? v -' -'.V, 5 THE OREGON SUNDAY "JOURNAL PORTLAND," SUNDAY MORNING, ' OCTOBER1 20, 1807. ' '' ET T THP Tllc uying public is; alive to the necessity of early, purchasings ; ; Your as a desirable piece should JLJL J- J. be given to their notice through the agency of this bigt FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE .Moimt Scott Bargains ' ' $860 $200 cash, $10 monthly, 2-room " fcouse, 44 cre. - ii.coo Cash. 4-room house. close to r - , 11.106 Half cash, 4-room houso; " chicken-house; well Improved; hair sere. ' - $1,360 Half cash, 4-room modern bungalow, basement, electric lights, : best of plumbing: restricted nelghbor- ' liocd; close to oar. , $1.:00 $00 cash, new 4-room house, ' 31 lot. On corner. !'-$1,800 Cash, new 6-room modern , bungaloW; Z rooms rati be finished up .'stairs; with furniture, J-,00. '".,' $2,000 $C00 rash, new 5-room hunga- low, concrete basement, best nf plunb ''int: wired. tinted walls, rhlna closet; r. 'lot 40x120. 100 feet from ear. i fv. $1,960 s-room modern house, acre. $i50 cash; clone to car. .. .' . 22.500 7-room house modern: con erete basement; wired; best of'finlsh Inside and out; 4 aero: bargain. ..; Lot down and $.' monthly. Acreage on easy terms. Office open , tvtrj day und evening-- CMkMU & Ross Foil SALE REAL ESTATE Laurelwood, Mount Soott Cor. Phone Tahor 732. "A. 8. DRAPER. 1 $7.500 Terms. Eight-room house in . Irvineton. fine view, modern, furnace, , fire-place, polished floors, ou corner lot ' " 78x100, eonercte sidewalks: a perfect . ' palace. $2,000 will handle it. $3,260. 6-room cottage, modern, gas ' and electric llshts. fireplace, bath, ce ment basement and walks. Near to car, Terms $l.Mn. Balance to suit at t per cent. A fine littie home. ' 1.1.000 Terms. 6-room house, Colo Dial style, modern, new. Just finished; ' one block from Hawthorne ave. carllne. V Good location. $50u cash. bal. to suit Two -room houses. Colonial style. , Just completed, modern; on Gantenbeln ewe., x Dtoeics rrom v canine, imu avx :100; one on corner. Prices, $3,600 and $3,200. Terms easy. Come and take a ! ' look If you want a Rood buy. 22.800 For two 6-room cottages near )y new, 2 blocks from carllne. lot 50x " 100, fruit of-various kinds. Terms $800 rash, balance only $15 per monh for .the two houses. Just think of It the : best buy In the city. A (tood Investment. 000 Terms. 6-room cottage, mou .J rn" on corner, lot 60x100, on carllne; " bargain. Must be sold at once. House Inllt 1 ' years, finished In mission. $50 will handle it. Montavllla. I have some fine lots to sell or ex ; change for part payment on houses and -houses to exchange for lots as part payment. - . J4S4 AVashlnRton. rooms S-4. cor. 7th. I-KOOM NEW MODBKN COTTAOK on East Aider st.: porcelain plumb ing, concrete foundation; price only $2,200. - 6-room cottage, lot 43x100, on E. SOth a L, near Washington St.; price, $2,600. ' ' $1,150 buys fine 7-room house, strlct . ly modern, with furnace. Wasco st., near Vnlon ave.- Standard Investment Co. 225 Fifth St FOR BALK ON INSTALLMENTS. A new 4-room house, with bath and pantry and two porches, full brick baBcmeht, pood garden, house finely finished, -in and o-it; upon 2 lots. 60x100 each, 3 "blocks Irom Mount Scott car line. nar Lents. Price, $2,000. Terms, $600 cash down and balance in monthly installments ot 2. Apply to '. b l'Mugcr &- CO., AlulKey bing., Morrtwn sts. 2nd and Z. & V. BARGAINS. $1, $00 6-room house, 6JHX125T food bsm, bearing fruit, one block from tap; $400 down, $15 per month. $2,26 8-room houso, 50x100, block and a half from car; full cement base ment. $2,600 -room modern house, full ce ment basement, lawn, etc.; close in. $J.800 6-room' modern houso, 80x100, corner, east facing. 12.800 ft-room mortem nouse, cmna elotot. full cement basement, cement ldnwallt: rloxo in on east sltto. 13.500 100x100. 6-room house, now- em. fruit, lawn. $t,o00 Corner on union ave., o rooms finely furnished. 15,500 ilrand new e-room nouse, irv lngton. Itt.OOOr Fine corner on uroaaway; i rooms nil i on venlences. It.500 rtoautlful 8-room house: it will surely please you. Ileautlful homes all over Portland See us before you buy. ZIMMERMAN AL- VAUGHN, Room S03 Buchanan BMg., 286 H Wash ington St. FOR SALE FAKMS BEAUTIFUL CRESTON. FOR SALE. 6-room house, all modern, $2,800. Easy terms. 8-room houao. bath, toilet, $760, new, $260 cash. 4-room house. 'Jio, izao casn, wooa fibre plaster, prune trees on. 6-roora, not quite nnisnca, i.o, cor ner lot. 2 lots corner 39th and Hamilton ave., $2,600, terms. ' 7-room house. z,t0U, j-room nouse, $475. I have the choicest list nr property, the above are only a few. Take the Mt. Hcott carllne, gel off at Powell valley Road. A. COWFKRTIIWA IT. Re-fl estnte ifflce open Sundsya. T MOJVTAVILLA, THE LEAlINO KKSi- danco district; lots are cheiper than n anv olhcr suburb. Wo have Rome ots for $K5 eflch, within four blocks of car line; terms. 87x2 feet, Blone Mount Tabor only $600. 6 acres, good house, close in on Mount Hood R. U. If sold at once, J1.S00. AYLSWORTH ft EI'TUN, Phone Tabor 670. J6:,0 CASH FINE CORNER, 50x100; -room cottage; city water, beuwoou car. 714 Taeorna ave. Washington k ' Oregon Realty Co, $660 5 acres bearing fruit. 6 miles from Vancouver: onlv on third cah, uuiance long- tune, easy payments. $2,400160 acres. 