The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Governor Gillette Will Not
Call Legislature to AM In
Settling Financial Situa
tion -JMievcs I'M of
Panic Is Xear.
(t'nlt.d rri- 1S Wirt.)
Sacramento, Nov. 7.-While tie
SO definite derision In the matter
' will h:ivo no ronsultatlon with
bankers' romniltiio until he reaches
Fan Francisco tomorrow. Governor Gil
lette stated t" lny that ha was opposed
to calling mi ix:ra- portion of the legis
lature unless absolutely necessary. And
he docs not I" llrvp It necessary.
Glllrtte Mid tlila morning that the conditions a tfw as tax pay
ment are onn-irned ran be candy ad
Justed In San Fianrlaoo. where the onlv
pressing need In thta regnrd serm to
have .rls-n. The collector, he nave,
fan acrcpt secured paper If he chooses.
If he does not want to take any such
chancer, the governor suggests that the
bankers agree to nopomt securities with
the collector, tnua dpubly
In the pa'-cr.
The governor looks, however, for
early solution of the financial question I
Wilis the Qulatlnir of affairs In tho east,)
H declares that tha great prosperity!
of California, cannot admit or any con- !
tinued flnnni-liil stringency.
An Important feature of Governor
Olllettea to 8n Francisco tomor
row will be a meeting In rogsni 10
tha health situation. 43i)letta declares
that Ban Francisco hns dona her share
In tha matter of exnrnse and now that
tha plague la so well In hand, the gov
ernment should take complete control
and stand tha further expense.
""Ran' FntnrlsccT7" Nor. T Only one
bank In Pan Francisco Is taking advan
tage of the leral holiday ffocluinaiion
the Cltlirns' bank on Fillmore street.
Thla bank Is too small to materially ef
fect the general situation. Tho I'nll
fornla flafe Deposit and Trust com
pany will resume business as soon as
ome details of tho nicinofls 01 iu
umptlon are arranged.
Tha program for the reopening io
hnnka will hn irnniril today at a
meeting of the officers of the bank and
tha hank commlenloners. Buhtreusuri-r
V. C. Ralston said thla morning:
"No word haa been received from tha
treasury department concerning my
request for nuthorliy to mnke apcclo
loans on government bonds. It Is not
rohnb le that the renusi win rnreive
favorable action." He fore the bank
ooened thia morning IMiO.ono In gol.
hsd been given to the local banks by
the subtreaaury on telegraphic tran.-
fers from New Tork.
f Continued from Page One.)
Attorney flcorffc Phelps
Loses Mind From Over
work, in. Fiffhtinff Oil
Trust Gives Hat to Gov-
emor and Creates Scene.
ax. wats was rcr.
When a man says he always was
Ick troubled with a rough that laate.l
all winter what would you think If
h ahould say he never was sick since
using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Suvh
, A man exists.'
Mr. J. C Clark, Denver, Colerado,
. writes: "For years I was troubled
with a severe cough that would last
all winter. This cough left ma In' a
miserable condition. I tried Rallard'
llorehound Syrup and have not had a
lck day since. That's what it did for
nt,'' Sold by all druggists.
If. hand I lm lies and over and those
tinder li hands 2 Inches, while there
are not m'rc th:in seven or eight tan
dem teams available for tho show.
Komo of the funi leaf horses to be ex
hlblted are those of H. V. Trent. J. W
fonsldlne and J. 1. Farrell of Seattle.
notably a very hnndsom four-in-hand
tciun of Mr Treat's. If la snlil (hat
the L'nltcd Carriage company of Port
land will also make an entry In the
four-ln-hnnd class. They have been
trying out a good-looking four In the
oval for the past day or two.
The show will continue until Satur
day evening, and from the surressfifl
character of tha first performance will
be a gratifying success.
Ladies' ..Night at Oaks.
Tonight a special number of counlea
skates at the big Oaks rink. The force
of instructors liave been Increased on
account of the large number of begin
ners. The record for yBteriay was 41
beginners. Tha large, spacious floor of
the Oaks rink was crowded last night
with hundreds of merry skaters.
(United Press Uawd Wire.)
