i 0 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, SUNDAY . IORNING, OCTOBER ,20. " 1807. roiMixa Mercantile Printing Co, ' i Job Prlntlnrvf ever description, "92 1-2 First Street Main M. A-14U i Ilann & Beach, Printers I 1st st. Both phones. ,da.L,BEB BROS.. PRINTERSCARDS, ' billheads, etc. Main lib. liH lat. I E. WHITE A ' - Phone A-2S1S. fcEATTIK CO.. 102 H 1ST 8T 104 Stark. HOFMANN. Main 1X17. PRINTERS. ROOFIXQ TIN ROOFING, palrfrg and ge tli Jeftarson t. GUTTER I NO. RE- palrtrg and general Jobbing. J. LoslL racme HZ4. MEMOIRS' THROW LIGHT ON HISTORY OF ITALY Writings of Dead Statesman to Be Published Appear ance Loiifr Delayed by Litigation and Family Dif ficulties Is Awaited With Much Interest. REAL ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loana; eatablUhed 183. HSH lat.. room n. SPHINX AGENCY. DEALERS IN real eatate and rvntala. 106 Stark at. Main CI4. FOR FARMH OK KVKRV DE8CHIP tlon. W. V. Espey, 319 Commercial Wdg. W. WOLFSTEIN. eatate and rente DEALER collected. IN 110 HEAL 11 at STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. 6treet paving, sidewalks and cross ings, 114 Lumber Exchange, THR BARBER ASPHALT PAV1NO CO. of Portland. Office 6S Worcester blk .J SAFES PORTLAND 8AFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS for Herrl'ng-Hall-Marvln safes anil Manganeae Steel Sate Co.'a bank aafea: aecond-hand fireproof aafea and bank aafea, vary cbeop. 8ee thera or writ ue. ai 7tn at. (Special Plipatrh tc Tist Journal.) Florence. Oct. 11 The memolra of Franceaco Crlspl, the Italian statesman, are finally to ace the light after a ion: delay which has mu'-h Increased' public expectation regarding tho nature of tlieae posthumous papers penned by one who played ao Important a park In the policy not only of Italy but of all Eu rope. It has been foreseen that Where will be more than one high flavored pare In the memoirs, cons Merino- the active ahare Crlspl took In the affairs of hla country. Hrt as a Republican mrmurr 01 pa run mni ana later 08 coll verted minister of the monarchy, hla great friendahlp with Bismarck, hla lo domestic troubles, nnd his connec- wlth the scandals nnd broglloa of been to preaent the MSB., with corn men tar lea, o that the statesman's pnirea might bo mora comprehensible. The suggestion was, however, not ac cepted out of. fear that many facta inerein. stated would bo veiled. m SUCCESS 10 HIS filOIHf B JamoHs Composer Grie? Saj-8 Her Energy Was Greatest Help. By Lady Henry Somerset. (Copyright, 10OT. by W. R. Hearst.) London, sOct. 19. For those on both Idea of the Atlantic who love mualc he world la pelSrer since the death of Edward Orles;. and hla English admlr- It la Interesting to lenrn, in cennee- er "id an added ating of regret In Gee Vo ' fn WauVXaava - -- ,llaWa,, CHINESE ",' ' Seat aa4 Stfk , DOCTOR THE RELIABLE SPEGIAUST tlon with the memoirs, that Crlspl while writing them sought a forolgn Maecenas In the person of Emperor William II. for whom. It la said, he had on un bounded admiration. With this Intent, ho dispatched a young lawyer, Giuseppe Pasatore, In 1901, with a letter to his ElEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Largs lines carried. Lexk-outa opened. Jacks. Jails, metal furniture. Both nhonea. J E. Davis. 06 3d. Manganese steel bank safes (original) front a. fl re-proof The Moslem Safe Co., safes, 108 vault 2d st. SIGX AXD SHOW CARDS tlon the Italian banks Unfortunately tho work will here and there reveal the senile hand t hut pro- uiicra h; . nspi never tnuognt seriously of the task tintll fallen from popular mvor nu m mom diiiki. ne looK ndvant nge of sn operation (hat gave him back nm sight some rour moaithg before his death to write the memoirs. He panaed away, deserted by friends and adulat ora, at his villa In Naples, the 10th of August. 1901, and the members of hla family assort that hie end was hastened through the activity he displayed In this last work which consoled him In his loneliness and loss of his partisans who had turned against him in his Impotence. FOSTER. & KLEISER SIGNS. I Wa have built up the larseat sign business In tha city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th and Everett sts. Phone 1 Exchange 61 I "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land 8lgn Co.. J87 Stark. Pacific 15. