THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL). PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVfft?:TO, NOVEMBER 9. r 1007. 10 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St., bet 3d Er 4th TJ Journal cine ARTHUB W Tint Raprcntativ. NEW TODAY. i ', . UNDERTAKERS . HELP ' WANTED MALE ' WANTED AGENTS ; - - -i n i . .- - n .-. -, - ., - i" - - - n -i n -i - n i J. P. FIN LET SONS. ID AND MA DI MM at. Offlo . of county eorooor, Phono Mala I. T liicSiSToCic FUNERAL DI roetor. Hast Jlth and Umatilla, Phono ftollwnod Tl. I-aoy assistant. Punning?"": Sentee"". oiEBaToIC aiHlartakara and amhalmora; modern la varv datall. Seventh and Ptn. Main 410. Lad aaalatani. ErTTkIon-OSDhrtakinq ca. and at. Main LOTS $85 V$!l Down J5 Moithly RAILWAY ADDITION sat and sure investment. 600 LOTS from which to make . selection. PERFECT TITLE GUARANTEED. CLEARING-HOUSE CERTIFICATES. ; - CURRENT CHECKS. - BANK ACCOUNTS, all ac cepted at par. There is no better way in which to accumulate your savings than an investment in first-class realty like this at the terms offered. Lambert-Whitmer ' Company , 404 EAST ALDER ST. 107-108-109 Sherlock Building, Corner Third and Oak. embalming. 409 Aider (133, Lady assistant. eLlKH- H V RN ES CO., FUNERAL DI rectora, einhnlmers, 27$ Ruaaell. East 108. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM A N. UNDERTAKER. 210 Id at. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW-SINGLE GRAVES. Sit: family lota. 10x16. for 1100. and upwards, according to alia; tha only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintain and rarea for lota. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenal. Worcester block. W. M. iJiild. president hose ciTV-KTsoLic graVeS. $To. family Iota, 126 to $7. buperiniena- nt at cemetery, corner or Kramont il and Cully road. I'hona Tabor 20(. For fi ll Information apply to Frank RchlagoL til Worcester blk. rnone Aim. MEN AND BOTS WANTED. TO learn plumbing, plseteiing, brieklay- ii way ana nignt clae; rraa nm ogu; positions aooura; no book learn ng. Coyn Trad School, 210-140 (in to otart, and npportunlllaa for aa vancamant ara offered In tha fadaral fovernment to young men of ability, repar with ua. Pacific State School. MrKr I) Ida;. CLASSIFIED AfcA IN tl.E JOt'BNAC coat 1 cent par counted word. 7 ln aertlona for tha price of (. If you have a want make It known through tha want ad column of The Journal. CAL WlNB DEPOT. HEADQUARTERS for cook a a nd h 1 per 14 4th a t NKAT APPEARING lOLlCITORI. ateady position: aalarv and commle- slon. Tba Wardrobe. 147 Sd . A HOME COM PANT LOW PREMIU rataa and high caah value make tha poiica or me. Columbia laii 4t itubi Ca easy- to aelL AddIv to Jaaaa R, Sharp, manager of agent. Ila Lumber e.cnange Difl. AcikN'iBWANTttt 0AW V6tt fcELt goodar If ao we need you: eomplet outfit free: caah weakly. Write for. choice 'of territory. Capital City Nur-1 aery company, rialem. or. LADT AGENTS WANTED TO SELL :so article: aella in every home: you rommiaiion il to liv per day: aampi 10c; It will aurprlae you. L. C. Nichol aun a Co.. ' Urpnflld. O. WANTKIX- TO KENT We SECURTSIisltToNH for Mem- nera; eneclal membership fx. r. M. C A. S I'M I A LIST KOR MEN ONLYFEES w!M accord with electrical flndlnna on fro 'Xainlnatlrn, niedlclnea dlapeneed. Ir Madlaon. 76IH Alder, room 14. IV' A STfiE D tVli MEN OF ABILITY, permanent poaltlon, ateady advance ment. Call 10 to 12 a. m., room 10 Inii-Kn hldg., 7th and Main ata,., Van couver, Waah. Fl'NKICAL NOTK. LABBK KrlwidH ar" reapectfully ln- vlie.i to ultcnd the funfiHl acrvicca or the late Marguerite Loulne Ijibbe, which will be held m the Calvary 1'reaby terliin church, corner Eleventh and t. Iny atreelH. Hi I.3H p in., Hatiinlay. No vember 9. Interment Rlvervlew ceine- ery. SHORT November K. at Merlin. Ore gon. Werle Edwin Hhort, aged 13 yeara. only on of Charlea E. Short, re: cently of Portland. Frlenda Invited to attend funeral aervlce at Klnley'a chapel Hunday, 2 p. m. Interment at Rlvervlew. BBEHHRR8 IN TAILOR SHOP, EXPE- rlenced. 207 commoi'wenitn biug. ,,wiH PAY MEN WANTED KVEftY- wlierc to tack algna, dlatrlbuta clrcu larn. namplea. etc. No canvassing. Na tlonul Hint. Bureau. Chicago. HI. WAN I KI ) SOLICITOUS. MALE AND female. nlppl ae. Call 2 to 4 p. m. 6&X Mlnala- WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT. hoviea, ate. Landlorda will do wall to rail on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEOON. Phone El. 71. a K Cor. Id and Oak. CLASSIFIED ADA IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In aertlna for the price of 6.. If you have a want make it known through tha want ad columrie Of The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND UOAKD CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL . coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In aertlonx for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The .Tournnl. WANTED PLACE TO WORK FOR board and go to achool; are 14. Ad- dreMW P. (I. lock box 4H. Sheridan. Or South Portland Heights Beautiful residence site on the west side of the river, 12 min utes' ride from center of the city. Lots from $525 to $675 On easy terms; small payments down and; small monthly pay Tnents secure you a lot for a home or investment. Take car at Sec ond and Morrison and get off at Flower and Corbett. . J. MAR GULIES, agent, on ground week days . and Sunday. Main 2757. HOlA)MII-ln this i Ity Nov. . at the residence of her eon. Lr. Oirtls Hol comb, 21 ( Bellwood bt.. lorena Holcomh. aged 66, 7 montha and I daya. