'4, f i t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER, 5, 1907. 12 l"Jl.JLI.-i.-.-...,-l- i- ', 1 1 !. ' "Mi ' P . -.1 l..,!LL-l-'lJl..mjMIJ..JHl..'l -L .11. .'HA -MKM.JWUU, 111 LOSES er Mr FARE sun Titnpiimn T And flii St. nil hiuLiiiu I You Are fii mm m Boxers and Wnvsflers From V J?oad Sn.vs It Is Deprived of $150,000 in Four Months bv New Law. Seattle Will Find Very Tough (nipetition. (t'ultod I'r l.ad Wire.) CWcupo, Nov. ! --I'urlng the last four moitiui the Alton mm! bus lost approx imately 1150, Ono !) reason of the op eration of tha iwoi.nt passenger law in the states of Illinois and Missouri. Ocreral I'tmsens.-i Agent Charlton t the Alton, which ..us only 00 miles of piusengM trnrks, has kept raruful HtntlMtiie of sal''" nnd receipts of pas senger tickets :r.-e the law went Into effect, am! I'Ss made a careful (oni-ti-rl-nn of t!i lii-ln'U done during tho Never In the history of Multnomah Hub uth'i !lrn li.is u ti iin !"- "o fitted for a buying ami wrestling tournament tiH that Vhieli will represent the winged "M" whni It meets with the representatives of the .Seattle Athletic club next Krlduy tn'ii. i.iim Year Heat- tl hint n littln tin- Letter of t lie Inter- club mulch, bill ihlM year team hopes In r'K'il:i bl. In fall to il It mi tliu local iih laurels una tut much trouble. (hud-man i:.Iku 1 ni i k of the wrest ling Mini tioxniK . oiirl in ti-i- Iiiim arranged tne program Kr the club ym" The event will ' upi io-.I up by i lie pre It- 1 - '" httf ' rvl waHwa mmmmmm mmm vwmmv p coriecpotidin; months of former )''" jiml'iury b.uint: unit, lien bctwuen Ol wimt ot tl iHrucr cuirs me w.iio nf tickets Increahcd by rk high as 9,000. K'hcreaa the receipts from the Bales decreased as much as $1,000. Every where It was xhown that the sales of tickets had Increased anmxliiRly. GRAYS HARBOR coram .Washington Supreme Court Tells Wliy It Cannot Bo; Xot Yet. (Specltl n,plcb to The Joornal.) Olympla, Wash., Nov. 6. The pro posed county of Grays Harbor has been knocked out bjr the state supreme court "in. a divided opinion. The act creating . the' proposed new county is declared to be 'Indefinite and uncertain" and is therefore unconstitutional. The opin ion is by Justice Root, and Is con curred In by Chief Justice Hadley, and by Justices Dunbar. Crow and Kudkln. Justice Mount filed a dissenting opin ion, which is concurred in by Justice Jru lerton. ine consuiuiion uccmrn ioh r Jiatif.i an. i J. l or.i ioon nugnus and J. A. lVi::'.;tr will contribute a ehort boi l, In n tin- principals will be rail.-. I. All nr.. l'urtUnd boys. The met no ulil be a mat contest between K.lt.u Fnink of Multnomah dub, un l W .liter Iorener of Heattle, In the lifi-'.oun.l cIiims. Imtnedl.itely uitT the decision is rendered VYIKlmn 1'ennis of Multnomah, and I.. Johnxon of beattle, will step , on the mut for the 108-pound wrest ling match. I The program will conclude with the boiliiR mutches Jink Walsh will try . to ouihox Chester Hrown. the Heattle ' boxer. In the 16K-pound class. The last bout will be the heavyweight event, the 178-pound class, und h.d Johnson will try to hang the slilnrle upon his beat tie opponent, Sam reck. This ought to be one of the bent goes of the evening. The Seattle team will arrive here Friday morning and will be enter tained by the clubmen until the mem bers return , to Heattle. Schools to nj Football. West Side High school will play foot ball with the denf mutes this afternoon on Multnomah field at 3:30 o'clock. High school will use a substitute backflvld and the regular line. Nil Bollinger Is Captain. Dan Helllnger, one of the oldest and best basketball players at the Multno mah club, was elected captain of the five last night and will commence to train th team for the opening of the Btate league on December 13. Hell in new county shall be created per was center on the Columbia "var thsr no . with a population of less than Z.Odv nor hall 'the county from which,lt Is taken be left with less than 4,000 population. The act creating the new county pro vides that the question of population hall he ascertained by a Judge of the superior court 'In the nearest Judicial district to the county of Chehalis," etc. The supreme court holds that In this provision the legislature has attempted to delegate power which it should ex ercise