;m-V ; i : - y 1 ' . . ' -J ... 1 . 1 ! .,1V ,' -V ;THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1907. 11 TODAY'S MARKETS Present Prospects Arc for 10c Chicken 3rarkct in ''Portland Before the Present -Movement EndSi-T oo Liberal Arrivals. A STANDARD w CUTS OIL CENT First Decline in 3Ionths Is Reported by Rockefeller 7 Concern Today. Produce market features! Htandnrd Ull cuts price la Looks like 10c chickens. hfg market la just holding. Hop traiin In suspended. VphI 1m cure again. Price of mUmori la higher. Onion men Retting nervou. No now potato t,id reported. New oranges reported in. A j I'le market Is rather mixed. Standard OU Cats Its Moe. ' The Standard Oil comDtnr todtr sn nounced decline of lo a gslton on lt oil In the Portland market. Thla la the Ural pliHnira In oil values In many months and tha trade attributes tha de cline today to nn oversuppiy. with tha nroimecta of atlll lower prices later on. Tha new Hat today la: Water white In tanks- IK Ho a Ballon, tn caaea mwc: headlicht In raaea zee, Jtasne in raaua 28o and Kocene 2He a gallon The new Hat la now In effect. looks XJka lOo Chickens. ' Shippers continue to overcrowd the chicken marset wun auppne ou mm result la that lower prices are ruling. Yesterday afternoon sales were made down to llo a pound ly aome dealers. ut even at thla ngure it la oououui r iiu.v mold unload. It now looka aa If the price will go to. lOo a pound be for the present movement la conclud ed, thla being tlie lowest pricn inai nam i,i ih. hirtliind market on poul try for many montha. Kvery dealer ir.H tn thv north thla morning, but little encouragement waa given there because they nave already more Blip piles than they can handle. Killers here are filled up, with supplies and will not take on more unless olKiwca a gooo. concession lnhe price. Even the demand for ducks and geese him been curtailed along with chickens. Of the latter thn best cull is ror straight hens. There Is only a fractional de mand at this time for turkeys with but email arrivals. ,, . Lorhl eggs are holding well at 2ac a doaen, with 2Sc ruling generally on eastern storage. Creamery butter continues to aell well ot the recently cut values. No aeeu mulRtlon of supplies reported by the trade. Cheese mnrket Is steady, though un changed. ..Expects tower alnea George lV.ir.xon. of Pearson-ragfl company, savs tins morning ml of the opinion that apple prices are too PRICES TODAY AND, ' 1 0 II A D D I nOOCO THOSE OP YEAK AG 0 i M H l I LUtWrt Club wheat, bu. Blueatem, bu. -lNor, 7 1(07 10 .f .IT I .It .11 Pat flour, bbl.f.'. 4.96 Beat butter, lbt'.y '.J2tt -Local eggs, aori.f. ,J5 Hops, choice, lb..; .00 Potatoes', producer. .75 Onions, producer.. 1.00 .11 1.90 .SO " .85 .15V4 .10 .75 - I i RULE AT CLOSE -1 ' c New York Stock Market Re- acts Canadian Pacilic Nearly 7 Points Off. 910e lb; turkeys, l18c !h. for old; squabs, Vi.60 dot; pigeons, ii zo ooi; dreased poultry, 101 Wo per lb higher. Sops, Wool and Bides. HOrS 1007 prop Choice lc; prima to ehoiee. ( aIHe; ordinary, M:He: lo, choice, Sc. . WOOL 1907 clip Valley, 10011c eaatern Oregon, llfltlo. MOHAIR New 1907 19OIIM0. HIDLH Dry hide. 1416o It green. 5f6c; calves, green, 9tll0o lb; bulls, areen nit Rn I he SHEUrSKINS Shearing. UOtOe each: short wooL 25a0o: medium wool, SO 4? U.00 each; long wool, 7Ht 11.25 each. 1 TALLOW Prime, per lb, MQci No. 9 and grease. 1 02 He, Traits and Ttgetablea. POTATOES Faner. tOcOILOA. aell Ing; buying, white. 76tr80o per cwt; sweets, JViC per lb. ONIONS Jobblna- alDrlce Oregon, 11.261(2.60: buvlnc. snot. 12.00: futures. iz.uu; garlic, 7o ll. APP1.KS New. f 1.00 Q 2.15. 4 1-RK8JI FKU1TS Orangea. new. 14.00 fl4 to; bananas, 6o lb; lemons, $ Sf d.f0 box; limes, Mrilcan, $4 per too; plnoiip plea. 6 a dosen; grapes, tlcpi TO; Con cords, 15 1 20c; peaches. $1 1. 25; canta loupes, lif.26; crubapples, 3c lb; puurs, 9i.bOV1.75 a box. VEOETABLEH-Turnlm new 90c 11.00 sack; carrots, f 1.00 per sack; heeta. 9tc1.00 per sack: parsnips. 91; cabbngo, Hlc lt: tomatoes Oregon, 15c; beans, 6c; cauliflower, 'J0c lb; Sharp decline In atorks. fiharr) decline In stocks 41,000,Ui"J engaged In Kurope. All gradea of copper u lower. Foreignera aell Canadian. Outlook for bad bank state ment. f Money situation Improves. Dank of France raises ex STOCK JU4.RKET LOBBE8. Amalgamated. . .mil enver Cotton Oil ... . .iSIErle locomotive ... Hilil. tentral ... Bugar ..1VU N Hmelter . . . . V- .3?iKaty Atchison ......zWMo. 1'uelllo ... Rrnuklvn 1 INat. Lead Canadian N. V. Central.. Cent.. Leather.. VN Colo. Fuel j-enn Poonles' Uas... B. Pi"ei Hock Island.... do pfd. Union I'ac ims. v.euirui... West. Union.. . .1 Vil .1 . .1 1H . .!' .4 .IS I'-i .1 WHEAT HAS AN T ERRATIC 1 Opens "Lower, Then Cains Sharply and Closes Lower Than Yesterday. . . : Story of Wheat. 4 Chicago opons sharply down. Gains on Russlun buying. e Loses latter on liquidation. Closes with bad loss. ) Liverpool showa alump. Local trade quiet. LOSES WHISKERS Oil ELECTION BET 3ran Who Wore Tuft on Chin for 4-C Years Hunts for a Barber Shop. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Nov. 7. Nov. 6. I.oas. December 0U 92 2 May 100 101H 1H July 6H 9V 1 190 7SH 7 76H (Leased Wire Overbeck & Cooke Co.) v-- V-i Kov. 7. After a fiiirly Kood opening the stuck, inaraei oegun i., ina hnavllv on domestic and loreign w.,,,i.ioti,, 1 ..union was a heavy seller. (Iasd Wlra Overbeck & Cooke Co.) Chicago, Nov. 7. The wheat market opened sharply lower, with Liverpool's early prices showing a alump. J here was an Improvement nere from the start, however, and prices moved up 1 to nbout ZUc from the start. J ins 'h due In a measure to thn fair buying of the local crowd on account of the bad news from Hussiu. At the high point liquidation became very heavy, and continued profit taking brought the price at the cluee hut a Htnall fraction above the low mark for the dny. Corn nnd oats follow wheat in the de cllne, but felt little effect of the rise early In the day. 1'roviHlonn offered lower, but closed with a might advance on some snowing Close. 100 95 V4 rfTr;.C!Jnor5fralBn' 80 id: articnc-Kee, ..""', i.acfC were turned loose, and Official range 96W750 doa; freen onions. 15a per doa ,h th inarket was 6V points r " ., belf pepper.. 9c per lb; hothouae" let- at the cose the W nxJ was WHEAT. SS' $i b0": fucumbera. hothouse. 16 under "b ,milll lrade oren. High. Low 2e doa; radishes. 15o doa bunches; t,,,V,,t. Her 5l4 UJ S 90 eggplant. $1,5001.75 tx; green corn. It dropped poli.ta. May... 101 1024 Z "So aack; celury. 7690c; cranberrlca. Ad1ltlon.il gold engagements "re re- July 8Bv 98j 4. ,..mmM:m yrr iwrm I V""'! ,"."","?' 7 i .. nnrm..,. CO i oou ouo. i in nn uum - :i ' i" I)c 67 K to 4 May... . f, S July.. . 57 Dec. ... 4 ! ' May... 60 7 July... 47 ' Orooerlea, JTuta, Sto. SUOAn California and vuoo, to.ii-: powaereu, oerry, n ,.n iSin: dry granulated 6.7H; Htar. ' Th() docine of Uc 6.77(4: eonf A.. t6.8V,: extra U.. L.. .h- Jtr I7H; golden O.. 99.27 ; D. yellow, , . n,i i.,rnnr1a 5.1714; best granulated, 95.67; bar- - verv weak for Americans uoxea, c At 2 n , it showed the following in copper metal hurt mine shares. Amalgamated losing hlirli nnd that lower (igures will be th result. "There is n very neavy crop In Oi-eirni'." lie nays, "and prices hav been too f.ir out of lino with genera Tar,-, nr of oranires were due to ar rive In duriiie th- day. Quotations for .,u, r.l. utanrl nl 4 HOW 4.60 a box. Concoial grapes are In fair supply thl morning, with values ruling at J7H for rii.pi.nt nrrlv.ils of bananas were not quite rlpn enough for the trade and In consequence theie 1h a sngni snoring' In 1 li. Mt.'lf No new potato trade Is reported by loful dsnlei-H. Several shippers who had cars ordered for southern shipment ha.ve cupeled them. " Onion growers are getting rather ner vous on account of the continued dull ndNH and dealers are receiving more nrrirn thnn ft few days ago. The mar Vat u easier in the south, owing to th iietter minnlies of home (Stock caused by the larger supply, of cars. Hop Trade Za Snapended. Vn IhIb )iislness has been reported 1 the local hop market, dealers saying hot iiu.v hav no orders to buy at an rim. lnml seller says that h nfferpd some hops to the east ' several d'v. nro at lower figures, but-has been uniible to even receive an answer to The trade Is laughing at what they n,.aIHnp iia of E. J. 8mlth O New York In asking for consignments of hops without a single cent in ntivumo. "We wouldn't handle th business with tonus." sava Harry L. Hart, of Hart & ir,,i.i...r,i wiinmi firm hus been appoint ed ruiiienentatlves of Mr. Smith without it u t'ltn Mfi t ' The New York sltuntlon is thus given In- the l-roduoers- Trice current oi mm city Tho financial situation the past week has caused a feeling of uncertainty in th" trade and It is underrstooa that many dealers have temporarily wiiiiurawu from the murket until the situation clears. In consequence there has been nothing of importance doing on the lo cal market ana naming m ioe i"m conditions to warrant any change in quotations. Very few new Hops are here us yet and there is no demand ror lHOUs 'except at bargain prices. In NTn. Vnrlr xtnto tliere naS oeen n. iuii nt oettvltv renorted from Wo- tarviiid hut !idvlce from most other sections indicate very little movement. Hales hnva been at a rango of 10 fif 160, with most of tho business at 1214c, some verv fair lots having Teen sold at the former price. On the Pacific const ndvlces indicate very qutet markot. Ihe littln export buying reported last week In Oregon appears to nave uuiura. Nome sales or iow iiaurn from Washington at onroi:, nu.i "- r grades In all sections are mm quuu-u Rt 7 to 10c Advices from r.ngianu biiow little if sny change in tho situation there. German .markets are reporieu u little firmer." Brew York Frlcea. State, 1907, choice, per lb 16 17 Rtnte. 