THE , OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7, 1007. iTown topics TOXIOIirS AMUSEMENTS. HolUir "Raffles Marquam. ..'Toe Nlhtlnfinle. Baker "A Hole In the around. Kmpire . 'Sweetest Olri In Dlxto. grand Vsuaevni Lyrlo itir . 'Woman Ajralnet Woman. Confessions of a Wife, v. - i .1 i. n . : . .. a 4 . lliv lirai lime llio ( Ul iianu 4" I Vn,n'B tlu0 tnet let nISht with severu per bv en of thorn. Union Mar Bhaw ''Men In Advertising" u the subject i7 oompar yet raay Bh7 compared the adver and the hi of today, riiiphualsln tho u-fful adver longer resorted to mi attention to Ms offer of her talk, tlsinc man nf vertulns man the pulnt that tUlns man no truth to draw and that the pi le were learning to look for the truth. In relliililo Mdveitlae inenis. a. l.. Button, etner or ino ua vertlelns; department of the Jamestown ex poti i ion. apoKe. tejnnK wny me area exposition vaa a failure and tho lessons to bo deducted I ht rf f I oin. There were many other speakers. At the meeting of tho Counrll of Jew lsh Women hold yesterday afternoon, Mrs. S. A. Kvana, In an address on "Ore iron aa viewed From Jamestown, Rave an ItitrrcHtinn sketch of the relative p. Ition In Institutional and educative work or the women of the north west and of the Mutiny aouth. Mra. 8. M Hlumnuer reported on the work of the Neighbor mod Houoe and MIhb Friendly on her vlalt to tht Stale Federation meeting Two violin aoloa were Riven by Mim Cahlll, accompanied by Mrs...W. K. Thomas, Current event were riven In an able paper by Mra. duatav Simon. V At the monthly social and -tea of Central M. C. T. IT., Mr. Badiley apoke on "Personal Influence.-' After the naming of superintendents ahd church vice-presidents. Mis Kose Iiavldson national lecturer for the Young; Wo men a Christian Temperance union, made a short, talk. Mis I)avldson will peak during tho comlna;, week In the city and county. At the close of the moetlnn an hour .waa spent In discus sion. Refreshments were aerved. Next week there will he a qinntlnn box In crtmrgs of Mra. Ida llarkley. Permanent organization of the Port land Heal Ettate Exchange will be ef fected at a banquet to be riven by the realty board as aoon aa the necessary arrangements can be made. M. (i. Griffin, chairman of the banquet com mittee, will call a meeting; of hla com mittee today to select a place and date for the banquet. It la planned to In vite several prominent local men, not members of the realty board, to attend the U liquet and make addresses. . At the 'Women' club meeting to be held tomorrpw afternoon at the Wo men of Woodcraft hall the topic of the auy la, -How Our City la Governed Airs. l. c. Chapman, chairman of the city, will make the Introductory re marks. Mayor Lane will speak on the general ned and' the means of Im proving our city government. Pr. Es ther Pohl will speak on the health of our city. PIZEN.TO TUB SCAMPS The M. D. bora art In It from their to- . nans, to their heads ' All ' around the country thar are wanted to be mayors Till now there Is no being that the As the man of plUs and powders prone 10 proa mem in their laira. In Portland la the fav-rlte, known aa Pr. Harry. kan. (By the way. we do his washing that's what, makes him seem so trim) That man's prescribed for scalawag whole bucketful of pain. Tilt every mother's son of 'em Is dead afraid of him. And now old 'Frisco's Taylor Is engaged t(f scalp the bunch. And is looking north to Harry Just to aee how It la done. And the latter glvea hla brother a most beneficial hunch, Explicitly explaining how to get "em on the run. Etc. UNION LAUNDRY Tel. Main 3911; A-112S. Second and Columbia. ELEVATOR FALLS UJP1B ed to drink Qolden Grain Granules, the cereal health coffee." Anyone ma write to Mr. Racers, hla address Tacoma, Washington. f. lectures Evangelist E. W. Bhepard of ltuchanan. Michigan, is at Advent Christian church on Second street be tween Kail and Lincoln, with hla large chart. Every evening at 8 o'clock. Free. All are Invited. Mr. and Mra, le Nertllllon of 341 Columbia street are receiving the con- rratulatlona of their friends on the birth of a eon. Mother and child are