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF . tlon; bank, bar made to order. Tha Lutke Manufactur Ing Co.. Portland. R- H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER Winter Lumber Co.. AGT. M Hamilton bldg TAXIDERMISTS TAKE SPECIMENS TO killed labor. 203 H Sd TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS . DAILY COMB. brush, soap, II per month. Portland Laundry 4c Towel 8upply Co.. 9th and Couch sts. phone 410. TRAI.8FER AND HAULING OLSEX-ROE TRANSFER CO.. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. 8heascreen. General transfer and storage: aafes, pianos and furniture moved, pucked and hipped. ,209 Oak st Phone Main 647. Parlflo lftl. Home A-2247. C O. PICK OFFICE fc8 1ST ST.. 11 K tween Stark and Ouk sts.; phone 691 Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahlpplng; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay ats. ROBE CITY TRANS. CO. ALL OK dera given prompt attention. E. 215a; rea. E. 1371. J. C. Flndley, manager. PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAGGAGE Litigation Caused Belay. Ry order of his will the memoirs were to be published Immediately after his death; but litigation ensued be tween the state and his relatives and heirs, carrying the question who whs the owner Of tho memoirs from one tribunal to another, and It was only lately that the opposing parties In the quarrel came to an amiable understand ing that permitted the appearance of the book. Great Importance la given to the memoirs because It Is affirmed thnt Its effect will be to cause Italian history to he rewritten, owing to the new light CrlHpl sheds on the organisation and the constitution of the united kingdom. EVERY DESCRIP-1 1 " rlr,,t or the three volumes, drawn and store fixtures I evidently from notes made at the tlmo, urais wnn ine revolutionary period of Italy, Crlspl's connection with the revo lutionists, and the lively role the dead statesman filled In his country's up rising against tyrannic rule. The vol ume niso includes tne writer s corres pondence with MairJnl and Garibaldi, Ills opinions of these personages, and, his eventual split with the latter In 1 K3 when the two friends parted for ever, causing Crlspl to change his opin ion of Mass'nl who remnlned an obdu rate Republican. Notwithstanding hla fenmlty Crlslpl hna handled Mazxlnl In ma memoirs with great impartiality. Italian Politics. The second volume treats of Crlspl's rise to the summit of Italian politics and his career as minister up to th year 1891 when through a volo of lack of confidence the Crispl cabinet .was obliged to dlsolve. Crlspl, howevpr. reemerged to public view In the mel ancholy period of the African disaster, which was the beginning of his unpopu larity. One of the most Important sides of the work is the intercourse be tween Crlspl and Bismarck and tho consequent causes that produced the Isolation between Italy In 1887, tho oc cupation of Tnnls and the dissension be tween Italy and France that threw the former Into' the triple alliance. It is to be regretted that, owing to the ramlly dispute over the memoir!, the work will be publl.-ihod slmplv as Its material was gathered and set down. German majesty. In his letter Crlspl stated thnt the Idea of having such a noble natron would be a great Induce ment In producing the work ond that having nothlna- else to offer in exchanaro he sent him the gold medal the Sicilian had coined for htm In the year 18. TMi emperor was touched by the re quest and agreed to become the patron of the memoirs. Then Crlspl died and litigation ensued, and the emperor won never called upon to fulfill his agree ment. Overshadowed by Oloom. Though tho first part of the memoirs reflects the tremendous activity of Crlspl's manhood, tho latter part la overshadowed by the gloom of the statesman's decadence. Crlspl toward hla close had Brown pessimistic In the