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at I p. m., Sunday. No vember 10. Frlenda Invited. MEETING NOTICES NOTICI-J MEMBERS OF MORNINO Star Homestead I2. B. A. Y., reueKl ed to meet promptly at 7:S0 at lodge room; Important business. , J. DEMICK. Foreman. M. W. A. EVEROREEN CAMP. M(. meet a Wednesday evening. Allaky blda.. Id and Morrison sts. M. W. A. OREOOfS 5RAPE CAMP NO. 0.I7S. Mondays, Visitors welcome. 17th and Marahall. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main MIL . L C HBiRlfcHflg C6.. JeU'elerT and optlclana. 1K4 Washington at NOTICES NOTICE MEETING NOTICE THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Roaaland and Deer Park Mining company will be held at the office of the company, roofhs 44 and 45, Washing ton bldg., southeast corner of Fourth and Washington ata., Portland. Or., on Friday, Nov. 15. 107, at 10 o'clock a, m. D. HOLIB COHEN. President. Attest: 8. W. KINO, Becretary. Port land. Or . Nov. R. SPECIAL NOTICE Title Guarantee Trust Co. deposlt- fira. A meeting of bona fide depositors n the Title Guarantee & Trust Co. will be held on 8unda afternoon. November 10. at 2:30 at Eagle's hall, corner Sec ond and Yamhill sta. Only genuine de positors showing bank books will be admitted. By Committee of Depositors. WEATHER BEPORTi An immense high pressure area over lie tha north Pacific atatea and fair weather prevail nearly everywhere in tha Rocky mountain and Pacific states. A disturbance of decided character la central over Lake Superior. It has ,aailgtMl tin ata t fled weather in the north ern state east of the Mississippi river. CLASSIFIED ADS lH THE JOl'RNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of . If you have a want make It known through the want fid columns of The Journal. LOST AND FOUND. CLASSIFIED AD8 IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word, 7 In aertiona for the price of 0. If you have a want muk It known through the want ail columns of The Journal. H. MeUgcr, proprietor. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned m a a r a a r.t , . but mo far th. rainfall attenafng this m,. a"w1"'" . ji I..... I... a, Ilrh. anil scat. C" .a-.. . ' terlng. The 1 barometer ia relatively low ovei- outhern California and Ari toiia and relatively high over the east Gulf states. The temperature has. rlaen in tha Missouri valley and failed over the lower Mississippi valley. It la alao colder in tha Canadian northwest, but elsewhere the changes In temperature lnee yesterday hare been unimportant. The Indicatlona are for fair weather In this district tonight and Sunday. Temp. ' Max. Min. Preclp. Chieago 111.. 48 Cincinnati, Ohio 4 Denver, Colo., ..... 62 Kansas City, Mo... 6 loa Angeles. Cal.. . 72 good stamp saddle hand wanted for country. Charlea !. Mas tick Co., wholesale leather, Front and Oak sts MAN WITH REFERENCE TO SOLICIT and collect; experienced man to go with you and teach you the business; opi-ortunlty for promotion to good sal aried position aoon. Call T. M. A., care U II. Hmlth. Cochran blk . St. Johns. Or. WANTED FINANCIAL. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITB FROM Charley Lee. tl N. Id at. Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first class. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Hansen's Ladles' Agency l.lh Washington, Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phones Main and A-IJ. Help supplied free of charge to em- fdoyers, Correspondence solicited. Iteg atrstlon free. Hansen's Ladies' Agency WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ Well shirts and Boas of All overaila at 76 1st st. ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 26 FOR poaltlon with wholesale house; expe- rlence unnecessary. T-2t, JonrnaL CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through tha want ad rolumna of The Journal. DAY NURSERY. 1 N. 6TH ST., CHIL dren of working women cared for at 10c per day. East bide female employment Office. 12IH Grand ve. WANTED GIRL KOR GENERAL housework. German preferred; good pay. Call at 300 Park at., corner Co lumbia TAILORESS WANTED MC8T HAVE experience: ateady position. Ben Selling. Leading Clothier. OPERATORS ON PANTS. KXPEKI- enced, 207 Commonweann oiog. LADY WITH CAPITAL TO FINANCE retail buslnesa branching into Whole sale trade. No competition, Vlarge profltH. J-82. Journal WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. 181 E. ltth at. Tel. East 1693. WANTED TWO WOMEN TO MAKE beds, $30 per month and room. Heney house, 26 'N. 8d St. WANTED LADY COOK FOR SMALT, country hotel. Apply 10&H North Bth. WANTED LADY THAT CAN PLAY piano some or tune mandolin. L-61, Journal. A GOOD WILLING GIRL KOR LIGHT housework In small fumlly. 450 5th. GOOD WAGES. GOOD HUM E FOR girl for general housework. Pacific 23. MALE AND FEMALE HELP New York, N. Y 62 Phoenix, Arl., . . . 