reported doing well. Christ ian Poulscn Seriously Injured While Working On Doorway to Lift. Caught beneath a descending eleva tor In the Washington building, Chris tian Paulsen, a carpenter, living at 801 East Thlrty-flrrt street, received Injuries today that may result In hi death. Ha was on a sruffuld tearing away the woodwork above the door of the entrance to the shaft on tho first floor when the elevator descended crushing his head between the floor of the elevator and the casing ubovn the door. He was removed at owe to tit. Vincent's hospital In the police patrol wagon. Ihe accident occurred at !t 30 o'clock within rive reet or wit sidewalk where the Washington street crowds were passing. The tile floor was covered with the blood of the Injured man be fore he could be removed. The Wash ington building Is located on the Nouth east corner ot Fourth and Washington streets. Paulsen was working- Just inside the Washington street entrance with two VIEWS OF CREW CORRECT DRB08 POR MBN DIFFER FROMJUR Y Kailroad Employes Believe Wreck in Which Glass Was Killed Unavoidable. Frsnk W. Glass, too engineer killed In a head-end collision at the east end of the steel bridge yesterday mronlng, came to hla death because, of nerll- gence on the part of Engineer George A. Ferguson, of tho Pendleton local, ac cording to tho finding of the coroner's Jury. An Inquest waa held In the after noon and thn testimony of the train crews on both the Incoming Southern Pacific and the outgoing J. It. & N. The United paushter of the Confed erarv w 111 be entertained bv Mra. A. M .Lee .u her residence, S4 Fifth street Frldnv evenlna- NnvtWnher ft. at f o'clock. We sponge anft press your clothes and shine your shoes, all for tl per month. Main 614. A-4314. Wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co.. J0 btara Steamer Jesss Harvlns, for Camas. Wshougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Save the discount (25 cents) by psy- ng jour bills for November service on r before the 10th of the month. Home Telephone companv. - v Dr. George Rnbensteln. exoert octl elan. Consultation free. Perfect fit ting lenses. 183 4th at. near Yamhill. ig y xarnlued free. Goodman's, ill Morrl- on, opposite St. Charles hotel. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal le gasoline. Phone East "SI; oil and B-1007. Women's Exchange, US Tenth street. uncli 11:19 to 2: business men's lunch. The Oak Grove Improvement asso ciation will hold a meeting this even ing o discus tr proposal to cede the northern kecuon of Clackamas county to .Multnomah county, making the Clackamas river the boundary. There are several reasons urged for the change onii also much objection to It. The meeting this evening will be one of the mo.p interesting the association has held for some time. Bertha Ilelnzc was denied motion for a new trial in the United States cir cuit court yesterday. Mrs. Hetnse, a auministrntrix or tier husband s estat uen me .American type rounders com pany Tor damages for the deat of her husband who was Injured whll worning ior me soncern. jr.i lury re turned a verdict in favor of the com pany. B. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks' building. Seventh and Stark sts. Woodward Dancing Academy, Arlon halL Tonight. Lessons 25 cents. other curpenters engaged in remodeling tne stairway and rnnnnuiK to another side the entrances to the elevntor shaft. While this work has been going ahead, the managers of the building have con tinued using the elevator so as not to Inconvenience the occapunts of thn of fices in the building. The injured man Inserted his head Into the shaft Just aa the elevator un der the control of ('. S. Shaddock, was descending the shaft. The elevntor is noiseless and neither could the car penter or the elevator man know of the dnnger to the former The car penter knew, however, that tho elevator was being usd. Paulsen sustained a compound frac ture of the upper Jaw find numcroui other injuries about the head and fare It was only a miracle that his neck was not broken. It is given out m the hospital that there Is little, hopo for his recovery. THIRTEEN THOUSAND ON TWO MEN'S HEADS Tou can find at 160 6th the gentle man's caterer, Harry C. Hippie. Silverware, Watches: Beck's, 205 Alder Eyes made young. Goodman's, 211 Mor. Eat government Inspected meat. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Try the Independent laundry. Bark Tonic for rheumatism. FIRST MEETING OF WHITE TEMPLE CLUB Rev. John Ovall, former preBldln eider of Swedish district Tuget sound conference, and field agent last confer ence year for the Anti-Saloon league, was transferred yesterdar by Itlsno I. M. Moore from the pastoral charge i murquam, uregon. and appointed pas. ior or tne rirst swetiisn Methodls Episcopal church, Portland, Oregon. List of articles found on streetcars November 5, 1907: Four purses, pair eye glasses. 1 gold watch fob, go-cart. 5 umbrellas, 4 packages, 2 pair may s gioves, cans or paint, i team Biers apron, i lunch box. ster's apron. 1 lunch box. O. W. P. building, First streets. Call room 4 and Alder Commencing November 7, 1907, the Vancouver, Woodlawn, Alberta, Russell nnaver ann urenaway cars will cross the river westerly over the Steel brldse ana easterly over the Ktirnstde bridge until further notice, owing to repairs io me mirnsiae bridge. Portland Kail way, Light & Power company. A meeting of the East Side Business Men's club will be held this evening In the parlors of the East Side Athletic club. Healy block, East Morrison nnd Grand avenue, to discuss further plans for the advertising campaign and take up otner matters of interest to east side business men. Penney Bros. Friday Special. All of our 11.60 grade of California wines at tl per gal.; our 1 grade of Port and Sherry wines at 76c per gal.; I. W. Har per whiskey, regular $4.50, at $3.50 per gai., r nujy omy. aiv-asi Hi. Morrison at.. Phono E. 287. -Fre delivery. Regular meetiy.jf the East Side Business Men's club will be held this evening In the parlors of the East Elde Athletic vlb. East Morrison and Grand avenue. Borne matters of Importance to east side business men Will be discussed. Thomas Eggers, president American Fish company, says: "We knew nothing else than sickness, doctor and medicine in my house for 14 years, till we start- The White Temple Men's club held its first regular meeting In the lecture room of the temple last night. There were about 200 men In attendance, and the evening was a most enjoyable occasion. The first part of the program was ren dered by a double quartet of colored 1u hllee singers, a local company of which George Watkson Is leader. Their ren dition nf tho old-time plantation songs approached perfection, and they received many encores. This was followed by the permanent organization of the club, and the following officers and board of managers were elected: President,! Harry W. Stone; first vice-president. Dr. ; B. P. Shepherd; second vice-president. Dr. Alvln Ralrd; secretary. Frank Tom- Ilnson; assistant secretary. J. W. Pal mer; treasurer, Fred Johnston; assist ant treasurer. T. W. Swartx: directors. O. O. Manning. C. A. Lewis, D. W. Chase, Captain J. A. Sladen. O. P. M. Jamison, i W. O. Haines and Clyde C. Byars. This was followed by the second nart nf the program, rendered by Claude Hicks, impersonator. Interspersed with music bv the Jubilee singers. At the close of the program light refreshments 1 were served and everybody went home hnppv. looking forward to the next meeting of the club, which will occur Wednesday evening, November 27. Rewards aggregating 113 000 are being offered by the Great Northern, the post office department and the Valine Insur ance company for the arrest and con viction of two train robbers who held tip the oreat rormern one nine west of Rondo, Flathead county. Montana. at 2:4f. o clock on the morning of b-p- tember 12. The two men are about th. same ago. approximately years, aim are common locking. J m y nave con siderable monev as a result or theLr robberv and may be found hanging about tho lower classes of gambling houses and notorious resorts. 