The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 09, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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12 :
We have b"'11,. uPh.."Cf, wofk
rlihC Wind Fhon.
Firhsnse M
Mum . ' . , r v
',HHN TOWELS uaihi -V,
C K.h. soap.ll P" month. Portland
L.unUdrr -rowel Supply Co.. 9th and
r""r1 tlt- Ph-
J riai.BFKn and hauling
GO. VlCKCncirTr' 1ST BT.. BE-
. tween Stark uk "u ; phon l9:
fliioJ and furnttur. moved and packed
for sMppinc; co.nmo.llou. brick ware
; housi with separate Iron room 1-ront
.n.f, nnd storage; safes,
..rnlmre. etc.. moved, packed
and shipped. .eiOak K 1. between Front
and Ut. Phone Main . A -.'.4 7.
SAo riTV THANH. W. AI.L. un
nuou .,, ..loniinn
1 II. J.
Portland & Asiatic Stcaiu-
ship Company Secures
the Persia.
rs. E.
K. 2 l &w;
E5nS5CIitx'Kk8.8 & baggage
transfer, 247 Aldor ut. Main 1171.
.I Main . ltavyhnii!lng and atorage.
fer Ca-8torage 234 Stark Main 407.
Phone Main 7962.
Raleigh bldg.. Portland. Or Oliver
typewriter sold, rented, repaired.
, A,old P p! C. Co. 231 Stark T.I 14.
Two Vessels, the lliitamet and
Agnes Oswald, Will He Here Koon
With Coal ( 'argues From Australia
Steamer Aker for Japan.
- j .... .
Paciflc Hail Steamship Com
pany Plans to1 Cut Ha
waii Off Route.
The 1'i.illHiid A Asiatic Bteamahlp
compujn will aend the Occidental Ori
ental Htenmahlp company ateamer Per-
itia from thla port thla month to the the form of
orient. If sufficient freight la offered
to fill the 4 00(1 ton capacity of th been aent to The Journal office by Br
crnft. Thla announcement wa. made "r,L"Atrm"n' i: f X2 N.- 3i, lZrl
by loeal manuffer J. H. Dowaon thl
Mooehed Potato, Weight Four Pounds, Forest Qrore Product.
An lmmenat potato, which rrew in
mooit head and teatl-
flea to the rlchnena of Oregon aoll, has
been aent to The Journal office by Br-
unill vn?l IT1HI1, r. r. ir. it. r"m-i
I drove. Oregon. It la of th Burbank
(Daltaa Pnw Lm41 Wlra,
Honolulu, Nov. I R. P. Bchwarln,
general manager of the Pacific Mall
Steamahlp company, la a letter to the
Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, hint
trongly at the withdrawal of the Pa
cific Mall llnera on the oriental run.
The chamber had aeked him for a
definite statement of the Intentions of
his company as io providing Hawaii
with a better passenger service, suit
able for touiista. To this he held out
no hopes whatever, hinting at a possible
suspension of the service from Ban
Francisco altogether. A part of his
letter says:
"Th,r la ftn a atMifi.. that .,!.
's I the Atlantic today that could) be maln-
renovating, repair whop; matreaxea re
wade In oni day. 127 MthMaJnJilM.
wholesale and retal! denlera In Chl
neae merchandlae; labor contracting. 301
First Main 383. 8etd Back, mgr.
' M A. GUNS CO..
Tand commlaalon merchants. 140 Front
at. Portland, Or. Phons Main 179.
turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni
ture for the trade. Portland. Or.
cra. manufacturers and commission
merchanta. 4th and Oak sts.
mornlnK, and he stated thut freight In
round lota would be accepted for Vlad
ivostok and North China ports.
The IVrala la to be aent acroaa the
ocean to engage In the coastwise trade
between Vladivostok and Hongkong, and
since the Portland & Aalatlc company
In cramped for apace on Its regular
llnera, Mr. Dewaon considers himself
lucky in having secured an option on
the Persia. Hhe will be ready to leave
Portland cUirlng the latter part of the
month berore the departure or tne next
regular liner, which cannot possibly get
away before the flrat of December.
The Persia was formerly the liner
Coptic, and plied between Ban Francisco
and Hongkong for a number of years.
When taken off the route to give room
for the mammoth Korea, Siberia and
others she was renamed the Persia. It
Is understood here that the Intention of
her owners is to place her on the China
roast to operate in connection with the
trans-Pacific liners.
Three other vessels were announced
this morning as coming here soon. Two
soeclal orders. L. Ruvenskys f urnl-
tnre factory, 30LFront St.
S produce merchants. Front and Davis
f glassware. Fraal. Ilegele 4k Co., Port-
, land. Or.
' i Co- barbers' supplies, Barbers' furni
ture, karbere chairs. 10th and Morrison.
vertlslng novelties. 160 tth St.