extreme and though still master of his far 111 ties he was but the shadow of hla former self. Disease caused him al most continuous pain and the writing of tne memoirs was often Interrupted by tainting spens and onyaicni collapse. It had been a matter of much specu lation among bis friends at the last what Crlspl's attitude would be In the face of death. He had always expressed a oaiier in Uod and on more than- on occasion declared himself a Christian. Would ha or would he not call a priest to his bedside? He was on the point oi Dissolution wnen nis daughter aaked mm ir ne wished religious attendance. Crlspl opened his eyes that had been closed for an hour to star at hla daughter, saying In a decided voice: "I believe In God. I am a Christian: I have no need of priests." The last part of his memoir contains a profession of fnlth much in this spirit, for Crlspl, like Maxslnl, had the opinion that If formalism were dispensed with in re ligion the Christian faith had nothing to feac from rationalistic philosophies. Soast D'Annosalo. me knowledge that the master had ar ranged to play at tha Leeda .festival and at Queen's hall. In London, next month. .Women will be particularly Interested tO leain thnt It warn In hla mnth lk. Ofleg owed his success. He himself wrote to a friend In reference to the esrly training he had from her. "Only too aoon I found I hnd to practice Just what waa unnlMuni Thur, trifling with my mother. If I spent rriy time in dreaming at the piano instead of busying iyse!f with the lesson she set me Had I not inherited her lr-' repressive energy aa well as her mu sical capacity, I should never in any re spect have succeeded In passing from At 12 yeara of age Qrteg had started to mane original rnmno.liinn. u , i mis- iime attending a school nt ner- r, '.. fl'rrnujr IMG not ISKS Vry kindly to hla work there. One day hi carried with him the manuscript of his t. 1 worn, wnicn was miner large for ms jiwkoi. no wss toia to produce It ana arter glancing through Its pages tho h( iii"niimrr inuen -nis ears tor wast ing his time, pronounced the music rub bish, and toa it up! So much for youthful talent, and the encouragement H aisdf ' a. Hi lad mt ml. ui krna. aad la-lkat stedf dlseewrea tad la gltlag i w uir worm aia a.,nh -mm . o Mticutt, roiaom oa dhuoi vsto- yyata without pperatiox. oa wTfHOUTvtHS AID OF A kXITB. lie gSnranteeaV to ear Catarr. Aalkais. n. Threat. RhanaiaMaB. NvfMlMtl Servans ftehl'lfe. . atnau. . Mm. Kiaaas irennie! siae yl Manhnea. Fraiale Weak- sees ana an rrlt maeases. A SURE CANCER CURE m ImItmI prwa r.kh. Cfeiaa lafa, Sara as mallakl. ir tou Attn Arrt.icTitii. no-tT dilat. VKUAja ARB DAKOCBOC9. If res eaaaot eall. arrlta far naitiai hlaak sirrniar. laeaaw 4 era It la stamps. CONSULTATION FREE THE C. OZX WO CHJJIZSE MtblCiVg CO, ihh Xlrat at.. Car. M omasa. - fartUad, Orasoa. Tlaaaa afeatias Tkls hiw OU hUXHtdM. Jtrwbrsv nm KBOwar t fail. Tamal's Extract of Oabebs aai I Uopalba in I OAP8ULES. 1 ThaaMMM t uk uiiuurmtfkeam tot CnOThea,(lee,wbUaa. ate. Kaay take, eoefaolaak to earry. FUl Mara saeaaaafai aaa. Prlee tL aa Rnu. Mart Inn XKI Waak- ingion at., Portland, Or.; or by mail from The Tarrant Co., 44 Hudson at, Naw i org. coirTTXTATioy nvm.-' Have Yen MnscTnlar Streogtb, . Ilf nlal - AcUvify and : ' Nerve Force? It yu are lacking of theaa essetiMai element of vitality, coma to our office and consult ua privately and without coat We will explain our method- tna latest and bast tha most adentino ana the most aneoassfnl method known to medical science tor tha treatment of suen aiimanfa the method by which we cure SAfely,, tiulckly and perma nentiy cases which have been aban- aoned by family physicians and so- called experts; cases which havs been aggravated and made -worse by Inexpe rienceo aoctors. wa will remove the evu erreets of such treatment and re store to 'you what you have lost iuuk-vital ENERGY. Our curs makes the blood rich and pure, the fieah firm, the muaolea solid and the nerves strong and steady. It brightens ins Drain oy relieving It of Ita de spondency. It stops every unnatural condition and glvea perfect and perma nent strength to every part of tha system affected. In a word, It builds up the Physical, Mental and Vital man and prepares him anew -for the duties of life. rXAUTJTATIOir F. BREZEE, A-4S40. Transfer, 247 Alder at. Main 2171. The Idea of the Italian gpvernment had OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. 