72 Portland. Or 61 Ft. Louis, Mo 64 St Paul. Minn 46 Salt Lake, Utah. . . 66 San Francisco, Cal. 78 Banta Fe. N. M. . bt 38 38 28 40 68 42 68 44 38 34 36 52 34 .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 FOUND AT 128 5TH ST.. A LARGE assortment of genuine Scotch suitings st popular prices. The owner by call ing on Mr. S. D. Wills Is guaranteed a perfect fit. LADY'8 GOLD WATCH WITH PIN; initials "A. N." on watch, please re turn 565 Horn! st. receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN crease their earning capacity; w have helped thousands, let us help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL, 4H 6th st. Open Evenings. I HAVE A PARTY WHO WILL OIVE excellent city residence jiroperty as security for $800 for one year, and will pay I per cent. Inquire J. D. Morris between and 11 a. m. New Occldent al hotel, 1st and Morrison sta. CLASSIFIED AD8 IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. T In sertion for the price of fi. If you have a want make It known through the want ad column of The Journal. WANTED A LOAN " of iJ.nooTo 14.000 on fine new home. Address V-2. Journal. $1,000 FOR 1 OR 2 YK A RS WANTED 8 per cent thorns ave. Good s cur Ity 421 Haw- Phone East 62C0. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city property. What have rou for aaleT Come and Hat It at once, or we have th purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON OREOON REALTY COMPANY. 108 Second at.. Portland. Or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE 'JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. It you hsve a want make it known through the wantadenlumn of The JourmH. I HAVE CASH AND WANT BARGAIN In good modern home. Answer giving full particulars; owners only. U-61. Journal. FURNISHED ROOMft-i-FOR RENT FURNISHED r AND IfNFURNISHKD room to rent, and alao housekeeping suites: phone Main 4610. THREE . FURNISHED OR UNFllR- nlahud rooma for rent; reasonable tirlo. JOT Lincoln at. .Tortf oWlDirn6oMH. ' ilEATlob, lectrlo lights, free phons. Pac. 21)81, 0W 2d. unfurnished rooms. (II Winters St., take W-R car. THE NEWCASTLE, ID AND HARRI- aon sts. Furnished housekeeping roams, alao Mingle rooms, reasonable. Moln 800. yW6 FURNISHED llOUSEKEEPING rooma, 443 Bth St.. phone Pacific 801. HOUSES VOn RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADS IN THK JOURNAL t Icent per counted word. T ln sertlons for th price of 6. If you have want make it known through th FOR RENT FARMS - CLASSIFIED ADS IN THK JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word, T In sertlooti for th price of . If you have as want make ft known thnough th want ad columne of The Journal. FoTTRENtfHI-kCRia DAlRf FARM") with f acre nop, at ttoon err on river and carllne. Address Myers, Aurora, Or., routaH. errv, Jofln FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED IADS IN THE JOURNAL oost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of I. If you have H want mage it want Jid column HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modem convenience a. Phone Main I860. known throuah -the of The Journal. RESORTS want ad columns of Th Journal HoTSE FOR BENT, FURNITURE FOR sale: party soma east. 7 k. corner HMh at. Oak, ROOMS AND BOARD CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cort 1 cent per counted worn. 7 ln- aertlona for the price of 6. If you have want ninke it known through th want ad columns of The Journnl. 11 E COLONADE. ROOM AND BOARD, all latest cenvenlencea. ltth end Couch. I RN1SHED ROOM WITH CONVN I -ent board, reasonable, on good car line. Phone B-1332, or call 1037 Bel mont, mornlnga. CASTLE EDEL BRAU. (Twelve. Mile moum) Most unique and best road houae la th wast : kitchen sunnllad from our farms; first-clsss1 goods; Port land price. Fred T. Merrill, originator. FOB SAILE REAL ESTATB it y'ou- would Like to own "a horn, "Just Ilka you want It." locat ed on -lovely -corner lot on bloct from ear Una, , In beautiful Sunnyaida, mark It out on piece of paper, brine It to tha owner and we will draft It to a working; plan, build for you "your horn" and sell ssm' to you on your own terms, 231 Worcester bldg. Lota lit -f 6 lio-cLosi to seLL- wood. Level, no stone; also acreag In him locality; I acres beaverdaan. P. O. box 1, Portland. ' CedarTille Park Acres Best land, reaaonable price, easy terms. Room 10. 142 Id at:. Portland. VOllidALliJ-a-ACRli TRACT ILaMU . all cleared. 4 miles east or Monta Villa, 100 feet from Mount Hood su vev and near two carllne. also- hous new barn, chicken houae, furniture, tools, chickens, and pigs; all for 11,660; part caah, balance easy payments. Ad- ur se, ' THE BEST your SHlai Ireaham, Or. PART SPECIAL STORE SALES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL ct 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for th price of 6. If you have want make ft . known through th want ad columns of The Journal. EtOSEDALE SELECT, PRIVATE boarding house, large, aunny, newly u ml shed rooms. 404 Madison, corner enth. HE CLAY. BOARD AND ROOM, $6 and 15.60 per week, single or cn suite. 20 2d. cor. Clav. Pacific 1801. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING LAS8IFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of . If you have want mage it known inrougn m stit a.) columns of The Journal. HE Ml'JVHr.i.l. JiUlJHKKEEP.NO and transient rooma, reaaonable. itn nd Flanders sts. 1 2.1 WEEK UP CLEAN FURN- Islied housekeeping rooma, natn. sundry, furnace heat. yard. 303 tanton at. u car . BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED INVESTORS TO , KNOW tne American Mining -ayndlcata. Of flee, 20-21 ' Labb bldg., have secured several of the best gold, sliver, copper aim ieaa minea in America. They alo manufacture tne i best mining and wu ter power machinery In th world Their mines and machinery all pool, I. e., all proflta from operation of mlnes and sal of machinery, go into the treasury to pay dividends on atocka. CLASSIFIED ADS IN TTTK JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for th price of 6. If you hsve a want mnka It known through tha want ad columns or The Journal. GtJOlKPAYINunBUSiNESS FOR SALE owner leaving, city. Inquire of clerk iiotei iiood, corner fth and Everett at AN ELEGANT. NEWLY FUAtflBHEft restaurant, with large eatabllshed trade; 4 rooma, on living room and large naeemeni in city; no rent to nor: cash only; reason for selling par- lie. t a u ra leaving city. Inquire Colllnge res nt. 4th and Clay sta. PHOTO STUDIO IN GOLLrENDALE: 1.60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, isuo- ry snd bath. 134 Shurman St., aooih. ortland. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOIIHEK EKr- Itij? tooms for rent, elpctrlc llgnta. ns 497 ( oiumliln st. riione i-nc. mhi. IRNIHHED HlM'SKKK E P I N ( rooms, ustf of laundry, bath, pnone. ot and cold water; 3 blocks from car- line; gls per month. Phone Pac. 1000. WANTED M ISCELLA N EO US WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods snd guarantee best prices. Call. ?hone or write. S. J. A L Rubenateln, 76 Front at., oppoaite National hotel. Pacitio 1401. WE PAV MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, lWal. 5658. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for seeond-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 3518. M ODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 511 Gllsan at FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUH nlNhed housekeeping rooms; light, gas. bath 6f, 21st St., N.. near Woslv Wash.. (2.000 ' population), fitted to 8x10 old mission reception room, cen tral location, good light, rent and water tie; chemical poison compel me to ult. 1160 spot cash takes It. Mrs. L. Moore, Goldendsle, Wash. FIRST CLAPS DRUGGIST WITH good references and business capabil ity; chance of lifetime to right man. K-60, Journal. KOR RENT STORE ROOM SUITABLE for flrst-cjass barber ahop. alao for first-class barroom (liquor license In cluded In rental). In t-atnry brli-fc bulld oppnalte Commercial club bldg. Inquire on premises. ' WHAT WILL YOU GIVE FOR CITY liquor license? M-61, Journal. UNFURNISHED ROOMS CLASSIFIED Ad1T'Tn"tHE JUl'RKAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal BEST LOGUER SHOES MADE TO order. Union made ehoea In stock. Err.est Claus. 352 Gllsan. RAZORS. KNIVES. SCISSORS TO grind. Karlson Co.. 351 Ankeny. M. 6260 SPOT CASH FOR FURNITURE; prompt attention alwaya given. E 1067. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV age A Pennell. 345-247 1st. Pac. 360. IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OK eell your furniture for cash, phone East 5204. 36S Hawthorne. Wanted children to care for. good motherly care given; best expe rience. 304 E. Washington at. Phone B-12A8. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR AIL kiods of second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st. Pacific 1411. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent rer counted woid. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want id columns of The Journal. CLASSIFIED AD8 IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED A NICE HOME. GOOD Lo cation, within 2 blocks of Kood carllne will pay $5.0(0 or more in Oregon Trust a Savings bank deposit F-61, Journal. VOll RENT HOUSES NEW LOWER 4-ROOM FLAT, UN furnlshed, $16; furnished $22. Two good furnished tooms In cottage. $15. Two well furnished rooms. $8 month. Above west side of liver. 6-room house with barn, orchard und berries, in sub urbs, $15 month. Coast Realty Co.. 220 Morrison. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 ln uertions for the price of . If you have a wart make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. TO RENT NINE ROOM HOUSE, E Washington st.; nice grounds, goou A COMPLETE DRAYAGE BUSINESS; finest equipment In th city; busi ness long established; paying good money; will sell at Inventoried price for quick sale. The Spanton Co., 170 Btark. IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS OF ANY description that will stsnd Investi gation, we have buyers waiting our personal Inspection. W. H. Morehouse. 