ThWaytea East
t Kest Trip Try
The ORIENTAL Limited
. . Dec.
Geo. W, Elder. Ban Francisco
Costa RUa, Sun Francisco....
Roanoke, Han Pedro and way.
Numantla, orient
Arabia, orient
Klcomedla. orient
Teasels la lort.
North King, Am. tug Astoria
St. Nicholas, Am. su Astoria
North Star, Am. tug ..Astoria
Berlin, Am. sh , Goble
Grays Harbor. Am. ss.. .Will. I. 4 B. wka
Hrlzeux, Fr. Uk Stream
King Cyrus, Ar. sch Goble
Port Patrick, Br. sh Streum
Rajore. br. sh. Mersey
Alice McDonald. Am. ss. .Inman-Poulaen
Churchill. Am. sch Knappton
Homeward Bound, Am. bk O. sc C.
Lyrla, Am. ss :. Montgomery No. 1
Glendale, Am. sch Tongue Point
Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch. Tongue Pt.
C. F. Crocker. Am. sch Llnnton
Marerhael Turrene, Fr. bk..Colum. No. 1
Claverdon. Br. sch Alhlna
Irene, Am. sch Aatorla
Yellowstone. Am. ss Llnnton
variety, weighs four pounds and
without blemishes. Mr. Ostermann dug I 1 4 I aw ak s-am ant rf ft h as annrmntisi
iuw cas ot spuns oi mis variety steerage business coupled with the gov
on inree acres or ground. Potatoes I eminent anhatHv tienriva th... vn.
i"1""" a emu wir hc, wnion 1 aeis or the steerage business and tney
means an Income of 1660, or flSs.M would cease to operate. The only thing
mat nas Kept tne Ban rranciaco une
has been the Astatic business. Jr this
Nov. 1. seto. chartered to carrr coal from 1 pusiness were snieo. , o r it wouiq oe
.Nov. 1 Newcastle to Ban Francisco and lum- imi,"ID.' l0: Per;! '"F' T
IIV Tl I Iksat from a 11 l ( V. P. TJ.. .4 I w aws sss --
Nov is ;o md"'n,nt tnTr.,, X""?nS;.fv5:: "bin list and full freight, they would
per sere.
Scoffs Sactal-PcpsQ Cepsiilss
For Infl.maistloS erOatarrhol
taa Uladd.rsnd KltraMd Kid
null klf sad Mrmaaeatir the
woral eM of SiiMrriieas)
a4 SJIee. ae Sattar of bow
lonf laaaint, Akiolatolf
fcaralMi. Bokl b 4ranlil4
sw8f aessn ev awweasgsj sBaSagesa
BellnfMUIne, Okia,
y All Bragging,
Every Woman
fuuareueaaaainesia tsaw .
....... apanl Mia wondarral
MARVEL WhlrUna Spray
I The sew Vaftad Srekn, Jmjn.
hot mma awrnoa. wa-nu.
eat mom 'on.nint.
Xke Wtll-Kaews
teat saS . Kara
-Sk J J f -
bo iwnnot surely the
tKVtla aotvDt an
e4br, but him stamp for
lllnsiraiod book wU ft
fall parUoulara aad itlreitim In.
valusblato UuIIm. Mtkttl, C
a. sas ST.. toRH.
Tar Sale ky Vklaaiare IHrag Cc, Weedart,
Clark Os, aac Laae-Oevia Drug 0e,-4) tares,
. . Y ..,..w .... T I - ... . ' 1. lOWRLUnR.
VI llirm, ill oriiiau .ii.uni naiuiiicv . Vl.vilnr
Owi ii.i, .hi. A,.. r..u -,111 Tiberius, uer. a a. tievaior
brine coal from ' Newcastle. Australia.
while the British steamer Btrathord
will come here In ballast from Ban
Francisco to carry a cargo of lumber
to Port Plrle, Australia. Frank Water
house 4 Company are agents for the
steamer. The cargo will consist of
mining timbers. The Btrathord! was
here last February, and took a cargo
of wheat to the orlunt.
The Norwegian steamer Aker, which
left Eureka yesterday should arrive
here Monday. She comes under charter
to T. M. Stevens A Company to carry a
cargo of flour and grain to Japanese
Foreman Cosgrove Gives Testimony
Before Inspectors.
John Cosgrove. foreman on the dredge
Portland, testified this morning before
i Inspectors Edwards and uuer, trial tne
fog bell was sounded on the dredge on
the morning 01 November wnen tne
ateamer Bailey Gattert rammed her at
Postofflce bar. He declared he rang
the bell himself and said that he also
heard the whistle of the GnUert as she
, approached from up the river.
