The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 08, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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r i
Sick and Injured "Warriors in
jKortlnrest Disprove As-
V sertions of President.
t ' ' Thef .say that football has been
f. robbed of Its brutality 'and danger
r Substituting the forward pans and the
f ' onalde kick tor the r.1.1 mass plays, but
I from the weekly wall going up all Over
the northwest one would think tne ptm-
f ' nihility for injury was greatly ass-
. i men ted. . -
f j There Is hardly a college football
team in the northwest which win not
have regular players on the aide lines
In .the important games tomorrow.
There is not a college in the northwest
. ; which is not reporting from two to half
4 a dozen men suffering from Injuries of
various sorts. These extend all the
' ' war from sprained ankles to broken
"'-- bones. -
- ' Why this should be we do not know.
; Ask Teddy Roosevelt Sr. or President
- .Eliot of Harvard. If they thought It
' would be effectual in lessening the In
i juries, they have another think coming.
This natter of Injuries not only prevails
" on this coast, but It obtains alo on the
. . Atlantic seaboard. Yale has lost her
i greatest kicker. W heaton: Princeton has
. been troubled with sick and Injured men.
and ao has Harvard, all the em son. in
? the middle went the leading teams have
: been prevented from concerted team
work for the reason that from on to
, three of the leading men have been out
f of the lineup.
Injuries Hirer Bo ProsoueeA.
- Hera In the northwest Injuries have
7 never been so pronounced. In the first
big gains of the seanon Willamette unl
' verslty lrst Nace, Klrby and Saunders,
- and It was directl- through their ab
'..'Sence that the team was compelled to
. . dinhand later In the season, whitman
college has been having numerous in---Jured
players, and went into the Whit-
worth game with a team representing
jr less thsn a third of the actual atrength
' of the Missionaries.
Prshaw has been, repeatedly injured
, at Washlnrtnn and will be out of the
game asalnst Whitman college tomor
' row. This is a aad blow. Inasmuch as
- the contest will settle the Champion
ship aspirations of one team. Trott,
the big halfback, has been watching
the practice for nearly two weeks on
account of Injuries, and other players
' bare also sustained hurts.
Pullman and Idaho have experienced
the same difficulty.
. Olen, Arnsnlger- Is (ha latest addition
to the sideline squad at Oregon, and
will probably remain there for at least
a week, or perhaps until- the Thanks
giving game with Multnomah. Arnspl
Pr l undoubtedly the best tackle In
the northwest, and his loss In tomor
row's game with Oregon Agricultural
rollers will he sorely felt Pinkharo,
tha Portland hoy who will take "Oles
plsce, has been laid un for over two
weeks with bad sprains. Zachsrlas has
been suffering- with a sprained ankle,
but has been gritty enough to stay in
the asms.
There Is also another feature of the
srame aside from sprains, bruises snd
broken bones. . There has been sn un
precedented amount of sickness.
wnein-r mis is one to the great amount
of outdoor running, which la too much
for the olnvers. or whether It Is due to
the rolone-d drv spell, cannot be an
swered by the writer. More than llkelv
It is due to overexertion on the part
jf voting players who are driven at n
hlh rate of sneed all through the nrr
tlees bv Insistent coaches to perfect
the running rams.
There are manv who wilt nnt h ..
onelled to the presidential view that the
more open sine or piav. with all Its
beauty, has not lessened th danger to
injury ana sickness. Rn(hPr .u fnev
believe that It haa. If anything, been
3 &
Multnomah and Seattle Will
' Clash on Mat and in
Seattle's boxers and wrestlara ar
rived In tht Rose City this morning and
express confidence In their ability tJ
take the "Multnomah club ring and mat
artists Into camp In the first lnterclub
tournament In tha gymnasium tonight.
Refer Grant will cull the preliminaries
at 8:30 o'clock sharp and there will ba
no lagging in tha program. As soon as
tha two boxing matches have been tin
This la (ho nccrpEfltlon which will meet the University nf Dree-nn eleven at Vn-n . f... I Ished tha regular meet will begin, under
" ... . ... . uwu I the direction of Referee Greenland
Association Intends to Show
United Front in This .
