The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 01, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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ts TMetriet Pnrprnstrr Reals Or-
A .
ders Display of Storm
27 with a canro of lumber loaded at the
mills of the Portland Lumber company.
5 .
" Several Windjammer Are Due From
Ports Across bea
South and
Anrelia Escapes Bltf in Crippled
Storm warnings were ordered dis
played this morning at all stations In
this district. District Forecaster Beals
seeing signs of nn approaching: south-
erly rale. WhDo tho blow Is expected
to be severest along the coast It will
also be felt in the interior, the forecast
predicting f resit southerly winds here.
The storm should begin to make it
self felt about t or 6 o'clock this even
ing and there is a probability of It con
tinuing overnight; with Increasing fury
t as the hours pass along toward mld
night. It is expected to cause rains
throughout the north Pacific states and
very likely it will rnln here quite co
piously tonight a&d tomorrow.
A large number of vessels are work
"' Ing their way up the coast from the
- antipodes and South America and the
southerly winds should brt ng them
along at a lively rate. For this reason
it was with a feeling of satisfaction
' this morning that the shipping frater
nlty learned of the storm warnings be
ing displayed. Among the vessels sup-
posed to be nearest at hand are the
British ships St. Mirren and Claverdon
with coal cargoes from Newcastle, Aus-
trails. Both have been out more than
two months and are now fully due al
though not overdue. Beverkl windjam
mers In ballast are due from west coast
i ports. v
The " large British tramp steamer
v Avehencrag is due to arrive at Astoria
Monday morning from Shlmoneski, Ja
pan, snd Instructions were received
here this morning to the effect that she
. is to oe given order upon her arrival
at Astoria. The nature of these orders
are secret but they are supposed to
mean for the steamer to proceed to Pu-
- get sound to discharge the coul she is
supposed to bring from Japan. The
Auchencrag was chartered' seceral
weeks ago to carry wheat from this
fiort to Europe, but all charters made
bis season contain the clause making
it optional with the charterer to fur
nish caivco here or on the sound.
The steam schooner Aurella. Captain
' .: Bodowitch, escaped being caught in a
crippled condition this morning by
" limping Into Eureka for repairs. On her
way from this port to San Francisco
One of her steam valves broke and she
put Into port this morning for repairs,
fearing that a storm might overtake on
S" the wajr south and. probably put her out
I of .business. She left Portland August
Astorians Get Deeper Water
Smith's Point.
(Special IMipntrh to Tb Joornil.l
Astoria, Or., Nov. 1. Through the
chamber of commerce the engineering
department has been working with the
dredget W. S. Liuld in deepening the
channel , opposite Smith s point, as has
been requested by t lie pilots and who
reported the channel had shallowed in
that vicinity. The chumber wrote to
Colonel fioessler asking the result of
the dredgfyig accomplished by the ladcl.
A letter has been received from Colonel
S. V. Roeisler as follows:
"In furtfW your Inquiry of
the twentjftflrst I will state that I
have today Received a icpurt from Cap
tain AndcrsNustuting that when he be
iran work onllie shoal below Smith's
point there w i-liuEt. feet, and
that the dredging up to tills -time had
increased the depth over half a"oot.
giving Jull 20 ieet for a-width of 3Wbib used without the pat
leet. C.ftau, Anders "tates that he kr!e(ge , tea coffee or food
expects to deeper, the channel from one , , , . .
foot to one loo; and a half each month.
Captain A relit" Cann, the Columbia
river bar pilot, who has been on the
pilot schooner for several days, reports
there was a very severe hail storm
Wednesday nl'tcnioon. Fifteen miles off
shore it was clear, but close in it Was
thick and foggy
Drinking: Men
Not Wanted
Largo How Iders . Torn Out at V
louse Rapids.
Blasting Is going on (n the SnaUe
river, and will be continued during low
water until the large bowlders and
ridges are leveled off to the river's bed.
Several big blasts were set off yester
day at Palouse and large chunks of rock
torn loose and carnea orr Dy tne cur
rent into the deep holes in the channel.
Assistant United States Engineer Da
vid B. Ogden, who examined the Snake
for a long distance this week, says the
government crews engaged In blasting
are doing gooa worn ana mat me cnan
nel is gradually being straightened and
made navisraoie at an stages or water.
