THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALI, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 0, 1007. TODAY'S MARKETS lion Bears and 'Bulls -Both-Faulty in i - !" OL ll m Arjniracnis ana u rowers onouia lane Middle Course in Situation. -i-MJi i, ilePfWfT!!ga--aaaja 3gBPgsgMui .gB?j j jer",,TfgHU-i jgmsmi-m mm i BRAGGO TH&MpNr;r:;iU?M j Capsngbt, 1W7. br AailBMI jaraal.raiailsV ' VEAL FAMINE HITS MARKET k. . Supplies Too Small for Trade and Iligher Values Are , Ruling Today. i Produce market, faaturai: May market la lower. 5' . Local. eggs are very acarca. Famine In dreaaed veal. Looks Ilka lower chlcktne. Tomato auppllea are acant. Hop bualneia offered; no sales. I'otatoea and on lone dragging. Cheap apples sell better. Hide market lower again. No demand and lower chlttlm price, Hope valuea lower. Tamlae Is Dressed Teal. There la a famlna In the dreaaed ' veal market In Portland. Along Front atreet auppllea are vary acant and the trade la compelled to fight to get suf ficient auppllea to 111 Ita wanta. Prtcea have advanced' to auch a figure that It look a aa If they can acarcely go nigner because at any further advance tha con sumption would be cut to such a figure that It would call for but nominal aup pllea. The famlna at this time la due to tha weakneaa and lower prices which ruled In the Front atreet marketa a ahort time ago, prices going to such a level that shippers concluded that It would be batter If they would hold back their ahlpmenta for awhile. While there la no great strength In tha dresaed hog market, the tone la somewhat better than It waa a few daya ago owing to tha ahortage In other II nee. Looks Like Lower (Thickens. If tha ahlppera would only conclude to hold back their auppllea of chickens for awhile they would find a better market and price awaiting them when they returned Into the trade. If they would do Just aa tha veal ahlppera did hold back their ahlpmenta when prlcea aunk too low they would cauae an up ward tendency in cnimen values 100. Juat at this time auppllea of chickens are very UDerai; in ract, tney are mo liberal for the demand even at the current low valuea. At the moment It looka like a lower range of valuea for tha coming week. Thla will surely happen unleaa the ahlppera hold back auppllea for awhile. Local ZgT are Terr oeroe There la a verv heavy acarclty In the auppllea of local fresh ranch eggs along JTom eireei. uniy a lew cm are now received dally along the entire atreet and thla does not rill more man TALLOW Prime, per lb. SOIc, no. I and grease, IOIH& CHITTIM BARK tc, 1 FnUts and Taretebles. POTATOES Fancy. IOcOfl.00. Ing; buying,? white, HtJ80o per. sweeis. ONI i. 114 0 per lb. ON Jobbing all- ewt; nrlee Oregon. 11.251 2.60: buying, apof. 12.00; futures, 12.00; garlic, to lb. FRESH FRUITS Oranges,' new, 14.00 HOT MARKET WHEAT MARKET f EASIER SHOWS A RISE KWrWAM on Currency in plarket in Chicago, Mixed at iew xorK Are juower qun, ouuii jius Improvement. . 17 Uc; peaches. 1141.10; canta-1 11,111; iraoappieSr 40 lu; pears. cord a. loupes. I1.60U1.7S a boa. VEUKTABLKH Turnlna imb IOcO f 1 00 sack; carrota. $1.00 par sack; Deeta. 0o9ll.00 per sack; parsnips, II; cabbage, HOlo lb; tomatoea, Oregon, IDc; beana. (c: cauliflower. SOMiOc lb: feaa, 60; horaeradlah, to lb: artichokes, 10750 doa; green onjona, lto per dot; u peppers, 10 per lb; hothouse let tUoe. II box: euaumhara. hnlhouu. II CCl So doa; radishes. 16o doa benches; rsi"nL, ti.uu nox: green corn, 2""ck! CB',rT, 76OI0c; cranberries. I' wvim per barrel. Orooertea, Mutt, Xto. BUUAR California an1 Maarallan a " "; powdered, l: berry. ""'."7. sranuiaiea, ino: aax gran u'"td. MH conf. A.. I5.I0; extra B.. If??: olden O., 16.20; D. yellow, V0;. granulated. 15.60; bar rels. lOci half himli tin- hit.,, 4 ft,, on aacx basis. t-ve prices are 10 daya net cub iiwviaiiunij "VKJC IS t0 per crate, COFFEXU-Papkaaa hr.i 14 II 111.60 Per ton! Itfla iiinn ..hi ir. I III. Cen 1U va, 100a, 118.75; bahsa. 