THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND; THURSDAY' EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. 1007. . 18 liOOFIJHJ ,J2iX'V2Ji Jobbing.. J. Lo.ll. bacuk J roo T"hon TiTTSKv'-' tTkNEHS AND REAL ESTATE E8TAT1B AND lata 3 W OOILREK. BPiFST1Aj "'leans established m room IT - i -x rrr n'.B...""..rMi.tali SOSM BtsrJC "ml -ff rentals. at Mam y V-;, FARMHOrKVKRY PKSCRIP lo.F W. W. i-P- Commercial VWu.vit TSTKIN BKAl.KR IN ItKAL . . i.ArVnt. collected. 110 lot St. .BIHBKR STAMPS AND SEALS mm wells . FORJPON Rancher in Fort Klamath Country Finds Water for Cattle and Crops. STATIONERY. P. Vt an iTL OFFICB STATION A if C Co. 1 Vlnrk. TelI407. SIKVEVORS. tytrTLANi") KNil CO- CIVIL AND TmiBinS engineer, surveyors, imwi, towel slttly CLEAN TOWHLS DAILY COMB brush soap. P1" "onth. Portland laundry 1 iwl Supply Co, Ith and tra:.'6fek and uaullno r O PICK OFFICE l 1ST ST.. BK tween trk and Oak sts.; phone 6. Piano and furniture moved and packed inr ahlrr-ing; commodious brick ware Iwi Wth mpW ron rooma. Front nd Clay ail ("iwclil plapatrh to Tb Jooraal. KlamAth Falls. Or.. Nov. 7. Thero are now II flnu artesian wells in id Fort Klamath country. At t ho begin ning of the year there were uono, In fact none In Klamath county, and tho first one In the Fort Klutnatii or Hood River valley country was nut down on the Weed ranch aa an expei iincnt. The lust one sunk this season Waa on the Al Mi-ltiose property, u, fine ranch of 720 acres. At a depth of 13 feet he secured u lar!'' flow of water, rising 14 feet al'ovi' ground. Tho water will be piped I n I o I In' In. line and to varloui nana of the ranrh. In time' ho ex I'ccts to ha- an uitcainn well for every 10 acres, giving lilm a perfect Irriga tion svafein of hla own. The water lias a ftilnt tlne of sulphur In It, but the emtio on the ranch drink It freely aud like It. FIENDISH MURDERER GKTS SECOND DEGREE "nTSEN-ROK TRANS FISH CO. ' rtanaral transfer and tdanosand furniture, etc.. moved, and shipped, at . bet ween and it-Phone Main H7; A-2247. storage; aafea. moved, parsed f ronl ALL OK- c TV THANfi t!l). twa V' i itu- manager. dera given Prompt "rn,1 e. K. 1171. J. C. Flndley, PKSINStXAR h.Xl'KL83 ' BAOGAGK trannfer, t47 Alder at. Muln 1171. CHKOON TRANSFFH CO.. 1J4 N. th. Main . Heavy hauling and atom a e. BEPENPENT BAGGAGE TKAM- STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. - trrt pbtIpb. aldewBlke ana croaa Imta.' Ill Lumber Kxchanye. THK BAHBKR ASPHALT fAVINO CO. J e PoMl.nd Office 666 Worceater blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES 6HOWCASES OF EVERY DESCR1P ton: bank, bar and ator fixture, made to order. The Lutke Manufactur ing Co . Portland. THK JAMES I. MARSHALL MFO- CO. ' howces, cablneta, atore and office fixture. 2S Couch at. Pacific 2181. RTh. birdsaLU designer: agt. m. Winter Ltimber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg SAFES "PORTLAND SAFE- CO.. SOLE AGBNT8 for Herrlng-Hall-Marrln aafea and Maiuraneae Steel Safe Co.' bank aafea: j cond-band fireproof aafea and bank afaa. Try cheap. See tbem or jirlt vl I 7th at ; ElEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Larce lines carried. Lock-outa opened. Jtcka. - Jalla, metal furniture. Both phonea. J E. Davis. S 3d. MANGANESE STEEL BANK SAFES (original) fire-proof aafea. vault fwnta. The Mosler Safe Co.. 108 id at. SIGS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISERSIONS. !We have built-up the laraeat al(m bualneaa In the city by flrat-claaa work and keeping our promlaea. Qur prlcea are right Bth and Everett ara. I'hone 1 Kxchang SB. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 187 Stark. Paclflo 1598. TAXIDERMISTS j (ipertkl DUpatrfe to Tke Joarmil.) Taroma, Wash., Nov. 7. - Archie Mitchell yciMerdajr pleaded guilty of manslaughter booft "Judge Snell to en- rope prorecutlon on the charge of mur der In the tlrat degree. Mitchell waa a longshoreman. II came home and found hla wife, wbjo la an lndliui squaw, lying on the floor and with her another woman and James Nel son, also a longshoreman, with whom Mitchell had -een on the moat friendly terma. The three had ben drluklp.g And were lit ' a stupor, aaleop on the floor. Mitchell had heard ugly stories of relations between hla wile and Nel son and, without waiting to ask ques tions, attacked Nelson with an ax, mu tilating hla body aa ruthlessly aa If It had been a block of wood. REACH PORT WITH SAILS III SHREDS British Shin and French Bark Keep Company From Australia. . Bailor returns to INHERIT FORTUNE Vrsaols Arrive After Trdloui Towa l'p eh Rlter ThrotiRh Dense Ranks of Fog Ruth Rrlng Cargoes. MAN IS STRANGLED BY FALLING DOWN 8nee1t Dispatch to The Jonro.l ) Great Fella, Mont. Nov. 7 William II. Clark waa strangled to death In an extraordinary manner here. While In toxlcated and during a long ppree he fell down a narrow passage beside the Klon dike saloon with hla throat across the edge of a board that rose above the floor about two feet and death followed from strangulation, hla dead body be ing found where he fell. . Hanan shoes sold nt Rosenthal's. TRANSPORTATION TAKE SPECIMENS TO F. BREZEE. skilled Isbor. 303H 3d. A-4640. Tl'PEWRrTERS THE OUVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. Phone Main 7952. Raleigh bldg., Portland. Or. Oliver typewriters gold, rented, repaired; ALL MAKES. RENTED. REPAIRED, sold. P. D. C Co . 231 Stark Tel. 147 The Way t Go East Next Trip Try The ORIENTAL Limited THE GREAT NORTHERN'S SWELL ITRAIN. daily to St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth, St Louis, Chicago- and all points east Crosses both mountain I ranges by daylight Complete modern j equipment. Including Compartment Ob servation cars ana elegant oining car service. For tickets and sleeping car reservations call or address II. DICKSON. C. P. & T. A. laa Third Street, Portland, Or. Phones Kaln 630, Home A-2288. I'PIIOLSTEKING AND REPAIRING BIJOU UPHOLSTERY, FURNITURE renovating, repair shop: matreases re made In one day. 127 11th. Main 8196. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WINO SING TONO KEB & CO., wholesale and retail dealers In Chi nese merchandise; labor contracting. 308 First. Main 882. Bold Back, mgr. "... . M- A. GUNS T & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. - - PORTLAND. OREGON. , JfiYERDING & FARU KLL. PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front st Portland, Or Phone Main 179. OREGON i FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portia na. Or. "WADHAMS & CO.. WHOLESALE ORO- ' ' Cora.-, rn&nul&ciurcin una uumiujaaiuit merchants. 4th aBrt Oak sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND - special orders. L. Ruvenaky's furni ture factory, 307 Front at. Colombia River Scenery XZQUX.ATOB tllTE BTSAKEKS. Dally service between Portland and The Dallea, except Sunday. leaving Portland at 7 a. m arriving about p. m.. carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St., Portland: foot of Court st, The Dallea. Phone Maio 914. Portland. COOS BAY LINE The steamship RUE AK WATER leaves Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m., from Oak street dock, for Empire, North Bend and Mershfielfl. Freight received till 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Pnssen- rer fare, first class, $10: second class. 7. including herth and meala. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washing ton streets, or Oak street dock. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis . onrtlnnd. Or. CROCKERY glaas ware. PraeL Hegele &. Co land, jr. AND Port- rEWIS-STENUER BARBERS'. SUPPLY Cn. barbers' supplies, barbers furni ture, bn rbers' chairs. 10th and Morrison, STOBTH PACfPIO STEAMSHIP CO.'B STEAMSHIPS Roanoke and Ceo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los" Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. Ticket office 132 Third .near Aider. " iiATES-WIGHT CO.. CALENDARS. AD vertlslng novelties. 150 Sth St MARRIAGE LICENSES st. Oliver Layselle, 133S Cnruthers J6: Sarah L. Frederlcksen, 22. Frank Elbert McAUen, Golden West hotel. 46; Vivian Wlckson, 28. George Grenier. 