He said that'hi places the current runs
with a speed or eight miles ah hour
now 'hat the water Is lorn-. Blasting is
made comparatively easy, however, be
cause most f the ledges reach to the
surince or tne river. i nis especially
makes the work of drilling holes much
easier than had it to be done under
Shipments fpr October From North
west Are Compiled.
While Portland did a big business
shipping grain to Kurope during the
month of October, Puget sound ports
also did considerable in that line, so
that all told nearly S.000,000 bushels
were set afloat from the Pacific north
west. Of this quantity, i.SOO.000 bush
els were started for Europe, the re
mainder going to California,- the orient
and south Africa.
According to data compiled by the
Merchants' Exchange of this city, to
day. Portland's whest shipments to
California during October were 124,284
bushels. As told in The Journal yes
terday, the wheat shipments to Europe
were 1,119,655 bushels which makes the
total for the month 1.243.939 bushels.
During the corresponding month last
year Portland shipped 382,697 bushels
of wheat.
The Puget sound ports combined
shipped 1,641.900 bushels of wheat dur
ing the month. 1.105.163 bushels being
Ii '
There's a certain class of men who are not
interested, in being well dressed, but YOU are
not in that class.
This week we make a special display of over-coatsr-both
long and knee length the long ones
are rain-proofed. Come in and try, one on.
We have them at all prices. t
$10.00 to $30.00
Clot li in g Co
'"THERE'S freedom and Ktheness
' I in every curve of the "Novent"
, , , Petticoat.
ItVthe only safe foundation for new
Pans? fashion in skirts tight fitting
bout the hips.
r - Even the home dressmaker gets the right effect
when fitting over the "Novent" It reduces
the waist-Una i improves the figure.
Clove-fitting jersey top. Elastic waist-band.
Flounces of good sateen to best taffeta silk, $2 to
Ask for the "Novent" at good store; every.
where.'; Look rot the trade-mark: -Movent"
on the waist-band.
- If your dealer cant supply you. write to
m for booklet and information. .
c:n:r,ua enss mikti strut Thnadtiphii
m 1 m
The above sign is now seen in many
shopS and offices in this city, because
drinking men are unreliable.
Competition is too keen and life Is
too strenuous for an employer to keep
men on his payroll whose nerves are
unsteady . and whose brains aro not
Every Una of business Is beginning to
close Its doors to drinking men.
Drunkenness Is a disease and like
most diseases, has Its remedy. Orrine
is the reliable treatment and Is sqld
under a positive guarantee to effect a
cure or your-money will be refunded.
Orrine Is lu two forms: No. 1 which
tient s
No. 2 for those who wish to be cured.
The guarantee, applies to both forms.
Mailed in plain sealed packages on re
ceipt of 11.00. Write, for free booklet,
mailed in plain sealed envelope. The
Orrine Co., Washington, D. C, or Clarke,
WoodwBTd, wholesale- and retail distributors.
destined for Europe, 49,414 bushels for
California, 21,246 bushels for South
America and 466,077 bushels for the
orient. '
While these .qupantlttes are formid
able, they are by no means record
breakers, because several times the
monthly wheat shipments from this
port have exceeded the million bushels
mark, one month the total set afloat
for Europe alone being more than 2,-000.000.
Vancouver Ferry . Undergoes Official
Messrs. Edwards and Fuller, United
States inspectors of hulls and boilers,
are today Inspecting the Vancouver
ferry and she will be put back Into
service as soon as approved by the In
spectors. The Inspection will probably
be completed this evening and the ferry
will likely go into commission tomor
row morning.
The ferry was taken off the route sev
eral weeks ago for a general overhaul
ing, but the work of repairing has been
done with the greatest possible speed.
In the meantime traffic has been han
dled by the gasoline launch Gazelle and
a barge In tow of a small steamer. The
public has been considerably Incon
venienced, but the repalrB had to be
done and a more suitable craft than the
Gazelle could not be obtained at the
Segnlar Unsrs 9ns to Arrive.
G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Nov. jj
Breakwater, Coos Bay Nov. 4
Costa Rica. San Francisco Nov. 6
Alliance. Coos Bay Nov. 6
City of Panama, San Francisco. .Nov. 9
Numantla. orient Nov. 20
Arabia, orient Dec. 10
Alesla, orient Jan. 2
Nlcomedia, orient Jan. 15
Kcgulsr Xilntrs to Depart.