itself. The legislature, says the court, s required to know that it is meeting the requirements regarding population. "jQdft'ff'Motint. in his dissenting nptn 1rti. holds that the Question of popu lation is sufficiently safeguarded by the revisions, of the act. and that the eEinUtc.ro made ample provision for the creation of the new county. New York several years ago. re- Horse Show. Race Results at Aqueduct. New York. Nov. 6. Aqueduct suits yesterday: Handicap, six and one half furlon Lad of Langdon won, Jack Atkins sec ond, Frank Lord third; time, 1:30 1-6. Hlx furlongs Clauda won, Miss De laney second, Miss Mazzonl third: time, 1:15 2-6. The Woodmere, seven furlongs Grapple won, Sewell second, Juggler third; time, 1:27 J-6. Handicap, mib and a sixteenth Zlennp won, Klgbt Hovnl second, Moon shine third; time, 1:48 1-5. Mile and five sixteenths nranoar i won. Killlecrnnkte second, Red Filar third; time, 2:14 1-6. ' eix furlongs Explosion won, Wood- lane second, Bouquet third; time, i 0:59 4-5. ' Special music will be a feature every I evening during the horse show at the - i7ATn 1? HTVTTC! f K rro Haxelwood cream store, SS8-390 Wash- i U LUKU h llliiV iUAKTiO In ton street. PATRIARCH GONE TO REWARD Washington County's Grand Old Man, Obed Thorn r burg, Laid to Best. ' ' . (Special Dlipntch to Tie Journal) ; Forest Grove, Or., Nov. 6. Obed C ' Tbornburg, the grand old man of Wash ' .. lngton county, whose death occurred - . Sunday, at his home near this city, was 'laid to rest by the aide of his wife In the Wilkes cemetery, eight miles north of Forest Grove, yesterday. '- "Uncle Obed," as he was known all , over the state was 95 years old May '8, last, but despite his age he had the - .buoyancy of youth, and only last spring made a long drive Into the mountains, alone and behind a spirited horse. Sunday, tbe day of his death, he was . apparently as vigorous as ever and ' ' took bla accustomed strong cup of cof fee and hearty breakfast. He had never been sick a day and attributed his ' longevity to abstemius habits. He maintained that whiskey was all right ; In lta place, but that its place' was in tbe unmanfaetured state. Hla idea of religion was that of a Union church. He maintained that the supremacy of religion must come. Sim pliclty Of! worship was an ideal. Mr. Thornburg was born in Tenessee, hear the place where "Grandma" Wood of Hlllsboro was born, in 1812. He was married when he was 17 years of age : to Precllla Mills, and in 1814 they ; moved to Keokuk, Iowa, where they . lived for 25 years, then coming to this ; county. His wife died in 1H01, aged 89 years. He leaves two sons, Amber Thornburg of this city and Clark Thorn ! burg of Keokuk, Iowa. , DESEETEE TELLS OF HIS DESEETI0N ESCAPE FROM PRISON (United Vrm Umwd Wlrs.) Vernon, B. C, Nov. 6. George Mines, who murdered Nelson Chance In a dis pute over a game of cards, has es caped from custody. Bloodhounds are on his trail. He Is known to be a des perate man and will lead his pursuers a thrilling chase. Pofles We Want Every Pile Sufferer to Test Tliii Orest Care at Oar Expense . Bend Tour Sunt and Address rot a rree Trial Package. We want to sepd you a free trial of the Great Pyramid Pile Cure at once, so j you can see with your own eyes what It j can do. I You cure yourself with perfect ease, I In your own home, and for little ex I pense. I Pyramid Pile Cure gives you prompt relief. It heals sores and ulcers, re duces congestion and Inflammation and takes away pain, itching and irritation. After you nave tried the sample treat ment, and you are satisfied, you can get a full regular-sized treatment of Pyra mid Pile Cure at your druggist's for 60 cents. If he hasn't it, send us the money and we will send you the treat ment at once, by mull, in plain sealed package. Send your name and address at once for a trial of this marvelous, quick sure cure. Address Pyramid Drug Co., 90 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall. Mch. Why An Honest Doctor Died Poor "You need five drugs," said an honest physician to a patient, "water, food, air, sleep and exer cise." But the patient sought an other doctor, and the honest phy sician, died poor." Some one has said that the Amer ican people like to De fooled. If a doctor tells a patient that drugs won t do him any good, that patient