14 miles from Van couver, 2Vi miles from railroad station, all level, 1,000.000 feet good saw timber i.uuv.vuo leet piling; give terms. $2.000 .1(1 acres It miles from Van couver: 20 acres In cultivation, all fenced, all level, on main county road R. K. D.. near school 2 miles from rail road station, bast of black soil: half cash, balance gooj terms; will exchange lor city property. ,1 n n o ----- i , -L. Wash.; 2 from railroad station, all level, on main rotintv road. It. F. 1. 4 mile from school; 40 acres of fine ash and vine marde swale, best or son; half mils 19 sawmill: give good terras. $1.400 40 acres 8 miles from Van couver. 6 acre cleared. 4 acre In enltl vatlon. small houso. some fruit; half cash, balance 6 per cent. $900 10 acres. 7 miles from Vancou ver, 3 acres In cultivation, balance tim ber, small house and stable; give terms. $2.600 40 acres, 12 "miles from Van couver, 3 mllen from railroad station, 25 acres In cultivation, some green tim ber, balance eaallv cleared, smnll creek. level land. 6-room house, fair barn, fam ily orchard, good tcm. 6 cows, 100 chickens. IS tons hay. farm implements; give- terms. BARGAIN $960 BUYS 3. FULL SIZE lots and 14 bearing fruit trees, 3- room cottage, near carllne. E. J. Gelser, 21 V4 Morrison st OR SALE. CHEAP 8 BEAUTIFUL lots In Northern Hill add.. On St Johns carllne. Will hell way below market price. E. J. Qelaor, 221 Mor rison St. $2,600 65 acres. 10 miles from Van couver, 3 miles from railroad station; 20 acr.'s In cultivation, some green tim ber, balance pasture, fine strenm of water? all level, good lj-story 7-room frame house, cood barn, family orchard, on main county road, fine location, one rourth mllo to school. R. F. L)., 3 horses, 1 colt, 6 cows, 3 calves, 44 sheep, 100 chickens, some geese and ducks, all farm implements and household furni ture: $2,000 rash, balance 3 years at 5 per cent. This Is one of the best buys on the market; Investigate this bcfre buying. FOR SALE FARMS Farms 120 Acres Yamhill county 75 acres plow land; good buildings, good orchard, fin FOR SALE FARMS Select Farm Lands A very fine stock and dairy ranch. 1$ miles northeast or Vancouver, contain ing ISO acres, 13 acres in cultivation, 6-room house, barn 20x80, with 14'foot sheds on each side, runnlnar water: this water; Al dairy ranch: m miles from l is an ideal location. Plenty of out-range good town, railroad and creamery; good $4,600; half cash. market: price $3,500: $1,000 down, bal- 60 acres at Battleground, 'partly inv unce can stand. 6 ner cent. Snan. I proved. 14.600. PiTh Acvor I zu acres on uasa Line road, h miles nuM icnst or the business center or Portland, v acres, ts acres in cultivation; tv " rood S-ronm hniia.,- a naw Kim foil of I 246 9-16 acres! hlshlv tmnroved farm oat and vetch hay; a good orchard: final" ,mj soutnwest or roruana: price, water; iz good cows; 5 hogs; chickens, '"'""'"s " luipmnpnn, iw,wu Great bargain 40 acre near Prodea- tei. Clarke county, Wash,. 13.000. 60-acre farm. 9 miles southeast of Portland: this is well worth the prlco, $6,000. 87 acre at Aurora, B0 acrea In culti vation, acres In timber, 2 good seta of buildings, the making of 3 good ock and Ira- Everythlng to run the place with; on a milk route, R. F. J), mall; phone In the house. 3 miles from depot; milk check $100 per month. Price, 14,000. ntrtf . L.-I 1 . 5 Acres All In m VIspU -4.. A4 KiitllnallAii wla III CB gllfll lBiVV Ut ( UltlOllUII M 111 I t acres in all kinds of berrlesj young or- ?rm?i. PrLr,ei, J,elu1,n k .. i .1 : j 1 - 1 Diem u is. ii.iuu, ni..t.r..i k .kii... I 160 acres, noar Elkhead. Or, 4.000.- V.r. " .. r.-j ,' f.; 000 feet of good saw timber, cattle, walk to eieetrir r miie from ritv I goata, nogs. tnicKcns. xumiiure, every- 10c' fare; price $2 600 terms: would tBin.f'"' !..0.S: - - v n.l. an Meal h.rru . ht.Un oh ." "rul uu" ... . I inon. ur.. I3 an acre. ArrPC 80 acres. miles east of Washougal, crops, stock .and tools, $z.Z00. Aurea a. BaKer Farm Spoalallst, 118-116 Ablngtnn bldg., 106 3d--at ItOOM HOUSE AND LOT AT ANNA bell station; price. $1,600; $475 own, .bnlanco $10 per month. See !e- nient & King. 242 Madison st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, NICELY KIN Ished, just completed. Buy direct from owner. 4KS K. Bowman at. Take Sell wood car. get off at Frankfort at. nd walk 2 blocks west. HIGHLAND REAL E3TATE GIVEN' special attention; good homes, lots reasonable prices on installments; hore and buggy to show property. J. E. S'der. 1031 Union ave. N. OR SALE ONE OF THE BEST NEW modern buncalows in th city. five nrce rooms besides a larce recent ion- room, bath and iinntry, wood fiber plas- eretl, electric wired, lull concrete rtawe- mer.t, best of plumbing; nearly quarter ere, with nverai Dearinz rruu trees; onsldeiatlnn $2,200. Owner 41 Max well ave. two blocks south of Stewart tatio-i; take Mt. Scott cnr. $3,400 THREE MODERN 6-ROOM houses, 17th und Alberta sts. $3,600 Three 7-room Iioum-s. cloto in, nn good carllne. $2,300 Five-room bungalow, Just fin ished; well arranged, neat and attractive looking. $2,800 6-room cottage. 22d and Going. Coxy little home; upon very moderate terms. MOOKE REALTY CO., 268 Stark St 'A-2707 Main 2707 ..$2,8lt0 BUNGALOW. 8 ROOMS. BATH gas and electricity, cement basement on WV car. $800 cash, balance $25 re rnonrh; the finest place we know of for me money. 