t THE OREOON DAILV JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. 4 NOVEMBER 5. 1907. I'illEB HUE! SIIII COMING on TT in TnrrrT n tt a nfTnnTKTT mm. Attorney - General Kettirns From Taking lesii monv in Lake. 1 CHARGES COMPANY ,v WITH UTTER FRAUD r' 5 II Lauds Kvrr Wore Swamp Lands, : Which the Ionics, the Com- pany Never Jtcclalnied Them i V Other Legal Hars to Title. , SpcUI Ppat-b to Tto Joira.l.) f Salem, Or.. Nov. 5. Attorney-General ' f Crawford hm returned from a two w eeka' trip to I.ke county, where he was engage In taking testimony In the 1 suit of the state of Oregon against the Warnor Vallfy livestock company. The ult involves title to 25.000 acrea of 1 land, the fln-M In eastern Oregon, worth . from 10 t 130 Pfr cre. i ' This suit as begun at the lnstnnce of Governor Chamberlain to cancel depds 'given to tho cattle corporation on the following grounds: That the state Is sued deeds to tracts of from 1.000 to ' 6 O0 sere each, when there was no i law authorizing the issue of more t.ian ' 114 acres to any one person or corpora- I tion that the Warner Valley Stock coin-I . nan furnished no real proof that the ' av-mn land tinon which It fllvd had ever . been swamp lauds or had ever been re claimed Dy it. raise proof Is Charged. Tha atate claims that as a natter of fact, It never was swamp land, and If it ever had been In 10, tha corporation never reclaimed any part of It. but. as ' Attorney-General Crawford say a, Ik-went cry from natural causes, nnu mw . oi.ima that tha corporation obtained the land by putting In falsa proof of reclamation. Its applications were put , In prior to the repeal of tha law, which up to 187S had given any person tha right to buy all land ha had reclaimed. Ia K7S the amount that could ba filed upon waa limited to t.O acrea. Tha alata contends there war t0 valid ap- plications prior thereto, and will Melt rto establish thla by proof. Settlers la Oood Talta. 1 . . . r AAA A n It. la 1 j UI1 IUVU. B.vuv Kiel vfc una laiiu. lll-f .. richest part of It, settlers have lived from 10 to -0 year. They were al lowed to make final proof by the stats and the patenta wers refused them by the united states. The Warner Valley Livestock: com pr ay claims that Ita proof of reclama tion waa not fraudulent, ana i valid applications on file pr repeal of the old law In 1878. General Crawford waa attended on his trip to . akevlew, for the purpose of taking testimony, by ex-Senator Charles A. Gogswell and G. W. Btaplnton of Port land, counsel for (he company. The suit will be tried before Judge Benson of the first district snd then will be car ried to the supreme court to finally settle the much-vexed question of the ' title to these lands. They found the people of I-ake county ' Tery prosperous. The county is out of 'debt and Das money enough to erect a fins court house, a two-story building of brick snd stone. Bales of cattle the past year slone amounted to $274 for acH man. woman and child in the county. -- HATCHERY SITE MAY BE CONDEMNED Women Who Wear Well. It it astonishing how great a changa i few yeart of married Ufa often make W (ha appearance and disposition of maSy woman. . The 'rashness, tha charm, the brilliance, vanhh like the bloom from i peach which- ti rudely handled. The, matron la only a dim ihadow. a faint echo of tho charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change. Ignorance a:n.' neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the iritem through uu ehange which comes with marriage afe' motherhood. Many ne!ect to deal w!l,l, the unpleasant pelvic drains and wea'.. noises which too often come with ma1: rlage and motherhood, not understand;:!' that this secret drain Is robbing tho chef of Its freshness and lbs form of IV fairness. As surely as the general health