107. nrlmo, per lb 1415 re Is, lOc; tuilf burrels, 26c; dvance on sack basis. (Abovo nrlcea ar no days net cash quotations.) HO.NKT-IJ I0 cer crate. COFFEE Packaira brands. 915.5(9 16 ti3. 8A LT Coarse Ifslf armind. 1004. 913.60 per ton; 60a, 914.00; table, dairy 60s, 919.00; 100s, 919 76: bales, 92.50; Imported Liverpool, 60s, 920.00; 100a, irj.uu: ah. Il8.uu: extra fine barrels: zs, 6s and 10h. 94.6U&6.60: Liverpool lump M rock, no.bo per ton; 60-lb rock, 913.63; 1VUS, J1J.0J 11. 11 1 V Btate, latiY, meuium, pei rtx., pacliic coast, 1907, choice, h.13 13J4 I'aciflo const, 1907, prime, lb. 11 f 12 Pacliic coast, 1907, md, lb 10 4(U1 S? 33 12 7 5 large Germans, 1907, price to cuoicu per lb ; State, 190G, per 11) ;.' -10 Pacific coast, 190fl, choice, lb. Pacliic coast, 190G, medium to prime, per lb , Front street prices: C-raln, Tlour ana reed. 1FGHAIN' HAGS Calcutta, t lots; small lots. 9c. WHEAT Nominal Club. 87c; red Russian, 85o; bluestem, 89c; valley, 66CORN Whole, S2; cracked. 133 ton. BAHLEY New Feed. 527p27.60 per ton; rolled. 93031; brewing, 29. RYE 91.65 per cwt OATS New Producers' price No. 1 White, 928.0) per ton; Bray, izi.ou. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patenta, 14.96; straights. 94.50; exports. 94.10; valley, 94.304.50; graham, Ua, 94.60; whole wheat. 54.75; rye, 60s, it.5.6p; bales, 53.00. i' ' MILLSTUFF8 Bran. $20.00 per ton; mlddlinss. 127.50; shorts, country, 923.50; city, 522.00; chop. 917 2i.' - HAY Producers' prlce Timothy, Wil lamette valley, fancy. 917.0019.00s or dinary. 12.0014.00; eaatern Oregon, 918.0Orl5.OO; mi.:ed, 1002VAiUi2 van, 912.00ffil3.00: grain. 511.001J.00; cheat. 912.00(918.00. s Batter, Egga and Poultry. ' BUTTER FAT F. o, b. Portland Sweet cream, 31e: . eour, 290. j BUTTER Extra fanoi"' credmery, 81Ho; fancy. SOe; store, Oregon, 20c. .. 'Kins .t Extra, fancy, canaieo. tc: eastern alorage, 272Sc; eastern fresh, 80c. , - ' CHEESnl New Full cream, flats.' 17l7Hafer lb Young Amaricana 18 . -I'utJiji mi iNominai much cnicn- ns,. llllc lb; fancy hens, llfl)llc; roosters, old,1 10c lb; -fryera, rlo lb:.. broers, 12o; ducks, 14o lb; geese, old, AmHliramated 1V4, Anaconun ni,i.n. m s, n lvt. Canadian i'a- clfie . C." : O. 1. St. Paul H. Erie 1 Tlllnnla I'entrnl IVi. KalV ll. Al W. 1H. Northern 1'acino KMfnn . i.. k ti. Htm lk Uoutliern l a dfle m. fl'nlon Paclflo 1 . C. 8. Steel common. 1. preferred H Official aange: Jan. . . May. . Nov. . Jun . . May. . .1300 .1346 , 812 . 7 fio . 800 (Above prices anmV to aalea of lesa loan car lots. Car lots at special prices auniect to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. c; No. t 6H4J6c; New Orleans, bead, 7c; Ajax. 6c: Creole. 6ic. r BEANS Small white, 94.25; Iarg4 white. 94.10; nlnk. 94 10; bayou, 3.90, i,imas. iH.hu: Mexican reos: 4 hc. NUT8 Peanuta, Jumbo, 8io per lb; Virginia, 7io per lb; roaeted, 9trf4e per lb; Japanese, 7c; roasted, 7 39c per id; walnuts. California. liHc per in; rine nuts, uiwisc per lb; nickory nuts, Oo per lb: Brazil nuta 18o per lb: fil berts, 19o per lb; fancy pecans, 1820c per id; almonds. I sc. Meats, riah and Prorlalona, FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy, 7 8f7Vo per lb; large, C if 7c per id; veal, extra, fWfvo per id; ordinary. 7Hc per lb; heavy, t7c per lb; mutton, fancy. 8y 9c per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs, 16c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs., 144c Pfr lb; IS trt 20 lbs., 14V4c; breakfast bacon, 15 'iff 21 a per lb; picnics, 10c per lb; cottage roll, 12c per rb; regular short clears, un cmoked, 12o per lb; a oked. 12o ier lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; snipkfd, i;c lb; union butts, 17 to if lbs, 5 ? L? May".:. 720 DESCRIPTION. 3 ? ? a nniir I UUlllL RN. 64 69 '4 6SH OATS. i 4S'i i 47' MESS PORK. 1335 l500 1370 1345 LARD. 812 812 797 7S2 812 795 SHORT RIBS. 710 590 735 715 67 97 74 67"h, 47H 60W 46 67tt 69V4A 68U 47S 60 , 46',iA ,1325 1367B 812 792R 805H' 702 727 L.CI 1 VI . smoked. 12c Der lb: smoked. 93a ner fb: clear beUles. unsmoked, Ho per lb; ainpked, 13V4o per lo; shoulders, 12V4c per lb; pickled tongues, 70c ea'ch. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. 11 e per lb; 6s. ISttc per lb; 50-lb tlnn. 13Uc per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 12c per 10; ds, i&;s,o per id; .compound, jus, 11 Tic per b. FISH Rock cod. 7e per lb: flounders, 6c per id; haiiout, 8o per lb; striped bass, iRc per lb; catfish, 11 per lb; sal' mon, fresh Columbia silvers, 1 8c per lb; herrings, 60 per lb; aolea, Gc per id; snrimps, 30c per lb: fterch 6c Der lb: tomcod -7n nr lh- lohsters. 26e ner lb: fresh mnrkral I Peo. G.. L & C per lb: crawfish. 25c per dnsen: -tur- Press. Steel Car c f:eon, 12V4 per lb; black bass, 20o per b; silver smelt, 7c per lb; frozen shad; 6c per lb; black cod, 7c per lb. O iSTEna snoalwater bnv, per gal on. 32.60: per 100-lb. Back. 95.00: Olvm. pia, per gaiion, j.iu; per loo-m. sack. 56.004i6. 60; Eagle, canned. 