THE bREGbW WnDAY JOURnXu ' i?'6RTANDr' 'NDaV "KlftuNING.' ' ofcTOBElV ' 0. i&67.' BIG BEAR HUNT ARRANGED : BY FAMOUS SPORTSMEN Pleres Johnson, of bis. sm ftrot, ll In Portland. Watch his smoke. - JoHiaon and Gsorc H. Lows of ' Osorgt and a don other prominent met ftom aa many states rs preparing ' to leara next week for the greatest Km hunt In th hlatnrv of Orecon. Tha famoua bear 1ok owned by the Klmrod r on their way to Portland now, and aa noon aa they rnach here and the minor detalla of the trip aro settled, th aportamen will start out to find bruld nd brra all Iwar-huntlng ' ra.rda ever mndo In the Cascades. "Ores-on la the beat big rihiio coun try In thla part of the world," said .'Johnson at the Oregon itotel last night. "If President Roosevelt cam here for wir Inaread of a-oln out In the Ixnilsl ana awampa he would not only have belter aport and be seeing a luap bet ! ter country but he'd ret what he went ' after bear. I would rather go after bear In Oregon than In any other part Of the country, myself." Juat by way of practice Johnaon and Lowe have been out near Dayton In Yamhill county, and returned to Port land laat night with a etrlng of China pheasants and quslls 29 of them in all were aecured by the men In Johnaon'a ' party. They report the blrda rather cares and hard to locate and attribute their good luck to the fact that they had ! exceptionally good hunter and doga. . Among the numerous splendid tro phies that Johnson has with him la the skin of a, cougar tneaaurlng nine reel and seven Inches which he killed a few weeka ago in Washington. It la the largeat eougar ever known to have been shot In this part of the country. He also haa Some magnificent speci mens of lyn-gray. thick pelta. with fur three Inches long and mounted so carefully that every whisker Is retained In place to Inaure the fierce cast of countenance given bv the elongated ears. Johnson has probably hunted more big game than any man of his age In the country. Me nns mm "nji from elephants to quail and la one of the keenest followers of the trail in ine development Along particular Uneg. The most noticeable advancs 4 in school libraries. Almost three, times many books have been added In the pnst year aa In that preceding. The exact figures are it.btt new books, as compared with 10,J6 In the year ending with July, 1904. This la to be attributed to the campaign carried on by alias Marvts of the atate library commission. What appears p be Heavy advance In the number of teachers attending In stitutes Is du7 to many county Insti tutes not having been held In the last part of 103 on account of a teachers' eongrea having been held at th Lowls and Clark exposition. Of course the laat half of 10 Is included In the school yesr of 1 90S, Pupils of school ags in the stats are 117.(01,, as ' agnlnst lSS.Mf In l90. Teachers employed number 4.328,- all but 114 of whom are women. The num ber of children Of school not At tending school Is 27.960, ns against 19,-, 056 In 1906. There are 3,203 school dis tricts and 3,2(1 schonlhoysos, -. The financial position of the state lit relation to schools Is as follows: Cosh on hand laat, annual report, I44S.809.1Z; i total receipt during year. l3.281.S7i.j0t; paid for teachers' salaries, tl.BtS.042. 13; total disbursements, 33,131,125.(7; cash on hnd,, 36(0,147.48; estimated valua of schoolhouses and grounds,' 3S.031.J53; estimated Value of fumttura and appa ratus, t(50,l; average monthly salary pf mnle teachers, 363.S4; average month ly salary of female teachera, (47.11. 8everal prlntlpg. and jiubllahlng firing JB In Chicago. St. Louis, New. Tork and Massaohusetta. lth national offleera of the United Typothetae of America, hava brought action In the United . Btatea oourt at Cincinnati, asking that th Is ternattonal Printing Presumed', -v ii. ...... ..nnn f Atnarlca.b enjoined from violating an agreement fJsnuary, 1907, by demanding n eiin.