I ... t '.a 7 f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. V ' Town Topics f SA TA GLAUS MAS TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. alarquam...... "The N "Tha Tank Recant.' ..."Th Nlirhtlnaale.' Haker "A Hola In tha Ground." Empire "SweetesfOlrl In niile." Grand Vaudeville. MTlo ...... "Woman Airalnat Woman." ,-tar "Confessions of a Wife." Announcement It mad, of an examina tion to b held by tha United State civil aervlce eommlailon in thlnJty on November 27. to aacure ellrlblee to fill 14 vacancies in the pualtlon of mono type macnimsi in tha government print ing office at Washington, D. C. - The position pay 68 H centa an hour. The commlaslon also make announcement oi an examinutlon to be held here De cern Dr 4, io aecure eligible for ap- J ointment aa civil engineer In the 'hlllpplne aervlce. These poaltlon pay. minimum salary of $1,400. The olvll aervlce commission ha experienced con- ldrable difficulty In aacurlnar suf ficient eligible to meet' the need of tho servloe. and qualified persona are Urged to enter this examination. Arrested on complaint of bis wife for non-support, C. M. Webster yesterday was releaeed frorq Jail through her In tercession. Webster wan caught several nay ago and la aald to have abused hi wife, In addition to falling to support : ner. unce he wa behind the para, how ever, the wife became aollcltnua for hla welfare and haunted the officers until an order for hi release wa secured, lie wa allowed to go on hi own recog nizance, promising to appear for trial before Judge Webster of the county court a soon aa the holidays are ended. Another tep wa taken In puahlng the construction of the Brooklyn sewor HIS AGENT HEBE German Toy Manufacturer Tells of Season's New Novelties. TEDDY BEARS GO OUT OF 'STYLE BOUAH GOING AFTER v.v-N. 31. JITJICK'S SCALP ' (United frees Leseed Wire.) Bole, Ida., Nov. (.United State Senator W. E. Borah left today (or Washington. He will return to Boise after taking the oath of offloe, to act a peoiaj proHecutor in the Petttbone trial. one or tae nrat thing to which Ben a . , l I., ..u ,. gag AXVSSaCia7TS. whhi ",t. HE1L1G THEATRE r. Tonight and Tomorrow Night 'I he Musical Comedy Succeaa "The Yankee Reoent" Pretty Olrl, Catchy Muilo, Dainty costumes Price EOc, 78c, 11.00. 41.50. Submarine Boat Latest Invention for Children' Amusement Merry-Go- Round and Fireman Who Cllmb Rope Will Be Big Sellers. wi.h??gon HEILIG THEATRE George A. Smldt, many, an advance of Bremen, 3r- agent for Santa Phone Main I Three NljrM. Beginning Thursday special trice, uaiinee usiuraey . KLUI XI WT IN "RAFFLES" Evening. 11.(0 to 15c; Matinee $1 to JSo Claua. arrived at the Hotel Portland I lUAKU UAYl UKAfN U SKi yesterday when cable were laid for the eiectrio Hants to be used by the work men In building the Jong 1.600-foot tun pel extending from East Tenth and 4 Taggart street to the Willamette river. Part of the tunnel has already been built and the excavations will be pushed ror the remainder aa rapidly as poa Bible. Mayor Harry Lane and City Kn glneer Douglaa W. Taylor make dally inspection of the sewer and are careful to aee that all material 1 up to contract specification . The financial situation was discussed at a meeting of the Men' league of the First Congregational church laat night. Addresses were made by Dr. Henry Waldo Coe. Dr. Luther R. Pyott. State Treasurer Jatnna 8tel and Judge M. C. George. J. T. Drown acted as toastmaster. All the speaker took an optimistic view of the situation and aw no reason to feel alarmed. Mr. and Mr. Charlea Mathiaa rendered a duet for piano and violin. Dr. George Alnsley ang two solos. Rov. William Q. Eliot Jr. will speak tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 before the Woman' Alliance of the Unitarian church, which will hold it monthly literary meeting In the chapel, corner of Seventh and Yamhill streets. Mr. Eliot attended the International congress oi lihcrnl religion recently held in iios- on and the aubjwt of hi address will be, "Cambridge. Past and Present." The Woman' alliance Invites a general attendance. The Case of Andrew Carlson agnlnst the San Krancleoo A Portland Steam shop company. In which the plaintiff was given Judgment for riamnirea amounting to J3.060, is to be taken to the United States court or appeals. Counsel for trie defendant appeared bo- fore the United states clruult