60c can: 17 dozen; eastern In shell, 91.75 per hun dred. , CLAMS Hardshell, per box, 52.40; razor clams, 92.00 per box; 10c per doz. Painta, Goal Oil, Etc ROPE Pure Manila, 14lc: standard 19U- jtctil tAkn . COAL OIL Water white, tanks 12Ac I IT; S. Steel Co. c cases neaaiigni, cases. v zoc: pititncu. Elane. cases. 28c: Eocene, rases i ?! u.f. W abash c. gallon. ,' GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24Ho per gal? Iron bbls, 18o per gnl. jHZKLint, 63 aeg.. cases, 26c per gal; run (Jill", 1U fci TUltPENTINE In cases. 96c ner eal: wood bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAI Ton lots, 7ic per lb; puu-io lots, oc per id; leas 101s, WIRE NAILS Present basis at 52.20 per iceg. tin- Am.il. Copper Co. Am. Car & F-, c. Am. Cot. Oil, c. . Am. Loco., c. . . . Am. Sugar, c. . . . Am. Smelt., c. . . do preferred . . . Anaconda M. C. . Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison, c do preferred. . . Haiti. & Ohio, e. Hrook. Rapid. T. Can. I'm'., c Cen. Leather, c . . do preferred. . . Chi. & Of. W.. C. C . M. & St P- Chi. & N. W., c. dies, k Ohio Colo. )'. I., c. . Colo. South., c. . . do 2d prl do 1st pfd Del. & Hudson. . D. & R. G., pfd. . Erie, e do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Ot. North., pfd. . Illinois Cen Louis. & Nash.. Man. Ry Mex. Cen. Ry... M.. K. & T., c . . Distillers Ore. Lands M.. K. ft T. P... Missouri Pac. . , National. Lead . . N. Y Central... N. Y.. Ont. . W. Norfolk & W. c. Northern Pac. c. Pac. Mnil. 8S. Co Pennsylvania Ry 50 26 H 25 40 105 69 87 33 14H 724 84 80 H 32 145 14 50 H 26S 251 40 105 9 87- 33 144 73M, 84 80 t 145 14 4S'i 4SV, 26 S. 26 4 21 2Uk 39'4! 9 103il03'i 6-H 66' ADVANCES ARE MADE IN GOLDFIELD (United Pret Lrd Wlrr.) San Francisco, Nov. 7. For forty-six years Robern McCann, who Iim m out In McCarthy's district in the Mission, has wig-wagged in heated polltli-ai urgu ments a tuft of whiskers of a stWe i. cullnrly their own. IlLs neigtdi.ir lHnnla. I,ucey, has prided himself . rt hirsute' adornment, of a slightly differ ent school of gardening- mme luxur iant of growth, us It were, but I.' distinctive. Today the etucco on Robert's chin Will fall before the cruel .-re ra. b mcnta of a razor blade; the curtains will be drawn, the hedgo mowed, Mi" chin for tho flrat time In 46 years ex posed to the elements. I'emilx will eon- I Untie to cultivate tho same old crop. I And all because P. H. McCarthy wis not elected mayor of San Francisco. McCann'a pride In this llttl bunrh (f whlskera on his chin was equaled only by his faith In McCarthy's ability :.. win. Heated arguments he had had in i great number with those of his neigh bors who failed to agree with him. Lucoy was one Sit them. Being n Ryan man of the most pronounced type. , he would not, for a. moment, concede that McCarthy had a chanco to ,jc i elected. "I'd bet anything I've got on Mc Cart by,'' said Robert a few days ngo. I "Would you bet your whiskers?" Robert stroked thn beard affection ately and then came out with an em phatic "e." Well, ill Det my wnisKers ngaint yours that McCarthy does not win," said Dennis. They clasped hands on It. So today, off comes the most distinct facial thicket south of Market street. xns:xi:inHiiKiiHnninzKiii3izs;i:z2:Ti:,r:::M B M M w H a M B Ik i OPLN AS USUAL German American Bank Cor. Sixth and Alder Sts. PORTLAND, ORLGON On a Gold Basis .Starkc-Dcutschc Spar Bank BIBLICAL PAINTING EXCIIES INTEREST Canvas, Eopresenfinp: Lot Fleeing With His Daugh ters, Source of Comment. 1 MQiKiBiiEBBsiiiiuiiKxaasHJiusBXaisKaicasuaxiunzaii FUNDS OF THE CITY ARE FOUND WELL SECURED i liojwrt of the Ways and 3reans Committee Is Unani mously Adopted at Informal Meeting of the Council Encouraging Condition of the Bond Market. 714 104 1104 1 3 3 4 1 1 s a i Reading c do 1st pfd . . . Rep. I. & 8. e. . Rock Island c. . St. L - S. V. 2d p do - 1st Pfd Southern Pac. c. do preferred . . Southern Ry. c. Tenn. Coal & T. . Texas & Pacific. T.. St. L. & W. c do preferred. Union Pac. c. do preferred. lfi 39 Is . .a . . 129 1 1 4 i 95 107 '4 14H 24'i 42 4H 56 r.s 30 108 4 20 U 109 76 15 30 17 34 i 29 17 1144 12414 108 1414 24H 42H 401!, r,r,;,4 9.S 3114 108 2014 10914 75 17 78 76 HI 3114 14 74H S3H 78 31 14 139 19 U "7 101 s 133 2S14 16 1314 ii 11214 123 9414 1074 14 23 1 41 74 3914 55 55 38 9 7 '4 ?01 00 i 31H 14 71H 83 78 3114 140 13 li 73 H 1 133 28 I6V4 1714 33H 44 12714 17 s 1 3! 122 107$ 1414 23 41'4 4 0 53 55 38 H 97 301- DIM. 107I107 14 20 20 107 10774 74 14 17 76 14 76 13l 30 131, 2814 7414 17 7614 16 do preferred Western Union Wis. Cent, c 66l 6 7 74 l 66 10314 10314 102 12 106 18 '4 1914 34 12 130 J9 1914 34-1 nou;mi4 24 84 7j 8 15 65 1214 101 18 19 34 10914 1314 2814 1)5 67 103 105 18H 1914 3 4' 109 7714 2 3 74 83 8 15 Vi 61 14 14 Atchison common, cx-divldend. 8. Total sales for dny, 380,000 shares. Call loans opened at 20. high at 20. low at closed at 4. 