I K.., .V I ,1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER - 8, 1907. .18 SB!! TODAY'S PUT IIP 5 CENTS SUM TODAY JTobbcrs Announce a Kisc Af Ifer Man' Fluctuations in -r 1 r A A ' lye Local yuoiauous. iFrodue riarket features: Sugar la tc higher. Oranges are In good shape Chicken market strikes low. Kgfc-H hold at former figures. Produce markets aro dull. Bngar Market Xa Bo Higher. After many t lu-niatlona upward and -n.!i i.J mysterious one. Mo the Vhi,i. trade is this morning quoiwi. flonTand both advance the best of ar Sumenja whr In th.lr own Jl ui armrit their favorite ahould take or keep the lead.- However, aa a matter of 'act creaelnr all over the world and aalea . ara daily .rowing greater In proportion to tha total amount of augar coniumert Tha creaee of sugar bee t a la much larger thlaear and th. IndicaXlona .ra that a atlfl larger Increaao will be nhowm next aeaaon. Beveral urar reflneriea are rropoiied 1 n rlou I.aFu of the we.t and will T operation the coming a'ason. Portland la rarldlr rrowlng In favor aa a loca tion for loth a bet and cane refinery. It baa been proven that beeta of e ccllent quaJlty will rrow here nnd that their culture la profitable. Aa a dis tributing center Tortland has the upper hand and the location of a beet refinery liere pould not prove otherwlae than proflUbla aava the trade. Cane eugar could be manufactured here Just aa well as in the south aqd at the aame prlcne. OUckea SCarket Strlkea IA)W. Late yeaterday afternoon a number f cleanup aalea of chlckena were made long Front atreet at 10c n pound. Re celpta became ao heavy that prices were nominal and In order to move supplies the trade was compelled to sell at lower figures; thus confirming the pre dictions made in this report during; the past 10 days. Todays arrivals of chickens wero likewise Tery heavy and If this movement keeps up It will cause prices to strike the lowest figures In mn veara. It has been a Ions time elnca the chicken market has dropped down to 10c a pound buModays market 1. not firm even at fXU low level Therefore the future of prices depends altnvthor tinon the attitude of the shippers. They have the remedy for these low prices In their own handa. If thoy ' continue to Bend larger supplies than are waniea my muv 1n nun of values. Arrivals of ducks have been quite liberal along; the atreet during the paat few days and this has caused an accu mulation of suppllea. Lower prlcea the result Eggs are holding; Juat steady with re eelnt. nnd demand Just holding equal Kaotern are weaker with the larger of ferings at lower prices oy we cast. Creamery butter la firm, but cheese Is not selling so fast However, latter market is not wean. Brief Votes of the Trade. The car of oranges which arrived in yesterday was In good shape. General produce trade Is slow. Dressed veal is higher because of a scarcity. Dressed hogs are just hold- lug. l Banana market is In good shape with best fruit selling at 6c. Apple - market shows many values with principal sale of cheaper grades. Concord grape supplies are more lib eral but demand Is fair at 17 He. There is no new business reported In the bop market although a few in quiries are being received from the east TCo ssles resulted because trade here will not take eastern exchange. Front street prices: CMrala. Flour and TeeO. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, w Urge lots: small lots, 94c WHEAT isominai jiud, bid: rea Russian, 85c; blueatem, 89c; valley, CORN Whole, S3 2; cracked. $88 ton. BARLEY New Feed, 127 P27, 60 per ton; rolled, 303i; Drawing, izv. - RYE IIB&oercWt OATS New Producers' price No. l white, 858.IH per ton; jrray, $27.60. : . , Jf LiUUlv -Jliasiern iregon paients, 84.95! straights. .do; expone , valley, $4.3004.60; graham, .Hs, $4.60 bales, $3.00. s ' 1 r MILL8TTJFF8 Bran, $20.00 per ton middlings, $27.60: shorts, country, -i, m i w si n Mi.e w.7 rt wsryx w i nn i HAY Producers rice Timothy. Wll lametta valley, fancy. 817.0018.00: or dinarr. 4 818.00014.00: eastern Oregon, $ 18.00 (i? 19.00; mixed, $10.0010.60; clo ver, $12.0018.09 grain. 