doesn't be lieve him; be doesn't want to believe htm. I've been telling the people for years that Nature's way Is the rluht way to cure dis ease. Thev didn't be lieve me at first, but they believe me now. It has been proved that the human body Is electrical and that the stomach creates this power out of the food we eat. Kvery breath of air you Inhale car ries a certain amount of electricity Into your system. Exercise draws It Into the muscles and tissues of the body to build up physical strength. If your stomach is out of order it cannot generate electricity. That's why the honest rtoctnr's treatment sometimes falls to cure. Nine out of every ten sufferers have stomach trouble of some kind. It may not appear to be stomach trouble, but the distress may be In the heart, liver, kldnevs or some other oriran. You see, the whole body machin ery works in sympathy. When one part breaks down or fails to do Its work, the rest of the machinery will also suffer. A healthy stomach Is soon ruined bv drugs. When this happens your siipplv of body electricity is cut off and the organs that depend upon the stomach for support will soon break down. As your stomach fs unable to gen erate electricity, the only way to restore it to a healthy condition Is bj giving It electricity artificial electricity as applied by Electro-Vigor. J Electro-Vigor is a relief from the old system of drugging. It does by natural means what you expect drugs to do by unnatural means. It removes the cause of disease, and after the cause has been removed Nature will do the rest. Electro-Vigor is not an electric pen. it Is a dry cell body battery, and makes its own power. I. must say that I am pleased with your treatment. After three weeks' use of Electro Vigor I have no diges tive trouble, sleep bet ter and am not both ered with losses. H. SHARP. Hobart Mills, Cal. Two weeks' use of Electro-Vigor cured the rheumatism in my arm. It also cured me of bowel trouble, consti pation and general de bility, which refused to yield to medical treat ment. JOHN CONLIN. Consumne, Cal. WATCH FOOD SLtf P EXCRXl&A , I GIVE IT FREE Get my lOfl-page book, describing Electro - Vig or, and with illustrations of fully developed men and women, show ing how it Is applied. This book tells In plain language many things you want to know, and gives a lot of good, wholesome advice for men. I'll send this book, prepaid, free, if you will mail me this coupon. S. A. Hall, M. D. 1439 Fillmore Street, SAN rBANCISCO. Please send me, prepaid, your free 100-page illustrated book. 11-5-7 Name . . . (ddress J WE CURE MEN Hsy9sl egg 'g And Doesn't Know Roseburg's New Sleuth Is Taking It All In In Jail He Confesses. Never Falls to REST021E CRAY UAIU to il3 NATURAL CGLOii (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Rosoburg. Or., Nov. C Donald Young, a deserter from the cruis'-r Chicago, i rtuM '.'arrested here last night. He de serted from the Bremerton navy ard, ln Washii gton last July. He was go ing south with some hobo companions . and it was while he and another man were going through town here that he .was captured. He was confiding bis secret to the man with him Fol lowing cloi-.ely behind was the new night policeman, Chet hobinson, 'who heard him tell his companion the story 'of his desertion from 'he Chicago. No sooner had he finished his story than - Koblnson Jiad him under arrest. He la being held in the county Jail -peridine-the arrival of an officer from Mar ' Island, California, to take him there for (trial. He has confessed his desertion. POKER AT EUGENE - PUT UNDER LID (Speeial Disputes tn The Journal.) Eugene; Or.v Nov. 6. Chief of Police Fan-in gton yesterday afternoon drdere.1 all poker games in progress at several cigar stores - stopped , and gave notice that ir they arr resumed tiie proprietors No matter how long it has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxur iant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively re moves Dandruff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Refuse a!l substitutes. IS NOT A DYE. RESULTS GUARANTEED l'lil!o Hay Ppec. Co. New k, M. J. 50c. $1 bottles, et drug's a BijjiaiBEailElBaKIEHffBMBaiEl iCTIEBaKEEBKEIlIKIIBtaBBES rJ n a Bl H M M H U H M n H a u H M M 1 a H M n 8 n M Did you ever stop to consider the fact that you are not as good