14. THE OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 9. 1907. 'T-fVneou var. Washington), very highly I 'X, . ' ', ,. ., ;.' . . '''II ; . . i .' v ' , I i POMES RIDDEN BY CHILDREN MAKE VERY PRETTY SHOWING its EMIBG One JMdcr Is Unseated After ;IIis Mount Had Kepcated- ( )y Befused to Take the . Bars--Four-in-Hand Calls ;Forth 'Applause. 1 . Tt Team of Black Roaditert Owned by Bewley of McMlnnrllle. Witb th childrn'j elm for the tnatlne performance and th four-ln-, band and high Juanplng for the t e ', BlDff features the second day of the ' borss . show was as brilliant a kuc- t cees as the opening had forecasted. Yesterday afternoon thers were a great many children In the audience ! and they were eapeclally Interested In the showing of finely trained Shetland pontes. v fraciicany ererjniue wuu uw me looking ponlrs. Miss M. L. Flanders' Johnny Moore, whloh carried off a first prise Thursday, won another blue ribbon for her owner In the combination class yesterday afternoon. Mors Klbbsaa to Sound. Ijt night H. W. Treat showed a very handnome fnur-ln-hand ronchlns. team, the only entry of its class, while the Consldlne chestnut mare, Lady Alva, famous as a ribbon gainer, won ffrst prise In' the high stepper class. , The other oY the, Consldlne chestnut pair, f openlpgnlght's performance from th Lord "WeXaon,1 was accorded very favor .".4; tj r ' ) C 3 1,. vffr." "4 ?? ' - '. ?.-,y.r- ' I ' (' y - , 'i Lady McDonald, Seattle Prize Winner. boxes was In his place again last eve ning and the scene wss fully aa bril liant Things started' off with a dash "by the 16-muie mountain battery the ex hibition drill being as Interesting as ever. .:, , , t - . . ,, The first event of the show proper was mo snowing 01 laaies ssodie horses under. 16 hands 2 inches. There , were .17 entries In this class and some remarkably handsome animals were shown, including a good many that had not oeen exhibited in the ring the pre vious day. Mrs. C. H. Edmunds' bay mare i.isi. a ina animal and well han . died bv her ridef, secured first prise, while F U Stewart's chestnut refdlng. Gibson Bov, ridden by Mlsa Maud Hahn, carried off the red ribbon. Heavy coach and harness horses of ooa style were shown. A. c. Rubv & Co. winning. a majority of the ribbons in . Tne uerman coacn class and H. C. Camp- . bell and II C. Bwlgert carrying off prises ror. Belgians. A. 8. Kerry's Busy Bee, exhibited Thursday sgalnst A. C Froom'a Hlapanla, secured the , iiue riDoon yesterday rrom James Aicou a Laddia. i ;.. Seattle Exhibitors Win. Ths exhibition of Shetland ponies in ; harness under 4C inches, was especially interesting to women and children nd exclamations of delight greeted the lit tle fellows all the way around the ring, lira. Herbert A. Schoenfeld of Seattle won nrst witn the mare Dotty, while v James H. Reld's mares, Princess Oneta and Queen Wllhelmlna, won second and third pricea. Some other good ponies were shown, Including Richard Wllmot'a Brownie a good mannered bay mare, which won ursi prize lor ponies in harness snd Dr. Ceorre Whiteside's arev relrllnr Rnh One of the very pretty sights was ine exnioiuon or saddle ponies. 13 hands high. Dotty, ridden by Miss Vlr- , glnla Burns, took the blue ribbon, and Mike, Edwin Jacob's black and red pony, was given second. There was an exhibition of good look ing speedway horses ' that looked as though they would be able to make tlma on the track, while the very fancy high school gray gelding ridden by Mrs. E. R, Merges, attracted much attention. - Soma well built and stocky polo po- , hies were shown by officers from the barracks. There are not as many of this class In Portland as in most places vi us uui James jmicoi s chestnut was a weu trained animal and secured first while both It and Babe shown by ueuwnsnu uregr ana ruyn and Which won aecond and third prises were good able commendation,, The same pair capiurca a special tandem prize. In the jumping class considerable difficulty was experienced with the notes ana tne three horses entered at first balked at them. Joalah Collins, of Seattle, on Nighty was ; unable to, force his horse to take the bars, while J. D. Farrell on Fox Catcher came near to a serious accident. His horse took fright after refusing the bars several times and tore around the ring until Mr. Far rell was unseated. Otto Breyman won first on his big itel dinar. Frank. B. F. Swaggert'a Oregon Pride, a handsome i H. Wlckersham), very highly com mendod. Must be registered. To be shown in hand. Class fS Stallions. 