suffer wnen there Udoranir'nienioj ids ceaua of the delicate woman organs, so surely whaP'tfcrte organi reSMtabllihecL, In health therace iniKjrhvat chars witness to the Tact In rWWd come I a million women have found health n4 hrplnes !n the use, of Pr. Pierre's fn- ; vorlte Trcy-ricUon. It makes weak won I sn strong and sick women well. Ingredl ents on label contains no alcohol fit i harmful habit - forming drugs. ' iladr wholly of those native, American, medic inal roots most highly recommended bv leading medical authorities of all tha sev eral schools of practice for the cure cf woman's peculiar aliments. For nursing mothers.or for those broken- down in health by too Ireousnt bearing o? children, al?o for the expectant mother, to prepare the system for the coming o' baby and making Ita advent easy ami aimost painii, mere is no medicine quite so good as "Favorite Prescription. I; can do no barm in any condition of thr system. It Is a most potent invigoratlni tonic and strengthening nervine nlceh adapted to woman's delicate system by L pn jaiciau 01 large experience in the treat ment of woman s peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce msv ba consulted hv Utt, rrse 01 cnargo. Aaaress in, k. V. Plerc Invalids' llotel and Surgical Iaitltw. Buffalo, N Y. JOURNAL -FAHHI0XS. (Soeclat Slipatcb to The Journal.) " Astoria, t Or.,' Nov. 6. Master Fish . Warden Van Dusen has received a let ter from Superintendent O'Malley stat 1 1ng that 100,000,000 salmon eggs have ; been taken at the government hatchery v on Little White Salmon river. He asks , If the state fisheries department desires i to secure any eggs this year from the - federal plant. Mr. Van Dunori lifts nlsn rncalveil a 5 letter from Attorney-General Crawford . suggesting that he endeavor to secure In. price from the O. K. & N. comDanv for the property which the state desires .. as a site for a hatchery and retaining ponds at Bonneville. If the company refuses to sell, the attorney-general will at once commence : ceedlngs. condemnation pro- c Woodmen Night. i This Wednesday night will be Wood t men night at the new Expo rink and v Modern Woodmen and Woodmen of tho world are especially invited to attend and meet their friends and have u i pieasant sxate. . . Mi - . They Xsep Coming r. In every day more and more of those emappy suitings that are so popular with - men woo want to De reaiiy well dressed. C Every new pattern in checks, plaids, ; stripes, plain, colored worsteds and serges. Remember, that Bohaefer's kor- rect klothes are korrect In style, qual- jiv ana price. j. j. ocnaerer & uo., "t Raleigh building, 82a Washington street. 2157 CHILD'S DBMS. WITH GUUfPt Pari Piftcn Ne. tin All Beams Allowed. This dainty little dress Is mad In modified kimono style with two broad tucks on either shoulder. The dress is of pale-bins albatross. ana the nsck and arm bands are trimmed with, white soutache braid In scroll design. The guimpe worn with it is of white organdie with, a pale-blae silk stripe, and has long sleeves gathered Into a band at tha wrist. The pattern Is In slies-l to years. For a child of B years the dress requires 2H yards of material 27 Inches wide. 1 yard M Inches wide, or 14 ysrd Vt In ones wide ; 2H ysrds of soutachs braid to trim. The guimpe will need i yards 18 inches wide, er 1 yard 8 Inches wide. Prloe of pattern, 10 cents. Address The Journal, remitting coin or stumps. 