1 he re wards are offered through the I'lnUerton detective agency. KENIL WORTH TO FORM BOOSTERS CLUB train wa taken. Engineer Ferguson and his flremn George E. Curl told of the accident and testified they were unable to see t.ic Incoming train because of the foir They said they were running at about three or four miles an hour when the accident happened. J. M. Wetherford and W. E. Brown, fireman and head brakeman of tho in coming train said they estimated the speed of the outfsolng train, driven by engineer Ferguson, at from 10 to 12 miles an hour. At the conclusion of the testimony the Jury, composed of P. Murray, W. W. Rath, J. M. Gilbert. WlllUm 1.. Hlg glns, I). C. Anderson and I 'an Leather man, g.ive It aa Its verdict that the, death of Glass was due to Engineer Ferguson's negligence. It Is not thought that District At torney Manning, who conducted the ex amination at the Inouest. will take nnv action against Ferguson on account of the verdict tcturned. The evidence showed a dense fog to have been pre vailing at the time of the collision, and It Is the opinion of many trainmen and railroad employes that Fireman Ucth e.rford and Hrakeman Brown, of the Southern Pacific train had a good case of stage fright when they saw the Pen- I dleton train which perhaps more ihan doubled the speed of the train In their eyes. Taking Into consideration the fog and slippery tracks and heavy curve and Krude It la not thought possible that Engineer Ferguson could have attained a speed of 10 or 12 miles an hour wl'.h his light engine and heavy train In cuch u short distance after leaving the bridge. Another Home Lost. Unless you provide your lawn or the land surrounding your home with trees, shrubs and vines you have fulled in one of the necessary requisites to a complete home place. roi t lie most perfect of imported and ornamental trees, vines and fruit trees or hII Kinds, it will pay vou to call on J. B Pilklneton at once, foot of Yam hill street. Portlard. lr. m WHY have your clothes made to order? The ready-to-wear garments displayed here are produced for us by Alfred Benjamin & Co. with the intention of equaling the exclusive tailors' products at a far less than his charges. You can judge of the results with no obligation to buy. E. & W. Dress Shirts KNOX Silk and Opera Hats AmrsxMXXTs. HFIIIC THFiTt?P rtaiw 14th and Waablagton -'- lUkJiiiu. fcala I lonaiT $a$ O'clock. Friday, Sat. Nights. Matins Saturday, s.' xxxjum XX1TT In the Interesting Dram RAFFLES? Evenings II. R0 to tS. Matins $1 to J5c, MARQUAM QRAND 7 Portland Famous Theatre, i Tonight and sVemalnfler of Week. , "THE NIGHTINGALE1 J "t'p to the Mlnut and a IJttl Ahead." one of the Hood Things. , Evenings zr, 50c, 75c; Matinees I So. BOo. "THE GENTIUTY SHOP" 311 MORRISON ST., 0PP. P. 0. 4 o ptes new.. Resident and property owners In Kenllworth are Invited to attend a meeting to be held at the home of I. (' ! Clodfelt, 898 Fast Thirty-second street, this evening, for the purjione of organ 12- ; ing a push club. The object Is to secure I the grading of streets and the general i Improvement of the suburb such as, other Improvement associations are do inc In practically every suburb on the east side. "'""IU,,, X;Jt X V 0 Hesitate 1 o Come to this office with all of your tooth troubles, then you are assured of the best work. We can extract one or all your teeth without hurting a bit, and put In new teeth the same day If you desire. Our bridge work Is the best ob tainable. A bridge fitted at this office is a positive comfort. Nothing ever has to be done over again that we once finish. We supply only the work that is lasting. We use only the best material in our crown work. We aim to secure your friends' work also. 1 20 YEARS HERE PATROLMAN PARKER HAS BEEN REINSTATED Laxity of discipline In following the rules of the police regulations was shown at the hearing of H. E. Parker, the discharged patrolman who was re Instated bv the civil service commis sion yesterday when Pnrker stated that the rule requiring medical certificates from men absent because of illness was not generally followed. Although Chief Gritzmacher and other police officials were present none denied the truth of Parker's statement. Parker wns dismissed by the exec tttive board September 13. for