The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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$;' ninnmnrn
The Stgro Noted for Bert Poods at Loweat Price
p.. -o ,
"Will von kliultv order ma a cackle-
beny w.unl l h." said n man from tho
cajst catci ' 1 ii when he walked Into a
dairy luiiulu i irn during tho noon rush.
"i nnif ng;iin," unlit tlia man behind
the counter.
"Why, ut Mklcbrrry sindwlch, please,"
reiterated tin' limiK'y one.
"llerile Hie out of season," an
nounced the waller, "hut we have nice
j i 1.)" I .,!( 'nil t 1 1 Krllpr straw herrv U x of (he canned variety."
-U) l !-' 1,1 ' 111 ,"r."11 "Nothing o .ln m tho T,e line." said
in Kii-lcni (Vnlrr?
. ft
. t
. By '"" I
. j"dltrit'ii: :
J yi tenia v
f Portland eli.iiul
. .i . . 'PI, on I.l1il I the eiiKlomer,
a ca Kleuerry
-0. II.
Thin Ihe waiter tried tho rook.
' "Chi k leherry . i in! u I f 1 1. " he shouted,
hot the .tieT. loo, tt.i Mumped.
Thpn tha two employes held a cori
fejnfce, Jt.wns decided that they had
Hum u.Mlitfce). waiting one for an expla
nation, Iflotli admitted thut they hud
never before heard of a carkleberry
"A encldeberry sandwich," said the
easterner when questioned. "1 Just
what the name aiguilles why. It's an
egg sandwich.
Everybody May Have
A almpU toilet preparation that la
Mid work wonder. ouf
and powdera dlaoarded
Oo to your druggist and iret the fol
lowing: Two ounces Koao Water; ono
ounce Spirits of Cologne; four ounces
crystallised Hartoln (skin fond). Put
the Kurtoln Into a pint of hot water (not
boiling) and when dissolved and cooled
Then the waiter and cook went back H(J, the Hone Water unit Hplrlts of Col
in work with ii i'nir face and shot re
proachful glancetT'at each other for be
ing so alow to comprehend.
Caeklebcrrv sanduavhes are now the
latest In Port bind eating circles In tho
dowiflown district.
v -l, rates from other
,. 't was fhown at
n hearing of the
, r t commerce petition
for low it !i..:nhut!e nties on the Kiiorlff Sl-'vnn nml Tniinty Judfie
S-k II... I
r,,n. f. i i per cent higher
V freight rates tl.;.n are iMld 111 Mlntie
" T'vola, NehntsV. Kansas. Oklahoma and
" . ? Other eastern " II' na.
ht j K. Tm1. ifttorney for tne petltlon-
i-"ra,' undertook to f-how by o.TI. lals of
f U Q. H. K N company's T.rHiich iii.f
KHhat Oic-' lines were ox r. -apit.ilued.
1'but b " unable to get der.n. e l.gurea
, or any
'Iniporianl Rtateni'iit of Inct,
f the kooks of the eompanv ar.- kept In
York, and the local officials are
Ignorant of tne company linanciaj
f transactions.
r- W. K' 1-1'xenberg. nominal secretary
tot the Oolunihla Southern and of the
S'road from Arlington to Oumlon, was
t. . il uh. ilier iinv stock sub-
4 crlbed In these companies had been
P paid -far, or whether there had been
I "any rail far payment. All ho knew was
:..!, hJ iiiH mimed the bonds and mailed
hthem to Secretary Crosby or the Union
J'raclAc Jtallroad company.
. , 1 Katsa Are Eacaaarra.
H Tba evidence on rates anowed 'that
"density - of population ana density of
tonnage In Oregon territory la auffl
i.clent to more than furnish the O. H. &
-N. aa much business aa Is averaged by
,'tha various roads leading out of cast
L'arn diatrlbutlve centers, and that not
Wiwlthatandlng this fact the O. H. ft N.
company Is charging atee very largely
J In escese of those charged by the cast
Stern lines.
The Himpnrlsona were compiled by T.