2.60; union r-acino. . Imported Liverpool, 60s, 120.00: 100a, B- O Wait for U. P. Dividend. rands, 111. 110 eeeeeeeeeee . Haw Tork Sank BWktemeat. 4 Increase. Rearrve . . 111,186,000 4 le Loans SS.88l.IOO4 4 4 Specie 6,201,100 4 le Legale 881,100 4 4 Depoalta 81,011,100 e 4 Circulation 1,118,400 Decrease, 4 .I JTorthwert Crop Weather. Weatern Oregon and Weatern Washington Fair tonight and Sunday; easterly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Wash ington and Idaho Fair tonight and Sunday. STOCK MARKET OAINS. Cotton Oil. Smelter ... St. Paul ... Colo. Fuel . 118.00; 4a. $18.00; extra fine barrels; 2a, ft a ft si 1 A. a crtAvxt a. 1 1. ,""4 vpi i.uvti o.ov: (Liverpool lump i a -ail mi: ,2,0,.otper ,on: 6b',b rock-mi0i lSS1R Brooklyn . . IC. a. Erie P. Ou U. 8. Steel do pref. Dec. May July CHICAGO WHEAT VALT'KS. Nov. . Nov 8. Oa1n. 1908 . . 1 4 . . .100S ... 4B 0Vi 5S (Above prlcea ply to sales of leaa anntw tA than car lota. Car lot. at anarlal nrlcaa ui.jw. 1 10 iiuciuauona.) ""-' imperial Japan. No. 1. 8c: Na IHOUc: New Orleans, head. 7o: DH,AnS Hmall whlfa 11 r im wniie. 14.10; nink, 84.10; bayou. 82.80; es.iiv; m Hugar Anaconda Atchlaon Canadian Gt. Nor. L. A N. STOCK kJARKET LOSSES. Katy Mo. Poo. Nat. Lead N. Y. t.'en . . . O. 4 W Nor. Pac, . . . Penn Pr. St. Car. ( Leased Wire Overbeck It Cooke Co.) New York, Nov. . Trie atocx maraet wiiimr. ao.ou: uii nn n I NUTS Peanuts imh ; ., ih: " Irregular today, closing generally Virginia. 7e ner Hi" roi at Jl tHiUa lower. Profeaalonala. however were Dec. per lb; JapSnSII 7c- oVitid. Hole not l"PO to commit themaelvea to May pef lbiValnu'cillfornl'Hc per lb! fny great extent In the abaence of the July Pine nuta. no i VhirWr n,,t' bank a element, which waa far from gept. 10c rer lh- Rritii nni. ii. mt Ik- fii. I favorable. An eaaler tendency In prem bertJ Till oil ih f?nr5 i-S.S in to I"n on currency la reported and the nr .k.1!?J)'Mb-,I"cy pecal"- "o,0c nubile apparently was not dl. playing ,o . I iiiulii .lJfirijcii.iun vwm in. uviiKiii. -"--"i mtrnm w rivTUluu, I .It iia (Inn Tr.itur. aaam tn ha amrattlna FRESH MEATS ITrnnr atraat Hn.t lK. ta la ra t Inn nt a rllvtilanrt nn I'nlnn fancy, lQTa par lb; Urge, l7o per I Pacific, SentlmeBt, however, la rather in, vrai. extra. DC ner lb: nM nirr m rd. 7Ho per lb; heavy. 8p7c per lb; mutton, fancy. 8tfo per ib. HAMS. BACON, ETC Port land pack i. 10 o 1 in, lao par id; 10 ll Official range: DESCRIPTION. AraaJ. Copper Co Am. C. A F. . . do preferred M I 'rt. Oil age camp. per ioj pickled tongues. 70o each. Butter valuea are noiaing wen hi ior- luul lahu Kettle leaf, 10a. 18o nirr vaiuw, uul aimv uiicitnw iu, ms, j. o pur jo; eu-io una. iiua yrz, iu, ainant renaerea. I0B, 12o per '"i ig Dir id: comnounn id. making a slight concession in the price of cheeaa In order to move siockb Hay Karat la Lower. A lower range of values la today ruling In the local hay market. Offer Inaa are ahowlng quite an Increase of late and demand has fallen off to a great extent owing to the enormoua valuea that have ruled from the atart of the Dreaant aeason. Wheat valuea are ahowlng no change A amall amount of buaineaa la again rennrterl at Interior DOlnts but the vol ume la so email aa to be acarcely con sidered. No new developmenta are noted In the oriental flour altuatlon. Ordera are few and far between. Local buaineaa la wnnA for mil I feed at the former range. Local flour la ateady though a trifle dull. Brief Wotea of the Trade. With nractlcallv no demand for chit tim bark, local dealera are offering lower nrtcea. but are not anxloua to buy at thla time at any figure. Manu facturera not buying. Hldea at down again owing to the tla-ht money situation Cheap applea are finding the beat sale along the atreet at thla time. All ap ple valuea are lower. Tomato supplies along the atreet are amall with a alight advance in the nrlce. Potato and onion trade la dragging with no new aouthern business re sorted. A amall amount of business is being offered the local hop trade by the east, but no acceptances are reported her becaune of the difficulty In securing ral mnnev from eastern banks. A enr of aweet potatoes came in late yesterday afternoon and was unloaded this morning, trice easier, runng De twepn 12.10 and 82.26. Rope valuea are lower. Pure manlla la down c, standard He. and sisal Mo a pound. Front atreet prices: 9-rain, 2flonr and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, t;. large lota; email lota, tttc WHEAT Nominal Club, 87c; red Russian, 86c; blueatem, 89c; valley. 