13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, 1907. . v I San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St; bet 3d & 4th ADYUmTTSTlTEirTB ATTD BV- BCMirxiOMm Bsosrrxo. Orgonlsns when In Kan Francisco ran have their mall sent In car of Ths Journal office. ARTHUR L FISH, Representative. BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED FEMALE GENERAL - JOBBINQ AND HOUSE repalrlnit; alao painting, paperhanglng and tinting. Andrew Michaels, 110 KU worth at. Phone Sellwood 16 INVENTION Covenant bldg. , Main BOUGHT' TCP AND HO n tract Co. 417 Flleduer IStJ LrcTffENklCHdKN c6.. JEWeler and optlclana. 184 Washington at Gilt Edged Investment i'l Warehouse or wholesale site, close in on west side, ! ,wiht railway switch, - Only $38,000. , 'Biggestsnap in the city to iday. Immediate possession. Terms. .!.'. .. , -, Columbia Investment Co. '.). 420 Lumber, Exchange. NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO all persons, firm a and corporaclone Intereated In Uie Oregon Truat 4 Sar in f bank. In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable, tne circuit court oi ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Is the school that makes young people happy with food poaltlona. ' 1 ou can succeed. N 2d at GTRLS OF 16 OR 1? AT 1'OHTI.ANU Cigar Box Factory. 43 K. 3d at.; rood wkh: llaht work. . GlAL WANTED-Wo WORK IN GIIO cery and confectionery store; muat have reference. Call nt 423 K. Morrison, FURNISHED ROOMS- FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU, 11 N. ITH ST. jLieganijjr lumisoea; steam neat ana Mini. The grand" 44'N- liVst. room'J . ti. for gentlemen, HOTEL .16 per weekend up. nlahed. In the tnlntt the Ortion Truat bank, a corporation, and othera, notice la hereby given to the creditor, aa well aa all persons, flrma and corporation having any claim or demand against the aald Oregon Truat ft Savlnge bank, a corporation of Portland. Or, to preeent the aaine, with the vouohera thereof, duly verified, to the undersigned re ceiver of aald Oregon Truat ft Savings bank at his office In the city of Port land. Or., on or before the let day Of January. 1H08. .... Portland, Or., "'P'""" "Vrt m THOMAS C DEVLIN, Receiver of the Oregon Truat ft Bav- Intra ItrinU CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 rent per countea worn, i in sertion for the price of 6. If you have mi.ni nmli. It known through the wnnt nd eolwmns of The Journal. DAY NURSERY. 13 N. 6TH ST.. UHIL dren of working women cared for at 10c per day. MALE AND FEMALE IIKL1 MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN- . m ..! U MAiiMel VI we ai W lUDir vesa II iff a, v-a-"'- w t - oiaie or Oregon ior muiihu mu v w. k.i-J .1. a. i. ... h n toil i i v ti.i.. niainiirr. ' i" hiuhbiip, . - - r jr ui.. hi twin. . r- i lUTrriMiTinwii A eavinga INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL. 4 th at Open Evenings. EMPRESS -NEWLY VU It- central, quiet; Ith and Stark. THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS $2 par week and up. 201 ft 2d. corner i yior. ONE SUITE OF TWO ELEGANTLY1 furnished front rooms, piano, phone, bath, electric light and all modern con veniences; eapeclally suited for two young gentlemen. Hotel Maaon, 147 6th CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOl'RNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the prlre of 8. If you have a want make It known through want ad columns of The Journal. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, STEA M heat, modern, 113 to $30 per month; translente, 128 W. park, the Artonla, Vl'fc't.V li'ITDMTiatJL'n criAllQ UL.A'fT' I'Ulli.llMllw OUVIUCT, ?s and phone.; gentlemen only. 416 feraon. ' the HELP WANTED AND Sl'PPLIED. male or female. It O. Drake. 205 Waahtngton at. Paclflo 1370 or A 1670. LOST AND rXJUND. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTOiV The most elusive, cloae-tn residence district In city. Special Inducement to builders ef choice homes. Lots 5i'k0.; I $900.00 ' BAST TZBK8. 1RVINGT0.N INVESTMENT COitPAdi I BOOM M, KAlCrXTOsT BIOS. CLASSIFIED A J'S IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per rouniea wora, T in sertion's for the rrloe of . If you have wnt mukrf It known through the mnnt a,t columns of The Journal. PoL1 N't 6rTTHE Journal is TH12 b-st paper In the Rose City. erl'-k .on tester. POCKET A Llm- bTKNOORAl'HERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best nrraa; no charge. unoerwooa writer Co.. tth et PLAYS PRODUCED FOR CHARIT sble purposes, free; lodKea. reason able. Acme Dramatic club, Uoodnough Mdg. Members wanted. Ti MONTH NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, quiet Rath, gaa, and phone. 