(pedal Dispatch Tha Joarasl.)
Eugene. Or.. Nov. 1 -Tk en.,.
iena bank have organised a clearing
house association for their mutual pro
tection and tha protection of thalr cus
tomers. Th officers are .
T. H. Hendricks of thaFlrst National
bank, president; W. 'F. Osburn of th
i-ugene Loan A Savings bank, vlee
prealdent and B. A. Snenrar at tha Ma..
chants' bank. secreUm Tha matter of
Issuing clearing housa eartifloataa In
lieu or cash for general circulation has
been discussed, but no dsflnlu decision
Thar Is talk among th leading banks
Of tha Willamette valley of organising
an association among themselves, ana! la
that ease tha local organisation Will-be
coma ineffective, tha banks hera joining
with thosa of other cities in th yallsy.
Albany. OU Nov. .-rTha Albany Fur-.
tiira Manufactuiina comoanr baa
oraanlsed and will ocoupy th build
r rwr-J
v.iaiaii hv tha United Organ at Carriage
company factory. It fa propoaed to
make specialty of7 eerUln hinds of
furniture at tha beginning, ana gradual
ly enlarge until furniture of every form
and kind will ba manufactured J. M.
Gilkinaon. X T. McNeil and Mr. Hansen
of Tacoma are tha organisers. Articles
of Incorporation will be filed In a few
th organlaera ar man ot standing
in the community, ana sir. jiansea
brings to the organisation years of ax-
perlance. .
JLH-UJULial . ,. ! I J 1 1 '.I 1 ,. ...I1J
MUJXf You Can Pay Me
When I Cure You
in the annual game
tbe state university.
Corvallls bag been saying llttlo and training bard and mar aprlng a surprise oa
Judge Williams Calls Foot
ball Game for 3 o'clock
Tomorrow Afternoon.
(L'nlttd Preat Leaned Wire.)
' Princeton, N. J., Nov. 8. Andrew
Carnegie came to Princeton today to be
present at the festivities attending th
first regatta to be held on Carnegie
lake, the artificial waterway which Mr.
(J&rnerlA nravlrlAri In nrHor that lir-l.,,.,.
t ton might take rank with other Amerl
i ran universities in the matter of aquut
, $, le sports. Tha lake has been completed
lmoat a year, but this is th first re
- gatta to ba held On it.
Th main, feature of the regatta will
I be a four-cornered match between the
various classes of the university. The
Carnegi Cup has been offered, and the
' winning crew will have its numerals
J, engraved on it. Following thl will be
g ; en exhibition race between Coach Titus
i end O'Nell, of the Nonparlel Rowing
" A club, of New York. The program also
provwea a numDer or events lor canoe
f. ista. . ,.
Good evening. Are you going to the
big football game on Multnomah field
tomorrow afternoon, and help charity T
Promptly at th hour of three. Judge
CHorg H. Williams, Oregon's grand
old man and greatest lover of athletic
sports, will sound the tocsin, and th
great conteat of beef, brain and brawn
will be on between th ' Multnomah
club team and the Old College Stars
Aggregation. Society will bo out in
force, for society Is always In the van
whep It cornea to supporting charity,
and the Visiting Nurses' association
is one of the most charltablo Institu
tions in the city.
By special arrangement with J. Blu
vlus and O. Bol, Sbe football manage
ment has secured the services of the
latter to preside over th game, the for
mer kindly consenting to his rival's
presence during th entire sfternoon.
The management feels as If It should
be congratulated on the nicety' of these
Uttle incidental features, and pigskin
followers In I.e city are expected to
show their appreciation in definite
Sollpse the Milky Way.
There will be such a galaxy of foot
ball satellites on tht field tomorrow
afternoon that the milky way will be
?ut to shame by the brilliance of their
winkling. Among the men whose
names ure famous on the checkerboard
are Stlr-kney and Travis, of llurvard
fame. Doc Woodruff of Pennsylvania,
McMillan of Stanford, Blunchard of
Amherst, and a host of others. The
winged "M" will be represented by the
regular starr or playera.
