The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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    - " r " T, ''fr, fMYW fiiif - - 1 IP-'' 1 ..TV..
COLUMNS Journal Ads
Drfnfl Best Results.
The weather Fair tonight and
Friday; northerly winds.
, VOL. VI. NO, 211.
DDirp Tur r-PMTe ow nana aio iwi
1 i " 1
Condition of Title Guaran
tee & Trust Company Was
Calculated to Harm Ef
forts to Promote Relief in
Honey Market.
Report That Depositors Are
Angry at Transfer of In
stitutions Securities to
State New Receiver May
Be Asked for.
"Clearing houjflo banks did not
extend uld to the Title, Guarantee
nnd Trust company because they
knew its condition whs bad and
they (IccldtM that the only safe
course was to cut the cancer
out," said the president of one
of 'Portland's large lunks this
morrrtng. "The clearing house,
committee made careful invcSti
gatfnn of the Title Guarantee
company's assets and liabilities
nnd became convinced that a re
ceivership was Inevitable. It was
useless to drain the resources of
the solvent banks In order to
save this ono concern. It was
the weak spot and now that the
worst Is known I believe wa shall
have no further serious trouble.
In my oplnlrrf the remaining
banks are all fti sound condition."
The Title Guarantee & Trust com
pany, which has been placed under A re
celvershVp by the United States court,
will be liquidated under the direction of
the court by George U. Hill, who was
vice-president of the company und fa
miliar with its business affairs. Re
ceiver Hill tOday dismissed all the com
pany's 82 employes with the exceptions
of T. T Burkhardt, treasurer, and a
few assistants who will aid in the ac
counting. The doors were not opened
today to the general public, and there
was no demonstration by depositors.
only n few appearing at the bank to
makj inquiries.
The receiver has filed a bond for
flOO.000 with the Unted States Fidel
ity & Guarantea Co. as surety, and the
bond has been approvedby tho court.
Receiver Hill, when asked to make
a statement concerning: the receiver
ship program, said:
Eponpiny th Prog-ram.
"Economy, will be the principal pro
gram. I have dismissed all employes ex
cepting a few necessary assistants.
There will not bf a five-cent piece
spent unless it is Bpessary. we will
within a few days get the affairs of
the company In shape; and administer
them for the benefit of .the creditors,
and will hang on to every dollar that
wo can keep for the depositors. I
will make H'the effort of my life to
pull this through and get out of it
everything, that It is possible to get
for the creditors. I am a depositor here
ro the extent of 11,500, and members of
my family are depositors.
The company's total liabilities are
$2.5(10,000, and Its estimated assets are
$3,000,000. If these values prove to be
within the limits of market demand and
are wisely administered the company
will pay its creditors In full. The de
mand accounts were $l,or5.000; sav
ings accounts, $405,000; timo certifi
cates of deposit, $175,000: demand cer
tificates of deposit. $315,000; due other
'wfflTttOT. . I mT-, . Oms HOESE5H0W
r' -',4s ti xr H-y ' J fits A9 f r-r.itrfs v
: mm T m-' teiiiT 1 mm M
"if irM li yCy l- ms59&i ew.-v'--'
mm- 1 mmmmmmmmmmMm,
i : j ; : : r" 1 i '
FIUF Ml HE M,niU i'lil. coins H ON P mAllmAN HHASFS
I ink IlllkblWIIV wnw i.r.. m -mm mm VUI.V.w
1'irst Annual hxhibit ot
JIHMJtlt'll MllllMl Jl-Hll4
in Oriental Iiiiihlinff
Unbounded Success As
sured. ' -
Artillery .Maneuvers Will
Add Attractiveness to To-'
niffht's Program Display
of Thoroughbreds ';Will
Equal Xcw York's Affairs.
(Continued on Pago Kleven.)
3Irs. Pat Campbell Oilers to
Pay Picward If Lnsitania
Lands Gold Tonight.
Santa fe fined
Judge Wellborn Imposes a
Penalty of $330,000 Upon
Offending Railroad.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Lob Angeles, Nov. 7. Judge Well
born In tho United States court this
mnmlnir lmnoied uDon the Atchison, To-
peka & Santa Fe Railroad company a
tnn iq'tii nun ror craniins renaiea.