6th. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. Not a week passes that some paper In Italy does not take up the subject of the Immortal D'Annunilo and hla do ings, me latest is a satirical interview In a Florence- paper between the suc cessor of Danto and the Eternal Father. The latter, In true Italian phraseology, Informs the poet that It must te a mat ter of lasting regret that tho act of .'rentlon took place too soon to make him a collaborator. Profound apologies are offered him and he Is called upon for n consultation as to now all early mistakes may be rectified. It Is also annonnced that SIgnor P'Annunxlo will translate Shakespeare's a Midsummer a Night a Dream Into Italian, the plan being to give It later in Rome with the musical lntermezio of Mende!ssohn. 'N Oulda is still receiving much atten tion from Italian Journalists. One of them has -Just come forward with the extraordinary statement thnt Oulda has been allowed to starve by the English because of her pro-Boer proclivities, and that the recent stories were set afloat by sn English newspaper correspondent In Florence out of revensrn because she refused to receive him. With an incon sistency for which he offers no explana tion, the Italian Journalist proceeds to state that uuian never has been In want find that she llveg in a charming Deas- nni s oouse wun plenty or rood and oomron. i I MM aVafff JM 1 ' 1 designs? YimTr rWfflffil I FCRrca CUTS lu'JIIPOfflffi spin 15- XI MOKrMIME ana otner arng habits are positively oared by HABITINA. For ATlSnriannlA rtrlntaAial naaT bemple sect to any drug habitue by ITWa maiL Regular price 13.00 ner bottle vT;C P yonraruggistor by mall m plain wrapper. OMla Chasaleal Co.. si Loala. Mo. ' Tor aala k RkilmM n.. ru it - - it., rvruana, uraanav FOR HOMCN ONLY Dr. Sanderson'a Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. Tho beat and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER IODS. Cure the moat ohm In. ate Cases In I to 10 days. Price tl per box. or three hoxea IX fir,M h- druggiats everywhere. Addreaa f. rjcnv.c isi first at.. Portland. Or. Varicocele We cure varicocele to atay cured for ever. Our method of cure la dsvold of all danger. Under our treatment this Insidious disease rapidly disappears. Pain ceasea almost instantly. The pools of stag nant blood are driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling quickly subsides. Every trace of weakness and dis ease disappear ns completely aa If they hnd never existed, a healthy condition of blood Is quickly reestabl!shed and the wasted system regalna Its normal condition and vigor; in ract. you are atrengthened In every way and soon will possess that confidence, power and sense of well-being which are associ ated with good health and robust vi tality and which are ao necessary to life and happiness. Tat SB. QUALIFICATIONS Before placing ' yonr case la Sands of p Specialist for treatment, UTTX8TIQATX hla medloai qualifications to treat" you. POaTT TAKB anf WOBS POM IT. Be a KXI- BOUBXAX show' and have 'Bote yon." Bote the date his dlpiomaw-4f ha fcTas one was Issued; that will give you una on us pobkxbui e perleaoe. Onr chief Consulting Phy sician, WHO OAB ALVATI BB IEZV WIIV TOU OAXL, aanatea from a leading a s 1 a r a meaioai eouege March. 