Portland's Vlaltltig Nurse associa
tion, which is under the direction of
Miss Florence Baldwin and her assist
ant. Miss Mae Walker, hag grown to
auch an extent In the past few years
that It can be very favorably compared
with like Institutions in the larger
Tickets can be secured at Coffman's.
J. K. Gill's. Woodard & Clarke's, Rows
& Martin's, McQamon's drug store
and Pillingers confectionery store, to
day and tomorrow.
Boys Promise to Put Up
Game of Their Lives
on Sound.
When the Portland High School foot
ball team leaves for Seattle tonight it
will b the best trained team that ever
upheld the honor of Old High. All this
week the team has done little but per
fect their team work and learn new
plays, and If th boys play anything
like th same gam they put up against
Columbia last Saturday something may
ru net ure the tender jart of Seattle's
nflated reputation. Every member of
the team la in fine condition, and they
expect to give th Seattle boya tha bat
tle of their lives.
Th winning of to-morrow's game
may depend entirely upon the ability of
the high school team In fathoming
Wee" Coyle's tricks. Covle is un
doubtedly the trickiest orenaratorv
school quarterback on the coast. Hick-
son and Dabney have proved their abil
ity at stopping end runs, and none of
high schools opponents has been able
to make yardage through the line with
nny regularity, ao It seems up to Coyle,
If to anyone, to do the winning for
Latourette has proved himself to be
a heady player and a crackerjack on
end runs and restoring punts, and Mc
Klnley has more than held his own In
punting with th best kickers in the
The line-up will be as follows:
Bcattle. Position. Portland.
Burke (140) ....LER Dabney (135)
Henry (170) L T R ... Shearer (157)
O'Nell (161) LOR. Lawrence (158)
Presley (165) C. . . .Gerspack (152)
Rngge (16S) . .' ... R T L .... . .Ross (1R.1)
Plellen (174) RTL Smith (170)
McKay (146) R E L. . .Hlckson (170)
Coyle (149) Q B . .Latourette (147)
J. Smith (184). .LHR.. Hastings (ISO)
Mackey (160) . . .R II L. .McKInley (1)
Westover (172)... FB Meier (147)
Substitutes for Portland: Starker
(165), Hughes (125). and Huston (130).
Wolverines Will Come
Coast and Multnomah
. Asks for Game.
(Halted Pre Leased Wire.)
Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. t. Manager
Balrd announced today that If Mlchl
gan defeated Pennsylvania in Ann Ar
bor In November for th football cham
pionship, .th Wolverine squad will bo
taken on a western tour during tho
Christmas holidays. Two games prob
ably will be played, one with a Call
fornla team.
Fifteen hundred people can be accom-
... . . . . .-v - ...I
moaaiea in in ciuo gymnasium, wnicn
haa been specially prepared for the oc
casion. . This will be one of th best
amateur carda hung uo In Portland In
a lone time and will undoubtedly be I
well patronised by lovers of boxing snd
wrestling. .
Instead of aefldlng Doraener to wres
tle with Edgar Frank In th 125-pound
class, th 8. A. c. have substituted
chap named Bert Klncade, who la sgld
to b the best on th sound in the ban
tam division.
Following Is the program:
First event Boxing match at 110
pounds, between Leon Hughes and Joel
i'erassr, both or Multnomah dun.
Second event Boxing match, at ISO
pounds, between Olmar Drang of Mult
nomah and Ford of Seattle.
Third event Wrestling match at 125
pounds, between Kdgar Frank of Mult
nomah and Bert Klncade of Seattle,
Fourth event Wrestling match at 15S
pounds, between Will Dennis of Mult
nomah and Johnson of Seattle.
Fifth event Boxing match at 15S
pounds, between Jack Walsh of Mult
nomah and Chet Brown of Seattle.
Sixth event Boxing match at 175
pounds, between Ed Johnson of Mult
nomah and Sam Peck of Seattle.
My Fed Is
In Any Uncomplicated Cue
My Cures ,
SB4 ew
eeai to
feotly eonstruoted.. Saeh pari la built
its task. Unless overburdened ot attacked by
disease, ao organ falters. JTatnx lnteaded that
every nan should liv all ' bis years a perfect
man. Tew tnea go. Mo4) men earn.