nirt this morning, when the appeal was completed. Helen Mar Shaw, who has planned, designed and written more advertising than any other woman, will talk to the member of the Portland Ad club to morrow evening In the board of trade rooms In the Chamber of Commerce building. More than f 1,500,000 has been expended for advertising under Miss thaw's diroction which Include some of the best known brand of food stuffs. thi morning. Mr. Smldt cells toys and novelties, Including th Teddy bear, more of which are being disposed of this year than ever before. But the Teddy bear 1 doomed, the novelty men believe, and they are all racking their Ingenious brains for a substitute. How ever, they thick the Teddy I good for the winter at least One of the latest novelties In the toy line for the amusement of the patriotic fun-loving children of the United States Is a little submarine boat that not only run beneath the aurface of (ha water but it discharge tiny torpedoes Just a the big boats are supposed to do. Power is ootatnea from a spring. ine ooat may Da regulated so a to run In a circle or In a straight line. Dy another attachment the desired depth of the little toy la also scheduled. In an ordinary pool or clear water the sub marine torpedo boat will go round and round an Inch or two under the water's surface and at Interval the ftrlus of the supposed battleship destroyer will IQIIOW, This I th one novelty of the season. It I the Invention of the Oerman and 1 rather an expensive plaything. They retail ror rrom it to i& in this country. So far this toy ha only been placed en the markets of the larger cities, but Portland is to have som of them even before the arrival of the fleet of battle- ships from the Atlantic. a cneaner toy this year ana one that Is particularly amusing to the younger generation, is a rireman in uniruim ana helmet, that climbs a rope, hand over hand, to the rescue of anything you wtah to Imagine. This will sell for 60 or 60 cent. Another new Invention for the children 1 the merry-go-round with the figure on pivots. When the machine Is In motion these object swing outward In exact Imitation of the larger swings which are operated for the benefit of the fun-seeking public at all the sum mer amusement resorts. "(iermany is manufacturing more toys aud novelties this year thaTt ever before, Mr. Bmial aula tni morning. 'Our business In America 1 simply enormous. More toys are manufactured In r.ormanv thiin In any other lsnn And more toy are sold In the United State than In any other country.1 Friday, the 8th. in the evening Instead of morning aa usual. Portland' Famous Theatre. TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK A Great Success The Nightingale" A merry mingling of melodious melodies Evenings tic, o. 75c; matinee ib. 60u NEW EXPO RINK rs kate Afternoons TO BTAXZI HOW. Skate KornlB urn Instruction free Xlerant Kuala afternoon venlng. Keeler and Coulson, runny clown and uutenman. Woodman aright Wedjieaday. and the ator Borah will rlvs hla attention will 'be aneffort to Secure removal from office or District Attorney Norman M Kulck. whom ha accuse of beln re sponsible for hi Indictment on the land fraud charge, of which Borah was re cently acquitted. Where to Dine. All th delicacies of th seanon at th Portland Restaurant: fine private apart ments for ladies, 80S Wash., near Fifth. AJttrsxMzvrs. BAKER. THEATRE moss Kola S ' OXO. Zn BAKXm, Oeal Kaoarer. fTOMH OK THE BAKER STOCK CO. Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday. Second great Hoyt Play of the Season. "A Holes In tho around' Nothing but Fun, Laughter, Musio and Merriment. Evening, tic, ific, too. Matinee, lie, 25o. Xeit Week, "The Adventwr of X.ady Ureal." EMPIRE THBATRB Morrison and 12th.