a man as you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Failing power, loss of vitality and drains are the most frequent causes. It stands yoa in hand to stop those drains on your very vital force itself Go to a specialist who tan cure these ailments quickly and surely. Come to us. SEEK BEZ.F WEESE XT IS CEBTAXbT TO BE rOUlTS. This institution has built up Its splendid practice more by the free advertising given It by Its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of Its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than In any other way If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't It worth the little time It will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you in any way? A consultation costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. S3 n Down M am? VaHjrorrl-CapiU DulkHng-WdrhingtoaW 1 All Real Whiskey Z5fi!5:Z the tare flavor, delicate mellowness and bouquet ol Sonny Bmoli the PURE FOOD Whiskey It is all natural whiskey distilled and aged In the food old honest Kentucky way. Each bottle bears the Government "Qreea Stamp" a positive assurance ol lull age, proof and quantity. All First Class Dealer Sail It. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO., Jaffersoo County, Ky. BLUMAl ER & II0CH, Distributors Portland, If So I Want to Impress on Your Mind the Fact That I Can Restore to Yon the Fall Vigor and Perfect Health That Nature Intended You to Enjoy Following are, some of the symptoms of wasted powers and a debilitated svstcm: Pains in the back, nervousness, insomnia, feeling of exhaustion on arising in the morning, dull headache, deep-seated pains in the head, a constant sense ol weakness, aching in the joints, palpitation of the heart, drains, lack of ambition and a general consciousness that you are "all in." If you have any of the above symptoms, don t delay any longer, come to me at once. There is a state which is beyond all hope. Don't wait until you have reached that sfate. Come now, wtiile you still retain vitality enough to serve as a foundation for health, strength and happiness. Don't put this matter off another day not another minute. Make up your mind to come TODAY. I Cure Men's Diseases I have cured hundreds of men who had long suffered a Gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private ailments. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success is due to the study I have given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's Ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist Weakness You've probably been treated for so-called weakness ind helped tempo rarlly or not at all, and the reason Is very apparent when Cause of loss of power in men Is nndarstood. Weakness Is mere- ly a symptom of chronic inflamma tion of the pros tate gland, which my treatment re moves, thereby permanently re storing strength and vigor, Con Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drive tha virus to the in terlor, but harmless, blood cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint VARICOCKL,Q Absolutely painless treat ment that cures completely In one week. Investigate my method. It is the only thoroughly sclenttflo treat ment for this disease being employed. FREE My colored chart, showing the male anatomy and af fording an Interesting study In men's diseases, will be given free upon application. Contracted DlaordrA Tou can depend upon a quick and thorough cur by my treatment A quick cure la desirable because a slow cure Is apt to be no cure at all, and a chronio development will come later. I cure you beyond the possi bility of a relapse and In half the usual time required. Reflex Allmentas Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder Is only a reflex ailment resulting from some other disease. Weakness sometimes comes from varlcocle or stricture; skin and bona diseases result from blood poi son taint, and physical and mental decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. My long experience In treating men enables me to deter mine the exact conditions that ex ist and treat accordingly, thus re moving every damaging cause and its effects. My Fee in All Uncomplicated Cases Is Only $10 You Pay When Cured I do not ask you to pay "If" you are cured, or "un less" you are cured, but I AM WILLING TO WAIT FOR MY