1297 East Main st, Jl: Laura Grigwire, 18. Carl Jones, 4l xajjor mi., mrus" : 'Fiank 'Qulgley. SMEast 15th st, 32; , Kettie Bchuadir.g. 22 Edward A. Tuie, Lents, 28; Myrtle Ethel Moll, 21. James William Thompson, 24 : 'nshlncton at.. 27; Delia Kricsen, 26. J. W. Horton. Portland, 31; Charlotte ' Ai McFarland, 34 . Cirl Becker. 276 Argyle St., 23; EUz- abeth Butenchoen, 22. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith & Co., Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash liiptort sts. M Weddings cards the best '. Alvln . Hwk. 144 2d st 100 (or 3a. Toneeth fc Co., florists, for flowers of sTVklnda. "123 th st ClajKe' . Bros., Florists Fine flowers i and floral designs. 288 Morrison st. Full dress suits for rent, all Unique Tailoring Co.,' 20l Si AX M..' SMITH, FLORIST St.. opp.'Meler sisea Stark, st Frank's. , 150 6TH Main 7215 . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. . LOST BETWEEN K. "2 1ST AND' PA- ciiio ?er - is. xotn ana Annenv sts., a h!)tk htind natchel. containing 315 tn sold, a ticket to Deer Island, and other articles. Return to Journal office and ' receive reward. - WILL PAY 8 PER -CENT AND BONUS for C0s for one year on 12,900 ae . "tirity;.njU8t, have it ; Friday. X-5 2, Jo-trnal. - Van i iciwA I-OAN ' OF $ TO s .(:() in a flue new home. Address Tv a 1 1 1 IJiiV oi)K FOR MILL -Iwwrtiltir-hotisiv- 859.4)tUTalsa. waitress. ,tsoH. Lmybcreas Labor biifeauAiaJ okv WAVERLE HEIGHTS We take checks, certificates of deposit, clearing house certificates, shin plasters, or old gold, in payment oi lots in Waverleigh Heights. Tut your money in "dirt" and get ybur money's worth. No worry here. Give tis your money and we will do the wor rying for you. Coming here from Newcastle. Austra lia, tho British ehlp Clavenmn ran into a storm that tore several sails from the sticks. It waa encountered In mld- occan and lssted for nearly a woes. During all thst time monster seas swept over the craft, but fortunately none o the men on board were Injured. Hh arrived in the harbor last night afle tedioua tow up the river through denae lorn. It took the Claverdon 61 days to make Ihe run from Australia nnd beat the entire fleet that left the coal port for the Pucillc when she sailed. Among these vessels wua the I'.rltlwh ship Ht Mlrren. which Is now due to arrive here. bailors in the ( luverdon aay me hi Mlrren started on her voyage about an hour after they had begun their voy age. When In the vMnltv or the nociety aianda tne l luverdon pusaea me r rencn bnrk Mareehnel de Turrene, which ar rived in .the harbor here this morning from London via Hobarttown, lasma- nla. The vessol were quit close to gether all the way across the ocean meeting In a calm Into which they drifted leisurely close to shore off the island or Tahiti. Among the crew of the Claverdon Is Frank A. H. T. Smith, who says his home Is in Salem, this stale. The man with the aristocratic initials tells he has sailed for 20 years, In all capaci ties from deck boy to caiptuin and down again. He accepted the bertn of second Ihiii Im wain on the Claverdon because he wanted to come here to take charge of a farm he recently Inherited from a dla tant relative. The sailing Salemlte says he is going to try to make the farm keep him off the sea rnr the bal ance of his days, although he thinks It will be difficult. He Is a middle-aged man and lias sailed all the seas of the world. The French bark Marecnael de Tur rene, which reached tho harbor this aft ernoon. i here with a cargo of cement, consigned to Meyer, Wilson & Co. She came out by way of Good Hope and Tnsmanla and so fell In with the Clav erdon in crossing the Pacific. The Mare chael do Turrene lost a lot of satin in the Indian ocean, where she encountered a most fearful storm, captain Nedellec wns fined .r00 by the customs authori ties at Astoria yesterday for not bring ing his papers from Europe, but the greater portion of the fln- will prob ably be remitted. The skipper says he was told by the French authorities st Hobarttown to leave his papers there, and believing that they knew what they were talking about, ne