City of Panama. Sari Francisco. .Nov. 1
Alliance, Coos Bay Nov. 2
Alesla, orient . , Nov. 4
Breakwater, Coos Bay.... Nov. 6
Nlcomedia, orient Nov. 6
Geo. W. Elder, 8an Francisco. ... Nov. 6
Costa Rica. San Francisco Nov. 7
Roanoke. Ban Pedro ana way .... Nov. 7
Numantla, orient Nov. 30
Arabia, orient Deo. IS
Vessels la Port.
North King, Am. tug.-. Astoria
Bt. Nicholas, Am. sh Astoria
North Stat, Am. tug Astoria
Berlin, Am. sh Goble
Grays Harbor, Am. ss.. .Will. I. & S. wks.
Laennec, Ff. sh Astoria
Turgot, Fr. bk .....Astoria
Brisfux, Ft. bk 'Flour mills
Terje Vlken, Nor. ss .Portland Lbr. Co.
Heather, tender ". ..Couch street
Inveran, Br. ss E. & W. Mills
Alesla. Ger. ss Flour mills
Nicomedla, Ger. ss Albina
Muriel, Am. sch .... Portland Lumber Co.
. .Goble
3. . Inman-Poulsen
bk O. & C.
. .Columlba No. t
ss Astoria
King Cyrus, Ar. sch
Port Patrick, Br. sh.
Rajore, Br. sh
Alice McDonald, Am. i
Churchill, Am. sch..
Reuondo, Am. str....
Homeward Bound, Am
Lyra, Am. ss
Thos. L. Wand. Am
Glendale, Am. sch Tongue Point
TizpatrloK, lir. ss Mersey
City of Panama, Am. ss Ainsworth
Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch. Tongue Pt.
Alliance, Am.- ss Couch street
F. S. Redfleld, Am. sch Astoria
C. F. Crocker, Am. sch Astoria
Lumber Carriers Sn Boat.
Mabel Gale, Am. sch San Francisco
Vlriglna, Am. sch.... Port Los Angeles
Excelsior, Am. ss .'.San Francisco
Yellowstone, Am. S8......San Francisco
Americana, Am. sch San Pedro
James A. Garfield. Am. sch...fcan Pedro
Yosemite, Am. str San Francisco
Amazon, Am. bktn San Francisco
Compeer. Am. sch ..San Francisco
F. S. Loop, Am. str San Francisco
C. S. Holmes. Am. sch... San Francisco
Transit, Am. sch San Francisco
Irene, Am. sch Redondo
J. Markoffer, Am. schr... San Francisco
Wm. Kenton, Am. sch. ...San Francisco
En Bonte With Cement and General.
Buccleuch, Br, sh Hamburg
Brenn, Fr. bk Hull
Kurope, Br. bk Antwerp
jwAe Kerviler, Fr. sh Hamburg
AilMtia Roux. Fr. bk Hamburg
Iirossamblque, Br. bk. Newcastle, E.
Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle, E.
Marechal Turrene, Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg
Ville de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp
Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp
Plerrl Lotl, Fr. bk. Antwerp
Walden Abbey, Br. sh Antwerp
Glenesslln, lir, sh. Antwerp
Versailles, Fr. bk Leith
General da Boisdeffre, Fr. bk. ..London
General de Negrier, Fr. bk. London
Bayard, Fr. bk Antwerp
Ville de Dijon. Fr. bk. Antwerp
Alice Marie, Fr. bk. Antwerp
Eugene Kergaltne. Fr. bk Antwerp
H. Haekfirld, Gr. bk Honolulu
Arctic Stream.' Br. sh Rotterdam
Crown of India, Br. bk. Antwerp
Cornll Bart, Fr. bk Antwerp
Jules Gommcs, Fr. bk. Rotterdam
Edward Detallle. Fr. bk Antwerp
Emilie Galllne, Fr. bk London
Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk. Antwerp
Aberfoyle, Br. sh,.., Antwerp
Edmund Rostad, Fr. bk London
Emanuele Accamc, It. bk Hamburg
Coal Snips En Boats,
Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Claverdon, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Wlllseott, Am. bk Newcastle, A.
St. Mirren, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Crillon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Ardencraig Br. bk Newcastle, A.
Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A.
Buff on, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Castle Rock. Br. sh Svdnev. A.