FEE UNTIL CURE IS ENTIRELY COMPLETED. No fair minded man would ask me for more sincere confi dence in my ability. ltotlon and Advice Free Call or Write Today Hours)-O n. m. to Q p. m. flundaya-IO to 1 , THE DR. TAYLOR CO. 234 Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Ore. $5.00 VTB WEKS TBT3 TCKST BXPEXT I ft Ol AIilSTS TO OFFER OTJH BTBtTTCTES rost 99.09 tans) mhos mat si oomjb oof with ads imitating) oub WETJtODS, BUT W1ER TOU OAX.XiBD OS THBM TOU WISE A8KXO UN B.EASOHAB&B rBKSJ IT TOU WILL 8T0F ABB TKIVX TOU WILL OOatB TO US ABB GBT CUBED. $5.00 Weak tY7 m .en We Will Cure Yon Ws are especially anxious that any WEAK MAN who has failed with other methods call on na and let na explain to Mm why wa CUBE peo ple who have failed to -- rallaf be fore seeing ts. This ws will cheer foll7 do TBEE of any cost. Everybody Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists in the Diseases of Men Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only Varicocele, from $10 to $25 The Reliable Specialists. Disease mm Varicocele thod: no pain Tho onlnreed veins are due to mumps, bicycle or horseback riding, dlsnse, etc. In time it weakens a ifv ns well as physically. We will cure you for life or make no chart,' Hydrocele Cured! no naln. no loss of time. Whv suffer longer when you can be fnrpH In a few hours fit a moderate cost? Call and consult us at once, mi ' will convince you of the su periority of our New System Treat ment over any oiuci uicuiuu. Blood Poison ' Overcome In 90 days or no pay. Symptoms overcome in seven to 21 days witriout chemlrals or poisons. If suffering from ulcers, sore mouth or throat, falling hair, bone . pains, come and we will drive the poison from your blood forever by our New System Treatment We Do. Not Patch Up We Cure Forever The Oregon Medical Institute Makes the i like you want i f Does it in a mpmsni HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm A liquid preparation for the Face, Neck, Arms and Hands. Cannot be detected. It is neither sticky nor creasy. It's harrnless, clean and refreshing. Two colors, Pink and White. of tbe place and the participants in the 1 Use it Jnorninc. noon anrl nirrh Rnrin wiii-oa rresteo. it is known that , cmm,, pHri c T x Rr tn Td i?f HI M U 87 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. OUR FEE $10.00 Established a? Teara In Portland. Consultation Free We W1U Treat Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for 910.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly Weak 3 ness, Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, S Speciflo Blood poison in an stages, va ricocele, Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Oleet, or any of tb diseases common to men. Personal attention given aU patients. 29154 Morrison Street, Near Fifth, Portland, Oregon SEPARATE PARLORS. ETERTTHHTO SECRET. BO NAMES In selecting a physician or specialist, when In need of one, some i . . , ja .VtAiiM K .Ivan f f th. nii.Hflatlnn. v.A..f 9 .nn ani inncth of time an institute or medical man has been located 5j in the city. It stands to reason that an Institution that has stood the ff test of time and- numbers its cures by the thousands Is far superior to K mushroom institutions that spring up in a night, last a few months and are gone, we nave peen curing uiou i jon uuu o.o uiut-ai epucjui ists curing men In Portland. We lnvlt those who have deep-seated and chronio 'disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination la free, and carries wltb It no obllration to angar onr services. Onr offlaea are equipped with the trlost modem and scientlflo mechan ical devices for the treatment of chronio diseases. Our charges are rea sonable and in reach of any workitigman. Write If you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is alwaya CERTAIN and most successful, AH correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. tn.; Evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. n n r Hi, - - ... - -r- ' l if! m a -n -tri I Hydrocele, from $10 to $50 Atrophy, from $5 to $12.60 Nervous Debility, from ...$5 to $20 Wasting, from $7. GO to $10 Sischaxges, from $5 to $10 Ulcers, from $5 to $15 Blood Poison, from . .... $10 to $30 Palling Hair, from $5 to $10 Pimples, from $7.50 to $15 Eczema, from $10 to $30 Bladder Ailments, from. $5 to $12.50 Xidaev Ailments, from.. $10 to $30 Prostate Ailments, from ..