obeyed. The Marechael de Turrene will dis charge at Columbia dock No. 1, and the Claverdon Is getting rid of her coal at Montgomery dock No. 1. fiotn ure chartered to carry wheat to Europe. Churchill. Am. sch ..Knapptoa jtsunnao. Am. str i,tiinton Homeward Bound, Am. bk O. ft C. Lyra, Am. aa Columlha No, Glendale. Am. sch Tongue Point viispairlcK, nr. as uccanio Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch. Tongue Pt r; o. iteurielti. Am. sen... stena C, If, Crocker. Am. sch Llnston Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk..Coluin. No, 1 Claverdon, Br. sch Alhlns, Irene, Am. sch. Costa Rlcar Am. ss Alnswnrth Roanoke, Am. as.,,,,.., Martin's Yellowstone, Am. ss Llnnton Tiberius, Oer. sh. ,. .Montgomery No. 3 British Monarch, Br. ss.,..On way up Alesln, Gor. ss Alblnu Americana, Am, sch Astoria j.tma A. Garfield, Am. sch. .. .Astoria tanslng. Am. as Portsmouth Lumber Oarrlera En Monte. Mabel Oale. Am. sch Han Francisco Vlrlgtno, Am. sch.... Port Los Angeles Kxcelslor. Am. aa San Frunclnco Yoaemlts, Am. str Han Krauclaco Amaxon. Am. bktn.... Compeer. Am. sch. .... F. K. I,oop, Am. str... C. S. Holmes, Am. sch. Transit Am. sch Marhoffer, Am. schr t'ascado. Am. as Tiverton. Am. as II. D. Inmiin Am. ss.., En Boats With Cement and OeneraL Buceleueh, Br, sh. Hamburg Brenn. Fr. bk Hull Europe, Br. bk Antwerp itene Kervuer. f r. en Hamburg Martha Roux. rr. DK. uamburi Thiers, Fr, ah Nowcastle, F vine de Miilhouse, rr. bk. Antweip uue nary. sr. ok Antwern Plerrl Lot I, Fr. bk. Antwerp ..San Francisco ..San Francisco ..Fan Francisco , .Han Frnnclaco ..Han Franciaco . .Han Francisco , .Han Franclaco ..San Franclaco . .San Francisco Walden Abbey, Br. sh. Glenesslln, ItrJ sh. ... Versailles. Fr.' bk General de Bolsdeffre, Fr. General de Negrler, Fr. bk. Ha yard, Fr. bk. bk. .Antwerp .Antwerp ....Lelth . . IyOtidnn , . . . IOndon . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . . Honolulu Rotterdam . .Antwerp . .Antwerp uotteruam . .Antwerp . . .London . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . . . London Hamburg VI lie de DIJon. Fr. bk. .., Alice Marie. Fr. bk. Eugene Rergaline, Fr. bk, II. Haekfh-ld. Or. bk. ... Arctic Stream. Br. sh Crown of India, Rr. bk. .. Cornll Bart, Fr. bk. Jules Gommcs, Fr. bk. ... Edward Detallle. Fr. bk. Emlllo OaJllne, Fr. bk. .. Ernest Legouve. Fr. bk. Aberfoyle, Br. sh Edmund Rostad, Fr. bk., Emanuelo Accame, It bk.. Coal Ships En Boots. Be!n, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Willscott Am. bk Newcastle, A. St. Mlrren. Br. sh Newcastle, A. Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Ardencraig. Br. bK .Newcastle, a. Kugens Schneider, Fr. bk . Newcastle, A, Buffon. Fr. bk Ncweastlu. A. Castle Rock. Br. sh Sydney, A. Knight Templar. Br. ss. ..Newcastle, A. Henry Vlllard. Am. sh. . .Newcastle, A. Thoruls. Nor. str Moratan, Japan KmlJy Reed. Am. sh Newcastle. A. Ancalna, Br. st Newcastle. A. Brodick Castle. Br. sh. .. .Newcastle. A. Calluna, Br. bk Newcastle, A. Larglemore, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Aker, Nor. ss Mojl, Japan Mlndoro. Am. sch .. Newcastle. N. S. W. Tramp Steamers En Routt. Strathenlrk. Br. ss Hnn Francisco Strathfllian. Br. as Vancouver B. C Strathearn, Br. ss Hun Francisco Borderer. Br. as Kin rranclsco Goto Maru, Jap. ss .Sun Francisco r 'ACME 0AUT1T ii the neir way of saying perfect paints, enamels, stains, varnished per fect vhea buy, and perfect in use and vear. It doe not matter what you 7 want to paint, you can always tet v. the rttht mattrial under the nam "ACME QUALITY" Let na seed yon s copy of ine new leii oooa, ine Selection sad Ce or Paints Bad riBUhee." Free on request. II your nearest dealer cannot Supply you with I he "Acne Ouallly kind, wcfwilL I.EIV ERA PAINT & VARNISH Co. 171 rint Street, rwtlsa. 