-Phone Main 117. Milton W. Seaman, Manager. Eastern ronrt attractions nlv All this wank MatlriAAa Ur.Hn.H. v -.. Saturday. A nw and charming Southern play by Freda SImon. TMM IWSITIIT (ilMIt IIT DIXIX." Night prices, 16c, Z5c, 8 So. 60c. Mati nees, 16o, too. wast Week "Xantan Hearts." TM U ORAND Tauderllle de Lax. ALL THIS WEKK. The Rig Headllner. CXAS. 9. WHO, XATXSZV M.AM CO. MAY YOHE Formerly Ldy Francta Hope. Time and price remain the same. Sl-bur Bank Account i3 good at Eilers Piano House .1.' ,11, Tht Hou of Highest Quality S3 mt njTv 'J VV 'I .A. Webfoot Oil Blacking Makes Shoes Waterproof Preserres AT AXiXi SXAUIkI. The STAR ALiLl 1I11S W1LH.K Th R. E. French Stock Co. Present the (Jreat Moral Drama, "tm oovrxsuoirs or a wot." n unees nunaays, luesaays, Thursday and Saturdaya at I:S0. Price 10c, 20c. Kvery evening at 1:15. Prloe-15e, 26c, 5c. Reserve seat for all performance by Jther phone. In ShB si A husv nlace Jacob Schwlnd shoe re pairing works shoe repaired while you wall, wtien necessary. iw eoies 75c. 167 Stark street, near Park. m Blnck Bear nut coal at $8.00 per ton Is the most economical coal to burn. Try It. Oregon Fuel Co., 134 Alder street. Phones A-1665; Main 85. KsgxsaaiaiasigifrszgrxaiaTicxszigiizxjsszjssazzasrf B .OiOE mow NOVEMBER 7, 8, 9 ORIENTAL BUILDING, FAIR GROUNDS TPpCprT JspH Seats may now be re- XXDCl VCU 6Crvc(i an(j purchased Qporf Tinlrff q or "thcr the U&L -i- liVC to evenings or matinees. Early purchase is ad- EVENINGS $1.50 vised because of the Y . unusual demand for MATINEES . 75c ON SALE AT Steamer Jesse Harktn. for Camas, Washousal and way landing, dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street dock at 2 p. m. The federated east side club will meet this evening at the Hotel Sargent, In quarters of the East Side club. Grand and Hawthorne avenues. It la expected there will be something dcflnito decided upon regarding municipal ownership of a rock cruaner, but mere are a nurawr of Important matters demanding the at tention or tna ciuos tnai win unuouoiea ly come up for consideration. Bv order of Judge Wolverton this morning O. F. Uveal-, against whom the St. Helens Lumber company was given Judgment some time ago in a bankruptcy case, was ordered to appear before the United States circuit court November 14 to show cause why the decision had not been obeyed. Ex-Senator Foss of Pierce county, Washington, writes: "I take pleasure In making this statement to you. that I have used Golden Grain Granules for about two year. I have also used nd other brands, but tlolden Grain Granule Is the only brand that has the flavor of high-grade coffee." Members of Central W. C. T. V. will hold their regular monthly social ses sion tomorrow afternoon at their head quarters In the Goodnough building. Several Interesting talks have been promised by the memttera and an inter esting program is promised. The Wind River Lumber company has brought auit In the United States cir cuit court against the Frankfort Ma- , rlne Accident & Plata. Glass Insurance company for $5,000 .and costs. The suit Is the outcome of an Injury sustained by one of the employe of the lumber company. A fountain syrlngo and hot water bag is a handy thing to have In the house tw case of need, but a poor one Is worse than useless. Go to Albert Bernl, the druggist, 233 Washington street, and get the reliable article at a moderate price that can bo depended on In time of need. Save the discount (25 cents) by pay ing vour hllla for November service on or before the 10th of the month. Home Telephone companv. Wear Eleetropode In your hoeg and keep ycur feet warm. $1 a pair, at Dernt'a drug store, 233 Washington. St. Dr. George Rubensteln. expert oi clnn. Consultation free. Perfect ting lenses. 113 4th St. near Yamhill. ptl-flt- POWERS & ESTES DRUG STORE 143 SIXTH STREET or Your check or certificate of deposit, big or little, on any established bank, will secure a splendid piano, fine or gan, Pianola Piano or a Pianola at a saving that makes buying now of greatest possible importance. We have all the faith in the world in Oregon's financial institu tionsin the solidity of our city and its business inter ests, and in the great and rich country tributary to our ports of trade. Money in tremendous amounts will soon be flowing westward instead of eastward. But just now, while the demand is greatest the other way, we stand ready to put our shoulders to the wheel with all the help in our power, not only to assist our factories with ready funds, but also to place within our customers' reach every inducement possible in the matter of money-saving opportunities. It's worth your while to buy now today. And such an opportunity as offered here cannot come again, nor can it be duplicated elsewhere. Pianos Organs Talking Machines eatiOTliab& 3S3 Washington, Corner Park Biggest Busiest and Best of all Van 1 ? QQZr II t H0 PlA"5 belts Just re the druggist, Another lot of money celved by Albert Bernl. 