us. LLLIOTT-RlGAN CO. '5?vSRSD A Mexican mining company has Just placed an order with Joseph Supple for the construction of an odd craft to be used by the company on the shallow rivers of the southern republic. Though a sternwheeler. the boat will be equipped with a forward wheel to as sist In propelling In very shallow wat er. It will be used as an ore carrier, has a capacity of CO tons, Is 60 feet long and draws but eight Inches of water. J. C. Mcretle of the mining com pany, la supervising drawing tne plana, and will remain here until the boat Is finished, when It will be shipped south in KnocK-down rorm. CLUBHOUSE PLANS COMPLETED SOON Plana for the clubhouse of the Port land Heights club, to 6e erected on Spring street, have been completed, and the contract for Its construction will be let November IS. The building will contain a general reception room, bil liard room, bowling alleys, men and women's reception rooms, caretaker'a apartments, etc. It will be completed about February 1, and will cost $7,000. DALLAS HEEDS NOT LEGAL HOLIDAYS Something more serious thsn the present financial derangement will be necesnary to stop the progress of work on the T. M. C. A.-T. W. C. A. build ing, according to a statement made to The Journal by Secretary Stone, of the Y. M. C. A. "We are going straight ahead, aa If nothing had ever happened," said Mr. Stone. "The excavations have been made, and the concrete walls for the foundations and baaements of both buildings have been put In. We were delayed two or thre weeka In coming to an agreement with the Alnswortn estate over the north wall, but that haa been arranged and we ore now receiv ing bida from both local and eastern contractors for the construction of both buildings. It haa not been defi nitely decided whether a reenforced concrete or a ateel frame building hall be erected, and It will not be de termined until after the bids are opened November 12. wnen tne Duuaing com mlttee will decide this question and award the contract. "No, there Is no alarm In our ranks over the situation. Subscription col lections have been very satlsfactor and we expect to have ample funds hand to complete the building end meet all other bills as they come due." FOUR ARE JIODERN BUSINESS BliOCKS Total Amount Invested Amounts to 9700,000 RIeven-Story Hoard of Trade Is Highest Concrete Ituild Inf in Portland. 7n ADDITION FINISHED AT M0NTAVILLA Mot Only Are Banks Open, but Pub lic Offices as Well Business Quite Unaffected. r--r- h A 1 ' JOHN A. MELTON Carpenter and Builder Office and store fixtures built and remodeled. Altering and repairing houses. Showcases and counters made to order. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK. Phones Main 1787 A-1787. FACTORY AND OFFICE 235 Second St, Near Main Q E NIVO ROOFI NG " ' Carried In stock for all klndsof roofs and fully, guaranteed. Central Door & Lumber C6. 13tk sad ailsaa Stnsts. i. Vboaes Kata 47M. A-1T96 (Sptclal DUpatcta to Tht Jouraal) Dallas, Or., Nov. . The money stringency existing In other localities has apparently ho effect on the contln ued prosperity of Dallas. All enter prises in the city are running full blust with the exception of the Dallas Lum ber company's plant, which haa been closed down all' summer and fall on ac- coun. of a scarcity of logs. The mill depends entirely on driving logs down ia ureoiA river, which nss ocen too low all summer and up to this time to al low the nassaara of losrs. ' Deeds and legal Instruments of all kinds are belnar filed for record and recorded at the courthouse regardless of the governor's 'broclamatlon. The two banks, the Dallas National and the Dallas City, remain open for business during banking hours, and are in excel lent condition, to all appearances. Tne new rocK crusher ana roner re cently ordered by the city council have arrived and -the- crusher Is now being Installed at the quarry three miles west 0C Dallas. About two bloc us win probably be paved with crushed rock this winter, and in the spring it is ex pected to take care of all the business blocks.' Few idle men arc te be seen around town, and