4'i7Jli YOU JWM'M'-M Mm' Mm you"" XT MSTSIBUTeSS JTewisesa' T rau. CM JbBMdy. - ' TBS KBTCrtraT Tamil f SaaraaS si OAssa Oepalbaia OAP8ULIi,v T imi'"",,e'1 I I toha, Mnlwt t wns iuJ MnnMssMsN. Rows Martin's. IS! Wash4 Ing ion st. Portland, Or. t or by mall from The Tarrant, Co, Is Jiudsoa st, MM York. " OR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's - Commrand The best and only rsllablf7 reroear ror vkiaxxb vmwe luua. cure tne most ooaun- eaaaa In I to If a era. rrlot II per box, or three boxes IS. Sold by dnirglsts svsrrwhsra, Address T. , PIEiiCO. Ill First st. Portland, On at a Specialists S7 TBABS' BXPTBIBirCE. HIDDEN IN FOG. Gt-rman Tramp Steamer Has Strange Experience Off River. For 8C hours the German steamer Ti berius was held outside the mouth of tho Columbia river this week by ono of the denspst fogs ever encountered by anyone on board. Yet some of them have been to Fea for more than a quar ter of a century. The big tramp hov ered about in the vicinity of the light ship so as to keep clear of shore. Tne Britloh steamer British Monarch and the American steamer Roanoke kept tho Tiberias company for 14 hours. The Tiberius arrived up In the har bor shortly before noon today. She dropped anchor In the stream but later In the afternoon Pilot Emken hauled her into the Montgomery dock where Hhe will remain while being lined for her cargo. Kerr, Glfford & Co. chartered the steamer several weeks .ago and she will be loaded at Montgom- ny flocks lio with a full cargo of wheat for Europe. The jibcrlus is in command of Cap tain Schwaner, a master of the old school. She is a big carrier having ca pacity for all of 7,000 tons, and Is bomewhat familiar hpre Blnce she tonk a cargo of lumber from this river to the Orient a few months ago. She car ries a white crew, contrary to the usuil order of things on steamers In the Pa cific ocean trade. The Tiberius left San Francisco Fri day night last week and ran Into strong northwesterly winds and heavy swells almotit Immediately after leaving the Golden Gate In the distance. For three days she bucked the waves and wind and finally made the light ship nftrr having burned a great amount of fuel as compared with the actual dis tance covered. Then the fog came and .obscured everything. For 26 hours the jrrten were practically lost except for tho ,n6und of the fog. whistles from the lightship. Craighall, Br. ss Rlverdule, Br. ss.. Queen Louise, Hr. Ormldale, Hr. ss. . . Cralgvar. Br. ss. . . . River Forth. Br. as Ormlston. Br. ss.., Como, Br. ss Minerva, isor. ss... Valdlva, Br. ss. Woodford. Br. ss.. Aparlma. Br. ss. . . , Mackinaw. ..m. ss. Glenstrne, Br. ss. ., St. Huso. Br. ss. . . , Auchencrag, Br. ss. . , .San Francisco Orient .Pan Francisco , .S in Francisco . . S i n Fi a nelson . ,Sj:i Franc) sen Cnlta Valparaiso .'. . . . Bremerton . .8;in Francisco Breme: ton ...Fiji Inlands Shuttle Japan Motlcndo . . .Shlnwntsekl Uaf aiada a I CGeeWo I Xa WaU-Xaawa Ealiakla CHINESE Kaet aas Hers If DOCTORS H s H H I Ilia atnil at roots BBS brrba. sad In tbat Btac-r dlOTer aoa U glvlag tu tb world bb wnltflerrul rrnealM. S70 MERCVRY, r0I8ON8 OR DHUCi OIEB EX rVRig WITHOUT CP tRATIOF. OB vrfTHODT- THS AID Oi' A KMIFX. p ra.rmiirea tn rorr Catarrh. A'lkm. t.nnm Ttirna Hh.t,mitlB . NalTOWt ixa. Nerona PeMUtr, Stomach. Unr, KMwr Troeblra: alan Ixt Mnbood, rtaale Stta Ba and All Prlfate PLeaara. That CURE OUR FEB e$10oOO XstabUsbs4 IT Tsars U rortaaa4, Consultation Free Wt Will Trsa Any aUngls VmooatnU. eatec Ailment tox S10UW. Absolute Cuartnteo No Pay Unless Cured Ho Xncurabls Case' Aoeepted, -We Are the X.eadlnf Speolallsts. nnr. inl rAmnHw WVlVMraa T nOT UlUUAAn Btmil. MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD. POISON IN ALL STAOES, VARICO CELE, HTDROCELK, GONORRHOEA, OLEBT. OR ANY OF TUB DIS EASES COMMON TO MEN.. Personal attention given all patients. XTTSBBOOat ZBBTZTTTTZOVS. In selecting a physician or specialist when in need of one, some con sideration and thought should bs given to the qualifications, experience and length of time an Institute or Vnedtcal man has been located in the city. It stands to reason that an Institution that hsa stood the test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands is far superior to mush room Institutions that spring; up in a night, list a few months