'THE Pr ANTON CO., 270 Stark st NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. 6-ROOM FINl! .. modern residence, corner, $1,600 cash; balance mortgage. Angeles, 24 tith and Main. HAVE A FINE RESIDENCE FOR sale or will exchange for Improved farm within reasonable distance from Portland: this property Is rented and brings an income of 7 M per cent; buy of owner and save commission. Ad dress Z-51. Journal. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, ALL the modern improvements. In Irving ton on zlst St.. bet. Tillamook on Thompson Bts., b y owner. 80S Columbia. THE HOME LAND CO. HAS SOME elegant bargains 1n homes this week from J0O up. See us before buying. 11UMK l.,AM CU., 14 3 '-i 1st ft. OWNER LEAVING ClTY, MUST SELL 2 choice building lots, near 48th and I-tawthorne or Y-60. Jon rn al. V-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, 2 BLOCKS rrom canine, close iiv l-ot BOxiou Kone of your contract-built houses. $2.850. Hatfield Smith. Ifi5 4th at $3.000 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, lot 100x100; will trade for small farm. I2.J00 6-room house, lot 50x100. $2.000 6-room houpa. lot 60x100. 1 $2,650 7-room house on E. 22d St. C. S. ARNOLD & CO., 3C1U Morrison St. $3,600 A BEAUTIFUL SOUTHWEST corner, vviniams ana tsKiamore, ets 2-etory 6-room house, lot 60x100. all modern, $S00 cash, balance to suit; a genuine map. V - a-iE BPANTON CO., Z70 taric st. 18,000 OJVE-HALF CASH, QUARTER iiiocK 9ir8d t; xook this up. $1.000 One-half casta; 2 lots, corner, on E. 37tn t. . $425 $160 cash, lot on E. Grant at HILDEBRAND, Room 11, 263 H Washington at. $5,500 Fine home (new), 9 rooms, Irvjngton; an conveniences; new .carpets, pictures, etc., go; terms. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHN, . 80S Buchanan Bldg. iff A BARGAIN BY OWNER MODKRN 8-room house and full lot. Fine neigh borhood. Walking distance. Cash or terfcis. Inquire on premises, 105 E. 15th, near Alder at. $3,150 FOR A STRICTLY ' . om new nouse. day; HOME LAND CO ist. St. M()Uf:RN 6- The bargain of to- WMILE THEODORE ROOSEVELT IS hunting bear Theodore Wilson has been beautifying his home, which he offers for sale at the extremely low price of $2,200; it Is a rose carnival ns well as benutlfnl: cor. E. Main and 40th; J6n(i worth of flowers In bloom all tho year. T. C. Wilson, owner. 7 50x100 foot lots for $300; easy torms; very cony 4-room .cottage and corner lot nnd small barn, $1,100; easy terms. New plastered 5-room cottage on lot 50x100 feet; a snap: $900; half cash. All the above ultualed noar golf links. BILLS & CALTA, 1670 E. 13th Ht. Phone Sellwood 74. $2.500 40 nrres, 12 miles east of Van couver. 2 miles from bont landing, 2 miles to railroad. 17 acres In cultivation, 16 acres very easily cleare.l. some preen timber, county road on 2 slde of place, 2 acres bearing orchard, variety; near school, fine location level gravel road to Vancouver, good team, new wagon nnd harness, 2 cows some hogs and chickens, new harrow, plow and culti vator, 3 acres spuds; all crop; $1,600 cash, balance good terms. $5,6"0 10 acres, 7 miles from Pdrt land. H mile to electric car, all In fine state of cultivation. acres In bearing fruit; good house nnd bnrn: If ynu are looklnv for a good Investment Investi gate this before buying.. $3,200 40 aTes. 10 miles from Van couver: level gravel roid, mile from Rood countr' town. 2 stores, creamery, church and school, 22 acres In cultiva tion, 31 acres bearing orchard, mostly apples, 2U acres berries: land all level. unnU creek, good 1-story 7-room rus tic house In good condition; good barn, other outbuildings, on main county road, R. F. !.; best of soil, fine loca tion; good terms. 32. 200 SO acres 7 miles from Vsn couver, IH acres in cultivation, family orchard. 4-room house, fair barn, young team, wagon, farm implements, 5 cows, some, chickens; all crops, cream sepa rator, near schools; best of soil; this 13 a snap 16 acres cultivated. 3 acrea in fine Imber. living creek In renr of place. Well located, fair 6-room house, brand new barn, small orchard, 150 bushels of oats, about Za tona of fine hay, 4 acres Ice potatoes, 6 fine cows, 1 good team of horses and new harness, some pigs and chickens, z wagons and all farm mnJemcnti: 2 miles from Reedvllle. 12 miles from Portland, electric line will run close to corner of place; price $1, 000, terms. 20 Acres Al soil, of "which 7 acres is beaver- dam; this land is unimproved, not far Farm Investment 120 acres, all first-class soil: 67 acres high state of cultivation, some nne gar den land: good largo farm house. 2 good barns, wood house, granary, chicken house, store houso, 1 root house, lamlly orchard, berries, nldo yard with large variety nowers; 3,000 cords ot good wood on the land; watered b springs, stream and wells. This farm Is well FOR SALE FARMS Acreare Bargains 1 acr with, 6-room house, 1 block rrem car una, 11,600. 5 acres, partly Improved, close to car line, $900. , .. - , -r - i acrea at Gladstone, with a new 7-room bouse, cost $1,600: prloa is cheap at $2,800, 4V4 acrea, on Clackamas river; 81 bearing fruit trees., close to school, flno road house: very cheap at $1,700. 6 1-3 acres, at Jennings Lodge: small house, $ blocks from carllne, $1,600. . 10 acrs 1 mile from aolf links, with a good 6-room house: 4 In cultivation, gooa weu, xi.ooo. 1 LIND A CO.. $20 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Btark sts. 8 acres, S-room "house, $3,000. 