233 Washington street. Selling-Hlrsch building, room 38-39-40. Hair dressing, shampooing, mani curing, facial massage. Acme Oil Co. aell afty coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 719; B-1007. E. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks' building. Seventh and Stark ft. Woman' Exchange, 111 Tenth etreet, lunch 11:30 to 1; business men' lunch. Woodward Dancing Academy, Arion hall. Tonight. Lesson 25 cents. Tou can find at 150 5th the gentle man's caterer, Harry C. Hippie. Ooodman, optician, 211 'Bad Eyesr Morrison. Silverware, Wat)es; Beck's, 205 Alder Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. tlon this evening at the residence of Mrs. Charles Cottel. 893 Kelly street, for the new members gained during the re cant membership contest. It Is desired that all members attend. A $7 clock for 15. Goodman, 211 Mor, JX Chambers, optician, 12 Seventh. Try the Independent laundry. Bark Tonto for rheumatism. I i r Li fsJ I 17 TT TT- T7 V I Com to thi office with all of your tooth troubles, then you are assured of the best work. We can extract one or all your teeth without hurting a bit, and put In new teeth the same day If you desire. Our bridge work 1 the best ob tainable. A bridge fitted at this office Is a positive comfort. Nothing ever has to be done over again that we once finish, we upply only tne worK mat is lasting. We use .only the best material our crown work. We aim to secure your friends' work also. AL 20 YEARS HERE NOTICE TO Oregon Trust Savings Bank pol- tors e Of over $100 that have not signed up fni- toianhona bonds or bank stock. Central W. C. T. U. will hold a recep-Lrhere has been placed with we about 100 lots In what la Known as irvingxon Heights that I can trade for accounts against said bank. This Is beautiful part of the city, and the lots are put In at the regular selling price. Here Is a chance to make a turn that will make you perfectly safe, We sponge sn6 press your clothes and shine your shoes, all for tl per month. Main 814, A-4314. Wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark The United Daughters of the Confed eracy will hold a meeting at the resi dence of Mrs.- A. M. Lee. 594 nth St., Cot in the Wrong "Jinf Little man But his collar Lookin' Sad, Saws his neck. Has he lost And. his nerves His faithful dad7 Are all arwreck. Noslr-e-e! Not. a bit Nor his girlie Hasa'i. quit Nor" he hasn't Lost a cent Cn a'bank. ' Thi Hftl rartt. Little man Mighty man. Yet he might be Dreadful glad. If his linen , , Came to us. There would not be Any fuss. , Little gnan, Oh, be wise; Open up Those Sleepy Eyes,., . .11 UKfOrJ IAUNDRY Collar and Cuff Specialists. ' trtccr-o Aura Columbia btbssts. J'!i -u s; J!:t!n S3S; A1123. as this property is worm every ceni asked for it When I tell you that you can get these lots for J500 and 1550 per lot I think you will call and see me. J. A. HARBKE, Room 8, Mallory bldg., 288 Stark street Both phones Main 2707; A-2707. FINANCIAL SITUATION". Business Will Steadily Improve JIo Season for Boll Times. The financial situation will Improve from this time om" said Frank Roth schild of the, Famous clothing house. "Our business has been going on day after day justi as if there had not been any ajsturbance of any sort Wa have made our deposits daily at the bank and our payrolls and other transac tions have been taken care of by the bank as uSuaL The business mw are well- sware of the faot that the banks are solid, that there is wore money due, the" farmers of the northwest than at any other time In tne history of this country, hence It is an utter Impossi bility for us to have dull times. "Of course we will take clearing house certificates. We have been taking checks on the banks all the time and wish to go on record as having full con fidence in the solioitv of our financial ! Institutions and nerfect - faith in the prosperity, that will follow this little j flurry In tha money -market' And business constantly Increas ing. Ask yourself the reason end only one answer can suggest It self. Nervous people need not fear our treatment, there are no bad effects at the time or after wards. We have mastered our profession and results fully con firm the statement. We save all teeth that can possibly be saved. W. A. WISE, Dentist railing bldg., 34 and Washington ts. a. a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday to 13. rainless Extraction 50c ; Plates) tS. BOTH FKOJTES A ATD KAUr 