and are gone. We have been curing men 27 years and are the oldest specialist) curing men irrI'ortland. We Invite those) who have deep-seated and ohronlo disorders to eall and be examined. Consultation and examination Is free, ana earrlsa with It no obligation to engage oar services. THE SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF WEAKNESS Dosing the system with powerful stimulants and tonics In an effort to- restore functional vigor can have but one final result The condition la rendered worae than before. "Weakness" Is merely an Indication of a low form of Inflammation In the prostate gland and this Inflammation is but aggravated by stimulating remedies that excite temporary activity. We employ the only sclentlflo and fully effective treatment for "weak ness," which effecta a permanent cure by restoring the prostate gland to a aound and healthy state. Wa obtain complete results in every case we treat. Our system of treating is superior to any in this country and our cures are the result of these methods. We never fall to effect a cure la any case we take. If you suffer from neglect, from want of money or from unskilled practice here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with years of ripe experience in treating complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will cost nothing to talk to us, and may be the means of restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today. Our offices are very prlvste. Tou see onlv the doctor. .. - -- - OOHSTJXTATXOlf FBBX A JTD XH VITUS Our reputation and work are not a mushroom growth, we have been curing men for 37 years. Write, If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent In plain envelopes. Enclose 2-cent stamp to Insure reply. OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; evenings. 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. tSfJSRSR. st. louis dispensary En Route In Ballast to Xoad Grain. Gsel, Fr. bk Puget Sound Miltonburn, Br. bk Santa Rosalia Dumflreshlre, Br. sli...Port l.o.s, AnRi les Sullv, Fr. bk Han Francisco Celtic Chief, Br. sh Honolulu Admiral Corneuller, Fr. bk...San Fran. Ktrathgryfs. lit. sh Castor, Br. sh VUpuralso Alsterkamp, Ger. sh Culcta Cologa Hchubek Ger. bk Valparaiso Glenelvan. Br. sh Santa Rosalia Ostara. Ger. sh, Valparaiso Amazon, Br. bk Mollendo Alexander Black, Br. bk San Diego Windsor Pork. Br. sh Caldera Clan Buchanan. Br. h....Sunta Rosalia Clackmannanshire. Br. sh. .. .Valparaiso Wavertree, Br. ah Tocopllla Elginshire, Br. bk Caidera I-argo Bay. bk. Valparaiso Charles Gounod, Fr. bk..San Fruncisco Armen, Fr. bk Sun Francisco Carnarvon Lay. Br. sh West Cosjt Lady Woo'.seley. Br. bk. . . .Cnleta Buena Cambusdoon, Br. sh Calctu Coloaa Earl of Dunsmorc, Br. sh Callao Cloch. Br. bk .TnlHI liluaixatad book- svuiii c. smh. on .juyun Puehalburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia Wayfarer, Br. sh Valparaiso Oil Steamers Sn Bouts. Maverick, Am. ss ....San Francisco Col. E. L. Drake, Am. as. Hun Francisco Just Xaceirad Iran r-tkhie. Cblaa lafa. Bora ad Reliable. ir TOO sRd AFFMCTRD. PONT DC LAY. DELAYS ARB DSNOKHOUS If yon ranoot rail, writ for ayaiptnoi blast and circular. Inclose 4 ernta la ataatra. S COBBEB SI CO JTD ABB TAICBXLX. STREETS, POBTLABD, OBEOOB. 2K:a33S13BaHSBIUHlBBHSZE 1 1 CONSULTATION FREE SH C. GS2 WO CHIHESE MLlilCIHg CC, leSVt First St, Car. Maniaaa. Portland. Oragaa. Plawa Mantlss tbia Every Woman lain teres taH and aheald know about the vondarrnl MARVEL Whirling Spray e new Taaiaai arnara. wire. Hon cm tiuetvm. tlrat-tiai. at 31 oat ConTenlant, MARINE NOTES LOIRER CARGO SHIFTS. Steamer Elsa Puts Into Yokohama Radly Crippled. Advices from Yokohama to the Mer chants Exchange indicate that the Nor wegian steamer Elsa, hence about a month apo for Shanghai with a cargo of lumber, ran into awful weather. She put Into Yokohama yesterday with her carg; shifted, the bulwarks damaged and other Injuries about the deck. The advices are meagre In detail but It Is Hur.posed that the tramp must have fallen Into one of the typhoons that ae looked for at this time of tho vcar In oriental waters. In all prob ability the greatest damege was eus titined in nearing the Jnwanene coast. The steamer Will proceed to Shanghai before repairing, however. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Astoria, Nov. 7. Arrived at 9:30 a. m. Schooner Jas. A. Gurfield, from San Pedro. Arrived at 9 a. m. and lift up at 11:15 Steamer Tiverton, from Sun Francisco. Sailed at 11:30 a. m. Schooner W. F. Garms. for Sydney, and at 10:45 a. m. Steamer Lansing, from Luis. Yokohama, Nov. 7. Norwegian steam er Elsn, from Portland, waa damaged by deck cargo shifting: bulwarks and main deck damtuged. Will proceed to Shanghai before repairing. Antwerp, Nov. 7. Sailed November 5. French bark Cornll Bart, for Portland. Astoria, Nov. 7. Left up at 2:30 p. m. German steamer Tiberius. Redundu, Nov. 7. Sailed Norwegian steamer Aker. for Portland. Yokohama, Nov. 6. Arrived previous ly German steamer Arabia and Nor wegian steamer Elsa, from Portland. San Francisco, Nov. 6. Sailed Steamers R. D. Inman and Col. E. I. Drake, for Portland. Aotorln, Nov. 7. Sailed at 11:45 a. m. British steamer Inveran. for Ma nila; saildd at. noon, Norwegian steamer Teije Vlken. for Shanghai and French bark LePilier. for Europe. Astoria, Nov. 7. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., moderate; wind north west, 15 miles; weather, clear. Tides at Astoria todav High water, 1:48 a. m.. 7.8 feet; 1:32 p. m 7.8 feet. Low water, 7:32 a. m., 2.2 feet; S:20 p. m., 1.0 feet. 1&ST l,k .oar naH sir H. If hrrsnnol supply the inniuiL, sooapi do other, but aend itamp for llluaixatad book Hr4. full lutrtlctil&m and dlreetioiia 1b- midair. m.tRVBI. TO it n. van sr.. jaan iuhb. ror Bala by Bkidmere Drug Co., Cltrka Co. aad Laue-Davia Drug Co.. Woodard, -t Btoras. urGuts DoEvervthin5 but cr? m. W TALW ORgGOGIVDNG CO PORJlAAD.OREGOi COODNOUGM'BLD'G D FAMILY ROW EESTJLTS L DEATH OF MAX Jno. P. Sharkey Co. Sixth and Washington Sts. Scott's Sanfai-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Forliif ammatloe orCatarrhot tha Bladdor and IXuaaod Kid ua. SO C0B B SAT. Curae qutrki Md pcrmanentiy tlM omeaaa of atoamrrbeea) and fi. I ha nMn . , - mw www. J. W), k" ataodiDf. A b o 1 a t 1 XZZU.?i BoHby drag, lata. 'TKESAaTALEPSiKCa V Bell iooUine, Ohio. - y All Orosclsts. Regular Liners Bus to Arrive. .., r. On-.. X' .. o si Alliance, vuu viy ....-iv. o rcity of Panama, San Francisco. . Nov. 9 Breakwater. Coos Bay Nov. 12 G. W. Folder, San Pedro and way. Nov. 12 Costa Rica, San Francisco . X.. .Nov. 17 Roanoke, San Pedro and' way. .Nov. 19 Numantia, orient Nov. 20 Arabia, orient ec. 10 Alesla, orient Jan. 2 Nlcomedia. orient Jan. 15 Xegmlsr Liners 'to Depart. Costa Rica, San Fianclseo Nov. 7 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... Nov. 8 Alesiu, orient ..Nov. 8 AitiHncn. Coos Bay Nov.s 9 Nicomcdla, orient Nov. 11 Breakwater, Coos Bay... .Nov. 13 City of Panama. San Francisco. .Nov. 13 Geo. w. lilaer. nun rrancisco . ..nvv. i Numantlft. orient Nov. 30 Arabia, orient ..Dec. IS Teasels in Port. North Kir. Am. tug.... Astoria Ana. sn Astoria tug. ,v Astoria ................ Goble Will. L & 8. ska. , Stream ss. , .Albina ..Portland Lumber Co. sch,.., ....Goble Butte. Mont., Nov. 7. A man named Ford kicked, choked nnd beat to death Landon T. Carter at Jim Young's ranch, nine miles from Kallspell, Monday night in a most brutal fashion, leaving the body hardly recognizable. Ford was an uncle of Carter's deceased wife, and Carter went to the ranch with the avowed determination to kill Ford and Young. He was drunk nnd after lie had fired ono shot at the man; Ford choked and mauled him to death, while Young stood by and made no attempt to interfere. Both Young and Ford admit the facts and both are In Jail. SCOTCH KILTIES TO APPEAR AT ARMORY. St Nicholas. North Star. Am, Berlin. Am. sn Grays Harbor. Aim. sa Brixeux, Fr. Bk Nlcomedia, Ger. Muriel, Am. achi k' I)i. Ci-rm An ----H J . " . . ..... . . ..J Port Patrick, E.