51 o m -r The Horse Show in New York is the place to see the kind of cloth ing we sell the best in quality and correct in style. Of course some freak fashions always come out at that time, styles that are never adopted by men of judgment. . We keep in direct , touch with New York, and, samples of every jiew fad worthy of no tice will be displayed in our stock as soon as they make hit in the metropolis. VMhwoCo ' MWIwsy as sn saw as m Vat7 160 tnd'168 third St Mohawk Building ' C R 0 0 K E D SUCK Two Astoria Women Disarm Him, Then Scream for Help. (Special Dispatch to Tlie Journal.) Astoria, Or., Nov. 6. Mrs. Thomas Parker and her daughter Mazie were on their way to their home on Franklin avenue and Sixth street late In the evening. A man suddenly stepped out from a side street and. pointing a gun at them, called, "Throw up your hands," thrusting the gun at Miss Parker's face. Instead of being frightened.' Mrs. Par ker said, "Don't do that," and knocked the gun from the man's hand. As It fell Miss Parker picked It up and, pointing it at the man, said: "I will shoot you." She then discovered that the gun was only a stick in the shape of a gun. Both women called for help and the man fled and soon disappeared. The women then ran to a nearby house and notified the police by telephone, giving a good description of the holdup. With in an hour Harry Landers, who does odd Jobs about town, was arrested for the crime, but neither of the women was positive ho was the right man. Another clue that may give results is now Deing developed. HUME CASE TO BE C ACTED ON TODAY BALANCE OF HE BANKRUPT STOCK Beginning Tomorrow Wednesday, 9 a. m. Sharp And Contlnning Until Sold ' NTnE BLOCK ON YAMHILL, FRON 2ND TO JWX Beginnino Tomorrow Wednesday, 9 a. m. Sharp And Conlinalnfl Until Sold t; jDwsr $43,000 worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, etc., the entire residue bankrupt stock of 56 departments, including new fall , gooas in transit at time ot the failure of this establishment, consisting of fall stocks of wearing apparel dry goods, toys, notions, stationery, domestic flannels, dress goods, silks, velvets, hosiery, ribbons, gloves, shoes, house furnishings and other goods'carried by A ' ', a complete department store. The entire Reserve stock from basements and stock warehouses will be Slaughtered Without Reserve Regardless ot ORIGINAL COST OR WORTH! Action taken by the assignee through legal form at the law- offices of Dolph, Mallory, Simon & Gearin on October 29 makes this possible. Men's and Boys' Wear ing Apparel $11,350 WORTH $11,350 worth of Men's and Young Men's Suits. Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Caps, Under wear, Shirts, Sox, Gloves, Suspenders, etc., embrac ing all the new fall lines; accepted while in transit; bought for fall trade. The price reductions are terrific in the extreme, considering the styles and qualities. In Many Cases 25 Per Cent Oil Real Values Bovs Suits, in iunior sizes consisting nf th ' o - very finest styles and qualities at the cost of the cloth alone. 1,000 pairs (junior sizes) Knee Pants, worth to ?5c, at 15. Ladies' and Misses' Goods Domestics, Dress Goods, etc. Gloves, Ribbons, Hosiery, Dress Goods of all kinds, Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Satins, Sateens, kaces, Embroideries, Fringes, Tassels, Lamber- quvis, Lace curtains, lable trovers, Cretans, Val ises, Umbrellas, Best Linens, Ribbons, Novelties and Notions, Manicure and Toilet Sets, Stationery, Jewelry, Art Pictures, Corsets, Underwear, Cut lery, Handkerchiefs, Collars, etc. 10 to 50 Per Cent OH Regular Retail Prices At X'-''iJ'K hi I 'Umt'SAn v New Ladies' and Misses' Wearing Apparel TREMENDOUS STOCK Tremendous stock of Suits, Coats, Waists, Jack ets, Skirts, Petticoats, just accepted from the tran sit companies, consisting of medium and finest quality. Will be sacrificed at 25 to 5712 Per Cent Values 1 . $6,280 Worth of Meng Women's, Boys' r and Girls' Shoes Consisting of over 100 styles and qualities Vicis, Patents, Colt, Calf, Cordivan, Box, Water Buffalo and Viscolized Goods will be sold at less than original Aetna! Wholesale Cost The stock