112.004p13.OO cneat, aiz.owiff is.uu. Batter, Xffgrs and. Poultry, BUTTER FAT F. a b. Portland Sweet cream. 31c; sour, 290. BUTTER Extra fancy creamery. gzje: fancy. 30c; store, Oregon, 20c. EGGS Extra fancy, candled. 800 --eastern storage, 2"628c; eastern fresh. vc. 1 , CHEESE New Full cream, flats. 17617c per lb; Young Americans 180 iiac per id. CHICKEN MARKET IS SUFFERING A LOSS The position of fresh local eggs Is still well maintained, although prices on eastern and Storage goods are being shaded. "Butter is very weak and low- er for creamery. Btore or pack- ;-lngr Stock butter is still ecarce and unchanged as to price. . "Poultry has euffered the past week, and with heavy receipts 4 of hemp and springers, prices have been sharply cut Ducks are still selling very well at fiat . terlng- prices, and the same Is : true as to geese. Live turkeys Jn good demand at unchanged 4. prices, and some fancy dressed 4 turka are being quickly taken up. It Is time that those who : will ahlp holiday poultry to this market were declaring them- ' selves, is t,hetrde will want to .plftcetheit orders poon. It la" likely that the ehicken mar- ket, with the 'exception of fancy hens, will drag considerably the . coming week. 1 "Fat, prime, small and medl am veal are veryl firm. Medi- on also. If fat, ' are selling much better than they were. . Pork has suffered quite a drop. and tha very beat la selling flreased at THcrTom Farrell. . i..,. r.,i iinundN n MVim-' v. ---v..,,. f dox limes, .Mexirun, 4 per mu, pinonp- ln the prlco of augar. ', r.rPt,uttK f riea. fi a ,,.z,n. KrHPe' 1 1.65; Con- fcoth reflnerlea being In '"'' i-orda. 17',.-. peach.-a. il1.25; canta- vary much unaettlod loalU and many .. prlcea have ruled a. a rault. isow a VKOKTAB1.KS Turnips, new 0c , .rloe are Knlform ai.,1 tho ,.k. cl,rroU ,.ij0 per aack; i better haala J'-V " '" he Kran- beeta. 0ob1.00 per aack; paranlpa, f"WS d ' hundred pound 1 1 : cal.be. H lc 11 tomatoo; Oregon, tilatcd at 1.60 per nunorea pounu. li,,u .... .....iH,,... nn 7 o,. n. 'At thla VrtVh.d?rrrdl the rela- :; hWeriuKh. So lb: aVtlohokea; nr amonr the trad n reKaniing ir r CM( J6c d0I. CCI) on,n bc p,r dl. tlra iper na or " '" ; ".V... '-i,nm. bell peppera, lie per lb; hothouae let- of Everdlnr & Farrell. A New York", Nov. 8 Bar silver 69Sc- 4 , Tj London, 27 9-1 6d. 0!,c' a1. 4V4V A aV A A A'a a a. Zl i .l'p,eLftkfi ls 14c: electro, "'llJfcftrUc; castings, 13 l$c. MARKETS rori.TIlV N'omlnul Mixed -l'k rna 1 Or Mi- f.itirv Dew, " n ' ' . rooster, old, J Or; fryers, 10i: bioll ., old. era. 10 '4c; ducks, hwik; ! fl in., if. 1 1 1 .L ' . in.,i 1 ll f,.r "Id O U 1 .Mil.'..", - 1. " . , a.iunhi., 12.60 dox; iilKions. U'A.i.-r dressed poultry. 101 Wo P" lb m8",r ops. Wool and Hides. HorS 1007 crop Choice c; prime 10 choice, Ky8HC; oiuinu.,, (U'4c; 190, choice, be. .,,,. WOOL 19i)V till. Valley. 20 21c, eastern Oregon. IK u 2 lc. . , AKI1J 4 11 NIK 1 'llii i V 'U - -nu ll IDEM-- Pry M-ten. it .r l6c lb; Ijreen. SirSi; cslvcs, Kreen, J J J". '1 .. . i U?l k i .sk h csnrariiiK. . " i- .1,.... u.-,,l -40c: medium wool.' 501: II 00 luc'h, long wool, 6 1 1 .'6 each. , , . , . TAI.LUW- Prime, per ID, rfvia'5 . No. and grease, ZftZ'-ie. CHITTIM PAItK 617C Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES Fancy, cWll.0. sell ing; buying, white. 7i(jk0c per Cl, neclM, 2',c p( r lo. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, 12.1!.'. 'a 1' .'": I i lnr. i-pot, 2.00; futures, 2.'. kiu li.-. ;,- l!i APPLE -New. Jino225. Fit EM! I KI IIS OiaiigeM. new, $4VP0 tii.bu. bananas, 6c lh, lemons. 64i oO tuce, $1 box: cucumbers, hothouse. It ?! gpiant, 1 60 1.7 box; green corn. c aack; celery. 76Q90c: cranberrtea tOOii 8.60 per barrel. Groceries, Hnta, Zto, PUG AM California mill Hawaiian Cube. 8.1; nowdcred. I: berrv. $6.k0; dry granulated. I ulated, $5 60; conf. A., ated. J4.S0; XXX gran nf A ti HO- ictra It I 5S0; golden O.. $i.20: I), vellow. 6.10: Ixet rranulated. IF, 60 bur. rela. 10c; half barrels. 