-sh,. . .i . . . i .Stream Rajore, Ir. shj ...... .t...... ..Mersey Alios McDonald! Am. ..imnaa-Poulsen The Scotch Kilties will give two con certs at the Armory in Portland, Fri day and Saturday, November 15 nnd 16, under the auspices of the ThirA Infantry and Battery A of tho Oregon National Guard. The proceeds will be used to furnish the quarters of the troops in the armory. The last visit of the Kilties In Port land was four years ago when they S roved to bo a popular organisation. Ince then they have traveled 30,000 miles over-Canada, the United States arid Europe and nave twice been or dered before Edward VII. In connec tion with their band they have a trained chorus of 16 voices, a large bagpipe band and the champion hlghlund fling dancer. . ' Are You a Broken own Man? If So I Want to Impress on Your Mind the Fact That I Can Restore to Yon the Full Vigor and Perfect Health , That Nature Jntended You to Enjoy Following are some of the symptoms of wasted powers and a debilitated system: Pains in the back, nervousness, insomnia, feeling of exhaustion on arising in the morning, dull headache, deep-seated pains in the head, a constant sense ol weakness, aching ifi the joints, palpitation of the heart, drains, lack of ambition and a general consciousness that you are "all in." If you have any of the above symptoms don't delay any longer. Come to me at onde. There is a state which'is beyond all hope. Don't wait'until you have reached that state. Come now, while you still retain vitality enough to serve as a foundation for health, strength and happiness. Don't put this matter off another day not another minute. Make up your mind to come TODAY. I Cure Men's Diseases Jl have cured hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private ailments. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success is due to the study I have given my specialty; to niy having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I -employ. Weakness A DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist Burning anfJ painful tirtniftion Ueved by Oregon Kidney Tea, You've probably been treated for so-called weakness and helped tempo rarily or1 not at all, and the reason is very apparent when cause of loss of power In men Is understood. Weakness Is mere ly a symptom of chronic Inflamma tion of the pros tate gland, which my treatment re moves, thereby permanently re storing strength and vigor. Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the in terior, but harmless, blood cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. VARICOCRL.B Absolutely painless treat ment that cures completely in one week. Investigate my method. It Is the only, thoroughly, scientiflo treat ment for this disease being employed. FREE My colored charfv showing the male anatomy and af" fording an interesting study in men's diseases, will be given free upon application. I Contracted Disorders You can depend upon a quick and thorough euro by my treatment A quick cure Is desirable because a slow cure is apt to be no cure at all, and a chronic development will come later. I cure you beyond the possi bility of a relapse and in half the usual time required. Reflex Ailments k Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder is only a reflex ailment resulting from some other disease. Weakness sometimes comes from varicocle or stricture; skin and bone diseases result from blood poi son taint and physical and. mental, decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. My long experience in treating men enables me to deter mine the exact condltiona that ex ist, and treat accordingly, thus re moving every damaging cause and Its effects. My Fee in All Uncomplicated Cases Is Only You Pay When Cured I do not nstt you to pay "if" you are cured, or "un less" you are cured, but I AM WILLING TO WAIT FOR MY FER UNTIL CURB IR ENTIRELY COMPLETED. No fair minded man would ask me for more sincere confi dence In my ability. Consultation and Advice Free Callor Write Today Hours O a.m. to Q p.m. Sundays lO to 1 ' .Ti-iB' DR.r;TALQR O. 234f Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Ore. a)'