3039. ) 116 cases of Fire Salvage of Men's and Women'a Apparel, Shoes, etc, received from the auction rooms of Samuel Gana St Co., 207 and 209 East Madison street, Chicago. As fully one half of this shipment is in a bad condition with smoke and water, goods must be closed out at once to prevent mildewing. Badly damaged goods we will give away. Goods in fairly good condition at 10 cents on the dollar. Goods in better condition at 25 cents on the dollar. Goods in perfect condition at 50 cents on the dollar. Doors Open Daily From 9 to 5 p. m. Sale Positively Closes Friday, November 8 MES&a- Wisdom' -Violet whitens the skin. Cream softens and Sewing Machines No matter what 'you want to Eay we can satisfy your needs, ewlng Machines 4 up. All Styles, alt Hakes. New, good as new, slightly dam aged and second hand. , THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE AGENCY 439 .WpniiBgten,- - Gene lltiu Men's Craven'f es $5.00 for Men's Cravenettes, $10 to $13.05 values. Limit One. $7.50 for men's finest $15.00 to $20.00 Priestley Crave nettes, black and gray. Limit One. $10.00 for all leading makes of $25 to $37.50 Cravenettes. Limit One. MEN'S DEPT. 600 dozen Men's Collar Free. 6 for Men's soaked 25c Sox. Limit Five Pair. One case Work Shirts (limit one) 25. Three cases Knit Underwear, water damaged only (limit two suits), lOcS Five cases Derby Knit Under wear, slightly water dam aged, 20. Limit Two Suits. Two cases best .$1.00 10 oz. Buckskin Gloves, 49. .Limit Two Pair. Three cases Switz-Conde's fa mous steam-3hkunken Un derwear for 9 It. g Limit One Suit One badly damaged case of Fast Black Sox for 10t. Limit Five Pairs. Two cases 25c Cashmere Hose, watef soaked only. . for ,12 l-2. i-imit Five Fairs, One case water-soaked Sweaters for 25 . jimit una. Three cases Sweaters and Car digan Jackets, rorth $2.50 to $5.50, for $1.00. . iroit un 509 Ladies' Coats. Cloaks and Jackets Free Pretty badly burnt and soaked. These goods will be thrown outside, so help yourself pick out what you want and take it along. We will be too busy to wrap them up for you. TA KH ONLY OINE. PLEASE No (foods Will Ba Sold to Dealers Extra Help In All De partm'tt. Apply Mgr. $1.00 Men's Overcoats $2.95 for a lot of badly soaked $10 to $ir Overcoats. Limit One. $4.95 for slightly water dam aged $15 Overcoats. $7.50 and $10 for best $18.50 to $30 Overcoats. PANTS 50 for $1.00 Pants, slightly scorched. $1.00 for $3.00 pairs of soaked Pants. i $2.00 for tailor-made Pants in good condition. $1.85 for $3 Corduroy Pants. $1.95 for $4.00 Rubber-lined Duck Coats. 75 for Boys' Suits worth $3. $1.35 for Boys7 Suits worth $4.00. $2.00 for Boys' Suits worth $5.00. . ' 25 for 50c Boys Pants. Over 1,000 Boys- Suits in this big sale. j - MEN'S SUITS Badly damaged suits sold for next tojiothing. Suits in good condition at 25c to 50c on the dollar. $2.50 for Suits (wet only), up to $11.50 values. $5.00 for finest $15.00 Black Thibet Suits, single or double-breasted, all sizes. $10.00 for your pick of 385 Suits of the famous Wilton cloth, in black ..and fancy weaves ; all hand-tatlotea ; $20 to $25 values. Buy Tour Shoes at 30c to 50c on the Dollar Winter Shoes now. ". Shoes for men, women, boys and girls, every pair guaranteed. Ten thousand pairs In this big Salvage Sale. CHtWiST STORl W NMTE D 5TAT15 ' ,-4 1 v. 'err , - Doors Open Dally From 9 to 5 p. m. Women's Coals 500 Ladies' Coats, etc., in bet ter condition, -at 50. 460 Ladies' . Long and ; Short Coats, water soaked, only $1 380 Ladies' Garments in fairly; good condition a $2.50. Limit On. - -185 Ladies' Coats, all silk-lined in good condition, values up ; to $30.00, now $5.00.' ... $7.50 for pick of the bunclu s Coats of ; all kinds from the best, house on State St of Chicago values up to $50.00,, for $7.50. FURS 10 Fur Coats worth $50.00 to $125, for $15.00. Slightly soaked, at 25c on the dollar." Five big cases of Ladies' Finest Furs, some wa- . ter soaked, mostly perfect -95f for all kinds of Neck Furs worth to $5. $2.95 for all kinds of Neck .Furs worth' to $11.50. $3.95 for all kinds of Neck 7-Fura worth to $15.00. $4.95 for all kinds of Neck , Furs worth to $20.00. 50 Ladies' Cravenettes, .soaked, for $1.50. T, .' Five casjes of Ladies' $1.00 Ln- denvear f?r 47. Buxc? vmj is nil. j Two cases of sligritly Ii' Sateen Skirts w.rt.'i for .? 1.0 0. Five cases La-'H"? ,1 worth up to C i"' ' P1