26c: boxea 6c advance on aack baala. (Above prices are 80 days net cash quotatlona.) HONKY $3.(0 per crate. COFFEJS Package brands, $16,830 SALT Coarse Half ground. 100. $13.60 per ton; 60s, $14.00; table, dnlry 60s. $19.00; 100a. $18.76; bufen, $2.60; Imported Liverpool, 60a. $20.00; 100s, f 19,; 4a. $18.; extra fine bBrrels; Sa. 6s and 10s, $4.606 60; Liverpool lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. $13.60; 100s, 1 11.0. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lota Car Kite at special prices eubjeetto fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan. No. L e; No. 2- IHfllVc; New Orleana, head, 7c; AJax. 6c: Creole, ic BEANS-Small w hite, $4 25; lxrgt whJle. $4 10; pink, $4.10: bayou, $3.90; Llmas, $t.0: Mexican reds. 4 He, NL'TB Peanuta. Jumbo. 8o per lb; Virginia, 7e r lb; roasted. JtrSHc per lb; Japanese, 7c; roasted, 7&9c per lb; walnuts, California, 17 He per lb; pine nuta. 14rl6c per lb: hickory nuta. 10c per lb: Ilraiil nuta 18c per lh- 1U berts 16c per ll; fancy pecans, 18020c per lb; almond ?1 9c. Meats, tfjii Hid Provisions. , FRKSef , MEATS Front street Hogs fancy, HeXfca pet lb: large, 67c per lb; veal, ettrn, 9C per lb; ordinary, 7Hc per lb; heavy: 6tylc per lb; mutton, fancy 8Q9c per Jb. HAXlpi, BACON, ETC Portland pack (localystne-, if to 12 lbs, 16o per lb; 14 t-fifiiftf i 14V4c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs.. H Hcfcforeakfast bacon, 15Hh; 21c per lb; pk'nics, lPc per lb; cottage roll, 12c per lb! regular short clearn. n- smokedillc per lb; s oked, 12c per lb; clear bftsj unamoked. 12c; smoked. 12o per lb? I'libn butts. 19 to 13 lbs, un smoked, 12c per lb; smoked. 13c per lb; clear bellies, unnmoked. 11 He per lb smoked, 13 He per Id; shoulders, 12 Ho per lb; pickled tongues. 70c each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. in uv. per lb; 6s, lSTic per lb; 60-lb tins. 13Wc pel lb; er lb; Bteam rendered. 10s. 12 44c nr 6s. 12o per lb:' comnoiml m 11 Tie per lb. FISH Rock cod. 7c Der lh? Am..r. 6c per lb: halibut Rc i.er TT, - .i,i..i basa, i5c per il; catfish, 11 per lb: sal mon, irean Columbia sllers. 8c per id; nerringa, be per lb; soles, c per iu; Hiirimps, juc per iu, ici.ii ou jjrr m; romcoa, vc per lb' lobsters, 25c per lb: fresh mackitr! o per lb; crawfish, 26c per doien; stur- Keon, nyiK per id; dibck Cass, 20o per iu, niiver Bineii., ic per id; iroxen suud, 6c per lb; black cod. 7Hc Der lh OYSTERS Shoal water hav. nr ..t. lon, $2.60; per 100-lb. sack. $5.00: Olym- pm, per guuun, per 100-lb. sack. $8,0046.60; Eagle, canned. 60c can: 17 dosen; eastern In shell. 11.75 nar hnn. ureu. CliAMS Hardshell, per box. 82 40 rasor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per doa Paints, Coal oil. Etc ROPE Pure Manila, 14 c; standard 19 V.. .liiol ULn CoAl OIL Water white, tanks 12Uc, casea ISHc, headlight, cases. 20c; Klane, cases, tSc; Eocene, cases, 21 He ganon. GASOLINE F6 deg., cases, 24 Ho per t,a, 11 wii nuta, 1 ot per gSLl BENZINE 63 deg., cases, 26c per gal Iron bbls, 23c per gal. . TURPENTINE In cases. 96c per gal; wood bbls, 9.1c per pal. WHITE LKAI) Ton lots, 1c per lb-600-lb lots. 8c per lb; leds lots, 8'Ic WIRE NAILS Present basis at $2 20 per kg. T OREGON APPLE TRADE (Sp.fl.l Dljpttch to Th. Journ.l.) Hood River. Nov. 8. Owing to the fact that apple ' shippers are unable to obtain cars about 15,000 or 2') 000 boxes of Hood River apples have ac cumulated In warehouses here. As the croo will be somewhat lareer tln.n u.lu at first anticipated, the car shortage is becoming serious. Heretofore JTrmd River has been more' fortunate in this respect than other sections, and ni; many hundred boxea are cortilnc in daily for shipment any continued car shortage will interfere scriouslv with marketing apples that are to be gent abroad, ft is now estimated that thi crop will total in the neighborhood of 200 cars, including all the fruit in the vaney, ana win bring returns of over $200,000. ' Clam 'Canneries,. I (Sprrlal Diiiiatcli ( TftJoiii :l;l"SWf' Aberdeen. Nov. 8. :Tlif Wfwlr nf tha ciam canneries is being seriously inter- lerea wiin oy tne stormy weather and high tides at the wrong time. Extreme low tides, when the clams 'can be dug .itt.c ui-L-urieu uunng tne miaaie or the night so that it has been impossible to dig them. This condition affects the canneries here, at Westport, and at Mocllps. The salmon fishing continues good, and large catches are dally brought In. United States Government Bonds. New York, Nov. 8. Government bonds: Twos, registered .ft u. Aq$u do coupon 10R tnui ThreeB, registered. :::::: 03 JSr do coupon 103 inl Threes, small bonds.".. . iloiH DIs. Columbia. 