851, 9 1 6 Vi 65 23 74 83 S In 60 (Leased Wire Overbeck & Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Nov. 7. There was a batter feeling today in lioldticia snares, and some advances in value ure shown. Bid prices: GOLDFIEL DISTRICT. Sandstorm 21c, Mohawk 98.8714, Co lumbia Mt. 20c. Jumbo Kxt. 72c, vernal 9c. Pennsylvania 10c. Kendall c Booth 19C, Blue HUH lie Anamn or, snvci m icr 26c, Nev. Boy 3c, B. B. Kxt. 4c, Blue Bell tr- niii .v i Columbia 6c. Wibernla 3c St. Ives 37c. Conqueror 6c, Blk. Rock 2c, Lone Star 9c, O. Wonder 3cA. Uro So U'endnll Kit 3cA. Sandst. Exl. 3c. Mayne 3c. Atlanta 24cA, (ireat Bend 28c. Empire 6c, Red Top Ext. 14c, Florence 92.65, Dlamf. K. B. Con. 17c. G. Haisy 77c Lnguna 75c, Commonwealth lOcA, Comb. Fract. 91c. Or. Bend fcxt. 4c, Jr. Bend Anx. 3c, B. 1). Bonanza 3c, Ke wanos 2c, Esmeralda 6cA. Portland 7c, fVacker Jack 7c. Mohawk Ext. Cc. Lou Dillon 4c, Grandma 7c, 8. Pick Ext. 2c, T. Rose 4c. Col. Mt. Ext. 3cA, Diamf. Triangle 7c. uuais i iA.iv. Ophlr 91.10, Mexican 50c. Gould A Curry 10c, Con. Virginia 49cA, Savage 3Sc, Hale & Norcross 64cA. Yellow Jacket 15c, Belcher 19c, Confidence 75cA. Sierra Nev. 96c, Exchequer 30c. Union 19c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 34e, Bullf. M. C. Bo, Mont. Bullf. lc, Nat. Bank 8c. L. Harris 2cA. Amethyst 9c, Gold Bar 35c, Denver Buf. Anx. 3c. Bonnie Clare 7c, Mayfl. Cons. 17c, Monty. Ohio Ext. 3e,. G. SccDter 3c. Monty. Mt. 5c, Homestake Cons 5c, Nugget 4cA, Tramp Cons. 17c. TONOPAHS. i Ton. Nev. 97.50, Mont. Ton. 91. 40, Ton. Ext. $1.10. MacNamara ISc, Midway 44c. Ton. Belmont 91. Ton. No.- Star 8r. Ohio Ton. 2c. West End Cons. 34c. Rescue 4c, Golden Anchor 5c, Jim But ler 4 4c, Ton. Cosh Hoy 3c, Ton. Home 2c, Monarch Pitts Ex. 3cA, Mont. Mid. Ext. ScA, Golden Crown 2c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 35c. Manh. M. Co. Sc. Q. Wedge 3c, Sevier Hump 2c, Dexter 10c, L. Joe lc, Mustang 13c, Little Grey 7c, Orlg. Manh. 5c. Broncho 3c, Pine- nut 6cA, Buffalo 2c, S. Dog 10c, 1. Horse 2c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. An original painting of much Interest Is displayed by Woodurd. Clarke & Co. In their ast rooms. The painting repre sents Lot and his daughters fleeing from the destruction of Sodom and Go morrah. The artist, Kdouard Zler, has drawn the figures of nmre than life Size, standing out strongly from the background or darkened skies and llght-ning-rlven clouds. Ihe teutonic type, 'vhlcn is so strong ly evidenced in the female figures, Is always a little fonfuslng In association with early Hebraic history, and the fore most figure Is especially heavy and vo luptuous In type. Thu flesh tints, too, have a pallidness which seems unreal, unless it were Intended to represent ter ror a rancy which is contradicted in the facial expression. Tho figure of i,ot Is thoroughly in character, with a pose and prophetic statellness that Is striking and the pic ture as a whole Is free in action and vigorously expressed. I his exhibition ptrture Is mads the center of an Interesting collection of water colors, oils and pastels, which are all open to public view daily. HOLIDAYS STOP WOJfK OX ARMORY Enlarging tho Onnrfery. (Special DUpatch to The Journul.) Brownsville. Or., Nov. 7. The Browns ville cannery Is building- n large addi tion to its plant. It will be about 100 by 160 feet and will give capacity to handle the irult output of the who neighborhood. Apples ore still com.'ng n Dy tne wagon load. Another carload of the prepared fruit was shipped last week. The railroad company will put a ewitch. The fruit now has to he hauled about zoo yards to the nearest laetracK. DEPRESSION HITS LIVESTOCK VALUES PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep . 24 ,100 .302 .889 Falrv. Silver King lOcA, Falrv. Eagle 45c. Eagles Nest tSe. Eastern Hogs Lose Again. Chicago, Nov. 7. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 18,000 9,000 15,000 Kansas City 4,000 6,000 6,000 Omaha 3,000 2,000 5,600 Hogs are 10c to 16c lower. l,eft over from yesterday, 4,000. Receipts a year ago were li.uuu. jvuxea, j.vuu ws.eo; heavy, 95.20Ti.60; rough, J4.805.00; light, an. lovi'D.ov. catwe wean. , Sheep Steady. Today Week ag. . . . Year ago previous year 280 180 37 220 87 51 2184 Northwest Pank Statement. PORTLAND. Clearings today Suspension of work on he repair and improvement of the armory and on the new detention home has been brought ubout through the Inability of the coun ty court to- order tho drawing of war rants for partial payment on the con tract price. Consequently the contrac tors are unahJe to pay their workmen and tt appears that nothing more can he done until the end or the holidays. allows tha county court to make the necessary order. County Treasurer Lewis has stated that he will be able to meet all demands, hut the money cannot be paid out so lung as warrants cannot he issued. The contractor In charge of the work on the armory hus a claim for 95,000 for work performed, and J J, 000 Ih due to the contractor on the detention home. The total, contract