-n micmt ir. vi that ne experts 10 ran Portland his headquarters In the future INTERESTING SCHOOL FIGURES OF OREGON (Special Dlioates to Tbe Joarnil.) Salem, Or.. Oct. 19 The annual re port of the etste superintendent of edu cation has been completed. It Indicates general progress rather than abnormal riaiuMMinniimminniinniiiiiimimmg a N SOUTH PORTLAND HEIGHTS t i H E I e M g g Including Sweeney's and Green's Addition Only 12 minutes' ride from center of business dis trict to South Portland Heights. The movement is towards SOUTH PORTLAND owing to the new railway facilities the new Salem line and the United Railways. Remember the story of North Portland and then look at the GREATER OPPORTUNITIES offered in South Portland Heights in business, factory and residence prop erty, where you can buy property on the ground floor and on easy terms. . Don't forget this is the only tract left on the west side within 12 minutes' ride of the business center. Don't delay in looking this up before the prices advance, as every LOT WILL GO UP $50 ON THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER. Take Fulton car at Second and Morrison streets and get pff at Flower and Corbett streets. 6 B M s M $550 Buys a I,ot In XAWOOOX ITXIZT AO , DITXOV Hancock St. Addition Is within the two-mile limit of the city. Hancock Street Addition Is to have parked streets, cement sldewllks and euros and water mains, and is pro tected by a reasonable building restric tion guaranteeing the purchaser that no shacks, stores or factors will be built adjoining their homes. Hancock Street Addition has a pub lic school near by and carllnes that lead through the choicest residence district of the east side. Remember, these lots are only $550 855 sow axj no rx motth THOMPSON & OGDEN 8ia hxmxsifx ATEvrra Phone Woodlawn 203 Or see the man In the office on premises t sandy Koad and U. K. N. crosalng. I 4) I SEE.DS FOR BAKGAMS II flH AOXSM S miles east of Vancouver, Wash; 1 mile from Ellsworth and station on north bank R. K. AH In fine atate of cultiva tion. Improvements cost aa much as owner asks for the whole place. This Is a complete home roady to move right Into. 10 ACBIS H mile from Ellsworth and station on north bank R. R. All In fruit. Fruit on this place sold this fall for 3900. Buy er can make place pay for Itself In 2 years. 60x100 rSBT on Grand ave. In the best business onter on the cast side. Thin property must be sold by the 35th of this month. If you are looking for , a. bar- frnln, you surely can got It n this. QUABTEB BX.OCX On corner. In fine rcsldont dis trict, t blocks from rarllne. Can be had for a few days only for 31.800; , DOxlOO, 2 blocks away Just sold for t?.r.00; do not fall to inves tigate this. The above are all particularly good bargains, and If these are. not Just what you are looking for, we will gladly show you through our list of city and farm properties, which equal any In the city for bargains. 3 0 m OS Eureka Land Co. 4 1 1 Buchanan Building 286 Washington St. $250; per Sixteen lots; very close to cafline, fine homes on alh sides', gas and city water on improved , drive, See us at once. D. E. (S, CO. Exclusive dealers in Heights property. 7 Chamber of Commerce Both Phones. , . 4H4v4440O444i44)3 h i r r. a i ptari s g l u. kadi un, uwner PHONE MAIN 7158. J. MARGULIS, Agent on the ground all day. Phone Main 2757. r t ! A v 1 tf i t 5" IT -2 .V ' ' ' ' , ''A fJ fa ff&Y ?' 'S ' f r i i, ,M't rAw If e- 7 ?JZ? " J TYPES OF HOMES IN Stint yourself as you think good In other things, but don't icruplo fratdom In brightening home. Cay furniture and a brilliant garden are a sight day by day, and make life blither. Buxton A Homesite Made fo Your Order Could you have been present when Nature first fashioned the abodes where men would one day live, with all the intelligence of the creative power, there is nothing you could have added tojrvington Park to make it a more desirable home place than it already is. From the standpoint of scenery, healthfulness, proximity to the activities of city life, intrinsic loveliness and every modern day conveni ence, you are challenged, friend, to point to a more ideal place. If it is rest you seek; if it is quietude; if it is the solitude of the trees ; if it is a