v.ri THE 'OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL!, PORTLAND; ' SATURDAV" EVENING, T NOVEMBER 9. 1907. "II FOIl SALE FARMS ;Cream .of tte Valley Farm 90 Acres ;V;; FOR SALIC FARMS 'Situated nna hniir'a run from Port land, 30 miles, Southern Paclflo rail- .roaa station mile irom rarm nouse 1 miles Co good town hir eastern syndicate are building largest creamery In ut. Farm situated Jn heart of Willamette rallay; no travel or atona on iarm;. so seres or nnesi nopa, an wired and poled; SO acres finest grain no wneti tana; J ft acre river Douom and beaver-dam land that produces 116 bushels o( oats per acre (which is phe nomenal). Farmer just across fence wants nOt per acre for same kind of ootimn jana. ' Large Bearing orcneru, an kinds of fruit, (selected variety; 1 acre raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, etc.; 14 acres rinest timber; ash trees on same and fir valued by lumbermen at 140 each; also maple, 'poplar, eta; pasture green year around. River on boundary; I springs on farm; f large bop bouses, 14x14 each, large storeroom, bop sprayer, bop baskets, hop sacks, hop bailer, eultlvatora, harrows, discs, etc; bo a. Chickens, Dees, hay, grain and numerous other things; large barn and a cow barn, combined chicken bouse eta; large brooding house and In cubator Included; phone In house, R F. D. mall route; 10-room bouse, alt fin ished up Inside and outside, painted white, large shade trees In yard and a lawn; finest road In the county to town it mil's away,, wnoie rarm is iiiea 11,000 FOR. 22 ACHES OF FINE BEAV- i erdam land, all cleared and SO acres of up-land with house and bam and or chard: within too feet of station on elect No earllne. Terms 1 4,000 cash, Bal ance on time. There is no doubt but this land will be worth 120,000 Inside Of year. . - ' 1250 for 17 acres of fine land 1 miles eaat of Vancouver ferrr landln 10 acres cleared, balance easy cleared and croea-fenced; good well of water witn windmill; house and anea-staoie land platted all around it Will ex change for Portland property vacant iota. We have acreage for sale all over the country at all kinds of prices and terms. If you want to buy ranch property come and see us before purchasing. Pbone East 42SS. . 8TITE8 at PEPER. 620 Union are., north, near Russell si IIOME-fiEEHERK. ATTENTION Ten. farms, ranging In site fronv 120 to 40 acree all In the rich lands of Cowllts county, none of them more than 4 miles from cood water and railroad transportation. Terms given on any of them. For further information call or write J. 8. Huntington. Kelso, wash. 11,000 FOR TH ACRES, UNIMPROVED. si.oTO tor i acres, unimproved. 8500 for I acres, unimproved. $1,121 for t acres, partly Imoroved. 64,000 for 10 acres, all In cultivation - ROOM 10. 143V4 2D ST. 120 ACRES AT 678; IMPROVEMENTS miles from Buxton: cbeck taken 6200 can Stand. M. Petersen, Cornelius, .and perfectly drained; 100 walnut trees planted last year, ana asm tnoney-maaer ana most oeautirui noma, owner guar antees that this place cannot be excelled in the state of Oregon for Its price, 610,000; would take 1-3 In good olty .property. Adjoining the above place la a 21-acre tract; aores of which Is real beaver - dam onion lend rrom wnicn mere nas been 6400 worth of onlona per acre Bold, this year: over hk clear, balance in urn ber; beat of land; fair buildings; price 647Q0; owner would take half in good city property and the balance can run .una gooa crop wouia pay ii out, 620 ACRES, SHERMAN COUNT! WHEAT RANCH. 600 acres under plow; good bouse barn and other buildings: windmill, etc plenty of water; all fenced; 326 per acre. would exchange ior gooa city property 120 acres mile to railroad . truck Wltohhaael on a good oounty road: 21 acres la cultivation; flae stream of water and -a good spring; about . 2,000 cords of wood. large and small trees would make an Ideal milk ranch; price 876 per acre: would sen loo acres. 80 acres; 12 acres clear; 40 acres river land: first class soil: 100 trees assorted family orchard, level land Is fenced about 40 acres: o-room box bouse, 2 barns 26x46 and 20x20; other buildings; creek -on place; not far to creamery en a good rountv road: saw mill V of a mile from place. Price 21.200; tt can stand. This IS in-law ouj t ua man ina iuuh route. 12 acres fine garden land, half cleared good 8-room house and barn, young orchard, fenced and cross-fenced; a good henhouse, 2 tone carrots, about 60 aacks fotatoes, several tons nay, a o cow, good horse and harness, 1 good buggy, 1 aood new wacon. Dlow. harrow all klnss garden tools. 8H miles from city on good roads; price ti.ooo. 23T.57 Acres" Located on banks of Willamette river. 14 miles from Portland, iy boat or can, 100 acres In cultivation, good orchard, all kinds of small fruits, of bent varie ties; fine garden; 88 rods river front, boat landing at the place; 2 good 7 -room rarm nouses, l nouse ror rarm nanas. x rood barns. suDDlled with soring water. Barns full of hay and feed; 16 head of hlah-arade Jerseys. 1 thoroughbred Jer sey bull. S head farm horses, 2 farm wagons. 1 light spring wagon, l buggy 8 sets harness, all necessary Implements to farm the place, 1 cream separator and milk cans, 800 cords or cordwood. H mile rrom river. 