Knight Templar, Br. ss. ..Newcastle, A.
Henry Villard. Am. str. ..Newcastle. A.
Thorais, Nor. str Moraran, Japan
Emily Reed, Am. sh Newcastle, A.
Ancaios, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Brodick Castle, Br. sh. .. .Newcastle, A.
Calluna. Br. bk Newcastle. A.
Largiemore, Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Aker, Nor. ss MoJI. Japan
Miridoro, Am. sch. .Newcastle, N. 8. W.
Tramp Steamers En Bouts.
Btrathenirk, Br. ss San Francisco
Strathfllian. Br. ss ... .Vancouver. B. C.
Strathearn, Br. ss San Francisco
British Monarch, Hr. ss. .San Francisco
Belle of Ireland, Br. ss.. San Francisco
Borderer. Br. ss San tranclsco
Goto Maru, Jap. ss San Francisco
Craighall. Br. sh San Francisco
Rlverdale, Br. ss Orient
8ueen Louise, Br. ss....San Francisco
rmldale, Br. ss San Francisco
Auchencraig, Br. ss MoJI
Cralgvar. Br. ss. San Francisco
Tottenham, Br. ss '. . .Guaymas
River Forth. Br. ss San Francisco
Ormlston, Br. ss Caliao
Tiberius, Ger. as ...Ban Francisco
Como, Br, ss. Valparaiso
Minerva, Nor. ss. Bremerton
Valdlva. Br. ss. ..........San Francisco
, Woodford. Er. Wu.2retaertaa
116 Cases of Fire Salvage of Men's and Women's Apparel and Shoes
Received from the auction rooms of SAMUEL GANS & CO., 207 and 209'East
Madison St., Chicago. As fujly one half of this shipment is in a bad condition
with smoke and water, goods must be closed out at once to prevent mildewing.
Badly Damaged Goods We Will Give Away
Goods in fairly good condition at 10c on the $1.00; goods in better condition at
25c on the $1.00; goods Tn perfectcondition at 50c on the $1.00.
Doors open daily from 9 to 5 p. m. Sale positively closes Friday, November 8.
No goods sold to dealers.
Extra -help in ALL departments. Apply to Manager.
500 Ladies' Coats, Cloaks
and Jackets Free
Pretty badly burnt and
soaked. These goods will
be thrown outside, so help
yourself pick out what you
want and take it along. We
will be too busy to wrap
them up for you.
500 Ladies' Coats in better con
dition at 50.
Limit One.
460 Ladies' Long and Short
Coats, water soaked, only $1
Limit One.
385 Ladies' Garments in fairly
good condition at $2.50.
Limit One.
185 Ladies' Coats, all silk-lined,
in good-condition, values up
to $30.00, now $5.00.
Limit One.
$7.50 for pick of the bunch.
Coats of all kinds from the
best house on State St. of
Chicago, values $50.00, for
$2.95 for a lot of badly
soaked $10 to $15 Overcoats.
Limit One.
$4.95 for slightly water dam
aged $15 Overcoats.
Limit One.
$7.50 and $10 for best $18.50
to $30 Overcoats.
Llmlt One.
Badly damaged suits sold for
next to nothing. Suits in good
conditicm at 25c to 50c on the
$2.50 for Suits (wet only), up
to $11.50 values.
$5.00 for. finest $15,00 Black
Thibet Suits, single or double-breasted,
all sizes.
$10.00 for your pick of 385
Suits of the famous Melton
cloth, in black and fancy
weaves; all hand-tailored;
$20 and $25 values.
One Case Red Table Damask
50 dozen sample Napkins, 50
dozen White Table Cloths,
at 25c on the dollar. Water
soaked. Limit Five Yards.
50 for 100 pairs scorched
$1.00 for 300 pairs of soaked
$2.00 or tailor-made Pants in
good condition.
One case water-soaked $1.00
Sweaters for 25.
Limit One.
Three cases Sweaters and Cor
duroy Jackets, worth $2.50
to $5.50, for $1.00.
Two cases Blue and Fancy
Flannel Shirts, Emperor
brand, $2.00 to $3.95 values,
for $1.25.
Four cases of best 50c Suspen
ders, wet slightly and soaked,
for 25.
10 best makes of men's
clothing, nearly all in first
class order.
