V 1 '"''.-'.' ' ' . . ' " ' ' ' , ' .' .' I . - ' '. . .. . , ' . . .. ' . , .. ' ' '. . I - , 1 , '- ... I , . C THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. -1907. IT TOR SALE HEAL ESTATE AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL-BUILT nouse,. a rooms, in Al condition; nni fin furnnf e. 6 bluoka from Steel bridge, mmi sioe: win rem lor li vr mourn. Terms, cull on us. COLI'W H1A TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.,' 109 4th st, near Wash. BUNGALOW TiARQAlN. $3,650 ' Full' lot, beautiful, modern, 7-room bungalow, big basement, cement side walks, gas and electric light, fine fire place, beamed renin In living room, dining-room solid paneling, hardwood floors with walnut border In reception pVt kitchen, nice porch In front and I r; 2 ehort blorka to carllne; excel lent surroundings, located on t.nui iver tt at; $1,00 will hnndle thla place, balance monthly payment. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., ;!h and Ankeny, 5-Roum Bungalow-Terns Two bedroom, porcelain bath, toilet, ranlibnal;i. elfftrlo light, two lota, near earllne. Am the owner. Address T-68, Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In ertlona for the price of 6. If you have wunt muke It known through the wart n. columns Of Tin- Journal. TtbllbH 1 PLATTED IN Loftf) Of? Canyon road, west aide. I mljts out; food speculation; atreetrar line Tenth here aoon, AIho fine,, wldo alope Mount Tabor lute; will sell cheap. Apply to t$7 Morrison at. FOIt SALE FARMS 48 ACRES, I-ROOM HOUSE!, - BARN, family orchard, SI In cultivation, hoi en., tool and atock; all goes for le.000; alao II acrea at Ueaverton, 4 acrea Improved, for LV00. There are other. Call and ao u; will exchange for city property. Home Land Co., HH It n TIMBER.' ,HuH FIR8T STREET. Headquarter for bargain In real estate. CENTRAL OREOON TIMBER, WHEAT and Irrigated land for aule cheap: lo cal lng done. For Information, a.ddreaa Van Taael A Davis. Madras, Crook county. Or. ' ) TIMHKH LA NO. Oregon, Washington, California, JAMES D. LACET ft CO.. ' Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle 42t Chamber of Commerce, ' Portland. CLA3SIFIH6 ADS IN THK JOlUtSAl, coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In er?lona for he price of t. If you have want inane it Known tnroiign me want nl column of The Journal,- TIMKKR CLATMS I TIMOLU HE- llniulahments. 4 hnmeateada. J.oOO 000 to 5,000,000 feet pine and fir. First- FOR . SALE AXP EXClIAXGx. JI0-ACRE WHEAT FARM. ALL W1RK fenced and in cultivation, one mile from It. It. station, to wcchange for t'oruana reat enrtic, or aen ror f2,i; 11.000 down, Portland Homea Co.. 204 Aiorneon at. PERSONAL We Cure MLHICAL INSTRUMENTS Cedarville Park Acres Heat lnd, reasonable price, eaey term, ltoom 10, H2H ?d at,. Portland, FOR 'riALE--FINK QL'AUTER UUm K in Hnlladay addition, only 12.710; will divide If dealred. t)-59, Journal, fll'FEUIOK iUUURBAN TRACT, highly elevated, on I carllnes, superb Tlew. M-45. Jrmrnel. Tib. H N'H MAKU A rentaia, liUCHTUL 4k clalty of enat side realty. loans, e te. Ml K. Morrlaoo at CHOICE SS FOOT L18 NEAR AL- nerta mid I3tn at., II .6 each; small aMi payment, balance la per month. Owner. 797 Grand ave. N CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOl'RNAL cowl 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertion for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known ' through the want wd coMtmna of The Journal. Victor talkinu machines and records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay Co.. ttb and Murriaon eta., opp. poatoMlce. r?UK BAND INSTRUMENTS AN'D mualo lioiiMp; repairing. 227 H Stark. HORSES, VEIJKLE3, HARNESS. C. IL Doanell & Co. Real Eetate. Room 12. 2 Stark. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. modern, S31 E. loth N. 8TR1CTLI FOR SALE FARMS BAFE PLACE TO PUT TOUR MONET. 12 acres, all ko-hI, rich lund, under fine state of cultivation, part benvcr dam land, good Iiouho, barn und u 11 out buildings, good fence, young oroh.ird. Just bt'giiinlfg to brar, good well and fine pump; school houso aoroe roaJ from plac; tel'phorja line; In thickly settled community. 8 milt from Van couver, on good road; price 42.1(h), $1,100 cauli, balance 6 pr cint Interest, would sell slock household gootls etc., very cheap. 10 acrt nil levl land, about hnlf olenred i raiun roll ami with Luv win dow, food barn, woodshed, ehlckt tihouse, i etc., good finre; 2 acna In raspberries, etc.; h nillea fiom Vnncouvtr on good i t gr.1VPlr.-l road; 11.109; tcrnis. t 6 acrea good level lund, quite easily cleared, seeded to timothy. In good neighborhood; a good buy for the money; 1250. SO U'.:re. all good rich land, about 30 acres under cultivation, 2u ucreH green law timber, 2 compli t; sets of bulliImgH, i BLOCKr BUILT, WKIOHT l.lsO, I year old, gentle, single and double; will be guaranteed every way; a pretty horse tn any country. Nice pair grays, weight 2.000, 4 and b years, very cheap. Single horse, years old, very styllMh. Big old work horse, pood fleah, true to pull, at your own price. Top buggy, steel tire, fit for any kind business. 