Columbus, Nov. 7. Tils mini! wrecked
by the stress of combat with the tantt
crd OH company, Uoorge II. Plirlpa, a
prominent Find lay lawyer, created a
scone In the supreme court today. Fol
lowing the Incident he rushod to the
governor's office and Insisted that his
hat belonged to Governor llarrla, leav
ing the executive chambers bJ-
lieaded. '
Phelps had been associated Wltn
Prosecutor Iinvld In prosecuting the
Standard Oil company at Fimllay until
This morning tie appeared in me su
preme court to arsuo the ense of the
Amity Oil company sgalnst K. V. w Is-
biod and others Involving 1-0. U00.
While addressing the court he sudden
ly seized Pavld and Assistant Attorney-
General Miller. emtiracea mom ami
rushed to the bench, where ho shook
hands with Justice David. Tho unfor
tunate man was returned to Find lay,
where the probate court will be asked
to take charge of blm.
Eat government Inspected meat. I
w m
i .;
AT SAN Ullllfl
A Woman Finds; AH Her Energy
nod Ambition Slipping Away.
Portland women know how tha aches
and pains thnt come when tho kldnsya
fall make life a burden, Packarha, hip
palna, heiulachCH, dlszy spells, distress
ing urinary troubles, all toll of sick kid
neys and warn you of tho stealthy ap-j
proach of diabetes, dropsy snd Hrlght's
disease. lean's Kidney Pills perma
nently cure nil these disorders. Here's
roof of It in a Portland woman's words:
Mrs. A. 8. Cumtnlugs of 244 Clacka
mas st feet, .Portland. Oregon, enys:
Kidney complaint and backache havs
lung to me for a long tlmo and oftan
I suffered severe attacks of It. . rtome
tlmes it was a dull, heavy aching over
Uic kldneya and again sharp, acuta ln
In tike small of the back. The kUIney
secretions passed too frequently and
often with pain. I had tried several
remedloa with poor results and waa fi
nally Induced to uso 1 loan's Kidney
Pills. They helped me very quickly
and, continuing their use, I soon found
relief from the sches and pains and the
action of the kidney secretions was also
strengthened to a great extent. I rec
ommended 1 loan's Kidney Pills In our
papers threo years ago. I am always
pleased to say a good word for this
remedy and am glad of this opoprtunlty
to confirm my former testimony. For
sale by all dealers. Price 60 oenta.
Foster-Mllburn Co, Ituffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
xoinenioer. the name Iioan's and
take no other.
i, - -1J
ITflEBtmrCQBftfcKl The Leading East Side Department Store 1 1HEBUW CORNER
Corner of East Morrison Street and Union Avenue
Made to give satisfaction. Seven
pockets, suspenders and double (reen
forced) front to below the knee. West
side stores ask 85c for this ex- 7
traordinary value. FH. and Sat. Uf C
54-inch Novelty AH-Wool Plaids, art
this season's goods, in serviceable
dark and medium dark patterns, $1.50
value. Friday and Saturday. QQ
while they last, the yard..... a70C
Murderer of Pearce on Verffe
of Collapse When Led
to the Gallows.
)" 'C'll ,
For ladies and gentlemen are offered at our
Jewelry Section this week at
$15.00 EACH
Elgin and Waltbam movements, richly en
graved cases, reliable timekeepers. Besides
we extend to you
Credit it Desired
We privilege you to get your timepiece on
time and pay for it in small weekly or
monthly payments. We show an extensive
and CUT GLASS at modterate prices and
on credit
The Store Where Your Credit It Good.
'ImuirmrTii i iTiTlniU in i
- mmu i mump6
(United Tress Leased Wirt.)
San Quentln Prison, Cal., Nov. 7. A.
J. Grill, a Sonoma county murderer, was
hanged here at 11 o'clock this morning.
The condemned man was on the verso
of collapse when the trap was sprung,
and had the execution been delayed a
few mornents it would have lnjea occcst
sary to nold him up. lie maintained his
innocence to the last. Grill was pro
nounced dead 14 minutes after the drop
The condemned man waa accompanied
to the gallows by two prlesta and the
death watch. Immediately after the
reading of tho death warrant Grill's
arms were pinioned and he was led to
Oregon ISuildiiior Will Be
Completed in Every De
tail Opening1 Day.
the gallows, the priests preceding blm
reciting prayers for toe dying. The
moment Grill stepped on the trap he
began to sway, but the work of strap
ping his legs was quickly completed and
the trap was sprung as Grill seemed
about to topple over.