4 yesrs old or over. Godhard. br. s. (O. J. Brown, Oresham). first. Clns 8talllons. 1 years old and undnr. Hasso (A. C. Ruby at Co.). first; Kucene (A. C. Ruby A Ca). second. Class 92 Horses 14 hands 2 Inches and not exoeedlng It hand. Should have conformation, quality, style, all around action and be able to go a good pace. To be shown to a light two or four-wheeled vehicle. Busy Hee, br. g. (A. S. Korry, Seattle), first; Laddie, ch. r. (James N'lcol), second. Class 112 Shetland ponies, not ex ceeding 4 Inches. Dotty, br. m. (Mrs. Herbert ' A. Bhoenfeld, Seattle), first; Queen Wllhelmlna, white and red m. (James H. Hold, Milwaukle). sreopd; Princess Onfta.. white and red m. (James II. Reld. Milwaukle), third. Class 144 Ponies other than Shet land, nndr -ll hnnds. Beauty, br. pony (Raymond Kenneth Delahunt). first; Dixie, b; g. Jark O'Bryan). second. Class 120 Ponies, over IS hands 2 Inches an 1 not exceeding 14 hands 2 inches. Must be practically sound, have good manners and be shown to an p proprlrte vehicle. Brownie, b. m. (Hscn unl Wllmot), first; Bob. gr. g. (Dr. Genrre V'hltesMe), second. Class 145 Ponies. 12 hands and not exceeding 12 hands 1 inch. Dottv, r. m. (Minn Virginia Burns), first; Mike, Mark and red (Edwin Jacob), second; Olxle. b. g. (Jack O'Bryan). third; Q'orcla. btk. m. (Ming tjeanle Kerr), very highly commend. Class 1C1 Pair of horses. 15 hands 2 Inches nod over. Suitable for town use. Mary Mends, b. m.; Winkle "Meads, b. -J m. (D, K. Krasey). flrjt; Jieojge.. ch, g. I Dirk. ch. (Adolphe Wolfe), slcond. Class 95 Pair of homes over IS ho nils nnd not exceertln-15 hands 2 Inches. Should have conformation, qual ity, stvlo. all around action and be able to ro a good pnee. To be shown to an nnmnrl'it, i-aKII, If l,nnnln fvi Corundum b. m. (A. C. Froom. first; Tire. ch. r.. Oregon, b. g. (William H. Colgate) second. Class 1)4 Pair of Shetland ponies pot excesdlrig 4 Inches. Queen Wll helmlnn. red nnd white m. (James H. Reld. Mllwnukle), first; Princess Oneta, red and white (James II. Reld, Milwau kle), second. Class 121 Pair of ponies over 13 nnnds 3 inches and not exceeding 14 hands 2 Inches. Babe, b!k. m.. Lady, blk. m. (R. J. DeBuhr). first. Class 1J2 Horses exceedtnr 15 hands 2 Inohcs. Bulger, gr. g. (E. E. Merges), first. Clas 1SK Geldings, 4 years old and over, from It hands to 16 hands. Should be sound and well broken, with free and prompt aotlon at the walk, trot and gal lop. Joe Jewett, b. g. (Thomas Scott Brooke), first: Rogers, ch. sr. (R. L. Bewly, McMlnnvllle), second; Jack of Diamonds, oik. g. (Miss Frances Lewis), third: Arden. blk. a. (Major J. 8. Parke. U. 8. A., Vancouver), very highly com- menoea. Class IS Ponies, up to carrying ltO pounds, cnestnut. c. a. (James Nlcol). first: It (Lieutenant Oreaa). second: Babe (Lieutenant Pruyn), third: Bob, commended. tl Class 10 s Must ha nraetlcally sound, i Action alona to be considered. Must be shown to an appropriate vehlole. . Fif teen hands and over.- Lady Arva, ch. m. (John W. Consldlne, Heattla), first; Iaddls. ch. a?. (James Nlcol). second: Hlspanla, h. jn- (A, C. Froom), third; i-ora jseison, ch. g. (J.w. ConStfllne;, very highly commended. Class Stallions 4 yean old or over. To be shown In harness. King Alkl, b. a. (0. W. Maxwell, Vancouver, Wash ington), first; Rahab. b. s. (Henry Van Natta, Vancouver, Washington), sec ond ; Oliver J b. a. (I. D. Chappell. HUlsnoro), third; Padishah, b. a. (Henry M. Tlilmaa), very highly commended. Class . 