130. rubber-t're pole enrt. hand made, good aa new ut leaa than h.ilf price. New milk wagon, lH-lnch; must bo aoid at some iirice. Rubber-tire buggy, com $165 for 60 8fn Flanders. !ettcen 7th and Sth. All diseases of men, women and children both acute and chronic dlsoaee of the eye. ear,- nose, throat and lunge, heart, kidneys, bladder, train and stom ach catarrh, rheumatism, goitre. Indiges tion, constipation and nkln disease firomptly cured. All private and wani ng disease promptly cured arid their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and strictly confidential. We gunrnntee all of our cures. New Tork Surgical Medical Institute. Raleigh bldg , Sth nn, Wash. Dr. Mary Lane institute Espert treatment given women and children's aliments by a graduate und licensed lady phyalclan. Maternity caaua f lven special attention. Up-to-date aan tarlum In connection. No charge for consultation and correpondenie abso lutely confidential. AdifreHH all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, room a I to 14, Grand theatre bldg., cor. Iark and Wah. ta Phone Mnln 3 928. LADIES. 11.000 REWARD WIO Posi tively guarantee Dr. Southlngtori's Frgo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieve eome of the longeat. moat obstinate abnormal cases In 3 to 5 (iaya; no barm, pain or interference with work. Malt 1160. Double Rtrcngth 11.00. Buy of druggist or writ Lr. rlouthlngton Remedy Co., Dept. I", Kan sas city, mo, j ' PCTCHERS' SLTI'LIES , iBrRKENWALX)" Co!. 04-0" EV erett St.. largest butcher stipply house on the coast Write for catalog tie. BITtciTe ft 3 "Jf n 'P LTe sXdo L i'irA7 iKigum. 131-112 lat st.. carries a full line and complete assortment at loweet market price. COAL AND WOOD 8LAO WCiOD, BIO IX)AD, 2. '-vCNION Fl.'KL CO.. Foot of Montgomery at. - i.'Pon Main L'UJ. CLAIRVOVANTS AND I'ALMISTS For a Few Days Only. Ycur Life, Loye cr Business 50c 50c 50c THE GREAT. THE ONE. THE ONLT 'Melvlm Chronic Diseases CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women circd by modern scientific method; electric treatment for dlaeases of ti:e proMnio, consultation fre. Dr. W. 1. Howard, Commonwealth ldg 6th St.. cor. Pine. TEAM OK (JOOD WORK HORSES AND harness. 471 E. Davis St., near 9iU. Phone Eaet 2701. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THfcJ JOURNAL co;t 1 cent jier counted word. 7 In sertion for thfl prlco of 6. If you have a wnnt make It known through the want ad column of 1 lie journal Horses and nuaaaa for rent by day. week and month; special rates tn business houses. 4lh and Hawthorn. Eaat 72. A GOOD SPAN OK HOKHKH AND wagon at a big bargain; owner go!n;f away. Inquire atable 1th and Glldun, southeast corner. ' u in. .-.fcV , rr, r . r II i tin-pea rAu pr,i.u.iiiJ-iiAou i r,Aii iiAnnoo r yi sale. Keller Harness Co., 6th near Dr. Philip T. Bail Nervou and chronlo dlacane of men. women and children: Kile cured iialn- leaaly and promptly; constipation, rheu- entiflo method; electric atr.a. lady at tendant. (02 (th t.. corr.er Sherman. Astral dead rrnnra rlnlrvnvant! na ciiarg-i ir not aallnrlcd when reading 1 over you to be Judge. I do hereby aol emnly agree and guaranteo to make no marge ir l rail to call you bv name In full, name of your friend, enemies or rival; I promise to tell wbether your yuiuano. wire or iweetlieart l tru or faliy; toll you how to win the one you inosT aosire, even though miles away; MOW tu aurrit In Kulnj Mi.nliitinn lawsuit; how to mnrry the one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality; remove evil Influence; cure firing bablt; locate treasure, mine and oil wells; cure all nervou dis ease. Telia you Juat how, where and when to Invent your money to obtain me neat possible result. lu.OOo for any mitak made through following hi advice. He Is permanently located here and uoaoiuieiy reliable. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLA II wood call Main 4875. Oak, aah. fir and coal. Portland ood A Coal Co, lth ana SavUr wt. RANKS PORTLAND SAWDUST & KLA It wood Co., 156 Front at. Dealers In sawdust and slab wood. Phones Main and A 1931. Send your orders for M.aU- wood to Oregon & Wellington Lum ber Co,, foot of Hamilton ave. phone Main 093 WESTERN FEED Kl Kl. CO. House and blackitmltli tuulx. coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAtiT 7. F. 11 JONES CO, Wood and coal 11 Fa?i Water at FOR QUICK DUI.l VKK Y PIIONK Oregon Kuel Co. Ah lor. The Benson 291'4 Morrison. Cor. Hour, Ith. 10 a. m. to g p. m. FREE! rlaflame Luckey Gives electric bath and vibratory trent met. alao sclentifio mexMaiie, a-alp Hnil face trea'nit-nls, chlr.ip .d, iuu 4th St.. near S.ilmon. Main 1. T-V ..I. j 'a Y if.. j ALMOST NEW 'ENGLISH SADDLE bridle. harness. set double and single uuggy Cheap. Phone Main 1270. FOR ONE WEEK MORE BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE One of inv CONSULTATION READINGS. Always Vnult the llegt I'ROKKS.soK KHLMO. f .r.-itst living antral dend-t ranco clalr '. iv.inr of tho n' Ldvljic-r on busln" nti 1 all affair of life; tells your full name and what vnn nii..,i LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR y.ni will marry, how to control the n, e Cblchcstets Pill, the IJlanmnd Brnrd. yon lnv. even ihr.nni, t, . ..,. - For 25 years known a best, s.-if-st' unites tl.e m--nrai.il (, . . l?Va. rell?le- 'rko n"1IMf U rr !"rs,'o c.