8-65s... 114 Fours, registered, new..!l20 iii" Twos. Panama.... 107 Philippine 4s.,.., 108 II'"" Xew York-Ixndon Silver. RAILROADS HUR Cars to OFFERED AT LOW PRICE Call Loans Go Down to 2 1 - Per Cent at Close Stock Values Are Fp. TODAY'S FINANCIAL STORY. New York stocks advance. English exchange 1 to 1 H points off. Govern ment bonds advance. London lower for Americans. German bank fata to 7H per cent. Cull loans clone at 2H per cent STOCK MARKET GAINS Amalgamated... S!t. Paul . . H Car Foundry... ( 'olo. Fuel . . . 1x1 A Hudson Erie G. North., pfd. L. & N Katy . locomotive . H Smelter ... Anaconda . Woolen . . . H. O. ... Brooklyn .. Canadian . . N. P I'enn Preas. Steel Reading . . . H 1H . H . . S .. ..IS HI Nat. Lead ... . 2 iN. V. Central . . 1H S. P ,2H;f. P " HlU- -s- fteel .. .2 HI do pfd . H H 1H . H . H STOCK MARKET LOSSES. C. & O HUH. Central ... Mo. Paclflo HI .1 (Leased Wire Overbei k A Cooke Co ) New Ybrk. Nov. 8.--The stock market held steady all dav. Moslne with an ad vance In most IsHiies. The decllno roreign exenango or l m i points was a hel-v Loiuloii was lower for Americans, hut the losses were not at all serious. The . per cent was said lo be one or the prln clpal causes. 20,000 Southern 1'aclflc and John Gates I n ion i-aciiic, nn.i Doin were saiu to be sellers of steel shares. i ne money situation is mucn easier ar.u at tno ciosu or ine maraei lonigni can mans were ireeiy oncring ai t yi per cent. Today's stock range: O DESCRIPTION. Co ft? Amal. Cupper Co 4i Am. Cm tc F., c. 24 do pfd 80 Am. Col ton Oil, cl 22 Am. Loco., c 37 H Am. ,Su;ar, c . . ..103 Am. riiiu'lt, c...j 66fi 49 H 27H 80H 23 39 104H 69 H 8)tH 33Vt 14 V 74 30H -83H 145 14 73 K 7v 104 133 29 n 47H 26 80H 22 H 37 H 103 66H 87 31 "14S 714 794 ii" 141H 73 H 7H 102H 132 28 16 2 8 OH 22 3 3 H 103H 661 88 do pfd S7 Anacdnda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison c li. & C . c tU. pfd Brook. Hap. Td. .. 32 US 71 79 V '32H 141 H 14 73H 7H 324 14 77 32 Canadian l'c, c. Central Inath, c. 143 14 74 do pfd C. & Gt. W.. c. . . 7H 102 132 28H 16H c, m. ic at, p... 103 C. & N. W., c. . .132 C. & O I 28 C. F. & I., c 17 Col. South., c. . .. 171 S3 43 128 do 2d pfd do 1st pfd 83 i 28 19 33 129H 19 33 iis" 17 D. & H D. .si R. G., c... 17 do pfd 59 Eric, c 17 H 39' ' 113 123 17 39' ' 116 123 17H '38U 1 H 27 38 113 do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Gt. Nor. pfd W2H 111. Cent. 1 i.. & N Manhattan Ry. .. Mex. Cent. Ry.. M., K. & T., c. Distillers Ore Lands Vlr. Chemical .. do pfd M.. K. & T. p... Missouri Pac. .. National Lead . . 123 120 H 94 109 14 14 24 H 41. 41 14H 8H 65 65 3 8 H 98 1, 30 i 63 42 14 24H 14 23 41 40H 14H 87 63 37 98 39 63H 38 107 i08H 23 43 41 14 89 65 66 48H 99 30H 64 42 11014 42 40 14 88 06 64H 38H 98 39 N. Y. Central . . . N. Y., Ont. & W. Norf. & West. c. North American. Northern Pac. c. Pac. Mail SS. Co. Penhsylvr.nla Ry. Peo. G.. L. & C. Pr. Steel Car c. . do preferred. . Reading c Rep. I. St f). c. . . Rock Island c . . 63 H 37H 107 ioHH my 20 111 110 74H 18 SO' 16 13, 30 12 17 '76H 15 13H 29 74 17 76H 15 13i 1 .1 , ' H tttz 13H St. L. & 8. F. 2d p 29 H 29 65 13 67H uo 1st pni St. I j. & S. W. .c 13 14 12H 67 H Southern Pac c. 68 I 6S?B mi preterrea. . iu:) 1104 Southern Ry. c. 1 2 Vs I 12H 103 12 39 18 34" 103 12 40 18 18 34 do preferred 40 41 Texas & Pacific. T., St. L. & W. c 18H IS do preferred.. Union Pac. c. . . . do preferred . . U. S. Rubber c. do preferred . . r. P. Steel Co. c. do preferred. . Wabash c do preferred . . Western Union . . 