business men report no fall ing off in their trade. IS MURDERED WHILE RIDING IN HORSE CAR (United Press Leased Wire.) Buffalo, N. T., Nov. 9. The discovery of a - blood-stained hammer, mattress and overcoat in a freight car in the New York Central yards- today revealed the murder of A. W. Murphy, of Colorado Springs, who was in charge of a car of polo ponies, consigned to Bedford, New York. Word was received here today that the body of a man. believed to be Mur phy, was picked sup near the tracks a short distance west of South Bend, In diana, where the crime was probably committed by tramps. POWERS WILL GO TO TRIAL NEXT MONDAY Montavllla now has a lt-room school rouse, the new six-roora addition, or dered by the school board Jast spring havlna lust been completed. About 606 children can be accommodated, and as the enrollment la only about 400, am ple provision has been made for the ex pected Increase In school population for the next two years. There Is some talk of making Con gressman J. A. M. Adair of Indiana te Democratic candidate for governor or his state. It' la not generally known that In Portland there are half a dosen large re inforced concrete buildings either com pleted or In process f construction. Four of these are modern .bualness atructures which will have cost when completed about $700,000. Borne criticism haa been directed against this claaa of conatructlon, due to the fact that aeveral of these buildings which were put up in tne eaat developed a weak spot In tho walls and tumbled down. But this structural weakneas haa In every case been traced tn tha dlshnnfstv of the contractor, or the Incompetency of the architect. So far In Portland the highest con crete building to be constructed la tne Board of Trade building at Fourth and Oak streets, which was limited to 11 stories, and which Is literally studded with reinforced concrete columns, glv- n It tne stability and strength of the steel skeleton construction. Xnga Olaclaaatt Baildlag. The boldeat and most ambitious ex ample of concrete construction so isr ttemptea in me country i .-. ii.air.r nfflm bulldlnc completed two or threa years ago at Cincinnati. The building la rectangular In plan, and oc cuplea a to by 100 foot site. It rests upon a good atratum of gravel and aand. with foundatlona of tha spread type, havinr large footings for the columns and walla, Just below the Dasemeni .lAw-mm tt thA t rilP.t tl Tftl design may be renllxed when It Is understood that the columns are so spaced s to renulre girders of 1 to 3S foot span, and floor panels of the same width to rurh from vlrder to lrder. The height of the building from street level to cor- Ice Is 210 reet, out sailing me orpin the basement and sub-basement. 10 ir main structure, It gives a total depth, r bout 230 feet. .CiL nrk. ..i.-lnr nt th first IhreO floors is done in 4 Vi Inch Italian marble, sbove which the facing la of light gray or granite brick wltM terra cotta trim mings. The. brick facing Is supported at every floor bv a ledge or shoulder rn-mA in tha nnnrrata. nnd is also se cured by wire anchors projecting frora . a a.W. CAArt lrv(rft the concrete, mo ih ,v varrU of mixed concrete were used In nnatruntln the building. Construction engineers claim that this Is aa strong aa any building in me worm, una mai n would be practically Impossible to de stroy it except Dy ins use w charges or dynamite. Building Attracts Attention. Another concrete building put up In Cincinnati that haa attracted the atten tlon of architects and builders all over the country is tne tarpemer Duuaing. i five-story structure. 