400 bushels wheat, 160 chickens, 800 sacks potatoes; price 820,000; H cash, balance on time. Above price Includes all furniture except per sonal bedding, silverware, sewing-machine, fancy dishes and 1 Russian table W.W.Bpcy Room 316 Commercial Bldg., Cor. 2d and Wash. inns PUT YOUR MONET IN LAND. Great Farm Bargain Best One Offered Today 120 acres, all first-class soil and lies nloe to cultivate; nearly 70 aqrea now cultivated, 60 acres good timber, about 3,600 cords of good wood; farm pro duces over 62,000 per year; house, bam, all outbuildings, orchard, 1 span good horses, weight 1,460 pounds each. 1 cow and calf, hay press, wagon, all farm im plements, bay in .the barn; situated 8 miles from Portland, convenient to elec tric earllne, where land la selling for SS00 to 6600 per acre; tnls place, all equipped, must be sold In the next week or 10 days; terms cash, balance at 6 per cent Interest; price now only 614.000. 80 Acres Washington County All good land, 60 acres cultivated, 16 . acres fine young timber; house, barn. orcnara, spring water pipea 10 nouse and barn; nicely located on main road. 12 miles rrom portiana, near neeavuie a bargain. 40 Acres All first-class land, lays nice, on main .Improved road, land nearly level, new , 6-room house, good new barn, 1,000 cords of good merchantable cordwood timber, good team, harness and wagon steam wood saw with cross cut attach ment for cutting cordwood, cuts 16 to ,20 cords per day, mile to ran roaa shipping point, on fine level road to Vancouver, Wash.; very easy to pay for this land and more out or tne wood; price now for all 32.050. Farm Bargain 160 acres nearly all level land, good soil;. ISO acres cultivated, balance in pasture with timber for use of farm; running stream or water mrougn iana; can Irrigate part if desired; all fenced and cross fenced; 6-room house; good frame barn;, all outbuildings; ramuy or chard; is situated on good level road, 6 miles out from growing county seat town in Willamette valley with fine schools; 4ft miles to nearest n. k. town with fine schools: 2M miles to boat landing on Willamette river; new R. R. line will run mrougn me rarm and new electric line will run within 2 miles; 4 good mares, 3 colts, 1 2-year- 010, 4 cows, some nogs ana cmcaens; wagon, binder mower, drill, harrow, 2 buggies, 3 sets harness, about 40 tons of hay and small tools; implements all in good condition; leiepnono in me house; good farm, well equipped; 20 acres now seeded on this farm; also two-thirds Interest in 80 acres of wheat and 80 acres of oats sown on another farm; all goes now at 68,600. Henkle & Harrison 217 ABINGTON BLDO. , Oregon. 11,806 FOR 10 ACRE 6N BASELtNR road 6 miles east of Portland, 81,300 caah, balance on time at per cent; J acres cleared and fenced; over SO bear ing fruit trees. 34 per acre for 1.040 acres' of land, fine goat and sheep ranch or good farm land, in state of Waahlnaton. 4 miles from Columbia river and railroad. 666 per acre for 110 acres, close to Oregon City; 60 acres cleared; orchard; 2 wells; 3 creeks; 8-roord house; barn ana granary. Phone F.ast 4286. BTTTCD m. DtrDVD A . I'D it. s r-t , 620 . Union ave., north, near Russell at, TIMBER. CENTRAL OREGON TIMBER. WHEAT and Irrlca eating done. county. Or. and Irrigated land for sale cheap: lo tina done. For Information, address Van Teasel A Davis. Madras. Crook TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Washington, California, JAMES D. LA GET It CO.. . Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. ilt Chamber of Commerce, Portland. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL, cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want nd columns of The Journal. TIMBER CLAIMS 6 TIMBER RE- Unaulshments. 4 homesteads. 8.000.- 00 to 6.000.000 feet pine and fir. First- class location. A-fl, journal. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known tn rough tne want ad columns of The Journal. 3 FRESH MILCH COWS FOR SALE 488 East 18th St.. phone Sellwood 147. Take Woodstock car. FOUR FRESH COWSrBlQ MILKERS. 648 re. Madison st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of . If you have want make it known throuah the want ad columns of The Journal. VICTOR T ALIO NO MACHINES AND records: Btelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay Co., 6th and Morrison its., opp. postofflce. YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS AND music house; repairing. 227 H Btark. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of Theyiournal HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month: special rates to business bouses. 4th and Hawthorn Eaat 72. GOOD SPAN OF HORSES AND wagon at a big bargain; owner going away. Inquire stable 6th and Gliaart, southeast corner. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMB AT ONCI3 AND GET TOU 'A ' good second-hand sewing machine, 2, 86 and 610; must close .them out at once. 818 Main st. - FOR BALE AND EXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE . A QENTLB man's gold watch for a cow. Address R-60, Journal. - wanted T5 " f iU54 a . LadieS' 'gold watch for a cow. Address P-60, Journal. FoiTfeALb 6k exchange v. s. d C. A. reports, new; will trade for law books or lot . 