All men make mlstekea. Soma make mis.
takes after they have grown to be man. BU11
otasrs ar ma rely Mfortunate. rrae tic ally all
diseases and disorders are tha result of mistakes
or misfortune.
Th problem of living a perfect man Is slanpl.
trade the Injury that mistakes ov saisfortnae
have wrong-it Then avoid both liv aa aatur
built you to Ure. T
' Dm. TATXOm
The Leading apeelaUst.
Undoing tho Injury v
I do not know how many thousands of men I have treated. X have been a
specialist of men's diseases for 17 years. During the most of these years
tny practice haa been the largest of its kind upon ths Pacific coast Dur
if ,th" evtri11 years past It haa been fully double that of any other special-
. tuv wei iraauns: men s aiseBes.
Hard Times Strike Show.
nm mei
I have met With but few inmi.ra.hla raaoa
fewer cases. In recent yeara I have failed
I have failed to cure In still
in none. This Is because I
When Manager Jack Horan. of
Multnomah- club football team,
shown the above dispatch this mornln
sme for Portland. He
wired Manas
(United Press Lai awl Wire.)
New York. Nox. 8. That hard times
are knocking at the door of New York's
rich Is the opinion or those at tne auc-
the tlon aale of boxea for the horse show
held in tne uaroen tneatre. Tne iirst
choice of boxes went for 1360. the I
highest price of the day. In other,!
times 1800 or thereabouts was bid.
First tier boxes went begging for pur
he Immediately
asmng for a c
also wlrod to Coach Victor N. Place of
mo univerauy or Waahlns-ton tam
rr .w vruuea vuill 1,1 .nilllT 1 111, I . -
'Pl'S' y, big .thietio UJV10N COUM i BANKS
. vi mo nut uiHtsi in wringing
Pennsylvania to the coast, and the
npoKane Athletic club. Horan in his
ti-legram asked If they would prefer a
Michigan game to an all-star team or
a r-ennsyivania eleven, and he 1 no
awaiting their answer.
Ihe northwest clubs stand more of
a cnance or securing the Wolverines
man mey wouia or getting Pennsylvania
as the holiday attraction. Michigan
would be as great a drawing card and
the expense incidental to the - trip
wuuiu uo niucu less.
owing to shorter
Women's Physical Director
Puts Ban.onSports.Al
AT or
NOV. 9, '07
; '.. ,it,".s.!
,Three o'Clock P. M.
College Stars
Under the patronagefand for
tne benetit of tne, Visiting
Nurses' Association .
; " "of Portland. V ' :
(Special Dispatch to To Joornnl.)
University of Washington. Seattle,
Nov. 8. Girls as well as boys are re
quired to take physical culture at Wash
ington. Last year on Cuhipu day a
track for the girls was built. It has
been Improved considerably, and Isnow
In better shape than the regular 'var
slty track, it Is concealed from mas
culine eyes by thick bushes and trees.
and there the co-eds plan to pull off
track meets. The track is a 200 yard
affair, and has a 60-yard straight
Tennis Is one of the forms of athlet
ics favored by Washington co-eds, and
therp are a number of tennis courts
for "cold" use only. Last year the
gins were allowed to take up rowing,
and four oared crews were selected to
represent the different classes. This
year Miss Rudberg. the physical di
rector for women, announces that there
win oe no rowing zor women.
i... i. .
Fire Portland Boys Are In
cluded in Stanford's Line
upPlay on Saturday.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 8.rTwerity-nlne J
of the thirty players who will be seen in
the football game between the Univer
sity of California and Stanford on Sat
urday have been announced. There is I
still one doubtful position right-wing I
"iico-quurier on me cardinal xirteen.
The men who will play in Saturday's!
Stanford Fullback, Cadwalader;
three-quarters, Holman, Vandervoort
and Owen. or Reed; five-eighths, Mitch
ell and Gancmg; halfblack, Fenton; wing
j... iijm, lorwaras, Jtoerner,
Sin?,6, re"nDert'. Minturn, Crawford,
University of California Fullback.