being un necessarily absent, from duty August 4. Although able to show to the commls- lon that he had been sick on that dav. I Parker was reinstated with a fine of I one month s pay because of the great number of times he had been tardy in tho past year. Horse Show. Special music will be a'feature every evening during the horse show at the Hazelwood cream store, 388-390 Wash ington street. NOW is the time-the cor ner of Sev enth& Stark the place and And business constantly increas ing. Ask yourself the reason and only one answer can suggest it self. Nervous people need not fear our treatment, there are no bad effects at the time or after wards. We have mastered our profession nnd results fully con firm the statement. We save all teeth that can possibly' be saved. TRIHWS n 1 ft r m. 1 11 1 rur ine nome Milliner fJt The loveliest of millinery accessories -. c for the woman of taste and knack. A V- z- number of needed items that are priced very low : UNTRIMME0 FLATS $1.50 These are the very best pure wool felt, and come in a large variety of colors. Extra wide high luster silk for bows, per yard $1.00 Extra quality all silk trimming ribbon, per yard 25 Elegant ostrich tips, 75c values, for 50t ''Extra quality black wings, 25c values, for 15 Urnamental ball pins, all colors 10 BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS All ready to put on hundreds to choose from every variety of style and shade nearly all greatly reduced. BIG BOW FLATS FOR GIRLS Girlish and becoming regular $4.50 " An values tpU Ui) All our exquisite pattern hats reduced to less than half. P P A I F V ' -212'214 Third s,reet 1 IV iJL f 4 1 4JP Comer Salmon VISIT US. BAKER. THEATUt nome Kaia v, OXO. X.. BAKEK, Ctonl Maaares. HO.MK Of THK RAKKll STOCK CO. Tonight - All Week Matlnea Saturday. , Second great Hnyt Play of the. Benson.? "A Hole in the Ground" 0 Nothing but Pun, Laughter, Muslo and Merriment. ft FvenltiKs, nfic. &oc. Matlnea, ll. the. Wt Week, "The Adveotux of tadj Ursula." " ' -? UMPIRIJ THUATRD l-Mor-' son and 12th. Phone Main lit. ' J -Ml ton W Seaman, Manager, ' 1 Kaslrrn mad nttrtirttnn Only. All., thla week Matinees Wednesday and , Satunla A new nnd charming Southern plnv I'V Knitn Slernr.n "tie iwiitest aw. nr vtxtm.m . Nlg'it price.,, ;ic, 35c, iOc Ma tit ' noes, 1'ie, ;no. next Week "Human Hearts." ' i LYRIC THEATRE! Both rnosa! Main 4685, Xosaa A103C Week commencing Monday, November 4 THE LYRIC HTiX K CO. PRESENTS "womajt aoaxjtst woiuir." " ' Matinee, Thursday, Sattjf J '. day anil Sunday. Prices 10c and JOfl. Every evening at s 15. Prices 10o. X " . and 30c. Boxes 50c. Office open 16 a. m. to 10 p. m. THE GRAND Yanderllle da Luxe. ALL. THIS WKEK. The Big Headlines. CXAB. B. W11D, KATHXY X II CO. MAY YOHB Formerly Lady Francis Hop. Time and prices remain th same. The STAR S.t S3 ALL THIS WEEK. The R. E. French Stock Co. Present th Orest Moral Drama, "tib oovrssszovs or a wxtm." Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday at t.tO. Price 10c, 20a. Every evening at 8:15. Prices 15c. 2 So 15c. Reserve seats for all performancef by lther phone. The Portland PORTLAND. ORECJOU EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELER Everything to eat and drink, and it costs no more la th Portlant Hotel Rathskeller' than elsewhere in the elty. Every weekday night from :!0 to IS, X. O. BOWEU, Maaage. , J I L Ml, Dentist A SHUU PUfJ W RMU TT aUA4i VM t sts. 8. a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 13. Painless Extraction SOc; FUtss $5. BOTH PHOWES a a its mazv aoa. You can't read a newspaper without noticing where somebody has heen robbed of a larjje amount of money. It may have been taken from under the carpet, from bureau drawers or under the floor, but the money is gone and no trace left. Too often such robbery is accompanied by bloodshed and mur der. The victim is killed to avoid exposure or tortured to disclose the hidden wealth. The man who carries large amounts of calh or hides them around his premises places a premium on crime, and should not grumble if he is robbed. We offer you a safe place, to deposit your money, a place where it is