34HI 35 110 80 16 68 24 84 8 112 80 17 68 H 2514 854 9 119 111 79 H 16 C8 68 24 23 T( 83 8 9 15 B2 - - J, r- n 1 .' American locomotive, ex. dividend 1 ii per cent. INS' DULL T Portland livestock Bon. Hoes. Cattle. Sheep. 21S 102 412 Todty 30H 16 Week ago 77 ... Year ago ,. 177 Pre-v. year ... Portland Union Stockvards, Nov. 8. Hog receipts are1' liberal, but the mar ket is dull. Run of cattle was small, but the demand was likewise. Sheep run liberal with small buying. A year ago today all values were stationary. Official yard prices: Mot's Best- eastern Oregon, $5.76 6.00; China fatB, nominal. - Cattle -Hl'Ht Pfltcrn nraunn , o. a a fill?; best cows and heifers, $2.75 f.SSr bullH, $1.7502.00. eneep nest wethers, $4.604.75; mixed and best ewes, $4.60; lambs, $4.60 lyi V. 1 - Eastern Hogs Lose Again. Chicago, Nox. 8. Official run: nogs. cattle. Hheen Chicago 13,00 2,000 6,000 Kan. city .uoo z.600 7.000 Omaha 2,000 1,000 Hogs are 10c lower; left over from yesterday, 3,900. Receipts a year ago were 19,000. Mixed I4.69ffi6.25, heavy n.o.iCi rouKn, it.nii .8o: iignt. $4.60. ( alt, steady. Sheep steady. New ITork Ctotton, Market Nov. Open. High. Low. 8 7 Jan. Feb. . March April May . June July . Aug. , .1020 1020 1003 1007 1011 1014 1015 ' 1017 1018 1019 1013 1020 1022 1026 1027 1029 1028 1028 1018 ..ion 1019 1021 1010 1014 1012 1012 1018 1016 1010 ..1021 . .1020 ,.1029 ..1027 .1029 .1022 1020 1029 1027 1029 1014 ........ . ....vm... JVIZ .... Dec ...v.1065 1061 1041 1042 1063 NOV, 1012 ma People s Gas. ex. dividend 1 percent. Original' 'He Roilf m r t. At1 lr&WUV&&& SMtffiilLl BaUnkScL,CHa6rCr.sM2cnAt: ?rH per cent ' Amethyst 9c. Steinway 6cA, Denver Tota. sa.es for day, 449,800 shares. cAS on REmA IfJ LIVESTOCK IHARKE lla(lroad Doing Injury to Hood Itiver by Keeping: Hack Sufficient Amount of Move JJiff Apple Crop There. WHEAT MARKET CLOSES MIXED 2 December and May Lose and July Gains Liverpool Is Sharply Lower. Oovernment Corn Beport. The government crop flgurea on corn Issued today give the crop at 2,663,730,000 bushela, or an average of 26 bushela per acre. The condition Is 82. 8 per cent Farmers reserves are - given as 131,000.000 bushels, compared with 119.700.J00 bush- els this time a year sgo. ; The s yield as estlmatei November 1, 1906, waa 2. SSI, 000 bushels, or an average of 30 2 bushela per acre. CHICAGO WHEAT VAU'ES. Nov. 8. Nov. 7. Lose. 190. December. .90 U 90J.B H 72S 100 U 77 6H 76H May.. . .9',n I July. . i.6H In Ca!n. i . . (Leased wire Overbeclt A Cooke Co.) Chlcao-n Knv iTh -i,..t murk.i nnened tn kc Inw.r nn a Hrnn nt in iiuiiat L.iverncioi cniiicn. i lie ciosu - here was Uc off for December and Uc I for May. July was He up. session progressed and at the close was l lo Off for wlieat and V to Vd for corn. Aggregate shipments of wheat were zsu.uuu Dusneis nnrt or corn 943,000 i nunneis. i ne Argentine visinie was 336.000 bushels, compared With 80.000 la year ago. The Argentine corn visible M 706,000 bushels, cornpured with 2.169 000 bushels a year ago. A Kansas City report says that one of the largest mills there Is trying to re sell wheat. Budapest reported wheat lc lower. Official range: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Deo. 90 H 91 89 90 May 99 100H 99 99B July .... 95H 96 94 96 CORN. Dee, 67 68 68 66 May 68 69', 67 67 July 68 58 66 56B OATS. Deo. 47 47 48 46 May 60 61 49 49 July 46 46 46 64 A MESS PORK. Jan. 1230 1335 1317 1380 May 1855 1377 1355 1365 LARD. Nov $20 820 820 820 Jan 797 810 797 802B May 805 817 806 810 SHORT RIBS. Jan 700 715 700 706 May 735 735 720 727 68 57 66B Liverpool Grain Lower. WHEAT. Open. Close. Nov. 7. .7s lid 7s 7d 8s .8s d 7sl0d 8sld .7slld 7slld Ss d Loss. 2d 2d ld Dec. . Mar. May. CORN. Jan. .Is 6d 6s 6d 6s6d d PKICE OF NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Nov. 8. Official bid prices: . v - UULLIill'JLU DISTRICT. Cnnatnrm Cnl m kin . 