The crime for which Orlll was exe
cuted, was the murder Of W. 8. Pearca
In his cabin on a lonely ranch in Alex
ander valley. In northern Sonoma coun
ty. In July. 1905.
Grill was found guilty of murder, with
sentence of life Imprisonment, at the
first trial, but appealed and secured a
new trial from the supremo court. The
second trial resulted in a verdict wito
the death Denalty, and a second appeal
proved fruitless.
The evidence at the trials of the case
went .to show that Grill was In love
with the 15-year-old daughter of Peace,
and. believing she was not treated right
by her father, ho Shot him In the back
as he lay aaleep, robbed him of what
money he had, and, taking the girl, went
10 ueyserviue. wnere ne used me money
Work on the Orepon building at the
Alaskan-Yukon-Pacific exposition is to
bo commenced early next year. The
state commission plans to have the
building complete m every detail and
tle exhibits all In readiness when the
fair opens in the spring of l'JOK. An
other distinct fcuture of Ureaon's dis
play at the exposition Is to be a moving
picture nhow picturing Interesting scen
ery from this state as well as the prin
cipal industries and other equally Inter
esting uetails.
These features of tho display of the
iavr state iittve been decided npon by
the Oregon fair commission which has
lust returned from Seutlle after accept-'
log the site for the Oregon building J
offered It by the exposition company
last December. Oregon Is to have one
of the most prominent and highest
points on tho grounds On one side will
be the California building, nnd on the
other will be that of the state of Wash
ington. Owing to this arrangement the
three Pacific coast states will be ren-
rescoted by state buildings, which will
be bituatcd geographically correct.
Plana Changed.
In order to bring about the location
of the state exhibits in the order that
the three status will be shown as on
the map, It was necessary for the Ore
gon commission to request of the expo
sition company that the site of tile
Washington building be changed from
another part of the grounds. Thla was
dune and approved by the Washington
state commission.
The commission which hns approved
of these plans la meeting today with D.
C. Lewis, the architect who Is to design
Oregon's building. The commission Is
composed or tho following members:
vv. h. wenrung of liilUboro, president;
K. W. Rowe of Portland, vice-president;
M. D. Wisdom of Portland, Hoc.retarv;
Thomas Wright of Union and J. O.
liooth of Grants Pass.
Oregon's buildlnc is to cost annroxl-
tn purchasing wearing apparel for her y" lL'' n win do ,t, oy iia
The, girl heard the shot fired, and wh.-n foot- 'J'!1 two stories nnd a dome in
Everybody Was Pleased With Our Successful
Bargain Basement Opening
Last Friday. We are determined to continue to make it worth your while to trade on the
east side at "The Busy Corner." Here you will find good values at any time. But for to
morrow we have
An Excellent Offering Tomorrow, Friday Only
TTcflll l'ilri,.n M .1 Ti . c 1" ' I .J- T-l f T T
vvovim ouviiui onu i diury .-uppnc, inciucunp; ome Japanese lea m
Pots. Earthen Mixing Bowls, Buckets, Epg Trying Tans, Flour J
Sifters, Dish Pans, Coffee Canisters, a mixed assortment of Agate
Ware, Dust Pans, Stew Pans, fancy Glass Vases, Steel Frying
Pans, Decorated China, including Cream Pitchers. Cups and Sau
cers and fine Blue Japanese Cups and Saucers, etc. values 16c to
60c anywhere
We make no deliveries at this price, and reserve the riirht to sell onlv one of a kind on tome articles
to make them go the ro
of all who come.
$1 Outing Flan. Gowns 69c
New goods, well mnfe and
neatly trimmed; $1.00 value
anywhere Friday and Sat
urday, the nightgown
1 5c Men's Socks 9c
These are heavy, half-wool socks.
In the usual grays and blues,
sixes 10 to 11H; good ISo
values Friday and Satur
day, the pair
Shetland Floss
in cream and colors. Thla la a
standard high-grade Value and
sella at 11.20 the box; regularly
r riaay ana net u rosy, the f) sr
box (1 dot skeins) ,Jlt
Saturday, Vorember 9, at o'clock p. m.