86 86. rnRN Whole. 882: cracked. 888 toa BARLEY New Feed. 2T?S7.G0 per ton; rolled, 303l; brewing, izy. RTE 81.66 per ewt OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white, per ton; gray, 827.60. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, $4.06; atralghta. $4.60; expora 84.10; valley, $4. 80 4.60; graharr.. Vts, $4.60; whole wheat, 14.76; rye, 60s, $6.60; bales. $3.00. MI LLSTUFF8 Bran. $20.00 per ton; middlings, $27.60: shorts, country. $28.60; city, $22.00; chop. $174921. HAT Producers' price Timothy. Wil lamette valley, fancy, $16.0017.00; or dinary, $11.0012.00; eastern Oregon, $18.00018,00; mixed, $10.0010.60; clo ver, $10.0012.00; grain, $10.0012.00; cheat, $10.0012.00. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. a . b. Portland Sweet cream, 31c; rour, 29o. BUTTER Extra fancy creamery, $2Wc; fancy, 80c; store, Oregon, 20c EGGS Extra fancy, candled, 8So; eaatern storage, 87 28c; eastern fresh, 80c. CHEESE New Full cream, flats. 18V417c per lb; Toung Americans, ateam rendered. 10a, 12i 1240 oar lb: comrumn nn. . i - ii per id. FISH Rock cod. Tn nor 1K rlmmA.,. oc per id: rtallhut In nr ik, fr iu; cainsn, n per ID; sal iiiuu, ircnn voiumDia Mlvers, 8o per id; nerringa, 5c per lb; aoles, k iu. snrimps, ioc per ii, uvivn ou I jo: i I mntfi 7. m, ik. lobsters, 26o per lb: freah mackerel, 8c per lb; crawfish. 26o per dosen; atur feon. 12Ho per lb; black basa, 20o per aiirwr auioiu, 10 per 10; Troien ahad. 60 per lb; black cod. 7 He par lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater ba n.r ..1. Ion. 82.60; per 100-lb. aack, 28.00: Olym pia, per gallon, 82.40; per 100-lb. sack 1004j,.60: Earle. cnned. ton can- it doxen; eaatern In shell. $1,75 per hundred. CLAMS Hardshell, ner hn 11 in- raaor clama, $2.00 per box; lOo per doa! Faints, Coal Oil, Xto. ROPE Pure manlla. 14c: atanrlar m 1 1 ft t ' I2c; alaal, lOUc COAL Oll-Water white, tanks headlight. 28c; Eocene, caaea, oaaea, 12HC, ZUC 21H rases Is He, Elane, cases, gallon. GASOLINE 88 dee-., caaea. flU. n.r aai, iiwii uuia, iov par gal BENZINE 63 deg.. caaea, 26c per gal 11 uii uiii.i d lr arai. TURPENTINE In caaaa. 9o nar aal wood bbla, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAI) Ton lota. IKr, nar Ih Kftft-IH lAla fin nar IK. I... Mi. .17- WIRK NAILS Present haala it 1 to per a 14 to IB Ilia. UUii IK. n . IK 14 He: breakfast harnn lllu.i nar lb; plcnlca, 10c per lb; cottage roll, 12c per lb; regular abort clears, un smokad. 1 Jn nar 1K a .bj l ?. ik. a fraction of the demand. Prlcea are clear backa. unsmoked lln: i already at auch a high level that deal-I per lb: Union butts. 19 to 13 lba, un-1 Am. Cot. OU. c. era do not care to asx more in xaci smoKed. Ho per lb; smoked llo per lb- Am. Loco., c. they say that auch a request would I clear bellies, unamnkad llu nar Ih- Am. Buaar. c. drive all the demand into tne coia sior- amoved, line per lo: ahoulderm. llUolAm. Smelt., c un preierreu. Ana. Mtn. Co. . . Am. Woolen, c. Atchison c. . . . do preferred . . Baltl. A Ohio, c do preferred. . Brook. R. T Canadian Pac, c. Cent. Leather, c, do preferred. Chi. A Gt W. c, C. , M. A St. P.. Chi. N. W.. c.. Che. A Ohio.. Colo. F. A I., c. Colo. South., c. do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Dela. A Hudson, D. A R. G,. c do preferred . . . Erie, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Ot. North., pfd.. Illinois