-Van Heekeren, formerly employed for
yeara In various capacities in the
I freight department f the ). R. & N.
company, and now secretary of the
tranaportatlnn committee of tho Port
J' land chamber of commerce. Ills evl
m dence waa direct and clear, and his ta
" blast showed complete familiarity with
J'Uie aubjoct.
, tft Tlia comparisons were made with dls
, trlbutlve rates out oi St. Paul. Mlnne-
apolla, Omaha. Kansas City, Galveston
' J, and Ban Francisco. He said he did not
S carry the comparisons out from Beat-
tie, Tacoma and Spokane, aa hp found
Js that they were the same on all roads.
SThe O. U. & N. comparisons were on
l-'diatrlbutlve rates to points east of The
; a'lMlles, tht limit of present water com-
i - , petition. ,
' f; ! Saf erred to the Courts.
' The distance taken on the various
: i'llnea waa 309 miles from t tie dlstrllm
y ? tlva center, which Is the estimated ,dta-
Jitanca of O. R. & N. distributive hauls
affront Portland east.
W. A. Mears. who was for years see
'' f'retary oi Jobbers' associations In tho
" PaJclffo northwest, and who has made
2 extensive investigation as to rates and
F tonnage.' waa an Important witness for
" the petitioners. He told of repeated
i f efforts on the part of the Jobbers to
a 2-get lower rates on the O. R. & N. lines,
t , i On several occasions the chief traffic
I offlcUla of the Hill and Harrjman roads
- 1 came hera to attend conferences with
. Ithe jobbers. J. C. Stubbs. traffic di-
t ' "a-rector of the Ilnrrlman llnea, finally
told them that If they wanted lower
' S.Tatea they would have to go to the
lay to determine what could he
.done with W. T. AMrMge, who became
Insane from worry over his small de
l"Mts lii local hanks and who was
placed i i veslcr.lay. The sheriff Is
tired of AMi lilgo's company, for lie lt
ioM.-:.intiy leiturlng In a voice loud
enough to ! heard all over thn Jail, and
his cintlnned presence tlorp would give
the jailers and his f ellow-prlsonrrs no
pe.o-e ot mind.
i in the other hand. Judge Webster
cannot legally hold an examination or
commit the Insane man to tho asylum.
In this predicament the sheriff and
IuiIro decided to appeal direct to the
iixilnm authorities lit Salem. There Is
no micMlon about the man's Insanity,'
and the authorities nt the asylum have
h creed to rurelvo him temporarily. The
fotmal proceedings can be taken when!
the holidays are at an end.
n ' " -T other papers on Aldrldge Is n( eTrt.
deed to property In Asotin county, M ft
Washington, and another deed to lots; Wji
In Washington county. In this state, on I J
oKne. 1 hen strain through a One cloth.
and keep "In an airtight bottle or fruit
This mixture should be applied dally
and massaged well 1ito tho skin uf the
lace, neck und arms.
After tho first few days the results
will become apparent, but the treatment i
should e Kept up until tho ruddy glow
to the complexion Is permanent. These
Ingredients tire very simple and can be
obtained hi any well stocked drugstore
and tho mixture easily made at home. ,
The formula Is contributed by one of.
(the best authorities In the country on
matters of this kind, ami is well worth
a trial by any lady wishing to Improve
her complexion, so that she can safely
discard tho use of all powdera and
rouge and have the natural rosy tint
that la so enviable.
fifteen Splendid Bargains for Friday and Saturday
Merchandise of the highest quality on special sale at from a third to a
half regular prices. Look over the following items carefully. No mail
or telephone orders filled at these prices. Shop as early in the day as
possible and avoid the crowds.
which Ahlrhli was making monthly pay
merits. In his ravine the Insane man.
Jumps from one subject to soother, hut
his financial worrv Is much In his mind.
Little Is known of his history, except
that ho was employed on the north bank j
road and came to Portland after learn- i
lng that the banks were closed.