1 rt. I uauiiouii in .vv, iuiuinujil .11 v. . -1 , i uiiiiiu i.ii. iiu, i:i iiu.1 mi, rcuiiBji vania loc, Kendall lie Booth 19c, Hlue Run 17c, Adams 6c, Silver Pick 25c, Nev. 2c- B. B. Ext. 4c, Blue Bell 8c, Dixie 4c, G, Columbia 6c. Hibernia 3c. St. Ives 87c, Conqueror 4c, Blk. Rock 2c, Lone Star 9c, G. Wonder 3cA, Kendall Ext. 3cA, Sandst. Ext. 3c, Mayne 4c, Atlanta 23c. Great Bend 29c. EmDire 6c. Red Ton Ext. 13c, Florence $2.60, Diamf. li. li. Con. 16c. G. Daisy $1.12, Laguna 80c, Comb. Fract. 93c, Gr. Bend Ext. 6c, Gr. Bend Anx. 3c. B. B. Bonanza 2c, Crack er Jack 7c, Red Hill 23c, Mohawk Ext. 5o, Lou Dillon 6c, Grandma 7c. S. Pick V r f OOn V DriuA 9n CaI ml T- . i . Goldf. Cons. $4.05. Diamf. Triangle 7c. COMSTOCK. Ophlr $1.06, Mexican 49c. Gould Curry llcA, Con. Virrlnia S9o. Savage 36c. Hale & Norcroas 60cA. V.llnw Jacket $1.70, Belcher 18c, Confidence 74cA. RIlTra NV. S3o RTchtnnn. 9Kn tt.i -. .. ' i-muii .uca. BULLFROG DISTRICT. 17o. Mont v. Oh Scepter VSc. MOhtV." Mt. 8e. B. Dnlsv ScA-Homestake Cons. 57c, Yankee Girl forlc. Nugget 4cA, Tramp Cons. 18c. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $7.25A. Mont Ton. $1.40, Ton. Ft. SI. 10, MacNamara 18c, Mld way 43c, Ton. Belmont 98c, Ton. No. Star 8c, Ohio Ton. lc. West End Cons. S3c, Ton. & Calif. Go A. Golden Anchor 5c, Jim Butler 46c, Ton.iCash Boy 2c, Ton. Homo 2c, Boat Ton. 2c, Golden Crown 2c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. SOo, Manh. M. Co. 2c, 0. Wedge Sc, Seyler Hump 20c, Dexter 10c, L. Joe lc, Crescent 8cA, Combi nation ScA, Granny 17c, Mustang 14c, Little Grey 7o Cowboy 2c. Oris-. Manh. 6c, Broncho 80, Plnenut 6cA, Buffalo ScA, S. Dog 12o, Y. Horse 2c, Indian Camp 5c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King lOcA, Falrv. Eagle 55c, Pittsburg Silver Peak 90c, No. Star Wonder ScA, Eagle's Nest 27c, Alice of Wonder 6cA. Liverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool, Nov. 8. Cotton futures closed 8 points lower. BEST ILBMWlflBVfl rMriTnS.C'a ErlENT'jKMll attloMI eiai fas: . wltB Portland Warehouse ft Xraarer Co.) T . 40 Sart Washington Street. ' . ' Phoa. Zaat MOT. KM J D K MUST EXPLAIN "Moral Squad" to Be Given Opportunity to Brush Away, Cobwebs. assault and battery case m which represented the defendant Mlas Colo, Attorney Alex Sweek announced that he would at once ask District Attor ney Manning sitting aa grand Jury, to ascertain If the orders of the police committee of the executive board are to be allowed to Interfere with the ad ministration of Justice. The inquisition to be conducted by the district attorney wjll bring to light facts seriously affecting Tom Kay and foe Klunlln of the " moral squad'' nnd ending to show that these "sleuths" have aiTorded protection to the Hotel Richelieu, an alleged disreputable le sort. The aasault and battery case had Us inception there Wednesday af ternoon. From the surrounding cir cumstances the action of Attorney Sweek in the police cour.t this morning in Pleading guilty ror his client tame aa a surprise but the lawyer explained that the defendant had been warn-a to take this action under penalty of being driven from the cltv Ly the po lice. It has been learned that Acting De tective lnsknep, Sergeant William Jones and 1'atrolmaa 'iom Kay, weio interrogated by Sweek yesterday and although admitting that the reports rf Immunity granted to the Hotel HI - he lieu by Kay were In a measure true, yet these -officers, It Is said. Informed the attorney that in face of tha "inuz- (Ung order" of Commissioner Gren . ihev wouM hav- tn nerluro themselves " n " r, , m.,i a .-n. L..... .t,. . lol . Tri.in fnl. I sue arrive. I in fontanel at a lato nour i... t..I,.,i. ii,i .nH the Richelieu. The following day her 11 Klic notified Mrs. MeGalliard, the landlady that x,m artlcl... were miss nu. but received little satisfaction. An aricu- I m.nt nnaooit and Mlsa c'ole aava Mrs, MeGalliard assaulted her I'll Viavn von arrested for this." Is what the Cole woman told the lodging house keener. 