Cosgrove was called this morning and
was the moat important Kltnesa since
THE GREAT NORTHERN'S SWELL Captain Sherman left the stand yester-
TWAtto rfollT to Ht. Paul. Minneapolis. I day. The testimony of Captain . Sher
Duluth. St u Louis, Chicago and all
points' east Crosses both mountain
ranges by daylight Complete modern
equipment including Compartment Ob
servation Cars and elegant . tMnlng car
service. For tickets and ?tlp4ng car
reservations cau or aaaress -
It DICKSON. C. P. ft t.a!
123 TZUxa Street, Portland, Or.
Fhones Mala 680, atoms A-8288.
Columbia River Scenery
Ksaux.ATOB vara bteamebs.
Dally service between Portland and
The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving
Portland at T a. ro.. arriving about i
p. m., carrying freight and passengers.
' Splendid accommodations for outfits
' and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder st, Portland; foot
f Court st. Tbs Dalle Phone Mam
14. Portland,
The steamship BREAKWATER leaves
Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m., from
Oak street dock, for Empire, North
Bead and Karshfleld. Freight received
till 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Passen-
fer fare, first class, flO; second class,
7, Including berth and meals. Inquire
city ticket office. Third and Washing
ton streets,' or Oak street dock.
man was to the effect that he did not
hear the bell on the dredge and hence
received no warning of the Impending
danger. Attorney Allen, who is at
tending the Investigation on behalf of
the Regulator liner, cross-examined
Foreman Cosgrove at length but lis
maintained persistently that the bell
was sounded In accordance with the
rules governing fog signals from craft
at anchor. He said It was very foggy
that morning; and he dirt not see the
steamer until she had burled her bow
In the dredge.
There Is little likelihood of the in
vestigation being completed before late
this afternon or Monday morning.
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los
Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m.
Ticket office 113 Third .near Alder.
Alesia. Oer. ss Arns worth
Americana, Am, sch Astoria
James A. Garfield, Am. sch Astoria
Lansing, Am. ss Portsmouth
Cascade, Am. ss Ralnlr
Tiverton, Am. ss Prescott
lumbar Carriers In koate.
Mabel Gale, Am. sch San Francisco
Vlrlglna, Am. son.... Port Los Angeles
Excelsior, Am. ss Ban Francisco
Yosemlto, Am. str San Francisco
Amason, Am. bktn San Francisco
Compeer, Am. sch San Francisco
F. S. Loop. Am. str San Franclsoo
C. S. Holmes, Am. sch... San Francisco
Transit, Am. sch,,.. 8ao Francisco
J. Marhoffer Am, schr. . .San Francisco
Cascade. Am. ss ....San Francisco
Tiverton. Am. ss San Francisco
It. 1) Inman Am. ss San Francisco
Wrestler, Am. bktn Ban Francisco
Balvator, Am. sch San Pedro
Ba Boats With Cement and bsneral.
Buccleuch, Br, sh. 1 .Hamburg
Brenn, Fr. bk .Hull
Europe. Br, bk ..Antwerp
Rene Ker viler, Fr. sh Hamburg
Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg
Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle, E.
Ville de Mulbouse, Fr. bk. Antwerp
Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp
Plerri Lotl. Fr. bk. Antwerp
Walden Abbey, Br. sh Antwerp
Uleneaslin, Br. sh. Antwerp
Versailles. Fr. bk Leltri
General tie Boisdeffre, Fr. bk. ..London
General de Negrler, Fr. bk. London
Bayard, Fr. bk Antwerp
Vtlle de Dijon. Fr. bk. Antwerp
Alice .Marie, i-r. ok Antwerp
Eugene Rergaline. Fr. bk. ....Antwerp
H. Haekfleld. Or. bk. Honolulu
Arctic Stream, Br. sh Rotterdam
Crown of India. Br. bk. Antwerp
Cornll Bart, Fr. bk. Antwerp
Jules Gommes, Fr. bk Rotterdam
Edward Detnllle, Fr. bk Antwerp
Emllle Gnlline, Fr. bk London
Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk Antwerp
Aberfoyle, Br. sh Antwerp
Edmund Roatad, Fr. bk London
Emanuele Accame, It. bk Hamburg
Goal Snips Bn Bouts.
Belen, Fr. ok Newcastle, A.
Wlllscott Am. bk Newcastle, A
St. Mlrren, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Ardencralg. Br. bk Newcastle, A.
Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A.
Uuffon, Kr. bk Newcaatle. A.
Castle Rock, Br. sh V.Sydney, A.
Knight Templar. Br. ss. ..Newcastle, A.
Henry vuiara. Am. sn. . .Newcastle, A
Mill -.,,, r Hum liai MU lull (rciiui. wivy wuuiu
mill for return voyage, has I .... i. -.nI... ., ,i.
purchased by Mr. Waterson In I .V- -''i'.''T-.7:i:' " " ," ..