In a little "sight unseen" game in
Fifth street near Morrison yesterday
several riogen grips and suitcases.,
trunks nnd pasteboard boxes were sold
at auction to eager spectators, all anx
ious to buy and see what the contents
revealed. The sale was of a collection
of articles that have accumulated In
the Hotel I'erkins during the last 15
All the grips and trunks were sold
without Inspection of the contents. Ow
ing to this fact the sale was a sort of
gamble or speculation. The purchasers
usually paid more for the suitcase or
trunk than It was worth with the hope
of finding something valuable on the
inside. Some were disappointed. In fact
most of them were, while others strolled
away seemingly well satisfied with the
In addition to the bnggage there was
also numerous nice new boxes with old
clothes inside and old pasteboard boxes
containing brand new clothes.
So It was a game of "sight unseen"
all around.
Commercial Club Adopts
Resolution Showing Con-
tidencfc in Institutions.
More Than Million Dollars
Subscribed at a Joint
Meeting at Seattle.
.r. Ihe rates were the same on " lines , . .. t ,t FeDruary. tfnd the
tSclal Plipttch to Ttis Jooniil.l
Medford, Or., .Nov. 7. Tho Med ford
Commercial club at Its last regular an
nual meeting passed a resolution of
confidence In the local banks and com
mended tho action taken by them dur
ing tho financial crisis In the east.
Members and business men were re
quested to cooperate In every possible
way with tho banks and render them
all the assistance possible. As llttlo
money will be withdrawn from the
banks aa possible.
I'lio annual election or orricera was
from Portland to competitive railroad
1 foolnta, and it waa always necessary to
-consult with all the roads when a iues
ttion of lower rates on one was involved.
1 1 Ona Boad Oeta Everything;.
k The wltneas made comparisons of
density of population and tonnage; also
'''-character ot the physical railroad con
: dltions, on O. R. & N. lines and on lines
" In Mississippi river and Missouri river
J"" territory. It was Shown that the O.
i'R. & N. is a water grade, and that It
;,aervea aa many people as does similar
" mileage on any of the numerous trunk
llnea and branches in eastern distribu
tive regions.
mi While in the east every distributive
reenter haa from four to a nozen rail
J roads serving It Independent of each
j-'siriher, and dividing the business between
f-.them, Oregon gives all its business to
t'l single road, the O. R. & N., in the
if territory outalde of the Willamette val-
J? Mr. Meara waa of the opinion that a
fclO per cent reduction of tho present dis
tributive rates on the O R. & N. lines
would not materially affect the road's
Jrrevenues, and would be Juat and rea
onable.. .
present club offtcere will wind up the
buslnons of the year. A committee was
received from the Horticultural society
appointed to cooperate with the club in
securing redress for the car shortago
which threatens to seriously cripple thu
fruit.lndustry. The subject was thor
oughly discussed, and Southern Pacific
A gunt Rosenbaum stated that the com
pany was making every effort to st
cure cars for fruitgrowers.
It was brought out that a large quan
tity of livestock had been held up for
a number of days at Medford because
cars could not be obtained and that
there had been other delays which had
proved costly and expensive to ship
per, but no definite action was tak'jn
by the Commercial club.
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted:
"Whereas, Owing to the financial sit
uation In the east the bankers of tho
state of Oregon have deemed It advis
able to resort to a clearing-house basis
of doing business, and
Whereas, The situation is in no way
attributable to the condition of local
bank's, which are upon most excellent
footing, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Medford Commer
cial club. That It is the desire of this
club to take this method of expressing
the fullest confidence in the ability of
(United Prcii Leaicd Wire.)
Seattle, Nov. 7. Subscriptions total
lng J 1,0 10.000 were pledged by lumbe
and rhlngle manufacturers to Indemnify
the signers of tho original J250.000
suirety bond required by Judge Hah
furd at the Joint meeting of the mill
men held yesterday afternoon In the
ttlk ball.
Tho meeting was said bv some to
have been tho largest gathering of
lumber und shingle manufacturers ever
iieni in ine iiorinweHi. j iesuiuiion
calling for closer cooperation between
eastern retailers and shingle manufac
turors in the northwest was adopted.