600 K. 21 at St.. Brooklyn car. CLASSIFIED AD8 IN THE JOl'RNA. cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want, make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal RESORTS CASTLE! EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile House) Most unique and best road- nouae in the west; kitchen supplied from our farms; first-class goods; Port land prlcee. Fred T. MarrllH originator. SPECIAL fcTQKE SALES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THB JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. BUSINESS CUANCES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 11.000 FOR 7H ACRES. UNIMPROVED. Il.ouo ror j acres, unimproven. , , . I 600 for acres, unimproved, ' ; II, 126 for I acres, partly Improved. $4,000 for 10 acres, all In cultivation. llllOM U. Mii ZD BI, DO TOU WANT (TO TtTTY A HOTEL. Rooming house, nloely furnished to i-ivoin nouae or rial, or any aina oi ousiness, so you will have money com Ing in tnatead of going- nut? PORTLAND RIIHINKSS AQENCT Can aave you $100 to $300 on any buy in me ciiy; call and ne convincea. PORTLAND BUSINESS AGENCY Room A, 141 6th at., between Morrison , and Alder. UNFURNISHED ROOMS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the warn an columns of The journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOK , FOR SALE Tour choice of two lovely 6-ronm kouses. new. high, cheap, terms. 738 K 10th et. south. LOST LEATHER contnlnint; two cnecas payable to my self. LIhera! reward. M. C. Bingham, 1 1'lt.t Rodney sve. LOST- A LADY'S WATCH. BETWEEN1 the Ilellla theatre and 1st and Wash ington. Initials on case "T. J." Return to Portland Seed Co.; reward ! Lost ALL INTEREST IN READING j any paper printed In Portland but The LOST SUITCASE CONTAINING LA- dies' clothes, between First and B. 34th. on Sandy road. Return to 180 1st. Reward. $50 REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF luckv Kia. a cream colored bun ter rier; no questions ssked. Address let ters J. R. Luckey. Walla Walla. Waah. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOl'RNAL coat 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 8. If you hsve a want make ft known through the want nd columna of The Journal . YOUNG MARRIED MAN , WANTS work as machinist helper or assistant shipping clerk. Not afraid of work. C 67, Journal. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE Posi tion with real eatate company. B-67, Journal SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NEW I-KOOM JfLAT, $11. ket st. Main 6S64. 192 MAR ROOMS AND ROARD The Hazel WEATHER REPORT Aa Immense high pressure area over- lles the north Paclflo statea and fair i weather prevails west of the Rocky i tnountaJna except along the Waablns; t ton coast where hesvy rslns have fell t. en. A disturbance of decided character , ia central north of Montana, but so i Jar lltUO nm DM attended its progress 'eastward. Another disturbance Is paas i Ing off the New England coast and it . has caused light raina at scattered places In the middle Atlantio and New fL'nglaqd states. A week high pressure area overlies the Ohio and lower Mis ! alsslppl valleys and fair weather pre . 3 vails generally in the southern states - and the middle west I The indications are for fair weather fln this district tonight and Tuesday r except in western Washington, where ' rain mar be expected. Chicago, III - Cincinnati. Ohio . . Denver, Col. . Detroit Mich Ios Angeles, Cal. ; New Orleans, Ijl 'i Kew York, N. Y... ' ' Philadelphia. Pa. . . ; Pittsburg, Pa Portland, Or. . . St. Louis, Mo. . . San Fran. Cal v 'Washington, D. C. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR meltreasee renovated and returned same day. 221 Front St. Main 474, A-1374. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metsger. proprietor. FOUND AT 12m 6TH ST., A LARGE assortment of genuine Scotch suitings at popular prleea , The owner by call ing on Mr. 8. V. Wills Is guaranteed a perfect fit CLASSIFIED ADS IN TllE JOURNAL cost 1 cent oer counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of . If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES FARMERS AND LOGGERS EMPLOT ment Co., help furnished free. 21 H N. 2d. and 230 Burnalds at Main 1417. Long distance orders at our expense. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. $0 N. 2d st Phone Main 1236. We pay all telegraph chargea. ACME EMP. CO.. ARMSTRONO & Bakke. props. Lahor contractor j: help free to employers. 176 Btirnalde. M 7824. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OKFICEL 206 H Morrison st Phone Psclfle 23 17 N. 2d st Phone Paelflc 1309 ST. LOUIS LADIES EMP. AGENCY. Mrs. Richardson, mgr.: selected helD a specialty. 280 '4 Yamhill. Main 6411. HELP WANTED MALE Max. Mln. Preclp. , 60 8H .00 CO 36 .00 . 68 32 .60 42 34 .00 76 '62 .00 .68 I 54 .00 r6 44 .00 68 4 .0 44 38 .06 CO 36 .00 64 42 .00 . 70 54 .00 . f.6 46 T. .. FOR ABSTRACTS, TITLE INSUR ' ance or mortgage loans, call on Paclflo Title ft Trust Co.. 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. i GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB s, streets to real eatate from the Title J- Guarantee & Trust Co. at, cos. 1L 240 Waahtngton MARRIAGE LICENSES Clyde D. Taylor, 279 Salmon street, 21, end Sarah Fitzgerald, It. " Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith & Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. i Weddings cards the best Alvin S. Hswk, 144 2d at 100 for $&. - Tonaeth ec Co.. florists, for flowera of ail kinds. 123 6th st Clarke Bros., Florist ' and floral designs. Fine flowers 289 Morrlaon st Full dress suits for rent all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, Hansen's Employment Offices 26 N. 2nd St snd 260 Bumslde St Phones Main and A-1626. Help of all descriptions promptly supplied free of charge to employers. Registration free. ' Correspondence so licited. Situations guaranteed or no charge. C. R. Hansen, Jr. PROP. . JAPANESE EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF help supplied. Main 4659. 