Central. Louisville A N.. Manhat. Ry Mex. Cent. Ry. . M.. K. A T . c. .. Dlatlller Ore. Lands Mo.. K. A T., pfd. Mo. Facinc . . National Lead N. Y. Central. vt v r a tir Nor. A Wes., com Nor. A Wes.. pfd North American. N. Pacific, com. Pac. M. 8. S. Co. Penn. Ry P. G., L. A C. Co. P. 8. C, com... P. S. C. pfd. : . . Reading, com . . Reading, lat pfd R. I. A 8., com. R. I. A 8.. pfd. . Rock Island, com St. L. A 8. F., 2nd pfd St. L. A 8. F., 1st pfd South. Pac. com South. Pac. pfd. soutn. Ky.. com South. Rv.. pfd. Texas A Pacific. T. St.L. A W. com T. 8. L. & W. pfd U. P.. com IT. P., pfd V. S. R., com . . . U. 8. Rm pfd. . . IT. 8. S. Co., com . U. S. 8. Co.. pfd. Wabaah.'com. . . Wabash, pfd W. U. Tefeg. ... Wis. Cen.. com.. Wis. Cen.. pfd PBICE OF NEVADA SHARES LY FRISCO 17H18c per lb. PUULTKY- -Nomlnal Mixed chick- ene, 10c lb; fancy hens, ii)nc; roosters, old. 10c: frvers. lOttc: broil ra DUn' rinlra 1.1 (Hi 14c: areaae. nld 8'l0c lb; turkeyst 16g)18o lb., for old; squabs. 22.60 doa; pigeons, 11 z aoz; dressed poultry, 101Hc per lb higher. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1907 crop Choice c; prime to choice, 88Hc; ordinary, 66Hc: 1906, choice, 6c. WOOL 1907 clip Valley, 2021e; eastern Oregon, 1821c. MOHAIR New 1907 292Ho, HIDES Dry hides, 14 16c lb; green, R3)6c; calves, green, 89c lb; bulls, green salt, 4c lb. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 16 20c each; ahort wool, 26 40c! medium wool, 60$1.00 each; long wool, 75 $1.26 each. LITTLE TRADE LOSS IS NOTED ON STREET "While some people are com plaining, I 'think they are kick ing; before they are hurt. I ate very little loss In business at this time as compared with the period previous to the bank trouble." Mr. McEwen of Me- ' Ewen.A Koskey, (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co. Hun Francisco, Nov. 9. Bid prices: GOLDFIELD8 DISTRICT. Sandstorm 20c, Mohawk $9. Columbia Mt. 21c, Jumbo Ext. 7Sc. Vernal lOcA Pennsylvania lc. Kendall 13c. Booth 22c. Blue Bull 18c, Adams . 7c, 811ver "lcK Zoc, Nev. Boy 3c, B. B. Ext 4c, Blue Bt!ll 7c Dixie 4c. G. Columbia' 6c( Hlbornla 3c. St. Ives 40c. Connunror 6c iiik. ock zcrfcone mar 9c. G. Wonde :icA. Potlach COcA. Orcr 8c. Kendall Ext. 3cA, Sandst. Ext. Sc. Mayne 3c, Atlanta .mc, ureal Kent! 3Zc. Hlmerone 5c. Em plre 6t Red Top Ext. 14c, Florence $2.70, Diam'f B. B. Con. 17c, G. Daisy bbc. iviiKuna itc. commonwealth 10c Comb. Fract. $1. Gr. Bond Ext. 6c. Gr ui'iia .ini, jc, u. i3. bonanza c, Ke wanos 24c. Esmeralda Be. Portland 7r Cracker Jack 7c, Red Hill 24c. Mohawk Ext 6c. Lou Dillon 6c. Y. Tlner 10c Grandma 7c, 8. Pick Ext. 2c, Y. Rose 4C. COI. Mt. Ext. 2cA. Goldf. Cons 14.02 H. Diam'f. Triangle 7c. COM STOCK. Oph'.r 11.07. Mexican 46c, Gould A Curry lOoA, Con. Virginia 41c, Savage ale, Hale & Norcross 35c. uelcner 17c, Confidence 70c, Sierra Nev. 30c, Ex chequer 24c, Cnlon 16c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original Sc. Bullf. M. C. 6c. Mont Bullf. lc. Nat. Bank 8c, U Harris 2cA, Amethyst 8c. Gold Bar 41c. Stelnwav 6cA, Denver Buf. Anx. Sc. Bonnie Clare ivc. Mayri. cons. ltsc. Monty, unio juxt. 4c. G. Bcepter 2o. Monty. Mt. Sc. Home- stake Cons. 62c. Yankee Girl lc. Nug get 4cA, Tramp cons, isc, iianner lc. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. 88.60. Mont. Ton. $1.45. Ton. Ext. $1. MacNamara 18c. Midway 45c. Ton. Belmont. $1, Ton. No. Star 9c. Ohio Ton. 2c, West End Cons. 3 4c, Rescue 4c, Ton. A Calif. 6cA. Golden Anchor 6c. Jim Butler 48c. Ton. Cash Boy 2c, Ton. Home 8c, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 3cA, Mont. Mid. Ext. 3cA, Golden Crown Zc, MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. S6o, Manh. M. Co. Sc, G. Wedge 3c. Seyler Hump 2c, Dexter 10c, L. Joe lc, Crescent 2c, Combina tion 2c, Mustang 14c, Little Grey 7c, Cowboy 2c. Orlg. Manh. 6c. Broncho ScA, Pinenut 4c. Buffalo lc, S. Dog, lzc, Y. Horso 2c, Indian camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. 