0-80, Jourasl. CLASSIFIED" ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost I cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 8. If you have a want make it known mrougn ins want ad columns of The Journal. VaLIJablB Patent right, it6Js) hold necessity, states of Oregon and Washington for vacant lot or equltv, will put In some cash. Address M-63. Journal. . CHOICE UNINCUMBERED LOTS AT Newport to exchange ior gooa Dorse. 26 Lumber Exchange. WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD, CLEAR lot In fast-rrowlnr coast town for anything we can use; come up and trade with us. 326 Lumber Exchange. BUSINESS CALLS OWNER A WAT, SO ART KERAMIO STUDIO. CHINA PAINTING ana iirin; orners laaen ror Xmas, jnrs, iHTKipy, lu t, Morr. M. 7847. ilAND CARVING TAUOIlf.'DKALER IN pVasl. antique furniture, repairing. 628 W ASSAYERS nmviN rriMinn wpDimnu and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor risoo st WELU L PRbEBStEL. MINING EN- j i . Enim in anil atie veyors. 204 H Washington. Main 7608. AUTOMOBILES COVET eV WALLACE MOTOR CO., .Dis tributors Pierce Great Arrow, full Jew. airo vnrnm ana t aiiiup. mm and Alder. BLANK-HOOK MAKERS HOWB, DAVIS & KILHAM, 109-111 2D i. dooks manuractured; arts, for Jones' Improved Loona-Lenf ersi see tbe r.ew Eureka leaf, the best on the market must sell: trade heat-Da vine room In a house Portland city property. Mutual Realty Co., 306 H Washington. PATENT. WHOLE UNITED STATES', to trade for real estate: blr money maker. Mutual Realty Co., 3 OS ft Wash ington. . rROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT, NO mortgage, for vacant lot or equity In house. PORTLAND INVESTORS' CO.. 268- Stark, room 13, BOOK STORES METER'S BOOK STORE. FORMERLY 226 Morrison, now 289 ist. near Jeff. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B. BIRKENWALD A CO.. 804-306 Ev erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coaat Write for catalogue. PERSONAL Dr. Mary Lane Institute Ex nan treatment riven women and children's ailments by a graduate and licensed lady physician. Maternity cases f lven special attention. Up-to-date san tarlum In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, rooms 6 to 14, Grand theatre bldg.. eor. Park and Wash, eta Phone Main 628. Ladies, si.ooo reward we posi- tlvely guarantee Dr. Southlngton'S Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safs ly relieves some of the longest most obstinate abnormal eases in 8 to 6 days; no barm, pain or Interference witn work. Mall 3l.e0. Louoie sirengm 83.00. Bur of druaeist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept 17, Kan sas City, Mo. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES ADOLPHaT Dekum, 181-18S 1st t carries a full line and complete assortment at lowest market prices. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 286 3D 8T. OF . floe and store fixtures built and re modeled: - showcases and counters. fhone Main rsv. STTtfTJLTdlJFFicE. 6t6rb fix- , tures: general Jobbing. 47 1st st Phone Main 810. FOR GENERAL REPAIRING AND shingling, phone Main 4429. Carpen ter shop at 608 Northrup. CIVIL ENGINEERS. PORTLAND ENG. CO.. CIVIL AND mining englneere. surveyors, aaaavera. draftsmen. 666 Sherlock. M. SJ&0. A-K681. DA NCI NO WESTERN ACADEMY OF DANCING Mulky bide. 2d and Morrison. Prof. W. F. McMInn, lata of Dunver, teacher. Clara baturday ovenlng, 7:30 to 8:30. Social dance 6:30 to 12. Private lea- ons dally l to ft p, PROF-. RINGLER DANCING ACADEMY; a seleot school: clans or private lea- sot)S daily. K K,. Morrison. Phone DOO AND, HORSE HOSPITAL DR. C E. BROWN, D. C. M. DOOH and horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st (Main 4081) W. M. MILLER, V. 8 . VEHEK1NARIAN, 26 N. 8th sL Office 227 Flanders. Phone Main 784. CARNEY'S VETERINARY H08PITAL for horses and cogs. 281 Gllsan st Phone Main 14S4. CARPET CLEANING Chronic Diseases CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL dlaeases of men and women cured oy modern aclentiflo methods; electrlo treatment for diseases of the prostate; I consultation free. Dr. W. i. ttowara. Commonwealth bldg.. 6th st. eor. Tine. STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. Largest plant on coast; I.orlng and Harding sts. ; phone East 180; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process: renovating mattreasea and feathers a specialty VAi.Ari. ,.,.A, 1. riUiLEj unun., rnui'iut,lUKU( Hit Electrlo Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry nnd com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. I'hune Main 272 and A-872. 270 Grant et. DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL fo to your homo; sew by the piece; ts specialty. 27 Knott st. Phone C-1419. Mrs. L. Watts. SANITARY CARPET CLEANiNi;. BL'c- tlon and compressed air combined: carpets cleaned en floor. a . . I m H n n main iivv. Main 6614. THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLKAN Ing works; carpets cleaned refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated 221 E. 21st at. N. East 860. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURINO Mra M. D. Hill. 230 Fleldner bldg. MRS. EMMA J. THOMA8. MODISTE. Tailor-made suits and party gowns a specialty. 