420 Lumber Ex. bldg.. Phones Main 8284; A-604S. dress Box 108. rout 1. BANK PUT PART OP - arv each month In real estate and you'll never lose; $26 down and th balance easy on 4Z6 lot. auxivo; gn cludea all Improvement, graded steet, city water-and cement walk and, curb. x JLi. Journal, CLOS E-1 N ACREAGE TRACTS FOR sale, east side; cultivated, car aervtce: clearing hous certificates taken; great bargain. Call at Msgulre'a, 806 Union av. North, near Falling st. MODERN 7-ROOM, OR WILL EX change for one or two cottagea. Phone owner, Bellwood 424. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LDT 40x )0o. full concrete basement, close to carllne; price $2,400; owner Is lesving country and wanta to dispose of prop erty quickly; $1,000 down, balance with interest. VV. W. Eapey, tit Commer cial blk. ANTHONY HARDT. UNNTON, OR, residence and bualnese lota, water front and factory ait; fans and tlm hr land. Filley Park To rent payers: Why pav rent when you can buy a lot In Filley Park for leas than your rent? Lota $30 and up; 6c fare; $8 monthly secures two lots. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. Phone Main 6864. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, FROM OWNER. quarter block and (-room house, fin view of city; fin building sit on cor ner lot Phona Pacific 146. IF YOU WANT TO SELl. YOUR pnierty, rent your hous or tore, hav your rents collected and property well looked after, call on A. 8. Draper, 143 Waahl: gton at., rooms ( and 6. corner 7th at 1SU8T HAVE MONEY. .Seven-room house; electric light; food hasfment; close to car. Price, 2.860; small payment down: balance easy. Five-room house; only. oo; easy terma. A. W. Wiltshire, 422 Ablngton bldg. six -Room modern house for sale; full lot, (0x100, fin location. near L carllne, only Jijoo. For aai by owner. 60t Borthwlck. Alblna. FOR SALE FINE QUARTER BLOCK In Holladay addition, only l,ito; will divide If desired. G-58, Journal. SUPERIOR ..UBURBAN TRACT. highly elevated, on 8 carllnea, euperb view. M-46. Journal. at KERNS MAKE A BUCHTEL elalty of eaat aide realty. loana. etc. 3(2 E. Morrison at "EFB-" rental a. TAKE NOTICE WILL TRADE FOR Title Guarantee A Trust Co.' accounts. Rlhorn Land company, 209 Allaky bblg. DEPOSITS IN THE TITLE GUARAN tee & Trust Co.'s bank taken In ex change for gilt edge real estate. C. S. Arnold Co., 361 H Morrison st. ROOMING HOUSE OF 32 ROOMS IN good location to exchange for resi dence or screage; is netting from $160 to (175 per month. 610 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST Co, deposits accepted on property deals till further notice. C. E. Lln- tliacum, 211 Commercial block. C R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 12. 2(8 Stark. FOR SALE FARMS Washington & Oregon Realty Co. $2,600 40 acres. 13 miles from Van couver. 3 miles from railroad atatlon. 25 acres in cultivation, some green tim ber, balance easily cleared, small creek, level land, 6-room house, fair barn, fam ily orchard, good team, ,6 cowa. 100 chlckena, 15 tuna hay, farm implements; glva terma. location, 130. Apply 409 Swetland bldg. I y,'llAj GIVE GOOD. CLEAR LOTS FOR ! $3,60066 acres, 10 miles from Van- Phone Main 6117. i deposit In either of the recently! couver, 3 miles from railroad atatlon; 1:5 Lumber Ex-, - acres in cultivation, some green um ber, balance pasture, rine streum ur water, all level, good 1-story 7-room Vnoolvl HOl.'Sli. GAS AND ELfciCtRlt' j failed Trust banks. 32 light; large rooms and closets; an i.enange, i . .nmur,lnn. ( ' n 1 1 352 Fremont uonDM dthdc1 rfVTi'Dro b 4 l-l- or Phone Woodlawn 709. I for sale; good location. 460 Wash. trume house, good barn family orchard. VAN HORN THAN S FE R F U RN I T U HE , T AIliOR SHOP FOR SALE; FIRST- ?o" .rhmue" o sch.' RR W! ana pianos mutcu, iui . -"ik i ciass location; wun or wunoui stocn. colt, 6 cows 3 calvrs 44 sheep 100 Phone Main 1(18. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 Washington at. Pacific 1370 or A 1670. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best Arms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co.. 58 6th St. NIGHT SCHOOL FOR SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, English, etc. Eclectic Business university, 68 3d st. Individual work; rapid- progress; happy students. '." MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Akers. 627 East Ninth street, L 16; Christine Thanem, 26. M.1 Blackball, Tremont Place, IS; May Da Bota, 24. .... Algot Nelson, San Francisco, 39; Anna . Block, 26. . . .... j A. E. Carpenter, St John, 21; Maude Vincent' Pag Hill, Sell wood, 10; Vera ; Morton, 14. . a a a George Mlladinoff 630 Overton street. '30; Anastaeta Beroflna, 25. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith & Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash tngton sts. Weddings cards the best. 100 to tl. Alvln S. Hwk, 144 2d at ' Tonseth Co., florists, for flowers of all kinds. 128 6th st. Clark Bros., Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all sixes. ' Unique Tailoring Co.. 30 Stark st. MAX M- SMITH. FLORIST, 160 6TH - t. opp. Meier ft Frank'a Main 7216 R- ific To make big money quick, selling St. Johns Gas com pany'a 20-year gold bonds. 6 per cent interest. Every body wants them. Safe in vestment. $100 stock bonus with every $100 bond. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE cI-asIiThcd" cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for 'he price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want od columns of The Journal. WANTED TO PURCHASE DEPOSIT accounts In the -Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Address R-62, Journal. A SAFE DEPOSIT VOX: WILL PAY A premium. O-Sl, Journal. A SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH register. N-61, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT APARTMENT 22 AT THE Columbia, 11th and Columbia, fur nished In every way complete; elegant furniture and carpets; the very best of linens, bedding, china, etc.: every possi ble ccnvenlence and modern luxury: hot and cold water and steam heat; rental complete. $60 month. Inquire to ! day or Sunday, between 10 and 12, or 2 j and 4 at the apartments. FOR RELIABLE MALE HELP CALL THE RICHELIEU, 33 N. 6TH ST. neuaoie u-mpioymem oirice, zasft x.icaui.jf mi u.uu , a.oam u.m sou Burnslde. Main 6495. MONTHLY OR WEEKLY BALANCING of books by first-class bookkeeper and accountant. T-60, Journal. baths. 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON CARLINE. 406 Broadway, 125 month. Inquire 233 Washington st. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. SliEK man. Clay & Co. E-62. Journal. THE OREGON FLAKE FOOD CT have a few shares of stock for sale. Why not Invest soon? Cull on D. L. Page, Ht. John's, Or. I COMPLETE RESTAURANT AND NEW, MODERN COTTAGES, $20 AND 1 lunch counter. Phone Bellwood 421. $22. Mallory Mason.. Call Main 8090. j PAYING CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY. COTTAGE FOR RENT,- 4 ROOMS, r 91 I pool room and restaurant. A snap Benton. Furnished or unfurnished; ! at $2,500, Including stock and fixtures. $15 unfurnished. Apply on premises. M-tif. Journal. chickens, some geese and ducks, all farm implements and household furni ture; $2,000 cash, balance 3 years at per cent. This is one of the best buys on the; investigate tula before buying. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, 813 KEL ly st, west side; take "S" car south. Phone Main 6818. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NEW, 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN, on uroomyn Heignts. in n. ivm. ir. r.nn a ttivi- pnnpirDTV r.w l -v A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 787 K. J Russell st will rent .JUtie ttt U,e 8trB- COr"er r$60a P'r month""81' r'nt $4,000 for a fine lot on Union ave., near Russell st. $5,500 for a lot and two dwellings on Union ave., near Eugene St. We have all kinds qf houses and lots, at nil kinds of prices and all kinds of terms from Nmall payments down and monthly Installments up to cash down. Come and see us and we will convince FURNISHED HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cos t 1 cent per counted word, 7 In- tertlons for the price of 6. If you have ! a want make it known through the ; want ad columns of The Journal. FOR RENT FLATS THE GRAND, 45 N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. 81.28 per week and up. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER office man wants situation; Al ref erences. V-60, Journal. HOTEL AND1 nlshed. YOUNG MAN 24 YEARS OLD WANTS position with real estate or lumber company. Al references. Z-62. Journal. POSITION WANTED CLOTHING AND THE ST. JOHNS GAS LIGHT AND HEAT CO. I furnlshln lung 5-62. 206-207-208 Couch building. Fourth near Washtngtos St. goods salesman. Al refer-Journal. I POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG man (21) willing to do any kind of work. D-62, JournaL SITUATION WANTED BY CARPEN ter foreman. 8-62, Journal. MAN. HANDY, SOBER AND INDUS trious wants situation. F-62, Journal. EMPRESS NEWLY FUR eentraUqiilet; c;h and Stark. THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS $2 per week and up. 202 2d, corner Taylor. ONE SUITE OF TWO ELEGANTLY furnished front roi-ms, piano, phone, bath, electric light and all modern con veniences; especially suited for two young gentlemen. Hotel Mason, 247 6th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, STEAM heat, modern, 112 to $30 per monti; I irHoyint?, i.. vv. rtirn. inn Arionm. : $1 MONTH NEATLY FURNISHED I rooms, quiet. Bath, gas, and phone. ! 600 E. 21st St.. Brooklyn car. FOR s ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSU anc or mortgage loans, call on Pad Title A Trust Co.. 204-6-6-7 Failing b!dg. ! SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. BIRTHS O. A. MOE-Nov. l. to Mr. and Mrs. Moe. 297 K. 14th, a daughter. RICK Oct, 26. to Mr. and Mrs. James V. Rice. 1701 E. 8th at, a son. KISSL1NO Nov. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. V... j-i-i. u-i..ti,. ics .... . cnarge. IVUUUlLfM a v "-i" ' . a, daughter. CARH Oct.- 19, to Mr, and Mrs. J. W. f Carr, 690 E. Salmon, a daughter. WBYGANT Oct- 23, to Mr. and Mrs Fred Weygant, 44th and Division, a GlXFKE Noir , to Mr. and Mrs. W. H Olafke, 1148 Thurroan, a daughter. SWEENEY Nov.