6-acre tracts. $750 each: torms. 2 4 -acre tract. $& per acre. 8 miles city. 25-acro tract, $126 per acre, S miles city. 11 acrea. in walnuts and fruit: miles from courthouse. Price $2,600 cr.sh. . We have others from $50 jner acre up. U II, r HEELAND COT,. Room 7, 45 First St. OKSE8. VEHICLES, HARNESS FOR HALE 8-YEAR-OLD HORSE. drkva alngls or double, or rids; weight 950 or 1,000, sound. Prioe $76. 10(1 E. Salmon or phone Tabor 648. T6ll SALE H6RSE, WEiGiltf. 1.J&5 pounds. 807 20th St. Phone Main 6436. Wanted for cash, ooob ruggx horse. Angeles. 248 6th and Maln -"A rTTlt BALE A SMALL WELL- matched delivery team; will take sad dle pony or fresh cow as part payment. Kolly'a Eutte, first place east of prison, Powell Valley road. KOll SALiitlOOD HOIttiE, Sount & True, 733 Hunter avo.. Sell wood, v iwIWT BELL,' LEAVING1 Cl'ti'; GO)D eneap woric team, j.zoo-pouno nors,o. rubber-tired buggy and harness, $85, and furniture cheurf. 836 E. 28th mt. VV-W eroKennwjthuj from Salem carllne, 9 miles from this "n '"nt "Lm i"T" city; fine location, half mile from f.lXnAJl graded school; prlco $2,000. terms. l1?",. orJl?Ptl .iniv. V,h rlJ- ,T ment, as It lies well to subdivide and w. w. fcspey ROOM 319 COMMERCIAL BLDG. Cor. 2nd and Washington. Phono Pacific 1844. convenient to electric car line; only miles out from Portland and no moun- taln, tr rrrm m I, I. wall wnrtlt ( 1 money now asked for it. HENKLE HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg ir.jOO 60 acres. 8 miles from Van couver. 2H nilleM from railroad station, 30 acres in cultivation, 3 acres bearing orclinrd: variety good; 1-story 4-room ruFtlc lioUHe; pood harn. good team. 2 cows, "o chickens: all crops, mower and rake; nil farm Implements; flno soil; give terms. THE. BEST FARM LIST IN THE $30,0092.740 acres on tha Southern Paclflqfitstlon on land, several hundred acres rich bottom land In cultivation flno lot of timber, 20-room hotel, good store house, warehouse, several barns, a tenement houses, fine lot of machinery nnd stock. It s the Ideal stock and dairy ranch of the state, and especially adapted for a colony. szo.iMio a.u acres, tne Dest rarrn in Yamhill county, handsome lZ-room resl dence, one of the finest barns in the state, buildings cost over $8,000; 260 acres fine Btate cultivation, balance good pasture and timber, living water, choice variety fruit; fllie field alfalfa, cuts 3 crops per annum; lays flno for subdividing into nice garden tracts; crops and machinery go with the place; would exchange lor good eastern Ore- ron or Washington grain or stock rancn. $5,000--220 Hcres, 1 mile railway sta tion. Benton county, nice 7-rnor.i resi dence, good barn, living water, 110 acres in cultivation. 60 acres'good tim ber, balance choice pasture; school house on place. An Ideal farm, can't be equaled anywhere for the money. $4,60075 acres on Camas creek, Clarke county, good fi-room residence, flno laTge barn, choice variety fruit, rich soil, living water, good roads. 9 miles Vancouver; would exchange for Portland city real estate. 13.200 160-acre ranch near Blodeett station. Benton county, choice variety fruit, comfortable ouimings. sou is ricn, crops always good. No place on earth can beat It. ji.SOO 40 acres on O. W. P. carllne, 20 miles out, small house, barn and other buildings, rich soil, living water, an Ideal plaeo-fup 4lry or poultry. Remember you'll never get tha bar gains until you awaqtta. f - -t THE dUnNAWKHNOB CO., V'24 AjTWr St.. ' ' ' Farm Fronts cn Willamette River 64 acres, all fine soli. 45 acres culti vated; 11 acres In hops; family orchnrd; watered by springs, btook and wells; good 6-room Imrd-flnlshed house, flno frame barn, well painted; good hop- house, boatlanuing on farm: one mile to railroad station; good schools and churches; a good and pleasant home; m!jsrit take Portland property as part pay. Price only $a,000. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. Yamhill County Farm 140 acres; all lies nice to cultivate; fenced nnd cross-fenced; 135 acres culti vated, 15 acres, timber, balance In pas ture; hop yard, orchard, running stream of water, tine modern 7-room house, in nice order; fine barn, 40x50, well paint ed; all outbuildings; nice schoolhouse, brick foundation and well painted, on the farm; river and rail transportation; 4 trains will stop dally on the farm; also daily boats will land on the farm; easy access to Portland; this is one of the best farms we can offer you. Price only $55 per acre. 11ENKL.E ft HAKK1HOM, 217 Ablngton bldg. 0 Acres Washington County All good laud. 60 acres cultivated. IS acres fine young timber: house, barn, orchard, spring water pined to house and barn; nicely located on main road. 12 miles from Portland, near lieedvttle a bargain at $SS per acre. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. mcscckcrs,- Attention! If you are looking for a homo on tha coast, we are In a position to show you what you want. Ranches from 6 to 640 acres. Stumped, .logged-off and grating lands. Portland and Van couver prpperty, Improved und unim proved. HOW IS THIS? 40 acres of fine land north of van couver. Wash.. 2 miles from Hock Inson, 4 acres cleared, 8 ncres slash"d 20 acres fenced; good spring; house llx 20: barn 20x20. with sheds on two sides; a chicken house and 15 ucres of itreen timber: 11.500. We have other bargains too numer ous to mention. ELDREDGE REALTY CO., . 