Butler; three-quarters, Johns, Sorenson
!.ndJ?w'8ln5i flve-eighths, Cerf and
' j ',,"""uoclt' ecnaerer; wing for
ward, Tuller; forwards. Barnlcott, Fair-
2 i? B OW' "dieman. Twltchell. Bell
MIS A AC 119,
(Special Dispatch to Tbe looreal.)
The Dalles, Or.. Nov. 8. Tha first
big footbaJ! game of the season will
be pulled off hero Sunday afternoon,
when the Albany Athletic club will try
conclusions with The Dalles Columbias.
Dr. Bteckle will not coach the club boys,
but "Bob" Murray, who had charge of
the locals In former years, will again
act as coach. A hard game is expected,
as the Albany team Is strengthened by
several players to meet the local
Rosenthal's agents for Hanan shoes.
Some five years aao when the Tn.i
machine was tho greatest In the coun
try, the Mlchlgandcrs came out to ihe
coast snd overwhelmed a picked Stan
ford eleven by a score of 49 to 0. Since
men nurry up- nas not had such
great success in smomerlng Ms op
ponents. The Ann Arbor dispatch states that
one of the games will be played In
California. Just what college will have
the temerity to line up against the
Wolverines is not known. Tha oniv
colleges playing the American game in
California this year are those of( the
southern part of the state. Whkthor
any or tnese couia make a game lhter-
esiing ior Micnigan is uncertain.
There a,re a large number of former
raicniganv granuaiea at tseattle and they
will user their best efforta to induce
their former college mates to come to
the Paclfie northwest
(Special Dispatch te Tbe Journal)
La Grande, Or.. Nov. t. Tbe banks of
Union county have taken steps to pro
tect the business Interests of Union i
county. Representatives of the eight ,
banks of the county have formed an or- ;
ganlzation to he known as tne union I
County Bankers' association, with the '
following officers: F. L. Meyers, presl- I
Ant; J. B. Thorson. vice-president; Will ,
Wright, secretary. Executive commit
tee J. W. Scrlber George Caster.
George Cleaver.
This action was taken to protect busi
ness Interests and to prevent the with
drawal of funds. Only checks or cer
tificates of deposit for 150 or less will t
be psid in casn, and no more than sioo
a week on any one account The banks
are In good condition and the county Is
prosperous. This action lstaken to pro
tect all.
Where to Dine.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restauront; fine private apart
ments for ladies, 305 Wash., near Fifth.
Tomorrow and Monday will' be tht
last days for discount on west side
gH8 bills.
(Special Dlipatch to Tbe Journal.)'
Penjjloton, Or.. Nov. 8. James White,
who was buried under several feet of
earth with a fellow-workman last Sun
day for nine hours at Echo while at
work on a leak In the government ditch,
died suddenly last evening in the hos
pital here. He seemed to be recovering
and was brought here from Echo for
better care. It is thought he died from
internal injuries.
ueorgc f annapoiuios, a ureea wno
was burled with White, died almost in
stantly. White was a mlddle-ared man
and had no family.
ESZLH.'SUr BIITCI! hath comb out with ads xmitatibto otr
xo vS "IS fewi ?cvj? ovmi-x' BT0P AJTD IJn,TJE ow win comb
We Will Cure You
We are especiailj anxious that any
WEAK MAX who has failed with
other methods' call on us ana 1st us
explain to him why we CTOB peo
ple who have failed to ret relief be
fore seeing us. This we will cheer
fully do rxEE of any cost.
Everybody Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists
in tne xJiscases oi Men
Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only
I 1 ,' I, . ,
attempt to cure only those cases that I feel confident I can cure, and as my
experience has grown I have become able to determine curable and Incur
able cases with certainty. It Is also because my skill In curing has grown
j my intTiiiuua vi imimrni nave oeen perreciea.