Zealand and ' renamed Hrltlah I y.a
Yeoman, being
British flag.
placed under the!
s.eds to carry their baggage, but the
dogs perished for lack of food shortly
sfter crossing the mountain ran go.
Once oh the Yukon the two soldiers de-
nlill , h. . w h,4 t m it .n,... ..I. . .wnlAlnv
1.1..1. VI... a . 1... . j "v ' - a'
ir.h. a Mri' .ao . u aur" and Joined some troops a short distance
k.L!,. L""dia. L"iV 'I0 -J-T sway. Lieutenant Caatner being of ad-
etaer r Pn.m.w. aZV .i IT.- venturou dl-POlon, found a Canadian
X R 'h ian, , I4r. h would accompany him tip th. Yu-
ramp on
river. It
record of
was made.
Upon his arrival at Bkagway, on the
D.k...... 11.... 1 j A" j j """ son, so they started on their t
-" . 4 '': the lea to the mouth of the
Inman from flan, ,rl.-t! .1 1 W"S on this Journey that a
11 , m si..m.. .111..'.. ...JL. r... I twenty-six miles a day
uirnuiri v 1 1 1 bb 1 n n iiiiin 1 uua 1
Bay. Sailed at 11 a. m Schooner Qlen-
caie ror Han Francisco.
Astoria, Nov. 8. Arrived down st
1145 p. m. Schooner Muriel
Astoria. Nov. . Condition of the bar
at a a. m., smooth; wind, east 24 miles;
weather, clear.
Tides at Astoria today High water. a. m.,; 3:00 p. m.. 9.1 reet.
Low water 9:08 a. m.. 2.3 feet; 10:02
p. m., 0.1 foot
western coast, on February 14. 1139,
Lieutenant Caatner was Informed that
the government was organising a re
lief expedition to search for him.
Sewing One Beam for 15 fears.
From the St Louis Globe-Democrat
The ease with which people can be
come habituated to any kind of unin
teresting work, no matter how monot
onous It Is, may be seen every day in
any shoe factory," says a gentleman
Lieutenant Caatner Tramped Nearly connected with this St. Louis indus-
2.000 Miles. "In a shoe factory the division of la-
Fmm th. n.i.,i 1? Dor is carnea to me utmost poaaiDie
rrom tne Cincinnati Enquirer. I ...... . -i. n. nn.r.iiv. Mr.
The feat of OLeary In walking 1,000 forms 'one operation and no mora
miles in 1,000 hours has reminded the There Is one woman In our employ who
Kldniy and JBiiddir Troubles
relieved nr
24 Hours
Each Cap.
ule bests ftllDYl
the aMmttWS ,
Mtwort tfceunttrftUi '
s nu stoat ef rests
la taat stadf ii-oyr4 si
ea4 ksrfta.
is glrtag
is tk world sis wonaorroi rosieaios.
So MEacuat. poisons oa uauei psm-.
Bicoais Vithout oftaAnow oa
lie gssristote U cere Oetarrh. Astksta,
tni, Tfcraat, akeesisrlsai .RerveasiMMa,
Rortoos Debility, gtosiaek. KMsef
TrmtklMt aloe Last MsnlMMtt raals Wees,
ess ssa All Prlvsre DtaMses.
)sst Keeslvad ftesi r.krna , 0tlaalefe, twt
as tsllaVle. -
ir too sun ArntcTttn. notT delay.
If yea eassel ealt write fo saiptoai kUaS
ad ttrmisf. Isekae 4 erats Is at Bps.
tu c. on wo osnrzii Mtbiowx oa
11 Tint St. Cos. kUcflsea,
anasae M
TarUaa4, Orassa,
sauas ns vaaaa.
01 M A I ....
iniiucrs 01 ma. rourtn inrantry or a
feat accomplished by Capt. Joseph C.
Castner of that regiment, who beat
w i.eary s recora by about two miles
for fifteen years has sewed the seam
which begins at the right of the eyeleta,
runs to the ton. then around and down
on the other side. The machine works so
lnent shipping men here that if tills
transfer Is really made, hereafter the
steamers mentioned will have Tacoma
as their port of departure, and the great
bulk of Alaskan trade which the Alaaka
Steamship company has controlled, and
which has heretofore been handled al
most exclusively at Seattle will be di
vided with this city.
Charles E. Peabody, president of the
Alaska Steamship company and one of
the principal shareholders, is now in
New York to attend a meeting of the
TflA T Arm? PT. A CQT17V stockholders of the Northwestern com-
J.UU XiAlJJ JLU LUAOOlE I I pany, and where negotiations were to
be opeped for merging the interests or
the two companies.