110 4ih st., Vancouver. Wash Wll.lMkTTE VALLEY FARM. ioa-iuro farm, all under fine state of cultivation except 15-aere wooded pas ture, with living water; new n-rwm house, 40x60 barn and all kinds of out buildings; horses, cown, goats, hogs and chickens, together with complete list of up-to-date fnrmlng machinery to the value of $2,000, go with place; near railroad and Joins town limits; extra good schools, etc.; number nf photo graphs In office. Price only $7,600, and $3,000 cash will handle. ZIMMERMAN ti VAi'Uii.i, Room 803 Buchanan Bldg.. 2fcu Wash ington ht. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW WITH fireplace, 1 block from Hawthorne ave., graded street, sidewalks, etc. $3, 200. half cash, balance to suit. Conklln Bros., E. .Tf.fh and Hawthorne ave. $6.000 2S ACRES. IMPROVED A-l land, desirable location, best buy within 10 miles of city. Terms. $3.000 ISO-acre Improved farm In southern Oregon: plenty of water. Out side range for cattle. $4.250 27 acres on bank of Clacka mas, near Oregon City. Part payment In cltv property. $8.000 P5 acres of A-l land. 4 miles from Vancouver, Wash. I. G. DAVIDSON, 408 Chamber of Commerce. The above places are all guaranteed as advertised. Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $500 to $30,000. Write or cnll If you are In the market for a farm. WasMugfon k Oregon 108 Second St., Portland. Or., And 300 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. $5 PER MONTH ON A $175 LOT IN A good neighborhood, convenient cars, water In. level, nothing better for a poor man. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce, or today nt'Trcmont. Mount Scott line. FOR SALE A 6-ROOM MODERN house on Lincoln neir Marguerite ave., 11 bearing cherrv trees, lot 49x101. house In good condition; nlso a lot In Rose City Park; cheap if taken at once. X-50, Journal. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-ROOM house In Ivanhoe, bath, toilet, cement basement, laundry tubs, everything first-class, lot 100x100, 20-foot allev, 14 finO' - r, malfA tdr m u Phnna 'Kull- wood 520, evenings 930-ACRE STOCK FARM, 8 MILES OF county seat, 4 mi)e3 railroad sta tion, school ,i mile, on good county road; 200 acres In cultivation, SOU acres open pasture, balance good tlmher and pasture; all lenced ana cross-iencea . hlnck soil, well watered, lots of springs, u-ncre orchard: 2 houses, 4 barns, one new: host and hen houses. Chicken park, garden, picketed In; personal property goes with the rsirm: i norses, iz neaa 2 nnd 4-year-old steers, 42 cows and eattlc, 20 yearlings, 20 calves, 1 young team, in worth 1600; 58 goats, 2 wag ons, hack, buggy. 1 surrey, 3 sets har ness, saddle sulkey plow, 2 walking plows, f.eeder, 4-leaf harrow, disc har row, binder, mower, rake, hay fork, ropes, pulleys, 2 -antiing-mllls, 1 new clipper for vetch seed, grindstone and all other small tools, 1 new engine and feed chopper, wood Fa w, 2.000 bushels oats, 150 bushels wheat, 00 bushels Fpeltz, 50 tons good hay, 2 barns full at. good etraw, 100 chickens. Price, CYS per acre, V cash, or will take part city property at cash price 70!i Swetland Bldg., Fifth nnd Washington. FOR SALE BY OWNER, AN UP-TO- date bungalow. Just beinar finished; no agents. Phone Union 6412. TWO LOTS FOR $650; 3 LOTS X900; University Park. John Kanno. Wood- lawn 634. 1609 Flake St., University Perk. FOR SALE BY OWNER, FINE COR- er lot. E. 24th pt. and Davis. Call 111 Grand ave. Phone K. 811. nilW .HOUSK IN ALBINAT . ntf SS.l ,R .6 lot ln Northern hill 1 block tof -carllne, very cheat.- owner Kick.- must sell, W. Ped cord as? Mohawk bldg.. 8d and Morrison BARGAIN SEE THAT FINELY built 5-room modern cottage, 350 Ivy st.. near Union, for $2,600; on terms. 616 Commercial block. Farm Bargain South Omaha owner offers a 165 acre farm, 80 acres under plow, 40 acres fine bottom land, balance valu able timber; northwest of Forest Grove; 1,000 bushels oats, rye, 28 tons hay, 200 sacks of potatoes, 2 horses, harness, wagons, 8 cows giving milk, 4 head stock, 33 hogs. 15 ready for market, 5'room house and good 8-room house, barn, sheds, etc., all for $6,500; very reasonable terms. IIAGERMANN & BLANCHARD, 91 Fifth st. CHOICE FARMB, GUARANTEED AS REPREBHNTED. $2.600 On easy nVrrns, for a fine 1 10-acro, well-Improved fruit farm, close to cannery and Nnwberg college. $2.800 Nice 30-aere place, 12 miles from Portland, a splendid buy. $4,50080 acres. 14 mile fron Port land, good buildings, first-class soli, 30 acres in timber, with enough cordwood on It to pay for tho place. Easy terms given. $45 per acre or an excellent 400-acre tract, facing 2 navigable rivers, about 30 miles from Portland, good buildings, fine soil, a great hargaln; boat landings on place; one-third cash, balance to suit, 5 per cent. ' $160 per acre, for a splendid lT5-aere tract in high state of cultivation, with rirst-class hulldlngs. rignt on canine; lcst place inside of 9 miles of center of Portland; can oe suonivinea inio acre age and money trebled; very easy terms given. Choice farms and stock ranches of any size and kind all through the northwest; square deal given to every one. . F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st. 20 Acres All fine land, all cultivated. 