-rtrol, does all others dvertlso Chlchestcra Olnmond Brand 1111 are to do. Hours In to dny nnd Sunday sold by druggist everywhere. tjftlre, .No. 3 ami 4. Grand thcatr.i I isJuT' ?"2 Wash., near Park at. Phone and , . -I i.l j UK BEST 1 T WILL I'lKAU CHEAPEST IN THE END. I'ltuh. MBLO. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO. Won AND coal. 3H0 Water ut. phone Main k;;o BEST VOOD IN CITY AT THE PRlT-K quick delivery. Coll .: 1 : i one i bldg coaL MO. CO A L I N D E P EN D K N 1 Co.. 363 Stark. Ma.n & ICE CIVIL ENGINE I-' RH. PORTLAND ENG. CO. CIVIL AND mining engineer, surveyors, nsaayerH. draftamen. 68 Hherloi k. M . h20U. A-..KM TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF I-ORTLANTA OHEUON. y ''"""""i corner intra and Oak Streets i.r.,nMSt.."'.n,!:Bi ,,'"'": R"lne. DRAFTS 1KHUE1 Aallabl tn All Cities of the United Htatea and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collettlona mad on Favorable Terma. Preeident.........J C AINSWORTH I Cashier R, W.' BCHMrKfJl Vice-President. . . . . .R. LEA BARNES A.imnt Cn.hler.l W. A. HOL1 Altant (.ashler WRlGIrT LADD A TIHTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon, E.tabllehed H'.. ' W. M. LAD1 C. K. I.AbD. J. W. LADIX Transact a General Banking nulns. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Wavtnga book laaued on aavlnga depoi ta. Intergat paid On time dpo' MERCHANTS' NATIONAL RANK-Portland.egon i fRANK WATSON... President I R L Dl.'RHAM Vlee-Prealdenl It W. HOYT.. ..... .. .. . cashier GEORGE W. HoTT.. Aaalatant Caahler o. C CATCHING Socom: Ainl.tunt Cashier. Transacts a General Banking IliiHlne.. Draft ar.d Letter of Credit Issued, Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. ' THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA-Established !,. "lleVd Office. Ran Frsncleco. , Capital paid up M.OOO.OOO Surplus und undivided profit 110.163, 71 General Hanking and Echng liuiinens Trnl.utd Interest on Time .epoalta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Arr.uint, may be opened of 110 and up ward. Portland Branch -Chamber of (omm.-rce Building. yH. R. MAt'RBA Manager J H 1 r K T i 4 A ELL. . . .A t Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. old st National Hank on Vaclflo Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 1, 400,000 00. l KPoril lS. 14,000.00.0 A- ,1- MIl'L-a President I W c. aLVORD Assistant CaahUr .JJ NEWKIRK Cashier I It K S I E ENS . . Second As' t Cashier TRL'ST UOMPVMKS " i C ECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST CO :C6 .1 Jranaacta a General Banking Business. DAN CI NO WESTERN ACADEMY OK DANCING Mulkv bldg.. 2d and Morrlaon. Prcf W. F. McMlnn. lute of Denver, teacher. Clar Saturday evening, 7 to h jo. Social xlnnce 8:30 to 1-. Private les son dnllv 1 to 6 r. ni. .M orison S'teo;, Portland, Oregon.. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter est allowed on Time and Savlnga Accounts. Ami hi Trust, e for Estate. ursrts and Cetter 01 Credit Available on ;i p.irti of th World. C. F. ADAMS ;.Prldent I I A. LEWIS First Vlce-Prlderl A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-Prldnt R C. Jl l.l iz Secretary GEO. K. RUSSELL AMM,w,t Herretury BONDS AND INVESTMENTS PROF. WAL. WILLSO.VS SCIRoL Special low rata 2c per lesson this month; waltg, twot'p. stage , landing taught dally; hall and office 12 Selllng Hlrsch bldg., 38 Washington at., corner W. Park. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber Of Commerce p I ding. D Municipal. Railroad and PublH Service Corporation r.onda. OUWINU-HOPKINS COMPANY Established IS '-' PRoKERS. PROF. R1NGLER DANt.'ING A C A I i;S"l Y ; a select school; class or private les son dally. 388H E Morrison Phone DOO AND IIORSK HOSPITAL and on Margin. Phone Main IT. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold lor Cu lYIvate Wires. ROOM 4 CIIAMBFR OH COMMERCE Cverfceck & Coake Ccmpanyl KudlX&lo. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND P.tiNDS. WE I0 A STRICTLY. COMMISSION BUSINESS Continuous Mnrketa by Private Wire Uulck Service. RANK A. ROWE High-grade securities broker. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C. and horse hospital. 10S (Main tOtt). M. DOGS N. 6th St. W. AL MILLER, V. 8.. VERER1NAR1AN. 21 N. kth st. Oltlce 327 lanuors. Phone Main 7S46. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and cogs. Z&9 unsan su Phone Main 14K4. FOll SELECT AND HIGH shampoolng. manlcurlnij. f.i scalp massage, call 210-211 Tllfoiil bid Hair and scalp treatment our Fpt-oi 1 1 1 YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE electrical, alcoholic, medicated .m, fen nine tub bath. 41 Raleigh bl -lg th and Wnshlnuton. :$sa; ONE BAY DRIVING HORSE. CITY broko, 175; one roan. 140; one bar, 4; one pair sorrels, S80: one saddle horse, 1 3 7, 50, . T, . Bright. . Ien t a. TEAM HORSES. a00 EACH. NE gray and one bay: either work, driv ing or saddle. 12 N. Hth t. NEW 3 -TON FURNITURE WAGON tor sale or rent. Call Main B202. TEAM, 1ARNKSS. WAUOH AND weighing 1,600 and l,4r)U apiece, lane orluino iy belongod to wo parties 2 ca? get of t at Gatci. go south, orchar la,- 2 wells, etc ; place fenced and , f , , KoNter ro;lJ. in,llltru cross fenced, on main county road 4 for Mr c E aark mile from railroad town nnd 10 miles from Vnncouvtr, Includes 7 milch cows, team, names, wngon, epring wagon. 