Tacoma Hopes to Control Future
Alaska Trade.
(Special Dispatch to Tks Inaraal.l
Tacoma, Nov. 9 Steamship men here
have received word that a big merger
or steamsnip nres " , Thord, Nor. ,tr Moraran. Japan
sumroated whereby the Northwestern , K1J A. d h Newcastle A
Steajnehlp companies have absorbed the Jfo" r."N2witft
holdings of the Alaska Steamship - Brodick Castle, Br. sh. .. .Newcastle A.
pany, and the vessels of the 1 hitter com- Cal, Br bk Newcastle, A.
pany, consisting of the pio..11Faral- , Largemore. Br. sh Newcastle; A.
fo"5 Jttfer80n?.ndDnP KnrS-..?. Mlndoro. Am. sch. .Newcastle. N. S. W
under the control of the Northwestern I Affne. 0swaW( Br Bh. ... Newcastle, A.
companies , Hatumet. Bjr. ss Newcastle. A.
stockholder In the Northwestern, which Tramp Steamers Sn Boats,
Is controlled by the Guggenheim inter- Btrathenirk, Br. ss San Francisco
ests. It Is confidently believed by prom- etrathnlian, Br. ss. .. .Vancouver, B.
der fine state of cultivation, in good
fruit section of the country, close to
city and a bargain at 1750.
28 acres all fine level land, all under
fine state of cultivation; nice new house
of t rooms, good barn, chicken houses,
etc, new fruit drier , worth 11,500; 10
acres In orchard, crop alone this year
brought owner 1L000; place fenced fnd
cross fenced. In fine neighborhood, and
only 6 miles -from Vancouver, on good
level graveled road. A bargain at
34,700; 11,000 cash, balance to suit. Get
our prices berore buying,
a acres
Strathearn, Br. ss San Francisco
Borderer, Br. ss Ban Francisco
Goto Maru, Jap. ss....;..Kan Francisco
Cralghall, Br. ss San Francisco
Rlverdale, Br. ss Orient
Queen Louise, Br. ss....San Francisco
Ormidale, Br. ss San Francisco
Craigvar, Br. ss San Francisco
Klver rortn, nr. ss Ban irrancisco
Ormiston, Br. ss Caliao
C o mo, Br. ss. Valparaiso
Minerva. Nor. ss Bremerton
Valdlva, Br. ss. San Francisco
Woodford, Br. ss Bremerton
Aparima. Br. ss Fiji Islands
Mackinaw, v.m. ss Seattle
Olenstrae, Br. bs Japan
St. Hugo. Br. ss Motlendo
Auchencrag. Br. ss Shlnwnesekl
Aker, Nor. ss Eureka
I Persia, Am. ss San Franeisoo
Steamer Xlcomedla Will Be Followed Btrathord, Br. ss San Francisco
day in the wlldg of Alaska. In other pidly that she actually spends almost
mm Ul UVII vhiio l ll fsusasssn up aui
lieutenant of the Fourth Infantry. ,n" "T,"" " . u.JU"l"'
walked a distance of 1.376 miles 7n the mctti".' t? U t"" t0 d0 ih
IlllV-IWfi nflV, An OVttrawA n . -. . .. 1 BwiiiH, iiu V " r. ... . m " V unj
six miles a riav Th. .... vL.5 after day during all the working hours.
shins undergone hv r... I One might suppose the monotony of
. ' . " v",rel I ,U. ...I, ,n..l ..... t... -. .
uig an exploring expedition In the years 1 1 7 .. " " r" "
1898-99 is one of thrilling and Intense PPlr,l' DUt 11 d0B not eem t0 do nr-
interest nn J.m. i : 1 k".1"1!""! thing of the kind. She Is one of the
rAiiuiuiiun expeauion sent out by the!" """" " " T,
Kvrriiuieiii 10 una a pass through the
AlnaWttn m nnnl.ln ....... . v , .
v "1 w as as, ro.k v.
Starting from the northwestern part
of Alaska, Lieutenant Casmer and two
privates of the Fourteenth infantry
started in a southeaster! v direction
across an unexplored country, finally
arriving at the Yukon river near the
mouth of the Tanana river on October
11, 1898, having traversed a distance of
2,000 miles.
It was a ragged and forlorn party
that was taken in charge by a band of
Tanana Indians at that point and feted
on moose meat and other delicacies.
Lieutenant Castner was delirious by
reason of the privations and hardships
he endured. For six days the party
had lived on nothing but wild cranber
ries, as even the rose apple, which had
formed a portion of their diet with
what game they could kill, had become
Inaccessible on account of the deep
At an early stage of the Journey
Lieutenant Castner and the two sol
diers had lost their firearms and blan
kets while floating on a raft down a
stream. A low tree had brushed the
members of the party and all their ef
fects Into the deep river. They were
lucky to save a few matches with
which to start a fire. The shoes of the
officer and soldiers had become worn to
shreds and they had to strip themselves
of part of their clothina- with which to
bandage their feet. a
Tne soles and other parts of their
feet became a mass of running sores.