10 acres first-class beaverdam, well drained; has produced 107 bushels oats and 4 tons of timothy per acre; good house of five rooms, hall, pantry, closets, bath, nice porches, good neighborhood, good frame barn and nil outbuildings; mile to railroad station: 2 horses, 3 cows. 2 heifers, 2 brood sows, 1 boar, 7 pigs, 3 shoats, all full bloods, nothing better In the state; 12 stands of bees, some poultry, harness, wagon, hack, buggy. mower, rake, harrows and plows, cul tivator, seeder, feed-cutter, hay fork and pulleys, cream separator. 4 VnllK cans, 'nriiholnr and hrooder all small tools kitchen range; easy drive to Vancouver, Wash.; on good Improved road. .This s a good nome. HENKLE & HARRISON. : 217 Ablngton bldg. 10 ACRES 5 MILES FROM G K A 1 S Crosslnit: house 10x14, 9.000 Bhlngles, enoiiRh lumber to build a barn; 2 dozen chickens; 200 cords of wood uncut; price $800; terms. lr.ir.ri x ii.n. 24 2 Madison St. 80-ACRE FARM. 3 miles from Scappoose, Ore.. 6-room house, barn, woodshed and etc. 800 bearing fruit trees, spring and running water some heavy saw timber, abuot 15 acres in cultivation, tho best bar pain we know f at $25 per acre. 80 ACRES OF TIMBER. Second growth, average 10 inch stuff, near Cazadero carllne. we are making the extremely low price of $700 on this for quick sale. THE VETERAN LAND CO. 165 Third St. CHEAPEST AND BEST FARMING and fruit lands at price ln Oregon; the- famous Gooso Lake valley, $10 to $12 per acre now: rich soil, water 16 feet, delightful climate. Drenkel & Paine. Lakeview. Or. Stock Farm NEAR Pacific Ocean LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON. 160 acres improved' stock farm. 25 acres rich bottom land, over 50 acres level, good house, all outbuildings, nice apple orchard. 600 to 800 bushels choice marketable apples, team, cattle, poultry, bees, household goods, mile to P. O., store, school. 2 miles to tidewater, ex clusive outrange, green grass all the year; 6 miles to seaport town; might take nome trade; this Is a snap; all goes for $2,600. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. Donation Land Claim 360 Acres One of the many good old valley farms ln Polk county; warehouse, side track and .station on the place; this farm has -never '. een out of the family, and is now offered for sale to divide with tho children. HENKLE ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Jldg. IT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Forty ncres of extra choice fruit and berry land In the White Salmon valley: It is but 6 miles from the Columbia river and the White Salmon river forms one boundary; It Is an ideal location for Spttatnbcrg and Yellow Newtowns; 15 acres almost ready to set to trees and berries; plenty of spring water; price onlv $50 oer acre. For full particulars address J C. Maclnnes. - specialist in f rult land. White Snlmom , Wgsl r 30 ACRKT NEAR CORVALLiS; 4 acres now In alf'ilfa and eery Inch of It In alfalfa land; nice 8-room ho.iae, good barn and outbuildings; plenty of water, one of the most Meal dairying farms v.-c know of; -livestock of all kinds and plenty of Implements to run the nlace: price. Including personnl property. $6,850; we can arrange terms, The Hnanton en,. ZiKiarK si. Nf EXCEPT "IONA L BARGAIN? Fortv acres on the Willamette river, 25 acres In cultivation, comfortable box house and rood barn, nil kinds nf small fruit, with good family orchard, fine young team, harness, wagon nnd farm Implements. 2 good cows. 4 hogs, poul trv. household goods, everything com plete on the farm, for $2,600: net quick ALFRED A BAKER. Farm Specialist. 215-216 Ablngton bldg.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; IHclnwav (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay & Co., Cth and Morrison 1 "PP- Postofflca. - YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND music house: exDert roDalrlna. Stark. 227 Vi FOR SALE L1VESTCK K FIVE FRESH COW8 FOR SALE Poor! milkers, 646 East Madison street. ONE FRESH COW FOR SALE. T E. 15th. 74$ foil HA Ml ONE COW. FRESH SuON. 827 E. Irving st ., between 1st and 2d. FOR SALE GOOD MILCH COW. A Van Stralen. 900 E. Grant pesr SOth. WOOL UNDERWEAR ROCKWOOD S STANDARD WOOL UN DERWEAR. MADE CtiVTIVCOIIKr.V SINCIS 1802. IN NATURAL GRAYS. CAMELS' HAIR. SCARLET. WHITE WOOL AND FANCY COLORS; WAS. AWARDED T1IR GOLD MfcHAT. AT THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSI TION. PORTLAND, OR.; ASK YOUR DEALER FOR FT: HITV THK RKST. TAKE NO OTHER. WHOLESALE DE- FLEISCHNER. MAYER ft CO. PORTLAND, OR. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROSES. ROSES. ROSES. " Choice varieties, free bloomers, field grown two-vear-old nlants reiiriv ito blossom ln tltno for Portland Rosa icsta. We sell them cheap. GRAND VIEW PLACE. S blocks south and 1 block east of ermlnus Sunnyslde and Mt. Tabor car Ine. Pbun East 40t8. T K I N V7 Y CONCERT OR A NI NOT 66.633. The piano with a record. Was sed by Paderewski on his western our of the United States. An exceptlon- ny sweei-ioneo instrument. Rosewood a;-e. In perfect condition. Phone Pa- iflc 3013. References: Marie A. S. oule. Mus. Bac; Carl Denton. M.R.A.M. FOR SALE OFFICE SAFE LIKE new. Inside measure 10x12x17 Inchc.a. Encyclopaedia Britnnnlcai 28 volumes bather. Cheap. Dressing-room mirror 29x102 Inches over frame. New Domes tic Mangle, saves Ironing. 