10 Stallions. I rears old. To be shown In hand. Napoleon, b. a. (Fred Ne villi, first: Frederick Z. (Fred Merrill), second; Gray Oration, ch. a. (I. D. Chappell, HUlsnoro), third; Ore gon Patch, blk. a. (Paul Wesslnger), very highly commended. Class 11 Stallions. 2 years old. To be shown In hsnd. Servian, b. a. (C. X. Iarrabee). first: Lost Bird, b. s. (J. L. Eldson. Sllvarton). second: General Jones, blk, a. (J. A. Jamee, Newberg), third.. - ' Class lz Btainons i year oiu. 10 be shown in hsmd. Msre Antony, b. a. (F. W. Laadbetter). first: Black Raven. blk. a. (Charles H. Blaser. Oswego), second; (F.-E, Alley, Roseburg). third. Classes 122 and 124 Second division. Ladles' tandem. Snap, c. ., Laddie, c g. (James Nlcol). nrst: Ducness, iva J., ch. m. (Mra F. O. Buffum, second; Jerry, b. a.. Red Bird. b. g. (Mlsa Inea Cummlng), third. Class 14 Mares 4 years old or over. To be shown In harness. Alt a cor a, blk. m.. (Psul Wesslnger), first: Polly Flin ders, ch. m. (Mrs. T. A. MacDougal), second; Esther, m. (Fred Merrill), third; Louise, ch. m. (B. H. Wlckersham), very highly commended. Special Class 107 H Tandem. Lady A mmtm th wwi aa wA X7aalann K aV ft Jfth n W. Considln'e). first. Clsss it Mares 1 years old. to t shown In hand. Bessie L., b. m. (F. W. Leadnetter), first: Cora Patcben. dik. m. (Paul Wesslnger), second. Class 14 Mares 2 yeara old. To be shown In hand. Rlcka Jonea, blk. m. (R. J. Debuha). first. Clsss 17 Mares 1 year old. To be shown In hand. Daisy McKinney. blk. f. (J. A. Jones. Newberg). first; Beach Lady. blk. m. (Mrs. H. Squires), sec ond: Molra, br. m. (Henry L. Corbett). third. Class 115 Horses will be allowed three trials at different helghta if necessary. Frank, b. g. (Otto Breyman), first. Claas 142 Horses up to carry 11 pounda to hounds. Kn tries In this claas cannot compete In classes 140 and 141. Orea-on Pride, ch. g. (B. F. Bwaggert. Lexington), first; Rattler, b. g. (Joe Cronlnl. second; Sunday Mack, . b. g. (Mlia Mabel Lawrence), third. EXTIITSIASM RUNS HIGH. Try n them for liiricli! and you 7ill havo them for dinnere ; ; : n n v-n mult The most natritioos staple made from vheat. tn.moistun and dust proef paekagts. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - Hulger Brings Ronnda of Applause I for Pretty Performance. "Oh, Isn't he a perfect dear?" And she said It about a horse. All persons who rail at horse shows and say they are attended only by a class to see what the other persons are wearing, and not to watch the horses; will have to carry their contention to some other cltv than Portland. At yesterday's matinee the bussing conversation ceased wun me entrance of a new class Into the ring, and the quiet was only Interrupted by exclama tions of admiration or applause aa aome spirited animal stepped In time to the band music or gracefully plrouquetted under the guidance of his rider. The womnn and children went wild over the pretty animals and smart turn outs. In the boxes partisan feeling ran high over the entries, and lively dis cussions resulted on the fine points of the horses, LARGE SUM TIED UP 111 THE fill VaMaBBBaSBMSBBSBBStSSeMB . . f Governor Gillette, Says Fed eral Aid Would Be Better Than Special Assembly. ? - i j'",mt,"" i i j U fife ( Halted Frees Leased Wire.) Han WanelsfA Knv I JIvrftl in. There was as much Judging from the v..i . .. k p.Ttator as by the Judges, and win- ' "7 7 " ' 7Z . ners were greeted with rounds of ap- w Oilletta, Mayor Taylor, othor sUte plause because of the difference of and city officials, bankers and members opinion resulting trom me zaci mai me of the reaJ ut, ra. In which the ne- horses were so closely matched. ....... , . ' , . . , Pretty Bulger, ridden by Mrs. E. K. cy an extra aesslon of the leg Merges, won the hearts of the crowd as lalature was urged. ha was driven around the tan bark Some of the arguments advanced In without bridle. He obeyed the slightest favor of such action on the part of the