There were 66. counts In the Indictment,
oo each of which the company was as
sessed $5,000. This Is .the largest fine
ever Inflicted upon a corporation in this
state. Attorneys for the cornpan f41e4
a bill of exceptions and were granted 30
davs In which to perfect an appeal'
The charge, on which -the railroad
company recently was fouSd..guirty was
the granting of concessions on ship
ments, of lime consigned to ,tha Grand
Canyon Lime & Cement company from,
nnlnta In Arizona:- The maximum sen
tence that could have beem Imposed
founder the lndlctmentwaa $1,
. . . j i , , ......
(United Press Leased Wire.)
New York, Nov. 7. Wireless mes
sages from tho great liner Lusltanta
with $10,000,000 In gold for American
banks, will reaoh New York tonight at
her present rate of speed. The Lusl
tanla is two hours ahead of her pre
vious record, which It is expected will
dc Kronen.
The message paid that sreat excite
ment prevails on board and that tho
Interest has been Intensified by the
promise of Mrs. i'atriclc Campbell, the
English actress, who In a passenger, to
give the enginemen $500 If they pull
the boat into Sandy Hook before to
night. With favorable weather it is
certain that the vessel will make a new
record, but much nnxietv has been ere
ated by word from Washington that
a severe northwest storm is expected
(United Press Leased Wk.)
New Westmlnster B C-, Nov. .7.
After a lengthy discussion at a meeting
of the police commissioners yesterday,
it was unanimously agreed that orders
would bo given to the police to clean
out the redlight district, which Is sit
uated in close proximity to the business
center of the city. The women will not
be molested until after tho end of the
year, when the edict will go In force
and they will not be permitted to take
Up their residence n any other district
within the city Jlmltft
- o
0. R. & N. Report to Wash
ington Commission Dis
closes Great Profit.
(United -Prens Lced Wire.)
Kiel. Nov. 7. Many bodies have been
found in the debris on board the Ger
man achoolship Blucher, which was par
tially wrecked by an explosion yester
day. SeVerat ot thewroundea are dying:
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Olympla. Wash., Nov. 7. The Ore
gon Railway & Navigation company's
net income , for the vear ending June
30. 1907, was $5.793, 7M, or more than
10 per cent of the total cost of the
road to date with equipment and per
manent imnrovements. according to the
annual report of the company filed with
the state railway commission, j ms m i
Income was morn than 12 per cent
of the total capital stock of the road,
nut the onlv dividend declared was
that of 4 per cent on the preferred
stock nnd the balance went in to swell
the surplus earnings of previous years,
which now aggregate $28,930,400.
Brown Rot Latest Infection
Which Threatens Cali
fornia Growers' Crop.
Wayhtrgton, IX C. Nov. 7. In
connection with the omission of
the' word.", "In (Jort We Trust"
from the $10 gold pieces, first to
bo minted of the new coins de
signed by the lato Auguatus St.
Gaudens, under the goneral di
rection of President Roosevelt, It
is sai.l these words will bo left
off I'nlted States money of all
denominations, according to the
design approved by the president.
It could not be learned defi
nitely at the treasury department
who was responsible for the
omission of tho words, "In God
Wo Trust," but It is understood
that tho department has had
nothing to do with tho change In
coin designs except to carry out
the orders of the president.
Railroad Abandons Policy of
Shutting Independents
Off From World.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Nov. 7. A new lemon
infection, termed "brown rot," has been
discovered by the University of Cali
fornia agricultural experts, which, if
not: checked Immediately, will lnj,ure
lemon growers in the southern part of
the "state , thousands of dollars. For
raanjr ytars -its has ben thought that
the peculiar disease was "blue mold,"
another common fungus growth which
Infests lemons. T It bos ben discovered
that brown -rot . la contagious sad
spreads - like wildfire, while blue mold
la Dea-oataiylou ud loea not iprt&L
(Ciilteo Press Leased Wire.)