The following mention of ailments that oome through mistakes and mis
fortune is necessarily brief. I will gladly explain them further and tell you
of my original, scientific and certain methods of treating them to all who
will call or wrltei
No matter In what form thosa functional derangements, commonly termed
"weakness" may appear, the causative conditions are, in fully 6 per cent of
the cases, very similar. I have given the cloaest possible study to this re-
marKBDiy prevalent ailment and rind that in practically every ease of pre
matureness, etc., there existed at some vital point of the pelvlo system, a
state of chronic tenderness, inflammation or congestion. My first step is a
thorough examination to ascertain the exsct location and nature of the
aisoraer, arter wnicn by a system or carefully directed local .treatment, I
restore the affected nart to its normal condition which nrnmntlo minlii
In full and complete return of power. In perhaps less than 5 per cent of the
caaes do I find general impoverishment lack of nervoua energy or any other
condition or complication requiring constitutional treatment Therefore,
I may safely assert that not more than one case In 50 can be permanently
vcueiiira oy mo uae oi ionics, sumuianis, eieciricai or mecnanicai appli
ances, and that full it cases In 60 will be aggravated by such methods of
My cures are positive, complete, thorough and permanent, because by my
method the real and only- cause of the functional weakness is totally
removed. The knowledge gained, bv close study and observation In thou
sands of cases enables me to reqpgnixe the exact requirements and treat
accordingly, and In years I have not failed in a single instance to aeoom-
pnsn tne uesirea resuus. '
Varicocele affects the veins of the spermatic cord. An average of one man
in four suffer from the affliction. The muscular walla of tha vain a was Iran
and relax, the valves cease to perform their functions and local stagnation
' of the blood ensues. Tbe first evidence of Tarlooceie is usual) a thicken
ing, dilating, knottln- and twisting of the veins on one or both sides, most
frequently upon the left side, often accompanied by pains tn the back, legs,
thighs or chest and a aense of dragging in the groin.- Owing to the im
paired circulation, a wasting away of the organs, accompanied by partial
or complete loss of power almost without exception follows in severe oases
wnere ireaimem is negieciea, ana even sugntiy aeveiopea cases cannot rail
to have a damaging influence upon the organs Involved as well as upon
the general health. Safety tn all Instances demands a prompt cure, for
varicocele ia a disease that increases in severity the longer It Is neglected.
I cure varicocele without pain and without detaining the natlent frnm
business. I have cured over 3,000 cases without a single failure or unpleas
ant result. Mv treatment is original and has been developed through 17
years of practical experience. It restores the lost tone and elasticity to
the weakened and dilated blood vessela. while results in normal rlrnnla.
tion and reestablishes tbe natural processes of waste and repair throughout
the vital system.
examination Free
I offer not only FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every ease that
cornea to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without
chars. No ailing man should neglect this Opportunity to get expert
opinion about his trouble. .,
ir you cannot can, write ror Diagnosis chart. My ornces are open nil
day from a. m. to p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 1.
The Dr. Taylor Co.
varlooeele, from ...J10 to 125
Hydrocele, from ....$10 to $50
Atrophy, from $5 to $12.60
Nervous Debility, from ...$5 to $20
Wasting, from $ to $10
Discharges, from $5 to $10
Ulcers, from $5 to $15
Blood Poison, from ..... $10 to $30
railing Hair, from $5 to $10
Pimples, from $7.50 to $15
Ecsema, from $10 to $30
Bladder Ailments, from. $6 to $12.60
Kidney Ailments, from.. $10 to $30
Run No Risk
Investigate onr methods and loam
that we are all we claim to be, and
when you plact your case in our
hands you are sura of getting the
best treatment that can be ob
tained anywhere, j
To every man who knows himself
to rejnlre advice as to marrlagTand
ih.w.l-lrm,at,V wno has taken
?.!i!p' w-a"' cordial
.TitV?Vthat.,w" may advlss him
he best thlnr to o. This we
win do pbeb of all charges.
Nervous, Debility
Cured in a few weeks. Improve
ment from the start If you suffer
from loss of energy and ambition,
feel tired when you arise in the
morning lame back, dlixiness, spots
jj a-iiu leei you are not
1 MEN for (10.00
And VVyp Treat Men Only K
We cure Skin Diseases, Blood Poison,
vaMwoexe, stricture, srervoug Decline,
uonorrnoea, weakness and Diseases of
the Sidney, Bladder sad Prostate.