8ilver King lOcA, Fairv. Eagle 60c, Nevada Hills $3.90, Pittsburg Sil ver Peak 86c. No. Star Wonder 4cA, Eagle's Nest 26c, Alice of Wonder 6c A. Northwest Bank Statement. Clearings today fc . $ 114,212.91 Clearings year ago 909.888.67 Gain today I 4.324.34 Balances today 184.937.69 Balances year ago 131,068.10 TACOMA. Clearings 738,812.00 Balances so.iob.oo SEATTLE. Clearings . . . . 1,368.261.00 Balances 282.666.00 i,,-,, ..,, Yet full-tailed horses would be hand somer in many people's estimation. 22H 38 I03H H 31H 80' 31 141V 13 '7H 102H 28H l(H 32'. 142H 13 '7H 103H (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Chicago Nov. 9 The wheat market opened mixed, a loss being shown for December and a gain for Julv At the start May was unchanged. The close was 4c to lc above Friday. While Liverpool waa dull, slow and lower, thla did not greatly affect the trade here. The Improvement, while alow at the start, whs soon started In earnest, and the close was around aome of the best prices for the day. Broomhall reporta the morld's ship ments of wheat for Monday as 10.000, 000 bushels, and a poaslble moderate decreaee on passage. Official prlcea: WHEAT. Open. High. 0 lS 99 1004 8 96H ii'Z CORN 6 67H 6'H 6DV. 67 67S OATS. 48H 47"., 60U 46 46H MESS PORK 337 1336 1375 LARD. Dec. May July Dec. May July Jan. May Low. 90 99H 96. 65H MS 56 4H 49 4 45 .1370 1320 1367 2214 3D iosh H 88 314 Nov. Jan. May Jan. May 817 816 07 812 R16 817 SHORT RIBS. 10 715 705 H 737 730 Boston Copper Market. Boston, Nov. 9 Bid prices: Adventure ... 1 K'op. Range... 54 Allouex 224 Daly West 10H Arcadian 3 4 Franklin 7 4 Atlantic 9 Oranby 7 4 Bingham .... 6 4 Greene Can... 6 I I "3 U I I av 1 I I ! WE MAY JpRtCKTENCP. PCARV AlW Ll. ' u- ii? cs to I ' jjA 3sai ;;:k i rfh .... '-.iei. L I i I ' " 11 ......... -aaa-a ll -W"-J" iss BBeB-saaaaii I ( i 1 1323 1360B Butte Coala. . 16 Cal. A Aria. .107 Cal. A Hecla.696 iMass 2H 1284 123H 127 1144 1144 U3 984 38 1084 20 109 4 67 103H 124 984 30 88 108H 21 109 784 78 78 134 134 134 67H 104 12 84H 344 'ill 111 i6H 164 67 74 244 24 V4 844 84H is Vi 'i5vi "so" 284 Centennial Old Dom... Osceola .. . Parrot . . . Phoenix . . Quincy . . . Shannon .. Tamarack Trinity ... Black Mt... (Mohawk Nev. Con. E. Butte 44 194 N. Butte. . zs . 80 " 94 .60 . 80A . 10 . 0 . 114 44 Utah Victoria . . . Wolverine Balkalala . . B. Central.. Royal Sup. A Pitta Apex C. Ely AJax , 464 . TA . 39 . 34 44 .110 : 3l . 154 3 . 44 . 64 2 Cents. New York Cotton .Market. lit November Open. Hiirh. Low. 9 8 Jan 1000 1111 998 1009 1007 Feb 1005 1004 1012 1011 March .. 1007 1016 1006 1014 1014 April 1018 1015 May 1014 1020 1008 1018 1017 June 1020 1018 July 1017 1023 1016 1023 1019 Aug 1017 1017 1016 1016 1013 Dec 1036 1047 1033 1046 1042 United States Government Bonds. New York, Nov. 9. Government bonds: Bid. Twos, registered ...108 do coupon 108 Threes, registered 103 do coupon 103 Threes, small bonda 1014 Dis. Columbia, 3-66s 1144 Fours, registered, new... 120 Twos. Panamaa 108 Philippine 4a 10S4 Asked 1094 109 4 104 104 123 LORD MAYOR IS GIVEN OFFICE Sir John Charles Bell Takes Reins of London Govern ment From Sir Treloar. 244 84$ 164 New York-London New York, Nov. 9. Bar London. 26 ll-16d. Copper Lake. 184 14c; 134914c; caattng, 13H134c. Silver., illVer, 68Hc; electro, 164 62 134 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. 9. Cotton futures closed 6H to 9 points lower; spots, 7 I points lower. OOYERXOR REFUSES TO DECIDE HIS COURSE Total Sales for day 98,100 sharrs. DEMAND RULING III LOCAL STOCKYARDS PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep, Today 15 weeK ago Year ago 140 Previous year .. 