1888. D X P X. O M A KAxaiBO xv orrxcB. Xe waa licensed to practice meaious in ureron ny we State Board of Medical Beam- lnsrs Jnlv. 1900. X.IOXBBB HAadlaO XB OrnOB, Xost-radnate of tha Polr- clinlo of Bew Tork City. n.as aaa nearly a smarter or oentary's exnerienoe la treating sibbabsb or and hronlo dlaeases. Call for PBBB CJOBTgTTT.TATTn aT aa UTiwrnwAS .a, fall laformation before taking treatment, as you will find onr charges - - uaaiMu-si uun mb oeitsr iiu eisewBsre,, At all times we are anxloua to see those who have "given ur hone.' ereiy u ever U a ease beyond help. No matter whether It is Urethral uDBuncuon. vaneocue. atyarooeie. snptare, Ekln Diseases, lVost Tltaltty, " wvi.ij, ama A-oison, siotonaa, sores, xiaaey and Bladder or jjimwmmn or any oi ine diseases and weaknesses of men. CHICHESTER'S PILLS WJtt-v TIIKVIAJaONDBKAND. A PORTLAND.ORE. leiral Ask yomr lrnaHnl Urn A Pill. 1. Ue4 aad 41.14 1 AT"A bo. aealH with blua Rlbboa. KTake alkar. Bay ef T..r V raagtat. Ask rciiM'in:a.Teira1 IAlIONO KUANW PILlX aZ yara known at Btu. Salctt. Always R el 14b la SOLD BY DRUGGISTS LVERtH'HERE 9 e-V .aSaatai mm sa nrcana aaraaai aa M j H a a H uuwt INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE 4 TRANS fer Co. Storage 234 Stark Main 407- TYPEWRITERS CHE WISE TYPEWRITER BUYER generally Investigates. If you are thinking of purchasing a writing ma chine, all we ask Is an Investigation of our stock and prlcea. Dealers in the New Fox visible and all makes of second-hand typewriters. We buy, rent, ell and repair. jht Typewriter Exchange E. J. ELLISON, MANAGER. ' 84 Third St. ANSDALE H ALL MAKES, RENTED, REPAIRED. sold. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ' M A. GUNST & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL. PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front at., Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlog Co. Manufacturers of furnl ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAMS & CO.. WHOLES A LK GRO cera, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and Oak sts. JACKTHEKUGGER County Seat in Pennsylvania Startled by Promis cuous Kissing. no so the FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvensky's furnl tnre factory, 307 Front st. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis ta., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glassware. Prael. Hegele & Co., Port land. Or. LEWI8-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., barbers' supplies, barbers' furni ture, barbers' chairs. 10th and Morrison. BATES-WIGHT CO.. CALENDARS, AD-" vertlslngr novelties. 160 6th St TRANSPORTATION COOS BAV Weekly Freight and Passenger Service of the Fine Steamship Breakwater Xjaaves POBTLABD every Wedneadav. '00 p. m-, from Oak-street Sock, for EMPIRE, NORTH BEND AND JWARSHFIELD Jrelght Received Till 4 p. m. on Day . Portland and 9mSSV xobth pacipxo rcBAKsnrp oo 'T ' 3TEAMSHXPB .Roanoke,and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka; San Francisco and Los ' Angeles direct every Thursduy at D m Ticket afflca 1321 Third .near Alder Colombia River ftcenerv BZQUliATOB LOT 8TEAKERS i' "Daily aervice between Portland inri The Dalles, -except bunday, leaving i ualred (Special Dlnpatrh to The Journal.) Philadelphia, Oct. 16. There is need 'of a curfew law In Lansdale, far as keeping women nnd girls off streets at night Is concerned. "Jac the .Hugger" has done the business. With the deepening of the full twilight into the sombre shadows of evening the iiHirougniurt'8 ure given over to the trouse'eu members oi the community, and the fair contingent hastens Indoors to tnllt with bated breath of the mys terious jierHoiiuge who has made life In the thriving Montgomery, countv town exciting during the last two weeks. Ills record so far Is an even dozen women hugged and two almost kluHed. Whether an electric light suddenly flared up at the critical moment In the last two Instances and cuus?d the would-be osculator to change hla mind is not known, but the fair ones assert thai, ho failed, anyhow. His method are not new. Lurking in ambush behlmtl a tree or in a shadowed doorway, ho pounces out u:on the unsuspecting feminine passer-by, and, enfolding her to his throbbing bosom, hugn good and hard. To tho majority of the huggees this has proved too abrupt and startling to bo pleasant, and hence the Lansdale dames no longer venture forth for evening strolls without taking The pre caution to equip themselves with a stal wart escort. Lanedale has 3,000 inhabitants, ac cording to recent