'You can t have me arrested, was me alleged' reply. "I have police protection In the house at this moment Mrs. MeGalliard is mild to have ftnallv secured Miss Coles effects, and another "rough house" occurred. "Kay, Kay," screamed Mrs. MeGal liard, and the head of the "moral s(iuad," 'ST" jpled 1... .i.T: i,l..,l..-. ,l.,,.hl.r ui.. f'..i.. uy uiu 11uiu111.11 ..au.i.. . . - was seized and hustled off to head quarters. in tne ponce court mis morning fe tectlves Kay and Klenlln were not tires- ont when the caso-Was railed. When questioned as to the presence of 'the "moral squad' In the house, Mrs. McGal- Hard stated that the officers had up to telephone." Her daugnier aomitten unaer oain lat Ksv and, Klenlln were In her room at the time of the trouble. TO KEEP KIDS OUT OF NOODLE JOINTS (Sp.ol.l Dlipiitch to Th. Jonrnal ) Pendleton. Or., Nov. 8. The police committee of the Pendleton council has Instructed that the curfew bell be rung at 7 o'clock In future Instead of at 8:30 o'clock as In the paat. Investiga tions have been pending in Pendleton, and It Is shown that children have vis ited Chinese "noodle" joints, and vari ous places that children should not visit, consequently more strict meas ures will be taken. Boston Copper Market. Boston, Nov. 8. Bid Prices: Allouez 22 H Arcadian 3 Con. Mt .25 .64 .10 Cop. Range . Daly West . Greene Can. Adventure .... 1 Atlantic 9 Bingham 5 Butte Coola..,15 Cal. & Ariz. . .108 Cal. & Hecla. .600 Centennial . . . .20 Parrot 10 6 Mass 2 H Nevada Con. ... 7 Old Dom 22 Old Colony Trinity victoria ., Wolverine Phoenix ...... .60X Quincy .......79 Shannon 10 Black Mt 4 Balkalala . C. Ely ..r. Helvenl Apex . Dom. Cop, 1 Nlpessing . 6 Northwest Bank Statement. PORTLAND. Clearings today $918,313.38 Year ago $1,124,591.31 Loss today .,-? Balances today- Year ago . . . . .$206,277.93 .. 138,741.29 .. 116,454.90 Eat government Inspected meat. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MAN. HANDY, SOBER AND INDUS trlous wants situation. F-62, Journal. WANTED TWO OR THREE KUR nished or partially furnished rooms or small cottage. Q-62, Journal. SEVEN HEAD OF HORSES FOR sale; also cord wood. Nobby stables, 12th and Flanders. THE HEJLIG HIGH GRADE CLEAN Ing work of all kinds In our line. 643 Washington st. 'A-5703. Main 8365. WILL GIVE GOOD. CLEAR LOTS FOR deposits In either of the recently failed Trust banks. 325 Lumber Ex change, CHOICE UNINCUMBERED LOTS AT Newport to exchanr-.s for good horse. 325 number Exchange. WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD, CLEAR lot in fast-growlnsr coast town for anything we can use; come up and trade with us. 325 Lumber Exchange. LABBE Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services nf the late Marguerite Louise Labbe, which will be heliii the Calvarv Prpshvtprinn church, corner Eleventh and Clay streets, at 1:30 p. m., Saturday, No- vemuer a. interment niverview ceme tery. MARRIAGE LICENSES Fred Wheeler, Bismarck, North Da kota, 21, and Eleanor Mason, 20 Arthur Hall, Gresham, Si and Cloe Helser, 47. J. J. Mclnerney, 651 Morrison street 27. and Ethel Welmer. 18. olreet. .81 Mi 110 '. 6 1 2 Vhcn.You BuyThis V Ybu Got TK C FARRINGTOfl WILL BE STEAMSHIP MCER 31 an Comes Froin Great Lakes to Take Charge of Pacific Coast Company. (United PrMS teasid Wire.) Seattle, Nov. 8. H. F. Farrington, he many years with the dreat Northern steamships on the Great Utkes, likely be the next manager of the cino coasi nteamanip company. A well netlncd report though as yet lacking of ficial confirmation, has reached here thla effect It la reported that Vice President Ford of the Pacific Coast company is not en route to San Fran cisco with Mr. Farrington. Mr. Farrington had charge of the out fitting of tha. steamera prealdent and Governor, recently built on the Atlantic coast ror the Pacific Coast Steamship I company. aiartr'd lor Coal. The British steamer Hstumet hai been chartered to load coal at Newcas tle for Portland. It Is supposed will carry wheat rrom here to f.urope. Creamery Butter 60c and 65c Best Creamery Butter 65 70? Good Creamery Butter 5f Dairy Butter 60 Eeg-i 25 and 30 - Oregon Ranch Eggs Best Sugar-Cured Ham xoe? Breakfast Bacon, lb IS Full Cream Cheese 20 Wisconsin Swiss Cheese 30 Cream Brick 20 and 25 Limburger Cheese, each 35f Oleomargerine 45 All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Saturday Is Our Chicken Day La Grande Creajnery 264 YAMHILL STREET. University Meat Market O. A. HARRISON. 