price for the armory Is almost 915.000 and for the home a little over 912,000. Te work on the armory is about half completed. i COLLINS PEC LARKS HE SHOULD HE FREED (United Prut Leased Wlr.) San Francisco. Nov. 7. George D. Collins this morning filed a petition for his release on the charge of bigamy on habeas corpus proceedings In the court of appeals on the ground that his case was rot trie. I within the present day limit, provided for by lawl after his extradition from Canada. He claims in his petition that after being brought back from Canada lie demanded that his case he trie! immediately, but it was continued from lime to time for the last two yens, In spite of his objections. The statute says that a cae must he tried within tin days un less the consent of the defendant is obtained. KILLS HIMSELF AFTER ARRAYING FUNERAL Unltol States Government Bonds. New bonds: Tork, Nov, 7, Government Twoa, registered do coupon Th reos, reg tstered . . do coupon Threes, small bonds... Dis. Columbia, 3-65s... Fours, registered, new. Twos, Panama Philippine 4s. Rid. . .10714 .10714 ,.102 . .103 ,.10114 .11414 .11814 .107 .10814 Asked. 109 109 104 104 122 Portland Union Stockyards. Nov. 7. Depression Is very severe today In the local livestock market, following the severe declines in all lines In the east. Hogs have dropped to the lowest figure for several years, tho best stuff being quoted at 96.75 and 96.00, a decline of 2o0 from former f lerures. v hue the re ceipts of hogs are small the current de mand Is likewise even at the lower range of values. Cattle are showing a liberal run to day, but outside of more dullness the market Is Just the same as yesterday. Sheen have at last felt the weakness displayed by'The other lines, and value jan do year ago Gain today . Balances today do year ago Clearlnfrs Balances Clearings Balances TACOMA. SEATTLE. .91,025,219.00 999,257.88 926.961.12 ...9140,831.40 . .. 190,945.66 9867.976 ...... 60,220 .... Si, 709,632 .... 361,454 tl'nltefl I'res LensPit Wlre. Vlsalia. Cil. Nov 7 -With ar.inge ments for 14k funeial made fovir years ago, John Haiiuh. ashler at the Santa Fe depot in this city, committed sui cide yesterday. After delivering an order to a train, lie rcturnm! to his desk, drew a revolver ami shot him self through the heart. Before he ex pired he placed his pistol in a drawer of his desk. No cause for the suicide can lie assigned except that Baugh he llaved himself to he $02 short In his accounts. Investigation of ins nooks Showed his accounts to be straight. New York Cotton Market. , New York-London Silver. New'Tork, Nov."7. Bar silver, 5994c; London, 97 8-16d. Copper Lake, , 13 1414c; electro, 1314c; castings, 13)4 013c. . . Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Nov. f. Official prlcea: ..WHEAT. Open. Close. . Nov. 6. Loss. Dee. .,..8a 14d - 8a ,,. , , 8sll4d Men. .,.8sld 8sl?4d 8sSd May ;...8a d ; 8s 8Hr . .. . - CORN.- ' - DetSi ' ... . .6b 4H1 s 9rt 6a Hid Jan. iii.Oa 6?d Cs 6Hd 6a 9 lid are about 25c lower. Today 98 head of horses passed through the yards en route to the rail road camps in the south. A year ago tociav au lines were nrm at unchanged values. tirtlciai yard prices: Hdgs4-Best - eastern Oregon. 95.750 6.00; Chlnafata,- nominal. CatOft Best eaatern Oregon steers. 93.75: heat cows and heifers. 92.75 2.85; bulla, 91.75 2.00. Sheet) -- Best wethers. - 14.50414.75: ml,. nA 4,at td Kn. lamd. tj Rn 1-Hd . ,1 Liverpool Colton Lower. d I ",' Liverpool, Nov. 7. Cotton future! ld' closed steady, to 11 points lowar. Feb. . March April May . June July . Aug. . Dec. . Open. High. , 1025 1086 , 1025 1025 , 1026 1039 , 1026 1027 . 1027 1049 1026 1028 , 1029 1042 , 1017 1017 1069 1078 Low. 101 1022 1023 1026, 1024 1026. 102 1017 1058 November 1 1020 1022 1025 1027 1029 1028 1028 1018 1063 6 1030 GOLDFIELD JEWELER SHOT FOR ROBBERY (United Prcs Leased Wire.) Bono. Nev.. Nov. 7. V. I.. Kline, Froprletor of a Jewelry store in Oold iekl. was shot through the head while robbing the Goldfleld Reduction works last night of 93,000 worth of amalgam. Kline was disguised as a negro. His companion was followed by a posse and reported to have oeen snot. Kline Is nVn dying He robbed the Gardner mill 1030 1029 1030 1030 1030 1021 1069 . Four Democratic national conventions Have been held In Chicago, that of 1S6 4, when McCIellan waa nominated; of 1884, when Cleveland waa nominated the first time; of 1892, when he was nominated the last tlma, and of 1896, when Bryan waa flrat nominated. " , v - Chrysanthemum show, 247 Washing ton atraat. Martin A Forbes. last week. ROOT'S RETIREMENT IS RETORTED AGAIN U'DltnJ Ftm Leased Wlra.) Washington, Nov. 7. Secretary Root's retirement from the cabinet la once more reported, this time it la on good authority. Ill health ia the reason aa slgned. The secretary is suffering from both nervous and digestive troubles. Mr. Root wants nat only to retire from public Ufa, but to-taka a long;' rest, ires from