insured against loss. We will supply you with a check book which enables you to draw your money at any time. ( If a burglar steals your check book he can't draw your money and we will give you another check book. THE PRICE, For a splendid all-wool, high est character, made-to-measure Black or Blue Cheviot, Serge or Thibet Suit, tailored in the latest fashionable style, in the very best manner, guaranteed to please, fit and retain that in dividual air of exclusiveness found only in Columbia. Hand Tailored Garments. The price is special this week only; regu lar value $40. GRANT PHEGLEY, Manager. Elks' Building Seventh and Stark Sewing Machines .No matter what you want to ray wo can satisfy your needs. Bewins Machines $4 up. All Stylos, all Makes. New, rood as new, slightly dam aged and second hand. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINEAGENCY B. B. 430 Washing-ton. JOKES Corner 11th. HULTHOMAH BTIOET New Expo Rink Skate mornings skate afternoons. Learn now Buy a Skat Book. FRIDAY X.ADIES' WIGHT. LADIES' WIGHT Big Oaks Rink TONIGHT Special Care for Beginners. Cars Kvery 10 Minutes. THANKSGIVING SUGGESTIONS 1907 CROP 1907 CROP Four Crown Confection Raisins, carefully seeded, per lb 12tt Kancy Sultana. Raisins, per lb 12V4tf Grecian Currants, hand picked, per lb . . .VL f2U Leghorn Candled Citron, per lb ..253 Leghorn Candled Orange Peel, per lb .'.25c Leghorn Candled Lemon Peel, per lb oK Mission White Figs, per lb in Mission Black Kigs, per lb xS Preferred Stock Custard Pumpkin. 8-lb. can 2oS Preferred Stock Cream Squash J-lb. can 20 Home-made Mine Meat, per lb.i lKk Heinz Mince Mat, 6-lb. crock.. (r(. oicli Durkee Mince Meat Spices, packafte '.lOe Purkee Ture Leaf Sage, package ' '"jo Purke Poultry Seasoning, per can, 10c and 25 New Walnuts, fancy, 2 pounds 45? New, fancy, 2 rounds for 45? Rogue River Apples, per box jtX Sliced Lemon Cling Teaches, gallons 50 Sweet Cider, Boiled Cider, Purest Spices, Strictly rreeh Eg-g-s. TURKLYS TURKEYS TURKEYS riace your orders for our Famous Corn-fed Turkeys for your Thanksgiving- dinner. D. C. BURNS COMPANY 210 THIRD BTBEET, BE TWEE W TATX.OB AWD SAZiUOW. Both phones Main 616. A-162& MILITARY srAnruv' " PORTLAN0 ORE. School for Young Hen and Boya. , j Preparation for eo1 leges. U. & Military an4 -J Naval Academies. - Ac , credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell. Am-, herst and all State Uni versale and Agriooltural J Colleges.. Manual train Ing. Business course i The principal has bad It r years experience In Port land. Comfortable quar2 ters. Best envlronmenta. Make reservations new. , For Illustrated caUlosj . and other litaratore ad- drsa . ! 3 J. W. GILL, U. D.. ; Prtnolpal and Froprletc j 151 DRAGON, Restaurant sou 149 7TX ST- Wear Korrlaoau Finest Chinese Res taurant In the City, Chop Bney, Woodles, Steak, Chops and Oyatsra. ' Merchants Lunch Daily I5c oosra wa jaaaager. :A TJiird St., Corner Pine WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The PORTLAND TRUNK Mft CO. "MADE IN OREGON" GOODS Gas Ma rt tie Free With every , four purchased. In other words, five mantels of the same varie ty for the price Of four. Sneclnl fnr nnn weeK oniy. to miroauoe our store. VNXCir OAS MANTEL CO. 24 Yamhill at., bet. 4th and Bth. Mantels, Gas and Electric Fixtures. t'i S . Main 2774 Pacific 3090 A186J -A2041- 107 Sixth St., Near Stark Webfoot Oil Blacking Hakes Shoes Waterproof rreserres leather Wot a Shine. AT. AW JDSALSBS. Tft, OREGON DAILY f JOURNAL ANEW SP AIIR tOtif tMl PIOFLi usisiesIBllegl "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" xrcroBD mutual a. 'i nra Aard MOBJUSOV. A. . ABMSTBOHO, XA. WUKCITAi. Ours Is a large and growing instltu tlon. W occupy two floors (SxlOO feet. , and hava a 120,004 equipment Boputa- ' tlon for thorough work brings mora calls for help than wa cas maet posi- ; tlcn certain for aacli ; student when competent. All modern method ef bookkeeping- taught. Chartler Is ui -shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Student admitted at any time. Catalogue, busi toess forms and penwork ; free. , t-ail. phone or write today. ' if -'. ' ' ' ' '