160 reel long ana 33 1-8 feet wide, without a single In terior supporting column. This building Is occupied by a large printing concern, and la filled with all sorts of heavy machinery, gome of the presses weigh ing 40,000 pounds rest on these unsup ported floors, which are 160 by S3 feet. This building has been aptly described aa a huge block of granite, ISO by li bv 38 feet, with five 12-foot tunnels, piercing It lengthwise. The floors have been tested and supported a weight 10 times that guaranteed by the architect under whose supervision it waa built As was predicted for some time Gov ernor Fred M. Warner has announced that he will be a candidate for a third term las governor of Michigan. DAnnrTT'C 408-10-412 Morrison SI. Bl.lOth&lllh. Both phones .! I LI- - J Over the Door Our n.ime means more than satlsfae tlon in your hardware buying; It stands for superb quality, wide range of Choice and economy promoting prlcea'- ' AVERY & CO. Jfi Third St, Bet. Pine & Ash THE LUTKE MFG. 0. afaaafaa torerg af SHOWCASES Bank and Store Fixtures Moy sad lth Its. roxTXArD, omsoov. Build Your House With Hollow Cement Biocls Frostproof, fireproof, dampproof. iest, strongest and best are The heatr- MADE BV. PARRISH & THOMPSON Office 226 Alisky Bldg. Factory, St Johns, Or. J ' i (Called Press teased Wire.) Georgetown. Ky Nov. I. Interested- persons irom an parts or the state are arriving in - Georgetown to attend the fourth trial of Caleb Powers, charged with complicity in the murder of Gov ernor Goebel, which Is set for Monday. Powers has announced himself ready and It 4s not believed that the state will ask for a further continuance. Rosenthal's agents for Hanan shoes. You probably don't believe that heating and the scien tific principles of it must be combined to give the best results. If you want just a furnace (or what sotae dealers call a furnace) get one! But let us tell you, without sceminfc egotistical, that we know from whence our busi ness haa come just a little thought about our business, combined with the best workmanship and material. TheW.G.McPherson Co. Heating Engineers 328 GLISAN STREET Bet 6th and 7th J': W. 2. Elmmermam, Chat. A. gtrsm, rresldeat. Tles-Frealdeat. - Boy If. maak, erstary. . HYDRAULIC Z ELECTRIC ELEVATOR CO., Inc. Manufacturers of Hydraulic and Elec tric Elevators, Hand Wood Lifts ana Dumb Walters. nOVI BAST 3887. 54 B. Sista Stn Cor. Kaalsoa, ; . rortlaad. Ora. . Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Bollet makers. Building and Structural Work. PHOENIX IRON WORKS EM GIBBERS Offiea and Works. Zswthoroe Arenas and Bast Third Street. raoas Bast 9. roBTKAjro, oxaaov. Phones: Main 111; Horns A-398L - CEMENT- A cargo of J. B. Whit ac Bras. Kng llsh Cement lust arrived. Used on tha Chamber of Commerce and other well- known buildings In Portland. . .. OBCVB. JUTB CO, ' ' IBS Madison St. - Portland, Oregon. A. T. SAMUELS .FJiopei Main 4884; A3881 W. W. SANSOM The Electrical Appliance Co. 490 GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES Washington Street, Near FourteenthOPEN EVENINGS s THE ADAMANT COMPANY'S Celebrated "HARD WALL PLASTERS are the best " "CROWN BRAND" Haalr Rlbered WOOD FIBRE PLASTER t RINISHINO PLASTER (Unflberod) Office, Worcester Bldg. Phone Mala 718. Some A1918. Paotory, root 14ta St. Psoas BUln tlOs. THE J. McCRAKEN COMPANY Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen's Portland Cement; Nephl Building, Casting 1 and Dental Plaster, Imported Fire Brick, Imported and Domestic Fire Clay, Hair Flbered Hardwall Plaster, Plastering Hair and Fiber, AUunited Steal Studdinf. Herringbone Expanded Steel Lath. Boston Sheet Metal Lath. , . . 331-335 PIKE STBBET. Phone Main 870. POBTULBS, OBBOOV. JOS. HORN UNO E. FISCHER PXOtfa MAX 7195 , .- CITY IRON WORKS BLACKSMITHS. MACHINISTS. BOILERMAKERS Tanks, Sawdust, Conveyers, Hydraulic Pipe, Oratinc, Iron Doors, Firs Escape. General Repairing. , t . WOBKS, 803 PBOKT ST. v POST&ABD, OBBOOV. ' ASBESTOS SBITO TOM SAHPXB. Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co. . (Xnc -. Office and Salesroom, 272 Gllsaa Street i Pkoss Xala 4711. . V Carlson, Chaaj 3. Soderberg EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS Manufacturers f wood, Iron and steel fann ing, baak, offlca and bajcony rallln, aJ.va tor cabs and enclosures, street aliens and window a-uarda, wira and Iron work of every description. T.limhnna rt S'-'l. - SOA MOBBXSOSr STM yv.UliJ. CJ.. Western Conlrccllng-Ensin tzii Hydraulic. CivU and Railroad Engineers : j Cc: Excavating Ocncral Reenforced Concrete Buildings, Four .205-205 COMMONWEALTH EUILDI .5 Cctrji. ina i:-ttfd Cra':