737 E. Couch st. Tel. E. 1395. FOR SALE GASOLENE LAUNCH (A little dandy), 18-ft. In length, 62-Inch beam, 3 horsepower, Detroit reversing engine, whistle and side lightsj speed 10 miles an hour. Price, ff taken at once, $;;s. Phone East 3412. ON E 25-FOOT LAUNCH HULL AND cushions . $24)0 1 7-horsepower engine, good as new $250 And many other bargains. See me for engines. Heyes Engino & Launch Co.. 171 Madison st. phone Main 740$ A-3367. 106 3d St. 80 .ACRES. NEAR MOMER (THE great apple country); 50 acres good apple land when cleared; (1 acres now cleared. Hero Is a place full of won derful possibilities for an enereetic man; house, barn, livestock, chickens. everything vou can think of for a small place for $1,800. The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. FARMERS' LAND CO.. HEADQUAR ters for acreage and farms, near city: Investigate. Pacific 204. 203 '3d st. 14 ACRES ON THE BANK OF THE Willamette river, one mile from city limits; a great bargain if roid at once. Ron 10. 1424 2d St.. city. A GREAT BARGAIN IN 30 ACRES; 10 acres cleared, 3 acres in hops, lots of fruit, 10 acres more can be easily cleared, 4-room houso, good barn and outbuildings, 2 fin mares, wagon and implements or all kinds; Owner leaves everything on the place for $2,000. The biggest bargain we know of In-a small country home. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st TIMIJER. WILL PAY 90o ON THE DOLLAR FOR a limited Amount of Oregon Trust & tsivingi accounts, j-oo. journal. , : $2,760ON GANTENBEINBf"'A MOD ertr: 6-room house full-size lot for . $2,7Cu; thin Place is $500 below tue'mar :' ket. . Sm THU SPANTON CO.. ' !7a Stark et. ' $3.500 TWO-STCRY 6-ROOM HOUSE on K. Ankeny carllne. bath, gas, full - cement bnsoment, ';ice' lawn; easy ? terms; laxocllent vlu for the money ' Tha Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. , 15, Percent. Net On I4.SO0; atoms and flats; a fine in vestmept. Address H-61, Journal. JT76 A FINE LITTLE, HOME NEAR car; 5-room bouse, nice lawn; forced sale L-4. journal. COTTAGE FOR SALE $1,260 FOR , new modern 5-room cottage,-3 blocks from Mount "Scott ear Una, west on Mil lard ave ; one third ca,eh, balance to' 1 M-SL Journal. - ' JvuiUful t'i-,crn: ! I I'm T ' .tttfi:-'. 't Hk' i" ' - 23.760 ,. - .. - .- : -room house; r thoroughly t looviuo; a oeiintrai noma. MERMAN s VAUGHN,', - t Uu''hnn Bldg.' . ' ' r"- .7: iVy - o vvNiiR (-hood i! new. $800, .'fnsyv'term. t jsc.iit oar, !t oir at Ariet j. jt t. FOR SALE FAR-MS 9 ACRES. 1 MILES FROM BEAVER ton; 1 acre cleared with cabin, bal ance easily cleared; l,uuu. 14 acres, on country road, near Hu'.sboro-Salem. electric line; uncleared; sme swale land, easllv cleared; cabin u-iiu spring; i,ooo casn. 10 aeres garden land near Beaverton and electric line; house, barn, orchard; $2,500; terms. 2o acres, 3 miles west of Beaverton: JC acres cleared, - balance brush; good orchard, new barn, log house, CO chicle--den- $0o'oplS' 1 aCr potatoe8 ald gar- 5-room house, barn, tnllkhouse. 2 larare lota ln Beaverton, only $800. .J1? ,onK Hat of farms, large and small, come out and see them. C IL FRY. Beaverton. Or, SO ACRES, ON : SCHOLL'S FERRY road, 10 miles from Portland, 1 miles from Salem electric line, half m.Ie from 8. P.. cutoff now building to Oswego; can all be farmed;' some good garden land: 4.000 eonia nt an t stacding timber; Umber can be used. ,rT;0mer n4 lU,n5 $70 per acre. v w , .Dcavcnuil. vr. ' 35 ACRES ON EAST BANK OF WIL lamette river, fine fruit and garden land, fine river View, one quarter mile from O. VV. r. canine. J-47, JournaL TURNER HAS ALL KINDS IM urnveii end unimproved farm lands and stock ranches; residence property In all parts of the city; also some good propositions ln the exchange line. Room JUin VVaSllinglun at., x-mwaim, fcTTRBTK-A 7. A NO COMPANY Makes a specialty of fruit farms adja cent to Portland. The manager of this Mmnunv iininir a nractical fruit grower himself and interested in building up the fruit industry in this locality, will take special pains in starting you right. 411 Buchanan mag., zsore irannuiBwu EIGHTY ACRES. 45 HIGH STATE OF cultivation, bainace pasture; running water, fine 6-room piasierea nouse, nne lanre barn: bargain yes, a real Bargain for $4,600, termsi iiome juana jo. 14BU, 1st st. - FSR SALE 20-ACRE RANCH, GOOD 6-room house: price $500. rlson st.. room i. 305 hi Mor- PRICE $3,000. One of the best SO-acre farms in tha Willamette valley, half of It sublrri gated: raises the finest onions, notatoes. celery, etc., In tha world running Water, falw ViMil,1tno-a .Ana rf tks. Knot I hog and chicketi -ranches In the world; aay $erma. .Owner, V-60, Journal. I SOLD!! LOTS. ADVERTISEMENT IN LAST SUNDAY'S JOURNAL GAVE GRAND RESULTS S. D. Adair, Fenton building, advertised Har riman lots for sale in last Sunday's Journal and up to Wednesday afternoon, when seen by a Jour , nal representative, ht disposed of eleven lots through the ad. Mr. Adair expressed delight at ' the quick returns through The Journal and was more than satisfied with his investment. The secret of The Journal's superior, real estate results lies in the great purchasing power behind h its big local circulation, reaching as it does thou- ' sands of exclusive readers besides the majority of the readers of other newspapers. IT PAYS TO. BE IN THE BEST THEY . ALL READ THE JOURNAL 320 ACRES WITH 3,000 PILING 60 to 80 feet lorig; over 10,000 cords of wood; elevation about 1,100 feet)- with deeded right to tho Columbia river; wood will slide, to .the river in dry chute; only $20 per acre. Owner will allow purchaser $1,000 for land and give reasonable time to remove wood. Your expenses paid to inspect this property KEYSTONE REALTY CO., 212 Allsky bldjfr Sawmill Capacity 20.000 per day, 8,000,000 handy timber, ready market for ties and lumber, fine chance. G-46, Journal. BOA THO I 8E FOR 8A1.E, 3 LARGE rooms. 