wish of his rider, dancing, showing va- governor were that the taxpayers of the nous gaits ana performing several state would De saved 11,860,000 in delln- trlcks without the slightest display of quent taxes that will accrue on Novem- temper. To cap his efforts Mrs. Merges ber 26; that the Immediate approval of threw the splendid animal and mounted the charter amendments would permit him on the rise. As he passed around the sale of city bonds, the undertaking tne ring ana out tne gate norse ana or city improvements and tne deposit of rider were given an ovation for the city taxea in the banka with DroDer se- pretty penormance. curity; and mat me reenaciment or the . . Islals creek bill, authorising a vote at EYES QJT LITTLE CHILD. Jufflf Ttat "wSc to ceed, which otherwise would be delayed Youthful Driver of Shetland Eagerly for two yeara. . . ... . . , . . After giavlng listened to the argu- Watched by Hundreds. menta of the city bankers In favor of Nothing in the world appeal, to a crowd or an audience like tha appear- -hould becomlna dell: luent. Governor ance of a child. To aee a little young-I Gillette will wait to hear rrom the coun-' ster carry out his part of a program with thousands admiring eyes fixed up on his every movement invariably has the effect of arousing the human In terest of the people. The audience applauds, it feels and swells with pride as one great eprsonage. It was the little act or a child that brouxnt the people to their feet at the home show yesterday . afternoon and made them amlaud while their throats choked with emotion. , . He waa not more . than three years old,.. His hitch was a Shetland pony and he sat In the cart like a master of the horso of the.circus days of old. Round and round the ring went tha youngster carefully guiding the dimin utive animal. Then the pony became frisky and acted aa if he might want to run away. But the boy held on, guided the Shetland here and there un til attendants finally came to the. res cue. It was during this little exciting drive that the people Jaughed, cheered and applauded and some of them almost cried at the bravery of the little chap ,11 inn vi ni. try banka before reaching a declslo In the matter. He aald last night ha be- Tea mai mo wnoia Danxing represen tation of tha atata aaould ba considered before so Important a measure was un dertaken, and that ha would therefore defer any action In tha matter until he naa neara rrom ute outaide banks. The governor aald ha believed the most urgent matter before tha city waa tha sale of the city bonds. ' He said that mia, in ma opinion, rurnlabad tha bast excuse for calling an extra aesslon of tne legislature. Ha referred to Innu merable Improvements that tha money waa required for. and. Intimated that mis wouia weign neavlly with him In arriving at a decision. Tha governor thousht tha most effi. cacloua relief from the present situation lay In federal aid. He said there waa ii4i.uoo.goe in the mint and tha sub treasury, and between t20.000.000 anil t2t.000.00a In government bonds held by the banking Institutions of tha cltv. Ha anaeo mat ns would recommend to tha clearing nonse committee that It send a request to President Roosevelt for iM offering to deposit governments for loans or goia, ana ne said thst he did not believe the president would refuse such aid. It is probable that tha rea- ommenasxion will oe made today, and the request will doubtless go forward to rvasninarion ai once. GOOD GRADE FOR NEW CLATSOP ROAD (gpedal Dftsetca to Tie learaat.) Astoria, Or., Nov. t. Tha aurveya of the proposed road to the Tillamook county line wlU not ba made before next spring, on account of tha winter season being unfavorable for tha work. Alex Duncan and George Stevens, the aurveyors, have Juat returned' from a trip over tha proposed road, after taking elevation. They found It feasible and aecured a good grade. CARUSO AMONG GREAT UNWASHED Singer Is Forced to. Take Apartments Without Bath on the Liner Oceanic. New