$5 to $15 Free Advice Given Send ns particulars of your case at one If yon cannot call. Medi cines from, 91.60 to 96.50 a coarse. Bally Hours' i 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday Honrs i 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Do Not Delay Call or Write Today Run No Risk Investigate onr methods and learn that we are all we claim to be, and when you place your case in our hands you are sure of getting the best treatment that can be ob tained anywhere. To every man who knows himself to require advloa as to marriage and Its requirements, cr who has taken that step, we also extend a cordial Invitation, that we may advise him as to the best thing to do. This wa will do PREB of all charges. Nervous Debility Cured In a few weeks. Improve ment from the start. If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, feel tired when you arise in the niorniiiK. lame back, dizziness, spots ' before the eyes and feel you are not the man you once were, we will cure you forjilfe. Urethral Obstruction Cured by absorption In a short time; no pain, no cutting, no operation. By our method the urethral cansl Is healed and entire system restored to lta healthy state. No failures, no pain or loss of time. Examination Free Call and we will explain why our Now System cures when all else fails. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at once; don't delay. Examinations Are Thorough Uur JJiagnoses .Positive USES. aama ror several week oast DOker rsmei o-,riui, w inter. aAMli fKblS. have been carried on quietly In some of " the resdrta here and: only a few nights i . ro one man cienriea up several hundred ' , dollars, I'ercentaae gambling games ihe not been carried on in Eugene tor everal years. - I Lyon mfo. co.( 44 South Fifth St., BaoosXTM, N. T. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURdlCAL CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. DISPENSARY FS Old Jtemtdy. Jfew Form. MEYER KHOWS TO PAII Tu-rut's Extract ot Oabebs o4 Oopeibe in CAPSULES. Tbebufc'a", fuirk udtAarauf Acarefir gonorrho,glt, whites, ate. Ktw to Uk. ooo-onient to Mrry. f tft,y roar aeeHful u Iftio fl, a Rovie M-rtln's, 351 Wash- Portland. Or. : or bv mall from The Tarrant Co.. 41 Hudson st New I orK. ' I lngton st. Every Vkmm i Is Inter-sUd snd ibcnld know aooat the wonderfm MARVEL Whirling Spray ie new ;ru-. Jnjtc. Hon and Suction. U-it-SM. Mt-lim convtnKnt, . It.lfHM UHUUf, 1M KJ'. -CUT TE33-B - M -- . rj,. a lit -tor Sr-ffM ft It, If hn ekfinot turpi- U MARVEL. toiiCDt no other, but ttsd lniD far lllattratcd book u foil hitlenlftrl n Tulhl to lftdlM. MA 44 r B4 ST.. HBTS torui- It sires lion In- RVKt, CO., For 81 by Skidmora Drug Co., Woodard, Clarke Co. and Laae-Oavls Drug Co. S Store-, i-M-Si minimKm ' u, mil m iU'h is ' t'lm Scoffs .Sanfal-PEpsin capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation orCaterrhot th Biaddtrsnd IXiniMed Kid- nay. MO ovis sjw pax. cures quick! end Mmanentl tbe worst c&Ma ei wonorraoeei od !, so aietur ef bow ons itunaiDf , ADioiuieiy rmlm. 8VM hv drutffliU. Price 11.60. or by Bull, post paid, 11.00. SbMtes, fin. IRE SAHTAl-FEPSIN CQL Bcllof oaUine, Ohio. y AU Dmtcurta, CGee Wo Zka Wall-Knows Eallable CHINESE Uaot and Hlrk DOCTOR -lol Baa made a Ilia atndj at roots and Srrnv and Id that stud" dieoTtrd and la fl-laj NERCV't Y, Jf WTTHOUT T fOK WOMEN ONLT Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Hoot Pills. The beat and only reliaole remedy for DELAVED PER IODS. Cure the most obstin ate cases in I to 10 days. Fries 11 per box, or three boxes $5. Sold by druggists everywhere. . Address T. J. PlKIiCii 181, First st, Portland. Or. is 0 natms narn HOUf OMAATION, OB 5 AID Of I KUIFtt. h nrnrea to eore Catarrh A.thma. Lnns. Throat. nhanutatlaia .Neroun-aa. Hervona Dehl'.ltr. fttnimteb, U-er, Kldnef Trnnhlea: ln Jsl M-hrnd. female Weak, seaa and All Private biaeaaea. A SURE CANCER CURE fust Btcaivad yrom paktn. Chine Safe, lara Ballakle. and ir TOD ARB AFFLICTED. DON'T DELAT. PhLA TV A Km DANOEBOCS. ff yon -annot call, write tor symptom bUsk and clrcnlar. Inclose 4 eenta In atamna. CONSULTATION FREE X TBI C. SEE WQ. CHINECI MXUIOIMX 00. lesvt Flraf 8t Cor, Horrtsea, Portland, Orerea, flaaaa llantias Tbia Fa-.