The resolution pointed out that lack
of Harmony between the east and the
west had often acted disastrously for
nil concerned. It pointed out that re
tailers are beHt able to supply con
sumers but that regularity and unifor
mity in the business with closer rela
Hons between the sources of supply
and point of distribution, were essen
tin I to the successful operation of tho
industry ana recommended that eastern
retailers work more In hrurmony and
that manufacturers here help along
tnut movement.
Wool Underwear
Women's fine wool ribbed
Vests and Tants, soft downy
fljje'ce, ailk tape and hand
finished I Friday and Satur
day it alf price; $1 quality.
New Dress Goods
36-?nch new fall Suitings in
gray checks, stripes, plaids
and plain colors; just the
thinfcT for children's dresses,
skirts, etc.; Ttg. 50c grade.
Child's Stockings
Children's seamless ribbed
Stockings, double heel and
toe, warranted fast black and
stainless, extra heavy and
best 25c gritle; sites 6 to 10.
To lie or Xot to lie?
The question was recently raised by
a clever cartoon whether It Is better
for a baby to bo born rich or poor.
The drawing represented a stork abo'jt
V deposit Its burden and unable tt
decide whether to place It at the door
of the rich man or the poor one. The
New York Tribune, asked for opinions
on the subject and these are some of
the answers received:
Full Dress Shirts
The famous Mt. Hood brand
white full dress Shirts for
men; regtilnr $1.25 and $1.50
grades; sizes 14Ji to 17;
limit two to a customer.
Silk Petticoats
Made from very best grade
rustle taffeta silk, extra full
with deep flounce, colors
black, garnet, green, tan,
brown, navy; reg. price $8.50.
Ruf. Swiss Curtains
On sale Friday and Saturday
only at this price. White
ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2 JJ
yards long and good width;
best 50c grade; limit 2 pairs.
Boys' 50c Caps
Hoys' Sclmol Caps in plain
colors and tweed effects in
several styles; also girls'
and misses' Mack patent
leather Caps; 50c grades.,
$9 Panama Skirts
Women's all-wool black
Tanama Dress Skirts, in full
box plaited style, with 4-in.
fold around bottom; . stan
dard $9 quality.
75c Table Linen
60-inch cream pure Linen
Table Damask, splendid
wearing quality and best 75c
grade, several new designs
to select from; a snap.
? TAP riirFYT!, rftVPAVVl lank8 of Medford to cope with the
;' Jj rUll JjLUrjyrlAWliX j.reHent difficulties and that said banks
j Y? i apt Hit H' U tuiiSjiuiuiutvu w vvn j
: , Jj (Bperim ,i,p,t.-h to the Journal.) i ln whlch tne are found ln 1,1,8
VJ Eugene. Or.. Nov. 7. Captain Jtabb. emergency. ' -
iiiia -
. William O "White first lieutenant
i-Corporal William W. Branstetter sec-md-
Hetttenant of the company. Their,
examination w ill take plac within n I
':-.if;iw days. Both are old guardsmen and j
- 'Were members of comparyr C, Second
v? Oregon volunteers, in ttig .i.'hlllpplt
Islands. Vacancies In boJli the lieuteh-f
v , ancles of the company were made re-I
. i cently by the advancement of First!
v Jleutenant Babb to the captaincy and
;' f ,of Second Lieutenant Rennie to the col
V,. Sonel's staff.
ny i . . a i . , . .
: jruin v iiniinw ai. Jjnnvnsvilte.
fi' (Speclnl IMsiNitcb t The Joornal.)
... Brownsville, or , Nov. 7. The time
. Schedule on the WV.odl.urn and Spring
.;, field southbound will he ehangeil so that
tha train will reaili lirownvlle at 2
n( m. Instead of ft p. m. as It lias dona
isretofore. The time get for the chant;"
"Waa November 1 but It' will firobably
J- j not be made until November 1 e
W Want Every Pile Sufferer to Test
, TW Oraat Cure at Our Expense
;' , . 0enA Tour name and Addreaa
1 f p rot m Ttf TiM Package.
i We want to send you a free trial of
t i-the Great Pyramid Pile Cure at once, so
. J you can e with your own eyes what it
V..f. can d. -''.:,. ,
, i vau cura yourself with perfect tase,
.if Jn our. own hoina, and for little T
;'T" tMfini ''' '-.. M
-" Pyramid Pile Cure gives you prompt
" Vellef.. ' It heals sores and ulcers, re-
ducea congestion nd Inflammation and
, tuKea away pain, Jtchlng and irritation.