3 plows, mower, rnke, diso. harrow, hay, grain, etc.; 4.So; terms. 123 acres all Rood level land, ino acres under fine Mate of cultivation, 23 acres In green merchantable timber, fine two story house, larso lmrti, silo. chtcker hou.ies granary, woodhouae, etc. ; 3 -acres In utsort. (1 fruit; -well and windmill; r'laee fenced Into 10 and 20 acre lots; n the ho.-irt of the best farniirtf and dnl.yliig section of the stnte, 40 rods from country town nn.l 10 inlbs from Vancouver, on nlco level roud; price, only 10 aoo; terms. 400 nrros, 223 ncres creek bottom. Dbout 70 acres under cultivation, more enntly cleared; 35 ncres green nierehant iiblc timber, balance of land has been burned over, affording fine pastur-. living Ktream tlirouv'li place; controls libout 3.0U0 acres grazlns larul, an Ideal utock ranch, mile from school, .4 tnlb a from country town and 14 mili from Vancouver; has 7-room house, barn fl0xl3o, grnnarv. orchard, etc; sac rifice at the t.rloe. $10,000. . Soe u h beforo buying; wo have all size and priced pHecH. THOMPSON SWAN. Clt liens' Bank bid,., Vancouver, 'VTtiah. 30H-7 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cott 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertion for the price of 0. If you have a want rncke ft known through the Muni ad column of The Journal. :td MISS ETHEL WARD, and chlropollt, iius 3,'m MorriBon st. to crn DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CUI- nese root mastiolnea; veils c'hiniis tea, certain cure for all dlBeees. li. Id st., between 'am hill ar.d Taylor. j FURRIER; In order that all may have the onnor MANHVEIHT : tunitv to consult lilm. readings reduced remov ed I rum week to th. Ni -MINAL SUM OK Jl 00. :)u.!S WASHI.ViJToN ST. i M j.. A I W Alt DTK i'l Rl TU A 1 .1ST ME. tliitn. "can be contultei on liuslness, A. REINER, PRACTICAL sealskin g rments redve-l ar.d remod eled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowent prlcjs; open evening, bil Wash- Invtnn - PhnnA fntn 7:thM GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES NOV- j bEfc' els, etc.; German. English, French, .iT""" r.V" .V""" i ." V,0' Marahflcld. 26S-, Morrison St., KehA,-i: Vd K-.r.. .t - jne . osmos, between 3d and 4th riw-uiiM, love, m-itrlmnnv; unlteH the spuated. ro matt-r the distance or i.'.uv,.; satlsr.-'ction guaranteed; reading a cents, dally and Sunday. McA"'d to lie .Mllner. -t i.O iv Morrison, cor. Park I'l' vntor neconii floor. Parlor ,1 and 4 THE Prcphetess AIRS. STEVENS, FIFTEEN YEARS Portland's lending palmist and clair voyant. For a reliable reading call upon this gifted seerc.ss. Develops and teaches occult science. 34314 Yamhill. FOR SALE 2 GOOD MILCH COWS; 4KR E. 1Mb S., Sell wood 147. WOOL UNDERWEAR SMALL DAIRY RANCH. This '22-ucro dairy farm cannot be du- fillcated for one third more money. It s beautifully and conveniently .situated and the soil Is unexcelled; P.O acres Is In tuUlvation and tho balance can easily bo made ready for tho plow. There Is 1 ucre of cabbage, 1 of carrots. 1 acre In orchard, acre In garden and tho balance Is In clover; a good R-rooni house; good, largo barn stanchioned lor cows; good machine und onbm-house and other buildings; mile of school, store and creamery, on.mnil and farm era' telephone route, rf not sold be fora the 10th owner will not take twice the money for It. Price only I2,!00. J. FRANK PORTER. I 222 Washington St. i ROCKWOOD S STANDARD WOOL UN DERWEAR. MADE CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1S62. IN NATURAL GRAYS, CAMELS' HAIR. SCARLET. WHITE WOOL AND FANCY COLORS; WAS AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI TION. PORTLAND. OR.; ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT: BUY THE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER. WHOLESALE DE POT, FLEISCHNFR, MAYER & CO, PORTLAND. OR- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OlVrTTul-'OOT launch hull and cushions 1200 1 7-horscpowcr engine, good as new 2S0 And muny other barKains. See me for engines. Heyes Engine Jt Launch Co.. 171 Madison st Phone Main 7408 A-337. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER. AT 325 .Main St.. 25c. Phone Main 7S4S. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF .MEN. women, children; cancers nnd female slcknes permanently cured; sure nira for fcplnsl meningitis. Dr. Paul Crom-w-e sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. M:i I n54 78. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO cure eczema nnd piles or any s'dn disease. Wells Eczema and Pile Rem edy. Wrlto for booklet free. Address W. K. Wfils box M6. Pols--. Idaho. DON'T BE-DULL AND IN ACI'TveT i CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, Soxlno Pills cure all weakness; Jl a I Pr. month- L'nique Tailoring Co., ho- K for IS- full iriUArantee Adilres S0SI Stark St or call the J. A. Clamortiaon Drug Co., Portland, Or. I) R L'SS.M A K I N G SCHELL PATENT FORM MAKES dressmakUig easy, an the forms never tire. 209 loth at., wide entrance. MRS-kTTma J. THOMAS. MODISTE. Tailor-made suits and paity gowns a specialty. K.1 Wash big. Phi-. 