168 Everett . Union Hotel Rooms Rooms Room a Country transient solicited. Rooms 25c, 16c and 60o per night J. H. H. An. derson, proprietor. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100' to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Ca. Top- penlsh, Washington. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee, 3 N. Id at Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first class. MEN ATu5 BOYS WANTED, TO learn ulumblrr. nlaatr1nir. hrfeklav .1.0, us j ,IIU 111,111 v.OWWOV, .vw IWW logue; positions secured; no book learn- K n D.l. IIA IJA OIK. b.m tr i a vi v i- i., oii r r miuiBvu niq itw oi s. SPECIALIST FOR MEN ONLY FEES will accord with electrical findings on free examination, medicines dis pensed. Dr. Madison, 251V. Alder, room WT ANTED ROOM AND ROARD CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a - want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. The new house on the corner of Id and Montgomery sts., will be opened as a rirst-ciass Doaraing nouae lor young men. everything new and modern; free phone and baths; electric or gas lights; steam heat, hot and cold water in each- room: aelect your room now: table)-board by the day or week. 186 Id u rnone Main 6607 ana A-4157. CLASSIFIED ADS itf THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the prloe of 6. If you have a want make IT known through the want ad columns of The Journal. THE COLO NAD E. ROOM AND BOARD, all latest conveniences. 19th and Couch. V URN I SHED ROOM WITH CONVENI- ent board, reasonable, on good oar line. Phone B-1332, or call 1037 Bel mont mornings. Grocery Business Growing trade, splendid location on Union ave. N nice new building with living rooms on upper floor, modern conveniences, electric lights, gas, bath, etc.; good barn, run two delivery wagons. Might take some trade. Owing to Ill-health owner muat sell now., , IUENKLE & HARRISON. 117 Ablngton bldg. Get Into the Business Start a motion picture theatre; small capital required: for motion picture ma chines, stereopticons, lantern slides, see rJ. li. Moorehouae ft Co., im Aiaer su luustraiea. GOOD Machines rented For lectures SALE SAWMILL. 2 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent ir counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the wan, mA nnliimn. a4 T V. Tmirnul THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEATJ FURN Ished housekeeping rooms. bath. laundry, furnace heat yard. 203 Stanton st U car . bollera 48x18 feet 2 engines, shaft ing pulleys, mandrills, saw mnndrllls, heavy; 1 circular saws 66-Inch; cant gears, liftings, edger machine, pony rigging. Alao ahlngle mill, one Per kina hand machine, everything com plete. Both mills, for all, $1,100. L-69, Journal. Wanted partner with $8c6 for motion picture theatre; profits 110 to $60 dally. Call Monday. Newman, 29$ Burnalde, wear 6th. 96 COWS; BIGGEST RETAIL ROUTE I l . V. . . 1 1 - K V. ..I a 1 1 111 i llf null., w uvi mwm, wagona, 1 malt wagon, separator, filter and areator, tanks, cana ana Domes; long lease; lota of pasture; close to ellv: Ifi-HnO: lialf rash. Phone Main 683. 4o00 tt'ASII, BALANCE LIKE RENT 6-room bungalow, wired, tinted, china closet, concrete basement; large lot ahade trees, 100 feet. from car, 81.000. Churchill V Ross, Lauralwood, Mount Hcott car. Tabor 7z. ltco-1200 CAsll. . 114 M6NTHLY. good 2 -room houae and U acre, oloae to car. Churchill Ross, Lauralwood, Mount Bcott car. 6wneR wlLL SELL m6derW room house and full lot at a reason able price If taken soon. House built for a home and close In. Inquire on premises, 106 East 16th, near Alder. Fllley Park To rent payers: Why par rent when you can buy a lot In Fllley park for less than your rent! Lota 880 and up 6n fare: 88 monthlr secures (wo lots. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Id and Stark. Phone Main bib. ONE 6 AND 10-ACRE TRACT NO FAR' ther than St. Johns, at $160 per acre, $10 per month; Salem line and . new Southern Paclflo running through sams section. W. Reidt, room 16, Washing ton bldg. QUARTER BLOCK. EXIT STEET close in; alt improvements, with mod ern cottage. is.uuu. u-7. journal. PALMER-VAN ALSTINR CO?, 531 Falling bldg.. specialty of selling east sine reaiaences. Main oust, a-iooj. FOR SALE FARMS tl.Cq WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman at, south. Portland. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, ate, Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEGON. Phone Ex. 71. B. E. Cor. Id and Oak. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED AGENTS A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates snd high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life A Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesss It Sharp, manage of agents, 114 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED -BOTTLER FOR FAMILY liquor store; only those with experi ence need apply. In order that your ap plication may receive attention you muat give last or present employer for ref erence. Addresa A-67, Journal. EMPLOYMENT. WITH- GOOD WAGES to start, and opportunities for ad vancement are offered in the federal government to young men of ability. Prepare with us. Pacific Slates School, McKrv bldg. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. St. opp. Meier Frank's. , 150 5TH Main 7216 WANTED PARTNER WITH SMALL capital for motion picture theatre; ex perience unnecessary. 298 Burnalde near 6th at. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods T If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. Lady or gentleman to sell our line of household necessities and la dles' wearing apparel .on easy payments; good money for a hustler. J. D. Sher man, 262 3d st. WANTED BY MANUFACTURER, general agent for Oregon to appoint agents and superintend the selling of a household article; $160 cash bond re qulred. Room 82 Washington bldg. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. LARGE PROFIT 8, GOOD SELLERS. See Plummer Drug Co., 260 3d st. BIRTHS - HEITKEMPER Oct. 29. to Mr. and Mrs. Bruno A. Heltkemper, 744 1st, a daughter. OLUND Oct. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed 4 ward Olund, 870 Montana ave., a .. daughter. DEATHS . BURGARD Nov. 1, Charles Burgard, Woodstock, age 46; tubercular con striction of the oesophagus. ".JOHNSON Nov. 1, John Johnson, .. White House, age about 38; suicide , by Inn gin gr. ' TOMPKINS Oct. 81, Blanche Tomp- kins, Clay and 1st sts., age 33. fiCHADK Nov. 1. Edith L. Scharle, 573 4th St., age 1 years; convulsions. UNDERTAKERS WANTED 100 MEN; DR. KETCHUM will cure promptly all your private snd nexual diseases; graduate; advice fie-. 170H 3d st. Pacific 2229. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO JOIN our day and night classes In short hand or bookkeeping; will place you In good position. 68 3d st. CAL. WINE DEPOT, HEADQUARTERS for cooks and helpers. 1 48 4th st. NEAT APPEARING SOLICITORS; steady position: salary and commis alon. The Wardrobe, 347 2d St. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR MEM bers; special membership $: Y. M. C A. WANTED FINANCIAL. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS $800 on excellent city real estate, and will pay 8 per cent Interest We con sider this an exceptionally good loan. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. - 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 443 6th ot.i gas and phone. Phone Pacific 801. WELL FURNISHED OR UNFURN lshed housekeeping rooms, west side river, $1 week, any combination. Two in front of cottage, with porch, $16 monUi. Coast Realty Co., 226H Morrison. 8 ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. AND half of basement $7. 352 E. 11th st. FOR RENT STORE ROOM SUIT able for first-class barber shop, also for flrat-claaa barroom (liquor license included in rental), in 6-story brick building, southwest corner 6th and Oak sts., opposite Commercial Club bldg. Inquire on premises, NEW 2-STORY BUILDING. 3 LOTS 60 by 100, good location for any kind of Dusineas m. uucnei, wasnougai, waan. FOR nENT HOUSES FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, WEST SIDE i river, cheap. Five acres, near 5o car line, with house, barn, well, near graded school. Fruit will twice pay the rent. Fine for chickens, gardening, small dairy. $16 month. Coast Realty Co., 226 H Morrison CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you havo a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. TO RENT NINE-ROOM HOUSE, EJ Waahtngton st. ; nice grounds, good location, fin. Apply iu sweuana uiag Phone Main 6117. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURN1TURB and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 787 af! Ash, $22.50; key at the store, cor 24 and Ankeny. 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON CARLINE, 406 CLASSIFIED ADSL IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal FOR SALE ONE HALF INTEREST In real estate office, ground floor, cheap; party leaving city. gS..D. Mor gan, 110 6th st ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING CITY" will sell 1 6-room rooming house at a bargain. Must be seen to be appreclat cd. Call 644 Overton. A-1081. A SNAP NEW AND SECOND-HAND furniture store, established 10 years; sell on account of death. Apply 88 Un ion ave. GOOD-PAYING BUSINESS FOR SALE, owner leaving city. Inquire of clerk Hotel Hood, corner 6th and Everett sts. AN ELEGANT, NEWLT FURNISHED restaurant, with large established trade; 4 rooms, one living; room and large basement In city; no rent to pay; $650 cash only; reason for selling par ties leaving city. Inquire College Res taurant, 4th and Clay sts. HOME-SEEKERS. ATTENTION. Ten farms, rsnglng In else from 120 to 40 acres all In the rich lands of Cowllta county, none of them more than 4 miles from food water and railroad transportation. Terms given on any of them. For further information call or write j. B. iiuntingion, Kelso, wasn. $300 PER ACRE 25 acres of fine frutt and garden land on east bank of Willamette river, be tween Portland and Oregon City; term a 410 LUMBER EX. BLDG. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOlinnAL coat 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the prloe of I. If you have a want make ft iknown through the want ad columns of The Journal. 120-ACRE FARM. WITH WATER right, new building, to trade for city property. Ill Commercial block. Main FOR S A LE A CR EAGe! ONE-HALF acre, up to 1 acres on reasonable terms. Owners. 6 miles from postofflce. Address, P. O. box 7. city. COMPLETE LIST OF FARMS. LARGE and small, many of them completely stocked with teams and all necessary Implements. Home of them real snaps. The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. TIMBER. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. adjoining, running 10.000, 000 feet each, yellow fir. yellow and sugar pine 16 miles from railroad, I miles from sawmill; wagon road to cabins; cabins 160 feet apart 1 rooms each, warm and comfortable; some clearing sheds with winter's wood under cover. Address H-66, Journal. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS $ WE WANT TOUR TRADE. $ Headquarters for stoves and ranges! all kinds, all sixes: anything! every- -thing bought and sold. The Dollar, 223 1st. B. IT Barger. $ $ $ j I m StOVE .DOCTOR. .Ill We repair, we rhove, we set up we take down, we -buy, we sell or trade stoves and ranges; fire water eolls made and. put in. 8. It Burger. Ill 1st Main 61T4. A-2317; worle guaranteed. U SECTION OF TIMBER. If S.. f W." T.600,000 yellow fir, price- $3400; for sure and rare investment Mils cinnot be peat. Address T-69 Journal. COME AT ONCE AND GK second-hand sewing machine from $2 IS and $1. MOTION $11 Main at PICTURE MaCIIInes, films, song slides, gas outfits, etc,, for rent bought sold and exchanged: lowest r rices. Newman's, 291 Bumslde, near th at FOR SALE .AND EXCHANGE CLASSIFIED ADS IN THB JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Jntirnaf WILL E'xOiIange $160 BtiUlTY IM -choice lot for horse and buggy, Phone Tabor 782. PERSONAL Dr. Mary Lane Institute Exoert treatment riven women and children's ailments b a miluiti and licensed lafiy physician. Maternity eaves f iven special attention, ypto-aate san tarlum In connection. No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential. Address aJl corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Insti tute, Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, rooms 6 to 14, Grand theatre bldg, cor. Park snd Waah. sts. Phone Main 1918. We Cure All diseases of men. met man mnA rhlldran both acute and chronlo diseases of the eye. ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart kidneys, bladder, brain and stom ach catarrh, rheumatlam. goitre, Indlgea- iiou. constipation and skin aiaeaaea promptly cured. All private and waat ing diseases promptly eured and their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and strictly confidential We guarantee all of our cures. New York Surgical Medical natltute, Raleigh bldg.. th and Waeh. Chronic Diseases CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL aiaeaaea or men and woman cured by modern sclentlfla methods: eleotlio treatment for diseases of tha nroatate: conaultatlon free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bldg., 6th st, cor. Pine. CENTRAL OREGON TIMBER. WHEAT ana lrrigaiea tana lor saie oavauj jo eating done. For Information, addresa Van Tassel V Davis. . Madras, Crook county. Or. TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Washington, California. JAMES D. LACEY ft CO., Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coat 1 cent oer counted word. 7 in sertions for the prlco of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. Inquire 233 Broadway. 125 month Washington st. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. SHER man. Clay & Co. NEW, MODERN COTTAGES, $20 AND $22. Mallory ft Mason. Call Main 3990. FURNISHED HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL Cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertion for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED $1,000 FOR 1 OR i YEARS 8 per cent Good security. 421 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 626(1 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TWO LIVE AGENTS ON an exceptionally pood proposition: call mornings, 344 Sherlock bldg. CLASSIFIED ADS-IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FUR Woodlawn 362 or nlshed 7-room cottage; new, modern; $30; 390 Mildred ave. Main 6807. FINELY FURNISHED FIVE LARGE room house at $30 per month. Phone East 2807. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED house, Just across Steel bridge. Owner, room 25, Washington bldg. FOR RENT FLATS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINK Of neckwear on commission. 403 Couch blk. MOTION PICTURE ' J. P. FINLEY ft SONS, ID AND MADI son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. M i "II t VP rums, eong sunes. gas outfits etc for rent, bought, sold and ex-hatigeil ; lowest prices. Newman's, 2D3 Kurnslde near 5th s ""JL B HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL Di rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone . Bell wood 71. Lady assistant. , 1 DUNNING, M'ENTEE ft GILBAUGH. ' undertakers and embalmers; modern ' in eyarV detaiL Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Ladv assistant BOY, 16 YEARS OLD, WORK" IN store and deliver parcels; steady po sltlon. Apply 171 3d at. ERICKSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND -' embalming. 409 Alder st Main 1133. Lady assistant . KELLER-BYRNES CO., FUNERAL DI rectors, embalmers, 278 Russell. 1088. Lady assistant. East i EDWARD HOLMANT 120 3d st , UNDERTAKER, CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10; ' . family lots, 19x16, for $100, and upwards, according to sixe; the only - cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For ' Information, apply to W. R Mackenzie, ,. Worcester block. W. M. Ladd. president ' R06E CITY SINGLE GRAVES. 