; ; iAfter you hava fled the sample treat
mnt, and you arejutifled, you can get
j full rMruJaEjll3 treatment of Pvra
- 'inid Pile Cffre at your drugglst'a for 50
rents. If ha-hasn't it, send us the
money and wa will eena you tne treat-
I Special DUpitch to The Journal.)
f ..Brownsville, Or., Novr-I1. The town
of fchedds, five miles west of Browna
! vlile. which burned down last June, is
being rapidly rebuilt
1 n vis Ai Shedd's large department
store which was destroyed, la being re
placed with an Immense brick structure
which will be modern and up-to-date
and a credit to a. large city. It.. will
ho nr.-iciicnilv fire-Droof. The. company
has a large storage warehouse already
finished which it is now occupying wnne
wHiiiriB- for the brick building to be
Kinthei lanrl la havlnir a fine two
story building built on the site of the
ruins or tne old store, ii win ue iui;ivcu
with complete lines of dry goods.
William Jackson, the hardware man
end blacksmith, has Just finished a
new Klmp and hardware store. He will
carry hardware, vehicles and farming
It Is better to bo born In a wealthy
home. Education, culture, and refine
ment, health, happiness, and ambition.
Hre more apt to fall to tho lot of
tho rich child. The poor child Is sont
to work at an early aao to help sup
port the family. He does It mechani
cally and Is unable to reach the state
or perfection ho should have attained
had he been slvon the 01.001 tunlt v to
learn the scientific and educational his
tory or his art. How much better It
would be to be a child of wealthy par
ents, who could nourish the germ of
The wealthy child has tho better op
portunity to tee both sides of life. He
can mingle in his own phere. In the
business world ho meets the poor mm
and he can visit them In their homes.
Hut tho poor man seldom cornea In con
tact with the wealthy man. and is gen- j
erally too absorbed in earning the. next
month's rent to bolher about human
nature, culture, and refinement.
The poor man gets more discounted
than the wealthy man, for, after toll
ing, striving all day, he returns home,
whefe probably there Is sickness ami
poverty. Ho becomes careless In tho
care of JiIh body, not having learnud
how to care for himself, and as a re
sult, the older he grows, the reaping
developes Into disense and, far worse,
tho disease his children Inherit from
German Flannels
28-inch heavy German Flan
nels for kimonos, dressing
sacques, etc.; a full range of
colorings; standard 20c
Long Silk Gloves
Elbow length pure Silk
Gloves in nvy, tan, pink,
blue, gray, Trown, garnet,
black and white, double
tipped fingers; $2.25 grade.
50c Flannel Skirts
Women's heavy flannel
Skirts in fancy pink and blue
stripes, trimmed with tucks;
two to a customer; best 50c
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Eugene, Or., Nov. 7. Mrs. Sarah E.
Parmenter has begim suit in the cir
cuit court of Lane county against her
husband, David Parmenter, for divorce,
Urging that he married another wo
man while he was still her husband.
The. Parmenters were married ln Ver
mont ln 182, the plaintiff alleges, and
they have three grown children
She says that a year ago she went to
Taeoma to vtslt her daughter and while
she was gone her husband wrote In
decent letters to her to prevent her
from cpming home, and that on Octo
ber 21, 1907, he was married to Loulaa
A. uowen in rjURen.
Th.lwl. nt Ih. r,,V.w.. t.