727. EXPERIENCED D R" E S S M A K h R wishe engagements by tho day. Mis Larseri. Phone .Vain SSiif.; A-3i. MME. IIOFM A ISTEIt TEACH EH I'lRST diss cutting with Storey's ladles' tailoring nytem. fiTO Couch M FlltSTClTSS LAD1 ES' "t"aILORIN(J and dressianking on short notice Miss Victoria Mayer. 123 '-j 1 4th st. DRESSMAKING BY TIIE DAY, OR tijk.- work home; 11.75 per day. A 4 43 4 Madame angeles 212 fiftil fa- clfp; HS2. F Phone A.147H MORTGAGES, negotiated and sold. 613 Buchanan B'.dg. (jRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Muista Express : . m. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:11 p. n. California Express 7;4J p. m. Ban Francisco Express ...,11;0 O. tn. WEST BIDE. Corvalll Passenger T:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. tn. roresi urove passenger ...11:1)0 a. m. l oi est urovt l'ascng?r Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:21 a. m. Cottage Grove Paasenger. .11 10 a. sa. Shasta Express 7:30 p. tn. Portland Exrre.s 11:2 p. n. WEST 8IDEL Corvalll Paasenger 1:81 p. m. Kheeldan Passenger 10:30 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 8:0 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 2:10 p. m. Ul'-Ti i -D.VTK. HIGH-CLASS DRESS makinp. 3)0 4th; Pac. J776. A-4J23. EDUCATIONAL ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 14S 6th St.. near postofflce; central location; Pitman rhorthan-1 ; expert grad uates: low tuition; day and night school; new pupils dally. W. W. Wil liams. M. 8.. Prln. CLEANING AND DYEING SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland. Or. Write for catalogue. . 6:20 p. m, Jefferson Street Depot. . 7:40 a. m. II Dallaa to Portland 10:15 a. m, . 4:15 D. m. Italia tn Portland t-ii ri tn. Oswego-Portland suburban Leaving Portland at 6:30 a. m.. hourly trains during morning and afternoon. Last train leaves depot for Oswego at 11:30 p. m. Portland to Dallas.. Portland to Dallas. , Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:30 a. m. Norta Coast A Chicago Elm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Expreae ... Overland Express .... Puget Sound Limited T:P6 a. m. ... 4:11 p. tn. 8:11 p. to. . . .10:11 p. m. Oregon Railroad & NaviKaXiun Companj. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a. n. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:30 a. m. ChW Karr C ity it Port. Ex.. 1:41 a. m. Ppokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. m. Kan. City A Chi. Exp. 7:40 p. m. Irfical Passenger t:U p.. w. Astoria and Seaside Exp.... 8:00 a. tn. s.tnrla A Seaside Express. 11:00 p. m. C. P. R. Short Line, via frpok. 7:00 p.m. Via Seat.. Vic. &. Vancouver. 4:30 p.m. Via Sumas U:4Jp. m. Astoria & Columbia River. 1 II Astoria Port Passenger. 11:11 p. m, II Portland Express 18:00 p. ro. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. P. R Short Line, via Spo. 1:00 a.m. Via Van., Vic. and Seattle... 4:18p.m. JVU Sumaa and Seattle 10:66 p.m. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES DYER CARPETS 605 Jefferson st. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per conn led word, 7 In sertions for the prle of C. If you have a want make it known through the wan' r.d columns of The Journal. IL W. TURNER, dyed a specialty. Main 2513. THE PERFECTION LADIES' AND gentlemen s clothes cleaned and M. J. WALSH CO., 211 STARK ST. Electric and gas fixtures ami supplies, mantels, tiling, -rrates and doglrons. pr'-ssed perfectly. "'1 hi Washington. LADIES! 1'Jt. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 rents, druggist or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, i alt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 2S2V4 Park. Main 2403. A-2734. CHRISTIAN WIDOW, 4U, WOULD like to correspond with K''iitlc;nan near same age; no agency. Mr. Clare, Highland Station. H i i n t; 'teld. Mass. DR SANDERSON'S CO. SAVIN AND Cotton Root Pills. S ue remedy for delayed periods. Trial box. 1. Regular slxe 1 1, by m a 1 1. Dr. Pic icei H tj Is ts t. SUITS PRESSED wTifLE YOU WA IT, 60c, ladles' skirts nr-'ssed. 60e. GIN bert, 10H Sixth st, next to yuelle. Phone Main 20SS. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coft 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the prica of 6. If you liavo a w.-nt make ft known through the want .1-1 columns of The Journal HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. SolJ by all drungista. THE 4IETLIG SIIOPCLEANS, PRESSES and dyes hats, glove, tie, laces, suits, s:iks, etc. ft4.) J, vasnington st. SCHULZ A HOLY, f A I LOIi S7A LTER ntlons, cleaning and pressing. M. 8390. 142 1 91 h. FI RST-CLAS8 (.EANTnTT DYEING and prcsslnjj for ladles and gentle men. The Favorite, 42 Morrison st. " "" i 2inyn 5 - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON. 235 21) ST. OF tlce nnd store iixlures built and re modeled; showcases und counters. Phone Main I7S7. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neers, contractors, repairers, electric wlilnff, supplies. !4 1st. cor. Stark. Main 6.1S R. H. Tate. Mgr. JEWELERS J. WOLF, 665 WASH. FINE 8PECTA cles 5'V Elgin watches 15. Repairing. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE Fix tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 2 190. TURKISH BATHS, bldg.; ladles days. Main 195S. How Is This? 260 acres, IS miles above Portlanu. on the Willamette river, U mile water front, 35 acres Improved, 0 acres of hops, the finest hop houso in North Yamhill county, 160 acres of fine pil inir timber, balance brush land, you can not buy land In this nart' of tho county for less than $40 per acre; we will offer this piece for a few days nt $26 per acre. Wo have personally inspected tne property and know that It Is a great bargain. W. H. Morehouse, 420 Luni- ber Exchange bldg. FINE FRUIT OR STOCK FARM. 123-aere farm, ou main traveled road and river, !2 acres In cultivation and In bav, and 20 more almost clear; SO acres tlliable, balance good pasture land; 30 acrea fine merchantable timber; two springs can bo piped to house; tine out range; small houae, good largo barn. This is an Al fruit district or will make a fine stock or dairy ranch. If sold be fore my contract explies, only $3,500 ; If after, not less than $4,000. or more. This Is a bargain and must be sold be fore tho 16th of the month to get it at above figure. J. FRANK PORTKIl. 222 Washington St. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. Iron bed $.o, springs $1.25, mat tress $t.6u, dresser S7.60, mantel bed $5.50. Anstey nros . 325 1st. Pac. 1970. is-foot Hardwood counter. Ring up Main 4290. or call 213Vfr lat. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON installments. H. Sinshelmer. 72 3d st. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY. 'l AL- der, room 4. Jlassiiio and scalp treatment. FOR MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE and scalp treatment try toiu 14, 2fiS'. Morrison. "THE SNOWDEN BATHS." M')1- tiTH St., rooms 24-25. Vapor. :;, ncp baths, . electric treatments. Ladv attendant. BA I.M OtFIGS 'FO rt A E l , F E M ALE I dlsesses. 303 Flle ln.-r bldg. Main 7721. 1 J. A. PETERSON. CARPENTER. CON-trT-tor and builder; building contracts of all kinds talfn nnd estimates fur- Lj i n I shed. Room 12iLl!.Trr hotel. Portland. ORECONIAN i Ff.M OE'NERAL Rrf'AHtING AVll shingling, plionn Maiii 4 1 3 y. Cnrpen- , ter n p nt fos .orthrup. 300 gentlemen nights. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. Kl 6th st. Contractors, electric supplies, mo'ors and dynamos; we Install light nnd power plants. UOKHTSON ELECTRIC CO. 291 E Morrison t. Fixture, wiring, re- palrlnu. East .TIZ. or M-IB2S. LEATHER AND FINDINGS rmnt.ps r. ma stick: a CO.. FRONT and Oak ts.. leather and klns of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY "Rf LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, chattel mortgnges or personal - ee -curlty; notea bought C. W. Pallett. 204 Fenton bldg. FAIRBANKS-MORSE -MOTORS AND dvuumos. A. C. and D. C. 1st and Ptark at. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE & IRONWORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 21)00. FURNACES LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALP3 ALL kinds. Including approved foreat re serve scrip for urveyed. unsurveyea. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, t ne Portiana. rornanu. LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH, UMBRELLA REPAIR Ing Dave's, Washington, corner 12th. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY I MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY BAUGE fic JOHNSON FURNACE CO.. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. only agents on Pacific coast for Thatch- I GET $10 TO $100. er furnace. Will guarantee to heat your , NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER house. Phono k 60') 4m E Clay. I "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." -r ... - - ... l LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY A NI) MARINE: ELEC trlc equipments; launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; "n-ino repairing. Relerson Mnchlnerv Co. I-S Morrison. CHIKOPODISTS CHIROPODY Mrs. M D AND PEDICURING Hill. 330 Fleidner bldg. CARPET CLEANING CLEAN, WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone Sell wood 8tS. 140 ACRES A BARGAIN; RICH ROT tom land; 0-room house. 2 good barn. imrln branch, young orchard; school 1 mile, telephone, on cream route; good town 4 miles; 4 cows, cram separator, 10 tons of hav. binder, mower, hay rake, plow cultivator, hoes, forks, all small tools; new hack, now .wag-on: $5,fi00. Terms. Call on L. C. Stone, 412 Com mercial bldg. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS. delivered. $2.25 per load. Phone Main 6GX3. ' $ WE WANT YOUR TRADE. I Headquarters for stoves and ranges: all kinds, all sixes; anything, every thing bought and sold. The Dollar. 232 1st. S. H. Barger. $ $ I $ $ $ $ STONE DOCTOR. We repair, we move, we ret $ up, $ $ we take down, we buy. we sell or trade stoves and ranges; fire water colls made and iut In. S. H. Barger, .32 Int. Main 6374. A-2327; work guaranteed. COME AT ONCE AND OETfS 6"OD second-hand sewing machine from $2, 15 and $10. 812 Main st. - FOR SALE NEW NATIONAL CASH register .Cheap. 137 First street, cor ner Alder. HOME-SEEKERS. ATTENTION. Ten farms, ranging In stze from 320 to 40 -cres all in the rich lands of Cowlitz county, none of them more than 4 miles from good water and railroad transportation. Terms given on any of them. For further information call or write J. S. Huntington. Kelso, Wsaih. FOR BALE ACREAGE. ONE-HALF acre up to 8 acrea on' reasonable terms. Owtnjrs, 6. miles from postofflce. Address. P. O. box 7, ctty ONE-HORSE DUMP CART FOR SALE. Almost new. Can be seen on O. W. P. dock, east end Madison Street bridge. Apply room 6, Chamber of Commerce bldg. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFOKTU ne.te girls: good care. 8 Mllner bldg. MOLE8 W-RINKLESr"?l .'PER Fl .UOU8 hair removed. TIrs Hill. 3:! l-'le-iire-r. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCAl.I STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Ixirlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam nnd comi rosed air process; renovating mattress and feathers a speeinlty. ment; dandruff Balm of TREAT- 26SW. Mor.. diseases. figs For all female S26 E Belmont East 4034 JOYCE BROS. PROPRIETORS OF THld Electric leaning worka; carceta room 52 . cleaned and laid, both dry and com- ; pressed air cleaning, carpel rentimg our specialty; worg guaranteed. Phone Main MANICURING, TUB UA :'HS. AND TvTTTv rV cah.PET iS.KanIwi it" mnaaa. 110H 4th at.. c-r. ash - tlon anil compreSsd air combined; DOLL HOSPITAL Now OPEN 1- OK ; carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6534. business, at 4.'3'! Morrison st. I Main 3200. ART - ' "I THE IONE STBAM CARPET CLE AN- I Ir.ir works; carpets cleaned, refitted , , -. -. - - , and laid; mattresses nd feathers ren- KERAMIC STUDIO. CHINA PAINTING Q'atcd. 221 E 21st at. N. East 360. und firing: orders taken for Xmas. : "- , Mrs. Marklcy. U. 64. 3'0'j Atorr. SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES, ANY propeller. Fairbanks. Morse & Co.. HARDWARE WINDOW AND Dnoit SCREEN8 MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co.. 74 th. HOTELS HOTEL EAT'i.N Park- and MorrN -n rt l.i n I -ii v i : i HOTEL HOTEL P "i mi: i;oI'1-:.n" tc3t U-.t-s $1.00 and up. lay. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU, remember, if you work, we will accommodate you. what more could you askt railroad men a specialty, state security co.. 704 dekl'm bldg. hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. wed. and saturday till 8 p. m. money money money money money money money money money money money money tin. i?,, t I' KAN PLANT HOTEL I V I 'El: I 1 . 1.1 i: . fl AND UP. E'.r- pe.in. 4'h and Alder. I l ll AND SALMON. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY, 42S Mohawk Bldg.. Advances money privately to all re liable employes from $10 to $100 on short notice, without mortgage, on their firomlse to pay, returning the amount n small weeklv rjr monthlv uavments. WEsTias earned. We write the best and cheapest salary loan note In the city. Most reliable discount if paid before due. a loan for the asking salar? or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekura bldg. lO LOAN-1400 ON GOOD SECt'ftiT H ' at per cent, for 1 cr 2 years. A. T. H., Journal. MUSICAL LESSONS 50c PIANO. GUITAR, banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin- 43 4 1st. corner Ash. Piano $30, organ 1 s. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Z. iL Parvln. Mus. Doc.. 3S Russet bide. Voice culture, piano, narmony. counterpoint FROM NEW YORK CONSERVATORY thorough and comoetent Diano teacher. Mrs. Brewster, 201 13th. Main 403'X PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET. TIUJmT bone, clarinet. Professor E. A. bmith. 292 12th st Home A2340. EM1L THIELHORN, PUPIL OF PROiC. uraaar novcia. yioun ana lol teacher. 134 pine. Tel. Paclflo 299. MANLOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO JESaid Parker, lessons In class or nrlvnta. Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison. MRS. WHIGIiAM. R. A. M., LONDON, concert !neer. accomnanlst. Studios Tourney hldit.. 2d ami Taylor. Main 33 2. PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 168 12TIL ST Piano lessons reasonable. Main 45iifl. . LOl.'IS A CREITZ, TEACHER OF VKN. lln. 211 Sherman, corner 1st Pac. 1h!. LiCHINERY H. C. A LB EE CO. SECOND-HAND HAs chlnery. sawmills, etc. 24 Grand ave. MINING ENGINEER. BELVEl.'ER E UELI.KVUK. El l: INSURANCE ISAAC I WHITy-T. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. JAS. Mcl. Uoo. EMPLOYERS' LI A blllty and In-llvldu.-il accident security bonds of all kinds, phonu 47. 302 Mc Kay bldg HAN D CARVING TA 1 1 5 UT, DEALER antique furniture, repairing. f.2 Wa M 7iI4J. IN- CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 8AL arles, insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warenouse receipts, etc.; any de serving peraon mav secure a liberal ad vance, repaying Dy easy weekly or mommy installments. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Bldg. PORTLAND ENG. CO.. CIVIL AND mining enaMn.ners, surveyors, assayer),. draftsmen. 5"i ShtJBlock. M. (i200,.A-6SSl. MONUMENTS NEU & KINGSLEY. 