The party started out with dogs and
MBS. S. X. CMMM, the only
Chinese woman doctor In
this city. She has cured
many afflicted sufferers.
Cured private and female
diseases, also throat and
lung troubles; stomach,
bladder and kidneys and
diseases of all kinds that
tha human flesh is heir to.
Cured by Chinese herbs and
Remedies harmless No opera-
Honest treatment. Kxamination
212 Clay St. corner Third.
$!0 Our Fee
Special Cases Cured for $5
Consultation Fret
No Pay Unlets Cured
A Life Long Cure for
Blood Jpolsoa, Bkla Diseases, Sores, Ul
cers, Stricture, Yarleooale, Bydrocele,
' Benrons Decline, Weakness, Gonor
rhoea Chronio Diseases of the Jtldneys
and Prostate, and All Beotal Diseases.
BLOOD POZSOB There comes a time In your life where, sfter you have
tried all the health resorts, springs, etc., that you give up all hone and
at times you consider life very dark. You have spent a great (leal of
money trying to be relieved and yet have received no result. We will
cure you of your dreaded mrtadr and by our methods wado not isa
any drugs that will Cause any bad effects or destroy your, constitu
tion. Call and see us before it Is too late.
BXBTOVS DEBXUTY Loss of energy, will power, lack of concentra
tion of thought, loss of memory, which weakens your entire system,
mental as well as physical. This lowered vitality of the nervous and
physical condition Is strengthened so that in a short time you will hava
your original strength and be yourself again.
Varicocele Is a diseased condition of the scrotal veins. It may be caused
by blows, kicks, heavy lifting, mumps, early Indiscretion, or may be a
symptom only of some special weakness. We cure varicocele quickly
and permanently.
HOURS 9 a. ro. to i p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 a. m. to
12 noon, 1
nun cured
Dr. Sanderson's Compound I
Savin and Cotton Root PUla j
The best and only reliable
remedy for DELAYED PER
IODS. Cure the moat obstin
ate cases In t to 10 daya Price 11 1
per box, or three boxes It. Sold by
druggists everywhere. Address T. J.
PIERCE. Ill First st. Portland. Or.
W Van. . TRC Via MOMS' BBAHaX. A
14 1 Ml ask y
C 1-aW-tar's 1
niu 1
Take otaor. Bwj .Mnr w .
Bnwstst. A.kfsrrnx.oireaTni'si
Mft Knows SS BOM, SSHtt, Alwtn RoHtbM
in any uncomplicated case
wmr Vragalot far a
a K.a im ! mulllcW
soiled witk Blue fclbboa. V
by the Alesia.
With a cargo valued at 1212,080 the
Portland & Asiatic liner Nicomedia left
down this morning bound for Hong
kong and way ports. The liner Alesia
is expected to follow tomorrow morn-
Ainswortn oock
lnar. Hhe shifted to
berore buying. ( this morning to prepare for departure,
all good level land, all under Thtf Nlcomedla's -cargo consisted
En Bouts In Ballast to load Oraln.
Gael, Fr. bk...' Puget Sound
Mlltonburn. Br. bk. ..... .Santa Rosalia
Dumfireshire. Br. sh...PorrLos Angeles
Sully. Fr. bk San Francisco
Celtic Chief. Br. sh Honolulu
Admiral Corneuiler, Fr. bk...8an Fran.
Strathgryfe. Br. sh Callao
Castor, Br. sh.. Valparaiso
Alsterkamp, Ger. sh Caleta Colosa
ritia state, or cultivation; good house, mostlv of flour, there being 68,640 bar- Schubek. Ger. bk Valparaiso
barn, chicken house, etc.; 3 acres in as
sorted bearing fruit trees, city water,
4t mile from platted part of Vancou-
ver. Includes stock and household
goods for tally $3,600; terms.
Citiians Bank bldK-, Vancouver, Wash.
. 80S-7 Swetland bldg., Portland. Or.
agents, Holbrook & Co., 250 Stark.
sell . on small payments down, bal
ance Installments; will take clearing
house certificates.;. Holbrook & Co,, 250
ptark. '
, E. Burnslde st; fireplace, furnace,
laundry tubs, barn, etc.; newly tinted;
very easy " 1 terms. - Palmer-Van Alstine
Co.. 222 Failing bldg
Violin its a Hair Restorer.
From the Paris Menestrel.
It la now' a scientifically proved fact
that music exercises a great influence
on the growth of the hair.. It Is with
good reason that great1 musicians, such
as Psganlnl, Lisst and Paderewskl, are
-represented with a growth of hair
which Absalom might have envied.