Men, should these ajlments not apply1
to your case, call and tell us confiden
tially what your trouble is, and we will
be very glad to advise you according to
the condition of your case.
the man
Horse Show.
special muslo will ha n foot nr. I
evening during the horse show at the
iiwwirauu uieam store, 0BB-3VU Wash-1
1111111 filVVU
Tomorrow anri Mnnflav win v.
. m .. ..... .'V . I. V
oays- ior aiscoum on west aide
Sua ,1'iua. ,i. . T 'j ('.
Cured bv our new method: no pain.
The enlarged veins re due to
mumps, bicycle or horseback riding,
disease, etc. In time t weakens a
man mentally as well as physically.
We will cure you for life or make no
Cured; no Ta1n, no loss of time.
Why suffer longer when you can be
cured in a few hours at a moderate
cost? Call and consult us at once,
and we will convince youof the su
periority of our New system TreaC-
. ntl... M.ttin.1
Prostate Ailments, from ..$5 to $15
Blood Poison
OvOrcome in 90 days or no pay.
Symptoms overcome in seVen to 21
davs without chemicals or poisons.
Jf suffering from ulcers, sore mouth
or throat, falling hair, bone pains,
come end we will drive the poison
from your blood forever by our New
System Treatment.
We Do Not Patch Up -f-- v -jDo- JNoLDelay
.j we cure forever J Call or Write Today
The Oregon Med fen I Irititi iM
i 'WAtfrjS,,,,,., ungate,, - , '' .
29VA Morrison Street, Near Fifth, Portland, Oregon .
Free Advice Given
Send us particulars of your case
at onoe If you cannot call. Medi
cines front 1.50 to-$8.30 a course.
Dally Honw- a.Sa, to & p. m.
Sunday Soussr' 97a. mM 13 boob.
for fife nCe Wre We W,U cura
Urethral Obstruction
Cured by absorption in a short time:
no pain, no cutting, no operation. By
our method the urethral canal is
healed and entire system restored
to its healthy btate. No falluresv no
pain or loss of time.
Examination Free -
Call and we will explain why our
Hew System . cures -when ail else
rails. A rrieuoay caat will ost you
nothing. C4U, at. nee; don't dels.
Examinations i .Are - Thorough
Our Diagnoses Positive v-
Is an abnormal enlargement of knotted
conditions of the veins In the scrotum,
caused 'by a blow, fall, riding horseback
or a bicycle. It causes a dull, heavy opinion upon this point among the
weighty feeling,' caosed by a partial profession la but an evidence that
paralysis ui uw uhiiilh nerve . iiDers ii
We have conclusively demon-
etraiea me iaci mat aerangement
of the masculine functions is a
curable ailment. That there has
oeen consiaerame diversity of
which control the -circulation to the
parts, and making the flows slow and
atatrhant Variocele Also accomnanlea
or causes a degenerated condition of the
prostate gland, which 'directly affects
the nervoua system, due to the malnu
trition or lack ot the proper food. Th
results are many, and in every case we
may say serious if such a case should
continue without any treatment, which
usually results worse than no treat
ment at all. Have this attended to at
once. Do not allow yourself to be
butchered and experimented with. We.
have a safe, painless ant) sure oure, orls
inal with us and employed by no oue
else, we use no knife, cause ao pain,
and you need not be detained from busi
ness a etngle day-, '
unctlonal weakness has not hAit
inorougniy understood and haa
been unscientifically treated..
Though commonly regarded as a
nervous disorder, it has never n
yielded, when treated upon this fi
theory.- We have ascertained by R
the closest observation in thou-
sands of cases that only In rare E
instances is the general constltu-
tion or nervous system involved
to any noticeable degree what- f!
ever, and that "weakness" in all S
its phases Is merely a symptom 2
of nervous disorder. . In by far 3
the greater number of cases the
functional derangement is due to S
a single case, a chronically in
flamed Condition the nnutitt
gland, which we readily cure.
JJXEKi yOU cannot C1L ;' "Tstem of home treatment is always
-CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential '
HOURS a, ml to p; evenings. T to 8:J0; Sundays, m. to
12 noon. - 4 ,
L-tsssssasssscersssstssxsnssrrssss zssrrrrr zzzzzzz ii