1 stories high; a float with 2 rooms for wood or storerooms; will sell on installment. 146 Flanders, cor. 11th. AN OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY, with large trade, R-ood location; one or tho best German Inside ovens in the cltv; 2 horses and new wagon. Call or address 26 N. 6th st. FOR SALE COMPLETE FURNITURE" matinfacturing machinery, cheap; used only" 6 months. Apply 415 Ith st. 60O HOMER PIGEONS VERY CHEAP with a standing ready market. 1184 E. Grant. 26-FOOT LAUNCH WITH TOP. GOOD running engiuft; price $325. Phone East 10U. y FOR SA-LK VERY PRETTY 4-ROOM houseboat at cost of material. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main IOCS. TRANSPORTATION FOR A LADY TO Chicago. G-47, Journal. H OLDEN' H- RHEUMATIC CURB SURE cure for rheumatism. sold bv all druggists. COME AT ONCE AND GET A GOOD Becond-hand sewlnsr machine from 12. $5 and $10. 312 Main st. OR SALE AN EDISON STANDARD phonograph, in first-class condition. hnlf price, J. F. Foster, Plpp and Sell- ing st., nern ygrK. HORSES AND BUGGIES BOUGHT and bold; also rented by the day or Week. 446 Flanders, cor. 11th st IRON BED $2.60, SPRINGS $L25. MAT- tress ii. do, qresser ,.&(), mantel bed .50. Anstey Mros . 325 1st. Pao. 1970. CENTRAL OREGON TIMBER. WHEAT and irrigated land for sale oheap: lo cating done. For Information, address Van Tassel & Davis. Madras, Crook county, Or. . TIMBER LAND. Oregon, Washington, California. JAMES D. LACEY & CO., Chlcniro, New Or'eana, Seattle. ii20 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. WILL CONSIDER OFFER ON 320 acres of pine and spruce land 12 miles northwest of Lal:ovlcw, Or. B. L. Haga- mann, 91 tun st. 15-FOOT HARDWOOD COUNTER. Ring up Main 4290. or cnll 21?. 1st. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Jas. T. Marshall flirg. to., tfj i.oucn st. CLEAN, WASHED RAGS FOR wtpiNCI" Durnoses. lho Overall Laundry and ouppiy JQ.. pnone peuwoqq us. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD Ott Installments. H. Slnshelmer. 72 3d St. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS, delivered. '.2.25 per load, 668:1. Phone Main BUY JEWELRY AT Y. Zul. 65 N. 4th st. A SAVING. H. M A N URE DELIVERED TO ANY PART of the city. Wooflawn 883. 2 HOMESTEADS WITH 7.000,000 FEET fir; ir taken at once location $350. C-48, Journal. PAYING TIE AND CORDWOOD PROP- ositlon, on river and railroa-i, near Portland; look: this up immediately. B. W 0! verton, 402 Mohawk bid g. LARGE TRACT YELLOW . FIR (10 per cent cedar), on Hunter creek, Cur ry county, near ocean; bed-rock price from owner's agent; 8,000,000 feet to claim. D-50, care Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS ONE DARK GRAY HORSE 6 YEARS old, $110: one bay horse, good size, AK Ana If rr V, t -rflV f?R' 1 . -1 , I . 1. double, ood chunk, 4 years old, $75; one sorrel mare, $65; one gray maro $60; matched bay driving horses, city' broke, $190; one span gray mares, suitable for delivery. 6 and b years old. city broke, $180; ono pair sorreJs,-$110, T. Bright, Lents. - oiocKs rrom station. $500 PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP FOR cash or Installments. 735 Rodney nvo., corner Freemont. TRUNK GENTLEMAN'S tents for sale. AND 406 Bldwell st. CON- LADIE8" TICKET TO DENVER, WILL sell cneajx K-48, Journal. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED COL lie puppy, female, 7 months old, beautifully marked, $10. Address E. O.. care Journal. ROLL .TOP DESK, OFFICE CHAIR and Remington typewriter will be sold for $75 if taken at once. Phono East 2853. STEINVVAY UPRIGHT PIANO $160, Decker, $38; pianola, $125; orgati, $12, Gleason block. First and Ash. IF YOU WANT A PIANO. CASH i.EO lster, roll-top desk, computing scales, cheese-cutter, counters, shelving or bak ery fixtures, call at 208 1st ot. FOR SALE $52 PIANO CERTIFICATE, on i-ilere Piano House; will soli cheap. H. Rutledce, St. Johns, Or. , SEAL8KINCOAT; GOOD CONDITION, bust a, length 26: price, $75. .Phone IC-13P4. ; ... A GOOD SHEPHERD DOG MAY HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month; special rates to business houses. Sib. and Hawthorne. East 72. ; . EXCHANGE NEW HARNESS FOR eld. Keller Harness Co 4 N. 6th st. FOR SALE. CHEAP- GRAY HORSE, 1.250 nounds. : farm wagon, buitev. spring wagon. light double - harness. Joseph Satchel. Barns road, 2 miles west city parte TEAM. WAGON AND HARNESS; team welkhs 2600. $10 Xrlvoby st. St .Johns. - Rra "?ad free Dy caning at room 3, 107 hi on . - FINE : AILBOAT, VERY REASON able. Phone Main 6479 Monday or csl) 406 21. FOR SALE 600 COltDS FIR "ANlJ maplo wood, delivered to your" house. Phone East 72. . liUST BE SOLD TODAY, LOT CANDY i' jars, large coffee mill, soda fountain, iarge gas ran go, stationary. 233 An :nv near 6th. 1 I FOR - SALlS-rBXLKKS PIANi CERI XicaU tor (52. Phone Tabor 566.