68 Wah big. Fan. 727. EXPERIENCED D"RE H 8 M AX li R wlshoa engagements by the day. Miss Larsen. Phone Main 3865; A-3H6S. MME. HOFMAISTER TEACHES FIRST class cutting with gtorey's tailoring system, 570 Couch st. ladles' BANKS TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON.1" I .. .. . rr 1 m . . . ,M . , II jNorinwesi uornar mira ana .. ... v Transacts a General Hanking Business. DRAFTS 1SHUET5 Available In All Cities of the United States and Europe, Hongkong- gad Manila. ColUotlona made on Favorable Terms. -w m,T.vw. President J. C. AINSWORTH I Ceshler. ...... I .... .R. W. SCUM HTH Vice-President...... R. LEA BARNES Assistant Cashier.,,,..,. Yf. A, MULT i Assistant Cashier . .A. M. WRIGHT ' ' , LADD TILTON, BANKERS Portland, Oregon, Establlehed 1363. W. M. LADI. C. H. LADD. J. W. LADIX Transact a General Banking nuslnssa. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Barings books Issued on asvlnKs deposits, Interest paid on time depoalta. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL DANK Portland, Oregon, , ' J. FRANK WATSON... President I R. I DURHAM... Vleo-Presldent R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT. .Assistant Cashier S. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Cashier. - Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued, , Available to All Parts of the World Collections a Specialty. THE BANK OF CA LI FORNIA Established 184. Head Office, Rao Tranolsca. Capital paid up 34.000.000 Kuri,lun and undivided profits 310.163.673 General Banking and Exchange Buoliiess Transacted. Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 310 and up- ward. Portland Branch Chamber of" Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Mnnngor J. T. HURTCHAKLL. . . .Ass't Manager . FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, OroTdpiit National Bank on. PaolOo Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 31.500.000.00. DEPOSITS. $14,000,000.00 h MILI'S Preel lent I W. C. AIA'ORD Asslstsnt Cashier , J W. NEWKIRK Cashier I H K H I EVENS. . .Second Ass't Cashier TRUST COMPANIES SKCURITT 8AVINGS & TRUST CO. 2 Morrison -Street. Portland. Oregon. Transacts a General Banking l!uHln. SAV INGS DEPARTMENT. Inter est allowed on Time and Having A' jrus. ,rt ns Trustee for Estates. . Drafts snd Letters of Credit Avallnl.le on ah l'irts of the World. C. T. ADAMS President I U A I.I.u ih First Vice-President A. U MILLS. . .Second Vice-President 1L C. ji HITZ ..Seoretary GEO. E. RUSSELL AMmunt ficrelary BONDS AND INVKNl'MK.NTS M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Contmirce Building. Municipal, Railroad snd Publl- Service Corporation Bonds. DOWNING-HOPKIN8 COMPANY Eatabllnlicd ln;i;R0KERS. - - r STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold for Cah and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMETU K. Phone Main' 87. rnmeinvl ' Members CMcigo Board of Trade.) - - u, vwav uuuiyauii Cou.-ri I.Mtr. 4th st., near Washington. FIRST-CLASS LADIES' TAILORING and dressmaking on short notice Miss Victoria Mayer. 123 H Hth st L R ES'SMA KI NOBY T HE" bAY. OH taka work home; 31.76 per ds y. A-4 414 MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflo 82. UP-TO-DATB, HIGH-CLASS DRE88 mnklng. 340 4th; Pac. 277, A-4323. MI Sit E a! OPPERMAN, CUSTOM corsetmaker, 425 V4 Morrison St. EDUCATIONAL CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS Dr. Philip T. Ball Nervous and chronio dlsesses of men. women and children: nllaa cured pain- lessly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, paralysis, goiter, cured by sol entlflo methods; electrlo betas, lady at- enoant. foj ith at. corner Bnerman. Hadame Luckey Gives electrlo baths and vibratory treat ments, also scientific massage, scaip na lace treatmenta, chiropody, zuyft ith St., near Salmon. Main 2011. LAST CHANCE PROF. McDONALD, phrenologist, departs Tuesday. Con- ult him now regarding success, every thing; 849 Morrison. Special For a Few Days Only. Your Life, Love or Business 50c 50c $ THE GREAT, THE ONE, THE ONLY Melyta FOR SELECT AND HIGH -CLASS hkrnrwilnsT ttianlrtiirtng' 4tj rek a rA scalp massage, call 210-211 Tllford bldg. Hair and scalp treatment our specialty. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE: electrical alcoholic, medicated and renulne tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., th and Washington. MIBS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 861H Morrison st. to 301 3d st DR. BING CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 181 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. reiner: practical furrier sealskin a .rmenta redyed and remod eied: expert fitter: estlmatee riven lowest prices; open evenings. 63 Wash ington. rnone Main 7JU8 Astral dead trance clairvoyant; no charge If not satisfied when reading la over you to be Judge. I do hereby sol emnly agree and guarantee to make no charge If 1 fall to call you by name In full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals; I promise to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell you how to win the one you most desire, even though miles away; how to aucceed In business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality; remove evil Influences; cures drink habits; locates treasures, mines and oil wells; cures all nervous dis eases. Tells you Just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. 