place where up'to-date building is going on, where neighbors ire kind, agreeable and intelligent; all, everything that makes for a comfortable, peaceable and modest place to spend the home hours, Irvington Park ac knowledges no competitor. It awaits the man with the home spirit. The bounty of Nature modestly bows to the approach of a man who will make of her beautiful shrubbery a trim, neaPlaWIP jftTlSr'' or no expense. If there is any one ihingJn which. a man s extravagance can be jusuPrtnolil i inc his home what he honestly believe: in Sft-fl which, , 10 hthtmoo to aarsrwr nc sen: jtiAM 3?oi- ' 18 I What More Than This Could You Wish Beautiiul Irvington There are more beautiful and costly homes already built and T tow under construction in Irvington than in any other part of I' -Portland. 51 '-ii!6 bca'Jtlfu, Bhade trees, the hard-surface streets now. being . laid, we perfect building restriction's, the proximity to the business X center, the excellent 'j-minute car service, the character and busi er ness standing of the reSldents, and the high altitude above the etnoke and dust of busy Portland, all combine to make Irvington the most ideal residence section of the entire city. ;l WHse beautiful home sites '.itsiai,r!;..kdwe pwdict that 1n ,ess than a vcar from ' t0f.a? 'hi5V! 'J V are selling now at $900. on easy terms, 7l3ZjtoA? d0;We, the pnce- delays' are dangerous . Go out to Irvington today and select a lot or two. t f REMEMBER THESE WON'T LAST LONG 'I '"'i'e'AiTUThtse lots wiH bc soId at th low Pnce ot W and after that youll be compelled to pay much more. J - Secure a home site now, and watch it grow in value. I IRVINGTON INVESTMENT CO. J ' l 39 HAMILTON BUILDING V -' Graded streets as fast as men and money can build them ; cement sidewalks as soon as we can get the streets graded ; city water already piped to almost every part of the tract; streetcars to the shopping and business centers in 20 minutes; service every seven minutes in the morning and every ten minutes for the balance of the day; a 100-foot boulevard running through the entire property; a 14-foot alley through every -block; the most excellent natural drainage; electric lights ready to connect as well as the telephone; the butcher, the baker and the grocer ready to take your order; every lot ready for building; new car line to be built right to the center of the addition; a growth of natural foliage that is superior to the best that man could cultivate. Then, add tcr all of these the? fact that Irvington Park is at the crest of the watershed between the Willamette and Columbia rivers, with an inspiring view of all the gigantic mountains for a hundred miles. The air is fresh and pure, the opportunities for child development unexcelled and everything that mortal man could possibly wish for the place that his judgment tells him to settle upon and live restfully. F. B. B0LBR00K CO. 250 STARK ST. PHONE 5396 F. E. SCO IVAN E. 301b and KILLINGSWORTB (TWW To The buying of a lot in Rose City Park and the building of a home is the emanci pation proclamation for many a man. It is the beginning of a new life HMTMAiV AND and the casting off of the old TM&f?o.&?u&, gtamatgaisaaaaaig I SEW1CKLY h -I MS 2 ii tfg mcnts I yf k MODEL HOME DISTRICT sewickly f The finest residence section in Portland. In situation, view, electric railway advantages, etc., it has no rival at any price. Its lots are gen uine money-makers. Lots $475 to $700$10 a Month Fifteen minutes' ride from city, straight out beautiful y 1 HAWTHORNE AVENUE The swell street on the cast side.- Go out today and see the improve- Fifteen homes have been completed on our property and three more are in course of, construction. Property values here are in creasing rapidly and a handsome profit i ;ccrtain to early buyers. Go out today and see for yourself. Take Mount Tabor, Mount Scott or' Hawthorne ave. car, at First and Alder streets and ride to East 4Rth. Ho 2 n 91 4 M 106 SECOND ST. . Branch office E. 48th st. and Hawthorne avenue. R. A. Taylor, Representative on ground. 1 1 S J. A fi. , . j r. til ft-