268 1ST., POUT, land s leading marble and granite wkm MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; ofrices In 6u principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg. lOf.14 3d st. ENGLISH SETTER PUPS' BY CHAM pion Imported Llngfleld Bragg tKx), Dorris Rodfield, registered stock; price, $20. Address P. J. Notts, 1074 6th St. MASSAGE AND BEAUTY PARLORS, with good practice, for sale; must be sold at once because of sickness. In qulre at 371 12th St. THOROUGHBRED SPITZ PUPS. males and females. Oak Grove station, or;Y-60. Journal. FOR SAXE AND EXCHANGE -ACRE TRACTS. NEAR VANCOUVER, 2hi miles from ferry landing, partly cleared, lays nice", good soil, water eas ily gotten; they are snaps for $300 up, on terma r . CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. " Couch bldg,, 109- 4th at, near Wash. 0 ACRES TIMBER, 8 MILES. WEST of : fBeaverton ; abdut- 6,000 cords of wood; 1M miles to -rallroadr only $30 4 per acre., C. H, Fry, Renverton. CLASSIFIED 'AIT3 'IN THE JODtwAL cost 1 cent per,-counr?d word, 7 In 1 sertlonsifor the price of 6. If you have a want mnko 11 known througr . tdi4 want ad columns uf The Journal. . - v ' . " 1 A BUSINESS PROPOSITION IN volce about $2,500. and some cash, to exchange for good residence property; Turner will tell you about it, 303 hi Washington st., room 4. . WANTED TO TRADE A GENTLE" man's gold watca for a cow. Address R-0, Journal. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. ISi Mor- rlson st. WELLS & PROSB3TEL. MINING KN gineers. assayers, chemists and sur veyors. J04H Washington. Main Tj'tt. AUTOMOBILES COVEY" A WALLACE MOTOR CO., Dis tributors Pierce. (Jfeat Arrow, full lew eled Corbtn and Cadillac. 16fh and Alder. WANTED TO TRADE A LADIES' gold watch for a cow. Address P-60, JournaL BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 109-111 2D at Blank books manufactured; agts. 1 for Jones Improved L,oose-Leaf ledg ers; see the r.ew Eureka leaf, the best on the market ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR- I neys at law, 4 MuUtey bldg.. corner ?d and Morrison tts. FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE 'V. STC. C. A, reports, new; will trade for law books or lot ; O-60, Journal. . - CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL rest 1 eeist per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of t.- If you have a want make It known througjj tae want ad column of. The Journal, . : , INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8130. A, IL TANNER, ATTY'.. 609 COM M ER vial block, 2d and Wash. Main 1446 FRANK C HESSE. FENTON BLDG BOOK STORES MEYER'S "BOOK STORE, FORMERLY , 11 Murriaon. bow 211 st. near Jtlt Daws Are Ym Ralsy Bay? Perhaps what you can save even week from yonr wages or salary is just enough to pay fof'a home you can eventually call your own. JTjje'man who can say, I'l owri .my own roof," is' a contented being and enjoys life in a way that is foreign to the tenant. , ; ' Every man can become a contented an a hap pier man by studying the real estate columns of The Journal, which are the great index to the real estate market of Portland. v .I n in ..ou i i ,1 ,, MoN'EY iO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may need, come in and tell ua about It; everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable' rates. W. W. SMITH & CO.. 250 j Alder, cor. 3d. Room 1. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 3d st., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on wiiti-tifS. diamonds. tAWftlrv anrl baaI, f sklna t CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or i contracts of sale on real estate, either 'country or city property. H. E. Noble, DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you Bee . s ; tiuttcn Credit Co..r ' " hli Dekum bldg. , CLASSI FI ED ADS N THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted , word, 7 In sertions for the price of . If you hav a want make ft known through tha wan$ 4 columns of T-he. Jotirnal. loan's to isaTaWed EMTE5TE3 holdlns prmanent positions; cash for trades of any kind. " -Fidelity Loan A i rust vo.. room iv. vwasmpgton Mdg. C1CK LOANS ON ALL SECUHITIES. Main 6109. , . . MONEY TO ' LOAN OJt ALL-' KINDS .of security. Willlaia Holl. room . vvasnington PlGgr, SALARY-. LOA NS STRICTLY CONF1- dential; easy to get and easy- to par. T. A. Newton, 511 Buchanan bldg, "2.Mi b Washington st. feXLA"K Y " LOANS LO "V !' P ATij' A V Lnn-lcyts' Loan Co, 'Ui iHW'.ru OSTEOPATHIC FHYSICLUSfS THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen, If you are. In trouble about the condition, of your health, do not fail to consult me. I can convince yoa that t can help you by natural methods.. Consultation and ex-, amlnatlon free. Dr. Isabella. Mack in, 350 hi Morrison at. Room 10. . Pbuna Main 7320 or A-1644. DR. LILLEBSLLEt PATTERS6.N1, SI'CT ' cialist on nervoav acuta and chronlo diseases. Office Zl Fentoa bldtf. PUon Pacific 1190. ' ' DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 4t5-ii-ii '"Dt , kurn bldg.. Sd-land Wamhlngtoo- sta. Phone Main 149. - E.xamlnatUn free. PAINTING AND FATERLXO - --ii ii em - i L,iiiLa. j i, i,hj ' P. A. DOANE MOVED- TO 10 UNI(N ave,. near E. Wash. Tel East l!m. PAINTS. QIL AND GLASS P. E. BEACH & CO., Tl IB PION EUR Paint Co. Window glass and glutting. 136 1st st Phone 1$34 PLUMBERS? FOX & CO. SANITARY PLUM REUS, 23 1 2d, bet Main and Sa,Iinotv Oroi phone Main 2001. , DONNERBERQ & RADEMACHEH Ht moved ,t No. $03 Uurnside wt, - .; PCBUU STENOGRAPH E KM DUFUR DUFUR. 304 WELLS-r A RG'i : bldg. Pbon A-S33; ll'gs ana ioobi complete stenographic 0't'r. FA YE KAN OLE, 4- bldg., 3d and oK. la w ii'iililtJXKJv PATENTS SOT.ICI expert ad v ie-j i " Ctn ml we M : PATENTS LI.-' ' OCII-! : i