35,000 for any mistake made through following hla advice. He Is permanently located here and absolutely reliable. The Benson ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6th st, near postofflce; central location; pitman rhorthand; expert grad uates: low tuition; day and night school: new pupils dally. W. W. Wil liams, M. 8 , Prln. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland. Or. Write for catalogue. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO., 311 STARK ST. Electric and gas fixtures and supplies, mantels, tiling, urates and doglrons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI- neers, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 84 1st, cor. Stark. Main 66S. K. H. Tate, Max ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 tractors, electric supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install light WESTERN th st Contractors, and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 281 K. Morrison at. Fixtures, wiring, r pairing. East 3128. or B-1626. FAIRBANKS-MORSE MOTORS AND dynamoa. A. C. and D. C 1st and Btark sts. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND P.DND8J. WB DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Prlvste Wire, y-ilck Service. T? RANK A. ROWE High-grade securities broker. A Phone A3478. MORTGAGES, negotiated and sold 013 Buchanan Bldg. GRAND CENTRAL STATIOj TIME CARD. LEA VINO PORTLAND. Shasta Express 8:1 a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger . 4:16 p. m. California Express 7:46 pi m. Ban Francisco Express ....11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grova Paaaanaer ...11 -no m roresi urove I'sssengtr Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTJUantx Oregon Express 7:26 s. m. Cottage Grove Passenger, .11:20 a. m. Shasta Express 7:30 p. m. Portland Express 11:30 p.m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger 6:66 p. nv Sheridan Passenger 10:30 a. so, Forest Grove Psssenger ... 8:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger .., 3:68 p. m. 6;20 p. m. Jefferson Street Depot. 7:40 a. m. II Dallas to Portland ..18:16 m. m. 4:16 D. m. II Dallas In Portland. a-ta n m Oswego-Portland suburban I.eavlne- Pnrtl during morning and afternoon. Last train leaves depot for Oswego at 11:80 p. m. Portland to Dallas Portland to Dallas Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:30 a. m. North Coast A Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overlsnd Express 11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited 7:00 a. a, Portland Express 4:16 jt. m. Overland Express , 8:16 p. m. Puget Sound Limited .....10:66 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City it Chi. Exp. 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 3:00 a. m. Cht., Kan, City & Port Ex., 1:46 a. m. Chicago-Portland Bpeclal '.. 8:20 p.' m. Local Passenger 6:16 p. nv. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp.. 8:00 a. m. PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. FURNACES BAUGE A JOHNSON FURNACE CO.. only agents on Pacific coast for Thatch er furnace. Will guarantee to heat your nouse. Phone E. 6008. 08 E. uiay. Astoria & Seaside Express. 8:00 p. m Canadian Pacific Railway Co, C. P. R. Short Line, via rpok. 7:00 p.m. Via Beat. Vic. & Vancouver. 4:S0p. m. Via Humas 11:46 p.m. . II Astoria Port Passenger. 12:18 p. m. II Portland express 10:00 p. to. C. P. R. Short Line, vlafipok. 8:00a.m. . Via Van, Vic. and Seattle... 4:15p.m. lVlj Humas and Seattle.... .10:66 p. m. MONEY TO LOAN SECOND-HAND TEAM HARNESS FOR sale. Keller Harness Co.. 6th near Da via. SEVEN HEAD OF HORSES FOR sale; also cord wood. Nobby stables. 12th and Flanders. 6100 TAKES TEAM OF LARGE WORK horses. Inquire S07 20th St., near Jefferson, fnone main 436. FOIl SALE HORSE, HARNESS AND GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV- els, eta; German. English, Frenoh. Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all Kinds. Schmale Co., 229 First st wagon for 375. and Flanders. Nobby Stables, 12th WOOL UNDERWEAR Ideal Chicken Ranch . Nothing; better on the market for the money. . 60 acres, 15 acres under culti vation, about 10 acres more slashed and seeded to grass; new house, large cel lar, woodshed fullof woo for winter, barn, 3 chickenhouses; good family or chard; all fenced and cross fenced, 1 about 700 cords of standing timber, which can be disposed of at a good fig ure: personal property. 1 horse and double set of harness, 1 cow, 1 heifer. 160 young chickens, about 16 tons of hay In barn, farm wagon, hack, single buggy, harrow, 2 plows, cultivator, gar den drill,-hand cultivator and a lot of other small tools; 1 incubator, 2 brood- .ers, about 80 sacks of potatoes; some apples, 200. quarts of home-canned fruit; all household furniture which is nearly all new, among them a 366 steel range. This place is 14 miles from Portland, 4 Miles from Oregon City, about IVi miles from streetcar; will sell all this property for 32,400, 31,700 cash will handle it! must be sold by November 14. Otto; Crockett fc Harkson' xas-ja 1st ROCKWOOD'S STANDARD WOOL UN DERWEAR, MADE CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1863. IN NATURAL GRAYS, CAMELS' HAIR, SCARLET, WHITE WOOL AND FANCY COLORS; WAS AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI TION, PORTLAND, OR.; ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT; BUY THE BEST. TAKE NO OTHER. WHOLESALE DE POT. FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO PORTLAND. OR. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In-' sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want, ad columns of rne journal. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism, sold by all druggists, IRON BED $2.60, SPRINGS 31-35, MAT- tress l.bu, dresser xi.bu, mantel oea 35.60. Anstey 3ros.. 825 1st. fao. l70. 18-FOOT HARDWOOD COUNTER. Ring up Main 4280, or call 313H 1st ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN women, children: cancers and femaje sickness permanently cured; sure cure for spinal meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom well sanitarium, 127 N. 12th. Main 5478 WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO cure eczema and piles or any skin disease. Wells Eciema and Pile Rem edy. Write for booklet free. Address W. F. Wells, box 89. Boise. Idaho. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE: Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; 31 a bo, 6 ror 35; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenaon Drug Co., Portland, Or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of . If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. LADIES! J)R. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. MRS. OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET batn, rait glow, cream massage; ref erences. 282 H Park. Main 2403, A-2734. EXPERIENCED WRITER WANTS literary work of any kind, the writing of difficult and Important letters a spe cialty. Mrs. Fethera. 81H 3d st. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone Bellwood 8. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS, delivered. 32.25 Der load. Phone Main E683. 3 WE WANT YOUR TRADE. 3 Ueadauarters for stoves and ranges; all, kinds, all sixes: anything, every thing bought and sold. The Dollar, 232 1st S. H. Barger. 3 3 3 3 3 FT STOVE DOCTOR. 3 3 3 We repair, we move, we set up, we take down, we buy. we sell or trade stoves and ranges; fire water colls made and put In. S. H. Barger, 232 1st Main 6374. A-2327; work guaranteed. ONE-HORSE DUMP CART FOR SALE. Almost new. Can be seen on o. w. P. dock, eaat end Madison Street bridge. Apply room 6, Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' ENGLISH SETTER PUPS BY CHAM ' plon imported Llngfield Bragg (Ex), Dorrls Rodfield, registered stock; price. 220.- Address p. j. None, i7 etn st. ONE GOOD LAUNCH HULL, 3126. One 60-foot launch, $2,700. Wanted, several launches to fill orders. Heyes Engins oV Launch Co.. 171 Madl s on at, phones Main 74'Qg. Home A-8367. THOROUGHBRED SPITZ . PUPS. 1 males and females. Oak Grove station, or Y-60," Journal, " . FOR SALE A FINE PARLOR GRAND piano, little used, for less than half price. H. Hlnshelmer. 73 3d st. FOR 8 ALE VERY PRETTY HOUSE boat This Is a bargain and the way for a party of young men to save mon ey. 606 Chamber of Commerce, Mala 163.' . - '- - v- ' ' - AIREDALE PUP; - BENCH WINNING stock; 336. Address fi 03 journal. ,. Specialist J. J. O'Keefe Portland's successful cancer curer, cures when all others fall. Room 824, Qoodnough bldg., 6th and Yamhill. 2li Morrison. Cor. 5th. Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. FREES FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of my CONSULTATION RHADINGS. Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clalr GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELKC trlc equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 18 Morrison. SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY propeller. Fa I rbn n ks. Morse It Co., HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co., 74 th. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 110 TO JlOOj NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY.' LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDG.. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED AVn SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY HOTELS ISS'Su a'fftilVof ! BfstVnvSuJ'ftrn HOTEL EATON EUROPEAN. WEST SamealindfwhatyoufecaIlld "foghorn I Park and MorrlHon. Kate. 2100 and up. you will marry, how to control the one you love, even thouah miles away: re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others advertise to do. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sunday bldg., Wash., near Park st Phone Main I -'B Y. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. PROF. NIBLO. In order that all may have the oppor tunity o consult mm, reaaings reaucea tnis weeic to tne NOMINAL SUM OF 31.00. 803 H WASHINGTON ST. SEE THE Prophetess Viola Marshfleld. 268 V, Morrison st. Tne cosmos, between sa and 4th. MRS. STEVENS, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's leading palmist and clair voyant For a reliable reading call upon this gifted seeress. Develops and teaches occult science. xammii. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 325 Main st, 26c. Phone Main 7548 DR. SANDERSON'S CO. SAVIN AND Cotton Root Pills. Sure remedy for delayed periods. Trial box, 31. Regular else 32," by mall. Dr. Pierce. 