110: family lots. $26 to $76. Superintend- . .. ent at cemetery, corner or Fremont st. ( ana uuny roaa. pnone xaDor iut. or : rut information apply to irranK scmegei, "6S9 Worcester blk. Phone A1828. SALESMEN POST CARDS. BEST selling aide line; big commissions. Ad dress Pacific Coast Post Cam Co.. Ex change bldg.. 3d nve. & Washington Seattle. ATTENTION Have buyers waiting for farms of all kinds. List yours with us. We show results. Also have buyers for close-in acreage. J ' E. R. MARKHAM & CO., 209-210 Commercial bldg. M WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNUR, A timber relinquishment'. Roseburg. Or. M. S., box 68. MODERN 6-ROO M FLAT, 209 HAL aey. near steel bridge. Inquire 423 E. 8th st. north. DO YOU WANT THE EARTH? WE will be glad to let you have a choice bit of It for $55 cash, balance $10 per month: Hancock street addition, Rose City Park car; agent at 87th st and Sandy road 1:30 to 4:80 p. m. Thomp son ft Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. S-Room Bungalow-Terms Two bedrooms, porcelain bath, toilet washbasin, electric light two lots, near carllne. Am the owner. Address T-68, Journal. HORSES AND BUOGIRS FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. Ith and Hawthorne. East 71. - SECOND-HAND TEAM HARNESS FOR sale. Keller Harness Co., 6th near Davis. HARNESS AND Phone YOUNG TEAM goose-neck truck for sale. Main 3866. 755 Raleigh st. ALMOST NEW ENGLISH SADDLE bridle, set double and single buggy Dr. Philip T. Ball Nervous and chronlo diseases of men. women and ohildren; plfes cured paln leaaly and promptly; constipation, rheu- m a f i m nm r , 1 u.l. .nil.. a,i4m4 n a. I entlfic methods; electrlo baths, lady at tendant. 101 6th t.. corner Sherman. LADIES. 11.000 REWARD WE POSI- tlvely guarantee Dr. Bouthlnrton'i Ergo-Kolo "Monthlv" Comrjound. Safe ly relieves some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal cases in 1 to t days; no harm, patn or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $2.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept 17, Kan- , sas CJty, Mo. Madame Luckey Gives electric baths and vibratory treat ments, also sclentliio massage, scalp and face treatments, chiropody, 209 H 4th st. Main 2011. DR BINO CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 181 2d st, between Yamhill an d Taylor. A, REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin g .rments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices; open evenings. 661 Wash ington, pnone Main vaus. harness. Cheap. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent Der counted word. 7 In sertlons for the price of 6. If you have 'a -want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM nyslde; Installment Smith. Main 3963. HOUSE, 8UN- plan. A. P. FOR SALE: REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-ttacts with water mains laid and payments of only 810 cash and 810 per month; a much better purchase for a home or Investment than lota. A. C Churchill. 110 2d st PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FROM OWNER. quarter block and 6-room house, fine view of city; fine building site on cor ner lot Phone Pacific 146. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR Drooertv. rent your house or store. have your rents collected and property well looked after, call on A. S. Draper, 343 H Washington at. rooms 6 and 6, corner 7th st. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR sale; full lot, 60x100, fine location. near L carllne, only xz.SvO. For sale by owner, 609 Borthwlck, Alblna. ANTHONY residence HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE HARDY, LINNTON, OR., and business lots, water front and factory sites: farms and tim ber lands. BUNGALOW. JUT the modern improve- CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED AN ERRAND HOY. J tToo per week. The James Printing Co 48-50 Firet St. GOOD BUGGY AND SADDLE HORSE or trade for larger one. J. J. Turner Hillsdale, Or. WE WILL BUY TOUR HOUSEHOLD Roods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. S. J. & L. Rubenstein. 175 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. HELP WANTED FEMALE WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6666. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 261 Flan ders Phone Main 3518. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES CORNER STORE, 25x40, OR LARGER, also Inside stores of 20x50, 40x50 or 60x50, equipped with balcony; alBO fine cement basement, steam heat and mod ern lighting installation; In 6-story brick building, southwest corner 6th & Ouk sts., opposite Commercial Club bldg. Inquire on jjremls.ea. Hansen's Ladies' Agency I BEST LOGGER SHOES MADE TO I order. Union made shoes in stock. Err.est Clause 86Hfr GHsan. n ioado ' xrWTVITtL KCTKROHK TO 3'.3 Washington, Cor. 7th, Upstairs, j Krind Karl son Co.. 351 Ankeny. M. 6250 Help supplied free of charge to em ploy era, Correspondence su United. Reg lsirauon ire. A.i SIZE YOU WANT OR WHOLE filters of 60x100. suitable for display ing sample lines or other commercial purposes; steam heat, elevator service and all other modern conveniences. In 5-story brick building, southwest corner 5th and Oak sts.. opposite Commercial i:iut oioe;. inquire, on premises. NEW 6-ROOM completed, all ments. In Irvlngton, on 21st st, between Tillamook and Thompson st, by owner; must sen; a pargain. sots Columbia Bt, 6 ACRES (PLATTED IN LOTS) ON Canyon road, west side. 3 miles out good speculation; streetcar line reach there soon. Also fine, wide slope Mount Tabor lots; will sell cheap. Apply to zy Morrison st. Phone Main 1270. ONE BAY DRIVING HORSE, CITY broke, $76; one roan, $40; one bay, $40: one pair sorrels, $80; one saddle horse. 