Host on, Nov. i. AH doubt that tho
(te.'itii or waiter Baker, the rich club
man, was caused by poison, has been
removed, it has been found in such
quantities as to preclude the possibllltv
that it was relf administered l.Mw:uIl
Haker, a brother of the dead man. says
tlie report or tne cnemists Justifies ;vr
rests tjdny or tomorrow. The Baker
win neures in mo mystery
(United Press Lensed Wire.)
. Bellingharn, Wash.. , Nov. 7. Ordered
to tear down and reconstruct alleged
faulty construction work on a chimnev
of the new wing of the state normal
school, the brlckmasons struck, followed
by a general canout over the city.
(United Tress Leased Wire.)
Chicago. Nov. 7. It. Is announced here
that the Vnlon Pacific has arranged to
retire from tlx-J commercial coal busi
ness on January 1. next. As a prelim
inary to carrying this arrangement
orders have been issued for th con
struction of a branvh line. 20 miles in
length, from Hock Springs to an ex
tensive coal field in the north owned
almost exclusively by independent oper
ators. Heretofore tho policy of tho
road has been not to run branch lines
to independent fields. '
With the sun shining brightly as an''
omnM ft hnri.l a lfAnl AT.
cited over the outcome as their own
ers and trainers and with society jra
ci-'u-iy i lulling its offlcfai approval,
Portland's fii; t annual horse show Wits
opened at the Oriental building this
aft rne,n.
In ec.nti-'ist to thi similar shows in -
her.ii.te i" either by a chilling rain or
ny inn meanest or winas l oriiana s
liist exhibition could not have enJoyel :
a finer "scud -off" than was accorded
It by Dome Nature today. There was uum nor muu iu nmr mw ap-t-ea
ranee of equipments, and th nerfect -weather
made- It on Inducement for
every ono to turn out and attend tn
taslnonable performance.
Tonight's program will bo even mors
Interesting than tills afternoon's whilo .
there will be the i:ddod attraction of
what promises to b the smartest look
ing and dressed assemblage that Port
land has ever seen. The boxes lining
each Mde of the oval In the Oriental ;'
building have been taken by society "
leaders it is no longer "My Kingdom ,
for a horse;" but My Kingdom for a ,
box." nnd as a result the boxes will be ,
veiy inieresiiMK centers ui aurscuun
at ail the performances. ; ,
Artillery Maneuvers.
Prominent In this afternoon's mat.'
Inee were the two sections of Batteries
A and B, of the Fourth artillery un
der Lieutenant H. 1. It. Zimmerman) -from
Vancouver barracks, comprising
IS men and six mules to the section.
The two guns were rushed info the oval
at top speed, made a swing of 50 yards,
unpacked the suns, mounted them sml
discharged them, packed them again
and were off. The whole thing was .
done with a dish and go that spoke,
wonders for tho training of tho moun
tain artillery. It took less than J8 v
minutes to completo the exhibition:
This afternoon's entries are mostly ,
saddle and breeding horses. The "man i
on horseback rules and for an hour or
more this nfternoon pplendid snddla
animals from the stables of Oregon
men. for the most part, were on ex
hiMtion in the ring.
One .,f tho horses which Its owner is
especial Iv proml of is Dr. Knot, tho
property" of Captain Lyon of Vancouver
Camp Cook Loses Mind and
Keeps Seven Hunters in
Brush All Niirht.
C. G. Bart Is Cut on Forehead
by Sword in Hands of
J. L. (Jrandin.
Sonora, Cal, Nov. 7. A passenger
train on the Sierra railroad last night
ran down rt handcar a few miles from
this city. Injuring four of tho men on
the car. u l . believed aU will re
C0rs& .' - -
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Oakland, CaJ., Nov. 7. Stage melo
drama came near ending In real tragedy
at the Empire theatre last night, when
O. Bart, leading man, taking the
part of Bertie Cecil, was struck an ac-
cidtntal blow in the forehead with a
heavy cavalry, sword in the hands of
U Grandtn. who plays Colonel Chat-
fox in "under Two Flags. The weapon
t'a gash several inches In length and
tiught the third act to an- abrupt
cTowe. j
Htti the blow fallen a fraction of an
ineti lower it would Mvf penetrated the
(Special Dlspf.-oh to The Journal.)