business -cares of any sort After a personal Investigation extend ing over two days. In which the opin ion of leading brokers, based upon the latest quotations, was obtained, mem bers of the city ways and means com mittee of the city council reported to that body this morning that the funds of the city are well secured, that there Is no cause for alarm, and that "it seems to bo the opinion of bond dealers that the bottom has been reached on hlgh-rlass securities, and that the mar ket Is firm." The report of the committee was unanimously ndopted by the council, which met Informally to express its gratitude toward the method followed by City Treasurer Vrlln In depositing city funds and securing them against loss. Mayor Harry Lane was not present when the cuuncll convened, due to the fact that he had Sot been notified by City Auditor Barbur. Mr. Barhur ex plained that he supposed Mayor Lane knew the meeting was to be held this morning. Mayor Lane entered the coun cil ehamoer after the reoort of tliA com mittee had been approved and relieved i'resldent wills, wno presided during t lie mayor s ansenee. X.esa Than Charter Semanda. The committee's report showed that the money deposits of the city were se cured on the average rate of a fraction over more than 91-20 for every dollar on deposit. This Is about 6 cents Jess than tne cnarter requirements, hut Is considered exceptionally good rating, considering the financial stringency of the Past few weeks. Opinions as to the quality of the bonds from various financial authori ties confirm the decision of Treasurer Werleln In accepting them as security for city deposits. Although the average rating was 91.20, the rating ran at various banks all the way from 9105 to 92.10. That the funds are well protected Is th con. census of opinion with ths exception of 9130,000 on deposit at Ladd & Tllton. This sum Is without aecurltv. hut th. council is powerless to do anvthlne with it because it is the residue of a sum resulting from bond sales under the provisions of the old bonding act. Amount on Decraas. Originally thla sum amounted to nbout 9200,000, but as the bonds have been recalled and paid for, the amount has steadily diminished and will en tirely vanish In about four years. The work of the committee in nass-1 ing uuon mo city securities was incom plete. Tho members went to the var ious safety deposit vaults where the bonds are kept, handled them and listed them personally. After noting their presence the members sought the opin ion of bankers as to their value. Htirther the members asked the opinion of Frank Robertson and Morris Broth ers, leading brokers, as to the present value of the bonds. Mr. Robertson furnished his estimate ij,m,1iiv tl niAl-kef nnnttiiim of thnl hay. As a result he gave the bonds a vtolue .which meant a rating of 91-2054 for evefy dollar on deposit. An Indication of the firm tone of tho market and showing the present up- , ward trend of prices on securities was j the report of Morris Brothers which was- furnished by Mr. Robertson. Mor ris Brothers' quotations show a rating of 91.2093 for every dollar on deposit. These quotations were secured by wire from New York city on the day they were furnished to the ways and means committee. Condition of Deposits. A summarv of the city funds shows 9725,407 In the hank balances certified by the banks; cash ready for deposit, 911.465; in vault, 99.865; certificate OB deposit. 9130,061. , After the report had been approved by the council. Treasurer Werleln mads an address to the council in regard to the future handling of the funda. referred to the remarks of Mayor Lane at the special meeting of the coun cil Monday afternoon, In which he took exception to the criticism of himself and the council made by Mayor Lane for allowing the funda to be outside ' the city's vaults without compliance with the provisions of the city charter. Mr. Werleln said that he . harshly criticlsfxi for his actions and that In the future the city should fol low the provisions of the charter, which requires the city funda to be deposited only on awards made on bids at a se curity rate of 91.26. To do this It , would be necessary to spend about 911. oini in fitting up the city vaults tn his office because the banks -would not bid for city money under tha provision of the charter. City Vault XTeeda Safeguards. However, declared Mr. Werleln, If the city kept its money In tha city aalt It would be necessary to estab lish proper safeguards In the way of watchmen nnd added equipment to the. vault. He said It would not be feasible to withdraw the money from the banks at this time because of the fear it would Instill into the hearts of the small depositors. He added that the city's money Is entirely safe and such action would be unwarranted. Councilman Bennett followed Mr. Werleln and said that he too thought It a poor time to withdraw the city's money and expressed the opinion that the city's funds are amply