computation, and Is politico - topographically divided into throe wards. To safeguard the welfare of these 3,000 It has one policeman; but, ns his earnest efforts to trisect himself in a sincere endeavor to do his duty by nil three wards at once have up to date been unavailing, the women are swear ing in their own personal deputies. The VLinnsaaie. jacic is aescrined a having the appearance of an America born citizen, . but there is a minority who believe him to boar th earmarks of having crossed the water from Italy'i simnv shores, nnd point to the ardor o his embraces as a support of this theory. He lias been frequently chased but has always succeeded in dodging his pursuers, though the nplice force dog ged!y shears that he'll 'git him yet." SUSPECT filRl ' of raw Olffa Molitor Believed to Be Guilty of Crime Fastened on Carl Hau. I Have' the largest Practice Because I Invariably Ful fill My Promises FAMOUS" PlfcrUBB BELVft BEPAIBED Uoi'vrfalit. 1C07, by W. Jl. Hearst.") Paris, oet. 1 St. Nicholas Poussin's fa mouH picture of the "Deluge," which two ugo al lne louvre was slashed 'fVl'fl places with a knife by a lu- -li. MCllUtMl I.UUBin. 11 H nntV honn r-A ' 0Vr?vlne?-t.rnHll)..b,u, 6 I The" ration and ' restoration per " fr,.i!rXm, bv M. Deniaot. who las fomt Bplendld ceommodAtlOM for - outfits ! e this wortf for theSV,-h VU and livestock. 414 er Dock foot of Alder tM ocrt at,-Portland outflu ! ne this work for the French art i" I ierle3. has been carried out with aTmh f Alder L. Portland; tt eitr. :,To''.r "".t."'1" e C",-rt a . Tha 11a Ha. 1,. .1.7" -" " t mat no v. . -- ..i.ua iaiD ".i. oi a iear can now ne rnuwi - (t'nlted Presa I-eieed Wire.) Berlin, Oct. 17. At the resumed hear ing of Carl Hau's appeal against the sentence of murder passed on him by the criminal court at Caiisruhe before the supreme court of the empire at Lelpslc, reference was made in the course of the pleadings to the theory evolved by several eminent German criminologists that Mrs. Molitor was murdered by her own dnughter Olga, who was walking beside her mother at the time of the murder. Expert evidence showed that the shot must have been flred. from a distance of not more than six Inches from the murdered woman. In this case Olga iuumui, woo wns oesiae ner mother, must have seen and recognized the mur derer. She asserted, however,' that she did not see the murderer, but only saw a figure retreating in the darkness. Her evidence was so obviously untrue that the criminologists who followed the course of the trial came to the conclu sion that Olga Molitor had something to conceal in connection therewith Furthermore the fatal shot entereri Molitor's body so low down In lh. hook that in all probability it could only have been flred by a Derson of short if,,, L-ari Hau is a tall man and Olga Moli- ior is snari. moreover, experts ex plained that the fatal shot may have been flred by a person standing some what to the left of Mrs. Molitor. In the first trial It was proved that Olga was walking on the left hand side of her mother Just before the tragedy happened. Olga Molitor is a young ladv of hysterical tendency who, without being fully responsible for her actions may nave committed matricide. Her possible motive for the crime is wrapped in mystery, but Jt was proved that she had been on bad terms with her mother for years. A variation of the matricide th enrv f a uic nupponiiion inai au, wno by his own admission visited Baden Baden on the afternoon of the murder to have a clandestine meeting with his Rlster-in-law Olga. with whom he was infatuntori may have molested her in such a way that she fired at him in self-defense and hit her Another by mistake. Judg ing from the distance from which the fatal shot was fired, experts declare this to have been almost Impossible. The matricide ineory includes the sun. position that Carl Hau. bv maintaining silence on this point, is chivalrously tak ing in oiame :.on nimseir. men nt the i cost of his own reputation and life, in I order to shield Olga.' Most lmDortant oi mi. a certain tfaron iinaenau, a res Ident of Baden