York. Nov. Helnrlch Con- ried waa relieved today to receive a wireless message aaaurlng him that En rico Caruao waa a oassenaer on the Oceanic, which Is bringing the mem bera of the Metropolitan company that were to sail on the disabled Kaiser Wllhelm. In spite of a telegram that the sincere had sailed. Conrled wji uneasy about the tenor. In tranaferrlna the alnrera tn th Oceanic It waa difficult to find places for them, as the boat was full. Slgnor Caruso was satisfied until his secre tary learned that It was Impossible to get a aulte with a bath. In aplte of the efforta of the com Dan v auch an anartment could not he hud Then Slgnor Caruso cabled Conrled that he absolutely refused to sail on the data fixed. Caruso has sunr In the last SO lavs IS times and reoelved for these ap pearances 180.000. Manaa-er Conrled cabled 8lgnor Caruao that he muat sail In time to be here to sing at the first performance In tha opera house, even he found no bath-tub on board. NOW the aueatlon that ll InUnul. Ing those who heard of the Incident is, "dl Caruao get his bath?" OF Personal Knowledge WEST MEETS EAST. F. J, Froom's Fine Team of Bays. ' CELEBRATED VaC C STOMACH iP BITTERS -If you require a medicine to .tone the. Stomach and digestive organs, to restore the appetite and open uo the clogged -bowels, you'll Vfind the , Bitters 4 far superior to anything else.;. Try one bot-f tie and - be convinced. It. also cures Dyspepsia, VIndi-; gestion. Biliousness. ;? Head ache and Colds.'; J$k-:.u- bay gelding, took first prize ! in the horses to hounds class. Joe Cronin's Rattler waa second and Miss Mabel Lawrence on Sunday Mack, third. RIBBONS DISTRIBUTED. Favorites Who Won the Awards In Yesterday's Events. Following are the winners In yester day's events at the horse showr ' Saddle, Harness and Coach. Class' 12$ Lady's saddle horse, not exceeding 15 hands 1 inch. Elsie, b. m (Mrs. C. H. Edmunds), first; Gibson Boy, ch. g. (F.'.'L,! Stewart, ridden by Miss Maud Hahn), second; Jim Bud, br, g. tu. tt. Mowara, third; Kittle, b. m. 'Mrs. C. H. Jackson, ridden by Mrs. S, C. Spencer), very highly commended. . vjiass 4 Btainons. 4 years old or over, to he shown In hand. Volney, b. a. (H. C. Campbell and C. F. Swlgert), first; Mars fA. C. Rubv & Co.k second. vim ov Biauions 2 years oia. zipn IrOn. b. s (H. C Pomnh.n .xH r r Class 84 Pacing horses,1 yeara old or over, to be shown to an appropriate four-wheel vehicle. Lady Zotnbro. blk. m-iAV'Tr2,om)' lrBti Portia Knight, &LB- Ion. HJllsboro), second New Moon, ch. m. (M. J. Jones), third; ??UK.ner' ch- T- v- Honeyman) Class 62 Mares, 4 years old or over. :annle. h.' m w , c p....i V. V, fiwlgert), 'flrst- Melba, b. m. (IL C PWsSHfi- A Swlgert). Second. & rT - Z " years old. Fa -tte. r. m. (R n Pimnun j a r Swlgert) flrst:tlsslefe. r m (tt c.' their conformation, style of going and appearance in the ring Must W. Wn driven on a sneedwav .m. TTT.ulTn Jj: & Cni first; Tedd? a, b! Yxr J. O'Donnell). second- ai.L - IP. Martin), third; Louise, cinj. (Brandt very g. g. (Dr. George Whiteside), uigniy commenaea. , Class 149 Horses, over 15 hands 2 Inches. Crystal, br. mr. (Miss Floretta Elmore), first; Slyco. ch. g. (Samuel C. Slocum), second; Black Diamond b. g. (Mrs. O. H. Smith), third; Seal Brown, g. (W, Q. Brown), very highly commended. Class 124 Horses over 14 hnn 1 Inch and not exceeding IS hands 2 Inches, up to carrying 160 pounds. Johnny Moore, ch. g. (Miss M. L. Flan-??r."J-JiTat: Suratnacla, br. g. (Calvin Hellig), second; Teddy R., br. g. (Dr. w. m. wimpDeu), inira; Keaoird, ch g. (Dr. A. W.. Cummlngs), very highly commended. last Wight's Awards. Class 152 Pair of heavy draft horses, to be shown In harness. Sam, g. g Bill, g. g. (Holman Transfer company), first;. Jule, blk. m., Lisa, r. m. (Oregon Auto 'Dispatch), second; Rye, blk g. Rock. br. g. (Wells-Fargo company), third. Class 151 Pair dellverv horses. An. r ointments to count 50 per cent, horses 0 per cent. Maud, b. mM Daisy, b. m., (Marshall-Wells