' i tnent at tmce, by maU, In plain sealed out her statement and if she can prove
' penu ir ilium wm auurrai mi once
for a trial trf ..lii marvelous, quick
ttr euro. Addresa Pyramid Drug Co.,
, 0 .Pyramid iildg., Alarauall, JJch. . .
menter. he will probably be arrrato
on the charge of bigamy. Parmenter
rcaiaes on a iarm at v atker a La t Ion,
in uim wuuif, i
Paris Pattern No. 2iss
All Seams Allowed.
The gored skirt hai again come to the fore
for Winter woar, and It preferred by many to
whom the plaited style is not becoming. This
skirt, dovoloped lu shadow-plaid broadcloth in
steel-gray and black is suitable for wearing
with a separate coat of cloth or fur. The pat
tern Is ln 6 sizes 22 to 32 inches. waist measure.
Width of lower edge ln medium size about 4
yards. For 26 waist the skirt with centre-front
seam, and made of striped or plaid material
with nap'reaulres 4 yards 42 Inches wide or
M yards W inohei wide; or without nap ft will
need 4 yards 42 Inches wide or 4 yards 64 in
ches wide. For skirt with or without centro-
front Seam, made of plain or figured material
with nap requires i yards 42 inches wide, or
4 yards 64 fitches wide; or without nap It will
need 4 yards VX or 64 inches wide.
. Price of pattern, 10 cents.
Address iThe Journal, remitting coin
or Stamps.
This question, "Klch or Poor," Is only
another way of asking, would you prj;-
fcr the kind attention of a maid to the 1
loving caro of an affectionate mother, I
and tho indulgence of your wishes to I
the task of working for your pleasures? J
The rich boy learns to tease and whine !
ror what ho wants, whilo the poor boy
Is from necessity. If from 110 other re 1
son, compelled to learn to work to sat
isfy his desires.
The rich boy's wealth teaches him to
depend on the Influence of his soci.u
position to secure his success, while
the poor boy's poverty teaches him to
depend on his work and merits for the
achievement of his ambitions.
Head the biographies of our srrent
men and see how many wero born to
wealth. It matters not ln what sphere
of life they have striven religion, po
etry, oratory, statesmanship, or even
finance. If ypu pleaso tho rich boy's
page ln history or fame Is yet a blank
or unwritten.
Iook at Andrew Carnegie. John D.
Rockefeller, Kdward H. llarrlman. or
any of our other great financiers. How
many have been born rich ln dollars?
Has any of them foraotten tho tender
enro of a loving and affectionate moth
Adding to Food Valnos.
I.Ittlo savings In the kitchen are not
out of place In the present day condi
tion of finance, and the wise houso
wife will not displse the day of small
!l HISS.
Kkcs contain no waste and they msy
tie added to many a dlsn and thus en
nance its food value. To plain omo
let tea ninny llttlo left-overs may be
added lust before rolllne It in the nan
thus adding new touches to the dlsn.
Thus there may be a filling of peas
with a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce
poured -round It on the platter; a corn
or sweet pepper or minced meat filling
with a saueo made or mashed boiled
nlon blended In a little white sauce
or a few raw clams or oysters chopped
nnd added to give it the dignity of
a main uisn.
When cod or halibut Is steamed or
boiled put aside two portions; use one
next day witn nam oonea eggs or alcea
cucumbers as a sa(od; cover the re-
Warner's Corsets
Warner's new Self-Reducing
Corset, medium high bust,
extreme loup hips, hose sup
porters front and sides; $2.25
grade; sizes 20 to 36.
Wool Blankets
10-4 size heavy white wool
Blankets, pink and blue bor
ders, silk tape binding; you
Can't match these for less
than $3.50.
2-Clasp Kid Gloves
Women's 2-clasp French Kid
Gloves in all the popular
shades for fall; the same
quality other stores sell at
$1.50 a pair; gloves fitted.
J Price List e morrison streets r'c 's
, . . . ,
What Is Causing the Increase
Catarrh in Portland?
You can't smell it
through air-tight cartons.
. Nothing escapes.
viTo.ur grocer returns your money If you
ln't like Scalllluff'a Mat; va pay lilm.