$1.95 for odd Coats worth $5.
Limit One.
50 for odd Frock Coats, clay
worsted, all sizes.
Limit One.
50 for Men's and Boys' $5.00
$5.00 for Men's Cravenettes,
$1Q to $13.95 values.
Limit One.
$7.50 for men's finest $15.00
and $20.00 Priestley Crave
nettes, black and gray.
$10.00 for our leading makes
of $25 to $37.50 Cravenettes.
Four cases Child's 50c Under
wear, mostly soaked at the
edges, 18.
Limit One Suit
Men's Department
500 dozen Men's Collars free
6 for men's soaked 25c Sox.
Limit Five Pairs.
One case Work Shirts (limit
one) 25.
Three cases Knit Underwear,
water damaged only (limit
two suits), 19.
Five cases Derby Knit Under
wear slightly water dam
aged, 29.
Two cases best $1.00 Buckskin
Underwear, 10 do2en, 49.
Limit Two Suits.
Three cases Switz brands
Farmers' $2.00 steam shrunk
en Underwear for 94.
Limit One Suit.
One badly damaged case of
25c Fast Black Sox for 10.
Limit Five Pairs.
Two cases 25c Cashmere Hose,
water soaked only, for
12 12.
( Limit Two Pairs.
10 Fur Coats worth $50.00 to
$125, for $15.00.
Slightly soaked, at 25c on
the dollar. Five big cases of
Ladies' Finest Furs, some wa
ter soaked, mostly perfect.
95 for all kinds of Neck Furs
worth to $5 00.
$2.95 for alf kinds of Neck
Furs worth to $17.50.
$3.95 for all kinds of Neck
Furs worth to $15.00.
$4.95 fr all kinds of Neck
Furs worth to $20.00.
50 Ladies' Garments, soaked,
for $1.50.
Five cases of Ladies' $1.00 Un
derwear for 47. Boxe3
only are wet.
Two cases of slightly- damaged
Sateen Skirts, worth $3.00,
for $1.00.
Five cases Ladies' Umbrellas,
worth up to $5.00, for $1.
One case 164 Skirts all
sorts, worth up to $8.50, now
sold for $4.95.
Two cases Ladies' Skirts, a bit
wet, $4.50 and $9.50 values,
for $1.95.
One case $5.00 Marseilles Bed
Spreads $14)5.
One case of $3 ones "for $1.29.
$1.85 for $3 Corduroy Pants.
$195 for $4.00 Rubber-lined
Duck Coats.
75 for Boys' Suits worth $3.
$1.25 for Boys' Suits worth
$2.00 for Boy!' Suits worth
' $5.00.
25 for Boys' Pants.
Over 1,000 Boys' Suits in
this big sale. Shoes dam
aged by water only at 30c
to 50c on the dollar.
Buy your winter Shoes
now Shoes for men, wom
en, boys and girls. Every
pair? guaranteed. 1,000 pairs
in this big salvage sale.
To my friends, the plain people, I pledge my unbroken word that every article
in this advertisement will be found in
W ' A
I thank you for your continued confidence and kind patronage. I am always
yojirs, PAUL STRAIN.
Apartma, Br. ss FIJI Islands
En Bouts In Ballast to Load Grain.
Gael, Fr. bk Puget Sound
Mlltonburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia
1-iumfireshlre. Br. sh...Port Los Angeles
Sully. Fr. bk San Francisco
Celtic Chief, Br. sh Honolulu
Admiral Corneuller, Fr. bk...San Fran.
StratliKryfe, Br. sli Callao
Castor, Br. sh Valparaiso
Noeml, Fr. bk Seattle
Alsterkamp, Ger. sh Caleta Colosa
Schubek, Ger. bk Valparaiso
Glenelvan, Br. sh Santa Rosalia
Ostara, Gt. sh Valparaiso
Amazon, Br. bk Mollendo
Alexander Black. Br. bk San Diego
Windsor Park, Br. sh Caldera
Clan Buchanan, nr. sh.... Santa Rosalia
Clackmannanshire. Br. sh. . . .Valparaiso
Wavertree, Br. sh Tocopllla
iJlgtnsnire, nr. dk caldera
Largo 3ay. bk. Valparaiso
Charles Gounod, Fr. bk..San Francisco
Armen. Fr. bk .San Francisco
Carnarvon Lay. Br. sh West Coajt
Lady Woolseley. Br. bk. .. .Caleta Buena
Cambusdoon, Br. sn Calota Colosa
Earl of Dunsmore, Br. sh Callao
Cloch, Br. bk Taltal
Acme, Am. bs Japan
Puchalburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia
Wayfarer, Br. sh Valparaiso
Astoria, Nov. 1.- Arlved down during
ttie night and sailed at 9:20 a. m.,
steamer Daisy Freeman, tor Ran Fran
cisco. Sailed at 9 a. m., British ship
Yola. for Port Natal. i
San Francisco. Nov. 1. Steamer Au
rolia, from Portland, put in at Kureka
yesterday with broken steam valve.