181H 1st st SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c Ladles' skirts pressed, 60a Gil bert, 106 H Sixth st. next to Quelle. r-none Mam iubs. CLEANING AND DYEING THE HEILIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN lng work of all kinds In our line. 543 H wasn gt A-tYU3. Mam 8855 CLEANED AND PRESSED. Unique Tailoring Co., HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure ours for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladies days, gentlemen nights. Main ikds. MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE, scalp treatment R. 14, 268 H Morr' an. "THE 8NOWDEN BATHS." 145H 8T1I at, rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, electric treatments. L,nav attendant CLOTHES 31 per month. toy EtarK st. E W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2613. THE PERFECTION LADIES' AND gentlemen s clothes cleaned and pressed perfectly. 761 H Washington. SCHULZ & HOLY, TAILORS. CLEAN lng and pressing. M. 8390, 143 19th. CLEANING, DYEING AND PRESSING for ladles and gentlemen. The Favor ite, 425 Morrison. Main 8308 BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 308 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU- nate gMria; good care. 8 Mllner bldg, MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS nair removed. Mrs. Hill. 880 Fleldner. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- .mcntj-oangrnrr. E68H Mor.. room 62. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALa, diseases, 826 K. Belmont Eaat 4034. MANICURING, TUB BATHS AND massage. llOH 4th st, cor. wasn DOLL HOSPITAL NOW OPEN FOR business, at 423H Morrison st GENTLEMAN, TEMPERATE. CHRIS tlan, plenty of means, desires ac quaintance refined ladyl -object matri mony. -61, Journal. A WORKINGMAN. 861; WISHES TO meet a lady: object matrimony. Ad dress Box C-82, Journal ATTORNEYS PIOGOTT, KINCH A BIGGER, ATTOR- neys st law, 4 Mulkey bldg.,' corner 2d and Morrison sts. Interstate adjustment Co., law collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130. A, 1L TANNER, ATTY 609 COMMER- t lal block, 2d and Wash. - Main 144. FR4NK C. HESSE. FENTON BLDG. LACE CURTAINS DONE UP. CALLED for and delivered, 36o pair. Prompt work. Main 630. COAL AND WOOD SLAB WOOD, BIO LOAD, 32. UNION FUEL CO.. Foot of Montgomery st. -Phone Main 2143. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood Coal Co.. 16th and Savler sts. , PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLAB wood Co., 866 Front st Dealers in sawdust and slab wood. Phones Main and A 1386. SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR SLAB wood to Oregon & Washington Lum ber Co., foot of Hamilton ave. Phone Main 2163. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan. 33, 36 day. HOTEL OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL IMPERIAL, EUR., 31 AND UP. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. HELLEVUE. EUR. 4TH AND SALMON. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE 844 Sherlock bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LIA bility and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mo Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF. 56 WASH. FINE SPECTA cles 60c. Elgin watches 35. Repairing. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY, 428 Mohawk Bldg., Advances money urlvately to all re liable employes from 310 to 3100 on short notice, without mortgage, on their promise to pay, returning the amount In small weekly or monthly payments, as earned. We write the best and cheapest salarv loan note In the city, Most reliable discount If paid before due. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON SAL- arles. Insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de servina person mav secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments, NEW ERA LOAN He MORTGAGE COM PANY. 205 Ablngton Bldg. LEATHER AM) FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK & CO.. FRONT and Oali sts., leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. , LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH, UMBRELLA REPAIR Ing. Dave's, Washington, corner 12th. LAND 8CRD? WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved rorest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO pie and others upon their own names without security; cneapesi races, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton Bldg. 106 H 3d st. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may need, come In and tell us about It; everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable rates. W. W. SMITH & CO., 250 H Alder, cor. 3d. Room 1. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 3d st, near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable: any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and seal-Skins. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or cltv property. H. E. Noble. Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. MUSICAL LESSONS 60c PIANO, GUITAR, banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin, 4 3 1st, cor. Ash Piano i n, organ i NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Uoc.,s& nussei Diag. voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. FROM NEW YORK CONSERVATORY, thorough and competent piano teacher. Mrs. Brewster. 201 13th. Main 4039. PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET, TROM- bone. Clarinet, r-roiessur u, a. ouiuu. 292 12tn st. tiomeAj. EMIL TIIIELHORN, PUPIL OF PROF. Otakar Revclk, violin and viola teacher. 