- 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John II- Sweny, $44 Pettygrove, a 26 N. 2nd St. and 250 Burnslde St Phones Main and A-lb-'b. Help of all descriptions promptly supplied free of charge to employers. Registration free. Correspondence ao llclted. Situations tuaranteed or no CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. I WANTED MIDDLE lor bachelor. Innulre at 251", 4 1st Phone Pacific 1 496. WANTED DAY WORK. ANY KIND; Uamoam'p Cmr-lniTinlaltif Offlooc 1 SITUATION HdJUatU LHMVHiyun.ui wiin-w a5ed ladv to keep house for a widower t 1 T . . I .-. O E 1 1 1 i, t. C. R. Hansen, Jr. PROP. CASPARNov. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam - ufl Caspar. 264 N. 16th. a daughter. DEATHS GENTRY Nov. 7, Nancy Olive Gentry, 428 Williams ave.; rheumatic end oca r- rV'SSELL Nov, .' Babjf Russell, tll Wtlllamg ave.; tlllborn. HENisETH Nov. 6, Michael Henseth, age 89; accidental auffocation. SLNDBORN Nov.- 6, Ellen Sundborn, 2t and Taylor ts ag , caroouc FIREMEN AND BREAKMEN ON RAIL roads In Oregon vicinity, to fill va cancies caused by promotions. Experi ence unnecessary. State age, height, weight. Firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $200. Brakemen, $75, becoming conductors earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway association. Care Oregon Journal. Union Hotel CLASSIFIED AD3 IN THE JOURNA. cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want, make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. PLEASANT. SUNNY OUTSIDE ROOMS from $10 to $15 per month 456 Alder. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY furnished. $10. Back room also large, $8. In private family. 409 College. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. you. STITES & PEPER, 520 Union ave., north, near Russell st. $2,60040 acrea. 12 miles east of Van couver, 2 miles from boat landing. I miles to raljroad. 17 acrea In cultivation, 16 acrea very easily cleared, aome green timber, county road on 2 sides of place, 2 acres bearing orchard, variety; near school, fine location, level grave road to Vancouver, good team, new wagon and harness, 2 cows, some hogs and chickens, new harrow, plow and culti vator, 3 acres spuds, all crop; $7,600 cash, balance good terms. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want muke It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. 848 CLIN ton st.; bath, electric lights, telephone, water: $14. Phone East 5620. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES CIj AS S IFTEDDSI N THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. 14j first street. I Headquarters for bargains In real estate. $500 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT 5-room bungalow, wired, tinted, china closet, concrete basement; large lot, rhade trees, 100 feet from car, $2,000. Churchill & Ross, Laurel wood, Mount Hcott car. Tabor 732. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent In new building; steam heat, electric and gas light, with Jani tor service. N. E. cor. 3d and Madison. OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR cester snd Hamilton bldgs. at moder ate rate. Apply to Rqbert Strong, 314 Worcester blag. STORES AND OFFICES IN 6-STORY brick building, southwest corner 5th and Oak sts... opp. Commercial club bldg. NEW STORE FOR RENT. 260TIRD St.. near Madison. experienced woman. 211 6th st. WANTED POSITION BY FIRST class experienced stenographer; $80 per month. 0-62. Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FARMERS AND LOGGERS EMPLOY ment Co., help furnished free. 29Vj N.r2d, and 230 Burnslde st. Main 6437. Long distance orders at our expense. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6298. We pfty all telegraph charges. - Rooms Rooms Rooma Country transient solicited. Rooms 25c, 86c and 60c per night J. H. H. An derson, proprietor. I ACME EMP. CQ., ARMSTRONG & ' Bakke, props. Labor contractors; help free to employers, nb nurnsioe. m- 7z4. SUM DE vvirr Nv. , Effl Denney. 843 Burnside, age 38; wraemic poisoning. GLASSNov. 6, PVank W. Glass, acci i dentally Wiled by railroad wreck. J1ERR1NO Nov. J, Mary France Her ring, 21 North (th, age 40: uremia. LAlirENvv Margurli Louie Lnbbe. 711 Lovejoy, age 22; basilar ' tutBlnglt!. . ' t.. Washington Hotel Newly furnished, airy outside rooms; best accommodation; rent reaaonable; transients solicited. 102 3d and Flanders. ,.,ar,t a .11 . ... ( . I , s a , a. K. - , . a. iaf.U. Mm-rlson at. Phone Paclfla 5X9 27 N. 2d st Phone Pacific 1300 ST. LOUIS LADIES' EMP. AGENCY, j Mrs. Kicnarason, mgr.; selected neip I a specialty. -230 Yamhill. Main 6411. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $160 per month; aome even mora; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; caah ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington . Nuraery Ca. Top- WANTED 100 MEN: DR. KETCH UM will cur promptly all your private nd . sexual diseases; graduate; advice free. -170 3d st Pacific 2229. JAPANESE EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF help supplied. Maln!4659. 