consists of a complete range of qual ity and styles from the heavy grades to finest street and dress Shoes that are made for men, women and children. Panic Prices in the Face of the Present Money Stringency Gives the Consumer an Opportunity to Secure Desirable Merchandise at 10 to 62V2 Per Cent ot Value The lowest prices since the memorable financial panics of the past century. Entrances during this sale will be kept open on Third street, also Second and Yamhill streets. These will be used for admittance only; All persons leaving the building will depart through exit on Yamhill street. Guide signs will be posted throughout the entire store. This is done to avoid jamming the incom ing and outgoing crowds. brlna-lna" action In the Justice court The board Is to decide which method Khali be pursued. SCHOONER'S CAPTAIN CASHES BOGUS DRAFTS ' (Special Dispatch to Tht Journal.) Aatorla, Or., Nov. 6. At the meeting of the state brf&rd of fish commission era thla afternoon, the claim of R. V. thU !2,71?r beln 60 Per cent of ihl collectd 'or licenses in Vl.t Rou" 1ver district during the C cf ye?r"' wm bB -ubmitted onH?."!!11011 "l. PMCUtlng Mr. Hum's lrnl ?h!r?enf PerF his canner? . th.e u- ea"n without thavina- 2n..i!.h!de5ut? fl8n rden Mr that tolt fh?SSS hvng "cured evldei fAuru.t when a flie of tEorT. 2 posed for operating during; the sprin season without a license, W tha dis trict attorney haaf recommended that no preaecution ' be commotio nn.n caaa can ba taken to the circuit court. (United Preii Laad Wire.) Seattle, Nov. 5. Captain John Far rell, of the lumber schooner Robert Searles Is missing, and It has come to light that bogus drafts amounting to several thousand dollars have been cashed by Seattle, Tacoma and Ever ett banks. These must be made good by the owners, Bandera and Klrsch- baum of San Francisco. The vessel sailed from Tacoma last Friday for San Pedro in charge of the mate. A warrant has been Issued for the cap tain's arrest His present whereabouts are unknown, but It Is claimed he was seen during the last few days In com pany with a woman. DO YOU SUFFER WITH ; Epilepsy? This is tha fairest '.offer ever made to sufferers of Kpilejwy Miv Jrits. Just de posit fl.60 with the XTiarke-Woodward Drug Co. and. getla' bottle of Elixir Ko- sine. If after using $Hiib you ara not entirely sayn stiea, .y o r '. nV n ey will be returned. TW tlial U given at our expense. Elixir KWne Uiabsolutcly free from alcohol, covaihe, morphine or opiates, Prevent tli attacks of fits or epileptic aeUures arfd Jld yourself of this dread uwcan Dy D ment today. disease by beginning the Koslne treat. JHrri ty"Jlca Jl-6- Mail drdera ?UedW KoWn Company,, Washing, ton, D. or an Clarke-Woodward D.ru,r Co., ?wholeja.awd teUil dietrib Sweeping Millinery Reductions Pattern Hats . All our exquisite importations and New York patterft jiats at less than manufacturer's cost of materials nearly l6o to choose from Regular $40 to $60 Designs Now $ 1 6.95 Street and semi-dress hats also greatly reduced. Big Bow Flats Of the finest quality of pure wool, trimmed with bows of rich luster silk, formerly sold from $4.25 to $5.00, Now $3.65 WATCH OUR WINDOWS '212-214 Tbird Street Corner Salmon RRALEY The Home Diningroom Is Not More Pleasant than the Dining Cars ON THE Our dining cars are strong and heavy, conse quently easy riding. The tables are large and seats comfortable. The wide windows admit ample day light and allow the diner a beautiful panoramic view while eating. Breakfast and luncheon served a la carte, . " dinner table d'hote. W ara lad to ia--a yon ask ns about trains, fares, ato. . aa wa promptly anawtr aU Inquiries. -r Northern Pacific Railway A. ' j. CHARliTOjr, v " t', . Assist, Gm. .yaaa.-' Agtat,-- ; f -'-W r -e S5S Morrisoa 8$. . Portland, Oragoa.