137.60. T. Bright. Lenta. FOR SALE 3 DELIVERY WAGONS, 6 horses, cart, double and single har ness) etc. Apply assignee uoiaea Eagle, 8rd and Yamhill. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL coct 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertlons for the price of 6. If you have a want, make ft- known through the want ad columns of The Journal. THREE FRESH COWS. PART JER- sey, with heifer calves. 96 East 30th st. Sunnyslde car. mast Bhuo. FOR SALE FAMILY COW, JERSEY. Richmond cajline. Baby Home crossing. 642 Charles s 3 GOOD MILCH COWS FOR SALE cheap, 488 E. 18th st South. Phone Sellwood 147. WOOL UNDERWEAR 14uH FIRST STREET, Headquarters for bargains In real estate. Cedarville Park Acres Best land, reasonable price, easy terms. Room 10, 142 2d St., Portland. SFORSALE FINE QUARTER BLOCK in Holladay addition, only $2,760; will divide If desired. G-59, Journal. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make it known through the 1 vun'P CAflH . KtlK F IHNITUHK 1 nromDt attention always given. E. ' want h'i columnn of The Journal 1067. B-msT-rrr.AKS oiiTsrnR ofpu'w UirtCArl'c ' I Acoti 1 CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV-I rooms for rent In new building; steam fiailSen S LaUlCS AgefflCy ! age ft Pennell. 345-247 1st. Pac. 360. heat, electric and Kas light, with Janl- TT; wii. rxJTuiJ OVk EYnilNflK I1H bcivilo. 11. u. urn. u mnui.iuu. sell your furniture ror casn. piionciufmtB WANTED GIRLS To MAKE FITZ Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 75 1st sr. MEETING NOTICES HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communication, this ( Monday ivening at 7:10 o'clock. Burk hard building. ' Work In the E . degree. Visiting brethren Welcome. ; . . . .. . " C. T. MILLER, Secretary. U- W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6,466. meets Wednesday evening. Alisky Wny.. Ba Morrison sts, M. W. A- OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. ' 1.976. Mondays, 17th and Marshall, ,T tailors welcome. ' ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 26 FOR position with wholesale house; expe rience unnecessary. T-2S. Journal. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave, and E: Tayior St. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave.. and East Taylor st. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per 'counted word. 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. SCHOOL TEACHERS , WANTED FOR country school, 10 to -1$ scholars; state salary wanted. James T. Nixon, lUrrisburs, Or. t East 5204. 868 Hawthorne. wantisp Children to ca re for. good motherly care given; best expe rience. 104 E. Washington bt. Phone B-U'93. " ' ' ' "? TO RENT IN THE WOR- cester and Hamilton bldgs, at moder ate rate. APP'y to Robert Strong, 314 Worcester blag. 6-ROOM HOUSE, 1019 E. 10TH NORTH. Modern; part cash. Call 844 Union or rihone East 3541. $1,650 NEW, MODERN. COTTAGE, plumbing and gas; terms. Inquire Main 3990. SUPERIOR ..lUBURBAN TRACT, highly elevated, on 3 carllnes, superb view. M-45, Journal. GRAND Call 844 7-ROOM HOUSE, 928 modern; part cash. Or phone East 3641. BUCHTEU ft KERNS MAKE A AVE. ; Union clalty of east side realty. loans, etc. 82 E. Morrison st SPB- rentala. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange. 262 Front St, Pacific 1431. STORE 342 FRONT ST., WITH Fix tures, 2 rooms, $20: good location for grocery. Main 5864. . WANTED SEVERAL CHILDREN TO care for; charges reasonable. 670 Front st CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want" make it known through the want nd colurjins of The Journal. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR: RENT ROOMS. ALSO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 101 i 1st st. corner Columbia, NEW STORE FOR RENT, st.. near Madison. 250 THIRD ' FOR RENT FARMS CLASSIFIEDADSIN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6, If you have a want make it known through the want ad columns of The Journal C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 12, 268 Stark. 50x100 E. 12TH ST.; A SNAP AT $1,275. 611 Commercial block. Main 6120. ROCKWOOD'S STANDARD WOOL UN DERWEAR. MADE CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1862. IN NATURAL GRAYS, CAMELS' HAIR, SCARLET. WHITE WOOL AND FANCY COLORS; WAS AWARDED THB GOLD MEDAL AT THB LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI TION, PORTLAND, OR.; ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT; BUY THE BEST, TAKE NO OTHER. WHOLESALE DE POT, FLEISCHNER, MAYER ft CO., PORTLAND OR GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV els. etc.; German. English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmale Co.. 129 First at ALL CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN. women, children: cancers and female sickness permanently cured; sure cure for SDlnal menlna-ltls. Dr. Paul Crom well sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 6478. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO cure eczema and piles or any skin disease. Wells Ecxema and Pile Rem edy. Write for booklet free. Address w. ir. wens, dox 890 noise, inano. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a bo.., 6 for $6; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland, Or. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per' counted word, 7 In sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known tlyough the want ad columns of The Journal. MRS. OBROCK, MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, calt glow, credits massage; ref erences. 282H Pafk. Main 2403. A-2734. DR." SANDERSON'S CO. SAVIN AND Cotton Root Pills. Sure remedy for delayed periods. Trial box. $1. Regular side 12. by mall. Dr. Pierce, 181H 1st st SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a Ladles' skirts pressed. 60a Gil bert, 106 Vi-Sixth st, next to Quelle. pnone Main zuss. DR MARY KRAMER MIDWIFE: home for patients: treatment for all blood diseases: examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. Jfiast Data. YOUNG, SCIENTIFIC o-MASSEUSE, electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER MRS. M. HalL late or nan rancisco. Koom 1. 343 Yamhill. Phone Paclflo 1997. MJSS ETHEL WARD, MANICURIST and chiropodist, has removed from 851 Morrison st. to 201 3d st, , HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC OURB Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN UlUfi, , ihu'vb j Main 1968. gentlemen nights. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY. 291 Mi AL- der. room 4. Massage ana scalp treatment. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALB5 diseases, sua -meaner mag. Main i t z l. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL cost 1 cent per counted word, 7 in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make ft known through the want ad columns of The Journal. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Steinway and other) piano Sherman. Clay Co, 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postofflce- YORK BAND INSTRUMENTS AND music house; repairing. 227 V Stark. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS N NEW MODERN HOUSE, WALKINO rlistancp and a hanraln at 13 ana fiii jfcommerclal block. Main 6120. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, modern. 931 E. 10th N. STRICTLY FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modem conveniences. Phone Mala 18C. ,400 BUNGALOW,! 6 ROOMS, ONE Dioctc to car; new ana modern; terms, $500 cash: balance XI' monthly. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. $450, at WAVERLEIGH; owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of the finest view lots on tht4eautiful tract; Install ment plan if necessary. See IL W. Lamcke Co.. tth and Washington sts. ONE 25-FOOT LAUNCH HULL AND cushions ' $200 1-7-horsenower engine, good as new $260 And many other bargains. See me for engines. Heyes Engine ft Launch Co., 171 Madison st jr-none main it A-3867, , CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE JOURNAL . noet l cent Der counted word. 7- in sertions for the price of 6. If you have a want make It known through the want ad columns of The Journal. HOLDEN'S" RHEUMATIC CURE SURE PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU- nate gins; gooa care, a Miiner Diag. MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs, mil, aao Fieidner. MISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment; dandruff. 268 Mor.. room 62. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 628 E. Belmont. East 4034. MANICURING. TUB BATHS AND massage. lio 4tn St., cor, wasn. OPEN DOLL HOSPITAL NOW business, at 2Shi Morrison st "TOR 'THE SNOWDEN BATHS," 146 TH st, rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths. massage ana electricity, xaay aitenoant. A GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE AND means wishes to correspond with some ladv, not over 40. L. Abernathy, Generai Delivery. - ART KERAMIC STUDIO, CHINA PAINTING and firing; orders taken for Xmas. Mrs. MarKicy, k. t4. Bcim Morr. M. 7847 cure for druggists. rheumatism. Sold by all Iron bed $2.60, springs $1.25, mat- ' tress $1.60, dresser $7.50, mantel bed 36.60. Anstey 3ros.. 825 1st Pac. 1970. 16-FOOT HARDWOOD COUNTER. Ring up Main 4290. or call 211 1st PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON Installments. H. Slnshelmer. 72 3d st CLEAN. WASHED HAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone Sellwood 86. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAW Net delivered, $2.25 per load. Phons'-'Maln 1681. , . HAND CARVING TAUGHT. DEALER IN antique rurniture, repairing, ota wash. ASSAYERS GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 166 Mor- rlson st. ' WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MINING EN glneers, assayers, chemists and sur veyors, 204 Washington. Main 7508. AUTOMOBILES COVEY ft .WALLACE MOTOR CO., Dis tributors Pierce Great Arrow, full Jew eled Corbln and Cadillac. 16th and Alder. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS howeT "da vis a kilham, ioinYiD st Blank books manufactured! agts. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledg ers; see the r.ew Eureka leaf, the best on market , , 'm.