--Astoriaf Oct. Jl. Arrived at 1 p. m
steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. Left
up at 4:80 p. m., schooner F. 8. Red
fleld and barkcntlne C. F, Crocker.
San Francisco, Oct. Jl. Sailed,
steamer Johan Poulsen, for Portland.!
Astoria, Nov. 1. Condition of the
bar at 8 a. m., moderate; wind south
east, 6S miles; weather cloudy.
Tides at Astoria Toflay High water,
9:42 a. m., 7.5 feet; 8:45 p. m . feet
Low watec 3;1J a. ou Lf feet; 4 p. m
Department Store Help Wanted
The Balance of the
Bankrupt StocR
Will Be Disposed of at Retail
Apply at Once - THE ASSlONEE
Ex-employes knowing the stocks preferred.
Charles E. Sumner, president of the
Home Telephone company, arrived at
the Hotel Portland this morning to re
main several days, Mr. Simmer baS
been at Tacotna several weea -,
-v arleton .Huiskamp, formerly a mam
"Look it, and with nine
tenths of the people, you are
Dreary Droop: "Oh dear, oh dear!
All 1 had in the world $37.24 locked
up in the bank! What shall I do?"
Cheery Charles: "What's the use, old
man? I've $200 tied up, but I've Just
got my new suit of 'Cambridge Correct
Clothes,' and I'm going to try them on
tho people, and see If I can't land something."
Ho appears so spruce and chipper so
sanguine of thj right outcome every
one gives him an audience raising their
heads and their thoughts from the little
financial cloud, and
at night he re
turns to his room
$200 to the rood
for his day's work.
& EL
This is the invariable dif
ference in attitude between
a man dressed in "Cam
bridge Correct Clothes" and
one in a "dowdy," "cheap"
suit. The first actually
catches the brisk, snappy
tone of his clothes; the sec
ond droops in spirit as his
shoddy garments do in fact.
See them and you'll see why.
Horse Show Trappings
For Men
Dunlap Riding Derbies
For Women
& CO.
per of Tale's baseball team, now a busi
ness man at Taccr.ia. is at the Hotel
Portland, riodotnpanied by "his bride. . Mrj
Huiskamp, betore coming west, lived In I
st xouts..' "'j.r.';,,::.- :s
11. . h. Trowbridge, a . cattle dealer
from John Day. is at the Imperial, ac
companied by his wife, r.j- . -
Now on deposit with the
"Oldest Trust Company in Oregon"
It has safe -guarded all
moneys intrusted to its care
Those desiring the protection
of their funds afforded by a
modern and conservatively man
aged banking institution are
invited to open an account
with us.
CaU for our statement and book of
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sfs-.
Phone Exchange "t
BEWJ. X. COHEN President
H. Tf. PITTOOK... Vice-President
B. XiEB PAGET Secretary
3. O. GOIiTBA. . .Ais't Secretary
(B(ieltl Dispatch to Tb Journal.)
Eugene, Or., Nov. 1. A warrant IS
out for the arrest of George Hutton,
who is accused of breaking Into tho res
idence of Thomas Orr at Hale, a small'
town 20 miles west of Eugene, and tak
ing therefrom av" bicycle. Hutton was
dvou null wild r. ucc i in illttv .ICHlHy.
and he rode it to Mapleton, where he
put It up for a night's lodging and aj
couple of meals. From There he went
aown tho Siuslaw river and said he
was going to work in the logging camps. .
SA specMo for pain Dr.Thbmas'- Eo-
lectrlc OIL strongest, cheapest liniment
ever devised. A household remedy li
America for 25 years. : -