:00 o'clock p. m. Piano solo
Miss Haxel Daley
8:15 o clock p. m. Latest Ragtime on
. Piano Harry Pruester
1:80 o clock p. m. Tenor Solos
"While Tou Are Mine." "Down In
the Old Cherry Orchard'
Fred Bower
8:45 o'clock p. m Violin Solos
E. W. Marlowe
9:00 to 10 p.m. Plnno Solos (Hy Re-
auest) Any selection you may de
esire Hnxel Daley
The above program will be rendered
Saturday evening, November 9, to en
able you to spend a pleasant evening,
while purchasing or Inspecting our
many departments, with the view of be
coming acquainted with the advantages
Offered here.
Sample Blankets
The representative of
one of the largest
woolen mills aold
these blankets to ua
at the end of his trip
at 26 per cent off.
You Get the Benefit
All wool 10-4 and 11-4
Blankets, In white,
gray, plaids and
checks. Regutnr $4.50
to $12 values, Friday
and Saturday, while
they last.
At 25 Per Cent OfT
or $3.50 to $ the pair
To Popularise Our Hew Xnslo Depart
ment "Under the Tropical Moon," "Down In
the Old Cherry Orchard," "While Tou
Are Mine," "Moonbeams and Dream of
You," Paddy," Rag Two-etep and
March. Thla tic Sheet Muslo,
Each 19c
We sell all the popular songs and In
strumental music; also Instruction
books for all Instruments.
Complete McKlnley edition of sheet
muslo about 1,200 different number
Each 10c
she asked him what he had shot he said
he had killed a skunk. Orlll ri,iti.i
that the gun went off accidentally as he
entered tho room, and that ho did not
anow t-earce naa Deen struck until he
had been arrested.
.. -
Friday BARGAIN Day
Special Cut Prices
Scores of Houses at Torre
Laribera Are Demolished
by Violent Shaking:.
On All Baby and Children's
Ail Wool Astrakan Tarns
Colors red, white, brown, navy. Worth 85c, at each
WONDER MILLINERY CO. Morrison and first
(United Press Lei Bed Wire.)
Madrid, Nov. 7. Many lives were lost
Scores of house demolished by a
violent earthquake at Torre Laribera
In the province of Huesca. The earth
opened, leaving great fissures. The dis
turbance was accompanied by subter
ranean rumblings, cauaing a panic.
i-iuesca nas an area or &,72 square
miles and a population of 275,000. It
is In the northern part of Aragon and
is bounded on the north by France and
on the east ty the province 01 !rida.
i ,
Great Sensation.
If you haven't purchased a new win
ter hat yet, or are considering buying
an extra one, it will be wll worth
your time to pay'u a visit tomorrow
of Saturday. As both of our stores of
fer special reductions of from one third
to one half off of our present low prices
for these day only on our entire stock
of 600 hats. All are very latest.
408 Morrison, near Tenth.
595 Williams Ave., Albina.
the middle. In the center of the ulld-
in will be a court covered with glass.
All of the exhibits of the state, includ
ing agricultural, mining, educational
and numerous other displays, sre to be
collected and shown In Oregon's build
ing. During the afternoon and evening
moving plcturo exhibits lasting about
half an hour are to be given. The time
Is to be short, so thnt the people will
not become tired and enabling the man
agers to accommodate more people.
Beady ou Opening Say.
"From the nito of the Oregon building
one of the finest views of the grounds
may ne nad." air. wehrunR said this
morning. "The front of the building
will face the famous Lake Washington,
On unc side will be the Washington
building, and on the other side that of
California.. Then In the distance may
1 . n . . . .s "
"The grounds to be occupied by Ore
pons exninus wiu cover a plot
ground which Is about eaual to tha
of two of the city blocks of Portland
W e plan to have the drawing completed
very noon. nnoruv arter ine first o
the year bids for the work will be ad
veriisra. it is tne intention of th
commission to start the building abou
February first of next year. When tho
exposition is opened to the public we
win nave cverytning, even to the small
est detail, nil ready for inspection. Ore.
pon Intends to make a record at the
benttie iair.
While In Portland the commission will
decide upon the design of the building
ttinj ng'etj uii cue jnaieriai ior construe'
Our SH0
E. P. Reed
which have won us a large and
satisfied patronage in the past 10
years. The makers keep them up
to date and the prices are within
the reach of all.