Baden, wrote to Olga 1a.ner me muraer savina- ir s refused to marry -him he would de nounce her an the murderess of her mother. The baron wrote In his letter hat he actually saw Olga fire the fatal shot which killed her .mother. Success. Isn t. attained at a bound. Is made up of many little triumphs, large rpodical practice, doesn't await young physician at the enllego door. must prove himself. He must work toward, success day after day, doing well each day's tasks. It has always ben my rule to pramlse nothing that I am not absolutely cer tain of accomplishing. Realizing that no one physician can successfully under take to cure dll diseases, I entered special courses of study In preparation for my present work. For 16 years I have been proving my ability nnd build ing my success. I have mastered first the simpler diseases, then the serious complex and stubborn one thnt others neither cure nor comprehend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is no ailment be longing to this clasM that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cur them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have chargcV me with claiming too much. But I ask wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist uoon the Pacific coast treating men's dlneases. It has grown to these dimensions because I have made promises nnd fulfilled them. Kach, cure i nave eireeiea is n triumph nnd a manifestation of skill that has hod Its part in the making of my success. Each day new cures are completed and my present growth of practice Is more rapid than:ever before. Consultation Is free. If you are af flicted consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and If I accept your case you can rest assured that a com plete and permanent cure will follow my treatment. as a a f. n a i i n e. mm f rW. sib I lis Oar Methods: Qalck Results. Lasting Cores. Reasonable Fees , Onr Motlo: Nol a Dollar Need Be Paid Unless Cored The Oregon Medical Institute mxA Morrison St., near Fif!h, Portland. Ore. Office Honrs a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. Every thing Strictly Confidential. Separata Beoeptlon Booms. X-Bay amlcatlona Made is All Cases Where necessary. rBSESISaB5BSZaXIIIIFXiaiEI3KII2BB39SSISEiailKCaBai SPECIALISTS THAT CURE MEN Did you ever stop to consider tho fact that you nrc not as good a man as you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Failing power, loss of vitality, and drains are the most frequent cause. It stands you In hand to stop those drains on your very vital force ltalf. Go to a specialist who can cure these ailments, quickly and surely. Come to us. SESB XtXXiP WHIEB IT XS CEBTAXJT TO BB POUVS. This institution has built up its splendid practice more by the free vertlsing given it by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who aavertisln have received the benefit methods, than in any other of Its modern, way. ir you are scientific and legitimate not a perfect man coma to us. Isn t It worth the little time It will take when vnn nr. piI!btiim that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who 1 fven "pe,1" n It difficult to discover W 5:. ..th.e Picture has ver Been roua-hlv handled. It has now a rain been him. li OA, a. 4 U t A $4 French" kid, -uUon gloves, U iUjold plaeV at the Louvre Inrs, on peial sale a ft st Len- -'"v-1 i . . ns. S09 aiorrisou atreetv Seo.dia..' Tomorrow juM.vi .in k. . ' flay for discount on East Side gas blu,. In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED A Disappointment. liny J oa page 66, From The Dalles Optimist We exoected to announce In this taaue that Jonahan Bourne had attended our fair and had mado a friendly call at the vpumisi oince, out ne did not show Eyes fitted, to glasses fl. At Metxgefa. All necessary X-ray ezamlnatiora are absolutely free to patients. My equip ment for X-ray work is the finest and most complete ever produced, and equally perfect results are not possible with an lnforlor apparatus. ' All medicines sre prepared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory and are supplied to patients