80 68 26 25 (United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Nov. 9. "I can't give you a definite statement at thla mo ment, but I have the question of calling an extra session of the legislature un der consideration." Governor Gillette made this remark in speaking of tho matter this morning. A number of bankers and business men are endeavoring to induce him to come to a decision at once, and a deputation will wait upon him this afternoon. CHILD TUTS MONEY INTO CIRCULATION 80 664 Portland TJnlon Stockyards. Nov. 9. With but a handful of arrivals In the lnral varria tndav the market la still very weak and slow with practically no up and scattered them broadcast. (United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Nov. 9. A little daugh ter of Mrs. J. ward or No. 600 Naples street, put 8600 In currency in circula tion this morning by throwing it from the window. The wind picked the bills The ago today all lines were 15.76 demand A year steady. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, 00: China fats, nominal. Cattle Beat eaatern Oreron 3.76; beet cows and heifers, 86; bulls, 11.76 3.00. Sheep Best wethers. I4.60i64.75: mixed and best ewes, 14.60; lambs, 14.60 steers, 2.75 little girl was cleaning the room for her mother, and finding the package of money tucKeo away in a mattress, thought it of no value and threw it out of the window. The police were imme diately notified, and all but (170 was recovered WEALTHY MAN STEALS COAL FOR POOR WOMAN Eastern Hogs Steady. Chicago, Nov. 9. Official run: Hoes. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 4 6,000 3,000 2,000 Kansas City .. 16,000. 2,000 300 Omaha 2,000 2,000 Hogs are strong at yesterday s closing. Left over from yesterday 2,500. Re ceipts a year ago were 11,000. Mixed 84.60fffl5.40; heavy 14.85(06.30: rough 4.654.75; light 4.705.20. cattle steady. Sheep steady. Plague Report. (United Press Leased Wire.) Ban Francisco, Nov. . Plague re port: No new suspected cases; one case verified; 90 - verifications to date; 67 eaths; 21 discharged as oured: 11 re maining cases; 29 suspected, cases. , (United Press Leased Wire.) Grand Junction, Colo., Nov. 9. George Faulk, worth 3100,000, today accepted 10 days' sentence rather than reveal the name of a poor woman whom he waa charged with aiding to steal coal from a railroad. Faulk was arrested while carrying; coal for the woman, but the latter escaped. SON BORN TO CROW PRINCE OF GERMANY (Cslted Press Leased Wire.) Berlin, Nov 9. A son wan born to the crown prince ot Germany this morn ing. This is the second son born to the crown prince, the first being bom on July 4 of last year, and heir after his father to the German crown. (United Press LeiMd Wire.) London, Nov. 9. The time-honored Lord Mayor's show took place today, and the new Lord Mayor of London Sir John Charles Bell, waa formally In stalled in office, aucceedlng Sir William Treloar. The turnout of the populace was the largest of recent years, while the procession waa exceedingly spec tacular. The successes achieved by amateurs in the great pageants held at Warwick and Bury St. Edmunds last summer de cided the committee In charge or the Lord Mayor's parade on an Important experiment. The help of amateurs was invoiced, and the spectacular element waa placed In their hands. The prln clpal Spectacle afforded their talents excellent scope. It was a pageant of Royal Edwards all the kings who have borne the name of Edward, beginning with Edward the Confessor, and ending with Edward VI. Each of the Edwards waa aurrounded by the moat prominent people of his reign, several hundred horsemen were In line, and a similar number of characters were represented by men on root. To complete this spectacle it was closed by a representation, on an ambl tloua scale, of the present Edward's reign. The principal feature waa a great harvest thanksgiving car, emble matic of the fact that Britain Is at peace with the world. In the centre of the car was a pretty girl, representing the figure of peace, and female figures standing at each or tne corners were symbolical of Europe, America, Asia and Africa, The route of the procession was from Guildhall to Cheapslde, thence through Coleman, Fore, Moorgate, King