Kelenee has proved that stringed in
struments have a favorable influence
on the growth of the hair, while brass
instruments act' In the. opposite direc
tion. Every one has probably observed
that s bald violinist is as rare as a
- ttald horn player la, common.. Wood in
jUriimetits, uh as the flute, seem to
have tin-pronounced Influence eithar
ajr, " v t . ' V - ' -
rels stowed away beneath the hatches. Glenelvan.
The flour alone Is valued at 1211,091. 1 Ostara, G
In addition to the nour tne manirest
shows 25,000 feet of lumber, valued at
1675, and general cargo, worth about
The Alesia was booked to leave be
fore the Nicomedia, but she was pre
vented from doing so by an accident
Three days ago while loading at the
Albina dock, a spar, 85 feet in length,
broke from the derrick and crushed a
portion of the forward deck. Temporary
repairs will be completed here this
afternoon. ,
There is probability of the Alesia cioch. Br. bk
oaicning up wun win iiiramrum.,i me
mouth of the river so that both might
get to sea at the same time. In that
event considerable betting might be
indulged In along the waterfront on
the outcome of the race.
Br. sh Santa Rosalia
er. sh ...Valparaiso
Amason, Br. bk Mollendo
Alexander Black, Br. bk San Diego
Windsor Park. Br. sh Caldera
Clan Buchanan, Br. sh.... Santa Rosalia
Clackmannanshire, Br. sh. .. .Valparaiso
Wavertree, Br. sh Tocopilla
Elginshire, Br. bk. .Caldera
Largo Bay, bk Valparaiso
Charles Gounod, Fr. bk..San Francisco
Arm en, Fr. bk San Francisco
Carnarvon Day, Br. sh West CoaJt
Lady Woolseley. Br. bk. .. .Caleta Buena
Cambusdoon, Br. sh. ,... .Calota Colosa
Earl of Dunsmore, Br. Sb ...Callao
Acme. Am. ss Japan
Duchalburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia
miyiarer, sr. on Valparaiso
Oil Steamers Ba Bouts.
Maverick, Am. ss... San Francisco
Col. E. L. Drake, Am. ss.San Francisco
Begnlar lasers Due to Arrive.
Alliance, Coos Bay Nov. 9
City of Panama, 8an Francisco Nov 10
Breakwater. Coos Bay Nov. 12
O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Nov. 12
Costa Rica, San Francisco Nov. 17
Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. Nov. 19
NBmantia, orient Nov. 20
Arabia, orient Jee, 10
Alesia, orient jan 2
Nicomedia, orient ...J... .Jan. 16
Begnlar Xdaers to Depart
Alliance, Coos Bay Nov 9
Alesia, orient Nev. Id
Nicomedia, orient Nov! 11
Breakwater. Coos Bay .. ,. Nov. 1
City of I'anama, San Francisco. .Nov. II
The steamer Roanoke sailed for San
Pedro and way ports last night
The steamer Alliance is due to arrive
late tonleht from Coos Rav. She la two
days behind her schedule.
The lighthouse tender Heather
crossed out this morning with supplies
for lightship NO. 60 and Tillamook
The British steamer Borderer Is due
to arrive here tomorrow or Monday in
ballast under charter to load wheat for
Europe. .
The British steamer British Monarch
hauled Into Montgomery dock No. 2 this
morning to load wheat. '
The former Italian ship Stefano Ra-
The Truth
About Doctors
"What do doctors know about the
use of drugs?" I was asked the oth
er day. "Practically nothing at all,"
1 replied.
This extract from an editorial,
which appeared In The Examiner
some time ago, explains it In a few
"Today very little is known of
medicine and Its use. The wisest
doctor can do but little more than
clear out the system or accelerate
the action or the
heart. When he
has done both or
all of these things
he has reached the
end. Dootors can't
The raasonr most
doctors can't cure
is because they
use the wrong
means drugs. If
they would help
nature they would
be able to accom
plish a cure, but In
stead of that they
work against na
ture. You know that
drugs contain nd
nourishment. Just
poison which de
stroys. What na
ture needs is nour
ishment something
to build up not to tear down. Elec
tricity is that nourishment Feed it
to your nerves and they will absorb
it, Just as a sponge absorbs water,
and carry it to every organ and tis
sue of your body, where it gives en
ergy and strength to all weak parts,
1 uui uuuy is run uy eieuuiuiiy.
It's the lack of electricity that
causes sickness and disease. When
you have a full supply of electric
energy you are healthy and strong.
Electricity is the power nature uses
to restore health; so can't you see
that drugs won't give you this foroe?