at actual coat. SB. TATX.OB, The leading Specialist. "Weakness" To produce temporary activity of the functions in cases of so-called weak ness is a simple matter, but to permanently restore strength and vigor Is a ,proMem that but few phy sicians have solved. I never treat for temporary effects. Under my system of treat. ment every bit of improve ment is a part of a perma nent cure. Though other physicians have, through my success in effecting perman?nt cures been con vinced of the fact that prematureness, loss of power, etc., are but symp toms resulting from chron ic inflammation or conges tion in the prostato eland. none have ns yet been able to duplicate my cures. My system of local treatment is the only effective means yet known for restoring the , prostate to Its normal state, which always results in full and complete return of strength and vigor. Such a cure is absolutely perma nent, because the condition responsible for th? func tional disorder is entirely removed. It Is the only kind of a cure a patient desires, nnd is the only kind of enre 1 will treat for. CONSULTATION FREE I state nothing In my announcements but tho straight, square truth. It will cost you nothing to call and talk over your ense. Yon can find out all about your trouble and you can later arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My offices, com prising 10 rooms, are the largest, most elegant and best equipped in the west. never attempt to deceive you In any notning i'.A.(JH,fT your own time. A consultation costs you ill SSi Bj I M 87 TBABS' M J U OUR FEB IO.OO B I EzrEarnarcB. Established 97 Tars ra Portland. Consultation Free Wa Will Treat Any Slnglo Uncompll. cated Ailment for 910.00. ' Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured We cure safely nnd promptly WEATCNESS. MATORRHOEA,' SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON LOST MANHOOD, SPER IN ALL STAOKR Vmt. LVUKLK, H IimiH-'KliK, UUJNUUK11UKA, OR ANY OF THR" DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients? In selecting a phynlcian or specialist, when in need of nn an consideration and thought should.be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or medical man has been ' located in the city. It stands to reason that, an institution that has stood tho test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands Is far superior to mushroom institutions that spring up in a night, last a few months and are gone. We. have been curing men 27 years und are the oldest special ists curing men in Portland. Wa Invito thosa'who have deop-toatod and ohrocio disorders to call nnd be examined. Consultation and examination la frae, and carries with it no obligation to engage onr services. Our offices are equipped with the most modern nnd scientific "mechan leal devices for the treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are rea spnable and In reach of nny workingman. Write if you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is alwava CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. nuuiio j a. in. 10 a p. m.; uvomngs, i to v.su: sundav3. 9 a 12 noon. m. to ST. L H COBBER SSCOKX) A WD TAKHILX. SfSEBTS, POSTCARD, OBECrOX. SsBaiasuaiinaiairaBaasBiBBKaxBiairaaa The 0 l! H ?34& Morrison Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon R. TAYLOR CO. n . a n M n ours MEDICAL AND 1 SURQICAL DISPENSARY CURE QISEASES OF -ME IN These who iavo been disappointed by cheap and unskilled ana. oiaUats are earnestly requested to investigate mj methods and terms without delay, which, had they dona in tha besnanlnv would have saved them time. pain, worry and money. X OUAJtAXfTES AW ABSOLUTE ABB X.AST1WO CUBE Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Sores, tn ears. Stricture, Varicocele, Hydrocele, nervous Dooline, Weak ' neat. Files cr Chronic Diseases of the Kidneys and Prostata. t charge, for cures Only; nothing for failures. tnvestlsata and learn thnt my ford Is good. Twenty-five years of suc- CTBB1UI .livnuwiwwillB Ul JUBM1JT miS SSSCrtiOl Call or write DB, T. J. PIESCE. 181 Pint st. Portland,- Or JOURNAL WANTSADS PAY BEST