'All the popular styles fqr busi
ness and dress wear are here to
choose from. Quality is well
known and prices range from
93.50 to ?5.00 the pair.
Boys' All Solid Satin Calf Shoes, jrood stvle. lace
$10 value, sizes iu to i, at 98
$1.50 value, sizes 24 to 5lj, at $1.08
Girls' Calfskin and Kid Shoes, service and satis-
iaction shoes, $1.50 value, sizes to 2,
Rosenthal's fit the feet.
A liquid preparation for tbe Face, Neck,
Arms and Hands. Cannot be detected.
It is neither sticky nor creasy.
It's harmless, clean and refreshing.
Two colors, Pink arid White.
Use it morning, noon and niht. Spring,
Summer, FaJl.Winter. SA MPLE FE,EE.
44 Sooth Fifta St., Bcookxtn, N. Y.
Action of Xew York and Chi
cago Men Forces Bal
ance of Organization.
At a meeting held at strike head
quarters last night tho striking com
mercial telegraphers or the Portland
local voted to call the strike off at S
o'clock this morning. About 20 opera
tors were present' at last night's meet
ing, out of a total of 68 who left tiielr
desks on the night of August 12, nearly
This action of the local teles-
was brought about by the decision yes
terday of the New York and Chicago
strikers tp return to work, and the fur
ther fact that during the past few days
the strikers in many western nl
southern cities had voted to return to
work, thereby greatly weakening the
airiKe organization.
It is estimated by Walter Branln,
president of the Portland local, that
not leas than 40 of the original strikers
have obtained employment on the rail
roads and embarked In other business,
leaving less than 30 unemployed strik
ing operators in the city.
During the three months of the strike
but 'five of those who walked Out re
turned to their keys, leaving 63 striker
to remain firm to the last.
The strikers have maintained through
out the trouble that the business of
the telegraph -companies and the Asso
ciated J?ress was greatly reduced and
Up-to-Date Furniture and Carpet House (Tel. East 4356, B-2332), 3,86 EAST MORRISON STREET.
Thanksgiving Day
Will soon be here. Is your dining-room comfortably furnished? If
not, we can help you out.
We carry the most complete and artistic line of Dining Tables,
Dining Chairs, Buffets and China Closets in the city.
Than , elsewhere. A new Rug for the dining-room floor will add
much to the enjoyment of the day. We have them in handsome
patterns at low prices.
Special This Week
A new all-wool Velvet Rug, size 27x?4'inches, in Oriental M ia
and I'loral designs, regular price $2.751, at ...........-.JHeU
nat at no time wasi-there mom than
half a force at work in either the
western union or .postal orrices j-lence
it is believed that bolth companies will
be clad to take badk all the imom-
pioyed strikers now In the city.
(United Tress teased Wlrs.)
San Francisco, NoV. 7. Another name
was added this morning to the list of
victims of the United Railroads, the
last addition being Martin Lvons. ne-ed
3 year. While crossing; the street, ac
companied by another infant at Green
wicn una union streets, ne was run
over by a Union street car and mangled
oeyond recognition. A crowd quickly
gathered and made a demonstration
against the car crew, but a squad of
ponce prevented serious trouble.
Building PcnnitB.
Knute Johanson. erect dwelling. East
Sixteenth between Surman and Mildred,
ll.oeo; M. R. Murphy, erect dwelling,
Alberta between East Seventeenth and
East Eighteenth, 11,000: East Carlson,
erect dwelling, Hood between Aber
nathy and Lowell. 12.000: B. L. C!nln.
erect dwelling, East Fifteenth between
Wygant and .Ooimj, $L800; Michael
Pasco, erect dwelling, Forty-second
near Section Lne road, 2,000: ' Hot
flu repair office. Fourth between Stark
and Oak. 13,5005 Lincoln Logan erect t
dwelling, McKenna between Dartmouth 1
and Houghton 11.200; Jack PangarVa
repair store, corner Second and Aldcfl V
Today's Plague Report.
(Doited Press Lessee Wire.)
San Francisco, Nov. 7 The plague
report up to November 6 dhows a to
tal of 86 verified -cases. SA iinih. .
discharged ! as cured. 8 remaining
and 39 suspects.
The best on earth le a Hanan shoei