Hardware com pany), first; Bob, g, g., Sam, g. r. (Meier Frank), second; Dolly, Grey. g. nr, Grey Flyer, g. m. (Honeyman iwawire company;, inira: 'jwarney, gr. s Dolly, a-r. m. (C. M. Olson I. verv highly commended. ; Class 163 Heavy draft team, four- iii-uhiiu, iu oe snown in narneaa. fete. pn. g., iiiiL cn. g., irince, en. g.. Mary, ch. m. (Holman Tranafer company), flrat; Jack, blk. g., Maud, blk. m., Rat tier, dik. g.. itig, Dik. g. (Albera Bros. Milltnar company), second: Boh b..,i. Barney, b. g., Jim, b. g., Dolly, b. m (Oreaon Auto DisDatch). third: Porhntt c. a., Cannlck, c. s., Baldy, c. g., Phoenix. f-. Oregon Transfer company), very highly commended, . ., trorsa z -Trotting horses, 4 yearn old or over, . to be snown to an appropriate- four-wheeled vehicle. Crystal, br. m. (Samuel Elmore, Astoria), first; Cxar, b. g. (Edmund B. Gage), second; FjI'Lynv. B m-M'a Louise Baldwin), thbrd; Rohob, b. . (Henp- Van Natta, New Yorker Sees Equine Exhibit for First Time in Portland. "t'ou are Just from Vltw York?" said the fair one. "Yes," he answered. . I "And you like our show?" "Very much it's fine," v "Are you coming again?" "I don't Intend to miss a perform ance." "This Is Portland's firet, you know." "Yes?" "But In New York I suppose you have been attending norse snows for years?" "J must confess this la my first. One has to get away from home to know wnat a going on in tne world. "From the east, and he never saw horse show," sighed the girl to herself, And she couldn't understand. Ms. ENVY OF WOMEN. Only One of Its Kind on Exhibition at the Horse Show. There was nothing like it at the horse show. It was the only one of Its kind; The owner -was proud, naturally, as the admiring crowd looked on. Ko one appiauaea, dui the owner know that they saw and she was even certain that there was Just a little speck of envy n ine neari oi every woman uivbchi. mere were no saddles nor primes nor narness. , At intervals all afternoon the horse was practically for- gunrn-ivr a iew. mimues at least. This particular, attraction was one of me miesi picture nats. . Cargo of Cement Arrives. The French' ehtp Marecha da Tuernna has arrived and is discharging at Co lumbia dock. - j i Instead of taking the usual route around the Horn she mMntmA tha fat- but longer passage via the Cape of Good Hope. This shin brinas a full rvi e T B. White Bros.' cement which has stood tha hlahest tests of antr Mmonr Ing to this market. This cargo Is for Nottingham Co. ; " ' 11 - . Oregon Kidnev Tea aulnlrlv riun a muddy skin. . -, " " - ' Personal knowledge ia tha winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive ago and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in the front ranks of The Ws.ll Informex! of hs World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A KnowUdfs of Forms. Knowlodfs) of Function and Knowledge) of Product; are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy ia desired it should be remem bered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co is an ethical product which haa met with the approval of the most em inent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it ia remedy of Known Quality Known Excellence) and Known Com-'1' ponent Part and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it ia the first and best ef family laxatives, for which no extra vagant or unreasonable claims are made. - This valuable remedy . has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and haa attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as" mora fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by theshortet name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects, always note, Vhen purchasing,; d the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of ever package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by tha full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. COUISVILLE, KVi. SAN ERANCISCO.GSU CON PON, ENG CAN ov a. ' ' h'X.Ax:?,. . - ' i . M J, 1