In spite of the best efforts of medical
men. catarrhal troubles are increasing
not only ln Portland, but all over the
Catarrh Is a germ disease and to cure
it germ life in the breathing orguns
should be destroyed, and to do this no
other treatment has such positive and
beneficial action as Hyomei.
When the mucous membrane Is Irri
tated and raw and the tissues weakened.
there Is an Ideal lodging place for ca
tarrhal germs. Breatho Hyomei and
serf how quickly it soothes the mem
branes, vitalises the tissues and de
stroys all the disease germs, rendering
catarrh no longer possible.
There is no dangerous stomach drug
ging when Hyomei Is used; no tablets
or liquid mixtures, whereby the diges
tion is often destroyed and intestinal
troubles added to the horrors of catarrh.
Breathed through the neat pocket In
haler that comes with every Hyomei
outfit, the healing balsams penetrate to
the most remote air cells of tho throat,
nose and luntrs. destroying: tho eatnrr-.
,hal germs so that quick recovery fol
Woodard. Clarke & Co. agree to re
fund the monev to onv Durrhanor nt
Hyomei who does not find that It does I good .served with poultry or other
tl tnat is ciaimea ror ju xue complete I meais. au jeuies ana jama art bet'
ouUlt eoj5U put 11.00. 1 1 ter )maaon- 4 '.sunny day. '
n:f Inder with spiced vinegar to be
served several days later as a cold
supper dish.
Kemembcr that many otherwise use
less bits may be added with advantage
to combination salads; a few pieces of
Ixiiled carrota or other vegetables rinsed
ln boiling water to free them from
unucc: cold meat cut in tiny dice; a
few nut meats: all enn be tastefully
blended with lettuce or other salad
greens and a good dressing.
PL t.
When giving castor oil try beating
It up with tho white of an egg; this
renders It entirely tasteless and quite
When Jam-making rub the bottom of
the preserving pan with a little oil.
It will prevent It from burning, and
leaves no disagreeablu taste behind.
The beetle pest If troubled with
beetles ln your kitchen, try scrubbing
the floor with warm water, ln which
n small quantity Of quicklime has been
dissolved. This Is the most effective
nnd simple remedy, and soon rids the
place of these troublesome pests.
For tender feet If you have to stand
a good deal, and ln consequence suffer
from tender feet, try the following
powder. It la used in the German
itrmy,, and is sprinkled Into the shoes
and stockings of foot soldiers when
starting on forced marches:
Three parts salicylic acid, 10 .parts
01 starch and i parts pulverized, soap
stone. 11 costs very lime, ami can be
made up by any druggist. Dusted In
to tho stockings and rubbed into the
skin, It keeps the feet dry, prevents
chafing, und rapidly heals any sore
spots or tender places. ,
ft t ?
For the Housekeeper.
Broiled oysters Lay oysters In shell
on broiler over the fire, with the deep
side down; when half cooked turn them.
Serve on a hot plate with a little but
ter and some little hot tea biscuit.
Celery and orange salad. C can a
bunch of celery; fringe a. dozen two-
inch pieces, and make (till crisp In cold
water to which lemon slices have been
r.ddcd. Wipe the stalks dry, then cut
Into bits and dress with French dress
ing. Garnish with slices of sour or
ange, cut lengthwise of the orange and
then in halves lengthwise, and the
curled celery. Serve with roast duck.
Apple jelly '10 one peck of Si
berian crabapples add four quarts of
cranberries. Wash and ' quarter crab
apples, cook altogether in sufficient,
water to cover until soft and strain
as for other Jelly. To five cups of the I
strained juice add four cups of granu
lated sugar, dried la oven. Heat the
Juice before adding sugar. Cook 20
to 30 minutes after it begins to boll.
Let cool ln glasses and cover with tinr.
aflln. Makea a beautiful tinted jellv.
. . 1 1 . i . . .
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been
ln use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
ft Allow no one to deceive vou ln this.
AU Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-srood"are but
Etperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation
J and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
1 ifears the Signature of
The KM You to Always Bought
In Usq For Over 30 Years.
vhc commtNr. tt mussav erncrr. aiwvoss airv.