well secured. Ho said that everybody should help the banks at thla time and believed the city should be the first to do so. Councilman Wills then rose and stated that he agreed with Mr. Bennett. He said that to withdraw money which la so well protected would only result in, frightening the people whose funds are unprotected and that the action would b unwarranted at the present time when there seems to be a general Im provement of the money situation all over the country. , , Bashlltrnt Years on Oil. . ' Councilman Rushlight got up at thla , time when It seemed as if a mtsander stnndlng of the motives of Mayor Lane ' f.nd City Treasurer Werleln would re--suit, and poured soothing oil upon troubled waters by saying that both Councilmen Wills and Bennett were un- .. rt oil b telly in error because he did1 not believe either Mayor Lane or Mr. Wer- - leln intended to withdraw the city's funds from the banks at this time. ' "There is no question as to our se curity,'' said Mr. Rushlight "Out ... ' money Is ptoterted and what Mr. Wer lein and Major Lane mean ia that it ' Is the duty of the council and city - . . trensii'-er to see that the city's money Is amplv protected, and I believe that has been done." Previous to the utterances of the councilmen. Mayor Lane read a mes sage which he stated he wished to have read before the council took action on1; the committee's report, explaining; that he expected to read the message when - ,' the council met this afternoon, hs r ' me age advised the council and city treasurer to take all precautionary methods in regard to the city's funds.' The message was accepted by the roem hers in the spirit offered, the counell men realizing that the best interests, demanded the cooperation of 4he mayor : ' and council. " - s" - : t . Mayor Lane said that the ' council ' and city treasurer had gone outside th chatter provisions in the present dff positing city funds as they bad ami while agreeing with the executive, tha councilmen were of the opfhlon that ths present conditions would not -warrant them in withdrawing the city funda at this time. , . . . .. ,- . " ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Barges will bo sent to the sunken dredge Portland that was rammed by tire steamer Bailey Gatzert yesterday morning and efTort will be made to float her tomorrow. Tho Hnrrlman liner Costa Rica, Cap-, tain Mason, leaves for San Francisco this afternoon. The North Pacific Steamship company's liner Roanoke, which was to leave tonight for San Pedro and way ports, will not get away before tomorrow night. The British steamer British Monarch will be in the harbor tomorrow morning to load wheat for Europe. She comes from Guaymas, Mexico, In ballast, un der charted to Kerr, Gffford & Co. , The French bark Briseux finished loading flour at the mills this morning and dropped into the stream. She car ries the largest flour cargo ever shipped in a sailing vessel from this port. She is expected to clear this afternoon The oriental liners Alesla and Nloo- medla are both at Albina dock. The Alesla is expected ' to leave tomorrow morntns; for Hongkong and way borts and - the Nleomedla is expected to get away Sunday -or Monday. The Alesla was damaged slightly yesterday by a falling spar, but temporary repairs only will be -made here. ;: ..; , . The dredge Columbia, whfth baa been working lh th lower harbor, s shifting toaav to t-osiorrtce ar. to finish the wortt started there by the dredge Port land. - The constant shifting about of the dredges is taking considerable time, but; It Is said that the wont planned for the -I'ortiand has to be ione at once. cargo of wheat from this port to Eu rope She is now en route tn ballast to this port from Japan.- i'-. ' The British steamer FUipatrlck It expected, to finish loading wheat at Oceanic dck thia afternoon, and sh will probably leave down In the morn-' ing. CALEB TOWERS WILL " : ' , MAKE FIGHT ALONE : ':' so.,' .c-'-1 . Georgetown, Ky., Nov, 7.-Caleb Vow ers, whose fourth trial for complicity In the assassination of Governor Ooebel will be called on Monday, today 4 de clared that Governor-Elect Wlllson will be powerless to help him. It was said before the election that Wlllson would help powers, but the latter says thai Wlllsbn will not have the power to " appoint a judge to preside at the trUI, Powers says he will be ready an Mon day. . r -. ... .. V.w. y L 1 J UlLL...J. J. J .-!.-J sty Bast Mend. '. 'af -' Alexander Benton, who lives en rural route 1, Fort Edward, New York, aaysr . "Dr. King's New Discovery Is my b' earthly friend, It t?ured ma. fit aon ma aik years ago. f It ha su ie. formed ii wondrful cure ot nidpii-nt - ennsum ptlbn for my son's w'. i first bottle ended the err .nd thts aceomiilish'-.l, t ' ' " toms left one by feetly well. f. I' power over e.i.u . marvelous.' Imai equ ale I 1 The British tramp steamer Clenstrae Grot P'latt was chartered this rsorntniy to carry a sn-1 5i , , i i i ! ( t'.-.i'S.