William, Cannon street, St. Paul's churchyard, Ludgate Hill, and Fleet street to the Law Courts, where his lordship was received by the Lord Chancellor. The return waa via the Strand, Northumber land avenue, thd Victoria embankment and Queen Victoria street to the Guild hall. The business houses along the route of the procession were elaborately decorated, and It was noticeable that the enthusiasm on the part of the multi tude was the most pronounced when ever the forty bands In line rendered "Rule Britannia," or the national anthem. The ceremonies of the day concluded this evening with the customary bril liant banquet at the Guildhall, attended by the cabinet ministers, foreign ambas sadors and many other guests of note. The scene in the banquet hall was one of even more than ordinary brilliance. The huge oaken rafters were decorated with flags and bunting, the hall was brilliantly lighted, showing to the beat of advantage the glittering uniforms and the dresses and Jewels of the ladies. Sir John Charles Bell, who will be the- titular ruler of the city of London during the ensuing twelve months, is sixty-three years old and has already served as sheriff of London, which Is mrfHsarv before one can become ellg' ible to the Lord Mayor'a chair. He is haati known as the chairman and mm aging director of the Wenlock Brewing Company. For many years he has taken an active interest In municipal affairs. Joining the court of common council in 1882. Then he became suc cessively chairman of the Officers and Clerka' committee, of the General Pur- noses' committee and or the corn and Finance committee, and served as depu ty governor of the Irish society. The new Lord Mayor Is also high in the councils of several city companies. He Is on the Court of the Haberdashers' company, a past master of the Glovers' company, and Is on the livery of the Innholders', Loriners' and Spectacle makers' companies. EDWARD IS G1VEH DfflOIID Transvaal Slakes Magnifi cent Birthday Present to Ruler. (United Press Leased Wire.) London, Nov. 9 King Edward, on the occasion of his 66th birthday today, re celved a present that was certainly fit for a king." This was the famous Culllnan diamond, which waa presented to his majesty in the name of tho Transvaal government. The diamond la alleged to be worth 1800,000, and is regarded as one of the largest and finest stones the world has ever known. In accordance with his custom of many years. King Edward passed the day quietly at Sandrlngham. surrounded by his family. In the telegrams of con gratulation that poured in during the day all the crowned heada of Europe. President Fallleres or ! ranee, Presi dent Roosevelt of the United States. and numerous ambassadors of Great Britain to foreign powers were repre sented. There were a number of con gratulatory messages also from leading municipalities of the united kingdom end from' Canada and Other parts of the empire. Tne customary salutes were fired by the warships at Portsmouth and vother naval centers. ELECTRIC BULB CAUSESDEATH Woman Takes Light to Bed and Is Smothered by Smoke From Fire. Quebec. Nov. 9 A royal salute of 21 guns was fired today from the Cltadol n honor or tne Kings Dinnaay. ana the men of the garrison were given a holiday. Ottawa, Ont.. Nov. 9 This being the king's birthday a royal salute of 21 guns was fired from Parliament hill. . Victoria. B. C. Nov. 9 In honor of his majesty's birthday flags were gen- rally displayed on puDiie ana private ulldlngs and a salute of 21 guns was fired. ALCOHOL LIGHTS AT GRANGE HALL New Hydroplane Record. (United Pme Leased Wire.) Paris, Nov. 9. M. Lelas established a world's record for the hydroplane to day. He traveled 8 kilometres on the Seine in 1 minute and 34 seconds at a rate of 24 knots an hour. (Speclnl Mapitch to The Journal.) Ewartsvllle, Wash., Nov. 9. The larg est grange In this state Is at this place, and it has the distinction of being the first grange in the United States to