Spokane, 'a.-il., Nov. 7. Tommy Mc-
Cnrty, a cook for a party ot JO hunters
at Moses l ik near Wilson Crock,
Washington, wect craxy "nil drove sev
en of the inei: in tl-e p.irty before him
at the p.. in! of a Kim. for i- tulles, be
llevini: them to ie big bioo Isucking
U'OSfiu'lU'S. When it civw dark he pom
niaie! -il tiicm t.i He down in the Ktubbl
with tne unrniiu; 1 hut the first man
that anv,.l would b shot. Tho
ni,,i laid tier;' all nlfifnt and nearly
froze, onlv to find next morning that
tiiclr'caplor was j;ou'.
tine of the sir'uigi-st of the party
iia.iif h..'-k to camp and tot a wagon
ami seme provisions for the rest. They
il -n start eil to track McCarty. They
traekel him to th- lake where they
found the jtu.-is, but no cook was in
sisht. nor can he be found. They think
ho is' drowned.
icks. It in a S-year-old colt With
a .very remarkable disposition ' fofr (to
vountr an animal. T.ast niftht when it
was in ihe rint; for the first time and
the li.-rhts In the building were tnrnert
on suddenly it showed not th slight
est alarm. ' ' ' '-
"Wo drtn't expect to win any prizes
with him," said the trooper in charsro,
but he curried fie animal lovingly and
exhibited him with a pride tha,t hin
words didn't conceal. If Dr. Knot doea
carry off a blue ribbon there will be a,
happv lot of men in the Fourth ar
tillery. It's a way they have in ' tho
ami), and the men are as interested as
the captain himr.clf. - ,,
Kntrirs for tho show havs reached
neirle ;on, and includo almost every
i lass of animal that the New'-YrtrK
shows exhibit. In fact it Is prohubln
that another year will see a less com
plex division of classes in some of tha
division;). For instance, tandems under ,
this year's rules are divided' into thoa '
(Continued on Page Twelve.)
(United Press Lessed Wire.) -
Seattle. Waeh., Nov. 7. With both
bN-i broken and his head badly crushed,
Ouorge Gale, a recent arrival from Che
halis, Washington, was picked UP front
the Green Lake streetcar track on. West
Lake-boulevard jearly this morning, lie
was struck and fatally injured by a
streetcar as he was crawling about on
his hands and knee. It was thought
that Jie had been' drinking, lie died
when being lifted into the ambulance. -
" " (United . Pre teased ln. v . '
Amsterdam, n Nov. 7. Minister "'of
Stale I,enkheer ' von Pan Huye and his
brother, th mayor of lrfek, with their
wives, were crowned last night while
driving. Their carriage fell into
a canul during ' tlense Xtfj at Hoog
kerk, ..' ' I
'?.!. -A
Edith Van Buren Forced to
Buy Title for Her Count
(Uolted Tress Leased Wire.)
Naples, Italy, Nov. 7. Countess dl
Castelmenardo, who was .Miss fMHh
Van Buren t)f Nw Torlt, haf b'aln'-'l
a legal separation front hor ..husband,.
The bear.tlfuf countess appeared In the
court of appeals her -arifl tostlfb-rt t
her husbands uraelty and rapacity.
, It became known publicly for th f 1ft
time that the count's - titlo wus bo .
When she married him -ia Vim
year ago. llis American wif, " i'r"'
vent '. scandal, spent l,K i "
count a certain legal rinht to tw rint
he hail appropriated.-. J'i h'
him to bft, ,th-'. twi)n 7" "
frightful ho-whnr-h Met ' J";
lle f ;.NapI" tettflei ,ht,,!e,
wifh'whom h. m4 tf l.t ;. -
ffuftat servltUi.'s s-'i'l i " ' '
tvjptle wrvin5i: "' ' f .:-
police :ws to- tt.. t;'
nl fur ftarri i""
tl r,-.lir.ivl.(.i' ( " l'r1
It lac Of ITcSlJnt A H
t ,