686 DAWSON ST., COaV riSX. Round Steak per lb Hie I I.nln SIi-hU. nur lb. 1'IU .. '.. . J j oriernouse Dican. per 10 luC - Tea Hone Steak, per lb ffl' Shoulder Roast, per lb 7 and (J( - yat Roast, per lb 4t to 7f j soup j.ines, per lb ; tioup Alat, per lb.. stew Meat per lb.. Hon Roast, per lb. .......S 34 to -tt C to 5C, .......... le. Mutton, per lb ...re to ...5 to i5c I5a Veal, per lb. Hams , Bacon Onr meats are fresh ' every day and government inspected. Phone your order Eaat 6326. Very Best Creamery Butter 65o70c Square TOWNSEND (B, VAN SCHOONHOVEN 147 riBST STBEST, Between Alder and Morrison. The New Batter, Eggs and Cheese Store Corvallls Creamery Butter 70 (For which we are agents. Eagle Brand Butter 65 Portland Brand Butter fiO? Fresh Oregon Eggs 35 Eastern Eggs 30 Sour Pickles, per pint J () Sweet Pickles, per pint 15c Big Shipment of Choice Apples Syrup, Honey, Vinegar, Olives, etc. HENION-HENLEY CO. THE OOBNSB CBEAMEBT 367 Yamhill, bet. 3d and 4th. Phone 1789 THE HIGHEST GRADES 0FC0FFEE ROASTED IN THE x 3 MB. COFFEE OWUllD, OfitOO. AT YOUR GROCERS. Portland Clearing Eonse -Certificates Taken for AU Purchases. D. C. BURNS CO. 2 lO Third Street Groceries Special SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 gallon Log Cabin Maple ..' 111.25 gallon Log Cabin Maple .65 1 pint Lojr Cabin Maple . .20 1 quart Log Cabin Maple ,35 1 box No. 1 Macaroni 45 Durkee Salad Dressing, 10 25J and 45 New Walnuts, fancy, 2 lbs 45 New Almonds fancy, 2 lbs ., 45 1 lb. can Ghlrardelll Chocolate 35 1 lb. Baker Eagle Chocolate 25 1 tin Baker Cocoa 25 2 l-lb. packages Grecian Currants 25 2 lbs. Fancy Sultana Raisins.... , 25 Leghorn Candled Citron, per lb.: 25 Leghorn Candled Lemon Peel, per lb ,. . .25 Leghorn Candied Orange Peel, per lb 25 2 l-lb. packages Seeded Raisins 25 3 12-01. packages Seeded Raisins .25 2 packages Bromagelon for , 15 ' 3 packages Jello , .25 8 cans fitafrdard Tomatoes for 25 2 cans A. A L. Solid Pack Tomatoes for 25 2 cans Fancy Corn 25 1 2-lb. A. A L. Oysters ... .25 2 l-lb. A. & L. Oysters ... ,25 Heinz Catsup .20 New Imported Smyrna Figs. lb.... 25- D.'Ca. Burns Company, 210 Third St.; 'Between Tajlor and aalmoa. Both Phones Main 616, A-1630 - DRESSfR'S Look over this special price list for Saturday and you'll look for it every Friday thereafter. You'll notice some op portunities to save, and eatables of DRESSER quality mean extra value. Call at the delicates sen counter and sample our prepared meats and sausage prepared and will Pa-1 to cooked right here in the store. We'll have our own make of potato and chicken salad tomorrow and some other dainties you'll like for Sunday. Whether your wants are in tHe meat market, bakery, candy depart ment, delicatessen or staple section you'll find courteous treatment and characteristic DRESS ER quality. TURKEYS, fresh killed corn-fed Turkeys, lb...25i she ' DRESSER'S Rolled Beef Roasts, no bones, no fat, no waste, lb 15f DRESSER'S pure Tork Sausage, lb 20 DRESSER'S select Veal Sausage, 2 lbs 25f DRESSER'S wine cooked Crawfish, special, doz..35 DRESSER'S Sunshine Cakes, regularly 25c, for "..-.'.201 DRESSER S Assorted Lay er Cakes, regular 25c, for 20 DRESSER'S Buttercups, all flavors, reg. 40c for 30 DRESSER'S Old-Fashioned Chocolate Creams, reg. 40c for 25 OREGON WALNUTS Shipment' of these just ar rived lb 25 HOOD RIVER APPLES A large shipment of these are in. DRESSER'S FIFTH AND STARK Tha Biggest, Brightest and Host Complete rood' Store on the Pa- eiflo Coast. G. Covach Co. ARE THE PIONEER DEALERS IN Poultry, Fish, Oysters and Clams The firm enjoys the best reputation In the city for pure stock. Don't fall to tail on them If you want the best tho market affords. FHOZTES: MAIN 63S; A-3538. 275 FIRST Portland Clearing Konse Certificates Taken for All Purchases.