iignt its nan witn aiconoi lamps. Four were recently Installed. They furnish clear llrht far the blar hall. The lighting of the ball with alcohol s significant, as C. B. Kegley, master tho state grange, who Is identified 1th the grange at this place, was among those behind the stronir flrht n the United states senate to have the ree alcohol bill passed and was one of the first to secure tne lamps for home use tnree years ago, having secured aome of the first to be manufactured in Germany. (United Prate Leased -wire.) Salt Lake City, Utah. Nov. . An electric light bulb which ah had drawn Into the bed with her to warm her feet ' caused the death yesterday of Mrs. Jennie Ege, 10 years old, a muslo teach er. In a rooming-house at .' 62 West Fourth street south. The, globe broke, the live wire set fire to tha bedclothlng and Mrs. Ege, who probably was asleep when the blase started, was suffocated, ' When the landlord awoke In the morn ing he detected smoke In the house. He ' broke open the door of Mrs. Ege's room r and found her dead body on the floor. It Is supposed she awoke, and In try ing to reach the door was overcome by smoke. . The blase was extinguished with only slight loss. . WOMAN SETS FIRE TO JAIL AT BELLINGIIAM (United Press Leased Wire.) ' '"i Belllngham. Wash.. Nov. With a match and a bundle of bid newspapers. LIzile Howard, a half-breed woman , servlnr a sentence In the city la 11 for drunkenness, lighted a fire in her cell. and had It not been for the fact that ' , her dress caurht fire from the blase, she started, forcing her to scream for ' assistance. It Is probable aerloua dam- . age would have been done to the build- ' ing. 1 Hearing the frightened cries of the ' woman. Jailer Langdon rushed to the ward and obtained a hose and turned a ' stream of cold water on her biasing Iigure. one will recover. .- 1 11 ' v HAWAIIAN GIRLS TO ' VISIT THE ALASKANS BODY OF KEEFER IS FOUND AT BAY CITY (United Pnn Leased Wire.) . San Francisco, Nov. 9. The body of KODert r. iveerer, agent ror tne Union Ice company of Oakland, well known In California, also a prominent member of the Dolphin Rowing club, was found at 9 o'clock this morning at tha foot of van iNess. avenue, wnere tie la supposed to have been drowned October SO, while awimming around the clubhouse. The body was badly decomposed, the reatures Deing unrecognisable. CUTS WIFE'S HEAD OFF WITH BIG KNIFE (Halted Press Leased ' wire.) " ' Houston. Tex.. Nov. 9. Matthew An derson, a railroad clerk, finding his wife tn company with another man, cut her head off with a butcher-knife, according to a note bearing his signature which was found in the house. The note says that it la the second offense of his wife and he had decided to wreak revenge. Uhe, OJdy was round by -their, aaugater. (Ualted Press Leasee- Wire.) . ftaattl. Wash.. Nov. 9. For a' brief nun of time Alaska is to bask in the sunshine of the balmy Isles of tha Pa cific. The Hawaiian girls are going north. ; This was decided by Mrs. Edyth To iler Weatherred. who Is in charge of the nine Island belles now in Seattle on a tour of the Pacific coast. Yesterday afternoon, after a lengthy conference,, between herself and her desires, the lat ter won. "We are going, and we will leave on the Humboldt for Juneau to night," said Mrs. Weatherred.. ,. , lrf BUFFALO PASSENGER RUNS INTO FREIGHT; . V'., (Ualted Press Leased Wirt.) ' Ft. Wayne. Ind.. Nov. 9.The Buffalo ,. passenger, east-bound train on the W j bash road, collided with a freight train at the yard entrance, demolishing both engines and shaking up the passengers considerably. The crewsof both trains were more or less bruised and cut from flying glass, but none sustained serious , injury. 1 ' - " SSICP TOM BTTSSm' CATAXrOOVB , :4 ur ,fe-.: Trees, Shrulis, Vines, Etc Address ' f J. J. BUTZER SEEDS Bent. Stocksiand Bonds Kg or selling executed en any stol exchange. - .-. , -; ' ,f H. VV. DONOHOE O CO. It Saebaaa ldf ; Wash) -r s y.