368 Everett WANTED AGENTS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL Cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for th price of 6. If you have a want make it' known through tha want nd columns of The Journal. LARGE PROFITS. GOOD SELLERS, See Plutnmer Drug Co., 2(0 3d st "A statue lies hid in block of, marble; and the art of the sculptor only clears away the superfluous matter, and removes the rubbish." Statues of "Opportunity," "Success"' and "Good Fortune" lie concealed and often scarcely con cealed at all in every page of Journal classified ads; and the art of the reader "clears away" those want ads that do not appeal to him and investigates and inquires nito those that do. Hundreds of thousands of eyes are focused on Journal ads every day, making it possible to get results that would otherwise Nbe improbable. It pays to be in the best. PUT YOUR MONEY IN A HOME SIX room house, with pantry, hall, bath, closets, etc.; ful-slse lot; owner says sell. Inquire Thompson & Ogden. 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. $4.500 R0 acres near Wushougal, Clarko county. Washington. 70 acres In cultivation, all meadow, all fenced and cross fenced, cedar posts, 4 and 6 wires; small stream and spring near house: some timber, 6-room house, 2 barns, ? acres of bearing orchard, level land, 3 good horses, ojie colt, 12 cows, 2 hogs, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, harness, mower, rke, all farm Implements and household furniture; all crops; on main county roaa; scnoomouse on place; best of black soli; terms, $2,000 cash, bal ance 10 years at 6 per cent. 200 ncres sear Washougal. 28 miles from Portland. 6 miles from railroad and boat landing. 80 acres In fine state of cultivation, some timber, balance easily cleared; 2 fine springs hear hous and barn; fine 2-story house in good condition; new frame barn, 60x80; other outbuildings; R. F. D., near school: very best of soil; price only $43 per acre: will take cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. FOR SALE 7 - ROOM MODERN house with one or two lots, as desired, on carllne; 'very cheap and at buyer's terms, as am leaving city. P. 8. Kirrg, 430 Broad st., Montavllla, Or. A FINE SPECULATION 10 ACRES, only 5 miles . southwest of this city, with buildings, plenty of good wood, on railroad countv road, suitable for ber ries, fruit, poultry or suburban homel at a bargain, a.ivv; terms, tw-su, jour nal. , HAV-K YOU MONEY IN A BANK? Wu will accept bank certificates and i checks in payment of - cholve building! a . I $5.500 165 acres in Clarke county, Wnshlngton, 62 acres in cultivation, 45 acres slashed; all fenced with post and wire; one fine spring near house. 2 nprli.g-t In pasture, 3 acres in bearing orchard. 2-stoiv 8-room house, nlastereif poor bnrn. mile to sawmill, 4 horses, 50 bond of cattle, 35 are milch cows, all farm implements; cream separator; verv best of black soil; terms cash, bal ance 5 years at 6 per cent. $3,20040 acres, 10 miles from Van couver; level gravel road, mile from good countrv town, 2 stores, creamery, church and school, 22 acres in cultiva tion. 3 acres bearing orchard, mostly apples, 2 acres berries; land all level, small creek, good 1-story 7-room rus tic house In good condition; good barn, other outbuildings, on main county road. R. F. D.i best of soil, fine loca tion: good terms. Ask -us about them. Phone Woodlawn 202. or evenings East 5901. (4,000 OILT EDGE PROPERTY; MUST sell this week; need ready cash at once, Investigate. W-60. Journal. BANK CERTIFICATES TAKEN AS cash for lot on E. 34th or 32d st, near Lincoln; price $600.. Inquire 1004 E. Lincoln st. ONE 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACT NO FAR ther than St. Johns, at $150 per acre. $10 per month; Salem line and new Southern Paciflo running through same section. W. Reidt room 15, Washlng- ton bldg. ; $250 CASH. $15 MONTHLY 5-ROOM modern oungaiow, oasemeni, newiy tinted: wired, large lot, ciose to oar. larirn bath, everything up-to-date, $1,800. ChurchilLA Rosa, Laurelwood, Mount Scott car. Phone Tabor 732. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO..S 422 Failing bldg, specialty of ellina- east aide residences. -Main 5661. A-2663. FOR If ALE BY OWNER, LARGE MOD- ernnouse,-everything' complete, nearly new; terms. Phone evenings, East 6901. $950 NEAT COTTAGE, 753 ,-E. 8TH. $1,560, modern cottage, 766.E. th. .Terms. Telephone. Main 3990. KEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY . mooem, . ai c. juin rt. $2,20080 acres. 7 miles from Wash ougal; 18 acres In cultivation, family orchard. 4-room house, fair barn, young team, wagon, farm implements, S cows, some chickens; all crops, cream sepa rator, near schools; best of soil; this Is a snap. The above place are all guaranteed a advertised. Above bargain are but a few of th farms on our list We have th largest list of farms of any nrm in Portland or vicinity. Prices rang from $500 te $30,000. Writ or call it you r ! th market for a farm. Washington & Oregon 108 Second st, Portland, Or., And 800 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 1404. 80 ACRES TIMBER, 3 MILES WCsT of Beaverton; about 5,000 cords of wood; 1 miles to. railroad; only $30 per acre. C. H. Fry, Beaver-ton. - CLASSIFIED ADS W THE JOTj.iAL costal cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for th pric of . If you hav a watir-maker it known through th want ad columns of Th Journal 2 ,...U