Human electricitv comes from the
food votl eat. The dlirnstlv tulnea
of the stomach burn the food and
produce this power, which Is forced
through the nerves to run the hu
man machine.
When vou done vour stomach
With drugs you decrease vour sun-
ply of electric energy, for drugs up
set the stomach, rendering It unable
to generate this force".
Help nature cure bv restoring
electricity where it Is needed. My
Electro-Vigor does this wh11n 'vou
tfleep. It saturates the nerves with.
Its glowing power, and these con-
t i mm
t& inn
duct the fores to the part that is
ailing and quickly restores health.
Electro-Vigor Is a relief from the
01a system 01 drugging. it re
moves the cause of disease, and
when that Is done no pain or sick'
ness can exist.
Electro-Vigor is not an electric
belt. 1 It is a dry-cell body battery
and makes Its own power continu
ously. There Is no charging to do
just' nut it on and turn on the cur
I used your Electro-Vigor
Just six
weeks and ' was
cured of sciatica.
From my experi
ence with this
treatment 1 con
sider It Just the
inmg ror any ner
vous derangement.
Groveland, Cal.
Your treatment has cured
me of kidney trouble; my
Biioiigui 18 returning ana
my general health Is Im
proved wonderfully.
Parlier, Cal.
Get It Free
Get my 100-page book describing
Electro-Vigor and with Illustrations
of fully developed men and women?
showing how it is applied.
ThlBb.ook teI in PlaI .language
many things your want to know and
gives a lot of good, wholesome ad
vice for men.
I'll send this book, prepaid, free. If
you will inclose this coupon.
S. A. Hall, M. D.
1439 PiUmors Street
Please send me, prepaid, your
free 100-page Illustrated book.
, 11-2-7
Name -.
tf TT:rr x I for
new, isinereni
and Better Methods
Which Take Less Time
and Cost Less Money
Don't . be practiced and experimented upon
by physicians, druggists, electric belts and
incompetent specialists. My large practice
and quick, thorough methods enable me to
cure men's diseases in half the time and at
about one-fourth the usual fees asked.
My best reference is:
Not a Dollar Need Be
Paid Until Cured
My practice has demonstrated that no ail
ment peculiar to men is incurable. Failure
to cure is usually due to lack of knowledge
and improper treatment. .You may consult
me free of charge and learn your exact condition.
Consult Me When Others Fail
You will note my examination is different, my apparatus is new and
up-to-date, and I always make it a point to explain every case exactly
as I find it, so that the patient may understand his own condition and
how I expect to cure him. I charge nothing for examination and advice.
The leading- Specialist-
No Stimulants for Weakness
My success in permanently curing
that condition' commonly known as
"weakness" fully demonstrates the
absolute corectness of iy method of
treatment, which is a method em
nloved by myself alone. I do not
stimulate the functions to temporary
activity by the use of strong inter
nal tonics. This Is? the course com
monly pursued by both general prac
titioners and specialists, and Is a
treatment that cannot possibly result
In a nermanent cure. "Weakness" is
merely a symptom of chronic Inflam
mation in the prostate gland brought
on by excesses, early dissipation or
by the improper , treatment of some
contracted disease. A complete and
radical cure Is. therefore, a question
of restoring the prostate gland to
Its normal state, and this I accom
plish promptly and completely with
out the use of internal remedies. .My
treatment is n local one entirely. It
is original and scientific ,and has
been proven absolutely effective by
thousands of tests. I am convinced
that by no other methods can full
and permanent restoration of
strength and vigor be accomplished.
No Surgery for Varicocele
Many men afflicted with varicocele
are endangering their general health,
their manly powers and even life It
self by allowing the disorder to re
main uncured. Varicocele results
from partial paralysis f the delicate
nerve fibers that have a part In con
trolling local circulation of the blood.
The muscular coatings of the veins
being deprived of Bervous communi
cation and control, become inactive,
weaken and relax. The blood vessels
expand from the pressure within, the
circulation In the parts becomes
ulugglsh, - and frequently stagnant
pools form In little nooks and pock
ets that constantly enlarge as the re
laxation continues. Tha possibility
Exists that clots may form m these
stagnant pools and then pass out
Into the general circulation. Should
one nnd lodgment tn a valve of the
heart, the result might be Instant
death, or should It be carried to the
brain, general paralysis would fol
low. '
I guarantee to eure varicocele in
one week by a method that involves
no cutting. No other physician em
ploys a like method, and so thorough
is my worK tnat mere need not bS
the slightest fear of a relapse into
the old condition. "
JPOXSOB and PILES I .also treat and cure promptly and thoroughly.
The Dr. Taylor Co.
834V XOBSXSOjr STBEET, corner Korrlsoa, and Second Streets, Portland,
OVegon. Boars S a. m, to 9 p. m. Sundays 10 to 1.
1 -'