334 Piira- Tel. Pacific 2989, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO JESSE Parker, lessons In clous or private. Tllford bldg.. loth anil Morrison, MRS. WHIGHAM. R. A. M., LONDON, concert singer, accompanlut. Studioa Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor. Main 3328. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see Hutton crean co. 612 Dekum bldg. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coet 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want M columns of I he Journal OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen, If yon are In trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult m. Yean convince you that I can help you -by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackia, 850 H Morrison et Room 10. Pbone main isiv or A-lSff. DR. LILLEBELLb PATTERSON', SPfiT clallat on nervous, acute and chronio disease. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1180. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE kum bid.. 3d and Waahlnvfnn -t- Phone Main 343. Examination free.' PUDLIO STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR & DUFUR, 804 WELL8-FARGO bldg. Phone A-6336; largest and most complete stenographlo office In west. FA YE KANDLE, 4J6 . SHERLOCK bldg.. 3d and Oak. TYPEWRITING EVENINGS SPECIFI- cations. legal doc s, abstracts. E. 3494. PATENTS PATENT8 SOLICITED WASH. ATTT., expert advice free. A. J. Matter, 613 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. PRINTING OGILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS, Diiineaas, etc. Mam 1858. Ie4H lat. BEATTIE & HOFMANN. ZQi Btark. Main 1637. PRINTERS. ROOFING TIN ROOFING, 212 Jefferson st. GUTTERING. RE- pairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll. Pacific 1424. BAUGE & JOHNSON, TINNERS ANDi roofers, cornice and blow pipe work. , Phone Eust 6003. 408 E. Clay. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND ' loans: established 1883. 14&U room 11. SPHINX AGENCY. DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 205 U Starlc t. Main 8164. . OR FARMS OF EVERY J3ESCRIP tlon. W. W. Esoev. SIS Commercial . DIUg. W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL' estate ana rents collected, up let St RUDDER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, P. y- col OLHrjrt. AtJlV 1JU7. ' SURVEYORS. LOANS TO SALARIED . EMPLOYES holdlna- permanent positions: cash for trades of any kind. Fidelity Loan & Trust Co., room 10. Washington bldg. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. B. W. lung, to vv uttiuiiuu mug. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. William HolL room 9, Washington bldg. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND INVESTORS' CO., 268 Stark, room 13, SALARY LOAN8 STRICTLY CONFI dentlal; easy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 286 H Washington st. ' WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. 1.1 T WtKTfPa . j-is-i Wood and coal. 181 East -Water st. FOR QUICK DELIVERY - Oregon Fuel co.. 834 Aioer. PHONE MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO., WOOD AND coal. 360 Water st Phone Main 8270. BEST WOOD IN CITY AT THE PRICE. quick delivery. Call 812 Couch bldg. COAL INDEPENDENT COAL It ICE Co.. 3S3 Stark. Main 780. B1I.1RV I1ANSI.flWFST TJ A TS1 AT PROF. T. E. LAWSON, 168 12TH. ST. Employes' Loan Co.. 716. Dekum. Piano lessons reasonapie. Mam 4i.. , ijnKKv TO LOAN ON REAL ESf AlF LOUIS A. CREITZ. TEACHER OF VIO- chattel mortgaees or personal - a. lln. 211 Sherman, corner isi. rac. curlty; notes bought. U W. Pallett, 804 Fenton oiog. MINIXG ENGINEER. PORTLAND ENG. CO., CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assayers. draftsmen. 546 Sherlock. M. 8200, A-6681. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY, 268 1ST., PORT land's leading marble and granite wka, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaxlng. 136 1st st Phone 1331. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dek,UM PAINTING AND PAPERING P. A. DOANE MOVED TO 104 UNION ave.. near E. wash. - TeL East lose, PLUMBERS FOX CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 331 2d, bet Jlaln and Salmon, Oregon phone Main 3001.' ' DONNERBERG RADEMACHER ' tiii moed to No. 303 Burnsiue at. PORTLAND ENG. CO.. CIVIL AND mining engineers, surveyors, assayers. draftsmen. 666 Sherlock. M. 8200. A-6681. WARREN CONSTRUCTION , Ca Street paving, sidewalks and cross lngs. 814 Lumber Exchange. . THE BAftBER ASPHALT PAVING COT of Portland. Office 655 Worcester blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke DdaDufactur- Ing Co., Portland. -. - THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG- CO., showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couch st. Paclflo 318 1 R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. "Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bid SAFES . -; ... . .' Portland weo.?foyaicHr$ for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safes and . Manganese Steel Safe Ca's bank s t-m; 30 eecond-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap, gee. them or write o. 82 7th st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE .' 6Ahi i Lara-e lines carried Lock-on I oi-"t Jaeka. lalla,,.'' metal' furnitur. Until J. K. TtvlH, 6 ? ! MANGA N'fe'SE SlKKI, (oriainal) fire t - fronts. The W'wl'f TAXID TAKW PJ" i i-